HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221671 Ver 1_RSP - DWR Comment Response Letter - March 2023_20230303NC Depat tinent of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch ATTN: Katie Merritt, Acting Supervisor N. Salisbury Street 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 March 3, 2023 SUBJECT: RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Woodfin Riverside Park (DWR#20221671) Dear Ms. Merritt, On January 5, 2023, The Town of Woodfin received comments from Division of Water Resources in response to an application requesting an Individual Water Quality Certification from the Division for the subject project, which was submitted on December 1, 2022. Below, we provide an official response to those comments in red text; standalone items requested by the Division and referenced in our responses are attached to this letter. 1. If the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) requests a response to any comments received as a result of the Public Notice, please provide the Division with a copy of your response to the USACE. No public comments were received during the Public Notice period, therefore no request for comment response was made by USACE. 2. Staff from the Division attended a pre -application meeting on April 21, 2022, regarding the subject project at which time several documents were provided including a PowerPoint presentation entitled 20220415 Interagency Meeting Presentation and a memo dated April 20, 2022 regarding Fish Passage Specifications for Woodfin Wave Whitewater Park (memo). The Division received an update to the memo dated August 2, 2022. Among other things, the PowerPoint summarizes modeled velocities and shear stresses within the French Broad River associated with the wave feature under various flow regimes. Neither the memo, nor the results of the modeling, were included with the application. Please confirm the information provided in the referenced documents is applicable to the current design and/or summarize the results of any further model/design refinement that was incorporated into the final design and that varies from the aforementioned documents. The 2D model was re -run with the final design surface and boulder cluster layout. The results are presented in an updated memo dated March 3, 2023 by senior fisheries ecologists Ashley Ficke and Chris Craft of GEI Consultants. The memo is attached to this response document. 3. Please provide a French Broad River stage/discharge monitoring and contingency plan to be implemented during in -river construction activities. The plan should include a protocol to monitor weather and river stage and/or discharge and provide for contingencies should a high discharge event occur. The plan should include details on the design discharge for the cofferdam and actions to be taken should a flow event that exceeds the height of the cofferdam occur. Please see attached general high water contingency plan. Please note that the selected contractor will be responsible for maintaining water control and developing a detailed contingency plan including weather monitoring, chain of command, etc. The in -stream design engineer can provide supporting hydrological data and modeling results. 4. The Division accounts for impacts to streams in length. Please revise the Wave and Bypass Impact Table to include impact lengths. The table has been revised accordingly and is attached. 5. The Site Plan Sheet L1.3 calls for a Mud Play Area within the unnamed tributary (UT) of the French Broad River. It's not clear what the Mud Play Area entails. Please provide a narrative description and any applicable design plans for the Mud Play Area, including how water quality standards will be maintained and how the stream will be protected from degradation so that the Division can adequately review and determine whether the project will cause or contribute to a violation of water quality standards and/or comport with the state's antidegradation policy. L1.3 has been adjusted to define the amenity more accurately. A boulder with a depression in it (See detail 3/L8.9), will be tucked into the slope and potentially used as a natural play element. Rainwater will collect in the depression and play sand can be used to make mud. L1.3 • BOULDER RETAINING WAIL Mud sink detail from L8.9 ROCIOPOURED CONCRETE WITH BOWL TO OLT AS MUD HITCH EN IF POURED C ONG RETEIS USED. POUR CONCRETE N BEPHEEN NATUR, BOULDERS TO KEY IQTCHEN BOWL INTO BOULDERS. 1. BOWL SHALL BE BROAD AND SHALLOW TO ALLOW EAST SCOOPING OUT OF SEDIMENT WI. SHO VEL OR BROOM DESION-HUILD BY CONTRACTOR USE IMAGE AS GUIDE OF INTENT OF USE DEMON TO BE SH ARED WITH LAN DSC APE ARCHITECT PRI. TO INSTALLATION MUD KITCHEN 6. Please provide additional design/construction details, including proposed cross -sections, for the upstream river access and bank stabilization; the whitewater wave, bank treatment, and beach; and the boulder toe and downstream boat ramp. The design details should include the shape and form of the wave feature and bypass channel including boulder clusters, low -flow notch, etc. described in the memo. Please refer to updated 90% design drawing plan set. 7. The Site Plan Sheet L1.3 has a call -out for a Boulder Toe Bank Stabilization to Double as River Access feature. However, this feature is not included in the impact table, nor are construction details provided. Please confirm this feature is to be constructed above the ordinary high water mark, or include it in the impact table, provide justification for the feature, and provide construction details. This feature will be constructed above the ordinary high water mark. 8. Please provide additional details regarding how the abandoned bridge pilings are attached to the river bottom, what they are constructed of, and how they will be removed. We have not uncovered any primary source information on what specific materials comprise the pilings and how exactly they are attached to the river bottom. However, Marc Hunt, a project proponent and recreational boater, accessed them via kayak during low water, evaluated them in situ, and provided us with notes and photographs. Based on the information Mr. Hunt provided, our current understanding is that they are timber cribbing filled with riprap/cobble; there does not appear to be any metal/rebar used to hold them in place. As such, the plan currently is to remove the cribbing with an excavator as the temporary low water road is removed. If during closer inspection any metal/rebar is found to be doweled into bedrock, it will also be removed by excavator (a hoe -ram attachment can be used on an excavator if needed to break out rebar) to ensure the safety of river users. 9. Sheet WWEC.4 indicates the upper river access and bank stabilization work will be constructed in the wet. However, the WOTUS Impacts Narrative indicates the south access including boulder toe/bank stabilization will be constructed by surrounding the area with a cofferdam and dewatering. This area must be constructed in the dry. Please revise Sheet WWEC.4 to include details showing how these features will be constructed while avoiding excavation in flowing water. Revised Sheet WWEC.4 is attached. 10. The typical cofferdam water control detail on sheet WWEC.6 appears to depict settling ponds constructed outside of the cofferdam, but within the river footprint. Please revise the detail to depict the settling ponds in an upland location. Revised Sheet WWEC.4 is attached. 