HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221617 Ver 1_10 - RD200482 Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility Geotechnical Report 09_11_2020_20230301IL . � '.ram:. � �� ,; '►`: ` � � 5L } i -AN REPORT OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND G EOTECH N ICAL EVALUATION EASTFIELD CROSSING DEVELOPMENT —WAREHOUSE FACILITY SELMA, NORTH CAROLINA BUILDING & EARTH PROJECT NO.: RD200482 PREPARED FOR: AdVenture Developers, LLC SEPTEMBER 7 7, 2020 BUILDING & EARTH Geotachnlcal, Enwironmantal, and Materials Er*glni 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Ph: (910) 292 - 2085 www.BuildinciAndEarth.com Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers September 11, 2020 AdVenture Developers, LLC 111 East Oak Street Selma, North Carolina 27576 Attention: Mr. Mark McDonnell Subject: Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation Eastfield Crossing Development —Warehouse Facility Selma, North Carolina Building & Earth Project No.: RD200482 Mr. McDonnell: Building & Earth Sciences, LLP. has completed the authorized subsurface exploration and geotechnical engineering evaluation for the Eastfield Crossing Development Warehouse Facility (Building 100) located on West Blanche Street in Selma, North Carolina. The purpose of this exploration and evaluation was to determine general subsurface conditions at the site and to address applicable geotechnical aspects of the proposed construction and site development. The recommendations in this report are based on a physical reconnaissance of the site and observation and classification of samples obtained from twenty-three (23) soil test borings conducted at the site. Confirmation of the anticipated subsurface conditions during construction is an essential part of geotechnical services. We appreciate the opportunity to provide consultation services for the proposed project. If you have any questions regarding the information in this report or need any additional information, please call us. Respectfully Submitted, BUILDING & EARTH SCIENCES, LLP. North Carolina Firm Engineering License Number F-1081 Monique Lumpkin George P. Ballock, P.E. (AL) Field Professional Regional Vice President Regional Vice President Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL • Mobile, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Tulsa, OK • Oklahoma City, OK • Durant, OK Metroplex, TX- Virginia Beach, VA -able of Contents 1.0 PROJECT & SITE DESCRIPTION...........................................................................................................................1 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES...............................................................................................................................................5 3.0 GEOTECHNICAL SITE CHARACTERIZATION...................................................................................................6 3.1 GEOLOGY..................................................................................................................................................................6 3.2 EXISTING SURFACE CONDITIONS...........................................................................................................................7 3.3 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS.....................................................................................................................................7 3.3.1 COASTAL PLAINS SOILS..................................................................................................................................8 3.3.2 AUGER REFUSAL...............................................................................................................................................9 3.3.3 GROUNDWATER............................................................................................................................................ 10 4.0 SITE DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS.......................................................................................................11 4.1 INITIAL SITE PREPARATION.................................................................................................................................. 12 4.2 SUBGRADE EVALUATION...................................................................................................................................... 13 4.3 MOISTURE SENSITIVE SOILS................................................................................................................................ 14 4.4 UNDERCUTTING OF LOW CONSISTENCY/RELATIVE DENSITY SOILS............................................................... 14 4.5 STRUCTURAL FILL.................................................................................................................................................. 15 4.6 EXCAVATION CONSIDERATIONS.......................................................................................................................... 16 4.6.1 GROUNDWATER............................................................................................................................................ 16 4.7 UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL................................................................................................................................... 17 4.8 LANDSCAPING AND DRAINAGE CONSIDERATION............................................................................................. 17 4.9 WET WEATHER CONSTRUCTION......................................................................................................................... 17 5.0 FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................................................17 5.1 SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS.................................................................................................................................... 18 5.2 INTERMEDIATE FOUNDATIONS - RAMMED AGGREGATE PIERS....................................................................... 