HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181733 Ver 2_B-4926 IP Application FINAL 02-23-2023_Fully Executed_20230314STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Roy COOPER GOVERNOR February 22, 2023 J. ERIC BOYETTE SECRETARY Thomas Steffens Garcy Ward U.S. Army Corps of Engineers NC Division of Water Resources Washington Regulatory Field Office Washington Regional Office 2407 West 51h Street 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Washington, NC 27889 SUBJECT: Application for Section 404 Individual Permit, Section 9 Permit, Section 401 Individual Water Quality Certification and Buffer Authorization for the replacement of Bridges 920 and 934 over the Neuse River in Lenoir County TIP No. B-4926, WBS: 40163.3.1 Dear Mr. Steffens and Mr. Ward, The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Division 2 proposes to replace Bridges 929 and 934 on NC Highway 55 over the Neuse River near the City of Kinston in Lenoir County, North Carolina. The purpose of this letter is to request approval for a Section 404 Individual Permit, Section 9 Permit, Section 401 Individual Water Quality Certification and Riparian Buffer Authorization. In addition to this cover letter, the following has been included to assist your review: • Appendix A - ENG Form 4345 • Appendix B - Permit Drawings and Conservation Easement Impact Drawings • Appendix C - Utility Drawings • Appendix D - Roadway Plans (includes SCMs) • Appendix E - N.C. Division of Mitigation Services Acceptance Letter • Appendix F — NC SEPA Minimum Criteria Determination Checklist (MCDC) • Appendix G — Aquatic Programmatic Biological Opinion: Email Approval • Appendix H — U.S. Coast Guard Advanced Approval Exemption • Appendix I — Historical Architecture and Archaeological No Survey Forms • Appendix J — FEMA Coordination and MOA Approval Mailing Address: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION KINSTON, NC 28504 Telephone: (252) 775-6100 Fax: (252) 208-7862 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 Website: www.ncdot.gov Location: HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION KINSTON, NC 28504 PURPOSE AND NEED The purpose of the proposed project is to replace Bridges 920 and 934 on NC 55 over the Neuse River near the City of Kinston, in Lenoir County, North Carolina. The existing bridges were both constructed in 1937 and are functionally obsolete. Furthermore, the road is currently classified as an arterial road and the Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP)/Thoroughfare Plan Designation or Facility Type is "Other Major Thoroughfare — Existing." As such, this road is intended to deliver traffic from collector roads to freeways or expressways or between urban centers at the highest level of service as possible. Although there is no notable recent growth or development evident in the Direct Community Impact Area (DCIA) or surrounding area, and there is no planned or approved development that would affect traffic within the Study Area, replacement of the bridges is necessary to allow continued use of the roadway by motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists. NC 55 is designated as Bicycle Route 40 (Lenoir County Loop Route). As there are currently no sidewalks or bicycle lanes within the Study Area, the project will also improve safety for both motorists and cyclists, as the new design includes 4' offsets to be used as bicycle lanes with bicycle -safe railings. No bicycle lanes/facilities will be constructed as part of this project. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Because of traffic volumes and potential detour requirements, the proposed replacement bridges will be located slightly south of the existing structures, oriented east -west, roughly perpendicular to the Neuse River. Following completion of the proposed bridge replacements, the existing bridge structures will be removed, and the existing concrete pilings will be removed. The total area of the proposed bridges over the Neuse River is approximately 9,450 square feet. The bridge structures will be constructed of concrete. Bridge 920 over the Neuse will measure 35 feet wide and 540 feet in length (end to end). Bridge 934 over the overflow will measure 36 feet wide and 215 feet in length (end to end). The low steel (lowest point of the bridge) of the proposed bridges will be approximately 35 feet above the normal water surface elevation of the Neuse River and overflow, which matches the navigational clearance of the existing bridge structures. PROJECT SCHEDULE Currently, B-4926 is scheduled to LET September 23, 2023. INDEPENDENT UTILITY The B-4926 bridge replacement is the only part of B-4926 currently funded for construction. This project exhibits the following characteristics of independent utility of a proj ect: 1) The project connects logical termini and is of sufficient length to address environmental matters on a broad scope. Mailing Address: Telephone: (252) 775-6100 Location: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Fax: (252) 208-7862 HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION KINSTON, NC 28504 KINSTON, NC 28504 Website: www.ncdot.gov 2) The project is usable and a reasonable expenditure, even if no additional transportation improvements are made in the area; 3) The project does not restrict consideration of alternatives for other reasonably foreseeable transportation improvements. SEPA DOCUMENT STATUS The proposed project qualifies as a Non -Major Action under the Minimum Criteria rules and a Minimum Criteria Determination Checklist was completed to satisfy the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation requirements. ALTERNATIVES ANALAYSIS SUMMARY Four alternatives were evaluated for the bridge replacements. • No -build alternative • Alternative I - Replace bridges in current location • Alternative 2 - New alignment to the south • Alternative 3 — New alignment to the north Discussion of each alternative is presented below. No Action Alternative This alternative consists of not constructing the project. This alternative would not impact any waters of the U.S., or waters of the State. However, there would be significant impact to the community and safety concerns when the bridges fail. NC Highway 55 is a major corridor across the Neuse River and no other alternative exists that meets the project purpose and need or avoids the need for a federal action. Therefore, this alternative does not achieve the purpose and need for the project. Alternative I Alternative 1 consists of replacing the bridges and conducting roadway improvements on the current alignment while utilizing an off -site detour. This alternative would minimize impacts to waters of the U.S. and waters of the State. Impacts are estimated to be 0.25- acre. However, the off -site detour would be approximately 16 miles, cross several railroad tracks, and run through downtown Kinston. With the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in - water construction moratoria for the Neuse River (February 15 — September 30), it is anticipated that construction would take 2-3 years to complete. The distance of the detour and duration of construction would result in significant traffic delays and unacceptable adverse impacts to EMS access, school bus operations, and bicycle use. Keeping the roadway opened and phasing the construction was also investigated. The impacts to waters of the U.S. and waters of the State would be similar to the off -site detour alternative (0.25 acre). However, the construction period with phasing and lane closures is estimated to be 4-5 years because of the in -water construction moratoria. On - site traffic would also be impacted by temporary road and lane closures over the Mailing Address: Telephone: (252) 775-6100 Location: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Fax: (252) 208-7862 HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION KINSTON, NC 28504 KINSTON, NC 28504 Website: www.ncdot.gov construction period. While achieving the project purpose and need, the traffic and access impacts for the duration of construction would be significant for Alternative 1. Alternative 2 (Preferred Alternative) Alternative 2 consists of constructing the bridges and causeway on a new alignment slightly to the south. Alternative 2 will impact more wetlands than Alternative 1 (1.5 acres vs. 0.25 acre). However, the existing roadway and bridges would remain open during construction with only minor traffic delays. Alternative 2 will also result in a shorter construction period while still complying with the in -water construction moratoria. The new alignment will also increase the bridge approach radius of curvature, improving traffic safety. To offset wetland impacts, the existing roadway fill will be removed, restoring approximately 1.0 acre of wetlands on -site. Utility lines will be relocated to the south of the new road alignment to avoid the wetland restoration areas. The existing bridges and bridge piles will be removed. Alternative 3 Alternative 3 consists of constructing the bridges and causeways on a new alignment to the north. This alternative would reduce traffic impacts by eliminating the off -site detour as Alternative 1. However, the bridge approach radius of curvature will be decreased, negatively impacting traffic safety. A northern alignment would also impact property owner access to the northwest parcel requiring the construction of a new driveway. Alternative 3 would impact approximately 2.5 acres of water of the U.S. and waters of the State. RESOURCE STATUS Water Quality Classification The B-4926 project is located entirely in the Neuse River Basin [U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03020202]. There are no Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HQW), WS-I, or WS-II waters within 3 miles upstream or downstream of the project study corridors or within the project study area. No stream that flows through the project study corridors is designated as National Wild and Scenic River or State Natural and Scenic River. Jurisdictional Determination Waters of the U.S. identified within the project study area include 500 linear feet of jurisdictional stream (mainstem of Neuse River) and 18.30 acres of jurisdictional wetlands. Wetland and stream delineations were performed in March 2015. The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the North Carolina Division of Water Resources Mailing Address: Telephone: (252) 775-6100 Location: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Fax: (252) 208-7862 HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION KINSTON, NC 28504 KINSTON, NC 28504 Website: www.ncdot.gov (NCDWR) field verified the wetlands in January 2018. Jurisdictional areas were re - verified in April 2018 with no changes. SUMMARY OF IMPACTS The NCDOT is committed to incorporating all reasonable and practicable design features to avoid and minimize jurisdictional impacts, and to provide full compensatory mitigation of all remaining, unavoidable jurisdictional impacts. Avoidance measures were taken during the planning and NEPA compliance stages, and minimization measures were incorporated as part of the project design. Proposed permanent impacts to jurisdictional areas total 4.2 acres of permanent wetland impacts and 129 linear feet of permanent stream impacts from the Preferred Alternative. Table 1 and 2 summarize the wetland and stream impacts resulting from the Preferred Alternative. Riparian buffer impacts for the Preferred Alternative include 14,933 square feet in Zone 1 and 9,963 square feet in Zone 2. The impacts are "Allowable Upon Authorization" and no buffer mitigation is proposed. IMPACTS TO JURISDICTIONAL RESOURCES Tables 1, 2 and 3 summarize the proposed impacts to jurisdictional wetlands, streams and riparian buffers, respectively. Site numbers correspond with the permit (hydraulic) drawings included with this application. Mailing Address: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION KINSTON, NC 28504 Telephone: (252) 775-6100 Fax: (252) 208-7862 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 Website: www.ncdot.gov Location: HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION KINSTON, NC 28504 Table 1. B-4926 Proposed Impacts to Jurisdictional Streams Permanent Existing Existing Site/Sheet SW Impacts Temp. SW Channel Channel Impact Type No. (ac) Impacts (ac) Impacts Impacts Temp. Permanent (ft) (ft) 1 0.07 0 239* 0 Roadway Construction Channel 2 0 0 0 0 Excavation/Easement Clearing 3 0 0 0 0 Roadway Fill/Easement Clearing 4 0 0 0 0 Roadway Fill/Easement Clearing 5 0 0 0 0 Roadway Cut/Easement Clearing Temp. Work Bridge 6a 0 0 0 0 Const./Roadway Fill/Bridge Construction Temp. Work Bridge 6b 0 0 0 0 Const./Roadway Fill/Bridge Construction 7 0 0.06 0 0 Existing Bridge Bent Removal 7 0 0.23 0 159 Temporary Bridge Bent 7 0.04 0 129 0 Proposed Bridge Bent 0 0 0 0 Roadway Fill/Clearing 8 in Easement Clearing in 0 0 0 0 Easement/EC 9 Devices/Roadway Cut 0 0 0 0 Bridge Construction/ 10a Embankment 0 0 0 0 Clearing in 10b Easement/EC Devices 0 0 0 0 Roadway Fill/Clearing 11 in Easement TOTALS 0.11 0.29 368 159 *Site I Impacts are Permanent Non-Mitigable. Mailing Address: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION KINSTON, NC 28504 Telephone: (252) 775-6100 Fax: (252) 208-7862 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 Website: www.ncdot.gov Location: HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION KINSTON, NC 28504 Table 2. B-4926 Proposed Impacts to Jurisdictional Wetlands Site/Sheet No. Permanent Fill in Wetlands (ac) Temporary Fill in Wetlands (ac) Excavation in Wetlands (ac) Mechanized Clearing in Wetlands (ac) Hand Clearing in Wetlands (ac) 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0.01 0.01 0 3 0.08 0 0 0.06 0 4 0.18 0 0 0.04 0 5 0 0 0.01 0.17 0 6a 0.03 0 0 0.26 0 6b 0 0 0 0.19 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 8 0.72 0 0 0.15 0 9 0 0 0.1 0.33 0 10a 0.12 0 0.01 0.8 0 10b 0.03 0 0.02 0.34 0 11 0.4 0 0 0.14 0 Totals 1.56 0 0.15 2.5 0 Table 3. B-4926 Proposed Impacts to Neuse River Basin Riparian Buffers Site/Sheet Allowable Allowable MitigableZone 1 one(SF Mitigable Impact Type No. Zone 1 (SF) Zone 2 (SF) Zone 2 (SF) Proposed 1 14,933 9,963 0 0 Bridge/Removal of Existing Bridge Totals 14,933 9,963 0 0 SUMMARY OF MITIGATION Compensatory mitigation is proposed for permanent impacts to wetlands and streams resulting from the project. As noted above, the project would result in 4.2 acres of permanent wetland impacts and 129 linear feet of permanent stream impacts. Mailing Address: Telephone: (252) 775-6100 Location: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Fax: (252) 208-7862 HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION KINSTON, NC 28504 KINSTON, NC 28504 Website: www.ncdot.gov A 2:1 ratio is assumed for permanent impacts, therefore, NCDOT will obtain compensatory mitigation for 8.4 acres of wetland mitigation credits and 258 linear feet of stream mitigation credits from the N.C. Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS) to compensate for unavoidable impacts to jurisdictional waters of the U.S. resulting from the proposed project. The NCDWR mitigation requirements for permanent stream and wetland impacts will be met under the USACE mitigation requirements. Additionally, the design will impact a portion of a wetland preservation conservation easement currently held by Restoration Systems, LLC and part of the NCDMS Sleepy Creek Wetland and Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site. The 120-acre conservation easement is located in the southeast portion of the project and is identified as Parcel 455600038731. The NCDOT will compensate NCDMS for the loss of mitigation credits resulting from the project. Conservation easement impact maps are included in the permit drawings. A total of 1.6 acres of impact to the conservation easement is anticipated for this project. Based on discussions between the NC Interagency Review Team (NCIRT) and NCDOT, it was determined that NCDOT will compensate NCDMS for 0.32 acres of compensatory mitigation for impacts to the conservation easement. Buffer impacts for the proposed project include 14,933 square feet in Zone 1 and 9,963 square feet in Zone 2. The impacts are "Allowable Upon Authorization" and no buffer mitigation is proposed. Therefore, the total compensatory mitigation for the project is 8.72 acres of wetland credits and 258 linear feet of stream credit. FEDERALLYPROTECTED SPECIES The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Information Planning and Consultation (IPaC) database lists two federally protected species for the project study area (accessed 11/15/2022) including the Carolina madtom (Noturus furiousus) and the Neuse River Waterdog (Necturus lewisi). Neuse River Waterdog (NRWD) trapping surveys were conducted March 25 — 29, 2019. No NRWD were found during the trapping survey efforts. A biological conclusion of May Affect -Not likely to Adversely Affect was rendered for the species. To account for potential impacts to these species and their habitat, NCDOT utilized the Aquatic Programmatic Biological Opinion (PBO) for the Carolina madtom (CMT) and Neuse River Waterdog (NRWD). A copy of the PBO submittal form is included in the attachments. Mailing Address: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION KINSTON, NC 28504 Telephone: (252) 775-6100 Fax: (252) 208-7862 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 Website: www.ncdot.gov Location: HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION KINSTON, NC 28504 MORATORIA The NCWRC has designated this portion of the Neuse River as an Inland Primary Nursery Area and has established an in -water work moratoria between February 15 and September 30. The NMFS has established an in -river work moratoria between February I and June 30. All work will be conducted outside of the established moratoria. Furthermore, the proposed project will not alter the river characteristics or water quality classification. All appropriate sediment and erosion control measures will be installed. ESSENTIAL FISH HABITAT The project will not impact any Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) identified by NMFS, and NMFS has not requested further consultation regarding EFH. ARCHAEOLOGICAL and HISTORICARCHITECTURAL RESOURCES The project was reviewed by NCDOT for potential resources. A copy of the NCDOT No Survey Required form is included in the appendices. There are no archaeological resources that would be affected by the proposed project. SECTION 4(F) RESOURCES No Section 4(f) properties are present in the project study area. Therefore, the project did not require a determination under Section 4(f). FEMA COMPLIANCE The project has been approved under a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Type 1 on October 14, 2021. A copy of the approval is provided in the appendix. AVOIDANCE AND MINIMIZATION Avoidance and minimization of impacts to protected and valued resources were incorporated throughout the design process. Alternative designs were reviewed in order to reduce adverse impacts to protected resources, while also meeting the purpose and need for the project. Alternative 2 was selected as the preferred alternative as it will result in less impacts to waters of the U.S. and waters of the State than Alternative 3, allow for an on -site detour, shorter construction timing, and is applicable under an Advanced Approval Permit Exemption from the U.S. Coast Guard. In addition, rip -rap is shown on the plans for the entire length, including rip -rap for toe protection and approaches (2:1 with entire slope in rip -rap). During demolition, mitigation measures will be in place to prevent debris from the bridge from falling into the Neuse River. This may include nets or tarps under the bridge to catch debris. Mailing Address: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION KINSTON, NC 28504 Telephone: (252) 775-6100 Fax: (252) 208-7862 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 Website: www.ncdot.gov Location: HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION KINSTON, NC 28504 Additionally, temporary work bridges will be utilized to limit impacts in surface waters as well as wetlands during proposed bridge construction and existing bridge removal. Temporary work bridges will be constructed top -down using steel H-piles, eliminating the need for fill in wetlands and dewatering in surface waters. The work bridges over the Neuse River will have a gap to allow for boat traffic. Bridge 34 deck drains have dissipator pads below structure in wetlands. The sections below describe more project specific efforts to avoid and minimize impacts from the proposed project to comply with federal, state and local requirements. Section 404 of the Clean Water Act • A detailed delineation of wetland and streams was performed to ensure the limitations of impacts to natural resources. As a result, proposed grading limits were shifted to avoid impacts, where possible. • All stone will be removed and disposed of off -site, or the stone can be used in areas that require permanent stone protection after project completion. • All construction equipment will be refueled at least 200 feet from all water bodies and be protected with secondary containment. • Hazardous materials, fuel, lubricating oils, or other chemicals will be stored at least 200 feet from all water bodies (whichever distance is greater) and not in a Water of the U.S. • Areas used for borrow or construction by-products will not be located in wetlands. Sedimentation and Erosion Control • Implementation of NCDOT's Best Management Practices for the Protection of Surface Waters (BMPs) will minimize impacts to water resources during the preconstruction, construction, maintenance, and repair situations. • The proposed project will adhere to the Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds [15A NCAC 04B .0124 (a) — (e)]. • The Contractor may perform clearing operations, but not grubbing operations until immediately prior to beginning grading operations. • Once grading operations begin, work shall progress in a continuous manner until complete. Mailing Address: Telephone: (252) 775-6100 Location: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Fax: (252) 208-7862 HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION KINSTON, NC 28504 KINSTON, NC 28504 Website: www.ncdot.gov • All project construction activities initiated within jurisdictional streams will be carried to completion in an expeditious manner to minimize the period of disturbance within the jurisdictional streams. • All work will take place during dry conditions and can be facilitated from high, non jurisdictional, stable ground. • Erosion control devices shall be installed immediately following the clearing operation. • The contractor shall install silt fence, inlet protection, sediment traps, diversion ditches, temporary coffer dams, tree protection, clearing only as necessary to install devices. • Seeding and mulching shall be performed on the areas disturbed by construction immediately following final grade establishment. • Seeding and mulching shall be done in stages on cut and fill slopes that are greater than 20 feet in height measured along the slope, or greater than 2 acres in area, whichever is less. • All sedimentation and erosion control measures, throughout the project limits, must be cleaned out when half full of sediment, to ensure proper function of the measures. • Any needed repairs to sedimentation and erosion control measures will be made immediately to maintain all measures designed. • Any excess excavated materials not utilized as back fill will be placed and contained within upland areas and permanently stabilized to prevent erosion into adjacent jurisdictional streams. Therefore, stockpiling of excavated material within jurisdictional streams will be strictly prohibited as part of the construction of this project. • All erosion and sediment control measures will be checked for stability and operation following every runoff producing rainfall, but in no case less than once every week. • An erosion control inspections report is required and will be kept by the owner's representative. Stormwater Control • NCDOT will prepare a stormwater management plan (SMP) that implements structural and non-structural post -construction stormwater BMPs to the maximum Mailing Address: Telephone: (252) 775-6100 Location: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Fax: (252) 208-7862 HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION KINSTON, NC 28504 KINSTON, NC 28504 Website: www.ncdot.gov extent practical (MEP), which is consistent with the Department's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Post -Construction Stormwater Program. INDIRECT AND CUMULATIVE IMPACTS Existing rules for the Water Quality Certification Program (15A NCAC 2H .0506(b)(4)) require that NCDWR determine that a project "does not result in cumulative impacts based on past or reasonably anticipated future impacts that cause or will cause a violation of downstream impacts, that cause or will cause a violation of downstream water quality standards". The purpose of the proposed project is to replace two existing bridges deemed as functionally obsolete. There is no notable recent growth or development evident in the surrounding area and there is no planned or approved development within the study area. Replacement of the bridges is necessary to allow continued use of the roadway by motorists, pedestrians and cyclists. NC 55 is designated as Bicycle Route 40 (Lenoir County Loop Route). As there are currently no sidewalks or bicycle lanes within the study area, the project will also improve safety for both motorists and cyclists, as the new design includes 4' offsets to be used as bicycle lanes. The project is not expected to have a notable indirect effect to land use or development patterns in the area. In addition, because few indirect impacts are anticipated, the cumulative effect of this project, when considered in context with other past, present and future actions and the resulting impact on notable human and natural features, should also be minimal. REGULATORYAPPROVALS In consultations with relevant agencies, it was noted that several permits and further consultations are required for this project. Section 408 approval for alteration of a Civil Works Project is required for the proposed project. A copy of the Section 408 authorization request letter is included with this application. As the Neuse River is a navigable water, a Section 9 permit will also be required. In addition to the Section 404 Individual Permit, other required authorizations include the corresponding Section 401 Individual Water Quality Certification (WQC) and Riparian Buffer Authorization from the NCDWR. Mailing Address: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION KINSTON, NC 28504 Telephone: (252) 775-6100 Fax: (252) 208-7862 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 Website: www.ncdot.gov Location: HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION KINSTON, NC 28504 A copy of the permit application and its distribution list will be posted at hlt2s://xfer.services.ncdot.gov/pdea/PennApps/. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Casey Whitley at ckwhitley@ncdot.gov or (252)439-2811 Sincerely, `�a7 a,/16&7 Casey Whitley, PE, PLS NCDOT Division 2 Cc: NCDOT Permit Applications Standard Distribution List Mailing Address: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION KINSTON, NC 28504 Telephone: (252) 775-6100 Fax: (252) 208-7862 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 Website: www.ncdot.gov Location: HIGHWAY DIVISION 2 2815 ROUSE ROAD EXTENSION KINSTON, NC 28504 APPENDIX A U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT OMB APPROVAL 003 EXPIRES: 28 FEBRURUARY RY 20 2013 33 CFR 325. The proponent agency is CECW-CO-R. Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 11 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of the collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters, Executive Services and Communications Directorate, Information Management Division and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-0003). Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities: Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Clean Water Act, Section 404, 33 USC 1344; Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act, Section 103, 33 USC 1413; Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers; Final Rule 33 CFR 320-332. Principal Purpose: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Routine Uses: This information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal, state, and local government agencies, and the public and may be made available as part of a public notice as required by Federal law. Submission of requested information is voluntary, however, if information is not provided the permit application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and/or instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned. (ITEMS I THRU 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE CORPS) 1. APPLICATION NO. 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE 3. DATE RECEIVED 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETE (ITEMS BELOW TO BE FILLED BY APPLICANT) 5. APPLICANT'S NAME 8. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE (agent is not required) First - Casey Middle - Last - Whitley First - Anna Middle - Last - Reusche Company - NCDO'T Company - SEPI Engineering and Construction E-mail Address - ckwhitleyLncdot.gov E-mail Address - areuscheCsepiinc.com 6. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS: Address- 2815 Rouse Road Extension Address- I Glenwood Avenue City - Kinston State - NC Zip - 28504 Country - City - Raleigh State - NC Zip - 27603 Country - US 7. APPLICANT'S PHONE NOs. w/AREA CODE 10. AGENTS PHONE NOs. w1AREA CODE a. Residence b. Business c. Fax a. Residence b. Business c. Fax 919-816-7745 STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION 11. 1 hereby authorize, to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit application. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE NAME, LOCATION, AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (see instructions) B-4926 Replace Bridges #20 and #34 on NC 55 over the Neuse River, Lenoir County, NC 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN (if applicable) 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (if applicable) Neuse River Address Highway 55 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT Latitude: °N 35 �954 Longitude: -W '77 4g54 City - Kinston State- NC Zip- 28501 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN (see instructions) State Tax Parcel ID Municipality Section - Township - Range - ENG FORM 4345, OCT 2012 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE. Page 1 of 3 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE Approximately 5 miles northeast of Kinston, NC. From Kinston approximately 2.7 miles north on NC 1 I to the intersection with NC 55. Bridge 20 is approximately 2.5 miles east of the intersection Bridge 34 is approximately 0.2 miles east of Bridge #20. 18. Nature of Activity (Description of project, include all features) The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), in accordance with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), proposes to replace Bridges #29 and #34 on NC Highway 55 over the Neuse River near the City of Kinston in Lenoir County. Because of traffic volumes and potential detour requirements, the proposed replacement bridges will be located slightly south of the existing structures, oriented east -west, roughly perpendicular to the Neuse River. Following completion of the proposed bridge replacements, the existing bridge structures will be removed, and the existing concrete pilings will either be removed or cut flush with the river bed. 19. Project Purpose (Describe the reason or purpose of the project, see instructions) The existing bridges are functionally obsolete; both were constructed in 1937. The road is currently classified as an Arterial road and the Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP)/Thoroughfare Plan Designation or Facility Type is "Other Major Thoroughfare — Existing." As such, this road is intended to deliver traffic from collector roads to freeways or expressways or between urban centers at the highest level of service as possible. Although there is no notable recent growth or development evident in the surrounding area, and there is no planned or approved development that would affect traffic within the Study Area, replacement of the bridges is necessary to allow continued use of the roadway by motorists, pedestrians and cyclists. As there are currently no sidewalks or bicycle lanes within the Study Area, the project will also improve safety for both motorists and cyclists, as the new design includes 5' offsets to be used as bicycle lanes with bicycle -safe railings. USE BLOCKS 20-23 IF DREDGED ANDIOR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) for Discharge As the bridges have been deemed functionally obsolete, and would create both safety and environmental impacts if they were to fail, the `No Build' alternative was determined to be inadequate. Due to concerns with significant delays to general traffic, EMS, school bus operation, several rail crossings, and construction expected to take 3 years due to moratoriums, Alternative l was determined to be an ineffective option. Alternative 2 was chosen as the preferred alternative for the project as it would allow for an on -site detour, shorter construction timing, and exemptions from the U.S. Coast Guard as vertical clearance restriction limits were not met. 21. Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards: Type Type Type Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled (see instructions) Acres 4.2 or Linear Feet 368 23. Description of Avoidance, Minimization, and Compensation (see instructions) See attached support document. FNG FORM 4345, OCT 2012 Page 2 of 3 24. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Lyes QNo IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 25. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody of more than can be entered here, please attach a supplemental list). a. Address- GIBSON JERRY T ETALS, 4250 JUANITA AVENUE city- KINSTON State - NC zip - 28501 b, Address- COLE RODNEY EARL, 1906 FIWY 55 E city - KINSTON State - NC Zip - 28501 c. Address- MANNING GEORGE M & KIM R, 2884 NEUSE ROAD City - KINSTON State - NC Zip _ 28501 d. Address- WEST MAY B, 3128 NEUSE ROAD City - SMYMA State - NC zip - 28579 e. Address- SCHOLER MARK T, PO BOX 327 city - AYDEN State - NC zip - 28513 26. List of Other Certificates or ApprovalslDenials received from other Federal, State, or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL' IDENTIFICATION DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED NUMBER FEMA MOA Type 1 " Would include but is not restricted to zoning, building, and flood plain permits 27. Application is hereby made for permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that this information in this application is complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant, i ZZ 2-3 Lt/ 2/22/2023 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE SIGNA RE OF AGENT DATE The Application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or Fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. ENG FORM 4345, OCT 2012 Page 3 of 3 APPENDIX B F See Sheet to For Index of Sheets See Sheet 1B For Conventional Plan Sheet Symbols See Sheets RW- t Thru RW-? For RW Plan Sheets / Tel 1 1804 55 BEGIN PROJECT : `/ 1,` f C8 W z z� l k/7 1; 1"N 7 1" seen st ' 804! PROJECTS/ 926 N ell VICINITY MAP STATE OF -flORTJI-ffil�-A-RMJE�TA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LENOIR COUNTY LOCATION: BRIDGE NO.20 AND BRIDGE NO.34 ON NC 55 OVER THE NEUSE RIVER AND NEUSE RIVER OVERFLOW TYPE OF WORK: GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING, AND STRUCTURES RTATB RrAT6 PRWIl— RMIkMM IM R",jqr 6NR AL N. B-4926 I 6rATa PRQI.NA P.A.PROI.NR. —RIPTION 40163.1.2 WA PE 40163.2.1 WA R/W & UTILITIES 40163.3.1 WA CONST. WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 1 OF 35 DESIGN EXCEPTION REQUIRED FOR SUPERELEVATION. THIS PROJECT IS NOT WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES. CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD II. GRAPHIC SCALES 50 25 0 50 100 PLANS 50 25 0 50 100 PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) 10 5 0 10 20 PROFILE (VERTICAL) DESIGN DATA ADT 2023 = 3152 ADT 2040 = 3900 K = 9 % D = 60 % T = 8 % V = 60 MPH * TTST=3% DUAL=5% FUNC CLASS = MAJOR COLLECTOR "REGIONAL TIER" PROJECT LENGTH LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT B-4926 = 0.387 MILES LENGTH STRUCTURES TIP PROJECT B-4926 = 0.143 MILES TOTAL LENGTH OF TIP PROJECT B-4926 = 0.530 MILES Prepared In the Office of. Relelgh NC21693 rr 94A3 Te1919.78 .99 Fax 9 e C-2 97 Engineering & Construction. Inc. 2018 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS RANT RAMKUMAR, PE PROJECT ENGINEER RIGHT OF WAY DATE: SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 DANIEL W. GARDNER, JR., PE PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER LETTING DATE: SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 CASEY K. WHITLEY, PE, PLS NCDOT CONTACT HYDRAULICS ENGINEER P.E. SIGNATURE - ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER —1 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED On (n E ,or 0' SO' 100' ISO' GRAPHIC SCALE PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 2 OF 35 DENOTES FILL IN ® W ETLAN D DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING DENOTES EXCAVATION ® IN WETLAND IMPACTS IN ®DENOTES SURFACE WATER IMPACTS IN ®TEMPORARY SURFACE WATER SURFACE WATER IMPACTS POND SEE INSET 4A RODNEY E. COLE MECHANIZED' CLEARING REMOVE ALL EXISTING 'CONCRETE BRIDGE ABUTMENT REMNANTS, EXISTING, CONCRETE PILLARS AND- DEBRIS. r GOR AREA SPECIAL y. �. '�- w +" �r, T'" LATBRA 1,FTiBASE DITCH k . LINE NCk'I' RIP -RAP - 1 ,SBE �ETA12 4 REMOVE EXISTING C fC, CONCRETE PILLA MECHANIZED SITE' rJ CLEARING. 7� c EXCAVATION GR C3 FIR T QOE" SHE 2 E d` MECHA IZ CLEARING I SFT'1BSE�CPtAI�NE (CHANGE LICE 3/Jl LI'IPYRAP. EEy DETAVIL 1 � DETAIL 3 EMBANKMENT EXCAVATION P,.p.,.d ( Not to SC k) EXCAVATE EXISTING Fill Slop. ROADWAY EMBANKMENT TO APPROXIMATE NATURAL GROUND ELEVATION CL.'IFRIP RAP ROCK PLATING G W/GEOTEXTILE 2-FT THICK GRADE AWAY FROM Natural TOE OF FILL +F-0.5% Ground DENOTES EXCAVATION TOTAL EXCAVATION QUANTITY=EST. 26,800 CY FROM -L- STA. 17+00 TO STA. 23+25 LT FROM -L- STA. 27+81 TO STA. 34+27 LT FROM -L- STA. 35+92 TO STA, 40+00 LT FROM -DRV- STA. 10+00 TO STA. 12+18 LT FROM -DRV- STA. 10+00 TO STA. 12+18 RT 0'V CONCRETE REMNANTS REMOVAL SEE DETAIL 7, RETAIN EXISTING POLES S E E 1 / SITE 613 /` I / PU � � � ,* RUE 18" GR—•— — ti�— * * PE a' s PE Pic *q PE 3 FPEd PIP P* * .* * # # WT# SITE. 4 i SIT y" MECI-VANIZED CLEARN 3c 3c 6''y � � � � GE 2CE-1 DINT MAI411 GF- y �j% •Y •Y 3L 3'" � � fy ity •Y J6� .��f'1M — 41 " c _k �4 j, �" - — * 3c DETAIL 2 CHANNEL CHANGE I Not to Sc le) Propozed G.aund N.t.U.I d �7 p 1'iFt. Fill Slope �• , �E.ist. GEOTEXTILE B Min. D=4.0 Ft. Max. d=FULL DEPTH Type of Liner=EST. 555 TONS B=B4O Ft. Class 'II' Rip Ron, b=5.0 Ft. Geoteutile=EST. 560 SY Ch..n.l OF BACKSLOPE FROM -L- STA. 16+10 TO STA. 18+43 RT LATERAL BASE DITCH ? Not to 5ralel b -DRV- Fp�e � _ �0` d p \ O.Sti, Slapelll GEoiE%TILE B Min. D=1.0 Ft. Max. d=1.D Ft. B=1.0 R. Min. b=2.0 Ft. Type of mn EST. 100 TONS CIE 'I' Rip-Rop Geo—ile= EST.150 SY DDE = EST. I10 CY FROM -L- STA. 21+00 TO STA. 22+50 LT DETAIL 5 STANDARD BASE DITCH (Norm El oral N.tural Graun D D, d Geote.tile B Min. D=1.0GrFaun t. MoX. d=1.0 Ft. B=1.0 FL pe ofLin­ EST 95 TONS CL'T R.,-Rop r _oteXtle= EST. 140 SY: DDE= EST. 143 CY FROM -L- STA. 22+50 TO STA. 23+90 LT S I Fxgl9.7 295 913e Engineering & Constructian, Inc. 4B PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. B-4926 4 ILW SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER INCOMPLE rE PLANS DO NM USE MR /W ACQUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED H CLEARING MECHANIZED SITE 711 -, \/ Y RUE ,L� RUE RUE /� TEMPORARY IMPACT CONCRETE SITE 7 TEMPORARY IMPACT A/ 1 DFTAII CONCRETE REMNANTS REMOVAL DETAIL (NOT TO SCALE) EXISTING CONCRETE NATURAL GROUND TO BE REMOVED DENOTES 1•••••••�••••••••••���iFii"F EXCAVATION �•�•1��•���riii,FrF•'- ti FARMS, LLC SITE 8 6 �cP,� ti SE IN 5q / / O CONSERVATION EASEMENT NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE HABITAT FOUNDATION MARK T.SCHOLER / Z ti n, PROVIDE CLASS 'II' RIP RAP ROCK PLATING ON ALL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 OR AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. 2-FT THICK TO SHOULDER POINT. REFER TO STANDARD ROCK PLATING DETAIL SHEET 2G-? N SO' 0' SO' 100' ISO' GRAPHIC SCALE PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 3 OF 35 ® DENOTES FILL IN W ETLAN D DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING ® 9 DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND ®DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER `®TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER jj r SURFACE WATER IMPACTS POND Gm I RODN E. N Z O P, k 3R OV 1 LL E R ss �� T At _k REMOVE EXIST of y J< CONCRETE PILI H NI .,SITE, 'L RI Gy- v V :D CL�ARINtf'i EfE BRIDGE �� RETAIN CONCRETE ND DEBRIS. 9c y Glenwood Avenue PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 8-4926 t� Raleigh, NC 27603 SC I Tel:919.789.9977 ILW SHEET NO. Fax :919.789."11 ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS License: C-2197 ENGINEER ENGINEER Engineering & Construction, Inc. INCOMPLE E PLANS DQ NM U., PaR /W ACQUISITION 4FF INSF.1 wo E11f c r�Liiili' ��:7!!iI� iar6i:>��Ile bile: �f �����I w�I� 11111111��, III 3)i ** d< fit— *#**P,**•** x SITE 3' SITE,- . Cc I \_ �I 3t d` S y zy y- T` ��-• �j 20 34 EARIN 20 I 1,11 SE I9A N HANGE E 3IJlLI'I DRTAIL 3cOn TO o DETAIL 3 DETAIL 2 DETAIL 4 DETAIL 5 GORE AREA SPECIAL STANDARD BASE DITCH C EMBANKMENT EXCAVATION CHANNEL CHANGE INOI f° Sc°Iel D (Not to Scale) Fill 51°pa I �is) LATERALBASE DITCHUEXCAVATE EXISTING 1N°t f° Scale) -{ROADWAY XIMATE N%AL \ pN°tur°I _DRV nll0 TO APPROXIMATE NATURAL 'L'GROUND ELEVATION CL.'Il'RIP RAP °Gr°und QonROCK PLATINGPe \oinW OEOTEXTILE' J Min. D=1.0 Ff. Geote.tile g Min. D=1.0 Ft. NatV ]-FT THICK GEoiE%TILE g Mox. d=1.N Ft. G B=l d=1.0 Ft. GEOTExTILE B Min. D=4.0 Ft. 6izt. Ch°�nel B=10 Ft GRADE AWAY FROM N°tur°I Min b Ft. E TOE OF FILL +F-0.5% Gr°end Max. d=FULL DEPTH OF BACKSLOPE Min. 6=20 Ft. Type of Liner= EST 95 TONS cL 'P RiI+-Rnp Type of Liner=EST. 555 TONS B=B.0 Ft. Geotexfile= EST. 140 SY; DDE= EST. M3 CY a DENOTES Class 'II' Rip Rop Type pf liner= EST. 100 TONS CIE 'I' Rip-Rop TOTAL EXCAVATION b=5.0 Ft. Ge°fextile= EST. 150 SY DDE = EST. 110 CY RO -0 EXCAVATION Geotexrile=EST. 560 SY QUANTITY=EST. 26,800 CY r FROM L-. 16+10 TO TA. +4 L- TA. +00 TO + LT i„1Lp FRO -L- STA. 17+00 T 5 LT F M -L- .1 1 A. 34+27 T G� NQ , OM -L- $TA +9 0+00 LT FROM D - . 10+00 TO $T . 12+18 IT ROM RV STA. +00 TO ST . 12+1 RT r" N 0 q l DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED PUE PUE RUE TEMPORARY I PACT SITE IDFTAII CONCRETE REMNANTS REMOVAL DETAILEXISTING (NOT TO SCALE) CONCRETE NATURAL GROUND I TO BE REMOVED ...... DENOTES EXCAVATION OOOO•,.,.r ,r,. G ROCK PLATING ................ AAAAAAA. NATURAL GROUND 21 � 75 To ��O-CSTA. iff LY I W d s- J - CONSERVAT EA NORTH A INA WILDLIFE BIT UNDATION M . SCHOL n, PROVIDE CLASS 'II' RIP RAP ROCK PLATING ON ALL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 OR AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. 2—FT THICK TO SHOULDER POINT. REFER TO STANDARD ROCK PLATING DETAIL SHEET 2G—? 2" �a �5l 1 / DETAIL 3 EMBANKMENT EXCAVATION Proposed ( Not to Scale) EXCAVATE EXISTING Fill Slope ROADWAY EMBANKMENT TO NATURAL APPROXIMATE GROUND ELEVATION CIL IT RIP RAP ROCK PLATING Not un9L _ W GEOTEXTILE 2-FT THICK GRADE AWAY FROM N.1 ..I TOE OF FILL +4-0.59 Grau nd DENOTES EXCAVATION TOTAL EXCAVATION QUANTITY=EST. 26,800 CY FROM -L- STA. 17+00 TO STA. 23+25 LT FROM -L- STA. 27+81 TO STA. 3 4 + 2 7 LT FROM -L- STA. 35+92 TO STA. 40+00 LT FROM -DRV- STA. 10+00 TO STA. 12+18 LT FROM -0RV- STA. 10+00 TO STA, 12+18 RT 25' 01 25' 50' 75, PERMIT DRAWING GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET 6 OF 35 SITE 613 mti��m c IPUP / / —y------------------ Tl l iuuuuuinu� ,r IIIII//IRRIIIIIII IIIII%'/'/%IIII�YII _ /ir"� //IIIII/1��11111 PUE MECHANIZED CLEARING ® DENWETLOTE IN DEN ANILDL ® INE WETLANDTION DENOTES MECHANIZED DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING SURFACE WATER ® TEMPORARY SURFACE WATER IMPACTS CONCRETE BRIDGE #20 S I Fxglg.7 295 913e Engineering & Constructicn, Inc. SITE 7 PUE PUE PUE TEMPORARY IMPACT Ims. —S r y i —T— — m. SITE7 y TEMPORARY IMPACT S / a Do e1 m E PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. B-4926 4B RW SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER INCOMPLE rE PLANS DO NM USE MR /W ACQUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED O E DETAIL 3 EMBANKMENT EXCAVATION Proposed ( Not to Scaie) EXCAVATE EXISTING Fill Slope ROADWAY EMBANKMENT TO NATURAL APPROXIMATE GROUND ELEVATION CIL IT RIP RAP ROCK PLATING Not un9L _ W GEOTEXTILE 2—FT THICK GRADE AWAY FROM N.1 ..I TOE OF FILL +4-0.59 Grau nd DENOTES EXCAVATION TOTAL EXCAVATION QUANTITY=EST. 26,800 CY FROM -L- STA. 17+00 TO STA. 23+25 LT FROM -L- STA. 27+81 TO STA. 3 4 + 2 7 LT FROM -L- STA. 35+92 TO STA. 40+00 LT FROM -DRV- STA. 10+00 TO STA. 12+18 LT FROM -0RV- STA. 10+00 TO STA, 12+18 RT 25' 01 25' 50' 75, PERMIT DRAWING GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET 7 OF 35 ® DENWETLOTE IN DEN ANILDL ® INE WETLANDTION DENOTES MECHANIZED DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING SURFACE WATER ® TEMPORARY SURFACE WATER IMPACTS S I Fxglg.7 295 913e Engineering & Constructicn, Inc. PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. B-4926 4B RW SHEET NO. 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TN 423- d23 �4fi T0401 ❑ TN Vaughn&Mellon 8fi5%54­888 Consulting Engineers ❑ Sp 5t7a4aura,SC .4 5]4 4775 Asheville, ❑ 1--t— sc ❑ NOr th C,orollno 843 974 5650 828 253 2796 ❑ ■ Rale1NN, NC ❑ Uarlatt ,NC 6061248,6600y 919 9-9455 704.357 0488 0All—I., GA 710,62T 3509 ppyrlgnt p 2006 Vo . A Nelta n AI R�ante R r DWN. BY: WDC DATE: 3/2019 CHKD. BY: TPG DATE: 3/2019 DES. EGR. OF RECORD: PLS DATE: 3/2019 TIMBER MATTING PROJECT NO. B-4926 LENOIR COUNTY STATION: 25+45000 -L- BRIDGE '20 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RALEIGH PROPOSED TEMPORARY ACCESS FOR BRIDGE OVER NEUSE RIVER ON NC-55 BETWEEN SR 1810 AND SR 1804 REVISIONS SHEET NO. NO. BY: DATE: NO. BY: DATE: S -1 G 3TOTAL I1 N7 SHEETS � 4 1 o.o.00 ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ..0000 ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ 00000 ■■■■■■■■■■ ■rrrrrrrrr ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ non■�no oorrYro 00000 ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ �■.■va■ HUNMESIMEM \R■ ■■ ■I 11, r ■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ooc.,l.nur. ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ SHEET NO. X-3 SHEET NO. X-4 iiiie�r�ii uuoll" IMEMEMEMEM nommommoom niiiiiiioi MEMEMEMEME ooaoor ooaoor WINE Eli orriioor ooaoor ooaoor ooaoor nouoor oouoor 00000 rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr mrrrrrrr r---ac- air.!. 1p Ir. rr:�rrrw�� rrro:�ro or�racrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr 00000 rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrr 000�:ri rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr 00000 rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrr 00000 00000 o►r,_..o rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ooc�mc� rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr o0o00 rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rri rorrrrrror •�r roiiro 000.orrrr rrrrrrr rreva�ror J1►L''L'10rrrr R.lrrwR�Cdrr iJrL7Y11Yilrr nrn;u�!�ror rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr SHEET NO. n5 ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ olamoommom IMMIMIMMIN ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ SHEET NO. X-b SO' 0' SO' GRAPHIC SCALE PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 14 OF 35 / ES DENOTFILL IN WESETLD ti ti DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING N / DENOTES EXCAVATION ® IN WETLAND IMPACTS IN ®DENOTES SURFACE WATER 100' ISO' O WOODY MAE FARMS,LLC s=;)l_ Engineering & Construction, Inc. ��iu, BRIDGE 134: 6" DIAMETER CIRCULAR DECK 0� DRAINS REQUIRED SPACED 12' O.C. FROM -L- STA. 34+09 TO STA. 36+01 LT PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET N0. 1 Glenwood Avenue B-4926 4 Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel:919.789.9977 RW SHEET NO. Fax :919.789.9591 ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS License: 0-2197 ENGINEER ENGINEER INCOMPLEIPE PLANS DO NM USE MR /W ACQUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED SEE INSET 5C 'l;'1 ' ,Y �, '1 �l �1 j'- i'-� j'-'-..� /3'- ` i'j'- y" .y. '1 ay �' j'- -Y )'- nl '1 V i' Y, i'- >' '1 � I LC I ,� 1- 1, k y" y- �, Y' �, 3' �,,y,y V- y, ,,, y, y � -y, � y. -y �'�'>y t V. �� '1� �� �� �� y-� '1V V� '1� �� �� �� �� VVy�� V-,y. y � * I&'Y ��' ,, y- �, V , 1 'A '1 'l A'- y' '�'- 'l 'SEE 'INSET.. 5A����� SEE������I y" .y, i'- Y- iL >' 'l y �l j'- �' iL '1 V �, '1 'l V '1 Y �, �, 'l V �, y A'- >t y" Y. A'- � y- „ '1 y. V., '�• � V y �>y � A'- y" � .y y- V '1 .� -y � y R V V Y- � � 'i � '1 � Y- � y. � Y- V y- � Y- � � � '1MECHANIZED CLEAR] � � � � � � �- y,., T- V •: � �`.. � � �y� V MECHANIZED CLEARING , y'1 ,y �' .,y �" y. y. >1 INSET 5 Y11 Y- 'l '1 'l A'- '1 �'- y- Y" y- 'y EXCAVATION ,. y" �.Y- swAaR SITE 10A , \ \ * .REMOVE SWAMP . y- ,Y- 'y V., y' y Y y" �. Y" V . '1 �.. 'y SITE 1 V'tl y * *# '1#,yt'�* *'* # * R�M�V�:. * _ EXISTING BRIDGE, � 1 I DI I .. .. .. ..--w-.-.. 4 a'- - DECK DRA N 15 SS PATOR _ * PET1L ---- � --T— --- _ 15" W/2 * * * * * * *# .�Cpy 15" W/2 15" W/2g ��------ I -BRIDGE'-°� I ELBOWS o NL 55 ELBOWS ELBOWS _ _-------------------- *-*-* .* L * * ------ --- ----------- _� -- - - 50 PR T E:- r 2GI - - - - -�&-- - - 1 15"W/2 �Y- may-'l'y'1 �'l ,y V" ,y+'"�" I ELBOWS 4 .y. -B, y, '1 C A �yy SITE 10A. .y,`� y" y. y,,y., x SWAMP MECHANIZED CLEARING ' ME CL ARING y, y. Y. � 'Y �''i.'3., ryJ-':'1 '�, -Y any V"�'y, � �. � y" � � 'Y- ' '1 ' '1 �y MECHANIZED 'CLEARING 9- '1 y B. y" V �" V y y, '1 al i'- Y- 'y �, �- y" '1 y, .y. y, i'- 3'- y- 'l +' y'j'- SITE S.����� �� y y � � 9 y. � '1 '1 i'- y- 'Y T'- '1 >l i'- i'- y- '1 'l �' 'l '1 j' i' 'l '1 -Y '1 i'- i' y, j'- )'- '1 i'• �1 Y i'- )'- ' V -* �' Y- V- y- 'b �l i' j'- i'- �' 'l �1 y, y, y, y. i'- iL i'- y'1 'l V Y, i'- i'- 'l �' i'- y- �y y, y. y. �l 1' i'- 'y �l 9' i'- j'- 'l �l �' i l i i l V )'" 3' 'l `l V i' )'- V y- V A'- �'- A'. �' �1 �l i'- >'- Al nl �l A'- j'- )'- Y- V -Y i' y, j'- i' � >y V. V i' y, 'y- >l >l �l i' j'- i'- �1 �l V V V y- 1 Y, y- 'l �l i' j'- i' 3' �l '1 '1 �l Y' i'- � al >l >l �l i'- y. 'L >l i'-i'- �Y i'- '1 'l '�l i' � �l j'- V 3' 'l ay V, i', j'- i' j'- 'l �. >y �1 i'- 'Y 3'- '1 >y .y -Y" i'- y, y. y. �l +'- � i'- �l �l �1 )' )' ay V. +1 �l al i' y. y. '1 .y, V �l +'- y. i'. 3' 'l nl y. �1 i'- j'- i' y. i'- '1 �l j'- Y- y- 'l �'- >y �1 1' j'- Y' >l 'l al V- i'- j'- i'- '1 ' >l i' � � Y y- 'l �l 3' j'- i'- 3' 'l '1 y- �l +'- i'. >L �1 -Y �'- i'' nl �l � �' iL i'. '1 'l nl y- y- V i' V � '1 j'- >' i� 3'- �l �l i'- j'- y- '1 y, aj. y, .y. � i'- Y V 'l �1 i' j'- y. �y y, y. i' j'- i'- �' 'l �1 '1 �l i' y- i'- '1 >y y. )'" i'- i'- �' y. y. j'- y- j'- 'l A'- V i' j'- Y- '1 Y '1 i'- Y- y. -y'- �' 'l y �l �l �' iL Y �1 -Y. �l i' j'- Y' nl 'l �l 'l i', i' i'- �l �1 '1 i'. i'. �l �l '1 �l j'- Y. i'- �l �l al A'- i'" A'- V � i'- )' j' y. 'l .y. y, �1 Y- j'- 'L 'Y -Y � y' �' JL nl y' y, y- y, y, al �l �1 V 'l 1 3'- '1 �l j'- Y. 3'- �l �l �lY' �1 'l y- ,l y i' - i', '1 'l �l i� � y. y, .y. V, nl j'- y- Y- 'l y. y, j'- i y- '1 V .y, y, �1 i'- y. y. V, >y �1 i'- '1 �'- j' 'l 'l ay �. i'- j'- y- '1 'l �l al y. y.3' �y y. y. �1 +'- '3'� nL V � �l �l Y" 'l '1 �' )' iL j'- 'l �l i'- �l �' 3' )� nl >y y, +'- i'- .y" y, y. y. � y. y i' +'- i', y" V V y . may- �� Y-� � � � � � BIM �' � • � �' �'- V' nl y y - � +'- �' y, >y .y. y.- �1 i'- may, � V nl V i' j'- 'l - i'- ,l ,1 i' '1 y �l er1M- -'•- - i'- i'. -Y '1 �eTlA- y' O CONSERVATION EASEMENT DETAIL 3 DETAIL 6 dT N NORTH CAROLINA HABITAT FOUNDATION EMBANKMENT EXCAVATION p,a p,ed F DU Cole) EXCAVATE EXISTING (Not 10 SCOIe) Fill Slope ND AT1 DECK DRAIN DISSIPATOR PAD p T INo,m s MARK T. SCHOLER rn T1NG ON m 4LA TED a ROCK AS 1Np1CA T 3:1 OL"A'S ER POT 2G 2 K TO pEiA1L Sf1EE E pLpT1NG DISSIPATOR P PAD 'NOTE: CENTER PAD DIRECTLY BELOW DECK DRAINS GROUND GEOT-ILE J 1 5 L- 190,PrtnF F virw Type of Liner= 54 TONS CL T Rlp-ROp G.—il- 119 SY GFD FROM -L- STA. 34+05 TO STA. 35+95 LT TO APPROMWE ""URAL GROUND ELEVATION C,R�nF AWAY FROMC-IFRIP RAP ♦�����♦ROCK PLATING AAAAA..rI• TO1 DENOTES EXCAVATION TOTAL EXCAVATION i�000000�� FROM -L- STA. 17+00 TO STA. 23+25 LT FROM -L- STA. 27+81 TO STA. 34+27 LT FROM -L- STA. 35+92 TO STA. 40+00 LT FROM -DRV- STA. 10-00 TO STA. 12+18 LT FROM -DRV- STA. 10+00 TO STA. 12+18 RT PROVIDE CLASS 'II' RIP RAP ROCK PLATING ON ALL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 OR AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. 2—FT THICK TO SHOULDER POINT. REFER TO STANDARD ROCK PLATING DETAIL SHEET 2G—? 0 N E PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 0' 0' �1 '' I 1 a 919.78d Avenue B RW SHE t� R lei h, NC 27603 1y 'la Te1:919.789.9977 Rr`N SHEET NO. Fax:919.789.9591ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS RAPIxC SCA License: C-2197 ENGINEER ENGINEER PERMIT DRAWING G`" �So enso-ncuan.lnc. SHEET 15 OF 35 �% /I ))) \ i+ / C DO NM IJS6 POR /N ACQUISITION F DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND BOO 5 y) ti g= DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING G° ® DENOTES EXCAVATION N � 15 IN WETLAND nI �� �/ DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL ®DENOTES IMPACTS IN V �? \(/\'� w V '� 0 UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED SURFACE WATER ��2 vI BRIDGE #34: 6" DIAMETER CIRCULAR DECK 9^5 V DRAINS REQUIRED SPACED 12' FROM -L- STA. 34+09 TO STA. 36+01 ei G n r WOODY MAE FARM , LLC SEE INSET 5 C T Ki- 1 y/yV >l i'. i'- y.y. �'lfY y. >l Y- Y- sy Y. y. >l y- � y- � '1 y--Y. y" � ,y, '1 y, y� y- � m� '1 i'- 1 �' � 'y � i' 1'S. �' y, y, sl 'y � 'Y- � y, 'Y � � y" y. � y. y, .y 'y Sl )' ,yi 'l y' y. y- i' y" �, y. � �l �l � � 1' �' y' �' y, sl 'l �l j'- j'- y- � '1 'l sl y i' .y' .y' y, i� y, i'- y. 1 j'- y, s1 y. y" j' j'- i'- 'y y. >l y, y, y, j'- i'- i'- 'y y. y, y'' y. y. y j'- i'. i'- 'l �, 'y 'y y. y- y, '1 ��l �, y. sy '1 ,y' y, y" '1 'y 'J" y" '1 i )� i' �, 'y sl >l 3' ,Y �, 'L sl y �l sl j'- �, �, al �l �l >l >1 -Bi' � sl J y' ,1 y' � y- � y" sl y, y, up '1 '1 �l 5� '1 xl y' Y y, 1 al � T'- y'- y- I �- ,V � n � B. y- �� *RE EXISTING ,,�� it � ¥IV STING BRIDG J __L _ —\ DECK DRAIN (aAD*I P ----------- ---- -- * * I* * **/J�' "BRIDGE° W/2 ELBOWS * . * .* I* * *#/ *� * * * * *' * * I �V—S ELBOWS * * -*-JzjR * *. -� - — . , ��/�r( � � '�/ I������ ��� ' #�'�#'# # #. #,�*� # #r # # # * * � � /j//fi F/�]/ F /R✓. * * ' � y � y- � sy � ,y� i y'�.ysy"J y. y" y- y'J� B, -51 k * * y'- y- �1 Y- ECFLEAy- , >y � y- y- V .l y- I E$ F�1R �IGl >1 � .Y" � ty' CLEARING y. 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SCHOLE�i Bx[AVATB BxISTING (Not to Scale) Eill slope eJ y B ROADWAY EMBANKMENT TO APPROXIMATE NATDRAL 1, n GROUND ELEVATION C-IFRIP RAP kis 5' ll ROCK PLATING (� W/GEOTICTILE v Pi AN vI w Ground ]-FT THICK 4 DISSIPATOR ROM PAD GRADE Awnv F-0.5 �G, rd PROVIDE CLASS 'II' RIP RAP ROCK PLATING ON 'NOTE: CENTER PAD DIRECTLY BELOW DECK DRAINS TOE OF FILL +F-O.S% Ground DENOTES ALL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 OR AS INDICATED GROUND EXCAVATION TOTAL EXCAVATION ON THE PLANS. 