HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix IV Appendix IV DWQ Water Quality Monitoring Programs in the Cape Fear River Basin Appendices DWQ Water Quality Monitoring Programs in the Cape Fear River Basin Staff in the Environmental Sciences Branch (ESB) and Regional Offices of DWQ collect a variety of biological, chemical and physical data. The following discussion contains a brief introduction to each program, followed by a summary of water quality data in the Cape Fear River basin for that program. For more detailed information on sampling and assessment of streams in this basin, refer to the Basinwide Assessment Report for the Cape Fear River basin, available from the Environmental Sciences Branch website at http://www.esb.enr.state.nc.us/bar.html or by calling (919) 733-9960. DWQ monitoring programs for the French Broad River Basin include: • Benthic Macroinvertebrates • Fish Assessments • Aquatic Toxicity Monitoring • Lake Assessment • Ambient Monitoring System Benthic Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Benthic macroinvertebrates, or benthos, are organisms that live in and on the bottom substrates of rivers and streams. These organisms are primarily aquatic insect larvae. The use of benthos data has proven to be a reliable monitoring tool, as benthic macroinvertebrates are sensitive to subtle changes in water quality. Since macroinvertebrates have life cycles of six months to over one year, the effects of short-term pollution (such as a spill) will generally not be overcome until the following generation appears. The benthic community also integrates the effects of a wide array of potential pollutant mixtures. Criteria have been developed to assign a bioclassification to each benthic sample based on the number of different species present in the pollution intolerant groups of Ephemeroptera (Mayflies), Plecoptera (Stoneflies) and Trichoptera (Caddisflies), commonly referred to as EPTs. A Biotic Index (BI) value gives an indication of overall community pollution tolerance. Different benthic macroinvertebrate criteria have been developed for different ecoregions (mountains, piedmont, coastal plain and swamp) within North Carolina, and bioclassifications fall into five categories: Excellent, Good, Good-Fair, Fair and Poor. Overview of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Data There were 273 benthic samples collected during this assessment period. The following table lists the total bioclassifications (by subbasin) for all benthos sites in the Cape Fear River basin. Benthos sampling may slightly overestimate the proportion of Fair, Poor and Severe stress sites, as DWQ special studies often have the greatest sampling intensity (number of sites/stream) in areas where it is believed that water quality problems exist. Many streams also ceased flowing during the summer drought of 2002. For detailed information regarding the samples collected during this assessment period, refer to the tables at the end of this appendix. Refer to 2003 Cape Fear River Basinwide Assessment Report at http://www.esb.enr.state.nc.us/bar.html for more information on monitoring sites and for past benthic community ratings. A-IV-1 Summary of Bioclassifications for All Freshwater Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sites (using the most recent rating for each site) in the Cape Fear River Basin Subbasin Excellent Natural Good Moderate Good- Fair Not Impaired Fair Poor Severe Not Rated Total 03-06-01 5 6 3 14 03-06-02 2 6 5 5 11 29 03-06-03 1 3 3 7 03-06-04 2 10 1 7 4 24 03-06-05 1 1 3 5 03-06-06 1 2 3 3 6 12 27 03-06-07 2 6 3 1 1 3 4 20 