HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130743 Ver 1_Other Documents_20090717US 19E Improvements From SR 1186 in Micaville to the existing multilane section west of Spruce Pine Yancey and Mitchell Counties WBS Element 35609.1.1 State Project Number 6.909001T TIP Project 1�lumber R-2519B ADMINISTRATNE ACTION STATE FINI�ING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION submitted pursuant to The North Carolina State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 Cooperating Agency Tennessee Valley Authority APPROVED: �, � , .� � ;-� r� Da e Gregory J. Thorpe, P.D., Manager ��oject Development and Environmental Arialysis Branch, NCDOT US 19E Improvements Micaville to the existing multilane section west of Spruce Pine Yancey and Mitchell Counties WBS Element 35609.1.1 State Project Number 6.909001T TIP Project Number R-2519B STATE FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT July 2009 Documentation Prepared in the Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch by: � � -��- eve L. � rown, P.E. Project Planning Engineer � � I � Linwood Stone Project Engineer � - �� � Teresa Hart, P.E. Western Project Development Unit Head , .� \�����H�CAR pl����i `�� �� •F ES S%� /'!�y'/� � ? �p .1,• � '` � -9', � � ;a SEAL f, � ��Q� 032096 ; ` � �'ei�`�T�,��,G 1 NE� �1���\: ////���1 { I.1���\\� � PROJECT COMMITMENTS US 19E Improvements From SR 1186 in Micaville to the existing multilane section west of Spruce Pine Yancey and Mitchell Counties WBS Element 35609.1.1 State Project Number 6.909001T TIP Project Number R-2519B Updates to the Project Commitments appear in Italics Pro_iect Development and Environmental Analvsis Branch • Additional surveys are needed for the federally protected Virginia spiraea. The affect of the proposed action on these species will be identified in the project's final environmental document. ■ Additional surveys for the Virginia Spiraea were performed in June 2006. No plants were found in the project viciniry. A biological conclusion of "No Effect" was rendered by NCDOT and concurred upon by tlie US Fish and Wildlife Service. This State Finding of No Significant Impact is the final environmental document on the proposed action. The improvements to US 19E will have an adverse effect on archaeological sites 31 YC31 and 31 YC183. Data Recovery Plans to recover archaeological materials for analysis and interpretation of the occupation of the sites will be drawn up by the Project Development and Environmental Analysis (PDEA) Branch. Additionally, the Human Environment Unit of PDEA will coordinate with the US Army Corps of Engineers to develop a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) concerning mitigation for archaeological sites 31 YC31 and 31 YC183. The recovery plans and the MOA will be completed prior to project letting. Proiect Develonment and Environmental Analvsis Branch, Right of Way Branch, and Division 13 • The Human Environment Unit will provide the Right of Way Branch with notification of the prepared archaeological Data Recovery Plans so they may acquire parcels that contain eligible sites as soon as possible after Right of Way authorization. Acquisition of these - parcels will occur at least 12 months prior to the let date. No construction activities will be allowed within either site's limits until the data recovery investigations are completed. Roadwav Desi�n Unit • The improvements to US 19E will have an effect on the National Register eligible E.W. and Dollie Huskins House (Station 220). The proposed design will include a seeded slope that is feasible for mowing by the owner. • The Roadway Design Unit will coordinate with the Human Environment Unit (HEU)- Archaeology to accurately depict archaeological sites on the final design plans. If design modifications are required, the Roadway Design Unit will contact and coordinate with the HEU-Archaeology. State Finding of No Significant Impact page 1 of 2 July 2009 PgZO,�EC'T COMMI�MENTS (Cont.) US 19E Improvements From SR 1186 in Micaville to the existing multilane section west of Spruce Pine Yancey and Mitchell Counties , WBS Element 35609.1.1 State Project Number 6.909001T TIP Project Number R-2519B � * Updates to the Project Commitments appear in Italics Roadway Desi�n Unit, Hydraulic DesiQn Unit, and Roadside Environmental Unit • The proposed project is located within a critical• habitat area for the federally protected Appalachian elktoe mussel. Therefore, NCDOT will implement erosion and sedimentation control measures, as specified by NCDOT's "Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds" (l5A NCAC 04B.0124 (a)-(e)). Detailed plans for the placement of appropriate hydraulic drainage structures will be determined during the final design of the project. � On the previous sections of this corridor (Projects R-2518A & R-2518B), for the commitment for Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds, the North Carolina Department of the Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality (NCDENR-DWQ) has granted NCDOT an exemption from part (a) of the Design Stan"dards in Sensitive Watersheds referenced above. Part (a) restricts the amount of "uncovered acres" at any one time to 20 acres. Due to the nature of our construction processes for a project of this magnitude, this restriction is impractical for NCDOT. NCDOT will apply for a similar exemption to part (a) on this project for construction. Division 13 • In-stream work and land disturbance within the 25-foot wide trout stream buffer zone should be prohibited during the trout spawning season of October 15-April 15 to protect the egg and fry stages of trout from off-site sedimentation during construction. • Updated trout moratoriums for this project include: � Big Crabtree Creek (& UTs) - October I S to April I S • Brushy Creek (& UTs) - January 1 to April 1 S • Long Branch (& UTs) - January 1 to April 1 S Hvdraulic Desi�n Unit • A TVA Section 26a permit is required for all proposed obstructions involving streams or floodplains in the Tennessee River drainage basin. The TVA is a cooperating agency for this project. . • Coordinate with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and local authorities in the final design stage to ensure compliance with applicable floodplain ordinances. State Finding of No Significant Impact page 2 of 2 July 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT COMMITMENTS I. TYPE OF ACTION ............................................................................. � II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED ACTION ........................................ � A. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................. 1 B. RECOMMENDED CROSS SECTION ............................................................................................................... 2 C. RIGHT OF WAY ........................................................................................................................................... 2 D. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST ........................................................................................................................ 2 III. SUMMARY OF BENEFICIAL AND ADVERSE IMPACTS ......................... 2 A. BEIVEFICIAL IMPACTS ................................................................................................................................ B. ADVERSE IMPACTS .......................................................:...........................................:...............................'. IV. COORDINATION AND COMI��NTS .................................................... 4 A. CII2CULATION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND OTHER COORDINATION ................................. 4 I. Citizens Informational Workshop ......................................:..........................................................5 2. NEPA/404 Merger Process ..:.......................................................................................................5 3. Historic Architecture/Archaeologv Coordination .......................................................................15 B. COMMENTS RECEIVED ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT .....:.......................:................................ 1 E) I. United States Environmental Protection A� ........................................................ .................i6 2. Tennessee VallevAuthoritv :...................................................:..................................................:16 3. North Carolina Wildli,�e Resources Commission .........:...............................................................17 C. PUBLIC HEARING AND COMMENTS .......................................................................................................... 18 V. REVISIONS TO T�IE ENVIRONNIENTAL ASSESSMENT :...................... 21 A. INDIRECT AND CUMULATIVE EFFECT UPDATE ......................................................................................... 21 B. REIACATIONUPDATE ...............................................................................:..............................................23 C. STREAM AND WETLAND DIRECT IMPACT UPDATE ................................................................................... 24 D. DESIGN/OTHER CHANGES ....................:................................................................................................... 2E) VI. BASIS FOR FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ........................... 2� TABLES TABLE 1- ANTICIPATED PROJECT IMPACTS ..................................................................................................... 3 TABLE2- SUMMARY OF IMPACTS ...................................................................................................................4 TABLE 3- AVOIDANCE AND MITIGATION EFFORTS ......................................................................................... H TABLE 4- ELEVATION ISSUE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................... 1 1 TABLE S- RECOMMENDED STRUCTURES ....................................:................................................................. 1 S TABLE f) - RELOCATION IMPACT SUMMARY .................................................................................................. 23 TABLE 7- UPDATED JURISDICTIONAL STREAM IMPACTS .............................................................................. 24 TABLE 8- UPDATED 7URISDICTIONAL WETLAND IMPACTS ........................................................................... 26 APPENDIX A. FIGURES B. � UPDATED REIACATION REPORT C. H[STORIC ARCHITEC'I'URE & ARCHAEOLOGY COORDINATION D. ENVIItONMENTAL ASSESSMENT COMMENTS E. PUBLIC HEARING TRANSCRIPT US 19E Improvements 1186 in Micaville to the existing multilane section west of Spruce Pine Yancey and Mitchell Counties WBS Element 35609.1.1 � State Project Number 6.909001T TIP Project Number R-2519B I. TYPE OF ACTION This is a state administrative action, State Finding of No Significant Impact (SFONSI). The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) has determined this project will not have any significant impact on the human and natural environments. This SFONSI is based on the July 2005 Environmental Assessment, which has •been independently evaluated by the NCDOT and determined to adequately and accurately discuss the environmental issues, providing sufficient evidence and analysis for determining that an Environmental Impact Statement is not required. The NCDOT takes full responsibility for the accuracy, scope, and content of the Environmental Assessment. II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED ACTION A. General Description The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to improve US 19E in Yancey and Mitchell Counties. The project begins at SR 1186 west of Micaville and ends at the existing multilane section west of Spruce Pine as shown by the vicinity map in Figure 1 in Appendix A. Figure 2 shows a map view of the project area. The length of the US 19E improvement project is approximately 7.5 miles. The purpose of the project is to add capacity, conect roadway deficiencies, and provide system linkage along US 19E. The route is also within North Carolina Strategic Highway Corridor 10 between Asheville and Boone (I-26, US 19/US 19E, NC 105). Improvements to US 19E are state funded and identified as Project Number R-2519B in the NCDOT's latest approved (2009-2015) State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), including $53,600,000 for construction, $22,000,000 for right of way acquisition, and $3,005,000 for mitigation. Proposed improvements consist of widening the existing two-lane US 19E to a multilane facility. The proposed project improvements are shown in Figure 3. Right-of-way acquisition is scheduled to begin in the 2009-2015 STIP during fiscal year 2010. Construction is scheduled in the 2009-2015 STIP for fiscal year 2013. As of the . date of this document; the start of right-of-way acquisition has been revised by NCDOT to fiscal year 2012 and the start of construction has been revised to an estimated fiscal year 2014 due to fiscal and scheduling constraints. B. Recommended Cross Section Based on information from comprehensive studies of the natural and human environment, engineering evaluations, and comments from all interested groups, NCDOT recommends a four-lane median divided facility with 10-foot shoulders for the proposed action. The proposed median is raised with a width of 20 feet. Shoulders include four feet of pavement to accommodate bicycles. This preferred cross section is consistent with the Strategic Highway Corridor vision for this section of Corridor 10, which calls for a Boulevard facility. C. Right of Way The proposed right-of-way width varies throughout the length of the project and is dependent on the tenain and existing facility and environmental constraints. A minimum right of way width of 150 feet is needed for the four-lane median divided typical section. The steep terrairi in the project area will extend the cut and fill areas beyond the 150-foot minimum right of way requirement. D. Estimated Project Cost Estimated construction and right-of-way costs for the NCDOT-preferred alternative are $65,702,000 and $20,348,000 respectively. III. SUMMARY OF BENEFICIAL AND ADVERSE IMPACTS A. BeneficialImpacts The overall direct adverse impact from the widening of US 19E will be low, and has potential positive effects by providing improved traffic capacity, improvement to existing roadway deficiencies, and system linkage along US 19E to serve existing and planned future development in the area. US 19/US 19E is the most important transportation facility between Madison, Yancey, Mitchell, and Avery Counties in northwestern North Carolina. In addition, US 19/US 19E is part of Strategic Highway Corridor 10. The project will provide regional mobility between Asheville and recreational (skiing, camping, etc.) opportunities in the Boone area (I-26; US 19/US 19E, NC 105). US 19/LJS 19E directly connects travelers in Madison, Yancey, Mitchell, and Avery Counties with I-26, between the US 19 interchange in Asheville and the Tennessee State line. Interstate 26 will attract local, regional, and nationwide travelers, thereby enhancing the importance of US 19/US 19E in northwest North Carolina, further facilitating the beneficial effect of this project. B: Adverse Impacts The proposed four-lane section with a raised median will cause access changes for area businesses and residents. The primary change in this area will be right-turn in, right- turn out movements only. However, a sufficient number of intersections exist along the 2 road to allow vehicles to change directions for access. Additionally, U 1turn bulb out areas will be located along the project to accommodate larger turning vehicles. Impacts to the natural and human environment are detailed in Table 1 and summarized in Table 2. Table 1- Antici ated Pro'ect Im acts ��� ya .� SG '� i�{�'1+ �?� � 5 i' ` f � �4 �� 4��N� ��"d '3.� �' [t ?f� 2t § �a�i'��� ��� ���"��� '�'a��',��.�` "� .. � � °gf° � �' ,s�.a�` � � s �.� ,�°�"��. '���.-�-..�s. �� ��� �- �Categvey � ;�� � � � � _ � �� ����nits�,� ������� �� Recommended �i#�rnate���� .� °'�"� � .=<3m�"`a kua.��b.`"� �..s�t �v� x .r,.r,,m..�,.-� at ..J:'� :�..���c:x�''t�'fi w.��°?:��a��� �� A,Po�.,��,.'�^"�� } �- �` �a't�'�r`°�,�`�-����z`". Length miles 7.5 Residential Relocations total 65 minority 0 Business Relocations total 12 minority 0 Farm Relocations each 0 Total Relocations total 80 Non-Profit Relocations total 3 Potential Hazardous Mat. Sites each 20 Wetlands acres 0.0 Stream Impacts linear feet 6494 Natural Communities acres . 162 Noise impacted receptors 100 (residence and business) Protected Species each Appalachian elktoe mussel 1 Historic Architecture properties (No Adverse Effect - Conditional) Archaeology sites ' 2 Air Quality 1-Hour carbon monoxide 2 � ( arts er million) Construction Cost Dollars $65,702,000 Right of Way Cost Dollars $20,348,000 Total Cost Dollars $86,050,000 National Ambient 1-hour Air (lual�ty Standards: 35 ppm '1'able 2- Summar of Im acts � ,. ��J� �,�� ��,�� v �'��� �- �€�� �'��.�� � ��° ,� ���T ' �of�Im act �� ���� �� �_ �'� j ����-��Amount�of Im act���� �, �`�`'� �'�` ���'' r < � �.... ...w .a �_ _ ....w_ � _-�=a+ .�: �`� ..� -�. 1� � � � . � _ ...� .,�_ _ ._ _ . __,... _ .. �°��.,�� ��.