18 5.3 FOUNDATION QUALITY ASSURANCE.................................................................................................................. 19 6.0 FLOOR SLABS..........................................................................................................................................................19 7.0 PAVEMENT CONSIDERATIONS.........................................................................................................................20 7.1 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT.............................................................................................................................................21 7.2 RIGID PAVEMENT.................................................................................................................................................. 22 8.0 SUBGRADE REHABILITATION............................................................................................................................23 9.0 CONSTRUCTION MONITORING.......................................................................................................................23 10.0 CLOSING AND LIMITATIONS..........................................................................................................................23 APPENDIX Page I i Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development —Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 1.0 PROJECT & SITE DESCRIPTION The proposed development consists of the construction of a new industrial warehouse with associated drive and parking areas in the new Eastfield Business Park Development. The new warehouse will be located along West Blanche Street, approximately 1700 feet northeast of the intersection of West Blanche Street and Firetower Road in Selma, North Carolina. Information relative to the proposed site and the proposed development is listed in Table 1 below. Photographs depicting the current site condition are presented on the following page. Size (Ac.) Existing Development Vegetation Slopes General Site Retaining Walls Drainage Fills No. of Bldgs Square Ft. Stories Proposed Construction Buildings Column Loads Wall Loads Preferred Foundation Preferred Slab Traffic Pavements Standard Duty Heavy Duty ±7.69 None Medium size trees with grass and forest undergrowth Site is relatively flat No Fair Building area: on the order of 4 to 8 feet (excluding undercutting) Parking and drive areas: on the order of 2 to 4 feet (assumed) 1 ± 135,000 1 Metal Frame 200 kips 2 kips per linear foot Conventional shallow foundation Concrete slab -on -grade Not provided (assumed) Yes, rigid, and flexible Yes, rigid, and flexible Table 1: Project and Site Description Reference: Eastfield Crossing — Eastfield Business Park Bldg 100— Site Plan (Sheet C-301), prepared by Bohler Engineering NC, PLLC., dated July 8, 2019. Structural information was assumed based on our experience with similar projects. Page 11 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development- Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 Notes: If actual loading conditions exceed our anticipated loads, Building & Earth Sciences should be allowed to review the proposed structural design and its effects on our recommendations for foundation design. 2. When a grading plan is finalized, Building & Earth should be allowed to review the plan and its effects on our recommendations. IF - r L _ lI6A. i1i➢15ii 41" N PARWi8o�9PoXIG[If ', �' � s Sq� � Figure 1: Aerial Overlay of Project Site (Google Earth Imagery 05/03/2018) Page 12 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development —Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 Figure 2: Taken During Subsurface Exploration, Looking Northeast from Southwest Corner of Site Figure 3: Taken During Subsurface Exploration, Looking Northeast from Boring B-07 Page 13 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development — Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 Figure 4: Taken During Subsurface Exploration, Looking West from Boring B-15 Figure 5: Taken During Subsurface Exploration, Looking Northwest from Boring B-12 Page 14 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development —Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES The authorized subsurface exploration was performed from August 19 through August 21, 2020 in conformance with our proposal RD22556, dated August 7, 2020. Occasionally some modification of the scope outlined in our proposal is required to provide for proper evaluation of the encountered subsurface conditions. Additional laboratory testing was performed to verify the visual classification of the on -site soils. The purpose of the geotechnical exploration was to determine general subsurface conditions at specific boring locations and to gather data on which to base a geotechnical evaluation with respect to the proposed construction. The subsurface exploration for this project consisted of twenty-three (23) soil test borings. The site was drilled using a CME 550 drill rig equipped with a manual hammer. The soil boring locations were selected by AdVenture Developers, LLC and were determined in the field by a representative of our staff using a Garmin GPSmap 64 positioning system. As such, the boring locations shown on the Boring Location Plan attached to this report should be considered approximate. The soil samples recovered during our site investigation were visually classified and specific samples were selected by the project engineer for laboratory analysis. The laboratory analysis consisted of: Ell Natural Moisture Content Atterberg Limits D2216 D4318 Material Finer Than No. 200 Sieve by Washing 1 D1140 Table 2: Scope of Laboratory Tests 32 15 15 The results of the laboratory analysis are presented on the enclosed Boring Logs and in tabular form in the Appendix of this report. Descriptions of the laboratory tests that were performed are also included in the Appendix. The information gathered from the exploration was evaluated to determine a suitable foundation type for the proposed structure. The information was also evaluated to help determine if any special subgrade preparation procedures will be required during the earthwork phase