11 The General Erosion & Sediment Control Notes note 4 on Sheet WWEC.6 indicates dewater pump discharge from within the cofferdams will be discharged onto the floodplain away from wetlands and construction activities. However, the details on Sheets WWEC.2, WWEC.3, and WWEC.5 appear to depict the pump discharging directly to the river. Please confirm that the dewatered pump discharge from all cofferdams will be pumped to an upland location and treated further prior to discharge to the river. Please note energy dissipation measures may also be required prior to release of water to the river. Please revise Sheets WWEC.2, WWEC.3, and WWEC.5 to depict the pump discharge outlet in uplands or include a call -out on the plans that specifies this requirement. Erosion Control drawings have been revised to show discharge from dewatering activities along both banks to an upland location for further treatment. For the mid -channel work area (WWEC.2), running a discharge hose to either bank would be very challenging, and the use of a filter bag and/or discharge to settling ponds built from super sacks just outside the dry work area is proposed. Drawing WWEC.2 will be updated based on DEQ preference/response. 12. Please describe the lifespan of the wave feature, any anticipated maintenance of the feature, and how the maintenance will be conducted. Please refer to attached maintenance plan and inspection checklist. 13. The project is subject to post -construction stormwater review under the Phase II Stormwater Program. What entity will be reviewing the project for compliance with post -construction stormwater requirements? Buncombe County will be reviewing the project for compliance with post -construction stormwater requirements. 14. Please copy the Division on any response to the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission comment letter dated January 4, 2023. Noted; we will copy the Division on our response to the January 4, 2023 NCWRC comment letter. We appreciate your consideration of the above responses and attached information. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or further requests for information. Sincerely, w- 0/ Owen Carson, Botanist / Senior Ecologist Equinox 37 Haywood Street, Suite 100 Asheville, NC 28801 (828) 253-6856 extension 204 Consulting Engineers and Scientists Memo To: Dane Palmer and Riley Adams, S2o Design and Engineering From: Ashley Ficke and Chris Craft, GEI Consultants Cc: Scott Shipley, S2o Design and Engineering Date: March 3, 2023 Re: Fish Passage Specifications for Woodfin Wave Whitewater Park GL I Consultants INTRODUCTION The French Broad River supports a highly diverse aquatic community. The fish assemblage currently contains approximately 31 species from seven families, but 35 additional species are either present in upstream stream reaches or tributaries or were historically present and/or are being reintroduced to the system. The French Broad River also supports two mussels of conservation concern: the Federally Endangered Appalachian Elktoe (Alasmidonta raveneliana) and Creeper (Strophitus undulatus), a North Carolina State Species of Special Concern. All mussels have parasitic larvae and rely on fish hosts to complete their life cycles. Appalachian Elktoe targets specific fish species as hosts, whereas Creeper are generalists. An increased interest in river systems in urban areas has led to a subsequent increase in riverfront revitalization projects. Many of these projects include whitewater parks (WWPs). Whitewater parks have the potential to disrupt fish movements, although they are not typically as problematic as dams and grade control structures. Consideration of fish passage needs during the design process can often alleviate the potential for whitewater parks or specific features within these parks to function as barriers to fish passage. GEI was retained by S2o Design and Engineering to develop specifications for the fish bypass in the Woodfin Wave WWP, to allow upstream passage of the diverse resident fish assemblage. METHODS The best opportunity biologists have to provide design specifications for whitewater parks lies in searching and synthesizing the abundant literature on fish swimming performances. To maximize the probability of successful fish passage, the resident fish assemblage can be categorized into swimming "guilds." These guilds consist of groups of species that have similar swimming performances and behaviors, and therefore similar requirements for fish passage. Once the guilds are developed, specifications for hydraulic characteristics such as depth, velocity, and turbulence can be tailored for the guild with the most exacting specifications for each characteristic. For example, a "big river fishes" guild containing species that avoid shallow water can be used to set minimum depths at low flows, and a "small -bodied fishes" guild can be used to develop recommendations for shallow, wetted margins that would allow them to move upstream. In a situation where the fish assemblage is species -rich, each guild may incorporate large numbers of species. Alternatively, a guild might represent a single species in depauperate headwater systems. Memo Page 1 GEI Consultants, Inc. 4601 DTC Boulevard, Suite 900, Denver, CO 80237 303.662.0100 fax: 303.662.8757 www.geiconsultants.com till Memo 1 Page 2 March 3, 2023 S2o Design and Engineering The following fishes were chosen as representative species for each swimming guild. Selection of these species was based on availability of swimming performance data, presence in the French Broad River, and ecological significance of the species. The species list provided by the State of North Carolina and the guilds that were developed for them are included in an attachment at the end of this document. Small -bodied fishes: The swimming abilities of 16 common North American fishes from seven families were used to develop representative specifications for small -bodied fishes. The slowest of these species were Stonecat (Noturus flavus) and Johnny Darter (Etheostoma nigrum), both of which were capable of sprinting at approximately 2 ft/s (Ficke 2015). Mottled Sculpin (Cottus bairdii) was also considered during development of specifications. This species is not known to be present in the project area, but it is a host for Appalachian Elktoe (NCWC 2021), so providing for passage of this species was essential. This species can sprint for extremely short distances at nearly 3 ft/s (Aedo et al. 2009), but its sustained swimming ability is limited by large fins, which produce substantial drag (e.g., Webb 1998). Mottled Sculpin are benthic and can use several station -holding techniques to rest when challenged by high water velocities (Aedo et al. 2009). The available data on swimming performance for small -bodied species that are surface - oriented suggest that their swimming and sprinting abilities are similar to those of other small -bodied species that have different water column preferences. For example, Inland Silverside (Menidia menidia) can swim at approximately 10 body lengths/second (approximately 1 ft/s) for prolonged periods (i.e., up to 25 minutes, Arnott et al. 2006). Western Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) can swim at similar relative speeds; their swimming ability is somewhat lower than other tested species (sprinting speeds of approximately 1 ft/s, Li et al. 2017) because of their small sizes. The swimming abilities of these two species are comparable to those of other small -bodied species with documented prolonged swimming and sprinting performances (e.g., Ficke 2015, Prenosil et al. 2016). Studies involving multiple small -bodied fishes tested under the same conditions indicate no substantial difference between the swimming performance of small -bodied species with different preferences for water column position. Therefore, top -water specialists such as Western Mosquitofish and Inland Silverside were included in the guild with the remainder of the small -bodied species. Fortunately, most small -bodied fishes will utilize shallow, low -velocity water on channel margins if main channel velocities are challenging (e.g., Schwartz and Herricks 2005). Continuous pathways with water velocities between 0 and 2 ft/s within the fish bypass will allow fish passage for this guild. Anguilliform