�: ��_ ��� Air Quality The project is not anticipated to create any adverse effects. Endangered Species There are twelve FederallX Protected Species for Yancey and Mitchell Counties. The proposed project will affect the endangered Appalachian Elktoe mussel. A Biological Opinion by USFWS in the Section 7 Consultation process states that implementing this project is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the Appalachian Elktoe nor will adverse impact to critical habitat be significant enough to destroy or adversel modif designated critical habitat. Hazardous Material Sites There are 20 hazardous material sites, with ] 3 sites that have potential UST involvement and seven known potentially contaminated sites. Environmental Justice Issues U.S. Census data indicate minority and low-income populations within the vicinity of the project. The project is not expected to directly affect any of these populations. Increased public involvement will ensure fair participation and outreach. Noise Receptors A total of 92 residences, 7 businesses, and 1 church are predicted to be impacted. Churches/Schools There are three churches within the project area that will be displaced by the proposed action. Perennial Streams 6,494 linear feet impacted on the project. Section 106/4f Properties 1/0 — No Adverse Effect is anticipated with condition (s) — See Greensheet for Archaeological Sites environmental commitment. The project will have an adverse effect on two archaeological sites. Data Recovery Plans will be completed and coordination with the US Army Corps of Engineers to develop a Memorandum of Agreement concerning mitigation for the two archaeological sites will be completed - See Greensheet for environmental commitment. Relocations There are 65 residences and 12 businesses, and 3 Non-Profits (Churches) that will need to be relocated. An updated relocation report is included in Appendix B. IV. COORDINATION AND COMIV�NTS A. Circulation of the Environmental Assessment and Other Coordination The Environmental Assessment (EA) was approved by the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Highways on July 25, 2005. Copies of the approved EA were provided to the North Carolina Department of Administration - State Clearinghouse. The approved EA was circulated to the following federal, state, and local agencies for review and comment. An asterisk (*) indicates a response was received from that agency. US Department of Army Corps of Engineers US Fish and Wildlife Service * U. S. Environmental Protection Agency * Tennessee Valley Authority NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources NC Division of Water Quality NC Division of Forest Resources NC Division of Parks and Recreation NC Division of Environmental Health * NC Wildlife Resources Commission NC Department of Administration (State Clearinghouse) NC Department of Cultural Resources High Country Council of Governments 4 Yancey County Mitchell County 1. Citizens Informational Workshop NCDOT held a Citizens' Informational Workshop (CIW) on March 13, 2003 at Mayland Community College in Spruce Pine. NCDOT's purpose for holding the CIW was to educate the public about the project and to receive input from government, businesses and citizens. Attendance at the � workshop was moderate, with 43 people sigriing the attendance record. Most attendees supported the project. Handouts provided contained a comment sheet, so everyone could record their opinions and suggestions. Four (4) comment sheets were received. 2. NEPA/404 Merger Process A National Environmental Polity Act (NEPA) / 404 Merger Team was established for the project to improve environmental protection and the regulatory process. The merger team consists of representatives from the following state and federal agencies: US Army Corps of Engineers US Fish and Wildlife Service US Environmental Protection Agency Tennessee Valley Authority NCDENR-Division of Water Quality/Wetlands NC Wildlife Resources Commission NC Department of Cultural Resources Merger team meetings were held prior to publishing' the Environmental Assessment (EA) to discuss and agree on the project purpose and need, alternatives under , consideration, and to review the impacts associated with the alternates under consideration. Concunence Point 1(Purpose and Need): Concurrence on 8/20/03 Concurrence Point 2(Alternatives): Concurrence on 9/15/04 Subsequent to the published EA, merger team meetings were held to discuss and agree upon project alternatives to carry forward for detailed study and bridging decisions, the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA), and Avoidance/Minimization efforts on the project. a. Concurrence Point 2A (Alternatives to Carry Forward/Bridging) & Concurrence Point 3 (LEDPA) A Merger Team meeting was held on April 14, 2005 to discuss and agree upon bridging/major stream crossings and refine or eliminate alternates. The Merger Team recommended Alternate 2(Estatoe South) as the Best Fit Alternate. The team was unable to provide concurrence for bridging of major stream crossings because additional hydraulic analysis was requested at several areas identified during this meeting: S • Culvert 42 @ Station �49+00 (4 @ 12' x 9' RCBC on Little Crabtree Creek) in Yancey County - Hydraulics suggested shifting the alignment northward to avoid the Taylor Togs building. The Merger Team recommends replacing the culvert with a bridge and possibly shifting NC 80 eastward. • Bridge 43 @ Station 127+00 in Yancey County - US 19E over South Toe River. Streams 2d and 3uststr flow directly into the South Toe River at the bridge and will require further hydraulic study. • Culverts @ Station 140+00 and 142+00 Right (2 @ 6' x 6' RCBC on Long Branch) in Yancey County — The Merger Team recommends additional hydraulic study for the stream and culvert combination, including a bottomless design, if possible. , • Culvert 48 @ Station 253+25 (4 @ 11' x 11'on Big Crabtree Creek) at the Yancey/Mitchell County Line — According to the local government, the culvert is not adequately sized. The Merger Team recommends replacing the culvert with a bridge and an October to April Moratorium. • Culvert 241 @ Station 325+00 (3 @ 8' x 8' on Brushy Creek) in Mitchell County — The Merger Team recommends replacing the culvert with a bridge. This crossing will require additional hydraulic study. A merger team meeting was held on July -26, 2006. The purpose of the meeting (Concurrence Points 2A & 3) was to further discuss bridging and major stream crossings identified as requiring further study in the April 14, 2005 Concunence Point 2A merger team meeting and discuss the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative for the subject project. The following items related to Concurrence Point 2A were discussed (Items in italics were tabled for further discussion at Concurrence Point 4A): • Culvert 42 — Station 49+00 — Yancey County — 4@ 12' x 9' RCBC on Little Crabtree Creek. ■ Intersections of SR 1307 and NC 80 with US 19E near this culvert will be realigned to a single, full movement intersection due to school bus travel safety concern. Merger team concurred with the realignment. ■ Realignment will make construction of a bridge impracticable at this crossing. ■ Merger team recommends removing the existing culvert and installing a bottomless culvert at this location — bottomless design will be studied and decision on type of culvert will be discussed at the Concurrence Point 4A team meeting. • Brid�e 43 — Station 127+00 — Yancey County — US 19E over South Toe River. ■. The Merger Team recommends removal and replacement with a new bridge. ■ Appalachian elktoe mussel present, bridge replacement being coordinated through USFWS. 3 k: .. ■ Stream 2d and Stream 3 will be impacted significantly in several areas under the current design. Avoidance and minimization efforts, as well as a bottomless culvert design option will be evaluated and finalized at the Concurrence�Point 4A stage. • Culverts @ Station 140+00 and 142+00 — Yaricey County — 2@ 6' x 6" RCBC on Lon� Branch. ■ Merger Team recommends a bottomless culvert design, if possible. ■ NCDOT will evaluate bottomless design and discuss further at the Concurrence Point 4A stage. • Culvert 48 - Station 253+25 — Yancev/Mitchell County Line - 4@ 11' xll' on Bi� Crabtree Creek. ■ Merger team requests further information on all impacts associated with: 1) Replacement of existing culvert with a bridge (USFWS,. WRC recommended), 2) Extension of existing culvert (NCDOT recommended), and 3) Replacement of existing culvert with an extended, bottomless culvert. ■ NCDOT to provide more detailed analysis of bridging alternative including construction and scheduling, relocation impacts, alignment design impacts, and cost. Additionally, NCDOT will evaluate a bottomless culvert design. ■ USFWS and WRC to provide specific information on environmental benefit of a bridge at this location, including fish passage, basin wide issues, and impact to recovering species (Appalachian Elktoe). ■ The Merger team agrees to concur on Concurrence Point 2A, and table the decision on the appropriate structure at this crossing until the Concurrence Point 4A team meeting. • Culvert 241 — Station 325+00 — Mitchell Countv — 3@ 8' x 8' on Brushv Creek. ■ The Merger Team concurs with the NCDOT recommended culvert extension at this crossing. The Merger Team reached concurrence for bridging or major stream crossings — Concurrence Point 2A on July 26; 2006 — with the exception that the items for further discussion, as noted in italics above, will be carried forward to be finalized at the Concurrence Point 4A team meeting. The Merger Team reached concurrence on Concurrence Point 3(LEDPA) on July 26, 2006, choosing the Best Fit Alternate, including Alternate 2(Estatoe South) in the Estatoe section of the project. b. Concurrence Point 4A (Avoidance and Minimization) A merger team meeting was held on April 17, 2007. The purpose of the meeting (Concurrence Point 4A) was to discuss Avoidance and Minimization of impacts for the subject project and to further discuss several major stream crossings discussed and 7 identified as requiring further study in the July 26, 2006 Concurrence Point 2A/Concurrence Point 3 merger team meeting� Avoidance and Minimization The following avoidance and minimization measures have been incorporated into the proposed project design to avoid and/or minimize impact to streams and wetlands in the project area. The following sites that represent avoidance and minimization of impacts on the project to date are summarized below in Table 3: Table 3— Avoidance and Miti ation Efforts � � � �� � �� � �� � , A-� ��. �� � �, �� � - ���;���.� �� ater _ � � -�Water� � � ' � < � ��.,�.�- .������� � � '�� . �`� � ,�� ��� . � � t�m��i� � �� � � � � �:y���. � �� � Avox�ancg anil�r�i"itiga��in�Descn�ttona3 �. � ��ID ame�� Classif1i'ca�on,�� _ � k � �.�� �g-� � �.� �- � �a.'_...y,xi&.:K:����� . F"��.ata:t�>�a✓r���.hs.a�� .�.. . �. ,, �.... �,,...;`--.r�... � � g..;�'�r�����fi�. � # s n ki9 .� - ' �... �' x� r� . � . 1 Various Various Install rock sills to maintain normal channel width. , 2 STR/South Toe Class B;Tr; ORW Proposed retaining wall to reduce impact to South Toe River. River 1) No bridge supports in the channel of the river for South 3-4 STR/South Toe Class B;Tr; ORW Toe bridge replacement. River 2) Hazardous spill basins to be installed in the South Toe River crossin area. 5 2D/Long Branch Class C;Tr - Proposed retaining wall to reduce impact to Long Branch. 6 2D/Long Branch Class C;Tr Remove existing culvert (-- 125') and access road between US 19E and SR 1424 (Deneen Road). 7 2D/Long Branch Class C;Tr 1) Three Options for culvert extension/stream relocation 2) Bridge removal at Sycamore Circle. $ Various Various Revised Alignment of Sycamore Circle to reduce wetland and stream impacts. Stream 1 U[TT to 9 Big Crabtree Class C;Tr Proposed retaining wall to reduce impacts to stream and Creek PEM 1 E wetlands. Wetland lIB 10 1 CCBig Class C;Tr Proposed bridge to replace the existing culvert over Big Crabtree Creek Crabtree Creek. 11 1 G/UT to Brushy C;Tr Revised Alignment to reduce stream impact. Creek 12 1 G/UT to Brushy C;Tr Proposed retaining wall to reduce stream impact. Creek In total, stream impacts on the projects have been reduced from approximately 9,368 linear feet as presented in the Environmental Assessment to approximately 6,494 linear feet. Additionally, wetland impacts on the project have been reduced from approximately 0.869 acres as presented in the Environmental Assessment to less than 0.01 acres. �� Stream Crossings The following items carried forward from the July 26, 2006 CP 2A/CP 3 meeting were discussed: • Culvert 42 — Station 44+00 — Yancey County — 4@ 12' x 9' RCBC on Little Crabtree Creek ■� The intersection of SR 1307 and NC 80 with US 19E near this culvert is proposed to be realigned to a single, full movement intersection due to school bus travel safety concern. Realignment will make construction of a bridge impracticable at this crossing. • Utilizing a bottomless culvert was investigated by the NCDOT Geotechnical Unit and Hydraulics Unit. The subsurface at this location will not geologically support a bottomless culvert. The Merger team verbally concurred with the proposed extension of the existing culvert at this location. • Bridge 43 — Station 127+00 — Yancev Countv — US 19E over South Toe River ■ The Merger Team has recommended removal arid replacement with a new bridge. ■ Appalachian elktoe mussel present, bridge replacement being coordinated through USFWS. Stream 2d and Stream 3 will be impacted significantly in several areas under the current design. Avoidance and minimization efforts, as well as a bottomless culvert design option were evaluated. An approximately 500 foot long retaining wall is proposed to reduce fill slope impact to Stream 2d.. Additionally, approximately 125 linear feet of culvert and embankment material will be removed to daylight approximately 125 feet of Stream 2d. • Culverts @ Station 140+00 and 142+00 — Yancev Countv — 2@ 6' x 6" RCBC on Lon� Branch ■ NCDOT found that a bottomless culvert design is technically feasible in this area Four alternates were evaluated in this area, including 1) retaining and extending the existing culverts, 2) retaining and extencling the existing culverts with some stream relocation, 3) removal of some existing culvert and replacement with bottomless culvert and stream relocation , and 4) removal and replacement of all existing culvert with bottomless culvert. ■ The merger team agreed to discuss finalized culvert design in this area at the Concurrence Point 4B and 4C stage. 7 • Culvert 48 - Station 253+25 — Yancev/Mitchell Countv Line - 4@ 11' xll' on Bi� Crabtree Creek � � ■ NCDOT investigated a bottomless culvert design at this crossing and found that the subsurface material in the area is unsuitable for a bottomless culvert. ■ NCDOT provided more detailed analysis of 1) Alternate 1: Retain and extend the exiting culvert by 116 feet, 2) Alternate 2: Remove the existing culvert and replace with a 191 foot long bridge, and 3) Alternate 3: Retain and extend the existing culvert by 23 feet using a retaining wall to minimize required fill slope. Alternate 3 had not previously been considered and it was developed during detailed analysis of the crossing. ■ NCDOT recommended Alternate 3 for this crossing based on the following: o Addition of the retaining wall reduces stream impact at the crossing from approximately 116 feet (NCDOT previously recommended alternative) to 23 feet. o The stream is stable currently and a 23-foot extension would not significantly affect stream stability or quality. o The existing culvert appears adequate for fish and aquatic life passage and this condition would not be significantly affected by the proposed extension. o The proposed extended culvert would adequately pass the anticipated 50 year or 100 year flood event in the area. o Alternative 2(Bridge Alternative) would require one additional business relocation and one additional residential relocation near the crossing. o Removing the existing culvert would involve a significant increase in construction time, project detours during construction and risk of sediment release during removal. o, Alternative 3 was estimated at this time to be significantly less costly overall (Approximately $2,000,000 less) than the resource agency-preferred Alternative 2. � ■ The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and other merger team members from resource agencies presented information in support of a bridge, and concerns with the existing culvert at this crossing, including the following: o Concerned that the existing culvert is inhibiting fish passage at the crossmg. o The existing culvert has caused stream over widening and instability. An extension would worsen these problems. o The existing culvert and an extended culvert would contribute to flood issues in the area. o Big Crabtree Creek is a tributary to the North Toe River, which supports critical habitat for the endangered Appalachian Elktoe mussel. o A bridge at this crossing would mitigate future indirect and cumulative impacts to the project area. mi o A bridge at this crossing would provide animal� passage under the proposed roadway: o A bridge at this crossing is a more environmentally sound solution and is more consistent witf� NCDOT's Environmental Stewardship policy. ' Concurrence was not reached in the Concurrence Point 4A meeting of April 17, 2006, mainly due to disagreement over the most appropriate crossing ,structure to install over Big Crabtree Creek. The participating merger team members agreed to resolve the non-concurrence through the established Merger Elevation process. c. Merger Elevation Process Following the April 2006 Concurrence Point 4A meeting, non-concurring merger team members prepared summary briefs of their positions. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the United States Environmental . Protection Agency (USEPA), the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources — Division of Water Quality (DWQ), and the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources — Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) submitted issue briefs to NCDOT presenting their objections to the proposed culvert at Big Crabtree Creek and arguments in support of a bridge at this crossing. Table 4 below summarizes the comments, the agencies that presented them and NCDOT's response: Table 4— Elevation Issue Summar �'.^*s �c �' d�.�'�� ����i3� �:°,s�..�s° �� �s"su� :.�� � �s tt � r � 3`-'�'� �'}��.`"�',r�'�'f ' .- 3+s�,..r�s.t`�'�a��dt`�",���"'es..;5x5`��°*�.tl� . �{ v� s� `� "� ��..�� •��e.. � F� '� �s �./' `�+� ,x`b �z. � � .. �°' '�CommentlOb�ectii>n ���;���y.��.�1�CIIC� 15���'�°� y"" �� �=����QT�RQS�iUIlSe�����,"'''���� 'f ��'k «i y����'��`���.vi-a ie�`r.'i:h�fis'�-.���"�t.sa.a'�.°-`�''��i����"x`��'fs':�� -'��s,e.�.'�z�' a�:.���``3r'�,`=`-�. ���,�." � +`,.�d��"�,.r��"-���,'�...,�.'?,�'`�,�;s,��.�a�. a? ���'.:EZ,a�` .�c .,;a��'?� �` Current culveR has caused stream over USFWS The channel was realigned and widened during original �' widening; extending will worsen stream DWQ construction of culvert to tie back into the natural stability. channel. The downstream banks are vegetated and 'stable. A point bar exists in the channel downstream of the culvert, indicating stream stability. 