of the project. The results of the work are presented within this report that addresses: Page 15 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development — Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 ■ Summary of existing surface conditions. ■ A description of the subsurface conditions encountered at the boring locations. ■ Site preparation considerations including material types to be expected during foundation construction and mass grading as well as recommendations regarding handling and treatment of unsuitable soils, if encountered. ■ Compaction requirements and recommended criteria to establish suitable surfaces for structural backfill. ■ Boring logs detailing the materials encountered with soil classifications, penetration values, depth to bedrock (if encountered), and groundwater levels (if measured). ■ Presentation of laboratory test results. ■ Recommendations for foundation design, pavement design, and slab -on -grade recommendations. ■ Presentation of the estimated total and differential settlement. ■ Plans and maps showing the location of the project and our onsite work. 3.0 GEOTECHNICAL SITE CHARACTERIZATION The following discussion is intended to create a general understanding of the site from a geotechnical engineering perspective. It is not intended to be a discussion of every potential geotechnical issue that may arise, nor to provide every possible interpretation of the conditions identified. The following conditions and subsequent recommendations are based on the assumption that significant changes in subsurface conditions do not occur between boreholes. However, anomalous conditions can occur due to variations in existing fill that may be present at the site, or the geologic conditions at the site, and it will be necessary to evaluate the assumed conditions during site grading and foundation installation. 3.1 GEOLOGY Appearing on the USGS Geologic Map of North Carolina, the project site is situated in the North Carolina Coastal Plain region, which is characterized by loose soils which have been deposited over time as a result of erosion from rains and streams flowing eastward toward the Atlantic Ocean. The site is underlain by terrace deposits and upland sediments consisting of gravel, clayey sand, and sand, primarily caused by oceanic subsidence during Page 16 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development — Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 the Cenozoic era (65 million years of age). The conditions encountered in the borings generally correlate to published geological information. 3.2 EXISTING SURFACE CONDITIONS At the time of our field exploration, the subject site surface was covered with grass, forest undergrowth, and small to medium size trees. Portions of the subject site located in the west and northeast quadrants appeared to be in use for agriculture purposes. The site was relatively flat. Approximately 2 to 10 inches of topsoil were encountered at all boring locations. No testing has been performed to verify these soils meet requirements of "topsoil". The topsoil depths reported on the boring logs should only be construed as an estimate and actual conditions during construction will vary. The topsoil may be thicker in unexplored areas of the site, which can affect the quantities of materials removed during site grading. 3.3 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS A generalized stratification summary has been prepared using data from the soil test borings and is presented in the table below. The stratification depicts the general soil conditions and strata types encountered during our field investigation. 1 2 — 10 Topsoil N/A inches 2 0.3 — 13.3 ft. Sandy Lean Clay (CL), Sandy Fat Clay (CH) Typically, Soft to Very Stiff (13-23 only), and Sandy Silt (ML) 3 0.8 — 12.0 ft. Silty Sand (SM) and Clayey Sand (SC) Typically, Loose to Medium Dense Poorly Graded Sand (SP), Poorly Graded 4 1.5 — 21.0 ft. Sand with Clay (SP-SC), and Well Graded Very Loose to Very Dense Sand with Clay (SW -SC) (building borings _ only) Table 3: Stratification Summary Subsurface soil profiles have also been prepared based on the data obtained at the specific boring locations. The subsurface soil profiles are presented in the Appendix. For specific details on the information obtained from individual soil borings, please refer to the Boring Logs included in the Appendix. The elevations of the borings indicated in this report were estimated based on Google Earth Imagery dated May 3, 2018 and should be considered approximate. Page 17 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development — Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 3.3.1 COASTAL PLAINS SOILS Coastal plains soils were encountered at all boring locations. The coastal plains soils consisted of sandy lean clay (CL), sandy silt (ML), sandy fat clay (CH), silty sand (SM), clayey sand (SC), poorly graded sand (SP), poorly graded sand with clay (SP-SC), and well graded sand with clay (SW -SC). Sandy lean clay (CL) soils were encountered below the surface topsoil layer in all borings, except for B-02, B-08, B-12, B-13, and B-17 where the CL soils were encountered at depths of approximately 1.5 to 2.5 feet below the existing ground surface. The CL soils were also encountered at depths of approximately 4.8 to 8.5 feet below the existing ground surface in borings B-01, B-09, B-18, and B-20, and extended to approximately 13.5 to 14.3 feet below the existing ground surface or boring termination depths (10 feet). The CL soils were generally soft to very stiff, with Standard Penetration Test (SPT) N-values ranging from 3 to 28 blows per foot. Low consistency (N<_8) soils were typically encountered in the upper 1.5 to 3 feet in all borings, except for borings B-11, B-13, B-15, B-16 and B-23, where the low consistency (N<_8) soils extended to depths of approximately 5 to 7.5 feet below existing ground surface. Atterberg Limits tests performed on selected CL soil samples exhibited low plasticity with Liquid Limits (ILL) ranging from 25 to 42 and Plasticity Indices (PI) ranging from 9 to 23. Wash No. 200 sieve tests indicated the samples tested contained