swimmers: Lamprey are anguilliform or "eel -like" swimmers; this mode of swimming is less efficient. Pacific Lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus) was used as a surrogate species in absence of available swimming data for the three native lampreys 1 Although adult Western Mosquitofish are smaller (and thus slower) than adults of many other species native to the French Broad River, they should still be able to utilize the slow, shallow margins of the fishway, where depth -averaged velocities range from 0 — 2 ft/sec. kel Memo l Page 3 March 3, 2023 S2o Design and Engineering currently and historically present in the watershed. A 200 mm Pacific Lamprey2 can swim at 2 ft/s for an average of 38 seconds (DiRocco and Gervais 2021; Katopodis and Gervais 2016). Because of their eel -like shape, these fishes would be able to use the same shallow, low -velocity water to ascend the fishway as the small -bodied fishes. Sunfishes: Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu). The swimming ability of this sought- after native game fish has been well -documented. This species is also ecologically significant because it serves as a host for multiple mussel species. The remaining sunfishes in the project area were included in the small -bodied fishes guild because of their smaller size and limited swimming abilities (e.g., Jones et al. 2011). Smallmouth bass in voluntary studies involving a large raceway (over 150 ft. in length) showed that upstream passage success and the probability that fish would try to move upstream decreased dramatically as water velocities exceeded 4 ft/s (Peake and Farrell 2005). Therefore, availability of water depths of 1 ft or more (to provide sufficient depth for large individuals) and velocities of 4 ft/s or less will allow passage for this species. Fusiform river fishes: Because its swimming ability is well -studied, White Sucker (Catostomus commersonii) was used to develop specifications for larger, fusiform (i.e., streamlined) river fishes, such as suckers and large minnows. Adults can sprint for approximately 60 s at 10 body lengths per second (BL/s, Castro -Santos 2005). This indicates that adult White Sucker can negotiate the bypass if water velocities are less than 6 ft/s over a distance of 40 ft. Therefore, if bypass specifications for Smallmouth Bass are met, White Sucker will also be able to utilize the bypass. This guild also includes a number of redhorse species (Genus Moxostoma). The swimming performance of these species is poorly studied, but one study of intraspecific comparisons was available. The slowest of the three species, Silver Redhorse (M. anisurum) was able to swim at 2 — 3 body lengths per second for an approximate median of 100 s (Hatrey et al. 2014). Thus, an adult Silver Redhorse that was 300 mm long should be able to swim at velocities of approximately 2 ft/s. However, the tests used in this study probably also underestimated swimming ability, because all three redhorse species have been able to successfully ascend a vertical slot fishway, which generally requires short periods of negotiating high water velocities.3 Nevertheless, if fishway water velocities of 0 — 2 ft/s at depths of 1 ft should allow passage of the redhorses present in the French Broad River. Redhorses are also benthic, or bottom -oriented species, so they would likely be able to negotiate depth averaged velocities greater than 2 ft/s, because water velocities tend to be lower near the substrate, particularly in hydraulically rough channels (e.g., Knighton 1988). Big River Fishes: Specifications for big river fishes were developed using studies of sturgeon in prototype fishways. Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) are present in the project area, and reintroduction of Paddlefish (Polydon spathula) has begun in the watershed. Therefore, specifications that allow passage of this species are critical to project success. Adult Shovelnose Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorhynchus) in U.S. Bureau of Reclamation 2 While adults of this species attain lengths of nearly 900 mm, adults of the species in the Broad French River do not usually exceed 200 mm in length (MDFW 2022; NDEC 2022; Williams and Williams 2005). 3 The primary goal of the study was to compare swimming ability between Moxostoma species, not numerically estimate them. titil Memo 1 Page 4 March 3, 2023 S2o Design and Engineering prototype fishways could negotiate water velocities of 6 ft/s for 40 ft. with a 47% success rate, and field studies of habitat preferences indicated that adults of this species will utilize habitats with velocities of up to 6 ft/s (White and Mefford 2002). A 2007 study of fish passage also indicated that White Sturgeon (A. transmontanus) could sprint faster than 6 ft/s for short distances (Webber et al. 2007). No swimming performance data are available for adult Paddlefish. Sturgeon and Paddlefish should be able ascend the fishway if velocities between 4 and 6 ft/s are available in the low -flow channel. However, the big river fishes guild also includes a number of deeper -bodied fishes, such as Quillback and River Carpsucker, which may have reduced swimming performance compared to more fusiform species. A 1982 study of Missouri River fishes indicated that aerobic swimming velocities of Bigmouth Buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus) and River Carpsucker (Carpoides carpio) were approximately 2 ft/s (Schmulback et al. 1982). While no sprinting performance data are available for these species, it is likely that their swimming abilities are underestimated, as commonly occurs with studies conducted using swimming flumes (e.g., Peake and Farrell 2006). For example, the aerobic swimming ability of Shovelnose Sturgeon was documented to be 2.5 ft/s in the Schmulback et al. study, but volitional trials indicate that this species can negotiate much higher water velocities for significant distances (see following section for details). Successful passage of the deeper -bodied fishes in this guild was assumed if velocities of 2 — 3 ft/s occurred at depths of 1 ft or more. The recommendations for each guild described above were compared against 2D hydrodynamic model output provided by S2o Design and Engineering to determine if fishway specifications for all guilds were met for the proposed design. When specifications were not met, GEI discussed with S2o, and the fish bypass design was revised accordingly by S2o. This iterative process was used to develop the 60% design. The 60% design was modified in response to comments received from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission using the same process and with updated fish passage specifications. RESULTS: FISH PASSAGE AT LOW FLOWS Examination of current model output indicates that all specifications have been met for passage of the fish guilds present in the project area (Table 1). The velocities shown below (Figure 1) were modeled at a cross section that was midway between the top and bottom of the fishway. This location was chosen because velocities are highest and depths lowest at this location. Small -bodied fishes and anguilliform swimmers: This cross section contains multiple locations where water depths are between 0.5 and 1 ft and water velocities are less than 2 ft/s (Figure 1a; Figure lb). This should allow passage of small -bodied fishes and anguilliform swimmers. Sunfish and fusiform fishes: Water velocities less than 4 ft/s at depths of 1 ft or more are predicted to be present on the margins of the low -flow notch of the bypass (Figure 1 a; Figure lb). The side slopes of the bypass were decreased during a design revision so that the cross -sectional shape was more pi Memo 1 Page 5 March 3, 2023 S2o Design and Engineering trapezoidal than rectangular; this created a larger area of low -velocity water on each side of the low -flow notch. Smallmouth Bass and fusiform river fishes should be able to utilize the margins of the bypass to ascend it. Big -river fishes: Sturgeon and paddlefishes should be able to utilize the fish bypass, even if they are large enough to be restricted to the center of the low -flow notch. Water velocities throughout the fish bypass do not exceed 6 ft/s at a flow of 1,000 cfs (Figure la; Figure lb). To the extent possible, boulder clusters will be placed near the side slopes of the low -flow notch to allow fish that prefer deeper water and slower water velocities. These will be placed in a manner that allows fish to rest periodically while ascending the fishway, so they will not become exhausted. For example, because sturgeon are known to move distances of 40 ft against water velocities of 6 ft/s, boulder clusters will be installed every 20-30 ft to permit frequent resting. Table 1.