03-06-08 9 10 19 03-06-09 1 5 1 3 6 16 03-06-10 1 6 2 2 2 1 14 03-06-11 2 2 03-06-12 1 3 3 6 13 03-06-13 1 1 03-06-14 1 5 7 2 1 16 03-06-15 4 3 2 6 15 03-06-16 1 3 1 5 03-06-17 2 2 3 6 13 03-06-18 1 1 03-06-19 1 4 1 2 8 03-06-20 1 1 03-06-22 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 11 03-06-23 4 1 2 1 2 1 11 03-06-24 1 1 Total 7 7 38 8 66 4 48 27 3 65 273 Assessing Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities in Small Streams The benthic macroinvertebrate community of small streams is naturally less diverse than the streams used to develop the current criteria for flowing freshwater streams. The benthic macroinvertebrate database is being evaluated, and a study to systematically look at small reference streams in different ecoregions is being developed with the goal of finding a way to evaluate water quality conditions in such small streams. Presently, a designation of Not Impaired may be used for flowing waters that are too small to be assigned a bioclassification (less than 4 meters in width), but meet the criteria for a Good-Fair or higher bioclassification using the standard qualitative and EPT criteria. This designation will translate into a use support rating of Supporting. However, DWQ will use the monitoring A-IV-2 information from small streams to identify potential impacts to small streams even in cases when a use support rating cannot be assigned. DWQ will use this monitoring information to identify potential impacts to these waters even though a use support rating is not assigned. DWQ will continue to develop criteria to assess water quality in small streams. Fish Assessments Historical studies of fish communities in the Cape Fear River basin were conducted primarily by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) in the 1960s and late 1970s. Several streams were sampled by DWQ during the past basinwide planning cycle (1994), and two samples were collected in 1999. Scores are assigned to these samples using the North Carolina Index of Biotic Integrity (NCIBI). The NCIBI uses a cumulative assessment of 12 parameters or metrics. Each metric is designed to contribute unique information to the overall assessment. The scores for all metrics are then summed to obtain the overall NCIBI score. During the late 1990s, application of the NCIBI has been restricted to wadeable streams that can be sampled by a crew of 2-4 persons using backpack electrofishers and following the DWQ Standard Operating Procedures (NCDEHNR, 1997). Work began in 1998 to develop a fish community boat sampling method that could be used in nonwadeable coastal plain streams. Plans are to sample 10-15 reference sites with the boat method once it is finalized. As with other biological monitoring programs, many years of reference site data will be needed before solid criteria can be developed to evaluate biological integrity of large streams and rivers using the fish community assessment. Overview of Fish Community Data Fish community samples have been collected at 85 sites in the Cape Fear River basin during this assessment period. The following table lists the most recent ratings since 1990, by subbasin, for all fish community sites. Refer to 2003 Cape Fear River Basinwide Assessment Report at http://www.esb.enr.state.nc.us/bar.html for more information on monitoring sites and for past fish community ratings. A-IV-3 Summary of NCIBI Categories for All Freshwater Fish Community Sites (using the most recent rating for each site) in the Cape Fear River Basin Subbasin Excellent Good Good- Fair Fair Poor Not Rated Total 03-06-01 2 1 1 4 03-06-02 3 4 2 5 14 03-06-03 