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Chapter 19
Natural Resources
19.1 Ecological Significance of the Roanoke River Basin
The Roanoke River basin is ecologically significant and diverse in numerous ways, and contains
habitat for over 140 rare plant and animal species. The character of the basin is somewhat
montane as it enters North Carolina, where some natural communities are often associated with
mountains, including Canada Hemlock Forest, Rich Cove Forest, Low Elevation Rocky Summit,
Spray Cliff and Carolina Hemlock Bluff. The Roanoke then flows about 100 miles through the
Piedmont and the Coastal Plain. In the Piedmont, it provides habitat for a number of rare fish
and mussels, as well as small-anthered bittercress (Cardamine micranthera), a species only
known to Stokes County and adjacent Hentry County, Virginia. This endemic plant requires
small or intermittent streams and seepage areas and is found in the wet soil and rocks along small
stream banks, and in hardwood forest with intact forest cover. This species had been presumed
extinct however it was rediscovered in 1985, nearly 30 years after it had last been seen. The
Coastal Plain section of the Roanoke River contains high-quality examples of wetland
communities such as Coastal Plain Bottomland Hardwoods and Cypress-Gum Swamps. Some of
these natural communities are extensive, and the large blocks of habitat are excellent for wildlife.
Finally, the Roanoke River is the major contributor of freshwater to Albemarle Sound.
19.2 Rare Aquatic and Wetland-Dwelling Animal Species
Table 20 lists the rare fish, mollusks, insects, amphibians, and reptiles found throughout the
Roanoke River basin. For information on any of the species listed in Table 20, visit the NC
Natural Heritage Program (NHP) website at www.ncnhp.org.
Rare Species Listing Criteria
E = Endangered (those species in danger of becoming extinct)
T = Threatened (considered likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future)
SR = Significantly Rare (those whose numbers are small and whose populations need monitoring)
SC = Species of Special Concern
FSC = Federal Species of Concern (those under consideration for listing under the Federal Endangered Species Act)
T(S/A) = Threatened due to similarity of appearance
EX = Extirpated
(PSC) = Proposed Species of Concern (This is a proposed status, not yet adopted by Wildlife Resource Commission)
Chapter 19 – Natural Resources 177
Table 20 - Rare aquatic animal species in the Roanoke River Basin (Source: NC Natural
Heritage Program, July 2005)
Scientific Name Major
Group Common Name State
Lasmigona subviridis Mollusk Green floater E FSC
Ligumia nasuta Mollusk Eastern pondmussel T
Strophitus undulatus Mollusk Creeper T
Alasmidonta undulata Mollusk Triangle floater T
Leptodea ochracea Mollusk Tidewater mucket T
Pleurobema collina Mollusk James spinymussel SR E
Fusconaia masoni Mollusk Atlantic pigtoe E FSC
Lampsilis radiata Mollusk Eastern lampmussel T
Anodonta implicata Mollusk Alewife floater T
Elliptio roanokensis Mollusk Roanoke slabshell T
Alasmidonta varicosa Mollusk Brook floater E FSC
Orconectes virginiensis Crustacean Chowanoke crayfish SC FSC
Etheostoma collis pop. 2 Fish Carolina darter - Eastern Piedmont population SC FSC
Etheostoma podostemone Fish Riverweed darter SC
Acipenser brevirostrum Fish Shortnose sturgeon E E
Noturus gilberti Fish Orangefin madtom E FSC
Hypentelium roanokense Fish Roanoke hog sucker SR
Exoglossum maxillingua Fish Cutlips minnow E (PSC)
Cottus caeruleomentum Fish Blue ridge sculpin SR (PSC)
Thoburnia hamiltoni Fish Rustyside sucker E FSC
Scartomyzon ariommus Fish Bigeye jumprock T
Diplectrona metaqui Insect A diplectronan caddisfly SR
Micrasema sprulesi Insect A caddisfly SR
Ceraclea mentiea Insect A caddisfly SR
Ephemerella berneri Insect A mayfly SR
Ceraclea cancellata Insect A caddisfly SR
Hemidactylium scutatum Amphibian Four-toed salamander SC
Ambystoma talpoideum Amphibian Mole salamander SC
Glyptemys muhlenbergii Reptile Bog turtle T T(S/A)
178 Chapter 19 – Natural Resources
19.3 Significant Natural Heritage Areas in the Roanoke River Basin
The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NHP) compiles a list of Significant Natural
Heritage Areas as required by the Nature Preserves Act. The list is based on the program’s
inventory of natural diversity in the state. Natural areas are evaluated on the basis of the
occurrences of rare plant and animal species, rare or high-quality natural communities, and
special animal habitats. The global and statewide rarity of these elements and the quality of their
occurrence at a site relative to other occurrences determines a site’s significance. The sites
included on this list are the best representatives of the natural diversity of the state, and therefore
have priority for protection. Inclusion on the list does not imply that any protection or public
access exists.