—Predicted fish passage success for species representing the swimming guilds develoued for the French Broad River. Species Guild Successful Passage? Stonecat, Johnny Darter, Mottled Sculpin Small -bodied fishes Yes — based on availability of water with velocities between 0 and 2 ft/s on shallow margins of bypass Pacific Lamprey Anguilliform swimmers Yes — based on availability of water with velocities between 0 and 2 ft/s on shallow margins of bypass. Adult Smallmouth Sunfishes Yes — based on availability of water with velocities < 4 ft/s on bypass benches and on margins of low - flow notch. Bass White Sucker Fusiform fishes Yes —based on availability of water with velocities < 4 ft/s on bypass benches and on margins of low - flow notch. Lake Sturgeon Big -river fishes Yes — based on availability of water with velocities < 6 ft/s in low -flow notch. a, Memo Page 6 193S- 1934 1933 1932 193! 1930 1929 !0 l5 20 00 March 3, 2023 S2o Design and Engineering — ;34)pll1-9EV9'19]042o22P1:_AM A� -- 24230111p3h02 ,W Fsflpas4c ?' n - 6a 4.0 20 30 15 +0 a 58 Sla3on 99Q 70 73 90 *0 Figure la. —Modeled velocities at a representative cross section of the proposed fish bypass at 1,000 cfs. veledly oe'Elyptlf 33- Middle' 6- 5- — reKKety'161PN20 C 5 10 •5 20 25 30 35 40 a5 50 55 60 65 70 75 ac 00 Sb9o, IPo Figure 2b.—Modeled velocities at a representative cross section of the proposed fish bypass at 1,000 cfs. FISH PASSAGE AT HIGHER FLOWS 95 SS Memo Page 7 March 3, 2023 S2o Design and Engineering The preceding fish passage predictions were based on examination of predicted conditions at 1,000 cfs. This flow is common throughout much of the year, including during much of the spring spawning season, when directed migrations are more common. Further, discussions with S2o staff suggest that velocity changes with an increase in flow to 1,200 or 1,400 cfs would not have a substantial effect on water velocity. Thus, fish passage should occur over most of the observed flow range in the project area. At flows of 2,250 cfs, which are similar to expected median flows in the high flow months of March and April, fish passage specifications were met for larger fishes, but they would have had to use the shallower areas outside of the low -flow notch to ascend the fishway (Figure 2a; Figure 2b). Passage of small -bodied fishes and anguilliform swimmers would have been limited to the margins of the areas outside of the low -flow notch. The reduced predicted passage success at the structure at flows of 2,250 cfs led to structural modifications as described in the following section. Wacky against Tarraln lcolon1 on'6ygsa XS • MOdr' 1935- ,934- 1930- 1929 - —J —20230111-RES9'1614N2022023(Z00' —'2023011 I_Ashierraln_FcMOSSageREW Grol 20 25 30 35 w 45 - i5 50 55 i0 75 BO BS 90 95 Figure 2a.—Modeled velocities at a representative cross section of the proposed fish bypass at 2,250 cfs. a, Memo Page 8 Velocity on'Bypass x5 - Middle' Suoon rill March 3, 2023 S2o Design and Engineering Figure 2b.—Modeled velocities at a representative cross section of the proposed fish bypass at 2,250 cfs. MODIFICATIONS BASED ON FEEDBACK FROM NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION The original 60% design has been modified based on comments received from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Primarily, a different range of flows was examined to ensure that fish passage was possible during a larger and more biologically relevant range of flows. The new analysis focused on a flow of 2,250 cfs, which is similar to the median flow during the months of March and April; additional flows were not modeled because according to the 2D hydrodynamic models, fish passage efficiency was likely to decrease as flows increase (due to higher velocities). To improve fish passage efficiency at higher flows, the slope of the shallow areas outside of the low flow notch was reduced from 3.5% to 1.75%, and the slope of the low flow notch was reduced to 0.5% (Figure 3). Although water velocities remain high in the low flow notch of the fishway, the increased depth in the shallow areas will allow its use by some fishes with preferences for deeper water (Figure 4). For example, volitional fish passage trials indicate that water depths of 1.5 ft are sufficient to facilitate passage of Shovelnose Sturgeon (White and Mefford 2002). The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission also requested that large roughness elements/resting areas in the fishway imitate local geomorphology; specifically, it was requested that rock ledges or shelves that protrude from the streambed be mimicked in the fishway design. Thus, boulder rows were included in the fishway (Figure 5), as these are analogous to rock ledges but do not create a rise in 100-year flood elevations or cause unusual flow conditions in the fishway. Memo I Page 9 March 3, 2023 S2o Design and Engineering Figure 3. — Slopes of the low flow notch and the shallow areas in the revised bypass design. NEXT STEPS The bypass would be constructed with boulders that were grouted to 50% of their height, with the remainder of the void filled with native substrate. The presence of native substrate and interstitial spaces would help increase the probability of successful passage for benthic (i.e., bottom -oriented) species such as darters, Mottled Sculpin, and larger species such as redhorses. However, the fishway will contain larger "roughness elements" such as boulder rows and/or boulder clusters to facilitate passage at higher flows (Figure 5). These features will provide resting opportunities, particularly for fish utilizing the deeper, higher -velocity water in the low -flow notch. The type and placement of the roughness elements will be based on a combination of hydraulic laboratory studies and field studies that provide information on how to increase passage success. Memo I Page 10 March 3, 2023 S2o Design and Engineering Figure 4a.—Modeled velocities on the fish bypass, with boulder clusters, at 2,250 cfs. 1935- 1994 - 1933- 1930- 1929 - 10 15 2C Velocity .y.in.t Tm.in kolonl an 'Bypass MS. Middle 50 55 60 B5 51211011 RI 75 202301 I 1-RE 1/13' 15188203 92:30120. —WM111 A5h1main_E111'a161494BEV$' hole BO 85 Figure 4b.—Modeled velocities at a representative cross section of the proposed fish bypass, with boulder clusters, at 2,250 cfs. Memo Page 11 March 3, 2023 S2o Design and Engineering Raised Boulder Fences 12"-18" Protrusion Figure 5. — Boulder "rows" added to the fishway to mimic local geomorphic conditions and facilitate passage. a Memo Page 12 March 3, 2023 S2o Design and Engineering REFERENCES Aedo, J., M. Belk, and R. Hotchkiss. 2009. Morphology and swimming performance of Utah fishes: critical information for culvert design in Utah stream. Utah Department of Transportation, Research Division, UT-09.12. Salt Lake City, UT. Arnott, S. A., S. Chiba, and D. O. Conover. 