HomeMy WebLinkAboutR4440 - SR 1364 & SR 1114c;+ , PAT MCCRORY � GOVERNOR- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATTON � . January 29, 2014 Austin DJ Gerken Senior Attomey Southem Environmental Law Center 22 South Park Square, Suite 700 Asheville,.North Carolina 28801-3494 Dear Mr. Gerken: ANTHONY J. TATA SECRETARY Thank you for your recent letter concerning Transportation Improvement Program.Project R-4440, Improvement of SR 1364/SR 11 14, Needmore Road, in Macon and Swain Counties. Currently, the North Carolina Department of Transportation and our agency partners are investigating the funding sources and any restrictions that are associafed with funding for the Needmore Tract Nature Preserve. Specifically, the Merger Team endeavors to detennine how these potential restrictions impact the NCDOT's right of way along this road. We have requested the North Carolina Attomey General's Office to assist us in this effort. " In regards to the NCDOT right of way along this road, I have attached copies of the recorded right of way agree,ments from both Macon and Swain Counties. The Macon County agreement was recorded on April 29, 1997, in Deed Book X-2l, page 1762. The Swain County agreement was recorded on August 1, 1997, in Deed Book 206, page 775. I acknowledge your request to inspect the public records regarding SR i l 14/SR 1364, Needmore Road and TIP Project R-4440. These records will be made available at NCDOT o�ces in both Raleigh and Sylva at an agreed upon scheduled time. Please contact Brian C. Burch, P.E., Division ;Gonstruction Engineer, at (828)586-2141 to schedule a review of the files from the Andrews District Office, Whittier District Office and Division 14 Office in Sylva. Please contact Mr. Elmo Vance, Project Development Engineer, at ' (919)707-6048 to scliedule a review of the project file in Raleigh. • If I can be of additional assistance, please feel free to contact me at (828)586-214 ]. Sincerely, E.A. reen, P.E. Division Engineer Cc: Elmo Vance, PDEA Brian C. Burch, P.E., Division 14 Lori Beckwith, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Marella Bunsick, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Chris Militscher, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Linda Pearsall, N.C. Natural Heritage Program Amy Chapman, N.C. Department of Natural Resources u � �t DRAWN BY: f r4n k rc .� .�s �is Sf . CHECKED HY; �� ���' ` , RIGiiT OF WAY AGREEMEIVT • � 7-� - STATE OF F70RTH CAROLtNA PARCEL: COUNTY OF Swain PRO.lECT: 6.892071 TOWNSHiP OF , SECONDAAY ROAp; SR 1 � 14 - keedmore Rd. • � mv�..uv� iw� � the undertigned ovmers af that eertain pr�peny described in Deed Baok at Page 413 in the Reglster of Deeds OtBce of Swain CouctEy, and 6ounded 6y the Little Tamessee Riv¢ recognizing the 6enefNS to said proPerty. by reason of the eonstnicttan of the propased highway develapme[K, and In cunsideration af the consWction of said proJed, hereby grartts to the NoRh Carolina DepaRment of Transportation; the rigM of way as tiarein descrihed and releases the Department from all clafms for darttages by reason of said. rigM of way across the lands of lhe untlersgned, snd o4 the pasi and fulure use thereaf by the Department, tts successors'snd assigns, for ati � rposes. for which tbe departmeht is avthorized by