Figure 26 is a map of the Significant Natural Heritage Areas of the Roanoke River Basin. Sites
that directly contribute to the maintenance of water quality in the Roanoke River basin are
highlighted on the map and in the following text. The Natural Heritage Program has identified
over 145 individual natural areas in the Roanoke River Basin. Because of this large number a
some of the more important are discussed below:
Hanging Rock State Park is situated among the Sauratown Mountains, an isolated group of low
mountains. The most prominent feature of the park is its series of steep, quartzite-capped ridges
dissected by Cascades and Indian Creeks. Among the several rare plant species in the park are
Greenland sandwort (Minuartia groenlandica), Bradley's spleenwort (Asplenium bradleyi), and a
substantial population of bear oak (Quercus ilicifolia) on xeric slopes of Cooks Wall and Moores
Several important aquatic habitats are located in the Roanoke River Basin. Many of these are
discussed below, but two of the more notable are the Dan River in Stokes County and the Mayo
River. The Dan River Aquatic Habitat (Stokes County) is considered of national significance.
As the Dan and Little Dan Rivers flow from Virginia, the waters maintain several fish species
found nowhere else in North Carolina. The rarest of these fish is orangefin madtom, found in
North Carolina only in these two waterways. This section of the river also contains populations
of the federally endangered James River spinymussel. Other rare species that the Stokes County
stretch of the Dan River provides habitat for include rare fish (Blue Ridge sculpin, cutlips
minnow, Roanoke hog sucker, rustyside sucker, bigeye jumprock, and riverweed darter), mussels
(James spinymussel, green floater, notched rainbow), and one rare plant, the Federally
Endangered small-anthered bittercress. The Mayo River Aquatic Habitat is also nationally
significant, and contains one of the best populations in the nation of James River spinymussel.
Other rare species known from the Mayo include green floater, notched rainbow, riverweed
darter, Roanoke hog sucker, bigeye jumprock, and three insects: Ceraclea mentiea (a caddisfly),
Ephemerella berneri (a mayfly), Micrasema sprulesi (a caddisfly).
Jessups Mill/Georges Mill Corridor (Dan River) is a large, forested area of slopes along the Dan
River, with examples of Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest, Dry-Mesic Oak--Hickory Forest,
Piedmont/Coastal Plain Heath Bluff, Rocky Bar and Shore, and Sand and Mud Bar communities.
Four intermittent tributaries support populations of small-anthered bittercress, one of which is
the largest known in the state. The site surrounds a portion of the nationally significant Dan
River Aquatic Habitat (Stokes Section).
Chapter 19 – Natural Resources 179
03-02-01 03-02-03 03-02-05 03-02-0603-02-0403-02-02
Planning Section
Basinwide Planning Unit
May 30, 2006
Managed Lands
Natural Heritage Areas
Subbasin Boundary
0 102030405
Figure 26 Roanoke River Basin Managed Lands and Significant Heritage Areas
The Caswell Game Land protects much of the one of the most extensive and high quality tracts
of mature Piedmont second-growth upland hardwood forest in the state. Oak and hickory
dominate the upper slopes. Also found here are beech slopes, successional pine stands, narrow
zones of alluvial hardwoods. Flowing through part of the game lands is Country Line Creek, a
significant aquatic habitat discussed below.