23 foot extension will not significantly degrade stream stability or water ualit . Culvert and extension negatively affects USFWS During site visits the stream water appears clear, the fish passage. , WRC existing culvert invert is buried, stream depth has generally been observed to be adequate for fish and aquatic life passage, and natural .bed material exists � within the culvert. Additionally, less than a half-mile downstream the stream slope increases significantly with a number of steep drops that would appear to hinder fish passage in the immediate area cunently. Culvert unnaturally restricts flow and USFWS Preliminary hydraulic analysis on the proposed culvert contributes to flood issues in the area; EPA indicates that it is adequately sized for present and disconnects stream from flood plain DWQ anticipated future flood conditions in the area. No WRC flooding issues due to the culvert have been noted by NCDOT Division 13 personnel. A 23 foot extension will not significantly degrade the ability of the culvert to , pass the anticipated 50 year or ] 00 year storm in the design year. � � 1 able 4— Elevation Issue Summar (Continued) � "�`� ��z`�"���u��.. , � � �s�.�j="�'�'^�`a��� ' .,�� 7''r�. ��d�'"''�''s�'.�'`��'��''�.�,y.� �i. ...^rs�i.r' �`"�'�,A�'� '"5°`�ga`%,>.�'y'�-2„��''a.�,.�»�+`�'���c°�, .. �� : ��;� � � °� ��CommentJOb echon '� ° enc s �� � �� �-� �° �`���°��� s � `�n �-� � �� � � � � �`� � J �� � � _ � Y�( ) �� �NCDOT�R�.s onse � � � �� ? . z`�.:�: _ ,�'3:��<�� :�'� �� ,��,�;�-�k�,s°�� :�f,, , ����� «s?�:�"",f.>:,3z�#�� �:z.�i��. ,..:��r7 �-��,�': ��s��::u��'� � `�e` .r�-v�'=��`'�- � �5.0 �� «.� . . x-.: � . Culvert causes stream instability and USFWS The channel was realigned and widened during original contributes to sedimentation and erosion of DWQ construction of culvert to tie, back into the natural the stream WRC channel. The downstream banks are vegetated and stable. A point bar exists in the channel downstream of the culvert, indicating stream stability. A 23-foot extension will not significantly degrade stream stability or water ualit . Big Crabtree Creek is a tributary to North USFWS This culvert crossing is approximately 4 miles from the Toe River, which supports Critical Habitat EPA confluence of the stream with the North Toe River. The for endangered Appalachian Elktoe mussel DWQ relatively small culvert extension proposed is not WRC anticipated to degrade existing water quality or fish ' passage in the area or lead to a significant indirect im act to the Critical Habitat. Economic development in the area will USFWS While development may increase immediately adjacent lead to increased development — replacing EPA to the proposed highway corridor, the overall character with a bridge will help mitigate future DWQ of the entire drainage basin is expected to remain rural flood and sedimentation issues WRC in character. Bridging provides a large animal USFWS The existing culvert has a large cross section (l 1'xl l'), passageway along the creek EPA and relatively shallow flow the majority of the year. The WRC existing and proposed culvert may be feasible as a large animal crossing using the proposed configuration. Consideration to augmenting the culvert configuration, providing fencing and other enhancements will be considered durin final desi n. Bridging is consistent ' with NCDOT's USFWS Avoidance and minimization effort to date on the Environmental Stewardship policy and WRC project and at this specific crossing have been context sensitive solutions. significant and consistent with NCDOT's Environmental Stewardship Policy and Context Sensitive Solutions guidelines. Additionally, substantia] stream and habitat disruption would be required to demolish the existing culvert, install and demolish a temporary culvert, and convert the existing crossing to a bridge. The perceived long-term environmental benefit suggested by the Agencies, in some ways, would run counter to the specifics of NCDOT's environmental policies. The perceived benefit would involve substantial impact to the human environment, significant disruption to the natural environment, an increase in project cost, . and a lengthening of the project construction schedule to detour and maintain traffic . during construction. It is NCDOT's opinion that the perceived benefits in this case are largely outweighed by the potential costs to multiple environmental, constructability and fiscal aspects of the project. 12 Table 4— Elevation Issue Summarv (Continuedl , NCDOT comparative bridging cost estimates are elevated when compared to average bridge unit costs across system EPA Converting the crossing from a large culvert to a stream DWQ will require a number of actions which are more costly WRC on a unit basis than the "average" bridge construction: 1) Demolition of the existing culvert and construction of a new bridge will require that a separate, temporary culvert and stream crossing be built and maintained during construction to detour and maintain traffic on US 19E, 2) The existing culvert is large and currently buried beneath approximately 20 feet of fill material. This will increase demolition costs and, more significantly, increase the time of demolition, construction and detour operations, 3) Bridge construction will involve an additional right-of-way, including acquisition of two (2) additional properties and a Y-line realignment. � Project stream impacts are higher than EPA Project avoidance .and mitigation efforts to date have other similar projects; bridging provides � significantly reduced the overall anticipated stream mitigation of impacts impacts on the corridor. The proposed retaining wali and short extension of the culvert provide significant avoidance of stream impact at the proposed crossing. Bridging would improve recreational EPA Improving recreational opportunities in the area is not a opportunities in and around Big Crabtree WRC stated purpose or goal of the project, nor are funds Creek � included in this project for recreational purposes. i3ridging meets the intent of the USFWS The relatively short (+/- 23 feet) proposed culvert Endangered Species Act WRC extension does not cause significant direct of indirect harm to the endangered species present in the project area. Section 7 Consultation and Permitting A formal Consultation process with USFWS, to satisfy the requirements of Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), was followed on this project to assess the impact of the project to the endangered Appalachian Elktoe mussel. The Section 7 consultation process was executed concurrently with the Merger process. Additionally, the Section 7 Consultation process was combined for the US 19 corridor extending from the intersection of I-26 and US 19 in Madison County to Spruce Pine in Mitchell County. This encompasses TIP projects R-2518A, R-2518B, R-2519A, and R-2519B (US 19 Corridor). A Qualitative Indirect and Cumulative Effects Assessment for the corridor was prepared for NCDOT in 2004 (HNTB North Carolina 2004). An update of the 2004 Indirect and Cumulative Effects (ICE) Assessment for the US 19 Corridor was prepared in July 2007. The update evaluated the development potential of. lands within the study area, under build and no-build scenarios. The report was prepared utilizing the NCDOT Guidance for Assessing Indirect and Cumulative Impacts of Transportation Projects in North Carolina and Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) definitions that implement NEPA and guide the EIS process. (40 C.F.R. Section 1500-1508). The update is described in detail in Section V. A. of this report. 13 NCDOT prepared and submitted, to USFWS, a Biological Assessment (BA) of the corridor in August 2007. Supplemental materials in support of the BA were submitted to USFWS in December 2007 and January 2008. The USFWS issued a Biological Opinion (BO) "on the corridor in March 2008. The BO contained a specific condition requiring that a bridge be installed at the Big Crabtree Creek crossing on project R- 2519B, in order to minimize the impact to Critical Habitat for the Appalachian Elktoe mussel. . The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) subsequently issued a Clean Water Act Section 404 permit incorporating the conditions of the BO and covering projects R- 2518A, R-2518B, and R-2519A in Apri12008. The ACOE, which is the lead federal agency for the Merger process of project R-2519B, informed NCDOT in May 2008 that any further elevation or disagreement with installing a bridge at Big Crabtree Creek crossing should first be resolved by NCDOT through the Section 7 ESA process. The condition of the BO mandating a bridge over Big Crabtree Creek required NCDOT to obtain a revision to the BO, removing or altering the condition, for the corridor before any further elevation of the issue could occur through the Merger process. NCDOT developed further detailed hydraulic, design, constructability, and cost analysis on both Alternative 3(retaining wall/culvert extension) and Alternative 2 (bridge) at the Big Crabtree Creek crossing. Rising construction costs for the retaining wall construction in Alternative 3 lead to a revised comparative cost analysis, including right of way cost, in which the cost difference between the two alternatives was estimated to be approximately $864,000. The updated estimated cost for Alternative 2(bridge) is $10,992,000 and the updated estimated cost for Alternative 3(retaining wall/culvert extension) is $10,128,000. NCDOT's conclusions from the further analysis of the crossing were otherwise unchanged from those presented in Table 4 above. However, in due consideration of potential project delays associated with re- opening the Section 7 Consultation process, NCDOT revised it's recommendation for this crossing and recommended removal of the existing culvert and construction of dual bridges over Big Crabtree Creek. Figure 4 depicts the proposed bridge at this crossing. A summary of recommended structures along the project are presented in Table 5 below. 14 Table 5 — Recommended Structures ��.�,�r'�i'" u�"�-)"# �n�x ,c�`,`'�'-�' ��-�^"�_'�_ ''y ��(:, .�.`c-. �. .., ��.: f r �: �,,:. `�-^�`�,.� � � "` �v�j�v� � -�'�'.' '�`i i,Y �: -�'� `� . ,,, �" „ . �� �A���� �=-t„�-��,�'�� ��.'�EXI$tlIIg��� �°���`►StI'C$IIl��-�r� $ � ►StCeS�l��` �:ERI$�lll ��*� t;�� ,�-'�'"-.-_� � ���� . � � �F`Site L'ocahon�` „s s. °s`='�'_ �- �``.�����"�-�`��'�.Fxt Y ��� �'„F�°i �'��`�; �� .�. . � � - �'r�wy t� 3'et +. � �.} s�r��; '.n D.. ^ �����,�����'�������� ���Structur�,e�='� �,Crossing:Name�,�Classifcat�on� �Str�uctn e�j r �opose�d Struct�ure� - S�� �� rF��-��'u(:^.`.t.'/� , 4@ 12'x9' Retain and extend 4@ Sta. 49+00 +/- Culvert 42 Little Crabtree Class C•Tr RCBC (+/- 105' 12'X9' RCBC 8' up Creek ' length) stream & 142' down stream Sta. 127+00 +/- Bridge 43 South Toe River Class B;Tr; gridge Remove and Replace ' , ORW Existing Bridge Retain and Extend Sta.140+00 +/- & Culverts Long Branch Class •C;Tr 2@ 6' x 6' existing, replace Black 142+00 +/- RCBC Jack Rd. culvert, final design TBD at CP 4B/4C Big Crabtree 4@ 11'xl l' Remove existing culvert Sta. 253+00 +/- Culvert 48 . Creek Class C;Tr RCBC (125' and replace with 216' length) long dual bridges The merger �team reached concurrence on Concurrence Point 4A — Avoidance and Minimization in July 2009. 3. Historic Architecture/Archaeology Coordination The improvements to US 19E will have an effect on the National Register of Historic Places eligible E.W. and Dollie Huskins House (Figure 3). After consultation with the State Historic Property Office (HPO), NCDOT proposes to mitigate potential adverse effect to the property by including a seeded slope that is feasible for mowing by the owner in the proposed design. In a letter dated May 7, 2007, the lead federal agency for this project, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE), has concurred with the determination of effects under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the coordination to date with HPO with respect to historic structures. The correspondence from the USACOE is presented in Appendix C. The improvements to US 19E will have an adverse effect on identified archaeological sites 31YC31 and 31YC183. Data Recovery Plans to recover archaeological materials for analysis and interpretation of the occupation of the sites will be drawn up. Clearly defined research goals and objectives should be stated and addressed by recovering archaeological materials for analysis and interpretation. Such an endeavor will include documenting the depth and extent of deposits and defining any additional intact deposits and features present within the archaeological sites. In a letter dated May 7, 2007 (Appendix C), the USACOE (Lead�Federal Agency) indicated that NCDOT's coordination with the HPO to date is acceptable. However, the letter noted the need for further consultation and the development of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between�USACOE and HPO regarding adverse impact mitigation for sites 31YC31 and 31YC183. Addifionally, the USACOE extended an invitation to the Tribal Historic Office of Historic Preservation for the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (THPO) to participate as a consulting party in compliance with 36 CFR 800. The THPO 15 has been copied on all relevant historic information throughout the project development process. B. Comments Received on the Environmental Assessment Written comments on the Environmental Assessment were received from several agencies. Agency comments are presented in their entirety in Appendix D. The following are excerpts of the substantive comments with responses in italics, where appropriate: 1. United States Environmental Protection A�y Comment: "For the Best-fit Alternative, wetland impacts are estimated at 0.869 acres and stream impacts at 9,365.91inear feet. EPA anticipates that additional avoidance and minimization measures can additionally reduce potential stream impacts. Based upon EPA's BASELINE analysis for WESTERN WIDENING projects, stream impacts typically range between 500-600 linear feet per mile of widening (i.e., 548.1 linear feet per mile). This project indicates potential stream impacts at 1,248.8 linear feet per mile of widening improvement. As with the R-2519A project, EPA hopes that NCDOT fully explore all on-site stream mitigation opportunities along US 19E. EPA plans to stay actively involved in this Merger project." Response: Avoidance. and minimization measures for streams and wetlands on the project to date include installation of retaining walls to reduce fill slopes, revising roadway alignments, and removal of existing culverts on the project. Revised stream and wetland impacts are calculated to be 6,494 feet and 0.0088 acres, respectively. This represents a reduction of 2,874 feet (31%) of stream impact and 0.9 acres (99%) of wetland impact. � A full analysis of investigated on-site stream mitigation possibilities for the project is discussed in the document titled "Biological Assessment Prepared Under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, US 19 and US 19E Widening in Madison, Yancey, and Mitchell Counties (TIP # R-2518, R-2519A and R-2519B), Potential Effects to the Appalachian Elktoe (Alasmidonta raveneliana) and Other Federally Listed Species", prepared by The Catena Group and the NCDOT Biological Survey Unit for The US Arnzy Corps of Engineers (USACOE) and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), submitted on August 9, 2007, as well as additional information submitted to the USACOE on February 7, 2008. 2. Tennessee Valley AuthoritX Comment: "Section V.E.3.d., Federally Protected Species. As indicated in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service letter of December 11, 2002, there is a potential for cumulative effects issue with other bridge replacements on the North Toe River. This could be acknowledged here, along with the note that the ongoing Section 7 consultation is considering potential cumulative effects to the Appalachian Elktoe." Response: As part of an Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation on US 19 projects R-2518A, R-25I8B, R-2519A and R-2519B, a Qualitative Indirect and Cumulative Effects Assessment of these projects was prepar.ed for NCDOT in 2004 (HNTB North Carolina 2004) and a subsequent Indirect and Cumulative Effects Report � (ICE) was prepared by Earth Tech in 2007 that specifically addressed water quality impacts (NCDOT 2007). A Biological Assessment (BA) for the Section 7 Consultation was submitted to USACOE and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) in August 2007 and an addendum to the BA was submitted in February 2008 addresses direct and indirect impacts to endangered species on the project. The USFWS issued a Biological Opinion (BO), satisfying the conditions of the Section 7 Consultation under the ESA. Comment: "Section V.C.7.b. Archaeological Resources. It is indicated that archaeological sites 31YC31 and 31ML80 are impacted sites that are eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Later, it is indicated that sites 31YC31 and 31YC183 are within the project's Area of Potential Effect (APE) and culturally significant. These conclusions appear to be inconsistent and the status of all three sites as to their NHRP-eligibility and whether they would be affected should be clarified." Response: Four archaeological sites (31 YC6, 31 YC31, 31 YC183, and 31ML80) that are recommended eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) were identi�ed in the project study area. Two of these sites (31 YC31 and 31 YC183) will be adversely affected by the proposed project and will require data recovery investigations prior to project letting. Additionally, a Memorandum of Agreement regarding the project effects and any required mitigation between the� US Army Corps of Engineers (Lead Federal Agency) and the State Historic Preservation Office will be coordinated prior to project letting. 3. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Comment: "It is important to note that although the South Toe River carries the Trout designation by NCDWQ, the river is expected to be too low in the watershed for trout reproduction in the project vicinity and will require a different moratorium than the rest of the project. As indicated in our scoping letter, dated May 23, 2003 and included in the EA document, NCWRC recommends an in-water work moratorium from April 1 to June 30 in the South Toe River to protect the Appalachian Elktoe, blotchside logperch, and olive darter during their breeding seasons, as well as smallmouth bass reproduction. Cranberry Creek and other perennial stream crossings should have an in-water and 25- foot trout buffer moratorium from October 15 to April 15. Sediment and erosion control measures should adhere to the design standards for sensitive watersheds and be strictly maintained until project completion." Response: Since the published date of the Environmental Assessment and concurrent with the Section 7 consultation process, the following in-water work moratoria have been developed for this project in consultation with the NCWRC: 1) Big Crabtree Creek (and associated Unnamed Tributaries) —_October IS to April 15; 2) Brushy Creek (and associated Unnamed Tributaries) — January 1 to April 1 S; 3) Long Branch (and associated Unnamed Tributaries) — January 1 to April 15. Sediment and erosion control measures on the project will adhere to the design standards for sensitive watersheds and w�ll be maintained through project completion, with the following exception: On the previous sections of this corridor (Projects R-2518A & R-2518B), for the commitment for Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds, the North Carolina Department of the Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality (NCDENR-DWQ) has granted NCDOT an exemption from part (a) of the 17 Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds referenced above. Part (a) restricts the amount of "uncovered acres" at any one time to 20 a,cres. Due to the nature of our construction processes for a project of this. magnitude, this restriction is impractical for NCDOT. NCDOT will apply for a similar exemption to part (a) on this project for construction. Additionally, the Biological Assessment, and the Biological Opinion completed and issued on the project corridor covering projects R-2518A, R-2518B, R-2519A, and R-2519B present specific sediment and erosiori control measure to be implemented on this project. Comment: "Indirect and cumulative impacts are a concern for this project. While much of the land is unsuitable for development due to steep topography, it is likely that small. scale retail or industrial uses or single family residential uses would locate along and near the project corridor. Also, there are plans to extend sewer and water service along US 19 in the project area. Local �planners indicate there is development momentum along the roadway and they support the potential for economic benefits resulting from.the project and subsequent development. NCDOT should provide strong stormwater treatment that will protect water quality, sensitive species, and aquatic habitats at current and future levels of development. We strongly encourage local officials to guide future development in a manner that will protect wildlife habitat, water quality, and aesthetic values that are also important to tourists that visit this area and therefore valuable to the local communities. Wetlands, streams, and wide natural areas surrounding these features should be preserved in perpetuity for many long-term benefits." Response: As part of an Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation on US 19 projects R-2518A, R-2518B, R-2519A and R-2519B, ,a Qualitative Indirect and Cumulative Effects Assessment of these projects was prepared for NCDOT in 2004 (HNTB North Carolina 2004) and a subsequent Indirect and Cumulative Effects Report (ICE) was prepared by Earth Tech in 2007 that speci�Cally addressed water quality impacts (NCDOT 2007). The 2004 study identified a"Potential Growth Impact Area" of small-scale development mainly within 1- 2 miles (1.6 — 3.2 kilometers) of the US 19E corridor in the form of residential uses and to a lesser extent commercial/industrial uses (HNTB North Carolina 2004). The highest potential for impacts is within the cities of Burnsville and Spruce Pine, where industrial uses are most likely to occur. A"Medium Potential for Impact" was identified in the areas along the Cane River for a distance of approximately 5 river miles (8.1 river kilometers), along the South Toe River for a distance of approximately 2 river miles (3.2 river kilometers), and along NC 80 from US 19 north to its crossing of the North Toe River. The identi�ed ICE study area uses the 2- mile wide area on either side of the existing roadway which was delineated in the 2004 report. The ICE study indicates that there is potential for induced growth within the ICE study area, primarily in areas where water and sewer services exist or are planned. GIS modeling indicates that poteritial for •growth is mainly due to the expansion of water and sewer services rather than the road improvement project, as overall growth under the no- build scenario is projected to be only slightly lower.than with the build scenario (NCDOT 2007). C. Public Hearing and Comments In accordance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act of 1971; the North Carolina Department of Transportation certifies that a public hearing for the subject �:3 {> , . project has been held and the social, economic, and environmental impacts, consistency with local community planning goals and objectives, and the comments from individuals have been considered in the selection of the recommended alternative for the project. Following circulation of the Erivironmental Assessment, a public hearing was held at Mayland Community College on February 21, 2006. The hearing was conducted as an open house workshop followed by a formal hearing. A transcript was prepared of the formal hearing. The hearing transcript is presented in Appendix E. Approximately 194 people attended, the hearing and three citizens spoke for the record. Numerous citizens commented verbally at the open house and hearing, and in. writing before and after the hearing, requesting changes to the proposed design. Opposition comments expressed general concern regarding 1) the proposed 20-foot raised grass median, which will limit left turn movements and U-turns on the project, 2) Impact to various properties along the project including relocations, and 3) Access changes along the project. A Post-Hearing Meeting was held on May 2, 2006. This meeting was held to discuss comments received at the public hearing. The following resolutions were developed for , concerns arising from public comment on this project: 1. Concern: A request was made to provide an access for school buses from SR 1307 to eastbound US 19. Action: SR 1307 is located close to the intersection of NC 80 and US 19. SR 1307 is only 250 feet from the median opening at NC 80. An additional median opening will not be possible at SR 1307 because it will violate the NCDOT's median cross-over policy. NCDOT will align SR 1307 with the intersection of NC 80 and US 19 to improve access and safety. 2. Concern: Opposition has been expressed to the proposed typical section, which consists of a 4-lane divided shoulder section with a 20-foot raised grass median. Action: Because US 19E is on the Strategic Highway Corridor, the project will remain a 4-lane divided facility with a 20-foot raised median. 3. Concern: The potential relocation of the Newdale Fire Department and the Spruce Pine (Estatoe) Fire Department is a concern. Action: NCDOT will work with the Newdale Fire Department and the Spruce Pine Fire Department to make sure that with any required relocations, the process is smooth so the fire stations will not be closed at any point during the project life. The Newdale Fire Department has plans to acquire property adjacent to its cunent location to relocate the station. NCDOT proposes to install an emergency signal and a depressed median break at the Riverwalk Road and US 19E to accommodate the relocated station. A retaining wall is proposed near the Spruce Pine Fire Department property, which will substantially reduce the impact to the property and maintain access to US 19 for the existing emergency vehicles housed at m this location. Figure 5 illustrates the proposed retaining wall at this location. � 4. Concern: Access for the residents of the Red Bird Road area to eastbound US 19 has been requested by the Red Bird Association. Action: A median cross-over will not be provided at Red Bird Road because it will be a violation of the Median Crossover Policy. Instead NCDOT will provide an intermediate U-turn mediari opening for passenger vehicles approximately midway from SR 1002 (Crabtree Creek Road) and SR 1157 (Hoot Owl Road). 5. Concern: Concerns were expressed by the Newdale Church and the Estatoe Church of God. Action: The Newdale Church is concerned about drainage problems on their property. Since it is private property, DOT will not be doing any improvements except those necessitated by the roadway widening. The Estatoe Church of God's building is just outside of DOT's right of way, but their parking lot is on DOT's right of way. The church is concerned about losirig their parking. This project is controlled by partial access and DOT is planning to control and maintain its existing and future right of way. 6. Concern: Some local citizens did not receive notification of the public meeting. Action: The Public Notice was announced in the Yancey County Times Journal and Mitchell News Journal on January 25`t', February ls`, 8�', and 15�' of �' 2006. In addition, NCDOT mailed out 281 Public Notices to the property owners in Yancey and Mitchell Counties. - 7. Concern: A request was made to realign US 19 to avoid impacts on businesses owned by Bill and Bobby Young on the north side of US 19. Action: Realignment of the proposed roadway to the south would cause significant impact to an existing historic property (I-Iuskins House) .and a jurisdictional stream that runs parallel to south of US 19. Therefore, the proposed alignment will be maintained as presented. The NCDOT has reviewed and thoroughly considered all of the incoming comments from the public and the environmental agencies. A post-hearing meeting was held to discuss the comments and make final decisions regarding the proposed action. While it is not reasonable or feasible to expect that all public recommendations can be adequately incorporated into the final design, the proposed highway improvement does reflect the prevailing consensus of the motoring public and their local officials while serving the best interest of their welfare. 20 V. REVISIONS TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT The following revisions to the Environmental Assessment have been made: A. Indirect and Cumulative Effect Update An update to the 2004 Indirect and Cumulative Effects (ICE) assessment was prepared in March 2007. This updated assessment covered the US 19 Corridor (R-2518A, R-2518B, R-2519A and R-2519B) and took additional steps beyond the "standard" level of ICE assessment (as requested by the US Fish and Wildlife Service) to evaluate the development potential of lands within the study area, under several scenarios. The report was prepared utilizing the NCDOT Guidance for. Assessing Indirect and Cumulative Impacts of Transportation Projects in North Carolina and Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) definitions that implement NEPA and guide the EIS process. (40 C.F.R. Section 1500-1508). A summary of the report and its conclusions follows. The 2007 ICE report focused on the potential for land use changes, presence of various infrastructure and changes to impervious surfaces, which in turn affect the endangered Appalachian elktoe (Alasmidonta raveneliana) and its habitat. The Appalachian elktoe is federally listed as endangered and is protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA). The Appalachian Elktoe mussel is documented to occur within the Nolichucky River Basin, including the North Toe, South Toe and Cane Rivers. This species has been found in the Cane River and South Toe River near the crossings of US 19E over these water bodies. NCDOT assessed the combined indirect and cumulative effects of these two projects on the water quality in water bodies draining the proposed projects that also serve as habitat for the Appalachian elktoe. - Summary of Project Effects (Build Scenario) While there is potential for some induced commercial growth, limiting factors include the watershed water supply restrictions, availability of water and sewer, low population growth, and topography constraints. Induced growth that is anticipated is likely to occur within or adjacent to the three municipalities where water and sewer services exist or are planned. Modeling indicates that the potential for growth is due to the expansion of water and sewer services and not the road improvement project. Effects on Travel Patterns The initial ICE report concluded that most of the residential development is expected to be second homes and retirees. Additionally, local officials believe that a substantial number of residents commute outside of the county for employment and that � the improved roadway would make commuting more attractive and bring new residents to the area. United States Census commuting to work data suggests that as the distance from Asheville, the largest employment center in the region increases, the number of commuters' decreases. Local travel patterns will not be altered as a result of the project, but traffic service will be enhanced by the proposed improvements to a four lane divided highway. The cumulative effect of the road widening of US 19 combined with other TIP improvements, including I-240, and US 221 widening will help to improve regional accessibility. 21 Land Use Patterns Land cover data for the fifteen-year period (1986 to 2001) were analyzed. The analysis shows that within the study area there was a small increase in the acreage of urban/municipal areas and very little change in rural residential land cover. Historical land cover data, as well as analysis of the past five years of building permit data, do not indicate a significant trend towards urbanization or development in the .ICE study area. The building permit data also do not indicate a significant change in residential growth outside the study area in the past five years. The land use and population trend data clo not suggest a likely increase in the rate of growth or a change in land use patterns. The GIS model results indicate that even when proximity to a primary road(s), such as the US 19 widening, is the dominant feature, its increased influence to land suitability overall does not substantially increase development outcome. The model indicates a minimal influence of road widening on the overall development potential of the study area. Availability of water and sewer is the more dominant factor influencing land development suitability. Market for Development The project will contribute incrementally to an improved infrastructure that will enhance the overall accessibility of the region when considered with all other transportation improvement projects. The project will have minimal effects on market activity, and large areas of the study area are unsuitable for development due to topography and other land development constraints. Natural Resource Effects Increased runoff pollution and volume from increased development induced by water and sewer extensions, transportation improvements, and increased discharges from upgraded or newly constructed water and wastewater treatment plants is anticipated over time. These effects are likely to occur with or without the project, as growth is planned and anticipated in municipal growth centers. The impervious surface analysis of historical data shows a total impervious surface estimate in 2001 of 5.5 percent in the portion of the study area drained by the North Toe River, 5.2 percent in the South Toe River drainage area, and 4.9 percent in the Cane River drainage area. The change during the period of 1986 to 2001. was no greater than 02 percent in any of the drainage areas. Total impervious surface in the entire study area was 5.1 percent in 2001. The land use, population and impervious surface trend data do not indicate a significant effect on water quality within the study area. Cumulative natural resource effects resulting from the project area are not anticipated to be significant, as the proposed project does not significantly change the rate or pattern of development according to the model. Increased commercial growth within the municipalities is limited by topography, sewer and water extensions, zoning, and watershed regulations. Cumulative hydrologic impacts are not expected to differ significantly between the build and no-build scenario. The assessment has concluded that indirect and cumulative effects to water quality will be minimal. 22 ICE Conclusion The No-Build alternative in the ICE study area excludes the construction of the widening of R-2518 and R-2519. Under the No-Build scenario, historical population and land use trends would continue in the project study area. Land use plans and associated growth projections include the proposed project, so overall growth under the no-build alternative would be expected to be slightly lower as compared witli the projections under the build scenario. Analysis of the Build Condition using the Land Suitability Analysis model indicates there is little difference in land development suitability values when the model is adjusted by increasing the weighting factor of primary roads. The highest development suitability classification occurs near water and sewer infrastructure within the municipalities. Given the low population growth rates and low number of building permits issued over the past few years, the effect on water quality from project-induced growth is anticipated to be small. The partial control of access and grassed median along the corridor, along with zoning controls will help to limit urban sprawl and strip commercial development. NCDOT has coordinated with the local jurisdiction in designing the road-widening project and has incorporated appropriate design standards that will help to mitigate effects to water resources. B. Relocation Update According to the updated relocation report (Appendix B), the proposed action displaces an estimated 65 residences and 12 businesses. An estimated three non-profit establishments (churches) will be displaced by the proposed action. However, based on experience with prior projects on the US 19 corridor (R-2518A and B and R-2519A), the number of displacees may increase, primarily due to the effect of the project on private septic and water systems and the absence of public utilities in the area to replace these facilities. Also, the relatively small number of replacement housing properties for sale in the area may result in the necessity to look farther away from the project site to find comparable properties for sale to use in evaluations for replacement housing payment calculations. This could result in higher payments to the displacees. Additional relocation information is included in Table 6. Table 6- Relocation Impact S Owners 46 Residences Tenants 19 Total 65 Minori 0 Owners - 3 Businesses Tenants 9 Total 12 Minori 0 Farms 0 Non-Profit Organizations 3 23 C. Stream and Wetland Direct Impact Update Direct impacts to jurisdictional streams and wetlands in the project area have been updated to reflect the preliminary design as well as avoidance and minimization efforts on the project. Anticipated impacts to jurisdictional streams in the project area appear below in Table 7. Anticipated impacts to jurisdictional wetlands appear below in Table 8. Table 7— Updated Jurisdictional Stream Impacts � '� p�"G 'a �, a �� _'E` �, �ay �,� �'�r';, � .