HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221197 Ver 2_Chapter N - Stream Stats Summary_20230302Chapter N: Stream Stats Summary GPII_� E NAB UY N 1 o' Development I Donstiuction I Management N:\Projects\2022\FLA-2200811.00\70-Permitting\71-Application\I P\20230124 I P Supplemental Narrative .docx 12/14/22, 4:58 PM StreamStats StreamStats Report Region ID: INC Workspace ID: NC20221214215338462000 Clicked Point (Latitude, Longitude): 35.25244,-80.81059 Time: 2022-12-14 1 6:53:58 -0500 R56uy Ave y AtandoA.,,, I JLIStICF. A oU J J/. YYYpp _ •. f 61 Rodev Ave Basin Characteristics 'r � h'U cf _ r 4f`L� Derity� - _ _ i of I g t Creek Park I_ xIX — J I 0 Collapse All Parameter Code Parameter Description Value Unit BASINPERIM Perimeter of the drainage basin as defined in SIR 2004-5262 3.3 miles BSLDEM30FT Mean basin slope, based on slope percent grid 3.34 percent CSL10_85fm Change in elevation between points 10 and 85 percent of length along main channel to basin divide 67.18 feet per mi divided by length between points ft per mi DRNAREA Area that drains to a point on a stream 0.19 square miles ELEV Mean Basin Elevation 732 feet ELEVMAX Maximum basin elevation 767 feet I24H50Y Maximum 24-hour precipitation that occurs on average once in 50 years 6.56 inches LC01BARE Percentage of area barren land, NLCD 2001 category 31 0 percent LC01CRPHAY Percentage of cultivated crops and hay, classes 81 and 82, from NLCD 2001 0 percent LC01DEV Percentage of land -use from NLCD 2001 classes 21-24 100 percent LC011FOREST Percentage of forest from NLCD 2001 classes 41-43 0 percent LC01 HERB Percentage of herbaceous upland from NLCD 2001 class 71 0 percent LC01IMP Percent imperviousness of basin area 2001 NLCD 64.03 percent LC01SHRUB Percent of area covered by shrubland using 2001 NLCD 0 percent LC01 WATER Percentage of open water, class 11, from NLCD 2001 0 percent LC01 WETLND Percentage of wetlands, classes 90 and 95, from NLCD 2001 0 percent LC06BARE Percent of area covered by barren rock using 2006 NLCD 0 percent LC06DEV Percentage of land -use from NLCD 2006 classes 21-24 100 percent LC06FOREST Percentage of forest from NLCD 2006 classes 41-43 0 percent LC06GRASS Percent of area covered by grassland/herbaceous using 2006 NLCD 0 percent LC06IMP Percentage of impervious area determined from NLCD 2006 impervious dataset 64.05 percent https://streamstats.usgs.gov/ss/ 1 /4 12/14/22, 4:58 PM StreamStats Parameter Code Parameter Description Value Unit LCO6PLANT Percent of area in cultivation using 2006 NLCD 0 percent LCO6SHRUB Percent of area covered by shrubland using 2006 NLCD 0 percent LCO6WATER Percent of open water, class 11, from NLCD 2006 0 percent LCO6WETLND Percent of area covered by wetland using 2006 NLCD 0 percent LC11 BARE Percentage of barren from NLCD 2011 class 31 0 percent LC11CRPHAY Percentage of cultivated crops and hay, classes 81 and 82, from NLCD 2011 0 percent LC11DEV Percentage of developed (urban) land from NLCD 2011 classes 21-24 100 percent LC11FOREST Percentage of forest from NLCD 2011 classes 41-43 0 percent LC11 GRASS Percent of area covered by grassland/herbaceous using 2011 NLCD 0 percent LC11IMP Average percentage of impervious area determined from NLCD 2011 impervious dataset 64.1 percent LC11SHRUB Percent of area covered by shrubland using 2011 NLCD 0 percent LC11 WATER Percent of open water, class 11, from NLCD 2011 0 percent LC11 WETLND Percentage of wetlands, classes 90 and 95, from NLCD 2011 0 percent LC92FOREST Percentage of forest from NLCD 1992 classes 41-43 0 percent LFPLENGTH Length of longest flow path 1.14 miles LU92BARE Percent of area covered by barren rock using 1992 NLCD 0 percent LU92DEV Percent of area covered by all densities of developed land using 1992 NLCD 100 percent LU92PLANT Percent of area in cultivation using 1992 NLCD 0 percent LU92WATER Percent of area covered by water using 1992 NLCD 0 percent LU92WETLN Percent of area covered by wetland using 1992 NLCD 0 percent MINBELEV Minimum basin elevation 684 feet OUTLETELEV Elevation of the stream outlet in feet above NAVD88 686 feet PCTREG1 Percentage of drainage area located in Region 1 - Piedmont / Ridge and Valley 100 percent PCTREG2 Percentage of drainage area