The Nationally Significant Goshen Gabbro Forest contains many rare plant species, one of which
is the Federally Endangered smooth coneflower (Echinacea laevigata). Yet most significant are
the high quality examples of rare natural communities, including an outstanding Basic Oak--
Hickory Forest, plus Xeric Hardpan Forest, and Upland Depression Swamp Forest. In addition,
these high quality and rare communities are adjacent to each other in a 3-square-mile continuous
block of forest. Thus, the site should provide important breeding and feeding habitat for
amphibians that lay eggs in the pools and wander overland for the remainder of the year. The
topography is flatter than typical Piedmont topography, due to the gabbro, which underlies the
site. This rock is also associated with many of the rare plants and natural communities, through
its influence on soil chemistry.
The lower Roanoke River floodplain contains perhaps some of the best remaining brownwater
river floodplain communities known in the southeastern United States. The floodplain extends
along about 130 miles along the lower Roanoke River and varies in width from three to five
miles. In 1990, the US Fish & Wildlife Service and the NC Wildlife Resources Commission
began acquiring property within the floodplain. Together, the Roanoke River National Wildlife
Refuge and the Roanoke River Wetlands Game Land now protect over 32,000 acres. In addition,
The Nature Conservancy, a private conservation group, has a cooperative agreement to manage
and protect about 21,000 acres of land within the floodplain owned by Georgia-Pacific.
The privately-owned Occoneechee Neck Floodplain Forest, contains some of the best remaining
examples of mature floodplain forest along the upper Roanoke River valley. Particularly notable
are the 10-15 pairs of nesting cerulean warblers, a disjunct breeding population over 200 km
from the nearest mountain population. This area also contains several large beaver ponds, some
of the oldest in the Roanoke floodplain, and excellent examples of this community type.
Camassia Slopes is nationally significant for outstanding cluster of elements, including one of
the best examples of a Basic Mesic Forest (Alluvial Terrace Slope Variant) in the State. It also
contains one of only two wild hyacinth (Camassia scilloides) populations in the state – a species
disjunct from midwestern slopes and prairies. These disjunct species are probable remnants from
the Pleistocene glaciation period. Part of the natural area is a Dedicated Nature Preserve
belonging to The Nature Conservancy, with the remaining portion on Odum Correctional
Institution land.
Partly within the Roanoke River Wetland Game Land, the Buzzard Point/Ventosa Plantation
natural area is a large expanse of river floodplain with some of the best examples of the typical
bottomland and swamp communities in the Roanoke system, including levee forests,
backswamps, alluvial flats, sloughs, low and high ridges, and beaver ponds. Diverse, abundant
wildlife includes breeding populations of Mississippi kite, cerulean warbler, black vulture, and
red-shouldered hawk, as well as wild turkeys, turkey vultures, wood ducks, and other more
common game and nongame species.
Chapter 19 – Natural Resources 181
Part of the Roanoke River National Wildlife Refuge, Broadneck Swamp contains one of best
mature natural levee forest communities in the Roanoke floodplain. A rare disjunct population
of Virginia bluebells (Mertensia virginica) is located on the levee. The natural area also contains
the largest swamp forest in the upper and middle portions of the floodplain of the Roanoke
River. The swamp supports the second largest inland heron rookery in North Carolina, and
provides important nesting and wintering habitat for ducks.