� ' "•r. � _.�s ;� s s.�.�, a��� u�� ` < . °��'f'�4ri`�'� S,a+�,.�.'"'` ,,.�'.5������ x' ?,..�+''�`L�'p ,a� ��'{ ti �f,°s',k��'��`�'�,��`�G-�� ��-. �T13� a5'°.�t� � �'�xo- �Prev�onsly�I�entified�T�impacts'�� ��b� +�a� ` ��. �: � ` ��m,,�.t�Jpdated Imp�ay,�c�s � � ,�},[ �- � � � � � � ��r�ti�` �1��.ifr�t���.. _ . �3�w�..�v�'`��.�'� y'",�k[I�.wd'F 3� " �'� .2�_ : -�""Y'Y..c,.S��a�s�"�aR�tY.�2�l�.�T�N:�.<li�'�,�.t... . ���?A����'���M'.��i�� R 3 Impact ���� � � Impact ` Difference '�' (ft) (ft) Reason Stream Name Stream ID (ft) �� Stream Name Stream ID �� piped under � ��. 2ut2a 188 �� 2ut2a 43 -145 brid e sz.,3. �� Ayles Creek 3ut2a 0 �'� Ayles Creek 3ut2a 0 0 �� � Little Crabtree �� Little Crabtree Creek 2a 236 �';�;; Creek 2a 148 -88 culvert design ut2b 15 ��� ut2b 21 6 2b 308 ��� 2b 319 11 2c 154 � 2c 85 -69 retaining wall South Toe ;�_ � � South Toe River STR 304 � River STR 284 -20 �a L,ong Branch 2d 216 �� Long Branch 2d 123 -93 retaining wall 3utstr 345 r� 3utstr 432 87 � , Long Branch 2d 45 �.�µ Long Branch 2d 0 -45 retaining wall a� #: � Lon Branch 2d 459 t� Lon Branch 2d 35 -424 retainin wall ut2d 154 �-�� ut2d 146 -8 2ut2d 95 r�� 2ut2d 90 -5 �` ' Long Branch 2d 236 236 ali nment -- �,,, �� 3ut2d 233 ��Y 3ut2d 83 -150 ali nment � .,� � I,ong Branch 2d 47 #�,� Long Branch 2d 0 -47 slo e . ,� Lon Branch 2d 100 Lon Branch 2d 0 -]00 slo e 7ut2d 102 t8'�r 7ut2d 95 -7 . �`t�t Long Branch 2d 536 � Long Branch 2d 266 -270 alignment ,�". Lon Branch 2d 187 �� Lon Branch 2d 239 52 �� IOut2d 13 ;��� 10ut2d 0 -13 � -- ��� Lon Branch 2d 61 61, , _ , ;_�:� Lon Branch 2d 544 �� ` Lon Branch 2d 0 -544 ali nment �� Lon Branch 2d 636 �;°�` Lon Branch 2d 0 -636 Ali nment � ". 11 ut2d 6 °��� 11 ut2d 0 -6 �� �K � 12ut2d 120 �� 12ut2d 95 -25 a�� Long Branch 2d 48 � Long Branch 2d 21 -27 24 . ;.s:,=�; Table 7- U dated Jurisdictional Stream Im acts (Continued) �+. 'a' `f �°`.E° _ r .. u- � �.r 4tie�' �� 's. ° r��;" .;.. r��.'�'��C'�'� ,�:�.�� ��" �."'�r�'��,,:''�`�'� �4 �"�""� 'cr..� �s���Y; � -`�"`��A^,,::� a, �,��'�`��r �� cr�:e "n�y�,'���r�--�£��$ �:: � i'r•e�iously�Identafied�Impactss � ��'� ���:��`�,�s"���� " '� �� � �� ��.��� ���' -� ��� �'.� �s��`��°�~��:�.�,�,��. ���}..��"-����,.��:r.��.�, u b � f� ��:� - r�����Up�dated'Impacts�� ��.�-��,��`������� � � � r.s... �: �,-.��iu -..� s�'� �-�r:�`azMa;��:.,r� .� ��cr� ...-1-5-.:• 2F' ^;� Impact Impact Difference Stream Name Stream ID (ft) , F� Stream Name Stream ID (ft) (ft) Reason :�<� -- _ '�`'� - �� Long Branch 2d 71 71 � � � � �� � . alignment/recal ��;, �T �� Long Branch 2d 407 407 culation :�} � �� 13ut2d 96 !-�,�,�-� � 13ut2d 94 -2 �1 � � Long Branch. 2d 249 ��� Long Branch 2d 285 36 � . ' � =; Long Branch 2d 381 ��:'� Long Branch . 2d 81 -300 recalculation � 1 h 51 �?�� 1 h 42 -9 ut 1 h 29 y""�' ut 1 h 43 14 � �� 2utlh 55 �'g� Parsnip Branch 2utlh 152 97 1 i 252 �'�� 1 i 0 -252 retainin wall 1 i 46 �� 1 i 147 ] O 1 Recalculation �.� �� utli 78 �;� utli 0 -78 Recalculation 1 i� 402 � � 1 i 296 -106 retainin wall � Remove Big Crabtree � Big Crabtree culvertlinstall Creek 1 cc 230 '�� m� Creek 1 cc 0 -230 dual bridges 2e 229 ', :� 2e 290 61 Brushy Creek 2bc 96 >.��� Brushy Creek 2bc 107 1 1 1 g 256 �"�� 1 g 300 44 �x� �:�.�� ]g 158 T�� lg 224 66 ��:� 7utlg 56 :�;��� 7utlg 58 2 �� 1 g 351 1 g 125 -226 alignmendslo e 1 g 143 `� 1 g 0 -143 retaining wall � �� 8utlg 46 ��� 8utlg 62 16 . ,�;, ��� � �� 2-1 g 448 ���� 1 g 12 -436 retaining wall 5 ut I g 167 ;;'; � 5 ut 1 g 0 -167 retaining wal l Sutl 56 `` Sutl 67 11 �� �, ��¢ 1 384 384 ' ���" 1 0 -11 1 11 �, =_. � F� 1 1% ��� 1 � -�% 1d 83 ��,�,�. ; 1d 38 -45 Ib 86 �� Ib 108 22 lc 134 �` ]c 114 -20 ���r. 1 z 71 1 z 165 94 Al i nment Total ����`�.���.� 9368 .�� �,� h � �; Total � �t�� ;; ��� 6494 Total Stream Impact ` Difference -2874 Notes: Yrevious lmpacts calculated at Concurrence Point 2 using preliminary surveys/mapping Current Impacts calculated using Final surveys/mapping Impacts calculated to preliminary construction line ( toe of cuUfill slope) + 10 feet 25 Table 8- U dated Jurisdictional Wetland Im acts � ,��z �°>' � '> � h�, � ` � '� � x,.�r'�s��� `� � ,� �s � � � -�r� r c �. �<°_. ���Pceviousl sIdent�ed�Im acts�;��� �'� �:� �_�,.���������`�.�'�U�� atecl�Im�ac.�'t_.s_�������_ �_ `� :" �,� ,� '�� �..��. � . Wetland ID Im act (acres) � Wetland ID Im act (acres) II 2d 0 2d 0.00 I Sut2d 0.01 Sut2d 0.00 ' Sut2d 0.00 (0.002) Sut2d 0.00 I 6ut2d 0.00 (0.003) 6ut2d 0.00 6ut2d 0.74 6ut2d 0.00 10ut2d 0.00 ' 10ut2d 0.00 2dn 0.03 2dn 0.00 9ut2d 0.00 9ut2d 0.00 2dm 0.04 2dm 0.00 (0.0028) 2do 0.00 2do 0.00 2utlh 0.00 � 2utlh 0.0 l h 0.00 l h 0.00 1 i 0.00 1 i 0.00 1 ib 0.02 1 ib 0.00 1 ic 0.00 (0.003) 1 ic 0.00 (0.003) ut 1 cc 0.00 ut 1 cc 0.00 ut 1 cc-b 0.00 ut 1 cc-b � 0.00 ut 1 cc-c 0.00 ut 1 cc-c 0.00 3ut2e 0.00 3ut2e 0.00 2e 0.00 2e 0.00 ut2bc 0.02 ut2bc ' 0.00 Pond 1C 0 (0.003) 1 -d 0.00 (0.006) 1 -d 0.00 1 g-b 0 1 g-b 0.00 2ut 1 0 2ut 1 0.00 utl 0 utl � 0.00 1 g-c 0 1 g-c 0.00 l a 0 l a 0.00 Total 0.9 Total 0.0 (0.0088) Total Wetland Impact Difference -0.9 In total, stream impacts on the projects have been reduced from approximately 9,368 linear feet as presented in the Environmental Assessment to approximately 6,494 linear feet. Additionally, wetland impacts on the project have been reduced from approximately 0.9 acres as presented in the Environmental Assessment to less than 0.01 acres. D. Design/Other Changes A retaining wall is proposed to be installed in the area adjacent to the existing Spruce Pine Volunteer Fire Department building in Estatoe near the intersection of SR 1157 (Hoot Owl Road) and US 19. Installation of the retaining wall, and a reconfiguration of the existing access drive to the station to exit on to SR 1157 (Hoot Owl Road), will enable the Spruce Pine Volunteer Fire Department to maintain their existing location. Multiple retaining walls are proposed throughout the project to reduce impact to streams and wetlands in the project area. The locations of the proposed retaining walls and the water bodies affected are presented in Table 3 and Table 6 above. ►�5•� SR 1185 (Sycamore Circle) is proposed to be realigned and the existing bridge over Long Branch is proposed to be removed. Additional biological surveys for the Virginia Spiraea (Spiraea .virginiana), a federally threatened vascular plant species identified in the project study area, were completed in June 2006. No plants were found in the vicinity of the project. Therefore, a biological conclusion of "No Effect" for Virginia Spiraea has been rendered by NCDOT and concurred upon by USFWS. The intersections of SR 1307 and NC 80 with US 19E will be realigned to form one intersection, with NC80 intersecting US 19E to the south and SR 1307 intersecting US 19E from the north..This will improve access and safety at this intersection. Removal of the existing 4-barrel, 11'xll' box culvert at Big Crabtree Creek is proposed. The culvert will be replaced by dual, 216-foot long bridges at this crossing to minimize the project's impact to the critical habitat of tlie Appalachian Elktoe mussel which exists in the project vicinity. VI. BASIS FOR FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT Based on a study of the impacts of the proposed action, as documented in the Environmental Assessment, and on comments from federal, state, and local agencies, it is the findirig of the North Carolina Department of Transportation that the project will not have a significant impact upon the quality of the human or natural environment. The proposed action is not controversial from an environmental perspective. No significant impacts on natural, ecological, cultural, or scenic resources are expected. In view of the above evaluation, it is determined that a Finding of No Significant Impact is applicable for this project. Neither an Environmental Impact Statement nor further environmental analysis is required. 27 APPENDIX A FIGURES � J � J a V � � � � �� Q=` \ \ J Nf \ � O �;�-� L �` U � �1 �---.�- � � � r" % J N �. �. % i ' l � � `y�- �- �� �-�����.� ,�-� Ci N \l• ,�'� --' �� � _- � t J � �t U _I L � > �� a:. � N ° ; � W °- � � � W C "'-,���_ �i � � W I��1 L � ( Y� � \ 5� _-�`�_„_�- �. �y `^ �,ti � G `) �, i r' 00 i` J-�._.�`l� � �j % � �, �1 �l ,. _ i � `' � % � . . . � . \ ' a � ' - / C � ,y r�/ m � w�s_ � / / - m i i � �; ` a �- : � y i -� `-^ � ti- � � � T ;} V � W W � � W Z Z W F- r'��_ �� - , w � � Z � � � Q � � � _ ,� � _� � � � � � � � o� � ; � ` = C (j O �. � 2 O _ N �- U Z Gi � V W Z m � � � N V � Q Z N V�0 � W C� WZ}Wa p�•d � 0 GOaaZ L � � Z a�=o� a m'a o� Z � � W Q � = � V � J�= i~ d� V N �a�ow E v 2 �� Qy�F,� >�(n =~ U Z Z V Z 0 U H�y'� 0.�� �� Oti>�Z £� M �� a zOoaW � d � Q yv� 3 Za � �''� ` w= � Q� ?- . �� � V � ,. � ��w. QZ Z __ - g _ - � � � � �" V '�[` S . 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OF TRANSPORTATION MICAVILLE TO THE EXISTING MULTILANE DMSION OF HIGNWAYS � PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND BECTION WEST OF SPRUCE PINE ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH DECEMBER 2008 YANCE & MITCHELL COUNTIES TIP PROJECT R-25196 _� ,.. � ' $ - - A � .r � � ,--i1' : �' N :a rr t �'''� Legend ` � _ .. ;�� � `� {: : ' ^� Proposed Improvements � - � � � W E Construction Limits � � ° � �s' ' � `_ �� Streams and Ponds �� ,��' t''� J - r.*�� . 1�'7 S /� Wetlands ��' * � � - : � p=�` � �` �. ' - ' S` 9 + � `a4 4l 'r - 4 :a �'" . � � � ; - ss�� . ,,. a F„ � • � � �., r � � � ��,. , � � � � � ' � ��, k � ' , �jt �t� - ! . - � . �j , . �. . • i` , �s, , , �- . r�_ J/ ,.' ` � . '� � � J . z , ". � ` �r � � r." �,: ,�..: Y * t. 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Walls , � � � � ���, � �, �. �r' �` �. , t �. � . . � , k . , �' � '"f ` � '� a , � �, � " . �� � Liberty�Hillr� _ `_,��" #� '� Baptist Church "'� y�, c � ���� " � �� N . � '�l�� ., - . ^ � . ` o,. r � . � � -`;� Ir � + � ,� ,�� � ` 7 �, O i`" :�' - .'� . . :� i � . . � c3� ,. � � � . #•' $. �M �f °!� � � . O —, * � � �� , �. � l. `� dp, � ` y � ,!t' f riF � .� • R � � .� � � a � �' . . ' � 3r ��. ,y� � �N 1�' . J`p�'� .""'� af . ���� . . ` . '�� � . ',� �� . A� � � ♦ � �« � $ .' �J" } .. � ' .. '� . ' � _ p �£ r - .. ,y� •. M6 ,. �?e� ' „ ' d�lf { `_ �'�`, : . SR 1233 � �'NJ�, � _ ..; p�i�, n.VFr • 'F:,,; . . . '�~� i �, ` „ - �� � .�,. Y ��'-;t AF / �+f'.'+ _? �', , . ` 'f � y t ♦ �l:[�y t� '. 3 _ �- �`t ` � � . .`f �}Y i ��., f . t; . ' .f ' : s �. � .. 1 Y � � . . � ` _ � �' • ' ��� _ ' 0 100 200 400 � .,, - �� r � . . �x� � � � '. � �' ,; � �,_� , � ''�. ,. 'w, � _� ,. Feet � �< ' �' Y �C � N�,� �' PROPOSED STRUCTURES AT SPRUCE PINE VFD . � NORTH CAROUNA DEPARTMENT US 18E IMPROVEMENTS FROM SR 11861N Figure ` • OF TRANSPORTATION MICAVILLE TO THE EXISTING MULTILANE DIVISION OF HKiHWAY3 � � . PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND SECTION WEST OF SPRUCE PINE ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH �*�►� YANCE 8 MITCHELL COUNTIES DECEMBER 2008 TIP PROJECT R-25196 APPENDIX B UPDATED RELOCATION REPORT EIS RELOCATION REPORT � E.I.S. � CORRIDOR � DESIGN WBS ELEMENT: 35609.1.1 CouNTr Yancey/Mitchell Alternate T.I.P. No.: R-2519B oESCaiPrioN oF Pao�ECT: US 19E from SR 1186 to ttie existing multilane west of Spruce Pine i`'�;�.:� .��'��.�'-��- � �� ��������.� .. . . -2..�'-`.C� �v".' e... .,. , ft ..._.�.F + r �..i.. �w , . . , z Y,.. .... k 3'J. , ��t 'L-} ',K�- Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Residential 46 19 65 Businesses 3 9 12 Farms 0 0 0 Non-Profit 1 2 3 - -�� -;'ANSWER�ALLOUESTIONS''-' �_`�� �__ Yes No Exp/ain all "YES" answers. X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? x 2. Will schools or churches be affected by � 7 "'N"��"���� displacement? €a z=}�.,.-,. �Z-.Yi x.e.e X 3. Will business services still be�available z � �'�`� � after project? ��. � �'�'`e��x =� X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, ": , r �a �� �`, indicate size, rype, estimated number of �� � ;r�`� � -�,°�;� � empioyees, minoriiies, eic. =� � ��>=k :.v��.':�`�-:s �� x 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? ;?�' ��` -'�,�,`�'"�'• uy� 6. Source for availab�e housing (list). F�s,.n.�r: at:�-;s'_>� X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? x 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. tamilies? x 10. Will public housing be needed tor projed? x 11. Is public housing available? X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing housing available during relocation period? �r� �.``}��'�; � �. ,�'� X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within financial means? �.<dY�'�- .' � � � ��� �# x 14.. Are suitable business sites available (list �.= ���'� �.'�-�,��', source). x���� ��,� �- 15. Number months estimated to complete � � s�a ���"�- '; -tx'� ,x,,, t ,_ RELOCATION? 30 months � � -1-t --' � s�='! -��� � • Roberts FRM15-E Minorities 0-i5M ' 15-25M 0 0 41 0 � .,�.;;:x,. VALUE OFDWEWNG;� t ».` ,. 0 Owners , Tenants p o-2or p so-iso zo-aor p iso-zso ao-�oM g zsaaoo �aioou 3� aoo�oo 100 UP Q 600 UP TOTAL �G ;'�^,�°`�?af:g;�; 9-22-08 North Carolina Department of Transportation RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 3 of 3 Alternate b ' �ME CEVEL , ' :i. 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP 24 0 0 For p azarn 15 2o-aorn 3 ao-�oM � �aiooM Q 100 uv 19 ��.. s._ �`�:= For Rent p Saiso p 5 �sazso 7 8 250-400 6 qp aoo-soo 3 � g eoo ua 5 71 ����f,�c�� 23 2. Liberty Covenant Church, Martins Chapel United Methodist Church 8 Christ Baptist Church. 3. Will not be disruptetl due to the projea. 4. See attached sheet for list oi busfnesses. 5. Due to IimiteC rentat housing and the number o1 tenant-tlisplacees, the prqeet may attecl avallable renWl housing in the area. 6. Burnsville Realry, New Horizons Realty 8 local monthly newspapers and � real esWte internet services. 8. /�s necessary in accordance with State Law. 10. M low rent housing is not available at the time of acquisition, puDlic housing mightbe necessary. 11. HUD housing. � ' 12. Given the last resort housing progrems and proper lead time it is felt that DSS housing could be made aveilable to those persons being displaeed. Adequate lead time ahould be 24-36 months. 13. tt is felt that our last resort housing progrem will enable any person(s) being displaced to obtain or maintain housing within their financial � means. 14. Suitable Dusiness sites will be available during the relowtion period. . Sources are the same as those listed in No. 6 above. " Vou may notice a ditterence in Me number of displacees on tAe Relocation EIS Report anA the Appraisal Cost Estimate. This is tlue to proximiry damage being e factor on the Cost Estimate Report (improvements not actually in the proposed Wke, but consitleretl damaged to the point oi no value) as well es potential loss of aecesa Eue to the control of access right of way. The displacees shown on this report only incluEe those actually located within the proposed right of way of this , prqect. 2-09-09 ��� � �����'��`�' �»� �'�{�~. X Date ����? , _ Relocation Coordinator Date 0 LIST OF BUSINESSES for Altemate 3 of 3: Liberty Covenant Church * • Unnamed Automotive Service & Auto Sales, 2200 SF. 3 employees, 0 minorities Unnamed NC Inspection Station/Rock Quarry business, 3000 SF. 15 employees, 0 minorities G& R Power. 3500 SF. 5 employees, 0 minorities Martins Chapel United Methodist Church * Chevron Gas/Service Station. 2000 SF, 5 employees, 0 minorities McGee Body Shop, 1800 SF. 2 employees. 0 minorities Black Mountain Metal Works, 2200 SF, 4 employees, 0 minorities The Glass Station, 3000 SF, 2 employees, 0 minorities BP Gas Station/Store, 3000 SF, 5 employees, 0 minorities Northeast Construction. LLC, 2 employees, 0 minorities 1) Christ Baptist Church * m) Murphy's Auto Center, 1200 SF, 2 employees, 0 minorities n) Blue Ridge Paint & Body Shop, 2500 SF, 3 employees, 0 minorities o) Unnamed Carwash, 1500 SF, 1 employee, 0 minorities � 3 churches are noted above (which are shown on the front page as non-profit). The other 9 are the businesses. APPENDIX C HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE �. ARCHAEOLOGY COORDINATION ����s� � {�`?�' '� .,.��� .��..� STATE C�F '�IURI'H C,�ROI.,NA DEPART'V�NT OF TRANSPORTATION M►r}.�q�t..F. F..:.ast.,t�.v GC!ve�t�ok f�ebruarSJ 16, '?007 M:r. Scott :'vlcLendon L��n[�o 7��PYr ��r $E{;Y.t::'f:1R'i Regulatory Division - titiilmington. ' US Army Cc�rps af Engineers 69 Darlingtc�n Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Phone: {910) 2�1-4�11 Dear Mr. McLendon: RE: P.-2519 B, Ltiiden US "19E from S.P.1186 to e?cisting multi-lanes �Nest of Spruce Pine, Mitchell and Yancey Cc>unties, State ProjecE No. 6.9Q9001T The ?�orth Carolina Department ot Transpartation (NCDOT) is conducting pl�nning studies for. R-2�19 B in Mitchell and Yancey Coun.ties. The purpose an�-�. need of this project is to widen US 19E from a tw�o-lane roadway to a multi-lane facility and improve safetv far the travelin�; public �I'he project aoes not utilize federal funds howe��er, �ti=e anticipate that the project �vill requ.ire a Department of Army permit. As the lead Federal agenctiT on ti�e.project, we are providing you �vith this intornlati<�n so that you may reviet�,� the eligibility and effects determinations made in accordance ivith Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. 