approximately 57 to 71 percent fines. Sandy silt (ML) soils were encountered below the surface topsoil in borings B-12, B-13, and extended to depths of approximately 1.5 to 2.5 feet below the existing ground surface. The ML soils were also encountered at depths of approximately 3.5 to 4 feet below the existing surface elevation in borings B-01, B-02, and B-18, and at depths of approximately 24.5 to 29.7 feet below the existing surface elevation in borings B-12, B- 15, B-18, and B-23, and extended to boring termination depths. The ML soils were very stiff to hard, with SPT N-values ranging from 18 to 50+ blows per foot, with most N-values between 18 and 36. Blow counts greater than 50 were typically recorded near termination depths in borings B-12, B-15, B-17, and B-18. Low consistency (N<_8) ML soils were encountered in the near surface samples (upper 1.5 feet) in borings B-12 and B-13. Atterberg limits tests performed on a selected ML soil sample indicated low plasticity with a Liquid Limit (ILL) of 14 and a Plasticity Index (PI) of 2. The wash No. 200 sieve test indicated the selected ML soil sample tested contained approximately 63 percent fines. A layer of medium stiff sandy fat clay (CH) was encountered in boring B-23 only, from approximately 6 to 8.5 feet below the existing ground surface. Atterberg Limits tests performed on the selected CH soil sample exhibited high plasticity with a Liquid Limit (ILL) Page 18 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development — Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 of 57 and a Plasticity Index (PI) of 31. The wash No. 200 sieve test indicated the sample tested contained approximately 57 percent fines. Silty sand (SM) and clayey sand (SC) soils were encountered below the surface topsoil layer in borings B-02, B-08, and B-17, and extended to approximately 1.5 feet below the existing ground surface. The SM soils were also encountered at a depth of 6 feet below the existing surface in B-02 and extended to boring termination depth (10 feet), and at depths of approximately 4.2 to 8.5 feet below the existing ground surface in B-03, B-05 through B-14, B-17, B-19, B-20, B-22, and B-23, and extended to approximately 7 to 18.5 feet below the existing ground surface or boring termination depths (10 feet). Atterberg Limits tests performed on selected SC soil samples exhibited low to high plasticity with Liquid Limits (LL) ranging from 45 to 68 and Plasticity Indices (PI) ranging from 26 to 46. Wash No. 200 sieve tests indicated the samples tested contained approximately 22 to 44 percent fines. Poorly graded sand (SP), poorly graded sand with clay (SP-SC), and well graded sand with clay (SW -SC) soils were encountered below the SC or CL soils in all of the building borings (B-10 through B-23). The SP, SP-SC, and SW -SC soils, where encountered, typically extended to boring termination depths, except for B-12, B-15, B-17, B-18, and B-23. Atterberg Limits tests performed on a selected SW -SC soil sample exhibited low plasticity with a Liquid Limit (LL) of 29 and a Plasticity Index (PI) of 10. The SP soil sample tested was non -plastic. Wash No. 200 sieve tests indicated the samples tested contained approximately 3 to 9 percent fines. The sandy soils were typically very loose to dense with SPT N-values ranging from 2 to 42. Low relative density soils (N<_10) were typically encountered at depths greater than 13.5 feet and extended to depths of approximately 15 to 25 feet in all of the building borings. A weight of hammer (WOH) blow count was recorded from 18.5 to 20 feet in B- 17. Low relative density (N<_10) sandy soils were also encountered in the upper 1.5 feet in B-02, B-08, and B-17. Blow counts greater than 50 were recorded near termination depth (28.5 to 30 feet) in B-12, B-18, and B-23. Moisture contents of the coastal plains soil samples tested ranged from approximately 11 to 32 percent. The coastal plains soils were generally gray, reddish brown, and light brown to brown in color. 3.3,2 AUGER REFUSAL Auger refusal is the drilling depth at which the borehole can no longer be advanced using soil drilling procedures. Auger refusal can occur on hard soil, boulders, buried debris, or bedrock. Coring is required to sample the material below auger refusal. Auger refusal Page 19 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development -Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 was not encountered in any of the borings. All borings were extended to their planned termination depths. 333 GROUNDWATER At the time of drilling, groundwater was encountered in all borings, except B-04 through B-09. Stabilized 24-hour water levels were recorded at boring locations B-13, B-14, B-17, and B-18. Water levels reported are accurate only for the time and date that they were recorded or the time and date that the borings were drilled. Long term monitoring of the boreholes was not included as part of our subsurface exploration. All borings were backfilled the same day that they were drilled, except for borings B-13, B-14, B-17, and 13- 18, which were backfilled 24 hours after they were drilled. Groundwater data is included in the following table. Boring B-01 5.0 164.0 NA NA B-02 7.0 162.0 NA NA B-03 7.5 160.5 NA NA B-04 NA NA NA NA B-05 NA NA NA NA B-06 NA NA NA NA B-07 NA NA NA NA B-08 NA NA NA NA B-09 NA NA NA NA B-10 13.5 155.5 NA NA B-11 5.0 164.0 NA NA B-12 5.0 164.0 NA NA B-13 14.5 153.5 1.0 167.0 B-14 10.0 158.0 2.0 166.0 B-15 13.8 154.2 NA NA B-16 15.0 157.0 NA NA B-17 11.0 157.0 1.1 166.9 B-18 11.0 158.0 1.0 168.0 B-19 10.0 159.0 NA NA B-20 7.0 162.0 NA NA Page 110 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development —Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 Table 4: Groundwater Depths and Elevations Note: Elevations were estimated based on Google Earth aerial image of site and should be considered approximate. 