located in Region 2 - Blue Ridge 0 percent PCTREG3 Percentage of drainage area located in Region 3 - Sandhills 0 percent PCTREG4 Percentage of drainage area located in Region 4 - Coastal Plains 0 percent PCTREG5 Percentage of drainage area located in Region 5 - Lower Tifton Uplands 0 percent PRECIP Mean Annual Precipitation 45.9 inches PROTECTED Percent of area of protected Federal and State owned land 0 percent SSURGOA Percentage of area of Hydrologic Soil Type A from SSURGO 0 percent SSURGOB Percentage of area of Hydrologic Soil Type B from SSURGO 36.3 percent SSURGOC Percentage of area of Hydrologic Soil Type C from SSURGO 0 percent SSURGOD Percentage of area of Hydrologic Soil Type D from SSURGO 0 percent Peak -Flow Statistics Peak -Flow Statistics Parameters [Region 1 Piedmont rural under 1 sgmi 2014 50301 Parameter Code Parameter Name Value Units Min Limit Max Limit DRNAREA Drainage Area 0.19 square miles 0.1 1 LCO6IMP Percent Impervious NLCD2OO6 64.05 4 percent 0 47.9 Peak -Flow Statistics Disclaimers [Region 1 Piedmont rural under 1 sgmi 2014 50301 One or more of the parameters is outside the suggested range. Estimates were extrapolated with unknown errors. https://streamstats.usgs.gov/ss/ 2/4 12/14/22, 4:58 PM StreamStats Peak -Flow Statistics Flow Report [Region 1 Piedmont rural under 1 sgmi 2014 50301 Statistic 50-percent AEP flood 20-percent AEP flood 10-percent AEP flood 4-percent AEP flood 2-percent AEP flood 1-percent AEP flood 0.5-percent AEP flood 0.2-percent AEP flood Peak -Flow Statistics Citations Value 357 345 334 312 294 282 267 270 Unit ft^3/s ft^3/s ft^3/s ft^3/s ft^3/s ft^3/s ft^3/s ft^3/s Feaster, T.D., Gotvald, A.J., and Weaver, J.C.,2014, Methods for estimating the magnitude and frequency of floods for urban and small, rural streams in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, 2011 (ver. 1.1, March 2014): U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2014-5030, 104 p. (http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2014/5030/) Urban Peak -Flow Statistics Urban Peak -Flow Statistics Parameters [Region 1 Piedmont Urban under 3 sgmi 2014 5030] Parameter Code Parameter Name Value Units Min Limit Max Limit DRNAREA Drainage Area 0.19 square miles 0.1 3 LC061MP Percent Impervious NLCD2006 64.05 percent 0 47.9 Urban Peak -Flow Statistics Disclaimers [Region 1 Piedmont Urban under 3 sgmi 2014 5030] One or more of the parameters is outside the suggested range. Estimates were extrapolated with unknown errors. Urban Peak -Flow Statistics Flow Report [Region 1 Piedmont Urban under 3 sgmi 2014 5030] Statistic Value Unit Urban 50-percent AEP flood 357 ft^3/s Urban 20-Percent AEP flood 345 ft^3/s Urban 1 0-percent AEP flood 334 ft^3/s Urban 4-percent AEP flood 312 ft^3/s Urban 2-percent AEP flood 294 ft^3/s Urban 1-percent AEP flood 282 ft^3/s Urban 0.5-percent AEP flood 267 ft^3/s Urban 0.2-percent AEP flood 270 ft^3/s Urban Peak -Flow Statistics Citations Feaster, T.D., Gotvald, A.J., and Weaver, J.C.,2014, Methods for estimating the magnitude and frequency of floods for urban and small, rural streams in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, 2011 (ver. 1.1, March 2014): U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2014-5030, 104 p. (http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2014/5030/) USGS Data Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. USGS Software Disclaimer: This software has been approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although the software has been subjected to rigorous review, the USGS reserves the right to update the software as needed pursuant to further analysis and review. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS or the U.S. Government as to the functionality of the software and related material nor shall the fact of release constitute any such warranty. Furthermore, the software is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use. USGS Product Names Disclaimer: Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. https://streamstats.usgs.gov/ss/ 3/4 12/14/22, 4:58 PM StreamStats Application Version: 4.11.1 StreamStats Services Version: 1.2.22 NSS Services Version: 2.2.1 https://streamstats.usgs.gov/ss/ 4/4