Conoho Neck Swamp is located along the lower reaches of Conoho Creek within the floodplain
of the Roanoke River, and is protected as part of the Roanoke River Wetland Game Land. It is a
classic example of a "backswamp," a swamp formed by the natural levees along the main
channel of the river, which act as berms or dams, impeding drainage and holding water in the
backswamps during the winter and spring months. The deeply flooded cypress-gum swamp
forest is the dominant natural community on this site and is influenced by both the blackwater
Conoho Creek and brownwater Roanoke River. Also found here is a fine example of a “yazoo”
tributary, formed when a tributary is deflected by the levee bordering the main river and is forced
to run parallel to the main trunk river for some distance.
Devil’s Gut, a Nature Conservancy preserve, contains some of the best examples of old-growth
alluvial forest communities in North Carolina. Located in the lower floodplain of the Roanoke
River, it contains diverse alluvial features: filled river channels, point bars, and natural levees.
Long, narrow sand or loamy ridges with levee forests of laurel oak, swamp chestnut oak, willow
oak, and water oak alternate with parallel bands of bald cypress-water tupelo sloughs, forming a
ridge and swale topography. On slightly higher terraces along Devil's Gut, an alluvial hardwood
community containing green ash, sycamore, and silver maple. An old-growth (up to 160-year-
old trees) loblolly pine/American beech community located on higher slopes in the southeastern
section of this site support the only known stand of American beech in the North Carolina coastal
Jamesville Island is a large, contiguous Cypress--Gum Swamp Forest located on a bend in the
lower Roanoke River floodplain. The site contains the largest expanse of contiguous cypress-
water tupelo swamp forest in the Roanoke River floodplain and likely in North Carolina. It also
supports extensive river frontage and several distributary streams, cypress-gum flats, and tidally
influenced blackwater stream/bayou natural communities. The site is considered of national
significance, as one of the most extensive and mature Brownwater Subtype Cypress--Gum
Swamps in the nation. A portion of the natural area is within the Roanoke River National
Wildlife Refuge, and another portion is protected by The Nature Conservancy.
Roanoke River Delta Islands contains a series of islands and distributary channels at river mouth.
An extensive tract of mature bald cypress-water tupelo-Carolina water ash swamp forest is
second in size only to the nearby Broad Creek Neck. It supports a high diversity of wildlife,
including bear refuge, waterfowl, and nesting neo-tropical songbirds. It also protects important
aquatic habitat for a diversity of fish. Much of the natural area is within the Roanoke River
National Wildlife Refuge.
A large example of the rare Nonriverine Swamp Forest natural community is found in the
Roanoke River basin at a site known as Roquist Pocosin. The canopy is mature to old, with trees
averaging 17 inches in diameter and trees 24-30 inches in diameter are common. Much of this
182 Chapter 19 – Natural Resources
area has been degraded by logging. On the north side is a small but very mature and excellent
quality Nonriverine Wet Hardwood Forest, dominated by swamp chestnut oak, cherrybark oak,
and laurel oak. This natural community is also globally rare, and many of the other known
examples have been degraded. The NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program has acquired much of
the natural area as mitigation.
19.4 Significant Aquatic Habitats in the Roanoke River Basin
The NHP also collaborates with other agencies and organizations to identify Significant Aquatic
Habitats in North Carolina. These habitat areas often include stream segments or other bodies of
water that contain significant natural resources, such as a high diversity of rare aquatic animal
species. The impact from lands adjacent to and upstream of these stream reaches determines
their water quality and the viability of their aquatic species. The identification of a natural area
conveys no protection; these lands are the responsibility of the landowner. Significant Aquatic
Habitats in the Roanoke River basin are described below and are shown on Figure 26.
Mayo River Aquatic Habitat is ranked nationally significant. See page 171.
Lower Roanoke River Aquatic Habitat is state significant, and provides habitat for rare species
such as alewife floater, Tidewater mucket, Chowanoke crayfish, and the rare caddisfly, Ceraclea
Dan River (Rockingham) Aquatic Habitat is considered of state significance and provides habitat
for several species, including three rare fish (Roanoke hog sucker, bigeye jumprock, and
riverweed darter), as well as one mussel, the green floater.