4.0 SITE DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS A grading plan was not available at the time of this report; however, based on the provided Site Plan, prepared by Bohler Engineering NC, PLLC., dated July 8, 2019, the proposed building F.F.E will be approximately 176.00 feet. Fills on the order of 4 to 8 feet (excluding undercutting) will be required in the building area to reach the proposed finished grade. In the parking and drive areas, based on existing site elevations and surrounding topography, we anticipate cuts and fills on the order of 2 to 4 feet will be required to reach proposed finished grades. When the grading plan is available, Building & Earth should be allowed to review the plan and its effects on our recommendations Based on our evaluation of the subsurface soil information, and the anticipated foundation loads, it appears that construction with a conventional shallow foundation system is feasible. The site development recommendations outlined below are intended for development of the site to support construction with a conventional shallow foundation system. If a different type of foundation system is preferred, Building & Earth should be allowed to review the site development recommendations to verify that they are appropriate for the preferred foundation system. The primary geotechnical concerns for this project are: The presence of low consistency/relative density soils (N<_8/10) in the upper 1.5 to 7.5 feet in all borings and at depths greater than 13.5 feet in all building borings. Shallow groundwater levels encountered in borings B-13, B-14, B-17, and B-18. The presence of moisture sensitive soils throughout the site. Recommendations addressing the site conditions are presented in the following sections. Page 111 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development —Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 4.1 INITIAL SITE PREPARATION All trees, roots, topsoil, and deleterious materials should be removed from the proposed construction areas. Approximately 2 to 10 inches of topsoil were observed in the borings. Undercutting on the order of 2 feet is anticipated to remove low consistency/relative density soils. During our field investigation, we encountered groundwater at the time of drilling at depths ranging from 5 to 14.5 feet below ground surface. The groundwater was re - measured at boring locations 8-13, 8-14, 8-17, and 8-18 where it was found to stabilize at depths of 1 to 2 feet. This high groundwater condition will impact site preparation and will need to be remediated if encountered while performing the undercutting operation. For remediation, we recommend installing trench drains that daylight to a positive outfall. The trench drains will help control the high groundwater during and after construction of the building pad. This will prevent water from getting back into the building and pavement areas during the wet season and softening the subgrade soils. A typical trench drain would consist of a 24 inch by 24-inch trench filled with ASTM #57 aggregate, and a 6-inch diameter slotted, corrugated high -density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe providing gravity drainage to a suitable discharge area. The HDPE pipe specified should be capable of sustaining the anticipated loads of the soil overburden placed above the drain. The entire cross section of the drain must be encapsulated with a suitable fabric to prevent migration of soil fines into the drain, which would reduce the capacity of the system. In areas of heavier flow, both the pipe diameter and cross section of the trench should be increased. The number and location of the drains should be determined based on site conditions at time of construction. In addition, blanket drains may be required in some areas. Information regarding suitable drainage methods can be provided during construction based on actual conditions encountered. A generalized trench drain schematic is in the following page: Page 112 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development — Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 M Filter Fabric (Mirafi 140N, or equiv) 6" diam. slotted, corrugated polyethylene pipe Undercut to suitable subgrade 2 ft Do (minimum) A geotechnical engineer should observe stripping, grubbing, and undercutting operations to evaluate that all unsuitable materials are removed from locations for proposed construction. Materials disturbed during clearing operations should be stabilized in place or, if necessary, undercut to undisturbed materials and backfilled with properly compacted, approved structural fill. During site preparation activities, the contractor should identify borrow source materials that will be used as structural fill and provide samples to the testing laboratory so that conformance to the Structural Fill requirements outlined below and appropriate moisture - density relationship curves can be determined. 4.2 SUBGRADE EVALUATION We recommend that the project geotechnical engineer or a qualified representative evaluate the subgrade after the site is prepared. Some unsuitable or unstable areas may be present in unexplored areas of the site. All areas that will require fill or that will support structures should be carefully proofrolled with a heavy (40,000 # minimum), rubber -tired vehicle at the following times. ■ After an area has been stripped, and undercut if required, prior to the placement of any fill. Page 113 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development — Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 ■ After grading an area to the finished subgrade elevation in a building or pavement area. ■ After areas have been exposed to any precipitation, and/or have been exposed for more than 48 hours. Some instability may exist during construction, depending on climatic and other factors immediately preceding and during construction. If any soft or otherwise unsuitable soils are identified during the proofrolling process, they must be undercut or stabilized prior to fill placement, pavement construction, or floor slab construction. All unsuitable material identified during the construction shall be removed and replaced in accordance with the Structural Fill section of this report. 