2006. Evolution of intrinsic growth rate: metabolic costs drive trade-offs between growth and swimming performance in Menidia menidia. Evolution 60(6):1269-1278. Castro -Santos, T. 2005. Optimal swim speeds for traversing velocity barriers: an analysis of volitional high-speed swimming behavior of migratory fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology 208:421-432. Di Rocco, R, and R. Gervais. 2021. SPOT: Swim Performance Online Tools. Available from http://www.fishprotectiontools.ca/. Ficke, A. 2015. Mitigation measures for barriers to Great Plains fish migration. PhD Dissertation. Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. Hatry, C., J. D. Thiem, T. R. Binder, D. Hatin, P. Dumont, K. M. Stamplecoskie, J. M. Molina, K. E. Smokorowski, and S. J. Cooke. 2014. Comparative physiology and relative swimming performance of three redhorse (Moxostoma spp.) species: associations with fishway passage success. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 87(1):148-159. Jones, E. A., A. S. Jong, and D. J. Ellerby. 2008. The effects of acute temperature change on swimming performance in bluegill sunfish Lepomis macrochirus. Journal of Experimental Biology 211(9):1386-1393. Katopodis, C, and R Gervais. 2016. Fish Swimming Performance Database and Analyses. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2016/002., 550. Available from http://www.dfo- mpo. gc. ca/csas-sccs/Publications/ResDocs-DocRech/2016/2016_002-eng.html. Knighton, D. 1998. Fluvial Forms and Processes: a new perspective. Hodder Education Group, London. 400p. Li, J., X. Lin, Z. Xu, and J. Sun. 2017. Differences in swimming ability and its response to starvation among male and female Gambusia affinis. Biology Open 6:625-632. MDFW. 2022. American Brook Lamprey Lethenteron appendix. Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program. Available online: mass.gov/doc/american-brook-lamprey/download. Michigan Natural Features Inventory (MNFI) 2004. Lampsilis fasciola fact sheet. Michigan State University Board of Trustees. https://mnfi.anr.msu.edu/abstracts/zoology/Lampsilis_fasciola.pdf. Accessed 10/21. NDEC. 2022. Mountain Brook Lamprey. New York Department of Environmental Conservation Species Assessment. Available online: https://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/26031.html. Et Memo Page 13 March 3, 2023 S2o Design and Engineering Peake, S. J. and A. P. Farrell. 2005. Postexercise physiology and repeat performance behaviour of free-swimming smallmouth bass in an experimental raceway. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 78(5):801-807. Schmulbach, J. C., D. H. Tunink, and A. E. Zittell. 1982. Swimming performance of fishes endemic to the Missouri River in South Dakota. Biological Services Program. U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv., Kearneysville, WV 107 pp. Schwartz, J. S. and E. E. Herricks. 2005. Fish use of stage -specific fluvial habitats as refuge patches during a flood in a low -gradient Illinois stream. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:1540-1552. Webb, P. W. 1998. Swimming. Pages 3-14 in Evans, D. H. (ed). The Physiology of Fishes, 2nd ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Webber, J. D., S. N. Chun, T. R. MacColl, L. T. Mirise, A. Kawabata, E. K. Anderson, T. S. Cheong, L. Kavvas, M. McGee Rotondo, K. L. Hochgraf, R. Churchwell, and J. J. Cech Jr. 2007. Upstream swimming performance of adult white sturgeon: effects of partial baffles and a ramp. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136:402-408. White, R. G. and B. Mefford. 2002. Assessment of behavior and swimming ability of Yellowstone River Sturgeon for design of fish passage devices. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Science and Technology Program. Williams, M. G. and L. R. Williams. 2005. Conservation Assessment: Ohio Lamprey. USDA Forest Service, Eastern Region. Available online: http s ://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/F SE DOCUMENTS/fsm91 _0543 81.pdf E. Memo Page 14 March 3, 2023 S2o Design and Engineering ATTACHMENT 1: FISH SWIMMING GUILDS, FRENCH BROAD RIVER Consulting Engineers and Scientists GEL.. Species Family Guild Status American Brook Lamprey Petromyzontidae Anguilliform 1 Ohio Lamprey Petromyzontidae Anguilliform 1 Lake Sturgeon Acipenseridae Big river 1 Quillback Catostomidae Big River 1 River Carpsucker Catostomidae Big River 1 Flathead Catfish Ictaluridae Big river 1 Paddlefish Polyodontidae Big river 1 Black Redhorse Catostomidae Fusiform River 1 Golden Redhorse Catostomidae Fusiform River 1 River Redhorse Catostomidae Fusiform River 1 Silver Redhorse Catostomidae Fusiform River 1 Smallmouth Buffalo Catostomidae Fusiform River 1 Smallmouth Redhorse Catostomidae Fusiform River 1 White Sucker Catostomidae Fusiform River 1 Smallmouth Bass Centrarchidae Fusiform River 1 Common Carp Cyprinidae Fusiform River 1 Creek Chub Cyprinidae Fusiform River 1 Grass Carp Cyprinidae Fusiform River 1 Chain Pickerel Esocidae Fusiform River 1 Muskellunge Esocidae Fusiform River 1 Channel Catfish Ictaluridae Fusiform River 1 White Catfish Ictaluridae Fusiform River 1 Brown Trout Salmonidae Fusiform River 1 Rainbow Trout Salmonidae Fusiform River 1 Northern Hogsucker Catostomidae Small -bodied 2 Green Sunfish Centrarchidae Small -bodied 2 Redbreast Sunfish Centrarchidae Small -bodied 2 Mottled Sculpin Cottidae Small -bodied 2 Bigeye Chub Cyprinidae Small -bodied 1 Blacknose Dace Cyprinidae Small -bodied 1 Blotched Chub Cyprinidae Small -bodied 1 Central Stoneroller Cyprinidae Small -bodied 1 Fatlips Minnow Cyprinidae Small -bodied 1 Golden Shiner Cyprinidae Small -bodied 2 Highland Shiner Cyprinidae Small -bodied 2 Longnose Dace Cyprinidae Small -bodied 2 Mimic Shiner Cyprinidae Small -bodied 2 Mirror Shiner Cyprinidae Small -bodied 2 1 = currently present in project area, 2 = present in vicinity of project area, 3 = not currently present but reintroductions are planned or in discussion Memo I Page 15 GEI Consultants, Inc. 4601 DTC Boulevard, Suite 900, Denver, CO 80237 303.662.0100 fax: 303.662.8757 www.geiconsultants.com Memo I Page 16 March 3, 2023 S2o Design and Engineering Species Family Guild Status River Chub Cyprinidae Small -bodied 3 Saffron Shiner Cyprinidae Small -bodied 3 Silver Shiner Cyprinidae Small -bodied 3 Spotfin Chub Cyprinidae Small -bodied 3 Telescope Shiner Cyprinidae Small -bodied 3 Tennessee Shiner Cyprinidae Small -bodied 3 Warpaint Shiner Cyprinidae Small -bodied 3 Whitetail Shiner Cyprinidae Small -bodied 3 Brown Bullhead Ictaluridae Small -bodied 3 Flat Bullhead Ictaluridae Small -bodied 3 Banded Darter Percidae Small -bodied 1 Blotchside Logperch Percidae Small -bodied 1 Fantail Darter Percidae Small -bodied 1 Gilt Darter Percidae Small -bodied 2 Greenfin Darter Percidae Small -bodied 2 Greenside Darter Percidae Small -bodied 2 Logperch Percidae Small -bodied 2 Olive Darter Percidae Small -bodied 2 Redline Darter Percidae Small -bodied 2 Sickle Darter Percidae Small -bodied 3 Swannanoa Darter Percidae Small -bodied 3 Tangerine Darter Percidae Small -bodied 3 Wounded Darter Percidae Small -bodied 3 Mountain Brook Lamprey Petromyzontidae Small -bodied 2 Black Crappie Centrarchidae Sunfish 3 Bluegill Centrarchidae Sunfish 3 Largemouth Bass Centrarchidae Sunfish 3 Rock Bass Centrarchidae Sunfish 3 White Crappie Centrarchidae Sunfish 3 1 = currently present in project area, 2 = present in vicinity of project area, 3 = not currently present but reintroductions are planned or in discussion High Water Guidance for In -Stream Construction Woodfin Wave at Riverside Park — Woodfin, North Carolina This plan has been prepared to provide general guidance to the selected Contractor for use in determining when it may be appropriate to enact a high-water contingency plan during construction of the Woodfin Riverside Park in -stream scope. This document is intended to be a guide only and conditions must be assessed in real-time using the best available data. Proposed Construction Window Hydrological analysis was completed using stream gauge data from USGS Station 03451500 at Asheville, North Carolina. During the early design stages of the project this data was used for wave design and the bypass channel and fish passage study. In addition, analysis was utilized to determine a preferred construction window over the months with the statistically lowest average flow rates. The preferred construction window was determined to be late July through October in a typical year. Average monthly flows from historical gauge data are presented in the figure below. 