HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140054 All Versions_EEP Letter_20140107aL�o i � o �S �-�' NIr. Jerry Parker NCDOT Division 7 En�`iroiimental Supervisor Nocth Carolina Department of Transportation Pcist Office Box 14996 Greensboro, North Carolina 27415-499fi Dear Mr. Parker: 4�.� �.. �a,. � � F� � �� �; M _ � , < �. 3 �. �' � � • January"7, 20'14 Subject: EEP Niitigation Acceptance Letter: Diuision 7 Pi-oject; Replace Bridge 8IS over Boulding Bra►ic}i oii SR .1486 (Lexi�igt�n Avenue), Guilford Counfy, WBS Eletnent 17BP.7.R;22 The purpose of tliis: letter is to nofifyyou that the Ecosysteni Enhancenient Program (EEP) wi11 provide the compensator.y stream mitigation for the subject project. Based on the iiiforniation sup�lied byyou on January 7, 20`14, tlie Cmpacts are ]ocated in GU 030300U3 of the Cape Fear River 6asin in the Central Piedinont (CP) Eco- Region, and. are as follows: CapeFear 03030003 CP Cold IIl1p8CtS � Stream Cqol 0 Warin � lZiparian 90.0 *Sonie of'tfie,stream and �vetland impacts may, beproposed,tp bz miti 1?Vetlaiids Non- Coastal Riparian Marsh _� o 0 at a;1:1, mitigation ratio. Se Buffer (Sn. Ft:) Zone 1 Zoue 2 � � Tl�is impact and associated'niitigation need were under pfoj .ected by the NCDOT in the 2013 impact.data. EEP will c�mnait to implenient sufticient compensafory stream mifigation ci�edits to offset the im�acts associated with fhis project as determiiied by the regulatory agencies using tlie delivei-y tiiueline listed ici Seciion F.3.c.iii of tlie: N:C. Department of Enviromnent and Natural Resources' Ecosysfem Eiiliance.menf .Program In-Lieu I'ee:Instrument dated July 28, 2010. .If tlie above referenced impact amoiints are revised, then this mifigation acceptance letter wiil no: longer be valld and a new mitigafion acceptance letter will be required trom EEP. If you ha��e any questions-or need addifioi�al infoiniation; please contact`Beth:�Iarnion at 919-707-8420. Sincerely, �, � '.,. �� q ° � � �y 1 3 I...,�.�,, f....x., � � ��... � r� L '�i:: '� /� ? f Jame�S B, Stanfill • �E�l'� Asset 1Vlanabement Supervisor cc: Mr. Andrew �%illiaaas, USACE,— Raleiglr Regulatory Field Oft7ce 1VIs. Amy Cliapman, Divisioil:of ��ater. Quality, 401/Wetlands Ms. NicoleThomson, NCDOT Division ? Ms. Linda .I=itzpatrick, NCDOT —PDE� File: S.R 1486 —$riiige 895 = Division 7 , �,EStDYGl29... � _ ... P�Ot"EGtl;G� OGf.!'' StGi>t"� ....�.. r �. • North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652;Mail Seniice Cenfer, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 / 919-707-8976:Lhttpc//portal.ncdenr.org/web/eep