law the subJed such [igM of way; said right of way being the width icated and across said propeRy asfiollows: 50 R In width measured 25 ft_ on each:slde of the cer�erline of the road, said cente�tine to be tocated 6y the Depaitmeni and the con�vetion or improvemenf of safd road shall constlture the sefeciion af said centeA(ne; and such addi6onal �,ridths as might be necessary to provide for cuf and fiii slopes, sedimenFation contiol and drainage af road. ' It is understood and agreed that tlie 50 R rigM of way heretnabove �ferred to has 6een staked upon ihe,ground and the centerline of the road is tocated {n the cenFer of ttie righf of way stakes. The undarslgned property owners further apree nbt to erect arry sVudures; irtcludng masonry mailboxes; masonry driveway headwails, any fenc7ng, etc., or engage in cultivation withfn the right of way grarted herefn except as approved by ihe Ptarth Cacvlina DepaAmerrt af Transportation pursuarrt ta G,S. 138-83 and N.C. Admin. Code t.t 9A, r.02c.0404. (t is furfhet unders;ood anQ agreeii that should.accumstartces, conditions, or adions by iha TJo�th Carorna Department of Transportation dalay or delete the proposed hript;�vemerrt of said road, thaY the rfght of vray graMed herein shalt rematn urrtil such Ume as reteased by the North Cerolina Depadmertt of Transpartation: m ' There are no conditions to thfs, agraemeM noi expressed herefn, The undersigned hereby covenant and warrant that they are the sote awners of satd pcopeRy; thet they sotely have the right fo grani this rigM of way, and that they viiq forever warrant and deiend the title to the same agafnsk the 1aw(ut clafms of ail person whomso8ver. 1N V�11TNESS WHEitEQF, we hava herennto set oor hands atxJ affixeil our seats ihk�,Uxnli;�,,, a,.l sT day of ' �u�Y 1.9 9i. ;'•' `�2c'-, -- .:' �;��'(j.Fp� _ . NATTTAHAL4 P(X�R • �v.�,,,._•_•.; ,� r� � (SEAL) . �'T".'�� ;�, �± `' (SEAL) ' sz , f �� $. y.reet, Jr. � _. � .. _ ... _ a_-'-__ " __._. (SEAL) , �t: �:,;• ; o �.c.,-, • -, \ . � a Notary Pubifc ot�g,C,ou�}y �� :�$�id, certify tnat GRAIVTORS, personal(y appeated befare me ihis day ar�d acknow�ed0eel the exeCUtion of tli$'toregoing instrtimeat. Wilness rtry herid end officfal sfamp er seal, this the day of , ig My Commissian Ezpires: . — Nota Pu51ic NQRTH CAROLINA COUNTY �� a NotaryPublic of the Cour�ty and Stete aPoressid, cen(fy thBt personally appeared betore me this dey and being duiy swom, stated that in hls presence signecf the toregoi� inSVUment. �tness my hand and o�Gai saal this the day of � , ig, My Camriiission ExptiES ` Nota Public The foregafng Certificate (s) of islare cerlified to be correcL This instntment and this ceRificate are duly registered on tha day oi 19 , in Book . Page at o'Gock M. REGlSTER OF DEEDS FQR COUNTY. vfsedJune i99D Retum to: IV. e. Q:p.T. RM1 DepartmeM 1594 East Main Street Sytva, N. C. 287.79 _� � �, , .,. . Deputy/ASSf�ant. Register of Deeds tFa �mprovemertt"of SeconQary Raa� ...- ...-,�" �" - . . _,rr. � ,� : . .