3,000 2,500 2,000 v 1,500 0 1,000 500 French Broad River Monthly Mean Discharge (USGS 03451500 AT ASHEVILLE, NC) 2 690 2,550 2,200 1,000 1,590 1y90 •55C 1,510 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Figure 1 - Average Monthly Discharge (French Broad at Asheville) 318 McConnell Dr I Lyons I CO 180302 2,34C Oct Nov Dec 1 Iig Water Control Erosion control plans have been produced and include a suggested water control configuration for construction. These plans envision the use of multiple super sack cofferdams to dry out the work areas in three different phases. Size, quantity and configuration of the super sacks shown in erosion control drawings are conceptual only and will vary from actual site conditions. The selected contractor is responsible for determining appropriate size, quantity and configuration of super sacks and/or other means of water control to bypass flows around the work area and complete construction activities. Super sack installation and layering may vary. Approximate flow depth at 1500cfs is 3-7ft depending on location in the river (see Figure 4 below). The contractor shall maintain a minimum of 1ft of freeboard at all times while construction is underway. The contractor shall adjust the installation as needed to maintain freeboard during changing flow conditions or implement the High Water Contingency Plan to secure the jobsite prior to inundation during high water events. As part of the contractor selection process, other requested water control methods may be considered based on contractor expertise and any requested changes to water control methods or configuration will be submitted to regulatory agencies prior to construction. Figure 2 - Example Phase of Water Control Super sack cofferdams are anticipated to be 2 to 4 sacks high depending on location. The recommended super sack row configuration is pyramidal (i.e. bottom row is 3 sacks wide, next row is 2 sacks wide, top row is 1 sack wide) and example details can be found in the erosion control drawing set. 2 318 McConnell Dr I Lyons I CO 180302 Mq Figure 3 - Super Sacks Figure 4 - Water Depths at 1500cfs +/- High Water Planning As flows increase to 3500cfs, modeling shows the approximate depths around the construction site increase to 4-9ft which is likely the upper threshold for in -stream work unless the contractor has proposed an alternative method of water control and design from a supplier. The point at which this upper threshold 3 318 McConnell Dr I Lyons I CO 180302 is reached, the selected contractor would need to have their contingency plan executed (i.e. equipment and materials out of the work area by the time the river reaches this level). Based on historical data, it is likely that 3500cfs WILL BE exceeded at some point in the construction window during large rain events, and the selected contractor will be expected to develop a High Water Contingency Plan prior to starting construction. This plan will need to outline how the contractor will efficiently secure the job site including removal of personnel, materials and equipment from the river in the event that water levels begin increasing or if significant precipitation is forecasted. Additionally, the plan will need to include a method of monitoring the meteorological forecast and a chain of command and notification system to execute the contingency plan. A general rule of thumb would be for construction crews to be on alert if 0.5" or more precipitation is forecasted in the next 24hrs and that the jobsite be secured if 1.0" or more of precipitation is forecasted in the next 24hrs. In addition, long term forecasts should be consulted regularly, and jobsites left secure at the end of each work day in case of an unexpected rise in water levels overnight. For critical tasks such as concrete placements, work should not begin unless the 3-day forecast is clear with little to no precipitation expected. As stated above, the final plan details will need to be proposed by the selected contractor and reviewed by the town and engineer. S20 will support the contractor with hydrological data and modeling results as needed. 4 318 McConnell Dr I Lyons I CO 180302 Riverside Park Impact Table Impact Type/Reason Permanent/No Loss (LF, ac.) Permanent / Loss of Waters (LF, ac.) Temporary (LF, ac.) Total Impacts Cut (cy) Fill (cy) P1 Culvert (S2) 17 If / 0.003 ac (158 sf) 20 If /0.001 ac (48 sf) 37 If / 0.004 ac ---- ---- P2 River Access (upstream) 143 If / 0.014 ac (594 sf) ---- 38 If /0.093 ac (4,067 sf) 181 If / 0.107 ac ---- 27 P3 Boat Ramp (downstream) 37 If / 0.008 ac (362 sf) ---- 17 If /0.015 ac (689 sf) 54 If / 0.023 ac ---- 11 Total 180 LF / 0.022 ac 17 If / 0.003 ac 75 If / 0.109 ac ---- 38 Wave and Bypass Impact Table Impact Type/Reason Permanent/No Loss (If, acreage) Permanent/Loss of Waters (acreage) Temporary (acreage) Total Cut (cy) Fill (cy) W1 Wave & Bypass Fill 0.760 ac (33,123 sf) 0.027 acre (1,185 sf)* 355 LF^ 1.932 ac (84,161 sf)** 355 LF, 2.719 ac 396 4,079 W2 Construction Access 0.262 ac (11,408 sf) 405 LF^ 405 LF, 0.262 ac 521*** W3 Boulder Toe River Left 0.019 ac (842 sf) 161 LF^ 161 LF, 0.019 ac, 91 Total 161 LF, 0.779 ac 355 LF, 0.027 acre 405 LF, 2.194 acre 917 4,170 *0.027 acre of open water will be permanently filled/considered a loss of water due to construction of bypass channel 'island' and elevated tie - ins on bank that will be permanently above Ordinary High Water Mark E evation of French Broad River (see Impact Summary Map). **Dewatering will occur in phases through construction of 3 cofferdams (see attached plans). ***Once construction is completed, pre-existing piers will be removed/excavated. ^Length calculated using the maximum length of the areal impact measuring parallel with the river. ]FHA SPHA TRASH/RECYCLING, TYP. DOG WASTE STATION, TYP. Ss ss Ss Ss ACCESS PATH BOULDERS HEADWALL '11111POCII-- ail Poo FCC FCC \ FCC \ FO CMC _ \CMC \ INING WALL MO MC MO Know what's below. CaII before you dig. MO EX. PILE TO REMAIN WITH NEW SIGNAGE BEACH (BY OTHERS) BOULDER RETAINING WALL CONCRETE PATH BENCH ss ss N AMC C dHj dais NATURAL SURFACE TRAIL BOULDER SEATING TING LEGEND O — FOC — 0 BOULDER RETAINING WALL SAFETY RAIL CULVERT CONCRETE PATH . WETLAND URFACE TRAIL PROJECT BOUNDARY DECIDUOUS TREE DEAD TREE AREA LIGHT UTILITY POLE GUY ANCHOR ELECTRIC/CABLE PEDESTAL DROP INLET SEWER MANHOLE (SMH) SEWER CLEAN OUT FIBER OPTIC CABLE WATER METER GAS PEDESTAL STREAM GAUGE EXISTING WETLAND no ow SS SFHA - FOC OHW — TB — — TRANSITION FROM NEW TO EXISTING ASPHALT PAVING; SMOOTH & FLUSH INTERPRETIVE SIGN SITE BOULDERS, TYP. CONS WETLAND a3ddne GREENWAY WAYFINDING ASPHALT GREENWAY ifr S (tiwy F 257) oRi 1'F BU-rER MINOR CONTOUR MAJOR CONTOUR FENCE LINE OVERHEAD WIRE SANITARY SEWER SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC CABLE ORDINARY HIGHWATER MARK TOP BANK TREE LINE RAILROAD TRACKS CRAGGY MOUNTAIN LINE EASEMENT 30' STREAM BUFFER PROPOSED LEGEND 0 0 0 o � w ASPHALT CONCRETE GRAVEL PERMEABLE PAVERS WATERLINE BOULDER TOE BANK STABILIZATION TO DOUBLE AS RIVER ACCESS BENCH EX. ASPHALT PATH (RESURFACED) BENCH SWING, TYP. aft sum- PICNIC TABLE, TYP. GRILL, TYP. DOG WASTE STATION, TYP. TRASH AND RECYCLING, TYP. PLANTED DEPRESSION EX. WETLAND ,2.,,,,,,, i . i TRANSITION FROM NEW TO EXISTING ASPHALT PAVING; TIE IN SMOOTH & FLUSH *kJ •z• UPDATED PICNIC AREA TRANSITION FROM NEW TO EXISTING ASPHALT PAVING; SMOOTH & FLUSH ASPHALT PATH STORMWATER SWALE BOULDER RETAINING TIM: ER STAIR 7 NAT SURF `CETRAIL / • EX. WETL • • • • • • • CONSTRUCTED WETLAND 0 N SCALE: 20'-0" Illessoft sS • ilissave EXPANDED PARKING 10' 20' 40' --............._ EQUINOX 37 Asheville, Haywood t 828.253.6856 f 828.253.8256 `� St. Suite 100 NC 28801 SEAL kA CAR',, .!L•••PNDSc O<' . * ;N 1542 =: * _ :U O Y GZ,' Leo• ..P..