HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0056561_Wasteload Allocation_19840103hvlyj F`'luk_-� Facility Name: Existing Q Proposed Q Permit No.: NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION Oaf(2 oor& 5-zo i Engineer Date Rec. # O to -a6 Date: ,3 -21-43 � ' ; .� Pipe No.: Q 0 / County: e"'fi 1 S , Design Capacity (MGD): �� L Industrial (% of Flow): .Domestic (% of Flow): Receiving Stream:U�, Tt� a'w �sZ�'�,%� Class: �r-�f ' Sub -Basin: Reference USGS Quad: (Please attach) Requestor:-;-tl/; "�.. /Ct��C t� i Regional Office .f (Guideline limitations, if applicable, are to be listed on the back of this form.) Design Temp.: 20 Drainage Area: z Avg. Streamflow:. 7Q10: �`� c �5 Winter 7Q10: 30Q2: .:: � Location of D.O.minimum (miles below outfall): d Slope:_ -4- E Velocity (fps) : m Kl (base e, per day, 200C) : - K2 (base e, per day, 200C) : 0 Effluent Characteristics Monthly Average Comments b-�_510w n X U C �-JL C rrtl' w. � OCR C� 08 Effluent Monthly Characteristics Average Comments Original Allocation a Revised Allocation FV7 Date(s) of Revision(s) (Please attach previous allocation) Confirmation Prepared By: "KCtn. C •�Reviewed By: �— Date: 1 _ REOLIFST NO. : ; 42 ** *** ******** ** * WASTELOAD ALLOCATION APPROVAL... FORM AGILITY NAME : MAGGIE VAI...LEY WWTP YPE OF WASTE « DOMESTIC OUNTY : HAYWOOD EGIONAL OFFICE : ASHEVILLE REOl.1F_STOR DAVE ADKINS ECEIVING STREAM : JONATHAN CREEK SI. BBASIN : 040305 '('.)10 : ?0 CFS W7010 : CFS 300� CFS iRAINAGE AREA : 35 SLZ.MI, STREAM CLASS :C—TR RECOMMENDED EFFLLIFNT L..IMITS WASTFFL.OW(S) (MGD? « ,240 COL..IFORM AND CL— L.T.MIT IMPOSED DOD- (MG/L : 30 BECAUSE OS/RW•:'.:67 NH3—N (MG/L) « D.O. (MG/L) PH (SU) « 6-9 FECAL COLIFORM (/I00ML)« 1.000 o�T �,i.viCe,-(fee_' receiVIv, FtES Gi...�- (MG/L) . 175 : wCs ACIL.ITY IS : PROPOSED (Y/) EXISTING ( ? NEW ( ) IMITS ARE « REVISION (\/) CONFIRMATION ( ? OF THOSE PREVIOUSLY ISSUED 'EVIE.WED AND RECOMMENDED BY: MODELER «_ I MLSC..._C..._.. _.ItATE «_.._C�_ �L.3153 /3�g3 SUPERVISORYMODEL.ING GROUP ___._.._._.._..----DATE «_..�%_.. —__-- REGIONAL SUPERVISOR : _... ..... PERMITS MANAGER _......_._............DATE :_....�_l'�L3