1 3 2 1 7 03-06-04 1 2 1 4 03-06-05 2 2 03-06-06 2 1 1 4 03-06-07 1 1 1 1 4 03-06-08 2 2 1 5 03-06-09 1 4 5 03-06-10 2 3 1 1 1 8 03-06-11 1 1 03-06-12 4 2 6 03-06-14 14 14 03-06-15 7 7 Total 6 22 18 9 7 23 85 Cape Fear River Basin Fish Kills The NC DWQ has systematically monitored and reported on fish kill events across the state since 1996 (http://www.esb.enr.state.nc.us/). Investigators reported 43 incidents which killed more than one million fish in the basin from 1999 to 2003. All kills, except one, were reported from freshwaters and were generally evenly dispersed throughout the basin. Kills were attributed to low dissolved oxygen, algal blooms, temperature stress, and spills of toxic substances. The largest kill occurred as a result of bycatch from a fishing operation in the Atlantic Ocean off Yaupon Beach (Brunswick County) and involved an estimated one million menhaden. About one-half of the events investigated in the basin could not be attributed to an obvious cause. Yearly kills reported decreased during the monitoring period from 14 events in 1999 to just three reports in 2003. The decrease has not been associated with any improvements in water quality throughout the basin. Overview of Fish Tissue Sampling Fish tissue was sampled for metals contaminants at 12 stations within the basin from 1999 to 2003. All fish collected from the Coastal Plain in subbasins 03-06-16 to 03-06-23 were part of DWQ’s eastern North Carolina mercury surveys. Three hundred-eight individual samples were analyzed. Total mercury concentrations exceeded the North Carolina criteria and USEPA’s screening value (0.4 ppm) in 62 percent of the samples. Concentrations also exceeded the US Food and Drug Administration criteria limit of 1.0 ppm in 16 percent of the samples. A-IV-4 Aquatic Toxicity Monitoring Acute and/or chronic toxicity tests are used to determine toxicity of discharges to sensitive aquatic species (usually fathead minnows or the water flea, Ceriodaphnia dubia). Results of these tests have been shown by several researchers to be predictive of discharge effects on receiving stream populations. Many facilities are required to monitor whole effluent toxicity (WET) by their NPDES permit or by administrative letter. Other facilities may also be tested by DWQ’s Aquatic Toxicology Unit (ATU). Per Section 106 of the Clean Water Act, the ATU is required to test at least 10 percent of the major discharging facilities over the course of the federal fiscal year (FFY). However, it is ATU’s target to test 20 percent of the major dischargers in the FFY. This means that each major facility would get evaluated over the course of their five-year permit. There are no requirements or targets for minor dischargers. In addition, the ATU maintains a compliance summary for all facilities required to perform tests and provides monthly updates of this information to regional offices and DWQ administration. Ambient toxicity tests can be used to evaluate stream water quality relative to other stream sites and/or a point source discharge. One hundred-nineteen facility permits in the basin currently require whole effluent toxicity (WET) monitoring. Ninety-four facility permits have a WET limit; the other 25 facility permits specify monitoring with no limit. Since 1999, the compliance rate for those facilities with a limit has stabilized at approximately 90 to 95 percent. Eleven facilities have had difficulty meeting their toxicity limits or targets and are discussed in the subbasin chapters. A-IV-5 A-IV-6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 19 8 7 19 8 8 19 8 9 19 9 0 19 9 1 19 