2-FT THICK TO SHOULDER POINT. �L QUANTITY=EST.26,800 Cv REFER TO STANDARD ROCK PLATING DETAIL SHEET 2G-? ` ING�O SL T ^FROM -L- S A. 17+00 T 23+25 LT I INT cEOTExruE L5' FWJM -L- TA. 27+81 TO A. +27 LT .1 OR `DER ZG ? s - 90 PxnmF viFw FROM -L- STA. 35+92 TO ST 40 00 LT TO EE1 Type of Liner= 5a TONS CL T Rip -Rap ;� FR -DRV- STA. 10-00 TO ST . 12+ 8 LT ET Geo,05 T T9 BY 5+ P I FR M -DRV- STA. 10+00 TO STA. 12+1 RT FROM -L- STA. 34+05 TO STA. 35+95 LT N DETAIL 3 EMBANKMENT EXCAVATION P,o —d ( No110 Scaie) EXCAVATE EXISTING Fill Slope ROADWAY EMBANKMENT TO NATURAL APPROXIMATE GROUND ELEVATION CIL IT RIP RAP ROCK PLATING Not un9L _ GroGRADE WGEOTEXTILE ]-FT THICK AWAY FROM N.1 ..I TOE OF FILL +/ 0.5% Grau nd DENOTES EXCAVATION TOTAL EXCAVATION QUANTITY=EST. 26,800 CY FROM -L- STA. 17+00 TO STA. 23+25 LT FROM -L- STA. 27+81 TO STA. 3 4 + 2 7 LT FROM -L- STA. 35+92 TO STA. 40+00 LT FROM -DRV- STA. 10+00 TO STA. 12+18 LT FROM -0RV- STA. 10+00 TO STA. 12+18 RT C Co a d x m E PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO, 25' 0' 25' 50' 75' PERMIT DRAWING F ® DENOTES FILL IN DENOTES EXCAVATION WETLAND ® IN WETLAND Raleigh, NC 27693 B-49, 5A RW SHEET NO. SHEET 16 OF 35 GRAPHIC SCALE DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING S1GlenwoodAvenue Te1:919.789.9977 Fax919.789.9591 License: 0-2197 ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER HYDRAULICS ENGINEER Engineering &Construction, Inc. INCOMPLE rE PLANS DO NM USE MR /W ACQUISITION INSET 5A NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED DETAIL 3 EMBANKMENT EXCAVATION P,o —d ( No110 Scaie) EXCAVATE EXISTING Fill Slope ROADWAY EMBANKMENT TO NATURAL APPROXIMATE GROUND ELEVATION CIL IT RIP RAP ROCK PLATING Not un9L _ WGEOTEXTILE ]-FT THICK GRADE AWAY FROM N.1 ..I TOE OF FILL +/ 0.5% Grau nd DENOTES EXCAVATION TOTAL EXCAVATION QUANTITY=EST. 26,800 CY FROM -L- STA. 17+00 TO STA. 23+25 LT FROM -L- STA. 27+81 TO STA. 3 4 + 2 7 LT FROM -L- STA. 35+92 TO STA. 40+00 LT FROM -DRV- STA. 10+00 TO STA. 12+18 LT FROM -0RV- STA. 10+00 TO STA, 12+18 RT O E PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 25' 0' 25' 50' 75' PERMIT DRAWING F ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND ® DENOTES EXCAVATI IN WETLAND 1GlenwoodAvenue Raleigh, NC 27603 B-49, 5A RW SHEET NO. SHEET 17 OF 35 GRAPHIC SCALE DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING ® DENOTES IMPACTS �ON N SURFACE WATER Te1:919.789.9977 Fax919.789.9591 License: C-2197 Engineering &Construction, Inc. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER HYDRAULICS ENGINEER INCOMPLE rE PLANS DO NM USE MR /W ACQUISITION INSET 5A NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED DETAIL 6 DECK DRAIN N_ DISSIPATOR PAD SIP DISSIPATOR P PAD `NOTE: CENTER PAD DIRECTLY BELOW DECK DRAINS GROUND GEOTEXTILE I'S L- 190' P Type of Liner= 54 TONS CL 'IRip-Rop Geotexlile= 119 SY GFD FROM -L- STA. 34+05 TO STA. 35-95 LT O E 25' 0' 25' 50' 75' F DENOTES FILL IN DENOTES EXCAVATION PERMIT DRAWING WETLAND FM WETLAND GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET 19 OF 35 DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING INSET 513 T 10 y �. i;i11;�11dI iq 1 y if�.;1u►�1u� �II��I�r*1�r �17 � Iid11''i111 ii � fi'1i1IRA ►,/IIUIICIII f� t �' III%;f%1%%11 11%i11%i1113 �/i11�i'11f�1 '�/IIGGIIGG! '111►010, % II1111I�' � %i10 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 1 Glenwood Avenue B-492VCC 5B Raleigh, NC 27603 S Te1:919.789.9977 I RW SHEET NO. Fax ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS License: C-2197 ENGINEER ENGINEER Engineering & Construction, Inc. INCOMPLE rE PLANS DO NM USE MR /W ACQUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED C Go a U N a m E a ti LJ Mai NPR \�0 (�U \ .0 N :- PROJECT REFERENCE NO. I SHEET NO. 25' 0' 25' 50' 75, F DENOTES FILL IN DENOTES EXCAVATION 1Glenwood Avenue B-4926 5C PERM IT DRAWING ® WETLAND ® IN WETLAND Raleigh, NG27603 SHEET 20 OF 35 Tel:919.789.9977 RW SHEET NO. DETAIL 6 DECK DRAIN DISSIPATOR PAD I Nor m scnlel GRAPHIC SCALE DENOTES MECHANIZED Fax :919.789.9591 ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS .' � License: 0-2197 CLEARING ENGINEER ENGINEER Engineering &Construction, Inc. DISSIPATOR P PAD INCOMPLE rE PLANS DQ NM USE MR /N ACQUISITION `NOTE: CENTER PAD DIRECTLY BELOW DECK DRAINS GROUN❑ L �1 T GEOTExTILE P 15 R�F��F VrFw L I90 . Type of Liner= 54 TONS CL 'I' Rip-Rop Georexlile= 119 SV GFD DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED INSET 5C FROM -L- STA. 34+05 TO STA. 35-95 LT �. r r ay '7 MECHANIZED CLEARING -y N- al l 1 �� �� EXCAVATION ;� ,� aye �� -� �� �� �� � �� SITE 1 �y Af �:-*E r ,� ,� *E E * *F -4- �y I m — aC----� T L L T T -� —I'll T— � T --T S— =I_ C— =M T L C— * 15" W/2 15" W/2 CD NC 55 ELBOWS ELBOWS 0 — — — —� — — _ — — — — — — — — — — — 50 PR — T — — — — Fss — — — — — — — — — r . L — — — _ — —Fss— 2G1 iF _ ol F F F F a F F F F ay �yxriNcyR �k /* * ?�' �a F ��� �Y-����� F ji:F ,� F F F F * * E EOWS al �y �y �y al y , �y MECHANIZED N- y ay MECHANIZED CLEARING CLEARING L o c o U U N a m E L —o LJ Mai NPR \�0 (�U \ .0 N :- PROJECT REFERENCE NO. I SHEET NO. 25' 0' 25' 50' 75, F DENOTES FILL IN DENOTES EXCAVATION 1Glenwood Avenue B-4926 5C PERMIT DRAWING ® WETLAND ® IN WETLAND Raleigh, NG27603 SHEET 21 OF 35 Tel:919.789.9977 RW SHEET NO. DETAIL 6 DECK DRAIN DISSIPATOR PAD I Nor m scnlel GRAPHIC SCALE DENOTES MECHANIZED Fax :919.789.9591 ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS .' License: C-2197 CLEARING ENGINEER ENGINEER Engineering &Construction, Inc. DISSIPATOR P PAD INCOMPLE rE PLANS DQ NM USE MR /N ACQUISITION `NOTE: CENTER PAD DIRECTLY BELOW DECK DRAINS GROUN❑ L �1 GEOTExTILE P I5' R�F��F VrFw L I90 . Type of Liner= 54 TONS CL 'I' Ni Rop Georexlile= 119 SV GFD DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED INSET 5C/. 35-95 LT FROM -L- STA. 34\/+05 TO ST�\A -y- �l 7' \may/ \/ Yam\/ 7'�j�\/ Y\/ ��\/�\/� ��\ y- �( (o -�( Y Y 7'U+" 7' Y Y� -3- Y( _y, J' Y \' Y Y Y_\l -y- Y � �� L �� �� 4 --14-�� ��� l � � �-yam -5- -1 � M H+A E� Ei�RIIG C � � � �� ��� �F�CC1AVJQyTI� �� �� � �� ���� �� �� ,yam �� 751 y — - z =MT�� — — Z — * " g NC 5" W/2 a WS ELBOWS 28 T 27 FSS _ — — — — — — — — — — — q 23 22 2 — 0 — — ol S ICI IN ay �lE F *' * �J -y _y NA ,y !� � MECHANIZED �I ay ZEf LF�4RNC� CLEARING 6 �y �y MH !!!!!!!!!! ■■■■■■■■■■ .......... -....HUH .......... ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ .......... 00000 0000000000000000000.. mad ■o■a!!mom■.!!!!!!!l.!!!!!!!!l.■... •..-■-■■■.■■E■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■.E moml!!!!!!l.!!!!!!!loi��9.!!l.!!!!!!!!l.!!!!lFIEF-__ ��••..1.!!!!!!!!l 0000 00000 00000 000■oe e-.000uoo e�rz�r r-a_e..[.. 0000o r-ro oo■ 11:f!'noo oouoo r:oroouoo col ...NONE «F�c Yi-n\1i11 jMngn!!!!l MOMMEMEMMEMEMEMEN ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ eeeeeeeee? � ■.......................................■0000■000000lll■ool.�ra: rur,,v■■.v__1.uii■■■■■u■■■■■■i■u.� _•■.u.r'--QL!IU. 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TN d23 �4fi]-0d0i 423- 0 TN Vaughn&Mellon 865%5-5000 Consulting Engineers ❑ Spar.anaura, SC 0645]44 ]]5 Asheville, ❑ <nprm,.an,sc ❑ NOrth C,orollno .43 914.5650 020 253 2]96 ❑ ■ Rmeign, NC ❑ Cnaria.. ,NC 6061248,6600y 919 9-9455 ]04.35] 0488 0 .a, GA ]]a 62] 3509 ppyrign. p 2— Vo . A Nei.a n A.Ria_ R r DWN. BY: WDC DATE: 3/2019 CHKD. BY: TPG DATE: 3/2019 DES. EGR. OF RECORD: PLS DATE: 3/2019 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 23 OF 35 PROJECT NO. B-4926 LENOIR COUNTY STATION: 35+00o00 —L— BRIDGE '34 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RALEIGH PROPOSED TEMPORARY ACCESS FOR BRIDGE OVER NEUSE RIVER OVERFLOW ON NC-55 BETWEEN SR 1810 AND SR 1804 REVISIONS SHEET NO. N0. BY: DATE: N0. BY: DATE: S -1 G TOTAL � 4 1 00000 .......... .......... L'.LL....... ncc"r.��oo c.�uuc.00 .......... .......... aaaaaaaara aaraaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa arrrrrrrrr aaaaaaaara arrrrrrrra aaaaaaaara aaaaaaaaaa ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ aaaaaaaaraaaaa aaaaaaaaraaaaa aaaaaaaaraaaaa aaaaaaaaraaaaa aaaaaaaaraaaaa aaaaaaaaraaaaa aaaaaaaaraaaaa aaaaaaaaraaaaa aaaaaaaaraaaaa 00000 aaaaaaaara aaaaaaaara aaaaaaaara aaaaaaaara aaaaaaaara aaaaaaaara aaaaaaaara aaaaaaaara aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa 00000 aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa arrrrrrrrr aaaaaaaaaa 00000 aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa ac■cvuu MOM.4000 oo■ocv aaaaaaaar- aaaaaaaaai aIM1,■naaM■ iiinauatii raaaarra■aa aaaaaaaaa ■■■■■■■■■■ aaaaaaaara aaaaaaaara aaaaaaaara aaaaaaaara aaaaaaaara aaaaaaaara aaaaaaaara aaaaaaaara aaaaaaaara 00000 aaaaaaaaaa 000r.a r Door: a ■ :.aaaaaaaaaa ■■■■wawa■■ aaaaL'a.rrdan aaaaaaraaa arrrrrrrrr 00000 aaaaaaraaa 00000 aaaaaaraaa aaaaaaraaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaraaa aaaaaaraaa aaaaaaraaa aaaaaaraaa aaaaaaraaannoawoa �mara�a■ �a�_araoa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaraaa aaaaaaraaa aaaaaaraaa aaaaaaraaa aaaaaaraaa aaaaaaraaa aaaaaaaaaa 00000 aaaaaaraaa aaaaaaraaa aaaaaaraaa aaaaaaraaa aaaaaaraaa aaaaaaraaa aaaaaaraaa aaaaaaraaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaraaaaaa aaaraaaaaa 00000 aaaraaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaraaaaaa �..r000 aaaraaaaaa aaaraaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaraaaaaa aaaraaaaaa aaaraaaaaa aaaraaaaaa aaaraaaaaa aaaraaaaaa aaaraaaaaa aaaraaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa iii0 aaaaaaaaaa aaaraaaaaa aaaraaaaaa aaaraaaaaa aaaraaaaaa aaaraaaaaa aaaraaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa 00000 aaaraaaaaa aaaraaaaaa aaaraaaaaa aaaraaaaaa aaaraaaaaa aaaraaaaaa aaaraaaaaa aaaraaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa SHEET NO. 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X-10 llllllllll llllllllll ■■■■■■■■■■ llllllllll ■■■■■■■■■■ llllllllll llllllllll llllllllll llllllllll llllllllll llllllllll l■l■RNS llllllllll llllllllll llllllllll ■■■■■■■■■■ llllllllll ■■■■■■■■■■ llllllllll llllllllll llllllllll lllllll�Il llll�01�31I iI.' lllllAl9l ■■■■llllli_1 llllllllll llllllllll llllllllll ■■■■■■■■■■ llllllllll ■■■■■■■■■■ llllllllll llllllllll llllllllll llllllllll ��llllllll llllllllll l■l■me. llllllllll llllllllll llllllllll .7R7YJI"mI■ I.:\�In, � �IUI ■a 1 gill illlllllll llllllllll llllllllll llllllllll llllllllll l■l■l.iI.JlI :f �Illlllf� I l■l■ 11J. llllllllll llllllllll llllllllll llllllllll l■ll■ME llllllllll llllllllll ■■■■■■■■■■ llllllllll llllllllll llllllllll llllllllll llllllllll llllllllll SHEET NO. X-11 lllirrr.��r. oluacuauu lllllGil[7\ lull\'a'Si1N llllllllll llllllllll r.�000rr. L''Illllllll' rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr 00000 rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr 00000 rrrrrrrrrr u-rl II v•r I�rLILLr'] rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr 00000 rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrP� �!7Grrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr uurrrru rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr 00000 rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrONEE rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr oorrrruo rrrrrrm, rrrrrrrl�ir 000arr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr 00000 rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr uuourr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr 000ro: rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr Qrrrrrrrr Il`rrrrrrrr rr0000 rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr 00000 rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr SHEET NO. X-12 .......... II •rid ..I'. J.9l1LL.\ .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... mlw1.;;no I \III q..1 I.I '11'.I I.. ml I , J..LJ...HL..011 ..... mom mom No loom...... .......... .......... 0000 .......... .......... .......... .......... mommomm .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... mommumamom .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ��.......■......--....................... ------------------ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ nommoommommommomm No n...nnecn nnnRerr.�u .....I�aly�l�il�`I ►:1 IA,1 J.. MEMO Non an• sua uscMINT, .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... a000.a e000..•_ .................... WETLAND AND SURACE WATER IMPACTS SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS Site No. Station (From/To) Structure Size / Type Permanent Fill In Wetlands (ac) Temp. Fill In Wetlands (ac) Excavation in Wetlands (ac) Mechanized Clearing in Wetlands (ac) Hand Clearing in Wetlands (ac) Permanent SW impacts (ac) Temp. SW impacts (ac) Existing Channel Impacts Permanent (ft) Existing Channel Impacts Temp. (ft) Natural Stream Design (ft) 1 16+04 - 18+45 -L- RT Roadway Construction 0.07 239** 2 16+69 - 17+11 -L- RT Channel Change Excavation 0.01 2 16+69 - 17+09 -L- RT Easement Clearing/EC Devices 0.01 3 18+43 - 20+14 -L- RT Roadway Fill 0.08 3 18+44 - 20+22 -L- RT Easement Clearing/EC Devices 0.06 4 20+79 - 22+84 -L- RT Roadway Fill 0.18 4 20+79 - 22+14 -L- RT Easement Clearing/EC Devices 0.04 5 19+42 - 22+46 -L- LT Roadway Cut 0.01 5 18+91 - 22+46 -L- LT Easement Clearing/EC Devices 0.17 6A 22+68 - 24+53 -L- RT Temp. Work Bridge Const. 0.26 6A 22+76 - 23+06 -L- RT Roadway Fill/Bridge Const. 0.01 6A 23+54 - 23+76 -L- CL Proposed Bridge Bent 0.01 6A 24+44 - 24+57 -L- CL Proposed Bridge Bent < 0.01 6B 23+03 - 24+88 -L- LT Clearing in PUE 0.09 6B 23+94 - 24+78 -L- LT Temp. Work Bridge Const. 0.04 6B 23+60 - 24+68 -L- LT Existing Bridge Removal 0.06 SHEET TOTALS*: 0.29 0.02 0.74 0.07 239 0 0 *Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: Summary Sheet 1 of 4 **Site 1 Impacts are Permanent SW Impacts in Pond - designated as Pond in NRTR and 'JS-NONMIT' in WET file Revised 2018 Feb WETLAND AND SURACE WATER IMPACTS SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS URFA E WATER IMPACTS Site No. Station (From/To) Structure Size / Type Permanent Fill In Wetlands (ac) Temp. Fill In Wetlands (ac) Excavation in Wetlands (ac) Mechanized Clearing in Wetlands (ac) Hand Clearing in Wetlands (ac) Permanent SW impacts (ac) Temp. SW impacts (ac) Existing Channel Impacts Permanent (ft) Existing Channel Impacts Temp. (ft) Natural Stream Design (ft) 7 24+78 - 24+88 -L- LT Temporary Work Bridge Bent < 0.01 7 25+43 - 25+55 -L- LT Temporary Work Bridge Bent < 0.01 7 25+73 - 25+84 -L- LT Temporary Work Bridge Bent < 0.01 7 26+03 - 26+14 -L- LT Temporary Work Bridge Bent < 0.01 7 26+33 - 26+44 -L- LT Temporary Work Bridge Bent < 0.01 7 26+63 - 26+73 -L- LT Temporary Work Bridge Bent < 0.01 7 26+93 - 27+03 -L- LT Temporary Work Bridge Bent < 0.01 7 27+23 - 27+32 -L- LT Temporary Work Bridge Bent < 0.01 7 27+52 - 27+62 -L- LT Temporary Work Bridge Bent < 0.01 7 27+77 - 27+86 -L- LT Temporary Work Bridge Bent < 0.01 108 7 24+91 - 25+02 -L- LT Existing Bridge Bent Removal < 0.01 7 25+41 - 25+52 -L- LT Existing Bridge Bent Removal < 0.01 7 26+07 - 26+17 -L- LT Existing Bridge Bent Removal < 0.01 7 26+56 - 26+67 -L- LT Existing Bridge Bent Removal < 0.01 7 27+05 - 27+17 -L- LT Existing Bridge Bent Removal < 0.01 7 27+55 - 27+67 -L- LT Existing Bridge Bent Removal < 0.01 7 24+58 - 24+65 -L- CL Proposed Bridge Bent 0.01 7 25+34 - 25+56 -L- CL Proposed Bridge Bent 0.01 7 26+24 - 26+46 -L- CL Proposed Bridge Bent 0.01 7 27+14 - 27+36 -L- CL Proposed Bridge Bent 0.01 129 SHEET TOTALS*: 0.04 0.12 129 108 t�0 *Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: Summary Sheet 2 of 4 Revised 2018 Feb WETLAND AND SURACE WATER IMPACTS SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS Site No. Station (From/To) Structure Size / Type Permanent Fill In Wetlands (ac) Temp. Fill In Wetlands (ac) Excavation in Wetlands (ac) Mechanized Clearing in Wetlands (ac) Hand Clearing in Wetlands (ac) Permanent SW impacts (ac) Temp. SW impacts (ac) Existing Channel Impacts Permanent (ft) Existing Channel Impacts Temp. (ft) Natural Stream Design (ft) 7 24+64 - 24+98 -L- LT Temporary Work Bridge Bent < 0.01 7 25+56 - 25+88 -L- LT Temporary Work Bridge Bent < 0.01 7 26+44 - 26+77 -L- LT Temporary Work Bridge Bent < 0.01 7 27+35 - 27+50 -L- LT Temporary Work Bridge Bent < 0.01 7 24+52 - 24+63 -L- RT Temporary Work Bridge Bent < 0.01 51 7 24+82 - 24+92 -L- RT Temporary Work Bridge Bent < 0.01 7 25+41 - 25+51 -L- RT Temporary Work Bridge Bent < 0.01 7 25+70 - 25+80 -L- RT Temporary Work Bridge Bent < 0.01 7 26+00 - 26+10 -L- RT Temporary Work Bridge Bent < 0.01 7 26+29 - 26+39 -L- RT Temporary Work Bridge Bent < 0.01 7 26+60 - 26+69 -L- RT Temporary Work Bridge Bent < 0.01 7 26+88 - 26+98 -L- RT Temporary Work Bridge Bent < 0.01 7 27+17 - 27+33 -L- RT Temporary Work Bridge Bent < 0.01 8 27+85 - 33+78 -L- RT Roadway Fill 0.72 8 28+62 - 33+78 -L- RT Clearing in Easement/EC Devices 0.15 9 28+41 - 34+00 -L- LT Clearing in Easement/EC Devices 0.33 9 31 +90 - 33+84 -L- LT Roadway Cut 0.10 10A 33+78 - 34+08 -L- RT Bridge Const./Embankmnent 0.04 10A 35+94 - 36+22 -L- RT Bridge Const./Embankmnent 0.04 SHEET TOTALS*: 0.80 0.10 0.48 0.09 0 51 0 *Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: Summary Sheet 3 of 4 Revised 2018 Feb Site No. Station (From/To) Structure Size / Type Permanent Fill In Wetlands (ac) Temp. Fill In Wetlands (ac) Excavation in Wetlands (ac) Mechanized Clearing in Wetlands (ac) Hand Clearing in Wetlands (ac) Permanent SW impacts (ac) Temp. SW impacts (ac) Existing Channel Impacts Permanent (ft) Existing Channel Impacts Temp. (ft) Natural Stream Design (ft) 10A 34+00 - 36+00 -L- LT Clearing in PUE 0.121 10A 34+00 - 36+00 -L- LT Temp. Work Bridge Const. 0.155 10A 34+04 - 34+27 -L- LT Grading for Bridge Removal 0.006 10A 35+94 - 36+20 -L- LT Grading for Bridge Removal 0.007 10A 34+25 - 35+94 -L- LT Existing Bridge Removal 0.125 10A 34+09 - 35+94 -L- LT Deck Drain Dissipator Pad 0.021 10A 34+57 - 34+68 -L- CL Proposed Bridge Bent 0.008 10A 35+32 - 35+43 -L- CL Proposed Bridge Bent 0.008 10A 34+08 - 36+00 -L- RT Temp. Work Bridge Const. 0.295 10A 34+08 - 36+00 -L- RT Clearing in R/W 0.113 10B 36+00 - 41+99 -L- LT Clearing in Easement/EC Devices 0.344 10B 36+86 - 37+57 -L- LT Roadway Cut 0.002 10B 38+28 - 40+00 -L- LT Roadway Cut 0.012 10B 40+39 - 41+62 -L- LT Roadway Fill 0.031 11 36+22 - 40+81 -L- RT Roadway Fill 0.400 11 36+22 - 41+90 -L- RT Clearing in Easement/EC Devices 0.151 SHEET TOTALS* 0.467 0.000 0.028 1.304 0.000 Sheet 1 Totals 0.291 0.000 0.023 0.745 0.000 0.07 0.00 239** 0 0 Sheet 2 Totals 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.04 0.12 129 108 0 Sheet 3 Totals 0.804 0.000 0.101 0.482 0.000 0.00 0.09 0 50 0 PROJECT TOTALS*: 1.56 0 0.15 2.53 0 0.11 0.21 368 158 0 *Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: Summary Sheet 4 of 4 **Site 1 impacts are permanent SW Impacts in Pond - designated as Pond in NRTR and 'JS-NONMIT' in WET file 2018 Feb See Sheet to For Index of Sheets See Sheet 1B For Conventional Plan Sheet Symbols See Sheets RW- t Thru RW-? For RW Plan Sheets / Tel A 1 1804 55 BEGIN PROJECT : `/ 1,` f C8 W 2 I z� l k/7 1; 1"N 7 1" seen st �804 PROJECTS -!'I r� 926 N ill I VICINITY MAP I STATE OF -flORTJI-ffil�-A-RMJE�TA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LENOIR COUNTY LOCATION: BRIDGE NO.20 AND BRIDGE NO.34 ON NC 55 OVER THE NEUSE RIVER AND NEUSE RIVER OVERFLOW TYPE OF WORK: GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING, AND STRUCTURES BUFFER IMPACTS PERMIT j BUFFER DRAWING SHEET 1 OF 7 DESIGN EXCEPTION REQUIRED FOR SUPERELEVATION. THIS PROJECT IS NOT WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES. CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD II. GRAPHIC SCALES 50 25 0 50 100 PLANS 50 25 0 50 100 PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) 10 5 0 10 20 PROFILE (VERTICAL) DESIGN DATA ADT 2023 = 3152 ADT 2040 = 3900 K = 9 % D = 60 % T = 8 % V = 60 MPH * TTST=3% DUAL=5% FUNC CLASS = MAJOR COLLECTOR "REGIONAL TIER" PROJECT LENGTH LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT B-4926 = 0.387 MILES LENGTH STRUCTURES TIP PROJECT B-4926 = 0.143 MILES TOTAL LENGTH OF TIP PROJECT B-4926 = 0.530 MILES Prepared In the Office of. en I 12al- 1117111 M Tel:919.]89.997] S 1 Glwood Avenue Fax919.789.9591 License: C-2197 Engineering &Construction. Inc. 2018 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS RANT RAMKUMAR, PE PROJECT ENGINEER RIGHT OF WAY DATE: SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 DANIEL W. GARDNER, JR., PE PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER LETTING DATE: SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 CASEY K. WHITLEY, PE, PLS NCDOT CONTACT STATB arAT6 PRWB R6PB MM NO axeer NQ TOTAL SR— N. C. B-4926 I 6TATa PaOl.NO F.A.-M. aBaCa1Pr10N 40163.1.2 WA PE 40163.2.1 WA RW & UTILITIES 40163.3.1 WA CONST. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER P.E. SIGNATURE: ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER -1 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FlNAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED ,or0' SO' 100' ISO' GRAPHIC SCALE BUFFER DRAWING SHEET 2 OF 7 ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 1 ® ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 2 / / all, CONCRETE REMNANTS — REMOVAL SEE DETAIL 7, w� � 3c T �y -y� 3c � y JRE1<AOVE jp.L EXIS§IN5 yCCVAGREi`E RID RETAIN EXISTING POLES tWTMENT�EMNyAN�STrNGy JO CR�TB� 3r AR STZlt j / {{/ ' � �1 �- � WN Ck'I' RIP -RAP / 3r- j,- Y s +" 3c T" i, d< y d< 3t 3c T" BGSBE ETA 4 y.Pl �" C"CCIET�PILL C �� IS ARS PUEs'�P J� w RODNEY E. COLE �` _ / 18" GR- U' — A, r �/ y�o R c / / rrr '__— s / C/-- / GR C/ '] I sd too PET 3c� �F � � %� P V 1� _—T❑,L-- 6r 3�T'' '� �3td`\ t�3r s- F I I Wiz d, i� dc- 25b'BST . 1 pUE � �34It ��`�` ��`� ��`d` ' Pc��` ���` �.��`�/ " �il �.w`T` S, d< �. �at �0 GE CE-1,1'MMA4NiGY �� �/ ��� j�� f ��� �S, S,� At T` '� T- 14 �� — s I 4FTYB SE�CI9AI�NE (CHANGE a' -*A m m JEF3cDETAL A, � � � � � � � it �J 01 V a E DETAIL 3 EMBANKMENT EXCAVATION Proposed ( Not to SC k) EXCAVATE EXISTING Fill Slope ROADWAY EMBANKMENT TO APPROXIMATE NATURAL GROUND ELEVATION CL.'IFRIP RAP ROCK PLATING G WO 2-FT THICK GRADE AWAY FROM Natural TOE OF FILL +F-0.5% Ground DENOTES EXCAVATION TOTAL EXCAVATION QUANTITY=EST. 26,800 CY FROM -L- STA. 17+00 TO STA. 23+25 LT FROM -L- STA. 27+81 TO STA. 34+27 LT FROM -L- STA. 35+92 TO STA. 40+00 LT FROM -DRV- STA. 10+00 TO STA. 12+18 LT FROM -DRV- STA. 10+00 TO STA. 12+18 RT DETAIL 2 CHANNEL CHANGE ( Not to Sc le) e ,N Propozed 1 G N.t.U.I T d �7 p 1"iFt. Fill Slope �• , �E,n,t. GEOTEXTILE B Min. D=4.0 Ft. Chaaael Max. d=FULL DEPTH OF BACKSLOPE Type of Liner=EST. 555 TONS B=B4O Ft. Class 'II' Rip Ron, b=5.0 Ft. Geotextile=EST. 560 SY FROM -L- STA. 16FE10 TO STA. 18+43 RT LATERAL BASE DITCH ? Not to Sralel b -DRY- 7 Fpp _ d \moo` O.Sti, Slapelll GE.TEXTILE B Mi, D=1.0 Ft. Mox.d=LO Ft, B=1.0 R. Min. b=2.0 Ft. Type of U.— EST. 100 TONS CIE 'I' Rip-Rop Geotextile= EST. 150 SY DDE = EST. I10 CY FROM -L- STA. 21+00 TO STA. 22+50 LT DETAIL 5 STANDARD BASE DITCH I Hol ro Sralel oral Natural Graun Graun D D, d Geote.tile B Min. D=1.0 Ft. Mo., d=1.0 Ft. B=1.0 FL pe ofLin—EST 95 TONS CL T Rip-R p r _oteatle= EST. 140 SY: DDE= EST. 143 CY FROM -L- STA. 22+50 TO STA. 23+90 LT PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. S I 1 Glenwood Avenue B-4926 4 Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel:919.789.9977 RrW SHEET NO. Fax :919.789.9591 ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS License: 0-2197 ENGINEER ENGINEER Engineering &Construction, Inc. m INCOMPLE E PLANS DO NM USE MR /N ACQUISITION O m N m c�S DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL / 00 UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED m� m ti SEE INSET 4A 3 W DY MA FAR S,LLC t - RUE PUE RUE pU I� S, 1 Y � e REMOVE EXISTING BRIDGE = CONCRETE ----� -_s�_ _ z BRIDGE 20 I �-- CONCRETE REMNANTS REMOVAL DETAIL (NOT TO SCALE) EXISTING CONCRETE NATURAL GRO UND TO BE ���������������������� DENOTES 1�����1�������iti...F,EXCAVATION ♦������♦ ♦������♦NATURAL GROUND ti E)l S y 3r � Tr A�� Tc�d` � / / O CONSERVATION EASEMENT a NORTH CAROLINA WIKLDLIFE HABITAT FOUNDATION MART.SCHOLER H ti n, PROVIDE CLASS 'II' RIP RAP ROCK PLATING ON ALL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 OR AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. 2—FT THICK TO SHOULDER POINT. REFER TO STANDARD ROCK PLATING DETAIL SHEET 2G—? s0' 0' SO' 100' ISO' GRAPHIC SCALE BUFFER DRAWING ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 1 ® ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 2 SHEET 3 OF 7 RODN E. ss**s* *** **** § * R E$511 OVEy XISTING METEEPILLA * * **** GRR PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. / C I d Glenwood Avenue B-492V 4 Raleigh, NC 27603 S E P Tel:919.789.9977 RAW SHEET NO. (V( Fax :919.789.9591 ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS r s� License: C-2197 ENGINEER ENGINEER v Engineering & Construction, Inc. m INCOMPLE rE PLANS (\� ^� P � /N /� / DO NM USE MR/N ACQUISITION co lfa RETAIN i II DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNORES COMPLETED y-� � % � P V 1 � — -3r—'— 3c y" * \ 3'' * y" * 3c * * ��✓ ELB W * *vAvna* _A1 *�* *J, 's may.*I **d m*B`J y-* y- * m ** =* 9c ** ***Im�"�`*`�'** * * * A,� �** � ** ** ">GE � * iNA NNGv` 34 Allo"AN 21 �'_u * * TrBSE h9AN NGE HA�i jc k ** * ** EA INM WILD LISCBIT UNDATION HOL To" * 9 I l — — DETAIL 4 DETAIL 5 DFTAII 7 DETAIL 3 DETAIL 2 D' D EMBANKMENT EXCAVATION CHANNEL CHANGE GORE AREA SPECIAL STANDARD BASE DITCH CONCRETE REMNANTS REMOVAL DETAIL O Prepared LATERAL BASE DITCH INe1m sralel U EXCAVATE EXISTING (Nadia Scale) Fill Slop. I Not to Scale) I Not fo scalel (NOT TO SCALE) ROADWAY EMBANKMENT b I�b Natural Natural = TD APGRRouINo APPROXIMAollVATITE Prepe:=d � a° Od _DRv- Eo/°� °asl �— cre.n �.==l, EXISTING CONCRETE NATURAL GROUND N ROCIFRIPRAP Notuml Fin slap= _� e,. o v� siopei° d ° To BE REMOVED PROVIDE CLASS 'll' RIP RAP ROCK PLATING ON d ROCK PLATING u� ,� D 1„iFl / d ALL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 OR AS INDICATED W/GEOTEXrILE d J Min. D=1.0 Ff. Geote.tile B NadV 2-FT rHlcl< GForExraF n DENOTES \ ON THE PLANS. 2—FT THICK TO SHOULDER POINT. GEOTEXTILE B Min. D=4.0 Ft. Gist. Chen=I Max. d=1.0 Ft. B_ 0 FL 2 GRADE Awnv FRon ,°I B=10 R, EXCAVATION REFER TO STANDARD ROCK PLATING DETAIL SHEET 2G—. E TOE OF FILL +F-0.5% Greend Max. d=FULL DEPTH OF BACKSLOPE Min. b=2.0 Ft. Type of Liner- EST 95 TONS CL T R.,-Rap CL. 9P wP rAP Type of Liner=EST. 555 TONS B=B4O Ft. Ge°tex+ile= EST. 140 SY; DDE= EST. M3 CY ROCK PLATING 22 a DENOTES Class 'll' Rip Rop Type °f Uner= EST. 100 TONS CL 'I' Rip -Rap W/GEOTEXTILE TOTAL EXCAVATION b=5.0 H. ELEV.UND _„ a EXCAVATION Geodexdile=EST. 560 $Y G—wdile= EST.150 SY DDE = EST. I10 CY RO - $TA. 22+50 TO S .23 90 L 4 ]-FT THICK I/Lrl 14 QUANTITY=EST. 26,800 CY NATURAL GROUND r FROM L-. 16+10 TO TA. +4 L- TA. +00 TO + LT FRO -STA. 21+75 TO S .22 s N[0 FRO -L- STA. 17+00 T 5 LT C / @ ry F F M -��A 4+27 T G� \`--_< OM -L0+00 LTGFROM D2+18LTROM 12+1 RT �•. r" S O . PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 1 SHEET NO. Ch a x a E 25' 0' 25' 50' 75' GRAPHIC SCALE BUFFER DRAWING SHEET 4 OF 7 RETAIN EXISTING POLES S ;)I Fx"9.7 29B91eigh NG 3e Engineering & Construction, Inc. ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 1 ® ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 2 PU E-,T- �PNd j ��1� - - h 181 9w--OR X C X INSET 4A �y N 1 4) PUE PUE PU PUE REMOVE EXISTING BRIDGE - -w- - - -w- - X Tom= --1 CONCRTE ` BRIDGEE 20 1 I RW SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER INCOMPLEIPE PLANS DO NM USE MR /N ACQUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED DY MAF/ FARPS, LLC / A� —T —� L _ - - -T-- TB2�G - �Iz- 25' 0' 25' 50' 75' GRAPHIC SCALE BUFFER DRAWING ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 1 ® ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 2 SHEET 5 OF 7 RETAIN —>s �N 23 20 22 INSET 4A �l S ;)I Fxgl9.7 295 913e Engineering & Construction, Inc. PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. B-4926 4A RW SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER INC�MPLE E PLANS W NM USE MR /N ACQUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED / PUE PUE PUE co to \ P REMOVE � ISTING BRIDGE - - —w—,- C =T—T L — 1 T— o GE T20 -r= —T— — / y B-ItI _ L J1 n T ELB W � - �� Al �v �� RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS SUMMARY IMPACTS BUFFER TYPE ALLOWABLE MITIGABLE REPLACEMENT Site Station Structure ROAD PARALLEL No. (From/To) Size / Type BRIDGE ZONE 1 ZONE 2 TOTAL ZONE 1 ZONE 2 TOTAL ZONE 1 ZONE 2 CROSSING IMPACT (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 23+64 - 24+96 -L- LT/RT Proposed Bridge/Removal X 7226 5132 12358 of Existing Bridge 1 26+98 - 28+56 -L- LT/RT Proposed Bridge/Removal X 7707 4831 12538 of Existing Bridge TOTALS*. 14933 9963 24896 0 0 0 0 0 NOTES 2018 Feb WETLANDS IN BUFFER IMPACTS SUMMARY WETLANDS IN BUFFERS SITE NO. STATION (FROM/TO) ZONE 1 (tt2) ZONE 2 (tt2) 1 23+64 - 24+88 -L- LT 7003 4805 1 28+41 - 28+56 -L- LT 106 1 27+85 - 27+99 -L- LT/RT 172 ITOTA L: 1 7003 1 5083 1 2018 Feb NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 10/13/22 LENOIR COUNTY B-4926 40163.1.2 SHEET 7 OF Rev.Jan 2009 Jy� h 2 EXISTING BRIDGE 20 WOODY MAE FARMS,LLC DB 1153 PG 132 DB 1816 PG 689 — W L B — — — — — — — — — — — — — PB 6 PG 276 — — — — — — — — — — x L B — — — — E FARMS'LLC I — — — — — vle— ---� WOODY 1153 PG 132 D 1816 PG 689 I w PE, 6 PG 276 m EXISTING BRIDGE 34 z I \ \ SWAMP I \\ \\ SWAMP I — \ — _ _ — — —B,W— EXISTING R/W m — W — J o — ` — — — — — — — — — — — — — B l Y — — — — — — — — — SEAT ELE2.N35.2P Ml�_ �_n _ r_ i— i s _l r— L _i _s SEAT ELEV•=25.06 \ — —v— — SEAT ELEV.=25.14' —W— — _ — — — — —elx— — — — — — — — — — — m v �JI MTL _ i I------------- ��� MTL-i— - r �— i— r —T --r SEAT EL— EV.=2S.IS' s � r ySEAT ELEV.=25.15' �— �T ELEV.=34.36' L — — — — — — /�w \�— — — — — — — — — — — — T — — —_ _ —wLe_ �J1� MT'--- T, — — / I —wL0 _ 1 _ —Fss— — ED —Fss— — — - .--�� n[g� •_ /.--�+-w� _ _ l— f55— — — —FsS— — — —FSS—� — — — — — — — — —� —nLO— — — — — — — — — — — — — —wLB— — _ — FS�'---- / TION EASEMENT FOUNDATION CONSERW LDLIFE HABIT AT NORTH CAROUNA T. SCHOLF M ARK DB 1408 PG 452 OB 1489 PG 253 DB 1512 PG 534 Pb 9 PG 356 --- 50 PR —T— ---- -T / EXISTING R/w I i SWAMP I SWAMP I I SW I I I CONSERVATION EASEMENT PROPERTY BOUNDARY I I I ----e,x--------------e,n------- CONSERVATION EASEMENT PROPERTY BOUNDARY CONSERVATION EASEMENT NORTH CAROLINA HABITAT FOUNDATION MARK T,SCHOLER 08 1408 PG 452 DB 1469 PG 253 08 1572 PG 534 PB 9 PG 356 nu GRAPHIC SCALE: I"-1001 GlenB-4926 — Conservation Easement Impacts Raleighwood Avee , NC 27603 S� Te1:919.789.9977 so 25 o so ioo EXISTING CONDITIONS � Lcense:C21991 Engineering & Construction, Inc. 4 J PUE h, 2 PROPOSED BRIDGE 20 0 WOODY MAE FARMS.LLC DB 1153 PG 132 DB 1816 PG 66 89 —WLB— — — — — — — — — — — — — PB 6 PG 27 3 , ———WLe—————————-- FARM S.LLC-- WLB----� OODY M PG 132ic, ,f DB g6 PG 669 m PROPOSED BRIDGE 34 PB 6 PG 276 � _ — PT f I - PC SIC, 55+ I \ � rrrrrr......I \ �7TUE I \\ \� SWAMP 1 JE �� PUE PUE PUE PUE PUE PUE PUE EU� J PUE PUE PUE PUE PUE PU C3 I —�— —�—�:— --,W— e— pUF E C c —C —ezrTi - rtrtc —�-._ cs �, Lc --W-- r ---- - - - -- - - SE EL V.�35.2P _s �� SEAT ELEV.-25.06'L+ SEAT ELEV.=25.14 — — — —" —%»' �� / e,u :_ �- —_— — — — — — I =Z _xw— ri—MTV_ �.—r .. s' _>: _r_ >•_nL _,_ _i L_A C` IDOE —CONCRETE 1 SBG / 1 RIOGE AT EV.=34.36' �� — LB — — — — — — — w — — — — �r —_-- — — — — — — — u— ss— — _ — — — ss - _ — — — _ _ 0 — — — — — — — —rss — -$BCa -----,_ -art 50 PR_ GREItw -� �- ---- F - — BG ------ -- - - -- m - _ J r EXISTIKic qiN P F u S=AMP _ F R F P E F F F � E E F � .. .. F E DE E R SWAMP E— DE E F —E E l SWAMP Ih u PROPOSED RIGHT—OF—WAY I ' PROPOSED TEMPORARY CONSERVATION EASEMENT \ CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT PROPERTY BOUNDARY I a m Q e,Y--------------BIN------------- I —a,u---- --------- O BIN-------------- CONSERVATION EASEMENT O VATION EH pBM ATT F OUNDPTION PROPERTY BOUNDARY CONSERVATION EASEMENT CONSER W WIt'-ToNLDLiF NORTH CAROLINA HABITAT FOUNDATION �• NORTN CAROLINMpRK T•SCHO452 LER PG T, C MARK SHOLERpn 08 1408 PG 452 ro DB I'( 253 489 PG DB 1469 PG 253 2 pg 1512 PG 534 9 PG 356 OB 1572 PG 534 PB 9 PG 356 Pb _ GRAPHIC SCALE: I"=20 — Conservation Easement Impacts 1 Glenwood AvenueB-4926 Raleigh, NC 27603 io s o io 20 S I Te1:919.789.9977 PROPOSED ROADWAY e Lcense:C219971 Engineering & Construction, Inc. Jy� h PROPOSED BRIDGE 20 0 WOODY MAE FARMS.LLC DB 1153 PG 132 DB 1816 PG 689 —WLB— — — — — — — — — ———— ---- PB 6 PG 276 3 ---nLB——————————————NLB———— M FpRMS•LLC , TEMPORARY WORK BRIDGES PRC Sic, 19t= WOODY PG 132 , + Dgg6 G276 G9 m PROPOSED BRIDGE 34 _ _ PT Sta. 414 1 --sla 31 f z= -- PC SIC, 55+t&a M� I� SITE 9 ` SWAMP ITE 10A I -PUE # # # # * # # * # # ## * * # * # * # ** # # # # # * ## * # * # * # # # #* * * #* # * # * # * #PHE # * ## # * # # # * # * * ## * * * * # * # # # *# # * # # * * * # # POE —PU .� c C C *SWT*EL,4V k2 4' .. _ _ N n— P, c8G-- ---- _- 5T G �AT EV.=34.36' �- 50 PR _ _ -- _s-- — 5 -- -- --- --- — GRBItT-L—� A - _ • F PUF F # * # * * # * # # *# * # * * * * # F F # F * # * F I � SITE 11 �— ##* �, � � � SITE l0A �� � SWAMP �3 MM R SITE 8 PROPOSED RIGHT—OF—WAY � I I FILL, IN/WETLANDS MECHANIZED CLEARING PROPOSED TEMPORARY CONSERVATION EASEMENT CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT PROPERTY BOUNDARY I a m Q _ 1 —B,r---- --------- Bu-------------- e,n--------------8,--------------- O CONSERVATION EASEMENT O VATION EH pBM pTT FOUND ATION PROPERTY BOUNDARY CONSERVATION EASEMENT CONSER W \'A'LPE NORTH CAROLINA HABITAT FOUNDATION OLIN ER MARK T. SCHOLER NORTH CARMARK T, SCH452 OL pn PG GB 1408 PG 452 ro pg 1408 PG 253 DB 1469 PG 253 2 pg1489 1512 PG 534 OB 1572 PG 534 Pb 9 PG 356 PB 9 PG 356 GRAPHIC SCALE: I"=201 Glenwood AvenueB-4926 —Conservation Easement Impacts Raleigh, NC 27603 Te1:919.789.9977 so 25 o so ioo WETLAND IMPACTS S e I Lcense:C219971 Engineering & Construction, Inc. PUE CONSERVATION EASEMENT PARCEL IMPACTS FILL IN WETLANDS - INSIDE PROPOSED RN/: 0.8567 ACRE FILL IN WETLANDS - INSIDE TCE: 0.1295 ACRE MECHANIZED CLEARING - INSIDE PROPOSED RN: 0.3481 ACRE 7- MECHANIZED CLEARING - INSIDE TCE: 0.2579 ACRE 00� TOTAL IMPACTS ON PARCEL: d� FILL IN WETLANDS = 0.9862 ACRE MECHANIZED CLEARING = 0.6060 ACRE �<9 2 PROPOS D BRIDGE 20 O' WOODY MAE FARMS°LLC DB 1153 PG 132 DB 1816 PG 689 -NLB— — — - - - - - - - - - - PB 6 PG 276 - - - - - -xLB- - O / - - - - - - - - - MAE FARMS° LLC I Le � _ W000 y 132 DB PC 6Bg DBg85 PG 2T6 m + PROPOSED BRIDGE 34 _ _ PT Sta. 41 f - - f i ' \ I \\ \\ APU A � SWAMP 1 -PUE PUE\ J PUE R PUE PUE PUE PUE - \ PUE PUE PUE EUEQ PUE PUE PUE PUE PU PU c- e o (/<A c -- c to .ri;r.. .. .. ..-.- .. .. .. �• --� --a,Y `� c .. i --� e �f -e ix Ct .. SE EL V.N35.2P ' �`—� a�—r — r C 1 -L, T—C L _s .. ..� .. — —Y— — T SEAT ELEV,25.061 \ ,- SEAT ELEV.=25.14' — — — —" c c - _ �— — — _ —Y,Y— — — — — — — — — �` ..s — — -- ------_— (� //LL ONCRETE __ / SITES 10/'1 F °34L ---- -- SBG __—_--- ---- ----- --- --- NC 55 5T -S�—G AT EV.=34.36' �� --- —� SEA7—ELE 5,15 -- —_—_ �� — — — — — — — — — —3. — — �� - -- 0 —°ss 50 PR --_- --- --GREIi-TL- SR, � F --- ;ems - �------ s-�--5-- �--- - - ---- - --- -------�e�� pp T - w'n _`b. _-_ .. 1 ,r < 7\ ✓ }: y. .. .. EXISTIWY - PUF LK I _ _ y y�PE3Ei SITE 1b � SITE 8xx� I W SWAMP b � ONSERVATION EASEMENT R PROPOSED � PARCEL BOUNDARY RIGHT-OF-WAY � /\ ym PROPOSED TEMPORARY SITE 10A IMPACTS ON PARCEL SITE 11 IMPACTS ON PARCEL j �� / SITE 8 IMPACTS ON PARCEL FILL IN WETLANDS CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT (TCE) INSIDE PROP, R/W: 0.0033 ACRE FILL IN WETLANDS INSIDE PROP. P.W: 0.2956 ACRE m FILL IN WETLANDS MECHANIZED CLEARING INSIDE TCE: 0.0158 ACRE \ INSIDE PROP. RiW: 0.5578 ACRE INSIDE TCE: 0.3407 ACRE MECHANIZED CLEARING INSIDE TCE: 0.1137 ACRE INSIDE PROP. R/W: 0.091 ACRE m MECHANIZED CLEARING INSIDE TCE: 0.0105 INSIDE TCE: 0.091 ACRE —YIN— — — — — — — — — — — — — —Y,Y— — — — — — — — — — — — I — — — — — O CONSERVATION EASEMENT — —Y,N— — — — — — — — — — — — — —YIN— — — — — — — — — —Bln— — — — — — — — — — — — — O EH pM ATT FOUND ATION PARCEL BOUNDARY CONSERVATION EASEMENT SERVATION CON B WILDLIFE NORTH CAROLINA HABITAT FOUNDATION NORTH CAROLINA T.SCHOLER MARK 452 RG MARK T•SCHOLER 08 1408 PG 452 DB I408 OB 1489 PG 253 DB 1489 PG 253 DB 1572 PG 534 08 1572 PG 534 Pb 9 PG 356 PB 9 PG 356 GRAPHIC SCALE: I"-100 B-4926 — Conservation Easement Impacts 1 Glenwood Avenue Raleigh, NC 27603 50 25 0 50 100 I I I WETLAND IMPACTS WITHIN CONSERVATION S I I Te1:919.789.9977 la.:91 89.9 91 I eE EASEMENT PARCEL BOUNDARY ONLY Engineering & Construction, Inc. : APPENDIX C LEGEND INSTALL (RED) REMOVE (GREEN) EXISTING TO REMAIN (BLUE) ABANDON (ORANGE) TEMPORARY (YELLOW) PERMANENT UTILITIES EASEMENT AERIAL UTILITIES EASEMENT TYPICAL DE R/W EASEMENTS 30 FT R/W F 10 FT 1 10 FT 15 FT 15 FT 15 FT 10 FT R/W GUYING 1111 FT 10 FT EASEMENT 0 y 10 FT FT 11 s FT { OVERHEAD UNDERGROUND R/W R/W QUSP: SAFETYFIrSt RECLOSER: USP: BREAKER: SUBSTATION: °�°`EFO� Safety Reminders / Adverse Conditions WZS: Remember "Your Circle of Safety" WZS: HEAVY TRAFFIC IN THIS AREA WZS: ?: FLAGGERS NEEDED USP: ENERGY. ?: p PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY p ACTIVE CARING USP: S4FE� ? WZS: 0. HAZARD RECOGNITION USP: i• WZS: REMEMBER: Work zone area conditions may have changed for this job! Everyone is responsible for verifying the above safety information is correct prior to any work being performed each day. Aw RODNE Y E. COL E DB 574 PG 654 DB 1457 PG 804 ALL TFOs ON THIS SHEET ARE IN A HFZ �1' r aw Lw X. y 7. ' � � � -k V. 1 Ac ca CIO 9c �� �9c �� �9c �� �9c�\ co A, 1 WLS LAND AGENT & VEGETATION MANAGEMENT OPS CENTER: RESP. CENTER - ENG:TREE CLEARING:ROW: ACTIVITY - ENG: E TREE CLEARING: I ROW: E Pr LKE ENGINEERING 4721 HARGROVE ROAD RALEIGH, NC 27616 LICENSURE #: F-1217 RELIMINARI DRAWING NOT FOR )NSTRUCTIO ALL CONSTRUCTION PER DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS SPECIFICATIONS, CODES AND MANUALS. VERIFY PHASING AT TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. PHASING ON PRINT IS BASED ON RECORDS. PRELIMINARY DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS DESIGN BASED ON 25% PLANS. THIS PRELIMINARY DESIGN IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION, SCOPE CHANGES, FINAL PLAN CHANGES, COORDINATION WITH OTHER UTILITIES, ETC. f CONSERVATION EASEMENT NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE HABITAT FOUNDATION MARK T. SCHOLER DB 1408 PG 452 DB 1489 PG 253 DB 1572 PG 534 PB 9 PG 356 ti LLC 0 0 O O+I I� CA N LO la— W to LU I LU W LU Z J V a i /t LEGEND INSTALL (RED) REMOVE (GREEN) EXISTING TO REMAIN (BLUE) ABANDON (ORANGE) TEMPORARY (YELLOW) PERMANENT UTILITIES EASEMENT AERIAL UTILITIES EASEMENT TYPICAL DE R/W EASEMENTS 30 FT R/W F 10 FT 10 ]FT 15 FT 15 FT 15 FT 20 FT R/W GUYING �1111 FT 10 FT EASEMENT y 0 FT 0 FT 11 5 FT { OVERHEAD UNDERGROUND R/W R/W QUSP: SAFETYFIrst RECLOSER: USP: BREAKER: SUBSTATION: °�°`EFO� Safety Reminders / Adverse Conditions WZS: Remember "Your Circle of Safety" WZS: HEAVY TRAFFIC IN THIS AREA WZS: ?: FLAGGERS NEEDED USP: ENERGY. ?: p PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY 0. ACTIVE CARING USP: S4FE� ? WZS: 0. HAZARD RECOGNITION USP: i• WZS: REMEMBER: Work zone area conditions may have changed for this job! Everyone is responsible for verifying the above safety information is correct prior to any work being performed each day. Aw ALL TFOs ON THIS SHEET ARE IN A HFZ 7-- 0 0 LAND AGENT & VEGETATION MANAGEMENT OPS CENTER: RESP. CENTER - ENG:TREE CLEARING:ROW: ACTIVITY - ENG: E TREE CLEARING: I ROW: E Pr LKE ENGINEERING 4721 HARGROVE ROAD RALEIGH, NC 27616 LICENSURE #: F-1217 RELIMINARI DRAWING NOT FOR )NSTRUCTIO ALL CONSTRUCTION PER DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS - SPECIFICATIONS, CODES AND MANUALS. VERIFY PHASING AT TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. PHASING ON PRINT IS BASED ON RECORDS. PRELIMINARY DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS DESIGN BASED ON 25% PLANS. THIS PRELIMINARY DESIGN IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION, SCOPE CHANGES, FINAL PLAN CHANGES, COORDINATION WITH OTHER UTILITIES, ETC. 3 WOODY MAE F ARMS. L L C DB 1153 PG 132 OB 1816 PG 689 PB 6 PG 276 s wL 11-WL �►• �• �• � � � � � � � � � � � � � � fit. � � � � � � � � � �• � � - � - � � � � � � �� ��• �,�' �,� �� �� �� �' �,�' �,� fit. � � � � � � � � �. �-�--�-�-�-�-T-r AP� .I. Nilip AL 41� ,, y T t'�E PLd�'UF� 4 �� P�Iot UF��� lE PUE �� �� �yy �i yy yy yy �c ]�p� y rk • - — — --- — — ,n, —TI T .1r� �I' - - ♦ ♦ ♦� �/ f �.��• - �-���. - .�•T�► - -1 v4 �� �� ♦,♦ �'4 .!Y 1�♦ �♦ ♦4 ♦♦ �♦ �♦1/11 ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦�. ►♦ 1♦ ♦♦sr♦- .:►11!►♦♦♦♦♦♦�11111�t�O.i1r►♦♦♦♦11111♦♦♦♦♦♦♦1111111/11/11�IrS�►!��tz ♦?.����►�♦•►�.►. C ��♦w:,,.t.i . - .- �� �♦ ♦♦'�1♦♦ �1♦ !►�/w.•Or.�►rw•A�.,�N�e 1p. ���0. �.�1� 1♦�111 ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦1 11 ♦1v ♦v- :�, .L �r- �.����� t ♦� 1♦ ♦1 1♦ ♦♦♦� p♦ ,.►. w. �► �, - • ► v �* h+ p♦►� 11 F.� ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦� 9♦♦♦♦♦♦1111111♦♦♦♦♦♦♦11♦♦111♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦11111�1/111/11111i��r. �Ei►�11/1�11/11♦ .��-----������rdi ►�1�.�1�4 ffi M T4 _�_A�..� `► A: ' �i...�1�..1��►1�.����i��1���1��.♦��1��1�.�_1� . �. �. _.Ii �►�11►,.�1...�1��i_1�♦i_1�1�_1�1��.v... ✓e� s ��1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1A.1�1�1�1�1�1�1.1.�1.1.��1.A� _ .Ao� �e1.�A.1.1.1.�. -l.�w�����1�1�1�1�1�1.1.1.►.1.1�1�1�1�1 =T_ 1 C�"xE y 14RIDGE 34 y �` SO PR -T--� -� �------T F f— — -F D .OAU — — -' �'M/L6 - * r * — * y ....r y, - �, y � �E _7�•4 — - — — — — — — —— t!) iY T 7 _ _ -� sue•= - - may- �sAt- 4L '� --'�I - •'� �B— — Y. Z ss*1 � � s* �" �F� � � P��� �� �� �� �►'� � �� �� �� �� �� � �► � �,� 1:5Wj1rMPY. ~ Ewa �� ��` R ���`�� �� �� ��` ��' �.�` �� �� �� �� �,� V AL AL AL tits yo yo yo yo �' �►' �' �( - . - � v_ �c wit �1 � y r11 �. . - :� - - j. �. j - ar-�'- af_ L M � � y � �. � � e� �l � � y �' ,M �� 4 '� -y-�-ems a - e� 4 CONSERVATION EASEMENT NORTH CAROLINA HABITAT FOUNDATION MARK T. SCHOLER Les on 01-12-23. DSV DB 1408 PG 452 Les on 11-17-22. DSV DB 1489 PG 253 OB 1572 PG 534 proposed water and sewer lines on 07-13-22. DSV PB 9 PG 356 1 Up APPENDIX D ti h See Sheet 9 A For Index of Sheets See Sheet I For Conventional Flan Sheet Symbols See Sheets RW- 9 Thru RW-? For RW Flan Sheets I :1� Cr ry - - -- -- BEGIN PROJECT B-492 6 0 i 55 , i ti� Y I eoee 20 of 8 0: / A 1 � Seth 'Vest / r I I � 1804 IL PROJECT L —7926 r, fj END ' ► B-4 in �L�a��tin9 1L6iM!►�MOIf�p1AVj1�7 551 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LEIVOIR COUNTY LOCATION: BRIDGE NO.20 AND BRIDGE NO.34 ON NC 55 OVER THE NEUSE RIVER TYPE OF WORK: GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING, AND STRUCTURES DESIGN EXCEPTION REQUIRED FOR SUPERELEVATION. THIS PROJECT IS NOT WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES. CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD II. STATE STATE PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. TOTAL SHEETS N.C. B-492 6 1 STATE PROJ. NO. F. A. PROJ. NO. DESCRIPTION 40163.1.2 WA PE 40163.2.1 WA P W & UTILITIES 40163.3.1 WA CONST. � et 2 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED Prepared in the Of f ice of e HYDRA ULICS ENGINEER GRAPHIC SCALES DESIGN DATA PROJECT LENGTH MEW , Glenwood Avenue Raleigh, NC 27603 77 ADT 2020 = 3020 Fax:99.789..99 50 25 0 50 100 License: C-29 7 License: C-2197 0 ADT2040 = 3900 Engineering & Construction, Inc. K = 9 % LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT B-4926 = 0.387 MILES 2018 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS PLANS D = 60 % LENGTH STRUCTURES TIP PROJECT B-4926 = 0.143 MILES TOTAL LENGTH OF TIP PROJECT B-4926 = 0.530 MILES RAJIT RAMKUMAR PE P.E. 50 25 0 50 100 T = 8 % * RIGHT OF WAY DATE: PROJECT ENGINEER ' SIGNATURE: � ROADWAY DESIGN V = 60 MPH SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 DANIEL W. GARDNER, JR., PE ENGI1EER �PR FILE (HORIZONTAL) TTST _ 3/DUAL _ 5/�Q PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER 0P 10 5 0 10 20 F U N C CLASS = LETTI11lG DATE: MAJOR COLLECTOR SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 CASEY K. WHITLEY, PE, PLS PROFILE (VERTICAL) "REGIONAL TIER" NCDOT CONTACT P.E. SIGNATURE. Note: Not to Scale BOUNDARIES AND PROPERTY: St t a L' ----- ----- e ine County Line Township Line n City Line Reservation Line Property Line Existing Iron Pin (EIP) EIP Computed Property Corner X Existing Concrete Monument (ECM) El ECM Parcel/Sequence Number @ Existing Fence Line —x x x- Proposed Woven Wire Fence Proposed Chain Link Fence El Proposed Barbed Wire Fence E' t' W tl d B d ----9JLB---- xis a o ing aun ary Proposed Wetland Boundary WLB Existing Endangered Animal Boundary EAB Existing Endangered Plant Boundary EPB Existing Historic Property Boundary HPB Known Contamination Area: Soil - S � S - Potential Contamination Area: Soil - S �v S - Known Contamination Area: Water"' - Potential Contamination Area: Water - W w- Contaminated Site: Known or Potential �' ❑ BUILDINGS AND OTHER CULTURE: Gas Pump Vent or U/G Tank Cap ❑ Sign Well W W Small Mine Foundation 0 Area Outline Cemetery F fi Building School ❑� Church Dam HYDROLOGY: Stream or Body of Water Hydro, Pool or Reservoir ❑ Jurisdictional Stream is Buffer Zone 1 Bz Buffer Zone 2 Bz 2 Flow Arrow - Disappearing Stream - Spring ❑❑- �_ Wetland Proposed Lateral, Tail, Head Ditch < FLOW False Sump ST1t1TllJ OF NORTH ORTH C AROLI1 Y A9 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS CONVENTIONAL PLAN SHEET SYMBOLS RAILROADS: Standard Gauge - RR Signal Milepost Switch RR Abandoned RR Dismantled CSX TRANSPORTATION Woods Line ❑ Orchard 0 0 0 0 MILEPOST 35 ❑ Vineyard Vineyard SWITCH EXISTING STRUCTURES: MAJOR: RIGHT OF WAY & PROJECT CONTROL: Primary Horiz Control Point ❑ Primary Horiz and Vert Control Point Secondary Horiz and Vert Control Point Vertical Benchmark Existing Right of Way Monument ❑ Proposed Right of Way Monument (Rebar and Cap) Proposed Right of Way Monument (Concrete) Existing Permanent Easement Monument ❑ Proposed Permanent Easement Monument 0 (Rebar and Cap) Existing C/A Monument ❑❑ Proposed C/A Monument (Rebar and Cap) Proposed C/A Monument (Concrete) Existing Right of Way Line Proposed Right of Way Line R Existing Control of Access Line 'C \A, Proposed Control of Access Line Proposed ROW and CA Line ca Existing Easement Line E Proposed Temporary Construction Easement- E Proposed Temporary Drainage Easement TDE Proposed Permanent Drainage Easement PDE Proposed Permanent Drainage/Utility Easement DUE Proposed Permanent Utility Easement PUE Proposed Temporary Utility Easement TUE Proposed Aerial Utility Easement AUE ROADS AND RELATED FEATURES: Existing Edge of Pavement Existing Curb — Proposed Slope Stakes Cut - Proposed Slope Stakes Fill - Proposed Curb Ramp Existing Metal Guardrail Proposed Guardrail Existing Cable Guiderail Proposed Cable Guiderail Equality Symbol Pavement Removal VEGETATION. - Single Tree Single Shrub Hedge C F Bridge, Tunnel or Box Culvert CONC Bridge Wing Wall, Head Wall and End Wall - CONC WW MINOR: Head and End Wall CONC HW Pipe Culvert Footbridge >------- Drainage Box: Catch Basin, DI or JB ❑CB Paved Ditch Gutter Storm Sewer Manhole OO Storm Sewer S UTILITIES. - SUE - Subsurface Utility Engineering LOS - Level of Service - AAC or D (Accuracy) POWER: Existing Power Pole Proposed Power Pole b Existing Joint Use Pole Proposed Joint Use Pole Power Manhole Power Line Tower ❑ Power Transformer U/G Power Cable Hand Hole H-Frame Pole �= U/G Power Line Test Hole (SUE - LOS A)* m U/G Power Line (SUE - LOS B)* - - - -P- - U/G Power Line (SUE - LOS C)* - -P- - U/G Power Line (SUE - LOS D)* P TELEPHONE: Existing Telephone Pole Proposed Telephone Pole Telephone Manhole Telephone Pedestal Telephone Cell Tower U/G Telephone Cable Hand Hole U/G Telephone Test Hole (SUE - LOS A)* U/G Telephone Cable (SUE - LOS B)* U/G Telephone Cable (SUE - LOS C)* U/G Telephone Cable (SUE - LOS D)* U/G Telephone Conduit (SUE - LOS B)* - U/G Telephone Conduit (SUE - LOS C)* - U/G Telephone Conduit (SUE - LOS D)* - U/G Fiber Optics Cable (SUE - LOS B)* U/G Fiber Optics Cable (SUE - LOS C)* U/G Fiber Optics Cable (SUE - LOS D)* T T - - - -TC- - - -TC- - TC -T FO- - - -T FO- - - T FO WATER: Water Manhole Water Meter o Water Valve Water Hydrant ❑ U/G Water Line Test Hole (SUE - LOS A)* m U/G Water Line (SUE - LOS B)* - - - -W- - - - U/G Water Line (SUE - LOS C)* - -W- - U/G Water Line (SUE - LOS D)* W Above Ground Water Line A/G Water TV: TV Pedestal ❑ TV Tower ❑ U/G TV Cable Hand Hole HH U/G TV Test Hole (SUE - LOS A)* m U/G TV Cable (SUE - LOS B)* - - - -TV- - - - U/G TV Cable (SUE - LOS C)* - -TV- - U/G TV Cable (SUE - LOS D)* TV U/G Fiber Optic Cable (SUE - LOS B)* - - - -TV FO- - - U/G Fiber Optic Cable (SUE - LOS C)* - -TV FO- U/G Fiber Optic Cable (SUE - LOS D)* TV FO GAS: Gas Valve ❑ Gas Meter ❑ U/G Gas Line Test Hole (SUE - LOS A)* m U/G Gas Line (SUE - LOS B)* --- -°- - -- U/G Gas Line (SUE - LOS C)* - -°- - U/G Gas Line (SUE - LOS D)* ° Above Ground Gas Line A/G Gas SANITARY SEWER: Sanitary Sewer Manhole OO Sanitary Sewer Cleanout U/G Sanitary Sewer Line SS Above Ground Sanitary Sewer A/G Sanitary Sewer SS Force Main Line Test Hole (SUE - LOS A)* m SS Force Main Line (SUE - LOS B)* - - - -FSS- - - - SS Force Main Line (SUE - LOS C)* - -FSS- - SS Force Main Line (SUE - LOS D)* FSS MISCELLANEOUS: Utility Pole Utility Pole with Base ❑ Utility Located Object ❑ Utility Traffic Signal Box ❑S Utility Unknown U/G Line (SUE - LOS B)* 1UTL U/G Tank; Water, Gas, Oil Underground Storage Tank, Approx. Loc. u A/G Tank; Water, Gas, Oil 0 Geoenvironmental Boring Abandoned According to Utility Records AATUR End of Information E.O.I. Q Co N cl- VAR. (SEE PLANS Lu Z 2'-4 U- � PAVED O 0 J SHOULDER 2:1 LU OW p > C2 R w ~ .02 PAVEMENT SCHEDULE C'1 PROP. APPROX. 1%2" ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE, TYPE S9.5B J AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 165 LBS. PER SQ. YD. PROP. 6" AGGREGRATE BASE COURSE. C2 PROP. APPROX. 3" ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE, TYPE S9.5B, R PROP. CONCRETE SHOULDER BERM GUTTER. AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 165 LBS. PER SQ. YD. IN EACH OF TWO LAYERS. PROP. VAR. DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE, TYPE S9.5B, C 3 AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 110 LBS. PER SQ. YD. PER 1" DEPTH. TO T EARTH MATERIAL. BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT TO EXCEED 1%2" IN DEPTH. D1 PROP. APPROX. 21/2" ASPHALT CONCRETE INTERMEDIATE COURSE, TYPE I19.00, U EXISTING PAVEMENT. AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 285 LBS. PER SQ. YD. PROP. VAR. DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE INTERMEDIATE COURSE, TYPE I19.00, D 2 AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 114 LBS. PER SQ. YD. PER 1" DEPTH. TO V VARIABLE DEPTH MILLING (0" TO 1.5"). BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT LESS THAN 2%2" OR GREATER THAN 4" IN DEPTH. E1 PROP. APPROX. 4" ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COURSE, TYPE B25.00, W VARIABLE DEPTH ASPHALT PAVEMENT (SEE STANDARD WEDGING DETAIL). AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 456 LBS. PER SQ. YD. PROP. VAR. DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COURSE, TYPE B25.00, E 2 AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 114 LBS. PER SQ. YD. PER 1" DEPTH. TO BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT LESS THAN 3" IN DEPTH OR GREATER THAN 51/2" IN DEPTH. NOTE: PAVEMENT EDGE SLOPES ARE 1:1 UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE. 3' -OFFSET BLOCK IIPOST MATTING FOR EROSION CONTROL UT E 1 SHOULDER BERM GUTTER (STANDARD 846.01) DETAIL SHOWING SHOULDER BERM GUTTER USE WITH TYPICAL SECTION NO. 1 AND 2 (SEE PLANS FOR LOCATIONS) 3" MIN, J PZ�c- o SG I V W/G R VAR. 4' TO FDPS ,.02 D1 E1 Ct EXISTING n� A n� c SURVEY uetail showing Method Vt Wedging 12' .09 VAR. 0.2' GRADE TO POINT 0.4' 1 C2. �W, iC1) .02 GRADE TO THIS LINE �E -L- NC 55 - - ----- - - - - -- 9.5" U VAR. 2 3.6' TC 0' 12' 9.5 W TYPICAL SECTION NO. 1 VAR. 0.2' TO 2 4' C2 11' W/G R VAR. TO 8' FDPS .02, (Ej) LD1)CT) GRADE TO THIS LINE INSET A LU 11' u- Z 8' O :5 FDPS W J 0 W C2 p > W� . 02 , .02 , .08 SFF I'q 9.5„ D 1 El T CT,O GRADE TO THIS LINE - USE INSET A WITH TYPICAL SECTIONS NO. 1 AND 2 -L- STA. 16 + 75.00 TO STA. 20 + 30.00 LT. -L- STA. 21 + 2 9.2 9 TO STA. 2 2 + 79.2 9 LT. -L- STA. 28 + 19.29 TO STA. 33 + 92.50 LT. -L- STA. 36 + 07.50 TO STA. 41 + 57.50 LT. -L- STA. 16 + 45.71 TO STA. 22 + 70.71 RT. -L- STA. 28 + 10.71 TO STA. 33 + 92.50 RT. -L- STA. 36 + 07.50 TO STA. 40 + 95.00 RT. NOTE: GUARDRAIL TRANSITIONS WITH A 50:1 TAPER TO MATCH BRIDGE OFFSETS. USE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 1 AS FOLLOWS -L- STA 15 + 00.00 TO STA 17 + 00.00 -L- STA. 38 + 96.35 TO STA. 42 + 00.00 NOTE: RESURFACING/MILLING REQUIRED FROM -L- STA. 42 + 00.00 TO STA. 43 + 00.00 TO ACCOMMODATE ADVERSE CROWN. (SEE SUPER ON PLAN VIEW) o� NOTE: NC 55 IS DESIGNATED AS BICYCLE ROUTE 40 (LENOIR COUNTY LOOP ROUTE). C C C C C CY CF- '-4 SSG PROJECT REFERENCE NO B —4926 ROADWAY DESIGN -L- NC 55 ENGINEER 8' 12' 12' 8' I V W/G R 4' TO 8' FDPS .02 T EXISTING GROUND 2—BAR METAL RAIL GRADE C2 POINT .02 .02 C2 '�) �E1 lD1 9.5 El GRADE TO THIS LINE � TYPICAL SECTION NO. 2 4' ey � -D RV- 11' W/GR 4' TO 8' FDPS .02, T IFFk, �R SF�ri O SHEET NO. 2A-2 PAVEMENT DESIGN ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED w SAM1 Glenwood Avenue Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel:919.789.9977 ti 3 Fax:919.789.9591 '- License: C-2197 Engineering & Construction, Inc. PAVEMENT SCHEDULE Cl I 1 %2" TYPE S9 .5B USE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 2 AS FOLLOWS —L— STA. 17+00.00 TO STA. 22+60.68 (BEGIN APPROACH SLAB BRIDGE 20) C2 —L— STA. 28 + 29.14 (END APPROACH SLAB BRIDGE 20) TO STA. 33 + 78.33 (BEGIN APPROACH SLAB BRIDGE 34) —L— STA. 36 + 21.67 (END APPROACH SLAB BRIDGE 34) TO STA. 38 + 96.35 C3 D1 2VAR. 12' TO 16' 4' 7' GRADE W/G R D2 POINT E1 .08 ,.02 .02, .08 J �6" \ GRADE TO THIS LINE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 3 3" TYPE S9.513 VAR. TYPE S9.513 2%2" TYPE I19.00 VAR. TYPE I19.00 4" TYPE B25.00 E 2 I VAR. TYPE B25 . OC EXISTING GROUND J USE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 3 AS FOLLOWS —DRV— STA 10 + 00.00 TO STA 12 + 18.36 NOTE: PAVE DRIVE FROM —DRV— STA 12 + 15.00 TO STA 12 + 29.88 6" AGGREGRATE BASE COURSE. R I SHOULDER BERM GUTTER. T I EARTH MATERIAL. U I EXISTING PAVEMENT -L- NC 55 V VAR. DEPTH MILLING TYPICAL SECTION NO. 4 2—BAR METAL RAIL USE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 4 AS FOLLOWS —L— STA. 22 + 75.00 (BEGIN BRIDGE 20) TO STA. 28 + 15.00 (END BRIDGE 20) W I VAR. DEPTH WEDGING a_ C C C C PROJECT REFERENCE NO B -4926 ROADWAY DESIGN 31 ENGINEER SHEET NO. 2A -3 PAVEMENT DESIGN ENGINEER 2-BAR METAL RAIL CE -L- NC 55 :1A/ 2-BAR METAL RAIL DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED w 1 Glenwood Avenue Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel:919.789.9977 ti 3 Fax:919.789.9591 License: C-2197 Engineering & Construction, Inc. PAVEMENT SCHEDULE Cl I 1 %2" TYPE S9.513 TYPICAL SECTION NO. 5 USE TYPICAL SECTION NO.5 AS FOLLOWS C2 3" TYPE S9.513 -L- STA. 33 + 92.50 (BEGIN BRIDGE 34) TO STA. 36 + 07.50 (END BRIDGE 34) INCIDENTAL MILLING DETAIL 37.5' *SEE NOTES MILLING 0 TO 1.5" DEPTH oz zo W i--i H DC C� z� V C1 PROPP.SURFACE " z COURSE (1.5 ) W O _ m v 1.5 - - - J EXIST. PAVEMENT -L- STA. 15 + 00.00 TO STA. 15 + 37.50 -L- STA. 42 + 62.50 TO STA. 43 + 00.00 *NOTES: MIRROR FOR END OF CONSTRUCTION MILL AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER C 3 I VAR. TYPE S9.513 D1 I 2�/2" TYPE I19.00 D 2 I VAR. TYPE I19.00 E1 I 4" TYPE B25.00 E 2 I VAR. TYPE B25.00 J I 6" AGGREGRATE BASE COURSE. R I SHOULDER BERM GUTTER. T I EARTH MATERIAL. U I EXISTING PAVEMENT V I VAR. DEPTH MILLING W I VAR. DEPTH WEDGING a. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS AYS CT m E It SUMMARY OF EARTHWORK IN CUBIC YARDS STATION STATION UNCL. EXCAV. UNDERCUT EMBANK. + /o BORROW WASTE PHASE I SUMMARY NO. 1 (RT.) -L- STA. 15 + 00.00 -L- STA. 22 + 75.00 (BB) 14 990 13,395 13,381 990 TOTAL SUMMARY NO. 1 14 990 13,395 13,381 990 SUMMARY NO.2 (RT.) -L- STA. 28+15.00 (EB) -L- STA. 33+92.50 (BB) 0 2,200 27,239 27,239 2,200 TOTAL SUMMARY NO. 2 0 2,200 27,239 27,239 2,200 SUMMARY NO.3 (RT.) -L- STA. 36+07.50 (EB) -L- STA. 43+00.00 26 1,500 7,360 7,334 0 TOTAL SUMMARY NO. 3 26 1,500 7,360 7,334 0 PHASE II SUMMARY NO.4 (LT.) -L- STA. 15 + 00.00 -L- STA. 22 + 75.00 (BB) 7,004 1,329 0 5,675 -DRV- STA. 11+58.04 -DRV- STA. 12+29.88 726 336 0 390 TOTAL SUMMARY NO. 4 7,730 1,665 0 6,065 SUMMARY NO.5 (LT.) -L- STA. 28 + 15.00 (EB) -L- STA. 33 + 92.50 (BB) 10,779 91 0 10,688 TOTAL SUMMARY NO. 5 10,779 91 0 10,688 SUMMARY NO. 6 (LT.) -L- STA. 36 + 0 7.5 0 (EB) -L- STA. 43 + 00.00 5,290 414 0 4,876 TOTAL SUMMARY NO. 6 5,290 414 0 4,876 SUMMARY TOTALS 23,839 41690 50,164 47,954 26,319 WASTE IN LIEU OF BORROW GRADE POINT UNDERCUT 100 100 UNDERCUT CONTINGENCY 500 500 SHOULDER MATERIAL 638 638 PROJECT TOTALS 23,839 51290 50,802 48,592 26,919 EST. 5% TO REPLACE TOP SOIL ON BORROW PIT 2,430 GRAND TOTALS 23,839 51290 50,802 51,022 26,919 SAY 24,500 51,200 NOTE: UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION - ACCEPTABLE, BUT NOT TO BE USED IN TOP 3' OF EMBANKMENT OR BACKFILL: -L- STA. 33 + 75 TO STA. 34 + 25 LT./RT. -L- STA. 37 + 25 TO STA. 39 + 25 LT./RT. TOTAL QUANTITY = 600 CY DDE = 487 CY SELECT GRANULAR MATERIAL = 7,030 CY GEOTEXTILE FOR SOIL STABILIZATION = 7,230 SY ROCK PLATING = 13,730 SY CLASS IV SUBGRADE STABILIZATION = 200 TONS SHALLOW UNDERCUT = 100 CY Earthwork quantities are calculated by SEPI Engineering. These earthwork quantities are based in part on subsurface data provided by the Wood engineering group. Note: Approximate quantities only. Unclassified Excavation, Borrow Excavation, Fine Grading, Clearing and Grubbing, Removal of Existing Pavement will be paid for at the contract lump sum price for "Grading." CT COMPUTED BY: DWG DATE: 6Q449 CHECKED BY: DATE: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS "N" = DISTANCE FROM EDGE OF LANE TO FACE OF GUARDRAIL. TOTAL SHOULDER WIDTH = DISTANCE FROM EDGE OF TRAVEL LANE TO SHOULDER BREAK POINT. FLARE LENGTH = DISTANCE FROM LAST SECTION OF PARALLEL GUARDRAIL TO END OF GUARDRAIL. W = TOTAL WIDTH OF FLARE FROM BEGINNING OF TAPER TO END OF GUARDRAIL. GUARDRAIL S UMMAR Y G = GATING IMPACT ATTENUATOR TYPE 350 NG = NON -GATING IMPACT ATTENUATOR TYPE 350 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. B -4926 3B -2 1 Glenwood Avenue Raleigh, NC 27603 is g' Tel:919.789.9977 Fax:919.789.9591 License: C-2197 Engineering & Construction, Inc. SURVEY LINE BEG. STA. END STA. LOCATION LENGTH WARRANT POINT "N" DIST. FROM E.O.L. TOTAL SHOUL. WIDTH FLARE LENGTH W ANCHORS IMPACT ATTENUATOR TYPE 350 SINGLE FACED GUARDRAIL REMOVE EXISTING GUARDRAIL REMOVE AND STOCKPILE EXISTING GUARDRAIL REMARKS STRAIGHT SHOP CURVED DOUBLE FACED APPROACH END TRAILING END APPROACH END TRAILING END APPROACH END TRAILING END GREU TL-3 GREU TL-2 _ EA G NG -L- 16 + 75.00 20 + 30.00 LT 355.00' 16 + 75.00 8' 11' 50' 1' 1 -L- 20+30.00 20+45.35 LT 25.0' 4' 7' -L- 21+29.29 22+79.29 LT 150.00 21+29.29 8' 11' 50' 1' 1 1 -L- 28+19.29 33+92.50 LT 573.21' 8' 11' 2 -L- 36 + 07.50 41 + 57.50 LT 550.00' 41 + 57.50 8' 11' 50' 1' 1 1 -L- 16 + 45.44 22 + 70.44 RT 625.00' 16 + 45.44 8' 11' 50' 1' 1 1 -L- 28 + 10.44 33 + 92.50 RT 582.06' 8' 11' 2 -L- 36 + 07.50 40 + 95.00 RT 487.50' 40 + 95.00 8' 11' 50' 1' 1 1 -DRV- 10 + 00.00 12 + 13.00 RT 213.00' 4' 7' 1 -L- 21 +45.23 22 +96.44 LT 151.21' -L- 28+11.96 34+25.31 LT 613.34' -L- 35 + 94.16 41 + 74.55 LT 580.39' -L- 20+25.38 22+98.61 RT 273.23' -L- 28+10.45 34+25.77 RT 615.32' -L- 35 + 94.34 37 + 48.64 RT 154.30' SUBTOTAL 3535.77' 25.0' 5 1 8 2387.79' LESS ANCHOR DEDUCTION GREU TL-3, 5 @ 50' = 250.00' GREU TL-2, 1 @ 25' = 25.00' TYPE -III, 8 @ 18.75' = 150.00' TOTAL 3110.77' 25.0' 5 1 8 2387.79' ADDITIONAL GUARDRAIL POSTS = 20 EACH SAY 3125.00' 25.0' 5 1 8 2400.00' ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVAL S UMMAR Y SURVEY LINE STATION STATION LOCATION LT/RT/CL SQUARE YARDS -L- 17 + 00.00 22 + 98.61 LT 1584.25 -L- 28+10.45 34+25.77 LT 1622.20 -L- 35 + 94.34 40 + 16.52 LT 847.29 TOTALS 4053.74 SAY 4,100 SHO ULDER BERM GUTTER S UMMARY SURVEY LINE STATION STATION LENGTH -L- LT. 33 + 21.00 33 + 78.33 57.33 -L- LT. 36 + 21.67 39 + 21.00 299.33 -L- RT. 16 + 96.00 22 + 57.07 561.07 -L- RT. 28 + 25.07 33 + 00.00 474.93 -L- RT. 39 + 44.00 40 + 44.00 100.00 TOTALS 1,492.66 SAY 1,500 am c9 7f ED Co �u C� :L ®U COMPUTED BY: DWG DATE: 7/5A9 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. CHECKED BY: AMH DATE: 5n021 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA B-4926 3D-1 DIVISION SII ON OF HIGHWAYS NOTE: Invert Elevations are for Bid Purposes only and shall not be used for project construction stakeout. See "Standard Specifications For Roads and Structures, Section 300-5". S UB REGIONAL & REGIONAL LIST OF PIPES, END WALLS, ETC. (FOR PIPES 48" & UNDER) STATION V O J z O ~ a U O O Z j U N O a > W "' 0- O O a J LU w > Z O a IIIJ LU w > Z - U d O , DRAINAGE PIPE (RCP, CSP, CARP, HDPE, or PVC) C.S. PIPE R.C. PIPE (CLASS III) R.C. PIPE (CLASS IV) N g V w d CJ w �_ Z o o N Ln w � _Z o o to - °r ENDWALLS J Q OU c0 N cD N � ca Z ae O J OU Z U " Zn M O O `" + `� O Z ~ Q a O N p L w O o o m CJ FRAME, GRATES AND HOOD STANDARD 840.03 a W Z Z oc 0 0 Z v~-i U O Z N U ry 0 °0 o "' p aro 00 o ti � Ln o o cn "6 0` 0 00 o N V' O = ~ 3 W � g vi Z P p Z 3 O m LU O z � Z > O � LU GC � ABBREVIATIONS C.B. CATCH BASIN N.D.I. NARROW DROP INLET D.I. DROP INLET G.D.I. GRATED DROP INLET G.D.I. (N.S.) GRATED DROP INLET (NARROW SLOT) J.B. JUNCTION BOX M.H. MANHOLE T.B.D.I. TRAFFIC BEARING DROP INLET T.B.J.B. TRAFFIC BEARING JUNCTION BOX STD. 838.01, STD. 838.11 OR STD. 838.80 (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE)00 o `n _ b = LLJ � � *IN' FT. � m = U v J Z o SIZE 12" 15" 18" 24" 30" 36" 42" 48" d w w > Z O a U w j Z O a U w Z O w = w Z O 12" 15" 18" 24" 36" 42" 48" 15" 18" 24" 30" 36" 42" 48" 12" 15" 181, 24" 30' 36" 42" 48" CU. YDS. A B o H o > O Q Q THICKNESS OR GAUGE 00 l.L 00 o o o o 0 0 U oe vi U TYPE OF GRATE REMARKS E F G -L- STA. 17+01 RT. 0401 25.7 22.9 1 1 1 04010402 22.9 22.7 20 -L- STA. 17+25 RT. 0402 25.9 22.7 1 1 1 0402 0403 22.7 16.4 24 X 2 -L- STA. 22 + 50 RT. 0404 39.3 36.5 1 1 1 0404 0405 36.5 16.8 48 X 2 -L- STA. 28+35 RT. 0406 40.3 37.5 1 1 1 0406 0407 37.5 16.9 52 X 2 -L- STA. 23+34 LT. 0408 16.3 15.9 20 -L- STA. 31 + 50 RT. 0513 31.6 28.8 1 1 1 0513 0514 28.8 27.5 116 -L- STA. 32 + 67 RT. 0514 30.3 27.5 1 1 1 0514 0501 27.5 27.3 24 -L- STA. 32 + 95 RT. 0501 30.1 27.3 1 1 1 05010502 27.3 13.5 36 X 2 -L- STA. 33 + 73 LT. 0503 29.2 26.4 1 1 1 0503 0504 26.4 14.1 36 X 2 -L- STA. 36+26 LT. 0505 28.2 25.5 1 1 1 0505 0506 25.5 16.0 32 X 2 -L- STA. 38+13 LT. 0509 27.2 24.5 1 1 1 0509 0510 24.5 13.5 32 X 2 -L- STA. 39 + 75 RT. 0508 28.0 25.2 1 1 1 0508 0511 25.2 25.0 24 -L- STA. 39+48 RT. 0511 28.1 25.0 1 1 1 0511 0512 25.0 13.7 32 X 2 -L- STA. 33 + 11.63 LT. 24 L- STA. 34+07.29 LT&RT 28 -L- STA. 34 + 09.43 LT. 16 -L- STA. 36 +11.43 LT. 20 -L- STA. 36 + 12.66 LT. 20 PROJECT TOTALS 292 184 20 12 7 5 12 16 108 0- S UMMAR Y OF AGGREGATE S UB GRADES TABILIZA TION LINE STATION STATION AGGREGATE A TYPE* ASTzv AGGREGATE THICKNESS INCHES for ASU( SHALLOW UNDERCUT CY CLASS IV SUBGRADE STABILIZATION TONS GEOTEXTILE FOR SOIL STABILIZATION SY STABILIZER AGGREGATE TONS CLASS IV AGGREGATE STABILIZATION TONS CONTINGENCY ASU(1) 1 12 100 1 200 500 TOTAL CY/fONS/SY: 1 100 1 200** 500** *ASU(1/2) = AGGREGATE SUBGRADE (Type 1 or 2) *AST = AGGREGATE STABILIZATION **TOTAL TONS OF "CLASS IV SUBGRADE STABILIZATION" AND TOTAL SQUARE YARDS OF "GEOTEXTILE FOR SOIL STABILIZATION" ARE ONLY THE ESTIMATED QUANTITIES FOR ASU(1/2YAST AND MAY ONLY REPRESENT A PORTION OF THE SUBGRADE STABILIZATION AND GEOTEXTILE QUANTITIES SHOWN IN THE ITEM SHEETS OF THE PROPOSAL. S UMMAR Y OF SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE LINE STATION STATION LOCATION LT/RT/C L DRAIN TYPE* U D/BD/S D LF —L— 16 + 45 23 + 05 RT U D 660 —L— 28+25 33+95 RT UD 570 —L— 36 + 05 40 + 75 RT U D 470 CONTINGENCY SD 300 SUBTOTAL: 2,000 TOTAL LF: 2,000 *UD = UNDERDRAIN *BD = BLIND DRAIN *SD = SUBSURFACE DRAIN S UMMAR Y OF BRIDGE WAITING PERIODS Bridge Description End Bent/ Bent No. MONTHS Bridge No. 20 over Neuse River EB 1 2 Bridge No. 20 over Neuse River EB 2 1 Bridge No. 34 over Neuse River Overflow EB 1 3 Bridge No. 34 over Neuse River Overflow EB 2 2 S UMMAR Y OF ROCK PLATING LINE Be inning tope� (H vl Approx. Station Ending Slope� (H:V) Approx. Station Location LT/RT Rock Plating Detail No. 1/2/3/4 Riprap Class* 1/Zg Rock Plating SY g —L— 2:1 15+25 2:1 15+75 RT 2 2 130 —L— 2:1 16 + 25 2:1 22 + 56 RT 2 2 2,160 —L— 2:1 17+25 2:1 20+35 LT 2 2 1,010 —L— 2:1 20 + 80 2:1 22 + 65 LT 2 2 940 —L— 2:1 28 + 24 2:1 33 + 78 RT 2 2 2,760 —L— 2:1 28 + 34 2:1 33 + 78 LT 2 2 2,630 —L— 2:1 36+22 2:1 41+25 RT 2 2 1,770 —L— 2:1 36 + 22 2:1 41 + 75 LT 2 2 2,110 —DRV— 2:1 11 + 75 2:1 12 + 30 RT 2 2 220 TOTAL SY: 1 13,730 *Use Class 1, 2, or B riprap it riprap class is not shown for rock plating location. S UMMAR Y OF SETTLEMENT GA UGES Gauge No. Line and Station Offset Distance FT Direction LT/RT 1 —L— 22 + 65 20 RT 2 —L— 33 + 80 20 LT 3 —L— 33 + 80 20 RT 4 —L— 36+20 20 RT TOTAL GUAGES (EACH): 4 co c0 N� CT' � cam ` CD CN O oCL L, %U �'o o- -L- PT Sta. 22+12.74 BEGIN APPROACH SLAB -L- STA. 22 + 60.68 TYPE III BEGIN BRIDGE -L- STA. 22 + 75.00 PS - PAVED SHOULDER END BRIDGE SBG - SHOULDER BERM GUTTER -L- STA. 28+15. 2-BAR METAL RAIL NOT TO SCALE Sketch showing Dimensions of Pavement and Shoulder in Relation to Proposed Bride Width gOTE: PAVE -DRV- FROM STA. 12 + 15.00 TO STA. 12 + 29.88 _ -y- a__V_ - -/ v y/ �_�/ j-1-L - PCC Sta. + 01.60 -L- m 50.00' LT. �I �I C / TYPE III END APPROACH SLAB -L- STA. 2 8 + 2 9.14 + 02.00 -L- + 12.74 -L- 140.46' LT. 165.00' LT. o\ -DRV - PT • Sta. 11+38.43 -DRV - PC Sta. 10+52.19 Sa°321 / N ro 89 + 53.00 -L- _ 144.00'LT. _Ts--cW�� 160.00' LT�� �E� &E�4L� E CISI�IN �CO�`1 CARE E RIB - R- P i s fj CAB JTUiNT _fEMN&NTS,�EATII�G�c r C 33.0%_ - A B -yl ' IyT. &R� AcREYA SPE§Z14 ay JL � 5 0 ' L �c �c � L4TERAi 1-fT-BASE DIWF� c/ �c2 .0- �c L44 KCic'I' RIP`RAP 1 i15. do, I T. JL + 0 00 -L BE 1 ETAI 4 +98.00 -L- / PANI&EN JL 5&0 ' LT. - - / _ 123.00' LT. /� EX AIVA 10�1 �c VE�EASTIN _ C pc SSE Ev D: TAIL P ET� B[Lbk ejM + 08.00 -L- \� � 1 .8 Q � N 108.00' LT. - �c RODNEY E. COLE \ �c1 ' 1j.� DB 574 PG 654 \��� �� ��� DB 1457 PG 804 -DRV - P.T Sta. 9� - + 82.00 -L- S 12° 33' 04.2" W- 111.00 LT. + 65.00 -L- + 89.00 -L- - _ - 88.00' LT. _ - - BM 1 86.92' LT. -BL- STA 10+39 28LT Q _---- N566126 E2447709 ELEV.=24.78' +75.00 -L- BENCH NAIL SET IN 6" PINE 87.00' LT. +01.60 +25.00 -L- 75.00' LT. + 93.00 -L- SS \ 54.76' LT. t� � J_ � 1c s� I I I I o. 0. co ,. 0 / ST 23 6 Bo co JG 55 _ V � � @ _ 0O 0' RT. _V_ � m E I I I I I I + 00.00 -L- 50.00' RT. 85.00' RT. +36.00 -L- 81.64' RT. 98.00' RT. BEGIN TIP PROJECT B-4926 -L- STA. 15 + 00.00 DETAIL 3 EMBANKMENT EXCAVATION Proposed EXCAVATE EXISTING (Not to SCgle) Fill Slope ROADWAY EMBANKMENT TO APPROXIMATE NATURAL `L1 GROUND ELEVATION CL. 'll' RIP RAP ROCK PLATING / Natural _ _ _ \ - 2-FTE�ILE THICK Ground GRADE AWAY FROM Natural TOE OF FILL +/-0.5% Ground DENOTES EXCAVATION TOTAL EXCAVATION QUANTITY= EST. 2 6,800 CY FROM -L- STA. 17+00 TO STA. 23+25 LT FROM -L- STA. 27+81 TO STA. 34+27 LT FROM -L- STA. 35 + 92 TO STA. 40 + 00 LT FROM -DRV- STA. 10 + 00 TO STA. 12 + 18 LT FROM -DRV- STA. 10 + 00 TO STA. 12 + 18 RT 40 2G 1 1'f � F E�E SgG �� � 3-+60.00 J 73.00' RT. JL � � I + 65.00 -L- _�L GCv- . p, 0 55.00= I 79.00' RT. StU. 2 +41.88 I\ +35.00-L- +47.00-L- +55.O�L- ��� ����� ��_I 91.00' RT. 50.00' RT.� �c _c � �c \ 73.00' RT. �y �c CL 'II' RIP RAP 60.00' R �. _ � 70.00'RT - �� �� �� �cl �_ �-�IEST.3TON �� �� ��V �� � � � -3(.90 7 SY GFD GE G�E�`& �Nt WI NINC(- � � � � �/ � _ 0WD& RT. II PBY-14y60 P� 1-65 � �c / �� ,3.00�RT. ��� ��'� ���� I � BE IN��SBG� I� _c�sTl�+aq6 RT t + 74. 0 -L- �c 7.50'�RT. 8IJFT�tB, SE,,CHAIkNE4I (CHANGE � �LItjEMkL 11'�RII"RA�P / _ I� �$E E�_ DI&T,4 L -k I /� �y � _ � � \ Y -L - Pl Sta 18+59.98 PI Sta 30+02.07 p = IT 33' 45.4" (RT) p = /0. 38' 32.4" (RT) D = 2° 28' 10.7" D = 3° 08' 53.2" L = 7/1.14' L = 338.05' T = 358.38" T = 169.5/' R = 2,320.00' R = 1,820.00' SE _ .06 SE _ .07 RO = 160" RO = 187" -DRV- Pl Sta /0 +95.74 P1 Sta 12 +07.18 p = 19° 45' 49.7" (LT) p = 69° 46' 54.4" (LT ) D = 22.55' 05.9" D = 190° 59' 09.4" L = 86.24' L = 36.54' T = 43.55' T = 20.92' R = 250.00' R = 30.00' SE = SEE PLANS SE = SEE PLANS 1 Glenwood Avenue Raleigh, INC 27603 _� •-' - Te1:919.789.9977 ti 3 Fax:919.789.9591 = License: C-2197 Engineering & Construction, Inc. 1 mti m� 41 N 77° 54' //.7" W -DRV - POT Sta. /0 +00.00 CONCRETE REMNANTS REMOVAL SEE DETAIL -wLB +75.0� �- -' �c -1381.0 ' LT: -YREXISTING POLES J� BEGIN CL. 'II' RIP RAP END �c + 66.00 -L- BENT SLOPE PROTECTION 67 00 L No mH � O �m N au k, C?5 co PROJECT REFERENCE NO. B -4926 R/W SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER SHEET NO. 4 HYDRAULICS ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED STA 22 + 65 LT + 45.00 _L_ 154.00 LT. 3 .00' LT. �-L- PC Sta. 28 +32.5 Qj 152.00' LT. Q o �c +85.00 -L- END CL. 'Il' RIP RAP END , / BENT SLOPE PROTECTION �. 99.07' LT. + 46.00 -L- ® STA 28 + 34 LT EMBANKMENT 138.00' LT. `v 1 +04.00 -L- EXCAVATION ^' ti 30 04' LT. y �` 132.00' LT. � SEE DETAIL 3 EMBANKMENT 146.00' LT. STANDARD 1-FT, BASE DITCH_ �� EXCAVATION Pt P E LINE I'�RIP. PSEE tvlcfAP E PUE PUE SEE DETAIL 3 i CL SS�'I RIP_ R,�P� C I' KIP P� / PA -L- /-A, i T �SFfOIJLDI�R �P T S T N�c / 103.75' LT. �STRU_�TURES W ITE T 9 Y CLASS 'II' RIP RAP 0 DY MA FAR S. LLC DB II PG 2 y DB 1 6 PG 689 PB 6 PG 276 + 4.00 L- W -L- T. -L- T. _ -_-3t p `TAPER DITCH TO A DEPTH REMOVE - STRUCTURES PBAY ITEM 0 __ C ---- -- -- EXISTING BRIDGE OF 0-FT ON NATURAL GROUND _ _ 18" �40 _ PRIOR iO ENTERING WETLAND -W - O >' �� �� `0000 - � T_ L Z T L Z -Z -S- -T - T I 'i /� +�C �c I i 011 CONCRETE i I BRIDGE #20 I I I I -i CL 'I' RIP RAP T -� C � ,� �� EST. 20 TONS C I- W EST. 28 SY GFDUA -71 -T 100 PR At LLB F� I� �'Ng� C $EST / +0010� - +12 4�-L AP OACR Ali RT _V 75.0 R#. �5 �/ /SBEGIN �L.�I'�R QCD �c / / -'BEI�T �SL6PE�PI�O E Ot H� �c + 03G00� - kA�2�+�56 �RT� /4,9O�R E6T�2 10-M � � �c � � --IV ,1.(0'RT �E�f.�i5 S i�F13 �c V_ 1bf, � / m � � �_V� �� m m NOTE: GUARDRAIL TRANSITIONS WITH A 50:1 TAPER TO MATCH BRIDGE OFFSETS. - D ETAI L 2 CHANNEL CHANGE ( Not to Scale) �b►{ Natural Proposed Ground Natural _ Fill Slope Ground d 2•y D GEOTEXTILE B Min. D=4.0 Ft. Exist. Channel Max. d=FULL DEPTH OF BACKSLOPE Type of Liner=EST. 555 TONS B=8.0 Ft. Class 'II' Rip Rap b=5.0 Ft. Geotextile = EST. 560 SY FROM -L- STA. 16 + 10 TO STA. 18 + 43 RT DETAIL 4 GORE AREA SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) b 2• o< -DRV- Fi-A- }e' 'v ;\ o 0.5% -L- Fill d f r D F o Slope GEOTEX 1LE B Min. D=1.0 Ft. Max. d = 1.0 Ft. B=1.0 Ft. Min. b=2.0 Ft. Type of Liner= EST. 100 TONS CL 'I' Rip -Rap Geotextile= EST.150 SY DDE = EST.110 CY FROM -L- STA. 21 +00 TO STA. 22 +50 LT i D ETAI L 5 STANDARD BASE DITCH Not to Scale) Natural Natural Ground �%•� 3•:� Ground / d D m Geotextile B Min. D=1.0 Ft. Max. d = 1.0 Ft. B =1.0 Ft. Type of Liner= EST 95 TONS CL 'I' Rip -Rap Geotextile= EST.140 SY; DDE= EST.143 CY ro FROM -L- STA. 22 + 50 TO STA. 23 + 90 LT m i - T- - -L- NC 55 a DETAIL 7 CONCRETE REMNANTS REMOVAL DETAIL (NOT TO SCALE) EXISTING CONCRETE NATURAL GROUND TO BE REMOVED DENOTES g:1 EXCAVATION CL. 'II' RIP RAP ROCK PLATING ELEV. =18.0 W/GEOTEXTILE NATURAL GROUND 2-FT THICK FROM -L- STA. 21 + 75 TO STA. 22 + 70 LT --�jillill�� - J . BE INSBG @ E 50 ' R-1. PROACH �jL� �� 770 RTC I EN CL. 'II',RIP I E�4 i 9. 0�RT �t BE T SLOPS �228'+�I &T� �C � �T� �izON �c�E 6VSY6FD,-V- H _ ti j �+ 2 � 0 r �� ��_V ��-8 �O�R& ���� �� �� d I _ -34- � � � -_ V � � � � 4 y a' CONSERVATION EASEMENT NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE HABITAT FOUNDATION MARK T. SCHOLER ^� DB 1408 PG 452 ^� DB 1489 PG 253 DB 1572 PG 534 w PB 9 PG 356 N Ln Ln �o ti N Z PROVIDE CLASS 'II' RIP RAP ROCK PLATING ON ALL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 OR AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. 2-FT THICK TO SHOULDER POINT. REFER TO STANDARD ROCK PLATING DETAIL SHEET 2G-? 0 SEE SHEET 6 FOR -L- PROFILE SEE SHEET 7 FOR -DRV- PROFILE SEE SHEETS S-1 THRU S-? FOR STRUCTURE PLANS Ln Z 0 LU W N CTI Ln c9 N� CT - NM ` Ni N __-)� vo CD CL L, %U � o- 4 N PS - PAVED SHOULDER SBG - SHOULDER BERM GUTTER -L - PC Sto. 36 +' BEGIN APPROACH SLAB END BRIDGE -L- STA. 33 + 78.33 -L- STA. 36 + 07.50 2-BAR METAL RAIL zol T T T SBG T TYPE III W TYPE III PS 1 1 TYPE III � TYPE III 1 -BAR METAL RAIL DGE END APPROACH SLAB 3 + 92.50 -L- STA. 36 + 21.67 S -L- PI Sto 30 +02.07 PI Sto 37 +86.49 PI Sto 40 +56.55 z�s = /0* 38' 32.4" (RT) Z� = 8° 30' 06.8" (LT) Z� = 8° 30' 06.8" (RT) D = Y 08' 53.2" D = 3° 08' 53.2" D = Y 08' 53.2" L = 338.05' L = 270.06' L = 270.06' T = 169.51' T = 135.28' T = 135.28' R = 1,820.00' R = 1,820.00' R = 1,820.00' SE _ .07 MSE = SEE PLANS -SE = SEE PLANS RO = 187' -DESIGN EXCEPTION REQUIRED FOR SUPERELEVATION. BRIDGE #34: 6" DIAMETER CIRCULAR DECK DRAINS REQUIRED SPACED 12' O.C. FROM L STA 34+09 TO STA 36+O1 IT 60AMN 1 Glenwood Avenue Raleigh, NC 27603 -' - Te1:919.789.9977 ti 3 Fax:919.789.9591 a License: C-2197 Engineering & Construction, Inc. V� PROJECT REFERENCE NO. B -4926 R,W SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER SHEET NO. 5 HYDRAULICS ENGINEER I DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED END RESURFACING/MILLING - - -L- STA. 43 + 00.00 NOT TO SCALE 3 Sketch showing Dimensions of Pavement and END GRADE Shoulder in Relation to Proposed Bridge Width WOODY MAE P ARMS, LLc -L- STA. 42 + 00.00 DB 1153 G 132 DB 1816 PG 689 PB 6 PG 276 757 �� �y�WL6 - T WL$- WLB- �y N�y ,yam �� �� �yTwLe--,�-,�-�-�-� TwL 57 � � � � � N_ � ,yam ,yam ,yam � )���� �� �34- A�� � � � � � � � � � � � �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �y�51. 1�L ,y � � � � � � 94c.0'LT�, �� �� �� �� �� �� ��- � � 4� /�� ay � �+ 1 0 - ay �y �Q4 �y10�1LT �y ay � ay ,l alqm ,l �y ,y + (0 �y +�Z0.60 �L- - �y ,y ,y C-L R!P RyA ,y ay � � ,y 110�0 LT�y �y �y � 3�.00y Lf. �y >y T� Qy +y7 L R9 P SST 2�T0 ,l ,l ,l ,l al ,l ,y �20.�0 yLT.ay �y 9. 1' T. �y ,y T � � � � � � ay � � � � � � - � + 1 7 L� �y �y 78 0�-L -y ,y ,y ay �y 13'S.O� Lyf. ay �y � -y NASA MEN>T -y-YEST�y25'TC>�l �y �y -y � -y � EST 76 OF ,l 8ELT. ay ,y - n�f. �+ ( 0 �y �y E T- Y'�Fgy ,y ,l � � � � �yE AN�I+�ENo-T �y - �y - -y - y �y - y CL %,R* R*P -y -y ay �l 0�`k 0 + I3. -L- �l ,y 0 �l S 62` 54' 39.1" E + 0. -L _ � E CC�AVAyTI (N SEX A ATI,� 'I >y �y �y �y ,y ay �L �l -y �i ay �y �y 50�y0 LT. ,y S�f. 2�yTN 0,0-9 / ,y ,y q ay -y ,y y y � �y �R E ay � �y A �y -y ay I�b BC EG�N �y ,y E AI Ly3 �y �y �y T��6 �Y,y�F� -y �y �y ,,, �y �y �9- 7 7 - ay ay ay �l G � -y �y ,y f P Of CIt S W LT�y �y � �y � . ,l � � � �y - � �y ay �y � � � � +�l�J ,y �l � ,l �l � � � � - ,� ��- �� E �dEU 6y PMgIU E�y�' �� 3�.oy =1� ,y ,y �yl 1 Nay G �y �y TEP__y_V_4 O ,y ,y ay ay ,y ay 5 ay3 L ,y ,y �` �� 3�-+�,y �,y �,y ��y ��y ��� � �� �y�,yam,y� p � � _¢= ���`� __ �� � � �M�� �A@,_P �Aj �L�B �T,y � Cvy � �C�• , �l - ,�`a ��-� ��� � � _ ,` _ ---�� � � N �` 1` - o Iv1 � C2E [iRAI �I ITT - p � PAD Et �T,41L� � ay � �y �� - � SO �� - p� 40' ' CONCRETE I $' P _ o a E o NC 55 23.2'BST� o I RIDGE 34 i «� N fV (V 04 fV N � �---- _ o o a 4d - -- - - -- � - _ - -- - - r - T � - T 1�" RCP -IV � � � T � N - - - .,� 50 = r - - -= F - 2 1 A�0 ---� --- - - L FPR-- ----- -r-�S - Ln W N - «� h - 2` 4' l'�1C �v10v ' 0 - _ _ 2 G _ _ _� F SFs�y-S �� ' - vi - _ - J ,y W � ,y � ,y � � �y � 6s.oL- U-1 �y �y >y ay >y ay �y 5 W �� >y� E aye aye �� �y� ��� � aye ,lam �� ay �� E� -yam �� ,lam .N'R.� �,y � Z - ,yam �� ,yam �� ,yam �� �B�WS� ,y �� �� ,yam ,yam ,yam ,yam �� �� �� ,yam �� �� �y F� ��,y�i $ - �y �y �y _y ,y ay ,l �y �y EE 5 ay ,y ,l _5 WPM P ,l ,y ,y�y -sy �y ,y ay ,L ay ,y ,y ,y >y ,y -zy �y �y - F �y ay �y + 5,A0 L al E N D� S ,L ,l �y al �l _� ay BIEGIN�y �sB0. O'RT. �SI�A 44�R ,y j +91.34 L- V ,y-ay F ,y �l �3y ay �y �y q ,y p ,l ay al ,l T ,y �l + T. �y �L �l �l 50.00' RT. �y �y Jl Jy ay �P �y �y �y �y I< ay ay �y �VJ q -y _ Sb I 3V + 44 �1R �l �l �l 60.� ' M .� �y 5�.0�0 -� �l �y �y �y �l ,y F- .-� Ey � � �� �� ,yam �� �� �� �� ,yam �� �� ,yam +'�11. -L $ y ay _y ay + 30 0 L ay ay ,y 0. 0' T. ay �y �]1 10'�tT ,y �y� �y ay 80�00� -L�y + 00 -L- �y - ,y + 7U _hL ,y 5 T� �y ay ,y ,y �l �l �l �l i �l 5 . 1 -L- ." �l �l � � ,y 4 -y ,y ,y ,y ,y .00�yR ,y ,y �'r5.Q0' RT. �y �� �. �5 '3 OCR - �y ,y ,y �y5 yy001 R �y �y RT. �y �y ,y ,y+0.(�0 - -� ,l ,l ,l �l �l ,l �l �L �l �l �l �L66 OO R 5A. &T. ,y y � ,y ay + fto L� ,y ,y ay ,y 1.00' 60 ' R'1�. 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SCHOLER DB 1408 PG 452 DB 1489 PG 253 DB 1572 PG 534 PB 9 PG 356 """•" "` ""• CL. 'II' RIP RAP ROCK PLATING W/GEOTEXTILE Natural Ground _ - 2-FT THICK GRADE AWAY FROM Natural TOE OF FILL +/-0.5% Ground DENOTES EXCAVATION TOTAL EXCAVATION QUANTITY= EST. 2 6,800 CY FROM -L- STA. 17 + 00 TO STA. 23 + 25 LT FROM -L- STA. 2 7 + 81 TO STA. 34 + 2 7 LT FROM -L- STA. 35 + 92 TO STA. 40 + 00 LT FROM -DRV- STA. 10 + 00 TO STA. 12 + 18 LT FROM -DRV- STA. 10 + 00 TO STA. 12 + 18 RT NOTE: GUARDRAIL TRANSITIONS WITH A 50:1 TAPER TO MATCH BRIDGE OFFSETS. END CONSTRUCTION -L- STA. 43 + 25.00 PROVIDE CLASS 'II' RIP RAP ROCK PLATING ON ALL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 OR AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. 2-FT THICK TO SHOULDER POINT. REFER TO STANDARD ROCK PLATING DETAIL SHEET 2G-2 SEE SHEET 6 FOR -L- PROFILE SEE SHEETS S-? THRU S-? FOR STRUCTURE PLANS MULTIPLE OPENING BRIDGE HYDRAULIC DATA -L C CT Q �1 Nm N� o vo �J om �o l Ef 30 20 10 1 BRIDGE @ CENTERLINE STA. 25+45 —L— BRIDGE @ CENTERLINE STA. 35 +00 —L — DESIGN DISCHARGE = 20,700 DESIGN FREQUENCY = 5 DESIGN HW ELEVATION = 24.8 BASE DISCHARGE = 44,300 BASE FREQUENCY = /00 BASE HW ELEVATION = 30.9 OVERTOPPING DISCHARGE = 26,000 OVERTOPPING FREQUENCY= /0 +/- OVERTOPPING ELEVATION = 26.2xx DATE OF SURVEY W.S. ELEVATION AT DATE OF SURVEY PI = 17+75.00 EL = 25.25' VC = 550' K = /5/ DS = 60 MPH = NOV. 2017 = 14.5 +/ - CFS YRS FT CFS YRS FT CFS YRS FT FT 929 PROJECT REFERENCE NO B -4926 ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER SHEET NO. 6 HYDRAULICS ENGINEER PI 25 00 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiDOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL EL 1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ VC • f ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ JS ./ MPH■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Raleigh, NC 27603 1■■■■■■L�JErn■i■IrT■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ License: • Engineering & Construction, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I oVJ NI\J, I.V A.I I I I I I I I 1 1/1\1 I I J 1 1 J- �- A-0-9y -T 7 r I I I/ n% I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 .I--TI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W17'1-�-I_t_I: I I -I-T `I' 6 1 k I I I I I I 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 kIt APC I -liU IcI 1k I^X11; 41 AI F711 1 1 1 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 17-' Y I I I I 1 I I II I I J/f I I I I I I I I I ^^JIlGJIII■■lleE'J■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I:■■■■■■■■■■■■■I�■■■■■■IIr_IIi7I►!E3/i�i1/,■r.�i■■■■■■■� BL STATION•28" LEFT ■■■■■■Ialill■il[!lIII:■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■IaI,EII■EI/i7f/Lfr■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■IBENCH NAIL SET IN • " PINE MULTIPLE OPENING BRIDGE HYDRAULIC DATA ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ BRIDGE ww ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ------------------------------------------------------------ DESIGN DISCHARGE = 20,700 DESIGN FREQUENCY = 5 DESIGN HW ELEVATION = 24.8 BASE DISCHARGE = 44,300 BASE FREQUENCY = /00 BASE HW ELEVATION = 30.9 OVERTOPPING DISCHARGE = 26,000 OVERTOPPING FREQUENCY= /0 +/- OVERTOPPING ELEVATION = 26.2xx DATE OF SURVEY W.S. ELEVATION AT DATE OF SURVEY PI = 32 +40.00 EL = 29.85' VC = 360' K=136 DS = 60 MPH = NOV. 2017 = 14.5 +/ - CFS YRS FT CFS YRS FT CFS YRS FT FT 21 22 -L 23 24 25 26 PI = 38+20.00 EL = 27.93' VC = 120' K = 187 DS = 70 MPH PI = 40+20.00 EL = 28.55' VC = /50' K = 3/8 DS = 75 MPH iiiiiiiiiiiiim - 4WEl4�t!77»CIMMATATM■ r DITCH LEGEND LEFT DITCH ------ RIGHT DITCH --------- SEE SHEET 5 FOR PLAN VI 41 42 30 20 10 0 _ ■ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 43 -D RV - PROJECT REFERENCE NO B -4926 ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER SHEET NO. 7 HYDRAULICS ENGINEER 10 P1 = 10+45.00 EL = 22./5' VC = 90' K = /0 DS = /5 MPH 11 P/ = 11 +95.00 EL = 35.87' VC = 60 K = 5 DS = /5 MP) 12 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED w 1 Glenwood Avenue Raleigh, NC 27603 Tel:919.789.9977 Fax:919.789.9591 _g,' License: C-2197 Engineering & Construction, Inc. SEE SHEET 4 FOR PLAN VIEW cam N�1 o vo �L om �o 0 STATE OF NORTH C KOLA N DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS AYS B-4926 CROSS SECTION INDEX ALIGNMENT AND STATIONING —L — STA. 14 -�00o00 TO STA. 44 -�00o00 —DRY — STA. // -�00o00 TO STA. 12 -�00o00 CT X a) C) C10 X s Cc Co N CT' Nm N OZ CvU \N Ox C9 OF SHEETS SHEET NUMBERS X-2 TO X—/5 X—/6 E CTI x :3, EL c9 x x 'l-- cv mC, o _ xL) -�, C�OE CDXL '-,!c Q0 o- E CTI x :3, EL c9 x x 'l-- cv mC, o _ xL) -�, C�OE CDXL '-,!c Q0 o- E CTI x :3, EL c9 x x 'l-- cv mC, o _ xL) -�, C�OE CDXL '-,!c Q0 o- E CTI x :3, EL c9 x x 'l-- cv mC, o _ xL) -�, C�OE CDXL '-,!c Q0 o- E CTI x :3, EL c9 x x 'l-- cv mC, o _ xL) -�, C�OE CDXL '-,!c Q0 o- E CTI x :3, EL c9 x x 'l-- cv mC, o _ xL) -�, C�OE CDXL '-,!c Q0 o- E CTI x :3, EL c9 x x 'l-- cv mC, o _ xL) -�, C�OE CDXL '-,!c Q0 o- E CTI x :3, EL c9 x x 'l-- cv mC, o _ xL) -�, C�OE CDXL '-,!c Q0 o- E CTI x :3, EL c9 x x 'l-- cv mC, o _ xL) -�, C�OE CDXL '-,!c Q0 o- E CTI x :3, EL c9 x x 'l-- cv mC, o _ xL) -�, C�OE CDXL '-,!c Q0 o- E CTI x :3, EL c9 x x 'l-- cv mC, o _ xL) -�, C�OE CDXL '-,!c Q0 o- E CTI x :3, EL c9 x x 'l-- cv mC, o _ xL) -�, C�OE CDXL '-,!c Q0 o- E CTI x :3, EL c9 x x 'l-- cv mC, o _ xL) -�, C�OE CDXL '-,!c Q0 o- 0 5 10 PROJ. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. B-492 6 I X-15 0 0 0 D- om oL) �C�OE CDXL�!c 0 0- 0 5 10 PROJ. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. B-492 6 I X-16 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 0 Cc 0 0 0 D- om oL) �C�OE CDXL�!c 0 0- APPENDIX E ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BiSER Secretary MARC RECKTENWALD Director Mr. Casey Whitley, P.E., PLS NCDOT Division 2 Project Engineer North Carolina Department of Transportation 2815 Rouse Road Extension Kinston, North Carolina 28504 Dear Mr. Whitley: Subject: Mitigation Acceptance Letter: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality February 17, 2023 Division 2 Project — TIP B-4926, Replace Bridges 20 and 34 on NC 55 over the Neuse River Overflow, Lenoir County, WBS # 17BP.2.PE.94 The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality — Division of Mitigation Services (NCDEQ-DMS) will provide the mitigation for the subject project. Based on the information received from you on February 17, 2023, the impacts are located in CU 03020202 of the Neuse River basin in the Southern Inner Coastal Plain (SICP) Eco-Region, and are as follows: Neuse Stream Wetlands Buffer (Sq. Ft.) 03020202 SICP Cold Cool Warm Riparian Non -Riparian Coastal Marsh Zone 1 Zone 2 Impacts 0 0 258.000 8.720 0 0 0 0 (feet/acres) NCDEQ-DMS commits to implementing sufficient compensatory mitigation credits to offset the impacts associated with this project as determined by the regulatory agencies in accordance with the In -Lieu Fee Instrument dated July 28, 2010. If the above referenced impact amounts are revised, then this mitigation acceptance letter will no longer be valid and a new mitigation acceptance letter will be required from NCDEQ-DMS. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Ms. Beth Harmon at 919-707-8420. Sincerely, � a.6� �a�M, or James�stanfill f DMS Deputy Director cc: Mr. Tom Steffens, USACE — Washington Mr. Garcy Ward, NCDWR Mr. Brad Chilton, NCDOT — EAU Ms. Anna Reusche, PWS, TranSystems File: B-4926 — Division 2 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 1 Division of Mitigation Services '®}Jl[ 217 West Jones Street 1 1652 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 NOPTH CAFULM aepakh & Eawl�aaa� , n \ /"� 919.707.8976 APPENDIX F DocuSign Envelope ID: ABF270Fl-923B-4FO3-9521-3595559D2F82 MINIMUM CRITERIA DETERMINATION CHECKLIST STIP Project No.: B-4926 WBS No.: 40163.1.2 Proiect Location: STIP project B-4926 is located on NC 55, northeast of the City of Kinston in Lenoir County. Proiect Description: The proposed project includes the replacement of two functionally obsolete existing bridges: one across the Neuse River (Bridge No. 20) and one over a nearby Neuse River wetland (Bridge No. 34). Bridge No. 20 was built in 1937 and has a sufficiency rating of 55.95. Bridge No. 34 was also built in 1937 and has a sufficiency rating of 54.47. The proposed project and surrounding area is located in a rural area with low -density residential activity. The Study Area includes low -density residential and some agricultural land. No notable recent growth or development are evident in the surrounding area. The replacement structures would be on new alignment for Bridge No. 20, approximately 540 feet long and providing a minimum 32-feet clear deck width. The new Bridge No. 34 would be approximately 215 feet long providing a minimum 32 feet clear deck width. Both bridges would include two 12-foot travel lanes; four -foot offsets and 54-inch bicycle safe railings would provide safe accommodation to bicyclists. The bridge length is based on preliminary design information and is set by hydraulic requirements. The roadway grade of the new structure would be approximately the same as the existing structure. The approach roadway would extend approximately 775 feet from the northwest end of the new Bridge No. 20 and 700 feet from the northeast end of the new Bridge No. 34. The approaches would be widened to include a 32-foot pavement width providing two 12-foot lanes and two four -foot shoulders to accommodate bicycles. Four -foot grass shoulders would be provided on each side (eight -foot shoulders where guardrail is included). The roadway would be designed as a Major Collector using Regional Tier Guidelines; the design speed would be 60 miles per hour (mph). With the proposed alternative, traffic would be detoured on -site during construction. Purpose and Need: NCDOT Bridge Management Unit records indicate the existing bridges are functionally obsolete; both were constructed in 1937. Bridge No. 20 has a sufficiency rating of 55.95, and Bridge No. 34 has a sufficiency rating of 54.47. Both bridges also meets the criteria for functionally obsolete due to a structural appraisal of five out of nine and a deck geometry appraisal of two out of nine. With aging structures (both are 81 years old), the bridges are approaching the end of their useful life and are in need of replacement. DocuSign Envelope ID: ABF270Fl-923B-4FO3-9521-3595559D2F82 NC 55 carries 3,020 vehicles per day with 3,900 vehicles per day projected for 2040. The substandard deck width is becoming increasingly unacceptable; replacement of the bridge would result in safer traffic operations. As there are currently no sidewalks or bicycle lanes within the Study Area, the proposed project would also improve safety for both motorists and cyclists; the new design includes four -foot offsets to be used as bicycle lanes with bicycle -safe railings. Components of both the concrete superstructure and substructure have experienced an increasing degree of deterioration that can no longer be addressed by maintenance activities. The posted weight limit on the bridge is down to 30 tons for single vehicles and 31 tons for truck -tractor semi -trailers. The bridge is approaching the end of its useful life. Replacement of the bridge would result in safer traffic operations. Anticipated Permit or Consultation Requirements: In consultations with relevant agencies (City of Kinston Public Services Director, Steve Miller, February 27, 2015; County of Lenoir Planning, Wayland Humphrey, March 2, 2015; NCDOT Architectural Historian, Vanessa Patrick, March 30, 2015; NCDOT Rail Division, James B. Harris, March 30, 2015; NC Division of Parks and Recreation, Justin Williamson, April 24, 2015; NCDOT Archaeologist 11, Caleb Smith, May 5, 2015; NCDOT Transportation Planning, Karen Robertson, June 3, 2015; Lenoir County Public Schools, Cindy Bruner, September 26, 2017; DPS Division of Emergency Management, John D. Brubaker, April 27, 2018; U.S. Fish and Wildlife, Gary Jordan, April 30, 2018; NCDEQ Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch, Katie Tatum, May 1, 2018; State Historic Preservation Office, Renee Gledhill -Earley, May 18, 2018; NC Department of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation, John Vine -Hodge, May 10, 2018; Regional UST Supervisor, Sylvia Newsom-Huneke, May 11, 2018; Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste Section, Drew Hammonds, May 15, 2018; NC Department of Natural & Cultural Resources Natural Heritage Program, Suzanne Mason, May 17, 2018; NC Wildlife Resources Commission, Travis Wilson, May 16, 2018; State Environmental Review Clearinghouse, Crystal Best, May 29, 2018; and U.S. Coast Guard, Hal R. Pitts, June 14, 2018), it was noted that several permits and further consultations are required for this proposed project. Commitments resultant of these permits and consultations have been included in the Project Commitments section of this report. Permits: As the Neuse River is navigable water, a Section 10 Permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) would be required. Due to the 1.5 acres of wetland impacts for the proposed project, a USACE Section 404 Individual Permit is anticipated for this proposed project. An USACE Nationwide Permit 33 may also be required for temporary construction activities such as stream dewatering, work bridges, or temporary causeways often used during bridge construction or rehabilitation work. Further consultation with USACE will determine what permit(s) are required to authorize construction. In addition to the 404 Permit, other required authorizations may include the corresponding Section 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) from the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDEQ). If waterways are closed or the navigability would be impacted by project construction, the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) should be notified. Details regarding project completion notification have been summarized within the Project Commitments. W DocuSign Envelope ID: ABF270Fl-923B-4FO3-9521-3595559D2F82 Riparian Buffer Rules: The proposed project is located within the Neuse River Basin and subject to Neuse River Riparian Buffer Rules administered by NCDEQ. Additionally, the North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission (NCWRC) has designated this portion of the Neuse River as an Inland Primary Nursery Area and has established that an in -water moratorium be done between February 15 and September 30. Bridge No. 34 is located within the floodplain of the Neuse River, so this area may be subject to the NCWRC moratorium in a flood event that provides active surface water connection to the Neuse River. Impaired Waters: No impaired waters are located within the proposed project area. Coast Guard: Based on coordination with the USCG (Hal R. Pitts, Bridge Program Manager, June 14, 2018), it was determined that a USCG Bridge Permit is not required. The proposed project received an Advance Approval category as per Title 33 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 115.70. FEMA: The NCDOT Hydraulic Unit noted that the proposed project would require a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) permit. Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA): The North Carolina Department of Public Safety noted that the proposed project includes encroachment within SFHA and Floodway to the Neuse River. As such, NC Executive Order 123 directs NCDOT to coordinate with and follow the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) floodplain management requirements which are found in the Federal Executive Order (EO) 11988. To ensure NCDOT compliance with EO 11988 and 44 CFR, the NCDOT Hydraulics Section and The NC Floodplain Mapping Program have a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). Coordination with the NCDOT Hydraulics Unit is recommended to determine if proposed encroachments and crossings within the Study Area are eligible to fall within the MOA. Historic Architecture, Landscapes, and Archaeology: There are no architectural or archaeological resources that would be affected by the proposed project. Critical Habitats: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has designated the Neuse River within the proposed project area as Critical Habitat for the Carolina distinct population segment of Atlantic sturgeon. As such NMFS will be contacted to coordinate for this species. Endangered Species Habitat: The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) lists two federally protected species for Lenoir County: the red -cockaded woodpecker (Leuconotopicus borealis) and sensitive joint -vetch (Aeschynomene virginica). Suitable habitat was determined not to be present within the Study Area for either species, therefore a biological conclusion of "No Effect" was determined for these species. The USFWS and North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) both noted that the Neuse River waterdog (Nectarus lewisi) is known to occur in the Neuse River in Lenoir 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: ABF270Fl-923B-4FO3-9521-3595559D2F82 County. This species is designated an At -Risk Species (ARS). As such, it is recommended that the status of this species be monitored in case it changes before the completion of the proposed project. In addition, the USWFS has developed a programmatic biological opinion (PBO) in conjunction with the FHWA, USACE and NCDOT for the northern long-eared bat (NLEB) (Myotis septentrionalis) in eastern North Carolina. The PBO covered the entire NCDOT program in Divisions 1-8, including all NCDOT projects and activities. The programmatic determination for NLEB for the NCDOT program is May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect. The PBO provides incidental take coverage for NLEB and would ensure compliance with section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for five years for all NCDOT projects with a federal nexus in Divisions 1-8; this includes Lenoir County, where B-4926 is located. This level of incidental take is authorized from the effective date of a final listing determination through April 30, 2020. Special Proiect Information: Environmental Commitments: Greensheet Commitments are located at the end of the checklist. Estimated Costs (Preferred Alternative: Alternative 2 - New Alignment): The estimated costs are as follows: Construction: $ 9,000,000 Right of Way/Utilities: TBD Total Cost: $ 9,000,000* *costs subject to change during design process. Costs developed during 25% design. Estimated Traffic: Current (No Build) 3,020 AADT 2040 Build 3,900 AADT TTST 3% Dual 5% Crash Analysis Summary: A strip crash analysis was completed 500 feet from both sides of Bridges No. 34 and No. 20 for a five-year period from May 1, 2013 to April 30, 2018. SEPI reviewed crash patterns and rates along the NC 55 corridor. Table 1 provides a comparison of average crash rates for similar facilities across the state. Results show that the night, wet and total crash rates for the area surrounding B-4926 are greater than the statewide and critical crash rates. There were four total crashes along the corridor in a five-year period, including three fixed object crashes and one movable object crash. There were no bicycle or pedestrian crashes along the corridor. None of the four total crashes were related to the geometry of the bridge. Design Exceptions: The existing roadway has a posted speed of 55 mph. The bridge structures are located within a curve. NCDOT Division 2 has approved the proposed 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: ABF270Fl-923B-4FO3-9521-3595559D2F82 design criteria to minimize impacts to the wetlands. A superelevation of 0.04 is used for -L- PI Sta. 37+86.49 and 0.02 for -L- PI Sta. 40+56.55 due to reverse curve and tie to existing super at -L- Sta. 42+00.00. The proposed roadway would meet the recommended design speed for this type of facility, but not the recommended superelevation. It was determined that the reverse curve radius required to meet the recommended superelevation would increase overall cost, right of way requirements, and environmental impacts for the proposed project. A design exception has been determined for this proposed project in relation to the superelevation. Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations: Both bridges are located on Bicycle Route 40, known as the County Loop Route on the Lenoir County Bicycle Route. As per recommendations from the NCDOT Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation, the proposed project would incorporate four foot offsets on both sides of the bridge, continuing as paved shoulders for at least 100 feet on either side of the bridge, and 54-inch bicycle safe railings, to provide safe accommodation to bicyclists. Boating is present in the Neuse River, and the Mountain -to -Sea Trail paddle route includes the Neuse River in this area. As such, the North Carolina Division of Parks and Recreation recommended that the NCDOT consider a small parking area and canoe launch as part of the bridge replacement to allow for safe pedestrian and paddle access to the Neuse River. The proposed alternative would provide access to the boating area. Bridge Demolition: Bridges No. 20 and No. 34 are constructed entirely of concrete and steel; it should be possible to remove both with no resulting debris in the water based on standard demolition practices. Any demolition practices shall adhere to the construction moratorium to the Neuse River during bridge demolition. Alternatives Discussion: No Build — The no build alternative would result in eventually closing the bridge as its condition continues to deteriorate. Rehabilitation — The bridges were constructed in 1937. The structures are functionally obsolete and they are reaching the end of their useful life. Rehabilitation work was performed and load restriction signs were added to Bridge No. 20. Further rehabilitation would require replacing the substructure and superstructure which would constitute effectively replacing the bridge. Onsite Detour — An onsite detour was not evaluated due to the presence of an acceptable offsite detour. Staged Construction — Staged construction was not considered because of the construction moratorium and duration of construction due to the moratorium on Neuse River. Alternative 1 (Replace in Place) — Bridges No. 34 and No. 20 would be replaced on the existing alignment. Traffic would be detoured during construction. With Alternative 1, the proposed detour is approximately 16 miles through downtown Kinston. The travel time for the detour is expected to take 45 minutes. Feedback was received from Lenoir 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: ABF270Fl-923B-4FO3-9521-3595559D2F82 County Emergency Management and Lenoir County Schools in September 2017. Emergency Management indicated that redistricting of response areas would be required with an offsite detour. Lenoir County Schools operate four school buses in the mornings and evenings. An offsite detour is expected to create a significant impact to school bus operation. Alternative 2 (Preferred Alternative - New Alignment) — Alternative 2 includes the replacement of Bridges No. 34 and No. 20 just south of the current bridge with an on -site detour. The replacement structures would be approximately 540 feet long providing a minimum 32 feet clear deck width for Bridge No. 20, and approximately 215 feet long providing a minimum 32 feet clear deck width for Bridge No. 34. Both bridges would include two 12-foot lanes, four -foot offsets, and 54-inch bicycle safe railings to provide safe accommodation to bicyclists. The roadway grade of the new structure would be approximately the same as the existing structure. This alternative would allow for an on - site detour and shorter construction timing compared to Alternative 1. Due to concerns with significant delays to general traffic, EMS, and school bus operation with an off -site detour, the presence of several rail crossings on off -site detour routes, and a three-year construction estimate due to moratoria, Alternative 2 was selected as the preferred alternative in an agency and NCDOT meeting held on October 17, 2018. As Alternative 2 has been deemed as the preferred alternative, only it has been discussed in detail within this document. Avoidance and minimization techniques were evaluated such as reducing the paved shoulder width from five to four feet and using a 2:1 slope. Based on the approved 25% design on October 10, 2018, the total impacts to wetlands are approximately 1.5 acres. In consultation with USACE and DWR, an on -site mitigation was recommended and evaluated. Based on the current design, approximately 0.85 acres would be available for an on -site mitigation site. The feasibility of the on -site mitigation site is subject to utility coordination and final design and will be included in the Individual Permit (IP) document during permitting. A new alignment alternative to the north was not evaluated since the bridges would be on a curve which would lengthen the limits of the proposed project as well as increase wetland impacts. Public Involvement: A newsletter was mailed to 397 landowners within the Study Area in May 2018. The newsletter included pertinent project information including a vicinity map, description of the proposed project, and contact information for the NCDOT project manager. No public comments were received in response to the project newsletter. Due to the nature of the proposed project, no public meeting was determined unnecessary. V DocuSign Envelope ID: ABF270Fl-923B-4FO3-9521-3595559D2F82 Other Agency Comments & Responses: Local Official Input Forms were sent to Lenoir County Schools, Lenoir County EMS and the Lenoir County Planning and Inspections Department on February 26, 2015. A formal Scoping Meeting was held on April 20, 2015. Various representatives from relevant NCDOT Divisions attended the meeting and provided comments on the proposed project. On April 11, 2018, several relevant agencies were mailed a copy of the Start of Study letter and attached Project Data Sheet, Project Vicinity Map and Environmental Features Map, either directly or through a letter forwarded from the State Clearinghouse; the agencies were asked to provide comments on the proposed project. Copies of agency correspondence can be found in the Appendix. Commitments made as a result of these comments are summarized in the Project Commitments. PART A: MINIMUM CRITERIA YES NO Is the proposed project listed as a type and class of activity which would qualify ® ❑ as a Non -Major Action under the Minimum Criteria rules? If "yes", under which category? Category 9 9 (Note: If either Category 48 or # 15 is used, complete Part D of this checklist.) If "no", then the project does not qualify as a Non -Major Action. A state environmental impact statement (EIS) or environmental assessment (EA) will be required. PART B: MINIMUM CRITERIA EXCEPTIONS YES NO Would the proposed activity cause significant changes in land use ❑ concentrations that would be expected to create adverse air quality impacts? Will the proposed activity have secondary impacts or cumulative impacts that ❑ may result in a significant adverse impact to human health or the environment? Is the proposed activity of such an unusual nature or does the proposed activity has such widespread implications, that an uncommon concern for its ❑ environmental effects has been expressed to the NCDOT? Does the proposed activity have a significant adverse effect on wetlands; surface waters such as rivers, streams, and estuaries; parklands; prime or unique ❑ agricultural lands; or areas of recognized scenic, recreational, archaeological, or historical value? Will the proposed activity endanger the existence of a species on the ❑ Department of Interior's threatened and endangered species list? Would the proposed activity cause significant changes in land use concentrations that would be expected to create adverse water quality or ❑ groundwater impacts? Is the proposed activity expected to have a significant adverse effect on long- ❑ term recreational benefits of shellfish, finfish, wildlife, or their natural habitats? DocuSign Envelope ID: ABF270Fl-923B-4FO3-9521-3595559D2F82 Note: If any of Questions 2 through 14 in part B are answered "YES", the proposed project does not qualify as a Non -Major Action. A state EIS or EA will be required. PART C: COMPLIANCE WITH STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS YES Ecologicalpacts 9. Is a federally protected threatened or endangered species, or its habitat, likely to be impacted by the proposed action? (See the Green Sheet Project Commitments for the Northern long-eared bat.) 10. Does the action require the placement of fill in waters of the United States? 11. Does the project require the placement of a significant amount of fill in high quality or relatively rare wetland ecosystems, such as mountain bogs or pine ❑ savannahs? 12. Is the proposed action located in an Area of Environmental Concern, as defined ❑ in the Coastal Area Management Act? 13. Does the project require stream relocation or channel changes? ❑ Cultural Resources 14. Will the project have an "effect" on a property or site listed on the National ❑ Register of Historic Places? 15. Will the proposed action require acquisition of additional right of way from ❑ publicly owned parkland or recreational areas? Questions in Part "C" are designed to assist the Engineer and the Division Environmental Officer in determining whether a permit or consultation with a state or federal resource agency may be required. If any questions in Part "C" are answered "yes", follow the appropriate permitting procedures prior to beginning project construction. 8 DocuSign Envelope ID: ABF270Fl-923B-4FO3-9521-3595559D2F82 Reviewed by: DocuSigned by: 10/17/2018 F x f�f4H�l.Nhk�L Date Raj it Ramkumar, PE SEPI Engineering and Construction, Inc. Consultant Project Manager DocuSigned by: 10/18/2018 FF Date Casey K. Whitley, PE Division Project Manager Division of Highways — Division 2 North Carolina Department of Transportation DocuSigned hby:: 10/24/2018 F� 15• J66'S&' Date Jaya.-Toliiison Division Environmental Officer Division of Highways — Division 2 North Carolina Department of Transportation Envelope ID: ABF270Fl-923B-4FO3-9521-3595559D2F82 PROJECT COMMITMENTS: Lenoir County NC 55 Bridge No. 20 and Bridge No. 34 over Neuse River TIP Project No.: B-4926 State Project No.: 40163.1.2 Division Two, Construction Office FEMA This proposed project involves construction activities on or adjacent to FEMA-regulated stream(s). Therefore, the Division shall submit sealed as -built construction plans to the Hydraulics Unit upon completion of project construction, certifying that the drainage structure(s) and roadway embankment that are located within the 100-year floodplain were built as shown in the construction plans, both horizontally and vertically. Hydraulics The Hydraulics Unit will coordinate with the NC Floodplain Mapping Program (FMP), to determine status of proposed project with regard to applicability of NCDOT' S Memorandum of Agreement, or approval of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and subsequent final Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). Anadromous Fish - Atlantic Sturgeon Critical Habitat According to the NCWRC, the portion of the Neuse River within the proposed project area is designated as Critical Habitat for the Atlantic sturgeon. The NMFS will be contacted to coordinate for this species. NCDOT should follow all stream crossing guidelines for anadromous fish passage, and an in -water work moratorium must be completed from February 15 to September 30 as this portion of the Neuse River has designated as an Inland Primary Nursery by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC). Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish will be implemented in the design and construction of this proposed project. Bridge Demolition During demolition mitigation measures would be in place to prevent debris from the bridge from falling into the Neuse River. This may include nets or tarps under the bridge to catch debris. Northern Long-eared Bat The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has developed a programmatic biological opinion (PBO) in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and NCDOT for the northern long-eared bat (NLEB) (Myotis septentrionalis) in eastern North Carolina. The PBO covers the entire NCDOT program in Divisions 1-8, including all NCDOT projects and activities. The programmatic determination for NLEB for the NCDOT program is May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect. The PBO provides incidental take coverage for NLEB and will ensure compliance with section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for five years for all NCDOT projects with a federal nexus in Division 1-8, which includes Lenoir County, where Envelope ID: ABF270Fl-923B-4FO3-9521-3595559D2F82 B-4926 is located. Project requirement for PBO compliance: After project completion, the contract administrator for construction must submit the actual amount of tree clearing reported in tenths of acres. This information should be submitted at: https://connect. ncdot. gov/site/construction/biosurveys/Li sts/Northern%20Long%20Eared %20Bat/AllItems. aspx Water & Sewer Lines According to City of Kinston Public Services Director Rhonda Barwick, there is a Town of Dover sewer forcemain (which is the sole discharge point for the Town of Dover and Town of Cove City collection systems) bored under the river adjacent to the bridge. North Lenoir Water Corporation also has a water main either attached to the bridge or under the river. As such, the environmental study completed by the forcemain engineers should be reviewed. NCDOT will coordinate with these towns and North Lenoir Water Corporation prior to construction to limit impacts. If existing water lines would be relocated during the construction, plans for the water line relocation must be submitted to the Division of Water Resources/Public Water Supply Section at 1634 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1634. For more information, contact the Public Water Supply Section, (919) 707-9100. APPENDIX G Anna Reusche From: Whitley, Casey K <ckwhitley@ncdot.gov> Sent: Monday, August 29, 2022 12:02 PM To: Rajit Ramkumar Cc: Anna Reusche; Bob Lepsic Subject: FW: Widening Project for PBO review FYI From: Burroughs, Anne M <amburroughs@ncdot.gov> Sent: Monday, August 29, 2022 11:00 AM To: Whitley, Casey K <ckwhitley@ncdot.gov> Cc: Gray, Jared S <jgray@ncdot.gov> Subject: RE: Widening Project for PBO review Casey, B-4926 is entered in form and approved for PBO by Gary (due to in -water bents) as long as no planning changes were made (regarding bents) and sensitive waters designs enhanced erosion control measures are used in construction. Only the main bridge # 20, requires payment (25K) as bridge 20 has no flow under normal condition, wetland complex appears to lack a drain channel and is not habitat for either Neuse River waterdog or Carolina madtom. Project is on list for payment (just NRWD/CMT) this quarter. -Anne From: Whitley, Casey K <ckwhitlev@ncdot.gov> Sent: Monday, August 29, 2022 10:28 AM To: Burroughs, Anne M <amburroughs@ncdot.gov> Subject: RE: Widening Project for PBO review No that is the only stream crossing that we have. From: Burroughs, Anne M <amburroughs@ncdot.gov> Sent: Monday, August 29, 2022 10:24 AM To: Whitley, Casey K <ckwhitley@ncdot.gov> Subject: RE: Widening Project for PBO review You are right — when I searched it the tip was there — sorry I missed it, we think this project is good to go. We have been working on it — and thought it was good to go. Are there other streams (bridges pipes or culverts) than the Neuse and its Overflow crossings? From: Whitley, Casey K <ckwhitley@ncdot.gov> Sent: Monday, August 29, 2022 10:08 AM To: Burroughs, Anne M <amburroughs@ncdot.gov> Cc: Gray, Jared S <igray@ncdot.gov> Subject: RE: Widening Project for PBO review Yes please begin the review for the PBO use. Please let me know what else you might need from me. Casey From: Burroughs, Anne M <amburroughs@ncdot.gov> Sent: Monday, August 29, 2022 10:06 AM To: Whitley, Casey K <ckwhitley@ncdot.gov> Cc: Gray, Jared S <igray@ncdot.gov> Subject: Widening Project for PBO review Hello Casey, We are touching base to see if we can help begin review of the widening project for potential PBO use, per your online form entery. It seems the form may have failed to save your project info. Feel free to call/email with any details we start review on. -Anne Anne Burroughs Embedded Consultant -Environmental Scientist Biological Surveys Group Environmental Analysis Unit North Carolina Department of Transportation 919 707 6106 office 919 649 9100 mobile amburroughs(a)-ncdot.gov 1020 Birch Ridge Drive 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1598 Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. APPENDIX H Commander 431 Crawford Street U.S. Department of United States Coast Guard Portsmouth, VA 23704-5004 Homeland Security Fifth Coast Guard District Staff Symbol: (dpb) Phone: (757) 398-6422 United States Fax: (757) 398-6334 Email: Martm.A.Brid es use .mil Coast Guard or CGDFiveBridges .uscQ.mil 16591 14 JUN 2018 Mr. Hon F. Yeung, P.E. North Carolina Department of Transportation Division 2 P.O. Box 1587 Greenville, NC 27835 Dear Mr. Yeung: Coast Guard review of your proposed project as provided in a letter dated April 16, 2018, is complete. Based on the documentation provided and our research, it is determined that a Coast Guard bridge permit will not be required for the proposed NC 55 Bridge across Neuse River, mile 74.0, in Lenoir County, NC. The project will be placed in our Advance Approval category as per Title 33 Code of Federal Regulations Part 115.70. This Advance Approval determination is for the location and structure described above and is valid for five years from the date of this letter. If the construction project does not commence within this time period, you must contact this office for reaffirmation of this authorization. Future bridge projects along the same waterway will have to be independently evaluated before they may be considered for placement in the Advance Approval category. The fact that a Coast Guard bridge permit is not required does not relieve you of the responsibility for compliance with the requirements of any other Federal, State, or local agency who may have jurisdiction over any aspect of the project. Although the project will not require a bridge permit, other areas of Coast Guard jurisdiction apply. The following must be met: a. You or your contractor must notify this office at least 30 days in advance of the start of construction and any other work which may be an obstruction to navigation, so we may issue and update the information in our Local Notice to Mariners and monitor the project. The notice should include details of the project; dates and hours of operation; and vessels, barges and equipment to be used during the project. b. At no time during the project will the waterway be closed to navigation without the prior notification and approval of the Coast Guard. The bridge owner or contractor is required to maintain close and regular contact with Coast Guard Sector North Carolina at (910) 772-2230 or D05-DG-SECNC-PREVENTION USCG.MIL to keep them informed of activities on the waterway. c. The lowest portion of the superstructure of the bridge across the waterway should clear the 100-year flood height elevation, if feasible. 16591 14 JUN 2018 d. In addition, the requirement to display navigational lighting at the aforementioned bridge is hereby waived, as per Title 33 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 118.40(b). This waiver may be rescinded at any time in the future should nighttime navigation through the proposed bridge be increased to a level determined by the District Commander to warrant lighting. The National Ocean Service (NOS) of the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration (NOAA) is responsible for maintaining the charts of U.S. waters; therefore, they must be notified of this proposed work. You must notify our office and the NOS at the address below upon completion of the activity approved in this letter. Your notification of project completion must include as -built drawings or certification of the following: a. Bridge name b. Action type (new construction, modification, relocation, conversion (fixed/draw), etc.) c. Dates (commenced and completed) d. Location (latitude and longitude at bridge center and centerline of channel, statute miles above mouth of waterway, and bridge or causeway orientation or geographic positions of approaches) e. Type of bridge (fixed, vertical lift, bascule, suspension, swing, trestle, pontoon, etc.) f. Navigation clearances (vertical at mean high water and horizontal) (Moveable — vertical at mean high water in open and closed positions) g. Whether or not the bridge is fitted with clearance gauges h. Whether or not the bridge has pier protection and/or fender system. i. Type of land traffic (highway, railroad, pedestrian, pipeline, etc.) Ms. Sladjana Maksimovic National Ocean Service N/CS26, Room 7317 1315 East-West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910-3282 If you have any further questions, please contact Mr. Marty Bridges at the above listed address or telephone number. Sincerely, HAL R. PITTS Bridge Program Manager By direction of the Commander Fifth Coast Guard District Copy: Ms. SIadjana Maksimovic, NOS CG Sector North Carolina, Waterways Management U. S_ Army Corps of Engineers, Washington District APPENDIX I Project Tracking No. (Internal Use 10-01-0039 __— update G'It HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES ' NO SURVEY REQUIRED FORM This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It t is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: B-4926 County: Lenoir WBS No.: 40163.1.2 Document Type: Fed! Aid No: Funding: State X Federal Federal Permit(s): X Yes No Permit Typ e(s): Not specified in review request Proiect Description: Replace Bridge Numbers 20 and 34 on NC 55 over Neuse River (off - site detour planned, presume no improvements). SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW DESCRIPTION OF REVIEWACTIVITIES, RESULTS, AND CONCLUSIONS: HPOWeb reviewed on 27 March 2015 and yielded no NR, SL, LD, DE, or SS properties in the Area of Potential Effects (APE). Lenoir County current GIs mapping, aerial photography, and tax information indicated an APE of woodland and wetland (viewed 27 March 2015). Bridge Numbers 20 and 34, both constructed in 1937, are not eligible for the National Register according to the NCDOT Historic Bridge Survey as they are not representative of any distinctive engineering or aesthetic types. Google Maps "Street View" confirmed the absence of critical historic structures/landscapes in the APE (viewed 27 March 2015). No architectural survey is required for the project as currently defined. WHY THEAVAILABLE INFORMATION PROVIDES RELIABLE BASIS FOR REASONABLY PREDICTING THAT THERE ARE NO UNIDENTIFIED SIGNIFICANT HISTORIC ARCHITECTURAL OR LANDSCAPE RESOURCES IN THE PROJECT AREA: APE extends 500 feet from the western end of Bridge No. 20 to 500 feet from the eastern end of Bridge No. 34 (NW -SE) and 100 feet to either side of the NC 55 center line (NE -SW) to encompass proposed construction. The county architectural survey and related publication, as well as later studies, record no properties in the APE (M. Ruth Little, et al., Coastal Plain and Fancy - the Historic Architecture of Lenoir County and Kinston, North Carolina, Kinston: City of Kinston and Lenoir County Historical Association, 1998). County GIS/tax materials and other visuals support the absence of significant architectural resources. No National Register -listed properties are located within the APE. There are NR-listed properties along the proposed off -site detour route, which will require review should any detour improvements be planned. Should the design of the project change, including the addition of off -site detour improvements, please notify NCDOT Historic Architecture as additional review may be necessary. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION X Map(s) ❑Previous Survey Info. ❑Photos ❑Correspondence ❑Design Plans FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN e Archi NCDOT Architectural Historian es, nNO SURVEY REQUIRED Date Historic Archilectu e and Landscapes NO SURVEY REOillliL DJmm for iLlinor Transportation Projects as Oaal f ed in the 2007 Progranunatic Agreetnenl. Run Rd Ar�a�n r" H 55 E M 2.3 ml e� c4nh��9ha R ' �t � F B-4926 (Bridge No. 20) B-4926ti� (Bridge No. 34), ,g "mi rhi Ry a K� Jy �e a Ti i o B �i 9hhah Ra _ -Afo \ \ \ �NF p CpUNT S CpUN�,y , OO Bridge Project 0— Studied Detour Ro NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS UNIT LENOIR COUNTY REPLACE BRIDGE NO. 20 AND NO. 34 ON NC 55 OVER NEUSE RIVER B-4926 FIGURE 1 - VICINITY MAP �10-01-0039 J oa NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED FORM This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not p valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: B-4926 County: LENOIR PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION OR CATEGORICAL WBS No: 40163.1.2 Document: EXCLUSION F.A. No: Funding: ❑ State ® Federal Permit Federal Permit Required? ® Yes ❑ No Type: UNKNOWN Project Description: REPLACE BRIDGE 20 ON NC 55 OVER THE NEUSE RIVER AND BRIDGE 34 ON NC 55 OVER THE NEUSE RIVER OVERFLOW IN LENOIR COUNTY. AREA OF POTENTIAL EFFECTS (A.P.E.) INCLUDES THE AREA 213 METERS (700 FT.) FROM EACH END OF EACH BRIDGE AND 30 METERS (100 FT.) FROM CENTERLINE ON EACH SIDE OF THE ROAD. TOTAL A.P.E. LENGTH IS APPROXIMATELY 671 METERS (2,200 FT.) LONG AND 61 METERS (200 FT.) WIDE. SUMMARY OF CULTURAL RESOURCES REVIEW Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: THIS PROJECT WAS ORIGINALLY REVIEWED IN 2010 AS THE REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE 20. NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY WAS RECOMMENDED ON 7/22/2010 (ER 11-1751). THE PROJECT WAS RE -SUBMITTED IN MARCH 2O15 TO INCLUDE THE REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE 34 OVER THE NEUSE RIVER OVERFLOW TO THE EAST OF BRIDGE 20. THE BRIDGE 34 A.P.E. INCLUDES POORLY -DRAINED SWAMP/FLOODPLAIN WITH A LOW POTENTIAL FOR ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES. SEE ATTACHED DESCRIPTION OF THE 2010 REVIEW. Brief Explanation of why the available information provides a reliable basis for reasonably predicting that there are no unidentified historic properties in the APE: THE A.P.E. INCLUDES POORLY -DRAINED LANDFORMS WITH A LOW POTENTIAL FOR ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: ® Map(s) ® Previous Survey Info ® Photos ❑Correspondence ❑ Photocopy of County Survey Notes Other: FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST NO ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REOUIRED CALEB SMITH 5/11/2015 NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST 11 Date "No ARCHAEOLOGYSURVEYREQUIRED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 1 of 21 Archaeological Reconnaissance of Bridge Nos. 20 and 34 on NC 55 over the Neuse River, Lenoir County, North Carolina By Caleb Smith September 2010; Revised May 2015 Introduction The archaeological review of Bridge 20 in Lenoir County was first assigned in February 2010 (Figure 1). The Study Area for the project included the area within 152 meters (500 ft.) of each end of the bridge and 30 meters (100 ft.) from centerline on each side of the road. The original review included an examination of a topographic map, an aerial photograph, the Lenoir County soil survey, and listings of previously recorded sites, previous archaeological surveys, and previous environmental reviews at the Office of State Archaeology (O.S.A.). Also, a reconnaissance of the project area was conducted in March 2010. No Archaeological Survey was recommended for the project in 7/22/2010. I -- r, S F 17 F � ri I�11 c.11� n Ig In aydan ASTIF' G41dSEur 0,,,4 lS Glee oCounrl. U M1oS �Illr•. 1 S a l a, 1 yam' rl•,n•„,-.. s E i'f�4iy y,:.pyef,,�yr�,, �.:. .-...�-'%r�3����'�•:��J6��, a_s;:l, +7�a .S�sxr]C$.- �L Ca-d:�1_ r �iJ<.. ]nYa:ws. a7u�J•31�yrG'�i+mD. L'i�h�' ..�'j�•.: Figure 1: Location of Bridges 20 and 34. "No ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REQUIRED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 2 of 21 The project was re -submitted for archaeological review in March 2015. This time the Area of Potential Effects (A.P.E.) was much larger because it included the replacement of a second bridge (34) located over the Neuse River overflow approximately 183 meters (600 ft.) east of Bridge 20 (Figure 2). The A.P.E. for each bridge includes the area 214 meters (700 ft.) from each end of the bridge and 30 meters (100 ft.) on each side of the road. atmV 34 .r -e Figure 2: Location of Bridges 20 and 34 (USGS 1983 Kinston, N.C. [left] and 1983 Grifton, N.C. [right] 1:24,000-scale topographic maps). The following is a revised version of the March 2010 report that described the reconnaissance of the Bridge 20 study area. Bridge 34 was not included in that reconnaissance. However, an examination of the topographic map, aerial photograph, Lenoir County soil survey, and historic maps indicate that the A.P.E. for Bridge 34 is located in the wide, poorly -drained floodplain/swamp along the east side of the Neuse River (Figures 3 and 4). The landforms within the Bridge 34 A.P.E. have a low potential for archaeological sites. March 2010 Reconnaissance On March 5, 2010, NCDOT archaeologists Paul Mohler and Caleb Smith conducted an archaeological reconnaissance for the replacement of Bridge Number 20 on NC 55 over the Neuse River in Lenoir County. The reconnaissance consisted of archaeological background research and a visual examination of the project area. "No ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEYREQUIRED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 3 of 21 •— dP' QSDV -ow Ap- Term— ... _Lidtk .� / Bridge 20 - 16 •° -, 4 Ido- — - AP— _ — AMP1og �� — }a low Sandpit �+ • - 40- Bridge 34 l " „ • Ago- # 1 — sow �.. ` — C J e t` 20 IV lh � Figure 3: Topographic map of Bridges 20 and 34 (USGS 1983 Kinston, N.C. [left] and 1983 Grifton, N.C. [right] 1:24,000- scale topographic maps). "No ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REQUIRED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 4 of 21 ,,.���� i r — . *-�.�_r t ram' +•- a'I4 i' r �•'� ' {��• •� ' f �� _ '—� }. Sir r 4 •i� fit' } • ** . 46, yY ; a. ^. +r 40 t do W.9 .Apt •: --'tea: .a r* r 'w. + y. A. ii'7A .t , - -+ y• # V i`#df . - A. A. r f �'js' i �� � of -.,1' .�f 'wT.. r r W ,�►�� ar, � •1 Y. 4 ;; , a Y 1 At 406 A. • r �r a ! eSr'ro MC Vne17a Pic Center far Citagtapnl[ Infarmat•an and NC 911 audr P �Kf' _' S,4Y Opfaulk Map The A.P.E. consisted of a 60-meter (200-foot) wide corridor that extended from the bridge in each direction along NC 55 for approximately 152 meters (500 feet). (The A.P.E. has since grown to include Bridge 34 over the Neuse River overflow to the east of Bridge 20.) Background Research Background research consisted of a review of previously recorded archaeological sites and previously conducted archaeological projects in the vicinity, as well as examination of historic maps. There are no previously recorded sites within the study area, and it has not been previously surveyed. Site 31LR38 was recorded to the east of the bridge replacement. It was recorded by Robert Crawford in 1966. It was later destroyed by the excavation of a mine (the West pit), a project reviewed by the State Historic Preservation Office (HPO) as ER 93-7137. Also, a water line project located along NC 55 has been reviewed by HPO (ER 88-0462). A bridge replacement on NC 55 over Jericho Run to the west of the project area was reviewed by HPO (ER 04-0107). HPO had "no comment" on the project. Also, in 2011 HPO reviewed the plans for the replacement of Bridge 20 (ER 11-1751). agov - Terr;W r Bridge 20 replacement Land=rig (ER 11-1751�5 •ttons-,! 31LR38 / pm 9.6 f/% 1 40, I •~ r _� a • �- The West / pit Water line along' ..1 NC 55? Figure 5: Topographic map of Bridges 20 and 34 showing previously recorded site and environment reviews in the vicinity (USGS 1983 Kinston, N.C. [left] and 1983 Grifton, N.C. [right] 1:24,000-scale topographic maps). "No ARCHAEOLOGYSURVEYREQUIRED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 6 of 21 Maps from 1902, 1914, 1919, 1927 and 1938 show no structures in the vicinity of the bridge. The maps show that the area around the bridge is a poorly -drained wetland/swamp that has never been suitable for agriculture, residences or commercial/industrial development. The maps do show that a bridge has been in this vicinity since 1902 at the latest. The 1902 and 1914 topographic maps (United States Geological Survey [USGS] 1902,1914) shows a symbol for a standard bridge at this location (not a drawbridge, ford or ferry), labels the bridge "Albritton's Ldg.", and shows the river was used as a "steamboat route' (Figure 6). It shows a different road configuration than today. The road on the west side of the river was in the same approximate location, but on the east side the road did not extend southeast to today's Neuse Road, but instead turned northeast and ran along the east side of the river to "Terrapin Ldg.", and then east to Neuse Road. 8 ♦I ti- .. - j � may' [+ t-� . ■ ? f .• l ' y VI ! j ■ ' r i `r•rr�� J Project Area 45 £'Asw 74 aG. s❑ Figure 6: Topographic maps of the project area in 1914 (left) and 1902 (right). The circa 1910-1919 rural delivery route map (United States Post Office Department [USPOD] circa 1910-1919) shows the bridge and road in approximately the same configuration as today (Figure 7). It does not show the 1902 road leading from the project area northeast to Terrapin Landing, nor does it label any bridges or landings. It is a map of mail routes and labels the cluster of homes to the west of the bridge "Faulkner" and the homes to the east of the bridge "N. West." These are presumably the names of the people who lived in those homes. "No ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REQUIRED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 7 of 21 C t.0 S, 5V • . Study Area , W12 s • f N we ti •+ Figure 7: Map of the project area in circa 1910-1919 (USPOD circa 1910-1919). The 1927 Lenoir County soil map (United States Department of Agriculture [USDA] 1927) shows the bridge and road in approximately the same configuration as today (Figure 8). The bridge is labeled "highway bridge." "Terrapin Landing' is labeled to the north. It does not show the 1902 road from the highway bridge northeast to Terrapin Landing. "Caswell Landing" is labeled to the south. Arbitton's Landing is not labeled on this map. The 1938 highway map (North Carolina State Highways and Public Works Commission [NCSHPWC] 1938) shows the bridge and road in approximately the same configurations as today (Figure 9). A plaque on the bridge says it was built in 1937 so this map probably shows the current bridge. The plaque labels it the "Oaks Bridge," although none of the maps label it this way. The road is shown as U.S. Highway 70, and the symbols indicate it was a Federal Aid "paved road, high type." (An earlier highway map [1930] labels it N.C. Highway 10/ 11.) "No ARCHAEOLOGYSURVEYREQUIRED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 8 of 21 0 K| � ": . � e , Study . R Area K ® � ADIN ...,. � . . -?AY > Qv - Cf e sLs a _. Cross r�L 0 CA J-i `x 2 . A � - z Icr , FIgur ƒ Soil map of the project area in 1927(USDA 1927. �� . �� � � � ■ �•©' � ' � � a \ ., vp ■ , � a � 13 .. � G RREN . , 19 . _ r,AmGE ° � , Study Area CL035• 'a ®� _ P # , . a, C & � 70 ..w ��■ , , �, ' T . ®* N , 4b • L ` ' •Cr ' ■Oil, PW# -70 . ' - STS sos° ' Cr ti V ®a � �a ' _ - it° 1 . � aa. . - ' # _ a ' IP a fow � N6, � � � ■ � �, ■ & ` a * / _ , . Figure ± Highway map ofthe project area in198(NCSHPWC198. ARCHAEOLOGY SURmtREQUIRED" formfor Minor Trap__ Projects zQualified athe zzProgrammatic AgreemenL 9&a Archaeological Reconnaissance The Neuse River is oriented northeast -southwest but is considered north -south for this project. Each quadrant of the Bridge 20 replacement is described below. Visual examination of the project identified landforms with a low potential for prehistoric archaeological sites. Most of the areas around the bridge and road appear to be poorly -drained land. The Lenoir County soil survey (Barnhill 1977) describes the soils around the bridge as poorly - drained. The NC 55 roadbed is raised approximately 4.5 meters (15 feet) above the surrounding area to accommodate frequent flooding, and much of the study area was under water during the (March 2010) reconnaissance. Southwest Quadrant The southwest quadrant has a low probability for archaeological sites (Figure 10). The area from the river west for approximately 60 meters (200 feet) was covered with standing water. There was an area of higher ground from 60-90 meters (200-300 feet) from the bridge, and then standing water from 90-130 meters (300426 feet) west of the bridge. The Lenoir County soil survey (Barnhill 1977) describes the soil in this quadrant as Chewacla loam (frequently flooded), Kinston loam (frequently flooded), and Bibb soils (frequently flooded). The nearest well -drained soil is a stretch of Lakeland sand (0-6% slopes) that begins approximately 519 meters (1,700 feet) west of the bridge. The modern topographic map depicts the poorly drained soils as wooded and the Lakeland soil as cleared. The historic maps show no structures in this quadrant since 1902. Southeast Quadrant The southeast quadrant has a low probability for archaeological sites (Figure 11). The area from the river east to an overflow bridge (shown on the modern topographic map) was covered with standing water. Like the main bridge the overflow bridge has a plaque saying it was built in 1937. The soil survey describes the soil in this quadrant as Chewacla loam (frequently flooded) and Kinston loam (frequently flooded). The nearest well - drained soil is a stretch of Lakeland sand (0-6% slopes) that begins approximately 701 meters (2,300 feet) east of the bridge. The modern topographic map depicts the poorly drained soils as wooded (with a wetland symbol) and the Lakeland soil as cleared. The historic maps show no structures in this quadrant since 1902. "No ARCHAEOLOGYSURVEYREQUIRED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 10 of 21 "No ARCHAEOLOGYSURVEYREQUIRED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 11 of21 Northeast Quadrant The northeast quadrant has a low probability for archaeological sites (Figure 12). The area from the river east to the overflow bridge was covered with standing water. The soils in this quadrant are the same as in the southeast quadrant, Chewacla loam (frequently flooded) and Kinston loam (frequently flooded). The modern topographic map depicts the poorly drained soils as wooded wetland and the Lakeland soil as cleared. The historic maps show no structures in this quadrant since 1902, but the 1902 map shows there was a road in this quadrant that ran from the bridge northeast to Terrapin Landing. Visual examination did not identify any evidence of an old road in this quadrant. •� h r ,r- Figure 12: East view of the northeast quadrant. Northwest Quadrant The northwest quadrant has a low probability for archaeological sites (Figure 13). Like the southwest quadrant, the area from the river west for approximately 90 meters (300 feet) was covered with standing water. N.C. 55 is raised approximately 3 meters (10 feet) above the surrounding area to keep it out of the flood waters. There was an area of higher ground from 90-180 meters (300-591 feet) from the bridge, and then standing water from there west. Like the southwest quadrant, the soils in this quadrant are Chewacla loam (frequently flooded), Kinston loam (frequently flooded), and Bibb soils (frequently flooded). "No ARCHAEOLOGYSURVEYREQUIRED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 12 of 21 The nearest well -drained soil is a stretch of Lakeland sand (0-6% slopes) that begins approximately 519 meters (1,700 feet) west of the bridge. The modern topographic map depicts the poorly drained soils as wooded and the Lakeland soil as cleared. The historic maps show no structures in this quadrant since 1902. There is a wide shoulder (approximately 10 meters [32 feet]) located along the north side of N.C. 55 in this quadrant, and there is an access road that runs from the road east towards the Neuse River, perhaps to a boat launch or picnic area (Figure 14). Visual examination of the access road identified some kind of structure remains in this quadrant. The structural features included four small concrete footings with bolts sticking out of the tops, and a concrete retaining wall (Figure 15). The wall is located 15 meters (50 feet) west of the river and 10 meters (32 feet) north of the road. The footings are 5 meters (16 feet) west of the wall. "No ARCHAEOLOGYSURVEYREQUIRED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 13 of 21 "No ARCHAEOLOGYSURVEYREQUIRED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 14 of 21 Origin of the Structural Features It is not possible to determine the structural features' age, origin or purpose based on their physical characteristics. They are made of cement, a building material that has been used for many years and provides little information about a construction date. It is possible there are more structural features located outside of the A.P.E. but the reconnaissance focused on the areas close to the bridge. The heavily wooded, swampy land did not encourage exploration of the areas located away (north of) the road. Historic maps indicate that a bridge has been at this approximate location since 1902. The plaque on the current bridge says it was built in 1937. Background research identified a 1919 notice that the Lenoir County Commissioners had awarded a contract to the Roanoke Iron and Bridge Works to build a bridge over the Neuse River at the "Oak Bridge site' six miles from Kinston (Figure 16). The distance from Kinston is not very informative since it is not known whether the distance refers to road miles or river miles, and it is not known at what point the measurement began. Based on the scales of the 1914 and 1902 topographic maps the bridge would have been approximately 6 miles by road from the east side of Kinston. Also, the bridge plaque calls the current bridge the "Oaks Bridge," so the notice probably refers to this location. Also, the contract called for concrete abutments and piers and that is what the structural features are made of, so the remains could be from that bridge. I xld, clerk. MIDI RECRI VED A%p CONTRAC1172 (mTndlapL is -Ciw raatl� Aw rd-Md.) U81111" rSp X9M46---• U11 Tk%0n dt W GI - bi>rr<, t d);r CGT1 rtia r t� it 1l rom B r;ok3TD, L t 1$,000, K I R440w,, X. C.