'I'hese �ctions were iniLiated anc-1 cc>mplt�ted priar tc� your designation as the lead Federal Agency, neverlheless, consultation �vith the State Historic Preservation Otficc: (H:PC7) has c�ccurred throughout the project. �n. architectural historian conducted a surve�l fc�r historic stn�ctures in 2003 anc-3. two properties ti�eT•e determined eligible for t�le National Registez• of Histc�ric Places (NPHP). "L'he H:PO concurred that the Micaville Historic District and t:he E.ti1�'. & D�tti� Huskins H�>us� «ere eligible for the �'RHI'. In 200� �CDOT and MAILING ADDRESS: TE:_aHCne: �;4-7t5-?�p;� LOCATION: NC De: ��.rrr:� v- O: T�tr.sF•�^R?�?ion i RX: 519�7t 5-' S22 P���cFa L;r:ca.N Bt;!�ci�:e. HuF:.r.�� Era�nRO!arr;e. - Uti,T 2�28 �;.��T,,� Bcu� e�.,�:c, S.;..- ? 6� 1533 61ar_ SERV�;,E�CEnrEa W�Efil.TC. WWIh'.fJCuGT.ORv Rq:.E:G;.+_ ti� �?E�4 Rr.�r::.�.�NC °?6�9-'.58'i H.PO m�t to discuss effects on the t���� }?roperties and both p�rties agreed that the ��roject w�uld have n.o eff�-�ct c�n t:h.e 1�9:icaville Historit District and no ad��erse effect on the Huskins Hc�use pr.or�iei�d that NC:DOT creates a grassy slc�pe in t11e fill section in front of the house dlat could be easil�T mcf�ved by the properttT o�vner. Documentation of each of these steps are attached to this letter for your rE�vie�v. Archaeological surveys completed in 2004. resulted in thc identif.ication. of rour sites recommended as eligible f.c�r the NRI-IP under Criterion D. Twa of these sites (31YC31 and 31�`C183) will be adversely ef.fe.cted by the proposed project an.d ��rill require data recovery investigatio.ns. Documentation includi.ng the 200� archaeolo�ical technical report and 2005 draft fin.ding of adverse effect is included. for your use in further Section 1C16 cc�nsultations �vith the HPO relative fo the L'SACE def..ineci permit areas. Please note that it is our recommendakion that you enter into a Memorandum of Agreement tivith the HI'O concernin� the adverse effects to archaeological sites 31YC31 and 31YC1F�3. I request that you revie�v the attached documentation and determine K�hether c:�r not tlze findin�s ar.e acceptable ta your agency. Once this determination is madc, I cv��ula appreciate �vritten confirmation of your findings so that they ma�� be included in khe project recor.d. If you ha��e any questions concerning thc accompanying 'rnformation, please contact me at (91.9) 7'I5-1515. Sinmrely, � � Car.l B. Guode, Jr., P.E. Human Lnvironment Unit, NCDOT Attachments Cc (w/o attachmen.ts): I'e.ter. Sandbeck, State Historic Preservation Office Greg "I'hor�re, Ph.D.; PDEA, NCDOT Lin«�ood Stone; PDEA, NCDOZ' '��ar�- Pope Furr, �-Iistoric .�rchitecture, NCDOT ;�-'latt 4b'ilkerson, Arc]Za��ologt-, �'�`CD07� Stephen Cla�gett, Statt: t�rchaeol.ogist, Office of State Arcl�acolo�;�� Qe����sT °F d� z W '� : N p �,i������ � � M :�.:_ �i o-LP f� Si�Tf.S Of Ww� R�.gulatory Division r3ctic�n ID ?004306 i 1 DEYA:f2TA!IF..NT OF' THE ARNI�' ��'ILMINC�TQN DISTRIC7', CORPti OF ENCINEERS 1�1 PA'I"1'ON AVF=NUE ROO'�1 208 ASIiLVILLE, �10RTI1 CAROI..1\A 2R801-54U6 Mav ?. 20U% '`ortl� Carolina DcpartnZeni ot Transporrtation 1�-1r. C'arl £3. Goode, .lr., P.�. [-Iuman I:nvironmenfal Lnit 1 �83 1�1ai1 Ser��ic� Center Raleigh,'vc�rth Carolina 2769y-1 �i8 i L�ear :vir. C;oode: t:. - Reference �-c�ur l�ebruary 1C�, ?007 letter re�arding tiC;D(:)"[''s planning studies fctia• R-2S19 I3 in ::�fitchell and Yancey Counties. The proposed pr�ject invol�-es fhe �videning ofi'th� two- lane roadwav segment of US 19� from SR l l 8fi to existin.g multi-lanes «�esi �f Spruce Pine, \orth Carolina. Since ihe �roject does not utilire f:edera] funds, the Corps of Fngineers «�ill ser��e as the lead Federal agency with respect to compliancc �-ith Section 106 of fhe National Fli�toric Preservation Act. A sectic:m 404 permiY ��-i11 b� requirecl fi�r constructii�n of'the Prc�jeet as the uridert��lcirir ��-i11 c��nsist of the discharge of`.fill material int� numerous water� of�the Linited 5tates thr��iighout tlie corridor. f�ased on our revie�v of the available inl:or.mation, we have deteriziined that the permit area (Arca c>f Pc�lential Eft'ects) will be defined as the entire constru�tian corridor fr«m the beginning to the end of the R-''S14 B pro_ject anc� extend eo the. limits of the ri�4hc-ot=�va�r •dI0175( 1I115 (jlSt<`Si1Ct'.. � Si�nilicani consultafion bet��•een VCDnT and the State ]-listorie I're�ervation Of..fic.e (SHI'U) has occurred throughout deveioPment of the pro_ject. `I�he tlnd.ings of ��rchi[ectciral sur��zys conducted in 2()t)_i ��nd arc-haei?.Iogical surveys condueted in 2004 have identified t�vo properties detcniiined tc� bc elis�ible for [he �aiional Register of Histot•ic P(aces (3vRI IP), as �t�ell as fi�ur.sites recommended as eli�ible for the I��RI IY tuider Criterion �. "I�he SF1:P0 has concurred tl�at the prc�jert will have nc� effect on the R-licavill�.I-listoric District and no adverse et.'.fect on the; Iluskins House pr�n-ided ihat N(:'1:)O"I' creales a grassy ,lope iri frorit ��i`the hous�; Ihat i5 casil�� mainta.inable by the pro}�eriy c7wner. It has been determined that h��o c�f� the sites. � 1 l'C,;1 and 31 YC18:� �vill be adver�e(�� affected by the pro�osed project and �k•ill reyuire aata reco��er� invcstigations. � We ha��e detern7ined that� the ci�or.dination Yo dat:. «°ith ihe SF�3P0 is acce��table regardin� our Section 1t)6 responsibilities; ho��-ever, further consultati��n aild the developi��ent o£�i ��1em�arandu�n i�f ;'��reement �a-ilt be required for fhe adv�rse cf:f,:cts to site� � l YC31 and i 1�'C;18 �. In ac�dition, ] am for��ardin� copies of all relevant inforrnation to the l.�ribal I-Iist.oric. Pres�rvatii�n Ottic� of ihe l�'astena I3and c�f C'herakue Indians ("I.E:IYO) as an invitalion to pariiciral.e as a consulting }�arty in colnp{iailce t��itli .iG C.P.R. fi00. 'l'he THPO s(�ould prc��-id� tl�is of{ice u�i.th any additic�nal infornaatioi3 recarJing ��»v are�is that rnav be of reli�ic:�us crr. cultur;�l :;i�;nificance lo tl��. l:_astern Li�u�d of Cherok.ee Indians (EF3CI) which cuuld potentially be impacrec] hy ihe pr�ject It i� reque;ted tllat ilie}� i•�spand by letter within 4� da}�s. Our scape of analysis tia�ill he limited ti� siich ��°c:tlands. streams, and other ��aters of thc t. nited Sl•aies ��°ithin the permit area, as, «-ell as the uplands irnn�ediatel�� adjacent to those ��aters aritl ���etlands, and fhe: l�rimary, secondary, anci cumulati4�e impacts that t}ie activiiies authorized by �� pexmit ��•ould have <.m those «�aters and �ssociated uplands. It' additioual surveys%sttidies are �varranted as a result of the information recei��ed from th� "l.�I [Pt:), t��e will coordinate ��it:h y�uJ- office in order to fuliill our obli�ations in lhe Sectic}n 1Uti prc�cess. lf �-ori ha�-e an�� turther yuestions. piease contact me at (F2R) 271-7980, extension ��ti � Sinccrel} , , ..7""'"� � .L • ,Z� lla�-id f3aker Project \lanager ��sheti-ilie Re�,ulatory I�icld Ofricc. I:nci;: (:'F ��;'c;ncls: i-'lr. ']�vler k-lo�m�e (-listoric 1'reservation Sp�cia(ist i'.astern F3anc1 of Cheroker inciians �I'ribal Nistc�ric 1'reszrvatic�n C)ft:ice I'os[ Otiice I3c>z 4�5 Che•rokee. \c?rth Carolina 28719 '�9s. }:Ze.nee Gledhi11-1:?arley >ta1:� F[istoric Pres�rvation C)ltice Ni,rth C'art�lina !)epartmcnt c>f Cull�u�al IZesource� 4(il' :��1ail Secvie� Cintcr Ralei�,h. North C;ari�lina 27G99-�1(i17 APPENDIX D ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT COMMENTS PA Review of B-2576 & R-2519B Subject: EPA Review of B-2576 & R-2519B Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2005 10:47:02 -0500 � From: Militscher.Chris@epamail.epa.gov To: bdkluchar@dot.state.nc.us, thart@dot.state.nc.us, jbridges@dot.state.nc.us CC: angie.pennock@saw02.usace.army.mil, steven.w.lund@saw02.usace.army.mil, clarence.coleman@fhwa.dot.gov, gthorpe@dot.state.nc.us, mdickens@dot.state.nc.us Teresa/Bryan/James: Based upon your re-organization, I'm not positive who are the current project managers for these two project. I completed EPA's review of the Addendum to the Federal EA for B-2576 & the State EA for R-2519B. B-2576 is a non-Merger project located in Statesville, Iredell Co. EPA reviewed the April 2004 EA and had no environmental issues or concerns at that time. EPA notes that the Addendum primarily addresses local community concerns and the specific relocation of a church. EPAS has no environmental concerns concerning the revised Alternative A. R-2519B is a Merger project and EPA has been previously involved with this 7.5 mile widening project for US 19E from Micaville to Spruce Pine, Yancey and Mitchell Counties. The EA is generally a very thorough document. EPA appreciates the inclusion of Table 1, Summary of Impacts. These summary tables, when comprehensive, substantially aide in EPA's timely review of the EA. Table i includes potential impacts to all key environmental indicators. For the Best-fit Alternative, wetland impacts are estimated at 0.869 acres and stream impacts at 9,365.9 linear feet. EPA anticipates that additional avoidance and minimization measures can additionally reduce potential stream impacts. Based upon EPA's BASELINE analysis for WESTERN WIDENING projects, stream impacts typically range between 500-600 linear feet per mile of widening (i.e., 548.1 linear feet per mile). This project indicates potential stream impacts at 1,248.8 linear feet per mile of widening improvement. As with the R-2519A project, EPA �hopes that NCDOT fully explore all on-site stream mitigation opportunities along US 19E. EPA plans to stay actively involved in this Merger project. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. If you have any questions, please contact me at your convenience. Also, please feel free to forward these comments to the newly-assigned PDEA projects managers. Christopher A. Militscher, REM, CHMM USEPA Raleigh Office 919-856-4206 l of 1 2/7/2006 12:19 PM �� Tennessee Valley Authority, 400 West Summit Hill Drive, Knoxville, Tennessee 37902-1499 October 27, 2005 Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Director Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 Dear Dr. Thorpe: r- . t�'C!f �� 2G05 � ,� C " '••``�" Cli�s'�i0�p?tiC?; _,. ' /r? t'�, t;�.._�i�'v�tl:i�'�Z �, ,'` C. ' • 'i i _� �6', ..i.'�/�' D C.•r'1 j 'v � : M �° � •`'x/'r , � t- � l ��`�'�� �. � �Yi4 : �' L� �a_ , _ .. , . ....:c'=`� STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (EA) - US 19E IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FROM SR 1186 IN MICAVILLE TO THE EXISTING MULTILANE WEST OF SPRUCE PINE, YANCEY AND MITCHELL COUNTIES, NORTH CAROLINA, STATE PROJECT NUMBER 6.909001T, R-2519B Thank you for the opportunity to review the EA for the proposed four-lane construction of US 19E between Micaville and Spruce Pine. TVA appreciates the opportunity to participate in the interagency concurrence process and to serve as a cooperating agency in the state environmental review process during the development of this project. It appears that the major environmental issues have been addressed in the EA. At this time, we have the following comments and suggestions. Section V.E.3.d., Federally Protected Species. As indicated in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service letter of December 11, 2002, there is a potential cumulative effects issue with other bridge replacement actions on the North Toe River. This could be acknowledged here, along with the note that the ongoing Section 7 consultation is considering potential cumulative effects to the Appalachian elktoe. Section V.C.7.b. Archaeological Resources. It is indicated that archaeological sites 31 YC31 and 31 ML80 are impacted sites that are eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Later, it is indicated that sites 31 YC31 and 31 YC183 are within the project's Area of Potential Effect (APE) and cuiturally significant. i hese conclusions appear io bE inconsistent and the staius . of all three sites as to their NRHP-eligibility and whether they would be affected should be clarified. TVA appreciates the opportunity to serve as a cooperating agency on this project. Upon completion of the Finding of No Significant Impact, please send a copy to this office. We look forward to continued participation in the concurrence process for this project. Should you have any questions, please contact Harold M. Draper at (865) 632-6889 or hmdraper@tva.gov. Sincerely, �'/ !� � ° Jon M. L ey, M ager NEPA Administr fion Environmental Policy and Planning �� � ���� ��E"C � �` ' �� ; � �� � ��� �'�t-i ,l�;P< p�. .� �1�."s� 1�. F�� ; F �;- z�. � c,��; �° ��e66�liY:. •< yn,' ���'�i'F��-7,i� t �� �.� r� �z�t`�'` �, �.�$ , ����..`�_� r� i� r�°�- `��''. � North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission � Richard B. Hamilton, Executive Director TO: Gregory J. Thorpe, Environmental Management Director Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch, NCDOT FROM: � Marla Chambers, Western NCDOT Permit Coordinator �c.r� �,��d' ,�"�--- Habitat Conservation Program, NCWRC DATE: November 21, 2005 SUBTECT: Review of the Environmental Assessment for improvements to US 19E from SR 1186 in Micaville to the existing multilane section west of Spruce Pine, Yancey and Mitchell Counties. TIl' No. R-2519B. North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) has submitted for review an Environmental Assessment (EA) document for the subject project. Staffbiologists with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) have reviewed the information. provided and have participated in field and concurrence meetings for the project. These comments are provided in accordance with the provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(c)) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-667d). NCDOT proposes to widen US 19E to a four-lane divided highway with partial control of access for a project length of approximately 7.5 miles. The document indicated approximately 0.87 acres of wetlands at eight locations and about 9,3661inear feet of stream will be impacted Of the 68 jurisdictional streams located in the project study area, 33 are expected to be impacted by the proposed action. The project crosses the South Toe River, Cranberry Creek and several other tributaries, all designated as trout waters by the North Carolina Division of Water Qualiiy (NCDWQ). The South Toe River is designated B Tr ORW (Outstanding Resource Waters) and nearly all of its tributaries are classified as ORW. The following protected species have been found in the South Toe River in the US 19E project area: Appalachian elktoe (Ala.smidonta raveneliana), federal and state Endangered (E); wavy-rayed lampmussel {Lumpsilis fusciola), state Special Concern (SC); blotchside logperch (Percina burtoni), state E; olive darter (Percina squamata), Federal Species of Concern (FSC) and state SC; and hellbender (Cryptobrunchus alleganiensis), FSC and state SC. Mailing Address: Division of Inland Fisheries • 1721 Mail Service Center • Raleigh, NC 27699-1721 Telenh�ne: (91917�7-�22� • Fax� (91917�?-0�2R US 19E, TIP No. R-2519B South Toe R.+, Yancey & Mitchell Co.'s -PAGE 2- November 21, 2005 It is important to note that although the South Toe River carries the Trout designation by NCDWQ, the river is expected to be too low in the watershed for trout reproduction in the project vicinity and will require a different moratorium than the rest of the project. As indicated in our scoping letter, dated May 23, 2003 and included in the EA document, NCWRC recommends an in-water work moratorium from April 1 to June 30 in the South Toe River to protect the Appalachian elktoe, blotchside logperch, and olive darter dwing their breeding seasons, as well as smallmouth bass reproduction. Cranberry Creek and other perennial stream crossings should have an in-water and 25-foot trout buffer work moratorium from October 15 to April 15. Sediment and erosion control measures should adhere to the design standards for sensitive watersheds and be strictly maintained until project completion. Indirect and cumulative impacts are a concern for this project. While much of the land is unsuitable for development due to steep topography, it is likely that small-scale retail or industrial uses or single family residential uses would locate along and near the project corridor. Also, there are plans to extend sewer and water service along US 19 E in the project area. Local planners indicate there is development momentum along the roadway and they support the potential for economic benefits resulting from the project and subsequent development. NCD4T should provide strong stormwater treatment that will protect water quality, sensitive species, and aquatic habitats at current and future levels of development. We strongly encourage local officials to guide future development in a manner that will protect wildlife habitat, water quality, and aesthetic values that are also important to tourists that visit this area and therefore valuable to the local communities. Wetlands, streams, and wide natural areas surrounding these features should be preserved in perpetuity for many long-term benefits. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this project. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please contact me at (704) 545-3841. , cc: Marella Buncick, USFWS Brian Wrenn, NCDWQ Sarah McRae, NCNHP APPENDIX E PUBLIC HEARING TRANS CRIPT ( 1 OFFICIAL PUBLIC HEARING TRANSCRIPT 2 Combined Public Hearing for US 19E Improvements . 3 From SR 1186 in Micaville to the Existing Multilane Section West of Spruce Pine 4 Mayland Community College . 5 February 21, 2006 6 TIP #R-2519B 9 Good evening. I would like to welcome you to the public hearing for the US 19E lo highway improvements between Micaville loop to the existing multi-lane section west of 11 Spruce Pine. We appreciate the opportunity to come out and speak with everybody 12 tonight. My name is Ed Lewis. I'm a Public Involvement Officer with the North 13 Carolina Department of Transportation. I'll be your Moderator for tonight's public 14 hearing. �5 16 I want to do a few more introductions. First off, we have several folks here tonight from 17 DOT and some other folks as well. The first person I would like to introduce tonight is 18 Representative Phillip Frye. Thank you sir for coming out. From the local Department 19 of Transportation, we have Mr. Ricky Tipton who is the Division Construction Engineer. 2o We have Norman Redford who is with our Right of Way Branch. We have Mr. John 21 Taylor. (Tape goes out at this point so it will pick'up at more introductions.) Also from 22 our Right of Way Branch we have Mr. Kevin Brandon. A lot of you had an opportunity 23 to talk to some of those folks over here earlier tonight. We also have Mr. Darryl Roberts. 