9 2 19 9 3 19 9 4 19 9 5 19 9 6 19 9 7 19 9 8 19 9 9 20 0 0 20 0 1 20 0 2 Year Fa c i l i t i e s M o n i t o r i n g 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Co m p l i a n c e ( % ) No. Facilities % Meeting Permit Limit Lakes Assessment Program In 2003, 33 lakes in the basin were monitored as part of the Lakes Assessment Program. Each lake was sampled three times during the summer. Lakes with noted water quality impacts are discussed in the appropriate subbasin chapter. Ambient Monitoring System The Ambient Monitoring System (AMS) is a network of stream, lake and estuarine stations strategically located for the collections of physical and chemical water quality data. North Carolina has more than 378 water chemistry monitoring stations statewide. Between 23 and 32 parameters are collected monthly at each station. The locations of these stations are listed in the following table and shown on individual subbasin maps. Chemical and physical measurements were obtained from 173 stations located throughout the basin by DWQ and three NPDES discharger monitoring coalitions. All data were collected between September 1, 1998 and August 31, 2003. Notable ambient water quality parameters are discussed in the subbasin chapters. Refer to 2003 Cape Fear River Basinwide Assessment Report at http://www.esb.enr.state.nc.us/bar.html for more detailed analysis of ambient water quality monitoring data. Subbasin Station Number Waterbody/Location Description DWQ Index Number Stream Classification 03-06-01 B0040000 Haw R. at SR 2109 near Oak Ridge 16-(1) C NSW B0050000 Haw R. at US 29A near Benaja 16-(1) C NSW B0160000 Little Troublesome Crk at SR 2600 near Reidsville 16-7 C NSW B0190000 Haw R. at NC 87 near Altamahaw 16-(1) C NSW B0210000 Haw R. at SR 1561 near Altamahaw 16-(1) C NSW 03-06-02 B0540000 N Buffalo Crk at SR 2832 near Greensboro 16-11-14-1 C NSW B0750000 S Buffalo Crk at SR 2821 at McLeansville 16-11-14-2 C NSW B0840000 Reedy Fork at NC 87 at Ossipee 16-11-(9) C NSW B1095000 Jordan Crk at SR 1754 near Union Ridge 16-14-6-(0.5) WS-II HQW B1140000 Haw R. at NC 49N at Haw River 16-(1) C NSW B1260000 Town Branch at SR 2109 near Graham 16-17 C NSW B1960000 Alamance Crk at SR 2116 at Swepsonsville 16-19-(4.5) C NSW 03-06-03 B1670000 Lake MacIntosh at NC 61 near Whitsett 19 16-19-3-(4.5) WS-IV NSW 03-06-04 B1980000 Haw R. at SR 2171 at Saxapahaw 16-(1) C NSW B2000000 Haw R. at SR 1005 near Saxapahaw 16-(1) C NSW B2100000 Haw R. at SR 1713 near Bynum 16-(28.5) WS-IV NSW B2450000 Robeson Crk at SR 1943 near Hanks Chapel 16-38-(3) WS-IV NSW B4050000 Haw R. below Jordan Dam near Moncure 16-(42) WS-IV 03-06-05 B3025000 Third Fork Crk at NC 54 near Durham 16-41-1-12-(2) WS-IV NSW B3040000 New Hope Crk at SR 1107 near Blands 16-41-1-(11.5) WS-IV NSW B3660000 Northeast Crk at SR 1100 near Nelson 16-41-1-17-(0.7) WS-IV NSW 03-06-06 B3900000 Morgan Crk at SR 1726 near Farrington 16-41-2-(5.5) WS-IV NSW 03-06-07 B6160000 Cape Fear R. at NC 42 near Corinth 18-(4.5) WS-IV CA B6370000 Cape Fear R. at US 401 at Lillington 18-(16.7) WS-IV 03-06-08 B4210000 W Fork Deep R. at SR 1818 near High Point 17-3-(0.7) WS-IV CA B4240000 E Fork Deep R. at SR 1541 near High Point 17-2-(0.3) WS-IV B4410000 Richland Crk at SR 1145 near High Point 17-7-(4) WS-IV CA B4440000 Deep R. at SR 1129 near High Point 17-(4) WS-IV CA B4615000 Deep R. at SR 1921 near Randleman 17-(4) WS-IV CA 03-06-09 B4800000 Deep R. at SR 2122 at Worthville 17-(10.5) C B4890000 Haskett Crk at SR 2128 near Central Falls 17-12 C B5070000 Deep R. at SR 2615 at Ramseur 17-(10.5) C B5131000 Deep R. at NC 42 near Coleridge 17-(10.5) C