4.3 MOISTURE SENSITIVE SOILS Moisture sensitive silts (ML), silty sands (SM), clayey sands (SC), and sandy clays (CL) were encountered across the site during the subsurface exploration. These soils will degrade if allowed to become saturated. Therefore, not allowing water to pond by maintaining positive drainage and temporary dewatering methods (if required) is important to help avoid degradation and softening of the soils. The contractor should anticipate some difficulty during the earthwork phase of this project if moisture levels are moderate to high during construction. Increased moisture levels will soften the subgrade and the soils may become unstable under the influence of construction traffic. Accordingly, construction during wet weather conditions should be avoided, as this could result in soft and unstable soil conditions that would require ground modification, such as in place stabilization or undercutting. 4.4 UNDERCUTTING OF Low CONSISTENCY/RELATIVE DENSITY SOILS Low consistency/relative density soils (N<_8 for cohesive and N<_10 for cohesionless soils) were encountered in all of the borings within the building footprint in the upper 1.5 to 5 feet, with the exception of borings B-15 and B-23, in which the low consistency soils extended to approximately 7.5 feet below the existing ground surface. Low consistency/relative density soils (N <_8 for cohesive and N <_ 10 for cohesionless soils) were also encountered in the upper 1.5 to 3 feet in all pavement borings. After our Subgrade Evaluation recommendations are implemented, if low consistency/relative density soils are identified during the proofrolling process, we recommend undercutting the soft/loose soils to a depth of approximately 2 feet below the existing ground surface. The undercutting should extend laterally 5 feet outside the building footprint and 3 feet outside of the edge of pavement. It should be noted that Page 114 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development — Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 the final horizontal and vertical limits of undercutting will be dependent on conditions encountered during construction and may vary in unexplored areas of the site. In the planned pavement areas, it may be possible to stabilize the soft soils in place. Typical stabilization methods vary widely and include modification of the soft soils with the addition of shot rock or No. 2 stone, as well as utilization of geogrids and graded aggregates. The design of a specific stabilization method is beyond the scope of this investigation but can be provided by Building & Earth as an additional service if desired. The undercutting should be conducted under the observation of the geotechnical engineer or his representative. Some unsuitable or unstable areas may be present in unexplored areas of the site. Once the known undercut is complete, the areas planned for construction should be proofrolled in order to identify any additional soft soils requiring removal or stabilization. The undercut soils should be replaced with structural fill. Clean, non -organic, non - saturated soils taken from the undercut area can be re -used as structural fill. The placement procedure, compaction and composition of the structural fill must meet the requirements of the Structural Fill section of this report. 4.5 STRUCTURAL FILL Requirements for structural fill on this project are as follows: Sand and GW, GP, GM, Gravel SW, SP, SM, or combinations Clay CL, SC, GC Clay CH Silt ML, MH O CL, CH, ML, SM, ils soils SC, SP, SW -SC, SP-SC Notes: Maximum 2" particle size All locations and depths with proper drainage. LL<50, PI <25, yd> 100 pcf N/A N/A As listed above All locations and depths. Not suitable for structural fill. Not suitable for structural fill. As listed above Table 5: Structural Fill Requirements 1. LL indicates the soil Liquid Limit; PI indicates the soil Plasticity Index; yd indicates the maximum dry density as defined by the density standard outlined in the table below. Page 115 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development — Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 2. Laboratory testing of the soils proposed for fill must be performed in order to verify their conformance with the above recommendations. 3. Any fill to be placed at the site should be reviewed by the geotechnical engineer. Placement requirements for structural fill are as follows: Maximum 8-inch loose lifts when compacted with large heavy compaction Lift Thickness equipment. Maximum 6-inch loose lifts when compacted with lightweight compaction equipment (thinner lifts may be required in confined locations). Density Minimum of 98 percent of maximum dry density as defined by ASTM D698 at all locations and depths. ±2 percent of optimum moisture as defined by ASTM D698 for cohesive soils. For cohesionless soils with greater than 12 percent passing the US Standard No. Moisture 200 sieve, ±3 percent of optimum moisture as defined above. Moisture requirement is waived for cohesionless soils with less than 12 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. One test per 2,500 sf in building areas and one test per 5,000 sf in pavement Density Testing Frequency areas with minimum of 3 tests per lift. One test per 200 feet of trench backfill with minimum of 2 tests per lift. Table 6: Structural Fill Placement Requirements 4.6 EXCAVATION CONSIDERATIONS All excavations performed at the site should follow OSHA guidelines for temporary excavations. Excavated soils should be stockpiled according to OSHA regulations to limit the potential cave-in of soils. 4.6.1 GROUNDWATER At the time of drilling, groundwater was encountered at depths of approximately 5 to 14.5 feet in seventeen of the twenty-three borings. Stabilized shallow groundwater levels were recorded at depths of approximately 1 to 2 feet below the existing ground surface in borings B-13, B-14, B-17, and B-18. Groundwater will likely be encountered during construction, particularly during undercutting operations. The contractor should anticipate some difficulty during the earthwork phase of this project due to the presence of shallow water levels at some boring locations. It should be noted that fluctuations in the water level could occur due to seasonal variations in rainfall. The contractor must be prepared to remove groundwater seepage from excavations if encountered during construction. Excavations extending below groundwater levels will Page 116 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development —Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 require dewatering systems (such as well points, sump pumps or trench drains). The contractor should evaluate the most economical and practical dewatering method. We recommend installing trench drains as discussed in the Initial Site Preparation section earlier in this report. 