HomeMy WebLinkAboutOASIS Enterprise Tutorial Part 4 - ForecastsOASIS Enterprise Tutorial -Part 4: Forecasts Additional notes can be found below slides Forecasts This section will give an overview of how to run forecasts using the Position Analysis mode of the model, as well as updating the provisional inflow record in the model. First, we’ll update the inflows. Click on the “History” tab in the model 3 Click the “Download” button 4 The Download window displays information about the dates of data that have been downloaded so far, and allows the user to pick the dates to download new data. 5 In this example, data is current through 12-31-2022 By default, the new download will run through 1 day before the current date, in this case 02-07-2023 Start the download by pressing the green Download button 6 The download script will run, and a log of progress will be written at the bottom 7 At the end of the log, any records with missing values will be listed 8 Select the records with values missing from the table using the mouse and the Ctrl key, and press the Plot Window button 9 In the Plot Window, hovering over the yellow exclamation point at the top of each record will indicate when the missing records start to occur 10 Scroll down to the indicated date; missing values will be highlighted in red 11 As you fill in missing values, the red highlights will disappear. Typically the easiest method to fill in missing values is to us the average of surrounding days. 12 Repeat for missing values in the other time series; once completed all of the yellow exclamation points will disappear; close the Plot window 13 Return to the History window and press the Compute button; this will update the inflows in the model through the last day of the downloaded data. 14 Once the inflows have successfully computed, the Status in the pop-up window will read “DONE” and you can press Ok 15 Click the plus sign to create a new search field 16 Select “Name” from the drop down menu 17 In the text field enter the text Posbase and click Search Runs 18 Select the Posbase run and click the Copy button 19 In the Copy window create a name for the run and fill out the description, and then click the Setup Window button 20 In the setup window, choose the start date and desired length for the forecast. You can also set current levels for the reservoirs you’re interested in. Demands can also be adjusted if needed (see previous tutorials) 21 Once initial conditions have been set, click the Execute button 22 In the execute window, you can select options for locking the run, multi-threading (choose up to 16 threads in parallel), and other output options. Click Execute when ready. 23 The model will spend some time generating inflow and net evaporation ensemble forecasts in the Forecast window, and then will execute the model for each trace of the ensemble 24 The Simulation window will indicate successful execution at the end of the forecast. You can close the simulation and forecast windows. Output can then be generated on the forecast (see Part 3 of the tutorial for more information on model output). 25