--* R06kn r k1@ Z ran Flrlrlig-F Workk R" nQke, Ya, ror eqa- atructlruff stool bishwray hr�dta w1th draw apita aCrib*e RTrrr R1 OsLk BrIfte aiEib� 4 mil" Yr-om KInst-an, 312 IL a length witli a If -rt. roadwit •. £oneret AL tm-pnts &-nd -pIar3p. ■t $N,607. eons. D. U,* 1), C. go & lion. iMut nit bridgm c-oxt1ng $V,N-Qr Dapt, of pub- work■, Figure 16: 1919 description of a contract awarded to build a bridge at/near the project area (Municipal Journal and Public Works 1919). "No ARCHAEOLOGYSURVEYREQUIRED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 15 of21 The 1937 design plans of the present bridge (courtesy of the NCDOT Bridge Maintenance Unit) have an inset in the lower left corner of the "Special Drawing for Oaks Bridge over Neuse River." The inset shows the new bridge's relationship to the previous bridge (Figure 17). There is no scale on the inset map, but it shows the previous bridge's west end may have been located within the study area. The concrete wall is located approximately 10 meters (33 feet) north of the bridge so the wall and footings could be the remains of the previous bridge. i*�a*rtl,f f +I�01f .aV {'.i.0. d O f3• -jo• f rPV. " ir. fro• F. " 1 it f4P elm X 5 f l;:bridge" .-C _9A. + f�f'r a5al+Jdltn� ' `h-_ iii + �Present r �! I +'' f , Q� Nod wit • ++~� � ' '' r n� i p.. � j { �i Jtr�f�fin 1 5 ' , I fJ ,,� �+ '+'! {Ni aril D£IRfyr• - ' "Proposed ` bridge" .i� 7. 1■� {Yi fib 1 - —F Gvrrrer dl JDp rtC, Figure 17: "Location Sketch" on the design plans of the 1937 bridge. The structural features could be the remains of a building. The configuration of the concrete footings looks like a foundation for a large piece of machinery or storage tank. The bolts in the top indicated something was fastened to them and removed later. If they were part of a structure it was probably related to an industry that utilized the Neuse River like a loading dock or wharf. However, it is odd that none of the historic maps from the early through middle twentieth-century show any buildings at this location. A 1954 aerial photograph (courtesy of the North Carolina Geological Survey [NCGS]) does not show any clearings or other evidence of industrial development next to the bridge (Figure 18). The aerial photograph shows what may be an old access road (perhaps the current access road) in the northwest quadrant. This road could be the approach to the previous bridge, although the location sketch in Figure 17 shows the previous bridge would have been approached from the northwest. There is no other evidence of any activity at this location. It is certainly possible that the remains either pre- or post-date the maps and aerial photograph. "No ARCHAEOLOGY SUR VEY REQUIRED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 16 of 21 s F 4 Study Area r Structural features AA , - rr ■ 1' k � s. a s L •+ i i Figure 18: Aerial photograph of the project area in 1954 (courtesy o NCGS). The features could be the remains of a river improvement structure installed by the U.S. Army Engineers in the late nineteenth- and early twentieth -centuries. A series of river and harbor appropriations in the 1870s began an intensive effort to improve North Carolina's rivers for boat shipping. The Neuse River program called for clearing of obstructions (both man-made and natural), removing shoals, straightening curves, and maintaining a consistent channel depth from the mouth upstream to Goldsboro. Between 1878 and 1919 Congress appropriated $457,250 for Neuse River improvements, and they are detailed in the Secretary of War's reports to the U.S. Congress from 1872, 1879, 1886, 1888, 1892, 1904, 1906, 1912 and 1919 (U.S. Secretary of War 1872, 1879, 1886, 1888, 1892, 1904, 1906, 1912, 1919). One of the most effective ways to maintain a consistent depth was to build jetties that steered the current to the middle of the stream and "naturally" deepened the channel. In 1878 the project constructed five jetties "at the long, straight reach immediately below the town of Kinston." The jetties were constructed of wooden piles and sheet metal and averaged 100 feet long. In 1886, 121 lumber jetties (a total of 12,402 feet long) were installed in the 5 miles between the "southwest blockade" below Kinston and a point called Becton's Old Fields. As described above, trying to find a point on the Neuse River using the distances and landmarks found in the older sources is problematic, but the project area may have been in this stretch of the river. While these structural features do not fit the description of jetties, they could have been related to the Neuse River improvements. The most important information is that the Secretary of War's reports "No ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REQUIRED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 17 of 21 include fairly detailed descriptions of much of the Neuse River, yet none specifically mention any structures or bridges in this area. Deed research did not find any evidence of a structure next to the bridge. Research was able to track the chain of title back to 1937, when Z.V. and Bessie K. West purchased a 32- acre tract from the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (Lenoir County Deed Book [DB] 164 pg. 2). In January 1959 the Z.V. and Bessie K. West lands were divided amongst their heirs and a survey map was filed (Lenoir County Map Book [MB] 7 pg. 56). (Figure 19 is the 1958 survey map showing the project area.) The estate included two "farms' located on the west side of the Neuse River, one on the north and one on the south side of N.C. 55. The project area is within the boundaries of "Farm #2," consisting of 32 acres on the north side of N.C. 55. Within Farm #2 it was part of Lot 62, an 11.4 acre tract of woodland that stretched from the west bank of the Neuse west for approximately 1,833 feet. Lots 61 and 60 were smaller parcels located on the west side of Lot 62. The map in Figure 19 does not show any structural features in the project area. In January 1959 Keith and Louise L. Williams purchased Farm #2 (Lots 60, 61 and 62) from the West family (DB 475 pg. 318). Roy Ivy Garris purchased the land from Keith and Louise L. Willhams on July 15, 1960 (DB 478 pg. 212). The Garris family had inherited the land from Roy Ivy Garris when he died intestate on June 28, 1964. On May 1, 1967 Wilby Garris Cole and her husband, Roland J. Cole, were conveyed the land by Wilby's siblings and mother (DB 574 pg. 654). Most recently Lot 62 was gifted to Rodney Earl Cole by Wilby Garris Cole in February 2006 (DB 1457 pg. 804-806). None of the deeds described above mention any structural features in the project area. Conclusion In conclusion, the proposed bridge replacement has little potential to impact any archaeological sites. Background research found that there are no previously recorded archaeological sites in the vicinity, and historic maps do not show any structures in the project area. The maps show a bridge at this location by 1902, and research found that another bridge was built in 1919. The current bridge was built in 1937. Visual examination of the project area identified landforms with a low potential for prehistoric archaeological sites. The areas around the bridge and road are poorly -drained, swampy land. The reconnaissance identified several concrete structural features in the northwest quadrant of Bridge 20. Their age, origin and purpose are unknown, but they are most likely the remains of the 1919 bridge. "No ARCHAEOLOGYSURVEYREQUIRED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 18 of21 ?QQ. JAN. iQ 1959 ' x!r±2-,,, I" -� • FM �1 I1z 9e r °l NORTH CAROLIHIt HALIFAX COUNTY o w $ Ia%' S W.'rRhAe"Pt BEING O!lL1�WRH Gorr* ar.+in w 15.d3 : l� NOUN r cenotr Coar+L7 SAYS; THAT Hk-13 A R_GrSYEFEEr I.RTID r r• % y' SURWYOR AND THAT 0V 10 DAY GO: i JoAl. 1950 HE MADE T!IEMAP UPOf: WHICH.. THIS AFFIDAVIT IS WRITTEN FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE BY anz cr HIM. AND THAT IHE SAME IS IN ALL d {ev RESPECTS CORRECT �./,/' s b—Md ed ..«n lv exen m. saAff- cs� Airs _ rv.r •s�r� ',-1 _ RoW7 e,5ro r.P.P1.7 7!f P . �..•mm�ee e.y.n_� 19 err.. r.r 1. s 7a ra m : A{.a ,• n .' err (p ��r,lA, • i 4 ] { 1 Sp 9 Ta fT�✓F ♦, • M f0 !l a ,r ,s •J•. 9] 3L 31 .?fe rP rd Pr Y6 s • {3 S 21 So ( !1 /d !s !3 !L // /o P 8 T 6 5 f�n1 3 s .e�,reN c��.rrrvco ` rm.r se..�s hrrr•�wm • r. rewr .c..-r .rirr e..r_ N.C. 55 Northwest quadrant F If f lox 6f^ Y f^ %/ rrj 1 ] �r�%�'] *,• I rLyI�I I I. _ �"'� ^�.■e d3',r-.` " Yl r�% L-. r JL� d. r l J. �4 \' 1. , r Wd ! :i �� L •-1' ♦1rT y [or .K ��� i! Nj�Y Ai ` a�� JL�� L-S/F�JWtlx✓F+' fwe f�y� L. S rt � • C:' S t , -�r1 I.0 IaAc't, [ Tr' { r �' n . � J r }[. ' i�r �_. � - '-�_��3 � , raeoa _ � _,!� �l _ f � i � F r�•� l .ven• 4 I- i /43.4e.'•'+ C pwa _ry ry �, i •� .w.vns , C'_ � ' "'•tr • r. � � C pt/s.S' - ^^w Wz �4 • �II,f •P L �� t • � 4� { c e `V f C as •,f .-E914.4' ��! (Y � -- ara.--i � ate. re a a� 're c7xwwrc iac...cr..r.Au,r ,rreri.w, amrr: s w+.nv 44. r- ,E-rr,+..r .xew eerwwe. I SELLING AGENTS arro ra,rd,rraws At. qc reams c�.e o,. �/ ��5 fwY e[ Nfo � !/�.rr+v �r �.s SE, �• AUCTION S WAi.TER a GURLEY Co. KINSTON, N.C. LFigure 19: 1958 plat map of the West estate lands. `1Uo ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEYREQUIRED" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 19 of 21 References Cited Barnhill, William L. 1977 Soil Survey of Lenoir County, North Carolina. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D.C. Municipal Journal and Public Works 1919 Volume XLVI (January to June 1919) York, New York. Municipal Journal and Engineer, Inc., New North Carolina State Highways and Public Works Commission (NCSHPWC) 1938 Lenoir County, North Carolina Highway Map. Accessed in March 2010 at North Carolina Maps, http://www2.lib.unc.edu/dc/ncmaps/ United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) 1927 Lenoir County Soil Map. Accessed in March 2010 at North Carolina Maps, http: / /www2.lib.unc.edu/dc/ncmaps/ United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1902 Ayden, North Carolina. 1:62,500-scale topographic map. 1914 Kinston, North Carolina. 1:62,500-scale topographic map. United States Post Office Department (USPOD) Circa 1910-1919 Rural Delivery Routes, Lenoir County, North Carolina. Accessed in March 2010 at North Carolina Maps, http://www2.lib.unc.edu/dc/ncmaps/ United States War Department/ United States Army 1872 Neuse River, Below Goldsborough, North Carolina. Pp. 734-741 in Report of the Secretary of War (Being Part of the Message and Documents Communicated to the Two Houses of Congress at the Beginning of the Third Session of the Forty -Second Congress), Volume II, Appendix Q. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 1879 Improvement of Neuse River, North Carolina. Pp. 704-710 in Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers to the Secretary of War for the Year 1879 (In Three Parts). Part I., Appendix H-11. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 1886 Improvement of the Neuse River, North Carolina. Pp. 979-983 in Annual Report of the Secretary of War for the Year 1886 (in Four Volumes). Volume II, Appendix L-3. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 1888 Improvement of Neuse River, North Carolina. Pp. 866-871 in Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, to the Secretary of War for the Year 1888 (in Four Parts). Part II, Appendix L-4. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 1892 Improvement of Neuse River Up to Smithfield, North Carolina. PP.1129-1134 in Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, to the Secretary of War for the Year 1892 (in Four Parts and Atlas), Part II, Appendix L-10. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. "No ARCHAEOLOGYSURVEYREQUIRED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 20 of 21 1904 Improvement of Neuse and Trent Rivers, North Carolina. PP.1481-1483 in Annual Reports of the War Department for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1904. Volume VI: Report of the Chief of Engineers, Part 2, Appendix M-6. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 1906 Neuse and Trent Rivers, North Carolina. Pp. 257-258 in Annual Reports of the War Department for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1906. Volume V: Report of the Chief of Engineers. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 1912 Neuse and Trent Rivers, North Carolina. Pp. 432434 in War Department Annual Reports 1912 (in Four Volumes). Volume II: Report of the Chief of Engineers. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 1919 Neuse River, North Carolina. Pp. 2446-2249 in Report of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, in Three Parts. Volume II, Part 3. : Report of the Chief of Engineers. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. "No ARCHAEOLOGYSURVEYREQUIRED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 21 of 21 APPENDIX J NCFMP and NCDOT MOA Project Review PROJECT INFORMATION Project TIP: B-4926 Sch Let Date: 10/3/2022 CLOMR Case N/A Number: Municipality: N/A County:. Lenoir CID Number: 370144 Project Engineer: Casey Whitley, PE Project Reviewer: Matthew Dudley, PE MODEL STATUS Stream Name: Neuse River Route Number: NC-55 Road Name on Panel: NC-55 Effective FIS 4/16/2013 Date: 4546/4556/4525/4535/4545/4555/4524/4534/ Panel Number: 4544/3564/3584/4504/3562/3582/4502 (4-16-13 for panels 3584, 3582, 4504, 4502, Panel Effective 4525, 4524, 4535, 4534, 4545, 4544, 4546) Date: (7-2-04 for panels 4556, 3564, 3562) (6-19-20 for panel 4555) Bounding Station 351812.0/205847.0 Stations: Type of Study (detailed, limited, redelineated): Effective Model on File? Effective Model Format (HEC-RAS, HEC2, Other): Proposed Model Format (HEC-RAS, HEC2, Other): Detailed YES HEC-RAS 3.0.1 HEC-RAS 4.1.0 PROJECT SPECIFIC NOTES (pre -model review) This project has a maximum decrease of 0.1-ft and will be submitted as a MOA type 1. 2021-08-04 SEPI Response to Comments shown below in BLUE. 2021-09-29 SEPI Response to Comments shown below in RED. REVIEW COMMENTS: 1. Drag Coefficient and Pier Shape differ in the bridge modeling approach differ between plans. In the model the drag coefficient and pier shape k value are 2 and 1.25 in the corrected effective geometry and revised geometry respectively. This differs between the stated 1.2 and .9 in the corrected effective part of the narrative. Please revise either the narrative or the model to match the correct approach. Bridge Modeling Approach Editor ....Add...; Copy Delete bridge # 1 J Low Flow Methods Use Compute f r Energy (Standard Step) • ry-1 Momentum Coef Drag Cd F f r Yarnell (Class A only) Pier Shape K 1.25 f WSPRO Method (Class A only) WSPRO Variables r Highest Energy Answer High Flow Methods C Energy Only (Standard Step) Pressure and/or Weir Submerged Inlet Cd (Blank for table) Submerged Inlet + Outlet Cd 4,8 Max Low Chord (Blank for default) OK Cancel _ Help ter to add another bridge coeffident set. Response: The submitted model was reviewed and we believe the reviewer was reviewing data from an incorrect bridge (not the NC 55 crossing in this project). There are a total of seven (7) bridges in the Neuse River model for Lenoir County. All 7 bridges use the values shown in the screenshot above in the Effective model (Cd=2, K=1.25). Based upon field observation (see photos) and the proposed plans, we felt it would be most accurate to correct these values to Cd=1.2 and K=0.9 for the Hwy 55 bridge to reflect circular / semi -circular piers. We did not feel it was appropriate to make these changes outside of the B-4926 project area. Bridge modeling approach was not corrected/revised for any other location. Please review the comment, and verify the correct bridge was selected when this error was noted. No change has been made to the narrative or model in response to this comment. It was verified this comment was based on the wrong bridge. Confirmed NC-55 only uses the updated values. No additional action required pending review of additional minor comment #1 below. If the intended project area extends to include additional structures, any known deficiencies within the project area from the Duplicate Effective model should be corrected. Resolution of minor comment #1 revised the reported project limits. The suggested limits included the railroad bridge at IRS 249780.9, so the maximum submergence ratio was revised to 0.98. Once that change was made, the project limits extended upstream to other bridges. Each time a bridge was updated, the project limits extended further. This was mostly based on tie in of the floodway profile. Ultimately, the project limits were extended upstream to IRS 351812.0, and included the bridges at IRS 278765.8, IRS 265071.1, IRS 258355.0, and IRS 249780.9. The only change made was to the maximum submergence ratio, as no other known modeling errors exist at any of these structures. It appears the project area extents included consideration of tie-in of WSELs for the floodway profile. As stated in Minor Comment 1, the project area extents only need to extend to where there is WSEL differences between the corrected effective and revised 100-yr profiles (not floodway). If there are floodway encroachment modifications, those sections should also be considered for impacted project area. As submitted, the project area is acceptable, but much larger than necessary. The updates to the submergence ratio for the additional structures would not be needed if the tie-in requirement was not confused. However, those adjustments are acceptable and since implemented, do require the project area to extend through those structures. No additional action required. 2. If possible, please resolve the negative surcharges for the Corrected Effective and Revised plans at 265071.1BR U #1, 265071.1BR U #4, 265071.1BR D #1. The Revised Plan also has an additional negative surcharge at 213729 BR D #2. Please note if the project area is updated to not include this structure, no adjustments will be necessary. If we interpret the comment correctly, it appears the reviewer is referring to the increase in WSE of the 100-FW profile at RS 265116.5 (upstream of Bridge at IRS 265116.5) when comparing CE and REV plans? Additionally, we interpret the last sentence directs us to update the project area on the FEMA coordination form and is not suggesting that we truncate the model. We looked at updating the project limits. However, there are changes in the published values (rounded to the tenth of a foot) as compared to Effective for the area previously listed. We are considering both 100-year with and without floodway as published values. The project area could be revised if only 100-year was considered. The 100-yr w/out Floodway ties in to Effective at IRS 373613.0 (U/S) and IRS 205847.0 (D/S). Either way, the areas noted are within the project area. An attempt was made to resolve the increases in 100-FW, but at a point we felt like further changes could not be made while utilizing good engineering practice, revising geometry in locations outside of our project area (and scope), or revising the underlying assumptions built into the Effective model (such as study -wide n-Values, modeling approach at bridges outside our study area, encroachment locations well outside the project area, etc.). Ultimately, the conditions of the MOA are tied to project impact on the 100-year profile (w/out Floodway). All requirements appear to be satisfied, and therefore none of the attempted changes were incorporated into the project models for this resubmittal. As for the same condition noted at 213729, we could not determine what the comment is referencing. At all locations in/around this structure, the REV profile remains below the CE profile. We had attempted to show this previously (MOA review prior to work suspension in 2019) by provided interpolated values on the BFE comparison form for locations where cross sections differ b/w the two plans (due to new bridge location upstream of existing), but the previous MOA reviewer asked us to remove these lines from the form. Please review the comment, let us know if we're misunderstanding something, and we will be happy to make the revision. For now, we can't determine any change is necessary. Additional Comment. . his original ...mment was worded poorly and the review team apologizes for any confusion. As noted below in Minor Comment 1, only the 100-yr profile in the Corrected Effective and Revised plans needs to be considered for identification of the project area. If the project area is limited to the suggested stations (207977 to 253195) the comment for the multiple opening structure at 265071 can be ignored. If 265071 is in fact intended to be within the project area, the original comment was intended to request (if possible) resolution of the floodway surcharges over 1.00 at the internal sections for openings 1 and 4 at BR U and BR D. REVISED River Sta Reach - 1 25K71.1BR U #1 100-year 38.57 4897.4 5122.2 4857.5 5182.29 Reach - 1 255471.1BR U #2 100-year 39.33 4897.4 51222 7056.31 7157 Reach - 1 255471.1BR U #3 100-year 38.54 4897.4 5122.2 8422.9 8227.49 Reach - 1 255471.1BR U #4 100-year 38.53 4897.4 5122.2 8553.1 8774.79 Reach - 1 255471.1BR U #1 100-yr FW 44.4E 1.39 4845 4897.4 5122.2 9114 48575 5182.29 Reach - 1 255471.1BR U #2 100-yr FW 44.1E 4.93 4945 4897.4 51222 9114 7056.31 7157 Reach - 1 255471.1BR U #3 100-yr FW 39.54 4 4945 4897.4 51222 9114 8422.9 8227.49 Reach - 1 255471.1BR U #4 100-yr FW 44.21 1.58 4845 4897.4 51222 9114 8653.1 8774.79 Reach - 1 255071.1BR D #1 100-year 39.57 4897.4 51222 4857.5 5182.29 Reach - 1 255071.1BR D #2 100-year 39.13 4897.4 51222 7056.31 7157 Reach - 1 255071.1BR D #3 100-year 39.54 4897.4 51222 8422.9 8227.49 Reach - 1 255071.1BR D #4 100-year 38.53 4897.4 5122.2 8553.1 8774.79 Reach - 1 255071.1BR D #1 144-W FW 44.4E 1.49 4845 4897.4 5122.2 9114 48575 5182.29 Reach - 1 255071.1BR D #2 144-W FW 39.9E 4.83 4845 4897.4 5122.2 9114 7056.31 7157 Reach - 1 255071.1BR D #3 144-W FW 38.54 4 4845 4897.4 5122.2 9114 8422.9 8227.49 Reach - 1 255071.1BR D #4 144-W FW 39.9E 1.43 4845 4897.4 5122.2 9114 8553.1 8774.79 The second portion of the comment was intended to request (if possible) resolution of the floodway surcharge over 1.00 at the downstream internal bridge section for opening 2 in the Corrected Effective (not Revised) plan. CORRECTEII Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R Sta W.S. Lft Sta W.S. Rgt Reach - 1 .213729 BR U 41 100-year 34.42 4853.79 5134.E 4705.38 5177.27 Reach -1 213729 SR U #2 100-year 34.47 4853.79 5134.6 5645 679E Reach -1 213729 BR U #1 144-yr FW 31.41 4.99 3147 4853.79 5134.6 8554 4704.64 5179.01 Reach -1 213729 BR U #2 144-yr FW 31.47 1 3147 4853.79 5134.6 8554 5645 679E Reach-1 213729 BR D#1 100-year 34.41 4853.79 5134.6 4746.38 5177.26 Reach-1 213729 BR D42 100-year 34.44 4853.79 5134.6 5645 679E Reach-1 213729 BR1)#1 144-yrFW 31 4.99 378E 4853.79 5134.6 9554 4704.65 5179 Reach-1 213729 BRD#2 144-yrFW 31.45 � 378E 4853.79 5134.6 8654 5645 679E Thanks. We appreciate the clarification on the comment. As stated in the previous response, the upstream project limit had to be revised to RS 351812.0. An attempt was made to get the greater than 1.00-foot surcharges out of internal bride cross sections by adjusting the encroachment stations, but a solution was not found. Since these were all internal sections, and the reported surcharge for the cross sections (not the individual openings) are 1.00-foot or less, we assume this is acceptable. Ultimately, no change was made from previous submittals other than the correction of weir flow maximum submergence ratios. Verified, no additional action required. MINOR COMMENTS Please verify the selection of the published sections upstream and downstream for the project area. The project area should only include the reach of stream impacted by the project (water surface elevation differences) or where model adjustments from the effective were made. Please update as appropriate. The project area was determined considering the following: • Upstream: o The last change from Effective is at RS 379304.0 in the 100-FW profile o Project tie in to Effective is at RS 386444.2 in both 100 and 100-FW profiles • Downstream: o The last change from Effective is at RS 207977.0 in both 100 and 100-FW profiles o Project tie in to Effective is at RS 205847.0 in both 100 and 100-FW profiles No updates were made to this section of the coordination form. Additional Comment: I he identification of WSEL changes based on the project should be determined using the Corrected Effective and Revised 100-yr plans/profiles only (not Effective/Duplicate Effective plan or floodway profile). However, if modifications to the floodway encroachments are performed beyond the limit of 100-yr WSEL changes, the project area should be extended to encompass those changes. Based on these criteria, the project limits could be reduced to 207977 to 253195. Please confirm and update as appropriate. If a larger project area is intended, the Corrected Effective plan should include any corrections to known deficiencies from the Duplicate Effective plan including as noted above, possible drag coefficient/pier shape revisions and max submergence on other structures if determined to be incorrect. We apologize for the misunderstanding. Project limits revised. Please refer to earlier responses to comments in this document. Once we updated maximum submergence ratios for upstream bridges, the project area continued to propagate upstream until we finally got a tie in at IRS 351812.0. We are not aware of any issues regarding drag coefficients and pier shapes at any of the upstream bridges where the submergence ratio variable was updated. Therefore, no other model changes have been incorporated at this time. As stated in comment 1 above, there appears to have been confusion on the use of the floodway profile for WSEL tie-in requirements. As submitted, the project area is acceptable, but much larger than necessary. The updates to the submergence ratio for the additional structures would not be needed if the tie-in requirement was not confused. However, those adjustments are acceptable and since implemented, do require the project area to extend through those structures. No additional action required. 2. Please confirm the Panel Numbers listed on the coordination form. The Panel Numbers do not include other panels that are inside the published sections upstream and downstream. Please note above Minor Comment #1 when addressing. Panels updated to include the following: 4546 / 4556 / 4525 / 4535 / 4545 / 4555 / 4524 / 4534 / 4544 / 3544 / 3564 / 3584 / 4504 / 3542 / 3562 / 3582 / 4502 HUUILIU[Idl w1111Hciit: If adjustments are made to the project area based on Minor Comment 1, please update the affected panels list as appropriate. Based upon resolution of minor comment #1, the panels have been revised to remove 3542 and 3544. All other panels listed above still apply (based on our understanding of the comments provided). Verified, no additional action required. 3. Please state in the narrative that a change of max submergence from .95 to .98 from duplicate effective to corrected effective was applied in the model. Statement added in Corrected Effective Section of narrative. Verified, no additional action required. NOTES FOR NCFMP None FINAL DETERMINATION: This project is recommended for approval as a type 1 project. 10/14/2021 Matthew B. Dudley, PE, CFM ESP — Project Manager Date '.WjI4I�fro rrr {{ I10 _ E = r }�r►���r �w�ti���� A0