4.7 UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL All utility trenches must be backfilled and compacted in the manner specified above for structural fill. It may be necessary to reduce the lift thickness to 4 to 6 inches to achieve compaction using hand -operated equipment. 4.8 LANDSCAPING AND DRAINAGE CONSIDERATION The potential for soil moisture fluctuations within building areas and pavement subgrades should be reduced to lessen the potential of subgrade movement. Site grading should include positive drainage away from buildings and pavements. Excessive irrigation of landscaping poses a risk of saturating and softening soils below shallow footings and pavements, which could result in settlement of footings and premature failure of pavements. 4.9 WET WEATHER CONSTRUCTION Excessive movement of construction equipment across the site during wet weather may result in ruts, which will collect rainwater, prolonging the time required to dry the subgrade soils. During rainy periods, additional effort will be required to properly prepare the site and establish/maintain an acceptable subgrade. The difficulty will increase in areas where clay or silty soils are exposed at the subgrade elevation. Grading contractors typically postpone grading operations during wet weather to wait for conditions that are more favorable. Contractors can typically disk or aerate the upper soils to promote drying during intermittent periods of favorable weather. When deadlines restrict postponement of grading operations, additional measures such as undercutting and replacing saturated soils or stabilization can be utilized to facilitate placement of additional fill material. 5.0 FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS Specific structural loading conditions were not known at the time of this report; however, based on our experience with similar projects, we anticipate that the individual column loads will be less than 200 kips and wall loads will be less than 2 kips per linear foot. If Page 117 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development —Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 these assumptions concerning structural loading are incorrect, our office should be contacted, such that our recommendations can be reviewed. 5.1 SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS Based on the conditions encountered during our field investigation and after our site preparation and grading recommendations are implemented, the proposed structure can be supported on conventional shallow foundations designed using an allowable soil bearing capacity of 2,500 psf. We recommend hand rod probing and dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) testing, in accordance with ASTM STP-399, be performed for all foundation excavations. Hand rod probing should be performed for 100 percent of the excavations, and DCP testing should be performed for at least 20 percent of the column footings, with 1 test per 75 linear feet in strip footings. Soils not meeting the allowable capacity recommendations above should be stabilized, undercut, and backfilled with compacted structural fill, or washed NCDOT No. 57 stone wrapped in non -woven filter fabric. Undercut depths may vary depending upon conditions observed during construction. Even though computed footing dimensions may be less, column footings should be at least 24 inches wide and strip footings should be at least 18 inches wide. These dimensions facilitate hand cleaning of footing subgrades disturbed by the excavation process and the placement of reinforcing steel. They also reduce the potential for localized punching shear failure. All exterior footings should bear at least 24 inches below the adjacent exterior grade. Total settlement of footings designed and constructed as recommended above should be 1.5 inches or less with differential settlement less than 0.75 inches. If the estimated total settlement is higher than the allowable value, a different type of foundation or soil improvement will be required. ..L INTERMEDIATE rOUNDATIONS - KAMMED AGGREGATE PIERS If the estimated settlements for foundation support using shallow foundations are not acceptable, potential settlement can be reduced to less than 1 inch by using an intermediate foundation consisting of individual column and strip footings supported on rammed aggregate piers. Rammed aggregate piers are constructed by augering holes to suitable material and backfilling the holes with compacted aggregate. Typical rammed aggregate piers for this type of installation range from 16 to 24 inches in diameter. Compaction or vibration densifies the aggregate and increases lateral stress in the soil matrix. The system serves to reduce settlement by replacing and reinforcing the loose soils below the footing with Page 118 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development — Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 a stiffer composite soil matrix. The majority of the building may require rammed aggregate piers to depths of 10 to 15 feet below the proposed bottom of foundation. The rammed aggregate piers would eliminate the need for undercutting the soft soils and remediate the impact of the high groundwater. The design and performance criteria for these systems are typically provided by the installation contractor. Hayward Baker and Geopier Foundation Company are two contractors that provide these foundation systems. 