HomeMy WebLinkAboutOASIS Enterprise Tutorial Part 1 - OverviewOASIS Enterprise Tutorial –Part 1: Overview Additional notes can be found below slides Open the Application from Citrix 2 Open the appropriate model using the shortcut on the desktop 3 OASIS will open with “Find Runs” tab open 4 Let’s find the Simbase Run –from the first dropdown menu, choose “General, Name” field 5 In the field, type “simbase” and click search 6 Results will appear below, with details on when the run was last modified, and by what user 7 Select the run by clicking anywhere in the row 8 Now let’s make a new scenario from this base run; with the run selected, click “Copy” from the Run tab above 9 In the box that appears, give the run a new name –let’s call it Alternative1, and click to open the run in the Setup Window 10 View of Setup Window 11 The next stop is the schematic; under the Run tab, click Schematic, Open Default Schematic 12 The schematic is the graphical representation of the basin(s) using nodes and arcs 13 The navigation pane in the lower left corner allows you to pan around the entire basin when zoomed in (view is contained in the pink rectangle) 14 To zoom in, select the zoom button in the Schematic tab and draw a rectangle around the area of interest –let’s look at the Beech Mountain area 15 Nodes and arcs are clickable; if you double click on Buckeye Lake (node 600), a pop-up will appear with information about the reservoir 16 To click on a node you must have the Select tool active under the Schematic tab If you want detail on a parameter, hover over the dropdown for that item (in this case the S-A-E table) and click the green icon that appears 17 The S-A-E data and plot now appears in a new tab 18 Switching back to the schematic, let’s double click on Beech Mountain demand (Node 515) 19 Here, we can modify the annual average demand by changing the multiplier value. Let’s change it to 0.5 MGD for this alternative and click OK 20 Now, let’s run the model; click the Run tab 21 And click “Execute” 22 In the window that appears, leave all options as is and click “Execute” 23 The simulator window will appear and indicate simulation progress. When finished, successfully, the progress bar will read “DONE” and you can close the window 24