•••;�J, DESIGN BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: w 1- 0 REVISIONS I Town of Woodfin RIVERSIDE PARK Woodfin, NC Copyright© 2023, Equinox Environmental Consultation & Design, Inc. PHASE 90% DATE March 3, 2023 DRAWING SCALE AS SHOWN NOTE: If this drawing is not 24x36" it has been revised from its original size and the scales noted on drawings/details are no longer applicable. DRAWING NAME SITE PLAN • 3 NATU STEPPING STO CD 0 0 H 0 U Z 0 55 0 W U Z Z LL 0 0 O II II EROS 0\ CO\TROD SEQ,E\C PHASE 3 PROCEED AS FOLLOWS: 1. INSTALL LOW WATER ACCESS TO CENTRAL WORK ZONE IN THE WET FROM RIVER RIGHT BANK UTILIZING CULVERTS BETWEEN ABANDONED RAILROAD BRIDGE HERS TO BUILD TEMPORARY ROAD. 2. INSTALL COFFERDAM FOR WATER CONTROL IN CENTRAL WORK ZONE USING SUPER SACK CONSTRUCTION DETAIL PROVIDED IN WHITEWATER PLAN SET. SUPER SACKS TO BE FILLED WITH GRAVEL OR SMALL COBBLE BASED ON CONTRACTOR PREFERENCE. 3. ALLOW WATER WITHIN ENCLOSED WORK AREA TO SETTLE PRIOR TO PRELIMINARY PUMP DOWN OF WORK AREA. 4. INSTALL SUMP IN LOW CORNER OF CLOSED OFF WORK ZONE AND INSTALL INLET PROTECTION MEASURES SHOWN IN WHITEWATER PLAN SET DETAILS. INSTALL ADDITIONAL MEASURES SUCH AS SILT FENCE OR SETTLING PONDS AS NEEDED TO MINIMIZE TURBIDITY OF WATER PUMPED BACK INTO THE RIVER FROM THE SUMP. 5. ONCE WATER CONTROL AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ARE IN PLACE AND FUNCTIONING PROPERLY, COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION OF NOTE 1: THESE PLANS ILLUSTRATE THE SUGGES*ED WATER CONTROL AND CONSTRUCTION PHASING TO COM LETE THE IN -STREAM WORK SCOPE. ANY DEVIATION FROM ESE PLANS REQUESTED BY THE CONTRACTOR MUST BE SUB ITTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL BY PERMITTING AGENCIES. o NOTE 2: THE WEATHER FORECAST SHOULD BE MON TORED CLOSELY PRIOR TO AND DURING ALL IN -STREAM WO K. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT CONCRETE PLACEMENTS BE COMPLETED DURING LOW FLOW WINDOWS AND FOLLOWED BY SEVERAL DAYS OF LOW FLOWS TO ENSURE DRY CONDITIONS FOR CURING. ss 0 ss CONCRETE WASHOUT TO BE LOCATED NEAR STAGING AREA (SEE TYP. DETAIL ON SHEET WWEC.10) THE CENTRAL PORTION OF THE WAVE STRUCTURE IN THE DRY FROM THE RIVER RIGHT MEDIUM FLOW PLATE TO THE EDGE OF THE BYPASS CHANNEL INCLUDING THE ISLAND. 6. ENSURE THAT NO CEMENTITIOUS MATERIAL ENTERS THE WATERWAY DURING GROUTING OPERATIONS. 7. UPON COMPLETION OF THE CENTRAL PORTION OF THE WAVE STRUCTURE INSTALLATION AND MIN. 3—DAY GROUT CURE TIME PER PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS, COMPLETE FINAL GRADING AND REMOVE ALL EQUIPMENT AND FINALLY THE SUMP FROM THE WORK ZONE ALLOWING IT TO BACKWATER. 8. REMOVE 3 OF THE 4 WALLS OF THE SUPER SACK COFFER DAM AND ALL MATERIALS FROM THE RIVER. THE DOWNSTREAM SUPER SACK WALL WILL REMAIN AND BE USED LATER DURING REMOVAL OF THE TEMPORARY LOW WATER ACCESS ROAD. RECONFIGURE SUPER SACK COFFER DAM TO INSTALL THE RIVER LEFT PORTION OF WAVE FEATURE. REFER TO NEXT SHEET. 0 0 0 0 i -n 0 0 T 0 0 SUPER SACK COFFERDAM (SEE TYP. DETAIL ON SHEET WWEC.9) orietaPpfp.e, MrS0001339,95;�wC'1.° SUMP (SEE TYP. DETAIL ON SHEET WWEC.10) INLET PROTECTION (SEE TYP. DETAIL ON SHEET WWEC.9) 0) Mo PHASE 3 LIMITS OF WORK x ACRES TEMPORARY LOW-WATER STREAM CROSSING CONSTRUCTED OVER EXISTING RAILROAD PIERS. SEE DETAIL ON SHEET WWEC.10 FROM NORTH CAROLINA DEQ EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL (CHAPTER 6). i ow ow Ow: Q ot) ss OW a" S20 LI REINVENTING WHITEWATER S20 Design and Engineering Scott Shipley, P.E. 318 Mcconnell Drive Lyons CO, 80540, USA (303) 819-3985 Client: Town of Woodfin, NC Project Name: Woodfin Wave at Riverside Park Status: Erosion Control/Water Control/Construction Sequence Drawings for Permitting Drawing Name: Wave Construction Sequence 2 Revisions: 0 Drawn By: Riley Adams Checked By: Scott Shipley Date: October 10, 2022 Status: Issued For Permitting Stamp: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Sheet: WWEC.3 CD 0 0 z 0 U z 0 55 O Lu U Z Z LL 0 0 O II II EGOS O\ CO\TOOL SEQUE\CE PHASE 4 PROCEED AS FOLLOWS: 1. INSTALL COFFERDAM FOR WATER CONTROL SURROUNDING RIVER LEFT WORK ZONE USING SUPER SACK CONSTRUCTION DETAIL PROVIDED IN WHITEWATER PLAN SET. SUPER SACKS TO BE FILLED WITH GRAVEL OR SMALL COBBLE BASED ON CONTRACTOR PREFERENCE. 2. EXTEND LOW WATER ACCESS TO RIVER LEFT WORK ZONE IN THE WET UTILIZING CULVERTS BETWEEN ABANDONED RAILROAD BRIDGE PIERS TO BUILD TEMPORARY ROAD. 3. ALLOW WATER WITHIN ENCLOSED WORK AREA TO SETTLE PRIOR TO PRELIMINARY PUMP DOWN OF WORK AREA. 4. INSTALL SUMP IN LOW CORNER OF CLOSED OFF WORK ZONE AND INSTALL INLET PROTECTION MEASURES SHOWN IN WHITEWATER PLAN SET DETAILS. INSTALL ADDITIONAL MEASURES SUCH AS SILT FENCE AND/OR SETTLING PONDS IN DESIGNATED UPLAND AREA. 5. ONCE WATER CONTROL AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ARE IN PLACE AND FUNCTIONING PROPERLY, COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BYPASS CHANNEL IN THE DRY FROM THE ISLAND TO THE TOP OF RIVER LEFT BANK INCLUDING BOULDER TERRACING AND BANK STABILIZATION DOWNSTREAM OF BYPASS. 6. ENSURE THAT NO CEMENTITIOUS MATERIAL ENTERS THE WATERWAY DURING GROUTING OPERATIONS FOR THE BYPASS STRUCTURE. 7. UPON COMPLETION OF THE RIVER LEFT PORTION OF THE WAVE STRUCTURE INSTALLATION AND MIN. 3—DAY GROUT CURE TIME PER PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS, COMPLETE FINAL CHANNEL GRADING. RESTORE LEFT BANK TO PRE —CONSTRUCTION CONDITION. SEED AND STAKE EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS ON DISTURBED SLOPES PER DETAILS IN WHITEWATER PLAN SET. REMOVE ALL EQUIPMENT AND FINALLY THE SUMP FROM THE WORK ZONE ALLOWING IT TO BACKWATER. 8. REMOVE/RECONFIGURE SUPER SACK COFFER DAM FOR THE FIRST PHASE OF TEMPORARY LOW WATER ACCESS ROAD REMOVAL. NOTE 1: THESE PLANS ILLUSTRATE THE SUGGESTED WATER CONTROL AND CONSTRUCTION PHASING TO COMPLETE TFIE IN -STREAM WORK SCOPE. ANY DEVIATION FROM THESE PLANS REQUESTED BY THE CONTRACTOR MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL BY PERMITTING AGENCIES. NOTE 2: THE WEATHER FORECAST SHOULD BE MONITORED \ CLOSELY PRIOR TO AND DURING ALL IN -STREAM WORK. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT CONCRETE PLACEMENTS BE COMPLETED DURING LOW FLOW WINDOWS AND FOLLOWED BY SEVERAL DAYS OF LOW FLOWS TO ENSURE DRY CONDITIONS FOR CURING. o ss SS - r ^, l Q•°w s CONCRETE WASHOUT TO BE LOCATED NEAR STAGING AREA (SEE TYP. DETAIL ON SHEET WWEC.9) -n 0 0 O ,i 0 0 SUPER SACK COFFERDAM (SEE TYP. DETAIL ON SHEET WWEC.9) SUPER SACK COFFERDAM FROM CENTRAL CONSTRUCTION ZONE PARTIALLY LEFT IN PLACE FOR TEMPORARY ROAD REMOVAL. ..047,,,i. -::::%:::::::‘,:..c.i:1,:::'N' .::::::::q. ''. ,%.,e,4:47?,`::..44:ei 741,1::,..%.,:e.,:4 .�i" '•�Qi+�S p � 14 �', ice a.''.. b :: . '.% :co ,-, . J 1?":6".?. 