24 Thank you Darryl. And, Mr. Tom Battle. Thank you Tom. From our Roadway Design 25 Branch, we have Brenda Moore. Thank you Brenda. We have Reeka Patel and also 26 Catrir�a Washington. Then from our Project Development and Environmental Analysis 27 Branch we have Mr. Linwood Stone, Mr. Bryan Kluchar, Karen Reynolds, Steve Brown, 28 Ryan Huff, and then he's out there manning the table. I've got Kimberly Hinton, with 29 me tonight, and Mr. Jamille Robbins. Bryan Kluchar wrote the environmental document 30 that we're going to talk a little bit about tonight and the results of it that you see on the 31 map. That project is switching over to Karen Reynolds. She'll be handling it after 32 tonight from here on out. 33 34 I appreciate Mayland Community College also for allowing us to use the facilities 3s tonight. 36 37 All right, did everybody get a handout when they came in or when they signed in? If you 38 don't have one and you need one, raise your hand and we'll get you one. Kimberly is 39 going to get some for you so just raise your hand and she'll take those up to you. We'll 4o wait just a moment. Okay, go ahead and raise your hand and we'll get those up to you. 41 Raise them high please. Okay, let's go ahead and look at that handout. On the front, 42 there's a number up there and it's called the TIP number. It's R-2519B. If you write in 43 to me or to anybody else about this project, please use that number and we'll know 44 exactly which project that it's about. Let's go ahead and turn to the next page. 45 46 We'll just go through this real quickly and then we'll go through the map. Then we'll 47 also take your recorded comments as well. The Purpose of the Project, the project calls 48 for providing transportation improvements to US 19E. The purpose of the project is to R-2519B Mitchell and Yancey Counties-February 21, 2006 page 1 49 add vehicle capacity, improve roadway design and improve highway connections to the 50 other areas along the exiting US Highway 19E corridor. What we're doing is we're 51 adding capacity. We're adding more room for more cars to be out there ori 19E. So there 52 will be an extra lane in each direction separated by a 20-foot median. As you all know the 53 road is pretty curvy right and left and up and down. We want to go ahead and try to 54 improve that as well, so we're going to do that. Also, the reason we're wanting to do it is 55 that, as you all know, 19E is a pretty important higliway not only here locally but 56 regionally as well. It connects Asheville to Boone. So it's a very important regional 57 highway, it's a very important local highway. 58 59 The Purpose of the Public Hearing. We're here tonight to do what we did 3 years ago 6o and what we've done if you've called us or written us. We want to hear from you. 61 We're out here tonight to let you know where we are in the process. The map shows that. 62 But we also want to give you all an opportunity to tell us what you think or ask us 63 questions about this project. It's a continuing effort on our part to get input from the 64 public so that input can be incorporated into the development and the continuing 65 development of this project. So it's very important. That's the purpose. 66 67 Again, your Participation, that's what we're out here for. We want to hear from you 68 tonight during the formal recording that we're doing now. You're going to hear people. 69 say things that you do not agree with. That's perfectly okay. I may say some things that �o you may not agree with, that's okay. We want to respect what everybody says even 71 though our opinions may be different. We're not going to make any decisions tonight. 72 We're not going to hold a vote tonight to see what we're going to do. Really we're out 73 here to make sure we've covered everything that we need to cover. We've already found 74 out tonight that there's a couple of businesses that are not out here that we need to locate. 75 We just found out right before we started that there's a trucking company that we're 76 going to have to look at and see if we can help that business out. Again, our opinions are 77 going to be different. Again, we want to respect each other's opinions. I'm not going to 78 try to convince you of anything. I'm just here to let you know where we are and what 79 we're going to do and to also get some input from you all. 80 81 Okay, let's turn to the next page. What is Done with the Input? Well for the next 30 82 days we're going to be taking comments from you all. You don't have to leave them 83 with us tonight. You can go home, think about it, think about it over the next week or so, 84 write me a good letter, send it in to me. After that 30-day period, we're going to set up a 85 meeting at DOT and we're going to go through all of those comments. We're going to 86 find out some things that we didn't know. We're going to see if we can probably take 87 care of some of the those issues that have come up. Some of the issues we may not be 88 able to come up with a solution. Even after that meeting, we'll have a meeting with 89 Federal and State agencies to talk about the project and determine what else we can do as 90 far as the road project. We will have minutes transcribed of the meeting tonight. We're 91 recording it. We'll also have minutes of the post hearing meeting that will be available as 92 well. 93 94 The Need for the Project. Let's go to the next section there. "Capacity", I used that term 95 a while ago. Really, as I say there, it really talks about the number of cars that passes a 96 given segment of road in an hour. That's a way that we measure how good the road is R-2519B Mitchell and Yancey Counties-February 21, 2006 page 2 9� performing. There's other measures too. As you go on down there we talk about levels 98 of service. We've got different levels of service that we talk about "A" through "F", "A" 99 being good "F" being bad. Right now, we're operating at a level of service "D" near 100 Micaville and a level of service E near Spruce Pine. Now that's right now. In 2025, 101 which is what we design for, if we didn't do anything to the road, we would be at a level 102 of service "E" which is unacceptable. That means you would have pretty much a parking 103 lot out there. If I went ahead and did these improvements based on our calculations and 104 studies, we would end up with a level of service "B" in the year 2025, which is much 105 better. 106 / • 107 As I talked about before, 19E has several curves out there. We're going to try to smooth 108 those out and straighten those out as much as we can up here in the mountains and 109 everything. Also, I talked about how important US 19E is there to the local folks and to 110 the regional folks as well. It is part of the Strategic Highway Corridor. The Strategic 111 Highway Corridor Program was set up to increase mobility in a region and to provide a 112 longer lasting road that's going to serve the state longer. 113 114 115 116 117 118 : . 119 _ 120 121 : 122 123 124 125 126 127 The Project Description. Let's go to the next page. The project is about 7%z miles long. Again, I just talked about that, what we're going to do. We're proposing to widen US 19E to a four-lane median divided road from Micaville Loop to the four-lane section there near Spruce Pine. I've got a couple of figures here that I refer to. If you look in the back, Figure 1 is just a line map. It kind of shows the project and it's relationship to Micaville, Newdale and Estatoe. The next page is the typical section. Typically, that's what the road is going to look like. You can�see that we've got 24 feet of paveinent out there. That's two 12-foot lanes in each direction. If you look right in the middle; we've got a 20-foot median. We've got a 10-foot shoulder there just beside both lanes and a 4-foot. Four foot of that is actually . paved for depth and that's to accommodate bicycles. After that, you can see where we tie back in to the existing ground. 128 Okay, let's go back to where we were. As you all know, additional right of way is going 129 to be needed for the project. We're actually getting into a lot of residences and 13o businesses in order to widen the road out enough to get those four lanes in there. The 131 design speed is set up for 60 miles per hour: It won't be signed at 60 miles per hour, 132 more than likely it will be signed at 55 but that decision will be made a little further down 133 the line. I think for the most part it is 55 out there in most sections. With the 60 miles 134 per hour design speed, we could sign it for 55 and most motorists would be able to drive 135 it 55. Again, we'll make that decision a little ways down the road. 136 137 The project is typically scheduled to start the right of way acquisition process in June of 138 2009 and construction in October of 2010. I say tentative because these schedules 139 sometimes change. If they do, we usually try to get the word out to everybody and the 140 news media and let you know that. 141 142 The next part there, the Proposed Project Information. It's just a quick look as far as 143 what's going on there. If you look at the relocatees, it should be 101. I can't do math, 144 I'm sorry. I didn't add up those things correctly. But again, that number may change up R-2519B Mitchell and Yancey Counties-February 21, 2006 page 3 �45 or down when we get into the final design stages of the process here. Another correction 146 we just found out Friday, the roadway cost has gone up. It has now gone up to 147 $53,600,000. So it's gone up a couple of million dollars. The right of way cost will stay 148 the same. That gives you a total new cost of $65,440,000. � 149 . 150 Now the most important piece of paper in this packet is the last piece of paper. So 151 everybody turn to it please. It's the comment sheet. A lot of you have filled it out � 152 tonight. This is just one way you let us know what your questions, concerns and issues 153 are about this project. You can use this form. My contact information is down here. 154 You can choose just a straight email to me or send something on your letterhead as long 155 , as you send it to this information here. If it's a roadway question, I'll go ahead and pass 156 it on to the roadway folks. If it's a planning question, I'll get it to the planning folks. 157 Again, once all those comments are in, we'll have a meeting and we'll go over all those 158 comments. Now if you'll look down at the bottom, I've given you a few extra days to get 159 the comments in. I would like to get them in by March 24. So, you've got 30+ days to 16o get those comments in to me. Again, as I said, we go through all of those once we get 161 those in. Again, you'can choose to leave them with me tonight. You can mail them in to 162 me. You can f� them to me. I've got all the different ways that you can contact me 163 right down here. We do want to hear from you. Half of what we're here for is to let you 164 know what's going on. You need to tell us what you think and what your concerns are 165 and what your issues are. If we don't hear from you, we won't know that there's an 166 issue. Now is the time. We were out here 3 years ago. We were pretty wide open with 167 what we were going to be able to do. We really didn't know what we had out here and 168 what we were going to do but we're starting to narrow it down as far as what we can do 169 out here. Let's go ahead and get those comments in to me so we can go ahead and 170 address those. 171 172 Okay, with that we'll go ahead and I'll go ahead and go through the map really quickly. 173 Okay, let's talk about the colors on this map first. This is what we call a public hearing 174 map. This map is a representation of the State EA or the State Environmental 175 Assessment that Brian wrote for this project. So the colors, let's talk about the colors. 176 Probably the most important color on this map is the Light Green color. I think that 177 everybody who had an opportunity early tonight realizes that is the proposed right of way 178 that we're going to need to purchase in order to build the project. The Dark Green color 179 is the existing right of way that we already have. We've got all this information on the 180 legend here as well. The Orange color is the existing road that is out there now that we 181 are going to re-pave. That's the part of the road that we're going to use. The Yellow 182 color represents the new part of the road, the other part that we're going to build. The 183 Red color represents structures associated with the highway like bridges or culverts or 184 pipes or tile, retaining walls or anything like that. Of course the Blue color represents 185 water bodies. The Brown represents structures, houses, sheds, and businesses. As we 186 talked about earlier tonight what we've had a lot of is where the Green gets over into the 187 Brown, that's where our right of way gets into a business or a residence. I hope that 188 everybody that has happened to has seen that tonight and has had an opportunity to talk to 189 one of our right of way agents. That means that we will have to purchase that building. 190 We're going to talk about some right of way things in just a minute. Of course again, I 191 said Blue is water. Then the Gray is the existing road that is going to stay there. Then 192 we've got the Gray with the hatch mark, that's existing road that's going to go away. R-2519B Mitchell and Yancey Counties-February 21, 2006 pa;e 4 193 ' 194 So starting down here on this end of the project on the Burnsville side is Micaville Loop 195 Road. This is where we start the two lanes and we're widening to the south side. North 196 is straight up, south is down on the map. We're coming through. Here where Micaville 197 Loop comes back in, we've got what is called a full movement intersection here where 198 folks will be able to come from this direction and turn left and hit the Micaville Loop or 199 they can come in and turn right in here. They can actually come from Micaville Loop 200 and turn left and go back this way. This situation, the folks coming down from White 201 Town Road, they're not going to be able to turn left. We're going to ask them to go 202 down here and turn right and do a U-turn down here, We're going to have to look and 203 see about getting a U-turn location down here. B�tt, we've got similar situations to this 204 all the way through the whole map, through Micaville, through Newdale, and through 205 Estatoe as well. You're probably asking why are these big green areas not in other 206 places? Well this is areas where we either have what we call field sections or cut sections 207 so they're may be a hole there that we have to fill in. 'There may be a cliff there that we 208 may have to float back. That's why we need the extra property in there. 209 210 This is Rice Road. That is also what we would call a full movement intersection. You 211 can turn left in and left out. Here at Stream Road, we're cul-de-sacing the access to 19E 212 here but you'll still have access just like you've always had over here. This again would 213 be what we call a full movement intersection. Everybody can make any move that they _... 214 want to. Here's the bridge of the South Toe River. We're going to replace it and put two -. 215 bridges in for each direction of traffic. Again, we're widening to the south side there. 216 - 21� Let us go to the next map. This is getting into the Newdale community. Here we've got 218 a situation where the folks coming from Dennon Road would be able to turn right or left. 219 The folks coming up out of Blackjack Road would only be able to turn right. The way 22o that works is if you're not going to be able to turn left out of your business or home, 221 we're going to ask you to turn right and go down to a safe U-turn location which would 222 be one of these intersections that we've got set up for that to turn back in that other 223 direction. Even with the extra lanes out there, it's going to be pretty difficult to try to 224 make a left turn in some of those places. Again, it's those places where we don't have 225 these full movement intersections. Sycamore Circle, we're also cutting it off here. The 226 access would remain the same in this location. 227 228 Newdale Church Way will have their access here and down here as well. You can see 229 this area right here, this big patch of Yellow. That's extra pavement that's going to allow 230 larger vehicles to make a turn around, a U-turn there. So we don't have them set up at 231 every U-turn location but we've got them set up at certain locations along the project so 232 they can make that turn as safely as possible. Of course the next road is Aubuckle Road. 233 Aubuckle Road is also a full movement intersection so you can turn left� into and out of 234 and right into and right out of. Here at Hamlock, at Hamlock is what we refer to as a 235 right in, right out. What that means is that you would only be able to turn right in and 236 you would only be able to turn right out. There would be no left turns into or out of that 237 type of intersection. What you woul'd do is you would come down to Crabtree Creek 238 Road, do your U-turn there if you get to back towards Burnsville. Crabtree Creek Road 239 has a full movement intersection as well. Again you can see that we're well widening for 240 the most part to the north. R-2519B Mitchell and Yancey Counties-February 21, 2006 � page 5 241 242 Okay, here at Hoot Owl Road, Hoot Owl Road would be a full movement intersection as 243 well. Here at Burrelson Road, we're cutting off access here at the cul-de-sac but they will 244 still have access like they normally do. Brushy Creek Road and Penland Road will have 245 full-legged, full movement intersection. You can turn left, right go straight across a full 246 movement type of intersection type of move. Old US 19, again we'll cul-de-sac it in this 247 location but the access down here, will still remain. Here is another one of those 248 locations where we've got what we call the bulb out location where the big tractor trailers 249 can come in and make those turns, those U-turns there. As we continue on through 250 Estatoe, you can see where we're trying to straighten some of these sharp turn out. We 251 continue on up to Ted Miller Road and we get to that intersection. That's a full 252 movement intersection. That ties in to the existing four-lane section. We've got a couple 253 of notes up here on the map. One is what is called a proposed partial control of access. If 254 you've got an access to US 19E now, you'll continue to have access if you're not a 255 relocated person. If you have access to US 19E by some other road, we may limit your 256 access or eliminate our access to 19E. That's what that means. You've got a larger 257 property with a large amount of frontage, we may look maybe at another access point as 258 well. Again, this is what is in your handout. 