- � ���, SfATE O� NORTH CAROUNA , • CQiJNTY OF . Nik�a� i . , I, S. S�P rJ gusH ; a Hota"ry Public in and far the State and C�ounty afaresaid,do he�6y certi(y that � s. ' acknowiedged thaY�7lie is Secrstaiy of nlq_Mr,aN� Q�ER p.,ua ,�- Co a Carporabon; and that, by authodty du}y given and as the ack pf the Gorporalion, fhe fgre9ain9 instrument was sigiied in its name by, _ G�R�E S, Sw� j`�, its�resident, sealed wffh its coporate sesi, and attested by himsalf� as its • Secretary. WtTNESS _my hand and notariai seat thls the Z I ST day of "�u W �{g�., . �u�. ' Na ry Public My Cammission exptres tha:zi.� °day of R«: ,� ZooZ =.t'! �.?� ( � ' . ' 7't,..:. J. _ • ' _ :� ��.�-:Q�v?�'. '.','� . . .�IJ.^y.rt�J%,f•`�'•'',-' i '. ' ° ��!/t ; ° w r `,\`:� _ STATE OF NORTH CAROtJNA . .. COUNTY OF . " 'i'he fflregoin or annaxed certificate(s} af�a"� "�r�� ._�� a Notary Public af��� C4unty, ta� te op�t1 �L anct - a Nafaryr Pubfic af ----�_ ' County, Srate of ` : attested ky _(SEAL)(S) ce�ed ta be correct, presented for registration and recarded tn fhis o?it e in �� P89e� th(s a y o/ 1 9-�. 2., Hi� 9�.�-10 O�f�OCI{�� . ! �� f.i/JIt� G�1, ��f21)!� �enavieve L"+ndsay L� y�y�+'� egister of Desds r f := � M:Y�,�.... . • 1�. .. _,.,.�---: . , ��i. N �M1� zF;, 'K ;�.��. ��;*�, ` , DRAWN BY: Ft'an k� c �, . �. �i5 •_ Zf• CHECKEO 8Y: �� RtGliT OF WAY AGREEMENT STATE`OF NORTH CARO�[NA . PARCEL: '� C'OUNTYOF NSacon PROJECT: 6,872122 T04VNSHIP OP zc�toc.�a , SECONDARY ROADt 1384-Needmore Roatl NAN`.TATiALA °OIdCJi l�ND LIGtlT COMPNVY � P 0 H�Y �Fn . �,. ,, c-:i; � R � the underslOnad ow�ars of that cartaln property desaihed In Desd Book I{-b at Page 4 G� In tf�o Regls��r of Deetls Otflce ot Macon County, end 6ounded by reeopRlzing tha beneflts to safd property by raeson vf the construdion of tha proposad hlghwny davalopmenl, and fn conslderatfort of ths sonstruatlon o! sald ptajacl, he�aby prants fo tA@ Ptorth Ceroflna DepeRmant of Transportetlon, Ihe rlgnl otway as heroln. descdbed and releesea !he Department froin all clslms for damages by reason of sold r(glit af way ecross tiio lands of the undersignad, and of ihe pa&t and tuture usa ihareof by lha peportment, Its s�ccessors and assigns, fo�' aq purposes for whleh lhe DepeRmeni 19 9uthocizod by lew lhe su6jacl such r{flht o! way; satd rfght of way betng ihe wldth indlcat8d and actoss sald property as lotlows: 50 R. . In wldtlt measured. 25R, pn each side ot Ihe centedine of the roed, sald conterl{ne !o be loceted by the DepaRment and ihe constructlon a' ImRrovoment oi sald �osd shaq constitute lhe selectlan of said canteri[nu; and such addltlonal.wldths as mSpht be rtecassary to provlme !o� cu! and flli slopas, sedimentatfon control and drairtage of raad. Il is understood and agroad thet the 50 ft. dghl of way hereinabove referred to has been staked upwti the ground and ihe centartfne.of tho road Is locatad in the.cemer of the right af way stakes. The undersigned proparty owners further a�ree nof to erad any struttures; Inciudl�g masonry mnilbaxes, mesonry drivewey headwalis, any (enclnQ, etc„ or engnge in cuftiv$t[on wlthin the r�Oht of way yranted hereln excep! es approveq by !he NoAh Carollrta Department vf 7ransportation pursuant to G:S:.13�-03 and N.C, Admin, Code L19A, r.02E.040a. It Is further undesstood and aflreed thaf shou(d Grcumstances, condltlons, or ecfions' by the Norlh Caroilna Oepartment of Transportatton cfeisy o�. delete thepreposed Improvemenl o( safd road, thet the. rlpht o( way granled herein shall remain uniit such tima as releASed hy the North Cprollnfl Depaitment of Trensportation. * alsp iJ'eed Book S-G at Page 144 and Deed �ook S-4 at Pa�e 577-587 ,,,��,��,��:,,,� �;y�t!"