B5190000 Deep R. at SR 1456 near High Falls 17-(10.5) C 03-06-10 B5480000 Bear Crk at NC 705 at Robbins 17-26-(6) C B5520000 Deep R. at NC 22 at High Falls 17-(25.7) C HQW B5575000 Deep R. at NC 42 at Carbonton 17-(32.5) WS-IV 03-06-11 B5820000 Deep R. at US 15 and 501 near Sanford 17-(38.7) C B6040300 Deep R. at SR 1011 old US 1 near Moncure 17-(43.5) WS-IV B6050000 Deep R. at CSX RR Bridge near Moncure 17-(43.5) WS-IV 03-06-12 B6000000 Rocky R. at NC 902 near Pittsboro 17-43-(8) C 03-06-13 B6830000 Upper Little R. at SR 2021 near Lillington 18-20-(24.5) WS-IV B6840000 Cape Fear R. at NC 217 at Erwin 18-(20.7) WS-V 03-06-14 B7245000 Lower Little R. at SR 2023 near Lobelia 18-23-(10.7) WS-III HQW B7280000 Lower Little R. at SR 1451 at Manchester 18-23-(24) C A-IV-7 A-IV-8 Subbasin Station Number Waterbody/Location Description DWQ Index Number Stream Classification 03-06-15 B7600000 Cape Fear R. at NC 24 at Fayetteville 18-(26) C B7610000 Cape Fear R. at Riverside Landing 18-(26) C B7700000 Rockfish Crk at SR 1432 near Raeford 18-31-(18) B B8220000 Rockfish Crk near US 301 Hope Mills 18-31-(23) C B8224000 Rockfish Crk at SR 2350 near Cedar Creek 18-31-(23) C 03-06-16 B8300000 Cape Fear R. at Wo Huske Lock near Tar Heel 18-(26) C B8305000 Cape Fear R. at SR 1316 at Tarheel 18-(26) C B8321000 Turnbull Crk at SR 1509 near Johnsontown 18-46 C B8340000 Cape Fear R. at Lock 2 near Elizabethtown 18-(26) C B8340050 Browns Crk at NC 87 mouth 18-45 C B8350000 Cape Fear R. at Lock 1 near Kelly 18-(59) WS-IV Sw B8360000 Cape Fear R. at NC 11 near Kings Bluff 18-(59) WS-IV Sw 03-06-17 B8445000 Livingston Crk at mouth near Riegelwood 18-64 C Sw B8450000 Cape Fear R. at Neils Eddy Landing near Acme 18-(63) C Sw B9020000 Cape Fear R. DNS Hale Pt Landing near Phoenix 18-(63) C Sw B9050000 Cape Fear R. at Navassa 18-(71) SC B9740000 Northeast Cape Fear R. at US 421 at Wilmington 18-74-(61) SC Sw B9800000 Cape Fear R. at CM 61 at Wilmington 18-(71) SC B9820000 Cape Fear R. at CM 56 near Wilmington 18-(71) SC 03-06-18 B8919000 South R. at SR 1503 near Parkersburg 18-68-12-(8.5) C Sw ORW + 03-06-19 B8490000 Little Coharie Crk at SR 1414 Minnie Hall Rd near Salemburg 18-68-1-17 C Sw B8545000 Little Coharie Crk at SR 1240 near Roseboro 18-68-1-17 C Sw B8580000 Great Coharie Crk at SR 1311 near Clinton 18-68-1 C Sw B8679500 Six Runs Crk at SR 1919 near Moltonville 18-68-2-(0.3) C Sw B8725000 Six Runs Crk at SR 1960 near Taylors Bridge 18-68-2-(11.5) C Sw ORW + B8750000 Black R. at NC 411 near Tomahawk 18-68 C Sw ORW + 03-06-20 B9013000 Black R. at Raccoon Island near Huggins 18-68 C Sw ORW + 03-06-21 B9080000 Northeast Cape Fear R. at SR 1937 near Mt Olive 18-74-(1) C Sw B9090000 Northeast Cape Fear R. at NC 403 near Williams 18-74-(1) C Sw 03-06-22 B9190500 Goshen Swamp at SR 1004 near Westbrook Crossroad 18-74-19 C Sw B9196000 Northeast Cape Fear R. at SR 1961 at Hallsville 18-74-(1) C Sw B9470000 Rockfish Crk at I-40 at Wallace 18-74-29 C Sw 03-06-23 B9480000 Northeast Cape Fear R. at SR 1318 near Watha 18-74-(29.5) C Sw B9490000 Angola Crk at NC 53 18-74-33-3 C Sw B9520000 Burgaw Canal at US 117 18-74-39 C Sw B9550000 Lillington Crk at SR 1520 near Stag Park 18-74-42 C Sw B9580000 Northeast Cape Fear R. at US 117 at Castle Hayne 18-74-(47.5) B Sw 03-16-24 B9865000 ICW at Morris Landing 18-87 SA ORW B9872000 ICW at CM 102 near Long Point 18-87-11.7 SA ORW B9872500 ICW at CM 123 near Howe Point 18-87-11.7 SA ORW B9874000 ICW at US 74 and 76 at Wrightsville Beach 18-87-24 SB B9876000 ICW at CM 151 near Everett N 18-87-25.7 SA ORW B9879000 Carolina Beach Harbor at CM 7 18-87-31.2 SB