259 260 There is the typical section that is basically what it's going to look like. Some of you 261 may notice some numbers that have circles around them. Those correspond to those lists 262 over here. What it is, is it's the property owner names were so small based on the scale 263 of this map that we couldn't get the name in there so that's what these represent over 264 here. Again, we've got a note that these are preliminary plans. T'hey're still subject to 265 change but they're not going to change that much: There is some f ne turning that we 266 need to do. 267 268 There's one other thing I'd like to go over. There's one page I missed and it was the 269 second most important page, the Right of Way Procedures. We've advertised the project 270 for the last 30 days in the paper. I had the opportunity to talk to a lot of your fellow 271 citizens about the project and about the rumors that have been going around and 272 everything. Really these right of way procedures are a required process that we go 273 through. If we're going to acquire your property, there is several things that we have to 274 do and we've got them listed there, one through four. Number one, treat all owners and 275 tenants equally. Number two, fully explain the owners rights. Number three, pay just 276 compensation in exchange for property rights. And, furnish relocation advisory 277 assistance. We also pay the current market value. We've had our right of way folks here 278 tonight. Those are the folks who are eventually going to be coming out and talking with 279 you. Once we get the final design done as we talked about in 2009, our location and 28o surveys folks are going to come out and if we're going to buy any right of way from you, 281 they're going to stake that line out on your property. Then our right of way agents will 282 set up a time to come out and meet with you at a time at your convenience to talk about 283 what that line means and go through this whole right of way acquisition process. It's the 284 same also if they have to purchase your entire property, if they have to get your house or 285 your business, it's the same process. We've got to be clear and open and honest as we're 286 going to be. We're going to let you know what your rights are. We're going to explain 287 the whole process to you. So by the end of it, you'll be pretty close to an expert in this 288 whole right of way process. R-2�19B vlitchell and Yancey Counties-February 21, 2006 page 6 289 290 We've had some brochures that were available tonight. If you didn't get a chance to pick 291 those up, and you are going to have some right of way that is going to be purchased by 292 the deparhnent, make sure you get one of those "Frequently Asked" brochures. We've 293 also got the "Relocation Assistance Program" brochures that is also available if you are a 294 business or a resident relocatee. 295 � 296 Again, there is no mystery about it. There's no black box. There's no smoking mirrors. 297 It's all out in the open. You've asked questions and I've told folks who have called me 298 up in the last couple of weeks, get you a pad and piece of paper and start writing 299 questions down now because you've got questions now and you've got three years to be 300 thinking about what you need to do. The folks that you really need to be talking to are 301 the folks from our Right of Way Branch. Okay? 302 303 Okay. Now comes the part of the program where you get an opportunity to ask us 304 questions or make comments. Again, we are recording these. We'll try to answer them 305 tonight. Some of them we may not be able to answer here tonight. Just bear with us. 306 What we're going to do is make sure we get the best answer possible. It may mean that 307 we need to go back to Raleigh and figure out exactly the best way to answer your 308 questions. We had a speakers' roster out here. Anybody who wanted to sign up to speak 309 could do so. I'm going to go through that list. I don't have any time limits on any of the 310 speakers here tonight. Again, if you feel uncomfortable speaking in front of a large °�,��: - 311 audience, again, that comment sheet carries the same weight as what you would say here . � 312 tonight. We look at both of them and they both carry the same weight. 313 314 So with that, again, I'm going to call people up. I would like you to state your name 315 clearly, your address and then make your comments: Again, let's keep in mind that 316 everybody has their opinion and their own concern. Let's respect each other's opinion 317 and everything. With that, I'll go ahead and call the first name. Then, that person can 318 come up and ask his question and make his comments. Jerry Garland. Jerry Gazland. 319 Okay. Some folks may have accidentally signed this. That's okay that if they have 32o accidentally signed this rather than a regular sign-in roster, don't worry about it. Sherrill 321 Byrd. Okay. Dale Shook. Okay. James Hayle. Maybe James Hagle. Larry Fortner. 322 Again these are signatures, I'm having difficulty reading some of them and I apologize. 323 Representative Phillip Frye. 324 325 Representative Phillip Frye: Thank you Mr. Lewis and the Department of 326 Transportation representatives. I appreciate y'all being here tonight to have this public 327 hearing. Some of us have waited a long time to just get to this point tonight. I am Phillip 328 Frye. I represent the 84th District in the North Carolina House. That's Mitchell, Avery, 329 Yancey and part of Caldwell County. 330 ' 331 So this road, you know how important it is to me and how important it is 332 to the District. I was just getting ready to tell you that Senator Keith Presnell would have 333 been here but he is in Raleigh today for a meeting. But Senator Presnell has just showed 334 up. I�e can speak for himself now. 335 R-2519B Mitchell and Yancey Counties-February 21, 2006 page 7 336 I just want to let you a,ll know that I've been working hard to try to get this 337 project moved along. I'll continue to do everything I can. If you're not from around here 338 in Mitchell, Avery, Yancey, it's hard to understand to the importance of this one 339 highway. Yancey County doesn't have any four lane. Mitchell County has got just a 340 little teenie bit if you can call it a four-lane highway. Of course Avery is in the same 341 situation. Government Martin put this on the plan when he was Governor back in 1995 342 or 1996, I'm not sure of which. He called it part of his intra state corridor system. That's 343 when he was planning corridors for most people in the rural areas. It would put at least 344 10 miles of a four-lane highway for everybody who lived in North Carolina. We've been 345 10 years getting to tonight. Nobody but us can even start to imagine the impact that this 346 is going to have on Mitchell, Avery, Yancey Counties. This is going to help 347 tremendously when it opens up Yancey and Mitchell to I-26. When we are talking to 348 companies coming in here, wanting to create industry and wanting to create jobs, they 349 say, let's see your road situation. It ain't been too good and you know it. It's been a 350 disappointment for us to try to sell our area for good jobs. But now we can tell them 351 look, you come on now and we guaranteed you it ain't going to be long, just a few years 352 you're going to have access to I-26 just a few miles away. Even more importantly when 353 these other projects R-2519B, R-2566 and all the others going up through, if you can 354 imagine a corridor going from Mars Hill through Boone, through Watauga County and 355 into Virginia. This will be, I think, one of the last corridors that can possibly be built to 356 accommodate Western North Carolina. If you could imagine up in Virginia all that 35� traffic, all the tourists, plus all the tractor trailers, all of the economy, now having to 358 travel down 81 and down through Tennessee in order to get on down to 26 and down into 359 Georgia. We're going to see a tremendous amount of those vehicles coming right down 36o the highway right here helping our economy in ways that we can never ever realize 361 except the ones of us that are here that have been waiting and praying for this road for so 362 long. 363 364 So having said that, I just want to let you all know that I'll do everything 365 in my power to keep this on track to hopefully speed it up if at all possible. We certainly 366 don't want any delays if we can. We have been very patient and we have waited a long 367 time. We do have some jobs coming in now and a lot of it is on the promise of this road. 368 This will continue to help us tremendously in doing what we need to do for you. You 369 have my assurance that I will do everything I can. As I've told a lot of you tonight, when 370 you do see those little glitches and those little problems that are creeping up, I want to be 371 involved. Give me a call and I speak for Keith too I'm sure. Give Keith a call. We will 372 pass the word along to these gentlemen and try to get those glitches worked out so that it 373 can be the best situation for us possible. I'm just very proud to represent you all and glad 374 this road is finally coming. Thank you very much. 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 Moderator: Thank you Mr. Frye. Senator Presnell did you want to say anything tonight? Okay. Okay. Now the next person on the list is Peter Franklin. Come on up here. State your name and address. Peter Franklin: I'm Peter Franklin. I live in Estatoe at the Red Bird Road across from (Inaudible) Road. R-2519B Mitchell and Yancey Counties-February 21, 2006 page 8 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 I signed the list because I want to make a comment and I had some questions. First off, one of my questions is we have 30 days to write you and address our concerns. But, the project- is going to be taking place over the next 10 years. With changes in that and all are we going to be able to make comments all throughout in order to request changes if we don't agree with something? Is that correct? , Moderator: That's a good question. The 30 day comment period is for us to have good ample opportunity to answer questions as good as we can. As the project goes forward there's another environmental document that we will have to write but as we continue to go through the design process these things are going to come up. Again, we'll just meet them as they come up. Peter Franklin: One of the other concerns that I had in looking at the maps is for our road in particular is the turn out and certain roads that aren't getting a turn out they're going to have to drive a good ways down to make a U-turn just to get to Spruce Pine or to Burnsville whichever county is closer to you that you normally go to. That's something that I want to make sure that all of us have an opportunity to fight for our openings to get out on this road. I guess� my last comment is that, you know, growing up here all my life seeing new roads as they're built we get a bypass in Spruce Pine when I'm a little boy which is a four lane road that opens up to a crooked two lane road. They dropped the speed limit to 45 on it. The two lane road is a 55. We've got a nice four lane going to Marion and they dropped it to 45 and then finally after some complaining got it back to 50 at least. We don't need a highway patrol speed trap from here to Mars Hill. We've got enough of that. We would like to see 50 miles and hour that way we can keep it all the way through. Thank you. Moderator: Thank you Peter for those comments. Any other questions that come up like those after tonight go ahead and send that in and we'll look at it with the 60 miles per hour design speed. That's the design in which a vehicle can travel the safest. Normally if we have a design speed set at 60 miles per hour it is rare if ever that we actually sign a road for 60 miles and hour. Again, we'll make a decision as to what the road will be signed at, at a later time. Again, any comments that come up, you've got our contact information here. Even after the 30 days you can go ahead and give us a call and we'll have an opporiunity to have a look at it. Conrad Weatherman. No comment? Okay sir. Shawn Hartley. Okay. Okay, that is it as far as everybody that sigried up to speak. I'll now open up the podium to anybody else that has a comment or questions. If you do have a comment or questions and you would like to speak it tonight if you would please raise your hand. Okay sir, come on down. David Hughes: My name is David Hughes. I'm the Fire Chief at the Spruce Pine Fire Department. I know it doesn't say Spruce Pine up there but we do have a station in the Estatoe Community. R-2519B Mitchell and Yancey Counties-February 21, 2006 page 9 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 My question to the representatives here, in the past highway projects that you've done, what 7%z miles section of highways have you done that took two fire stations? Moderator: I wouldn't be able to answer that tonight. I don't think there are that many though. David Hughes: I don't think so either. You as homeowners in those affected areas need to understand that if for any reason your fire station is deemed inoperable you insurance class rating goes to a 10. You as a homeowner will be subject to those insurance premium changes. My question to the State is what provisions have they made to relocate the fire departments that they will be taking? Moderator: We have dealt with fire departments on other projects. Access to the road has been a big question. Because he is right, there's a lot of things the way a fire department is located that does affect your insurance. Right now if a fire departrnent is a relocation, again we will work real hard with the fire department to try to determine a new location that is going to be to the best benefit of the community. Right now I won't be able to say anything to night as far as where those relocations might be but on other projects similar to this where we had claims and concerns from other fire departments we've actually gone out and met with them and scheduled meetings and made sure that we've heard exactly what they are telling us. We're able to tell them what we can and can't do. But again, the situation right now allows us about 3 years to figure that out. Again, we won't be purchasing any right of way for 3 years. So we've got 3 years to figure out if indeed these need to be relocated and where we can relocate those. We'll be depending on the chiefs at both locations to let us know what we need to be looking for and looking after and everything. David Hughes: I only speak for the Estatoe Fire Deparhnent and those that are here from that community. I applaud you for your support when we built that fire department and for Liberty Hill Baptist Church that donated land for exception so that we have a lease at this time. You should committed to that project. I only inherited that fire station when they were looking for somebody to manage it. That's all we do at Spruce Pine is we manage and operate it and provide community service. Fire protection is our primary order of business. If it is relocated, bear in mind, from the point of origin that it is now, after 5 miles, we move a half a mile closer to Spruce Pine, you may loose fire protection. Or if we move a half a mile toward Burnsville you people who live on the (Inaudible) may loose fire protection, which will definitely affect your homeowners insurance: If you look at the geogaphical location of that fire station up on that hill there aren't a whole lot of places we can go that aren't already taken or will be taken by the road. I hope that if the road can be moved a little bit down the hill and leave the fire station where it is at that would be wonderful. I don't know if that is feasible but I would hope that they would at least consider that. Then my �ast question is, you are adding a 12 foot roadway in each direction to carry vehicle traffic. Correct? What traffic travels on the 20 foot section of green grass? - R-2519B Mitchell and Yancey Counties-February 21, 2006 page 10 479 Moderator: The 20 foot section of green grass is a median which separates the 480 . traffic in both directions. We talked about capacity earlier. With that type of inedian in 481 there and the 10 foot wide shoulders and 24 foot of pavement the room that we have out 482 there that increases that capacity, that increases that level of service for what we talked 483 about and again, what we're doing all across the state on the types of roads. So, there 484 will be no vehicles that will be allowed in that 20 foot grass area. Now in certain cases 485 and I'm just guessing where we have a fire department that may need access across that 486 median for one reason or the other. Again, that is something that we would want to talk 487 about with the local fire departments. 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 sol 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 David Hughes: That is another concern. If that 20 foot track of grass is not needed that would move the road 20 foot that way and that might allow the fire station to stay where it is at. If it's needed, why not go ahead and take it out and we wouldn't endure that cost of digging up that grass and mowing it for all those years that we have to maintain it. Thank you very much. Moderator: Thank you for those comments sir. Anyone else tonight who would like to make a comment or ask a question? Okay, now don't forget that the comment sheet that is on the back carries the same weight just as if you came up and spoke tonight. We're going to be here a little bit while we're breaking some things down. Be sure to grab us if you've got a question and let us know. I appreciate everybody coming out tonight. I look forward to hearing from everybody. Thank you and have a good night. Hearing Adjourned. Ed Lewis, Moderator Public Involvement Unit R-2519B Mitchell and Yancey Counties-February 21, 2006 pa�e 11