` I �._'_"� .;filele��[9 f � tfie � 3ti � : wa�s� �n�� ;-, : `'�j�511 _-r :,�. _.,.. �' � :. % i`i.;{',�'""' �;(� . -=+•r i i��� antlltionsto t3�ts egreement not expressed herein. The underslgneC hereby covenant and warranl that s(er�rs of safd pFDperty; that they soiely have the right to grant this Agt�t of way, and thet they wilf forever j2i�ltlfe to the sama against the lawfui clalms of all person whomsoever, A111�REOF, we have hereunto set our hands and atfixe¢ our seais thls the 15� day o( - ... �, 19 97 , �S��y fS�-) (�flGE S. (SEAL) (SEAL) STATE COUNTY " ' 1, - a Notary PubliC ot Ihe County end 5tale aforesaid, cer(i(y ihat GRANTQRS, psrsonefly appeared be(are me thls day and acknowfeiiged the:execution ot .he foreguing Irtslrumertt. W{;ness my hantl and offlciat stnmp or seat, ihis the tley of � , � g My Commission Expires: _ Nola Public _ STATE COUNTY' I, a Notary Public uf the County snd Stt�le aforesaid, ceRify that personatty appeared before ma Eh[s dey and being duly morn, statcd th�t in hls presencs sipned the foregolnB �nstrelmont_ Witness my handand o(fidat seal Ihis the __ day o( . � g My Conmission Expires: � � . .. iJn}wrv P��hi�� � 3s/ore certified to ba co�rect. This rtstr�a�qi; 19 ; Irt Book ` REGIS7ER B\': , ,..r ReViSed JuIY 19 Retum to• N: C. D.O:T. RMI Department • i594 East Maln Street S�Ive, N. C.28979 :rtiuca[e ace oury regislered Ae""� � _ day ot ��-��- �� --..P?�e ��at : o'clock M. - �5 FO� R `~t`�-��� COUN7Y: DepulylAs5lstanl - Regisle�bf peed���1°•' ' (Fc� Improvement o( Sewndary Road) � �c-a� _ � � . PAGE(S)/ —/%G 3 �7��- r � � / � � J r __.._ • . . . �••' ' � . .__-_.."_"..'.,.. ..,.i.': _..,�_ . .• ._ i >:�,tTE Uf� NOH'ttl CAROLIHk , i [',;�UHTY qr� M,4GUt�l. . I' J' St�= Ke�� �U51 _ u Notury Pv�2ic Sn cad for thc $taLC and_- Cnuncy afocesatd,�do hareEy ccrCify ShpL " � � , C U f�l E.fi� r.� S persana23y cnme hetaro ma thtT Jny�anq _ •+r.�knr.n..lydged thut �lha isrt5ccreCUry uI_. �,i.9,J•rq+�q�^ r ' :, r.�rpo�ation, pnd Ghot, b . . .. �"''`��' ANn �tGt�T �pr'��.'f^fY .y �uthoriCy .dulf $2vcn and ap Lhc �ck oi [hc CocporaLlon, �ho fc�regoinR �qaCrument was �pigncd in�iC:� namu by ita��rea£denC, yeni.eA�..tt�> >�, r ur{,ar:ltc. scal, �.nd nttesc¢d by %��1f as 'i[��.5 crrin�y_ . . � ' WSincs -v hFnd and notarla� sc:sl thnt JS � . � . dny. of �f;�rL - 1?R7'. L� � :)�'}.LL;.`� Div CommiSslo • , ocncY uD ic . . n. exPirCS� thu 22�"�day af_ �r�('><iiL - ` 3 1 i Q_ .�c'. �,.,. 29 4 7 / , � . . 3s =r(i���" � - : �� - � i' �, (: ;.i � - �%1a.r�,�. _„ -. . .., n •';URTII t7AROL!NA, . � � '�•? �''•-.... .�.• �CUUM' . - �' /,� :� 1 �' • � 7hc fo,cgoipg o annrxcd cc;cif�icSL'c(sj uf � � '. ��� " .� :,.t.,��Y ruea:.. ,,r �/�L'Bn� -r�'�... - Couni y�. S., c: vf .i �J - 1� . .+ Notary Yi�lrl ic ��( "�'^-^ C_r�i�nLy� StatC�pF " � . . �: al'lcsled 'hY ?i ---.- �.rriificd to. bc correci., PresenEcd for re�i:cr:, � �c��`�'��S% �t�:•�k ��.�� ��g��7 _�,�'+,��.' b n �nd reCCirdcd iu this offi�:��} ❑ . �- / hisaC'� wy of .a/ [J -7 a t � ! . � . <' ! 1• � �� o'cluck .I ) - . �-� �r-'-� M • - . . � ��1�/�,, ///��. _ �- ' �rt • ��//'yw..���//�y. � �_- % UvILJ:'Qh� C/ �7✓ � 1 d:."'z'�P/K+' a � -„ -''i aE"�"� p�, oEr� �� C� �2AN��� _ /�� ` i _ � .� '. ��