70111;;":•:'; -- / // - / 1 / / 1 i FOG FOC - FOG SS do Foc 0) 7 I •;.0,7:16: `1:::0 • . .: :,;, ..S70 :20 AfP'i ,;.:4101,. SS — Mo SS. MO FOC SS — PUMP PLATFORM & DISCHARGE HOSE. SEE DETAILS & NOTES SUMP (SEE TYP. DETAIL ON SHEET WWEC.10) INLET PROTECTION (SEE TYP. DETAIL ON SHEET WWEC.9) TEMPORARY LOW-WATER STREAM CROSSING CONSTRUCTED OVER EXISTING RAILROAD PIERS. SEE DETAIL ON SHEET WWEC.10 FROM NORTH CAROLINA DEQ EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL (CHAPTER 6). Oc o —. Ow i i O'v"v 35. SS FOC OVV FOC 00 SS FOC OW — a" S20 LI REINVENTING WHITEWATER S20 Design and Engineering Scott Shipley, P.E. 318 Mcconnell Drive Lyons CO, 80540, USA (303) 819-3985 i Client: Town of Woodfin, NC Project Name: Woodfin Wave at Riverside Park Status: Erosion Control/Water Control/Construction Sequence Drawings for Permitting Drawing Name: Wave Construction Sequence 4 Revisions: 0 Drawn By: Riley Adams Checked By: Scott Shipley Date: October 10, 2022 Status: Issued For Permitting Stamp: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Scale: 1"=40' Sheet: WWEC.4 POST -CONSTRUCTION PERIODIC INSPECTION CHECKLIST This checklist is intended to be completed by the design engineer as part of a periodic post - construction inspection of the in -stream scope designed by S20 Design & Engineering. All project components designed by others are not included as part of this inspection. In the event maintenance items are identified, a plan will be developed with the Town of Woodfin in cooperation with the Department of the Army (if required) to determine appropriate remedial actions to restore the project to an approved design configuration. Project: Woodfin Wave at Riverside Park Design Engineer Representative: Client Representative: Date Completed: Inspection Item Remedial Action Required E Wave Structure Integrity Engineer to Review Items of Concern & Propose Action (Check for Damaged Grout, Displaced Boulders, Erosion) E Mid -Stream Island Integrity (Check for Damaged Grout, Displaced Boulders, Erosion) Engineer to Review Items of Concern & Propose Action ❑ Bypass Structure Integrity (Check for Damaged Grout, Displaced Boulders, Erosion) Engineer to Review Items of Concern & Propose Action E Wave Structure Scour Pad Elevation Install Additional Riprap Armoring to Achieve Design (Current Grade within I2" of Design Grade) Grade (Engineer to Review Sizing) E Bypass Structure Scour Pad Elevation Install Additional Riprap Armoring to Achieve Design (Current Grade within I2" of Design Grade) Grade (Engineer to Review Sizing) ❑ Concrete Approach Pad Integrity Patch Concrete, Engineer to Review Other Specific Items (Check for Spalled Concrete, Exposed Hazards) of Concern and Propose Action ❑ Put -In Area (Check for Displaced Boulders, Erosion) Reset Boulders if Necessary. Engineer to Review Other Specific Items of Concern and Propose Action E Take-out Beach & Access Stairs Reset Boulders if Necessary. Design Engineer to Review (Check for Damaged Grout, Displaced Boulders, Erosion) Other Specific Items of Concern and Propose Action ❑ River Left Bank Protection (Check for Displaced Boulders, Erosion) Reset Boulders if Necessary, Replace and/or Re -stake Fabric Downstream of Bypass, Design Engineer to Determine if Additional Remedial Action is Necessary. ❑ River Right Bank Protection Reset Boulders if Necessary, Design Engineer to (Check for Displaced Boulders, Erosion) Determine if Additional Remedial Action is Necessary. ❑ Feature Boulder Clusters (Check for Displaced Boulders) Reset Boulders if Necessary, Remove Any Obstructions ❑ General Sediment Deposition Concerns Remove Excess Sediment as Necessary, Design Engineer to Review Specific Items of Concern and Propose Action ❑ General Scour/Erosion Concerns Engineer to Review Items of Concern & Propose Action NOTES o Maintenance Plan for In -Stream Features Woodfin Wave at Riverside Park — Woodfin, North Carolina This plan has been prepared to address potential maintenance requirements associated with the Woodfin Riverside Park in -stream scope. Typical maintenance concerns include damage to the recreation structure or bypass, scour downstream of structures, erosion of streambanks and deposition of sediment following flood events. S20 has designed project components to minimize or eliminate these maintenance issues by using grout to optimize durability of the recreation structures, installing riprap armoring and/or keying into the shallow bedrock downstream of each recreation structure where scour risk is greatest. Bank protection will be boulder terracing which provides erosion resistance and excellent access for park users and rescue personnel. The river left bank downstream of the bypass will also be stabilized where bedrock is not present utilizing buried and planted riprap fill with durable erosion control blankets to retain soil until vegetation has been established. The most likely maintenance required for the Town of Woodfin would be restoring any displaced boulders from the un-grouted sections of bank protection after large flood events (i.e. the put -in area). Recreation structures are grouted and require little to no maintenance. They are designed to flush out sediment that may accumulate in the pools below drops, with planned deposition areas between the wave and bypass and along the banks immediately below the wave and bypass (i.e. the take-out area). Periodic Inspections S20 personnel are available if requested to perform inspection of the in -stream components on an annual or as -needed basis following completion of construction activities. On a typical project, inspection are conducted annually each year for 3 years following completion of construction and then on an as -needed basis after that. Inspections would involve a walkdown of the entire site with the Client and completion of a checklist including typical maintenance items and documentation of any special conditions observed. A sample checklist is attached for use during post -construction inspections. Inspection items would include, but not be limited to: the wave structure, bypass, mid -channel island, scour pads/armoring, approach pads, terraced boulder bank protection, bank repair area, put -in and take-out beaches, flow deflectors, boulder clusters, and any general erosion or deposition problem areas identified. Inspections would preferably be scheduled during periods of lowest flows to provide the greatest access and visibility. S20 personnel are also available to provide technical oversight during any requested maintenance activities. Remedial Actions The sample inspection checklist provided indicates which maintenance items are general repairs and which may require additional analysis by S20 Engineering prior to resolution. Typical remedial actions would involve installing additional scour protection (riprap armoring) in areas where it has settled excessively or been removed, re -setting any boulders displaced from un-grouted structures during flood 1 318 McConnell Dr I Lyons I CO 180302 ra i events, and potentially sediment removal from isolated areas. S20 would provide the Client with a copy of the completed Inspection Checklist as part of a memo including site photographs and notes to document any items that required additional analysis prior to recommending remedial actions. Budgetary Considerations S20 recommends setting aside 1%-2% of construction costs per year for maintenance of in -stream structures until a "maintenance fund" is built up. This is intended to cover larger 10-20yr flood events which may require aesthetic maintenance or functional maintenance, such as sediment deposition on pathways or at access points. The whitewater structures are designed to withstand a 100-yr flood event and self -clean, flushing out sediment below the drops, so maintenance required will be primarily aesthetic, not structural, and can be done at the discretion of the Town. Additionally, S20 typically recommends setting aside a 10% contingency fund in the event that any tuning of the structures is requested after construction. In some cases, after whitewater features have been in place for a season or two, a client may wish to make minor adjustments based on user experiences and feedback. S20 then has the ability to go back in and make the wave feature more or less powerful and perform other minor modifications to customize the wave. This is not required, but it is an option that provides flexibility to the Client. The design of the Woodfin Wave includes channel inserts in the low flow notch of the wave feature to allow even more flexibility in tuning the wave, and the concrete approach pads provide a means to control water more easily during any tuning activities. 2 318 McConnell Dr I Lyons I CO 180302