Country Line Creek Aquatic Habitat is regionally significant as habitat for several mussels,
including triangle floater, Atlantic pigtoe, and creeper, as well as the riverweed darter.
Middle Roanoke River Aquatic Habitat is regionally significant and contains populations of the
rare species such as Roanoke slabshell and Chowanoke crayfish.
Cascade Creek/Indian Creek (Hanging Rock) Aquatic Habitat is regionally significant, and
incorporates limited segments of Cascade Creek, Indian Creek and other significant tributaries in
the vicinity of Hanging Rock State Park. A rare diplectronan caddisfly (Diplectrona metaqui) is
known from these waters.
Dan River (Stokes) Aquatic Habitat is ranked nationally significant. See above for description.
Little Dan River Aquatic Habitat is considered regionally significant. This south-flowing river
provides habitat for at least four rare species of fishes in North Carolina -- rustyside sucker,
orangefin madtom, riverweed darter, and Blue Ridge sculpin.
Roanoke River Fall Zone Aquatic Habitat is state significant and contains an assemblage of
seven rare mollusk species, including triangle floater, Alewife floater, Roanoke slabshell,
Atlantic pigtoe, Eastern lampmussl, green Floater, and Tidewater mucket.
Chapter 19 – Natural Resources 183
Aarons Creek Aquatic Habitat is regionally significant, and provides habitat for four rare
mussels: brook floater, Atlantic pigtoe, creeper, and notched rainbow.
There are a number of Upland, Riparian and Wetland Significant Natural Heritage Areas not
listed here that contribute to Roanoke River Water Quality. Please contact the NC Natural
Heritage Program (NHP) to obtain information about these natural areas, or visit the NHP
website at www.ncnhp.org.
19.5 Public Conservation Lands
Figure 26 also shows the land protected by public ownership in the Roanoke River basin. A
number of significant natural areas, including some already mentioned, are located on public
land (Hanging Rock State Park, Caswell Game Lands, Roanoke River Wetlands Game Land,
Roanoke River National Wildlife Refuge). North Carolina State University’s Sertoma 4-H
Education Center is also in the Roanoke River basin, and a portion of it is the Moores Spring
Dedicated Nature Preserve. These public lands are ecologically significant and provide water
quality protection. Also on the map are some preserves or conservation easements held by
private conservation organizations, many of which provide these same benefits, such as The
Nature Conservancy’s Camassia Slopes, Larkspur Ridge, and Roanoke River Preserves, and the
Piedmont Land Conservancy’s Dan River preserve near Hanging Rock State Park.
Some of the other lands noted on the map are important but not necessarily protected. Caledonia
Correctional Institution and Odum Correctional Institution are large facilities (almost 9,000 acres
combined) with about 13 miles of frontage on the Roanoke River. Portions of these facilities
also provide important habitat for plants and animals, and qualify for Dedication as State Nature
Preserves. There are numerous other conservation opportunities for partners to look at in the
Roanoke River basin.
The contribution of private organizations to conservation in the Roanoke River basin has been
irreplaceable. Although only partially shown on the map, these organizations have achieved
significant protection in the Roanoke River basin. As noted, The Nature Conservancy owns and
manages a number of Nationally Significant natural areas, and the Piedmont Land Conservancy
and other local land trusts have also been working to protect the landscape of the Roanoke River
basin from further fragmentation, benefiting wildlife and water quality. One of the more exciting
projects involving a public private partnership is the Piedmont Land Conservancy’s work with
the Division of Park and Recreation’s new Mayo River State Park. The Nature Conservancy
works in a similar manner with the NC Wildlife Resources Commission on Roanoke River
Wetlands Game Land. Using innovative tools such as conservation easements, these
organizations work with private landowners as well, in a number of ways to protect important
natural areas and water quality, as well as the “open space” of agricultural lands. The work that
they do is helping to improve the quality of life for residents of the Roanoke River basin.
184 Chapter 19 – Natural Resources