HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0056561_Wasteload Allocation_19860418Engineer Date Rec. NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION e Facility Name: __-ToW t� OF M A (:wC= (C VALLEY VJWT_P Date 3110 A. Q A i--15T of re-AM(T5 7-0 Re - Existing Proposed (1) Permit No.: P� C- 0 0 S G 5-(o k Pipe No.: GXJ ( County: , " Al w oy !') Design Capacity (MGD) : 0. Z S-O Industrial (% of Flow) : �- '- Domestic (/ of Flow) : Receiving Stream: 70NNTkAt,15 CRtEK class: Sub -Basin: 04--0 3 —OS Reference USGS Quad: E G s E ( Please attach) Requestor : SAM RR J >C-3" Regional Office A R, 6 (Guideline limitations, if applicable, are to be listed on the back of this form.) Design Temp.: _�?! Drainage Area (mil): Avg. Streamf low (cfs): I i 7Q10 (cfs) )U Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 30Q2 (cfs) Location of D.O. minimum (miles below outfall): 0 Slope (fpm) 'A e" (-q,�, o 6_11 Z Velocity (fps): u, bt) Kl (base e , per day) : K2 (base e , tier day) : Effluent Characteristics Monthly Average Comments r o OP 5 i �oi ion O Comments: RcationO bation O Prepared By: ` �Iivll Effluent ,'onthly Characteristics Lverage comments Date: Reviewed By: T k Sz -*a9�:? 3 41 -1& (r b403o5 'Et'"I �F- it le. _ a48!fS o3,sGn,on� ------ r----------c�2_. lid I' I.� i' a 'I — Z •3 Jam- �•o--! � � !i E+ Aequest No 2978 ` -.... .... ........................... ................ .... ........... .... ........ WASTELOAD ALLOCATION APPPOVAL FOAM ............ ........ .... ................ ............ Facili�y Name Type of Waste ST,atus AeceivinQ Stream Stream Class Subbasin County Ae�ional Off�ce Pequestor Date of Aeques� Quad � MACCIE VALLEY WWTP � DOMESTIC � PAOPOSED � JONATHANS CREFK � C-TQ � 04O305 � HAYWOOD � PIS HEVI1 LE � BPIDCES E6SE Drainage Area (sq mi> 70.10 (cfs) Win�er 7Q10 (cfs) Z.)0Q2 (cfs> Average Flow (cfs) 56 26 112 ------------------------- ���OMMENDE� EFFLUEMT LIMITS ------------------ � S/W Wasteflow (mgd) 25 5-Day BOD (mg/1) 30 Ammond.a (mg/1) NA Dissolved Oxygen (mg/J.) NP TSS (mg/1) 30 Fecal (Coliform (#/10Owl :1.000 pH (SU) 6-9 TOT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CA L (In g/l) 14 ---------------------------------- COMMENTS ----------------------------------- PLEASE NOTIFY IF PANT 1S CONSTAUCTED AND VEPIFY EXI!:TINC FACILITJES THAT WELL THEN DIS(:"HAACE TC) MACCIE VALLEY WWTP. P(04j�- ,.).* v ^ o " C'.J� %_ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aeviewed by� Pecommended �� V Af . . . __ Date_ _ Tech. Support Superv3.sor................... �� AegJ.onal S isor Permits & E��ineeng__�~��� A .... .... .... ... 4!!�, .. .... .... .... .... .... . .. .... 1'.) zi t c.) .... ........ . �Ikloo RECEIVE Water Quality Division _~� , ���� APR