HomeMy WebLinkAboutOASIS Enterprise Tutorial Part 3 - OutputOASIS Enterprise Tutorial -Part 3: Output Additional notes can be found below slides OASIS Output This section will give an overview of the built-in OASIS post-processor and plotting programs to easily view and interpret simulation results. Start again at the “Find Runs” tab 3 Find the Simbase Run –from the first dropdown menu, choose “General, Name” 4 In the field, type “simbase” and click search 5 Select the run by clicking anywhere in the row 6 First we will learn about generating output from the schematic; click the Schematic button and choose “Open the default schematic” Select the node or arc that you want to generate output for; let’s select a reservoir. With the reservoir selected, switch to the “Input Data” tab and click the “Plot Builder” button The Plot Builder window will open with the selected node in a row. From here you can select what variable(s) to view, and also can add more nodes To start, stick with storage for the specified reservoir. Click “Save As” so we can bring up this output again without starting from scratch. In the dialog box that appears, give the output file a descriptive name, and click OK. The processor code will now appear in a new window. This code shows the format for generating output. The top section contains formatting information. If we add a field called “:DELIMITER: Tab” , the output will be tab-delimited which is useful for exporting to Excel. After the :TABLES: command, each “Table” block of code specifies a single variable to be generated. Switch back to the Plot Builder window and click Process Plot Once processed, the specified output will generate in a Plot window Tabular data is on the left and can be copied and pasted into another program. The units and timestep can also be changed here. Let’s expand the plot by grabbing its left side and dragging to make it full screen. We can now customize the view of the plot. For example, if you click “Zoom preset” and choose 10 year, it will set the x-axis to a 10-year interval Now when you click the navigation buttons on the bottom of the plot, it will scroll through 10-years at a time. You can also just click anywhere on the navigator pane to view a specific period, and drag the pink-borders of the selected view to customize it Click the Rollover button and then when you hover over the plot it will show the value for that date. Using the Navigator button, you can also change the navigator pane to a scrollbar. Let’s close the window and go back to the Find Runs tab. Select two runs by clicking and dragging or using Ctrl-click, and open a Multi Run window Switch to the Run tab and click the “Process Plot” button Click “Search Processor Codes”, select the output file we saved, select both runs, and click the “Process” button The storage variable will now be shown for both runs, showing the impact of the alternative scenario where we increased the demand Close the window and return to the Schematic Tab. Now select both the same reservoir and the outflow arc 600.610, and open a new Plot Builder window from the Input Tab. In the Plot Builder window both locations are now shown. Click the Units button to customize that field –let’s show the outflow in cfs. Next, let’s add one more field. Click the “Add button”, and for the new row choose the same arc (600.610), specify the Min Flow, and cfs for units, and click Process Plot To make viewing the variables easier, you can change line thickness/color from the column for each variable. To generate the same output as a text file, switch to the Run tab and click “Process Text” Search Processor Codes, select the desired code, and click Process The output will be generated as a text file and open in Notepad++. From here the data can be copied into Excel or another program for further analysis. OASIS can also generate detailed output for the entire model, which can be useful for debugging. This is called the Balance Sheet. Balance Sheet and other detailed output can be viewed from the “Special Output” button in the Run tab The balance sheet output will open in Notepad++, and contains details about every node/arc for every timestep of the simulation. Note that the base model contains several pre-made output files that can be accessed from the Find tab using the “Search processor codes” button.