5.3 FOUNDATION QUALITY ASSURANCE We recommend the following be included in the construction documents, and that each of these items be checked during construction. ■ The geotechnical engineer of record should observe exposed foundation bearing surfaces prior to concrete placement to verify conditions anticipated during the subsurface exploration are encountered. ■ All bearing surfaces must be free of soft or loose soil prior to placing concrete. ■ Concrete should be placed the same day excavations are completed and bearing material conditions verified by the engineer. If the excavations are left open for an extended period, or if the bearing surfaces are disturbed after the initial observation, then the bearing surfaces should be re-evaluated prior to concrete placement. ■ Water should not be allowed to pond in foundation excavations prior to concrete placement or above the concrete after foundations are completed. ■ Foundation concrete should not be placed over saturated or frozen ground. ■ Wherever possible, the foundation concrete should be placed "neat", using the sides of the excavations as forms. Where this is not possible, the excavations created by forming the foundations must be backfilled with suitable structural fill and properly compacted. 6.0 FLOOR SLABS Site development recommendations presented in this report should be followed to provide for subgrade conditions suitable for support of grade supported slabs. Concrete slabs for the proposed structure should be supported on newly placed structural fill. We recommend floor slabs for the proposed structure be supported on a minimum four - inch layer of 1/2-inch up to 11/2-inch, free -draining, gap -graded gravel, such as AASHTO No. 57 stone, with no more than 5 percent passing the ASTM No. 200 sieve. The purpose Page 119 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development — Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 of this layer is to help distribute concentrated loads and act as a capillary break for moisture migration through the subgrade soil. This gravel material should be consolidated in -place with vibratory equipment. The surface of these bases should be choked off with finer material. A clean fine -graded material with a least 10 to 30 % of particles passing a No. 100 sieve but not contaminated with clay, silt or organic material is recommended. With the gravel material, such as AASHTO No. 57 stone, a modulus of subgrade reaction of 125 pci can be used in the design of a grade -supported building floor slab. We recommend a minimum 10-mil thick vapor retarder meeting ASTM E 1745, Class C requirements be placed directly below the slab -on -grade floors. A higher quality vapor retarder (Class A or B) may be used if desired to further inhibit the migration of moisture through the slab -on -grade and should be evaluated based on the floor covering and use. The vapor retarder should extend to the edge of the slab -on -grade floors and should be sealed at all seams and penetrations. The slab should be appropriately reinforced (if required) to support the proposed loads. 7.0 PAVEMENT CONSIDERATIONS Based on the materials encountered at the boring locations and after our recommendations for site preparation are implemented, pavements at the subject site may be designed based on a California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of four (4). Note that no CBR or plate load testing was completed to develop these recommendations. For pavement design purposes, we have assumed two levels of traffic shown on the table below, for commonly used pavement sections. Specific traffic information was not provided. If the pavement were a typical roadway, according to the "AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, 1993", these pavement sections would be adequate for the following daily traffic volume: J Table 7: Assumed Traffic Volume The volumes shown above arejust one example of possible vehicle types and daily traffic that would result in the total equivalent 18-kip single -axle load (ESAL) shown. Page 120 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development —Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 It has been our experience that parking lots experience a certain level of wear and stress greater than roadways designed for similar traffic volumes. Therefore, parking lots are typically designed using the AASHTO method and adjusted based on experience. If the owner would like Building & Earth to assess other likely traffic volumes, we will gladly review other options. It is noted that the traffic volume shown above does not include construction traffic. In addition, we have assumed the following design parameters: Design life (Years) 1 20 Terminal Serviceability 1 2.0 1 Reliability 1 85% Initial Serviceability 1 4.2 Standard Deviation 0.45(Flexible) Standard Deviation I 0.35(Rigid) Table 8: Assumed Design Parameters Note: All subgrade, base and pavement construction operations should meet minimum requirements of the NCDOT Standard Specification for Roads and Bridges. The applicable sections of the specifications are identified as follows: Material Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Specification Section 710 Bituminous Asphalt Wearing Layer 610 Bituminous Asphalt Binder Layer 610 Mineral Aggregate Base Materials 520 Soil 500 Table 9: NCDOT Specification Sections 7.1 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT The asphalt pavement sections described herein were designed using the "AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, 1993". Alternative pavement sections were designed by establishing the structural numbers used for the AASHTO design system and substituting materials based upon structural equivalency as follows: Page 121 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development —Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 Asphalt Concrete 0.44 Crushed Stone Base 0.14 Table 10: Structural Equivalent Coefficient The following flexible pavement sections are based on the design parameters presented above: 3.0 3.0 Surface Course 3.0 I 3.0 Binder Course 8.0 r 12.0 Base Table 11: Asphalt Pavement Recommendations 7.2 RIGID PAVEMENT The following rigid pavement sections are based on the design parameters presented above. We assume an effective modulus of subgrade reaction (k) of 130 pci. We have assumed concrete elastic modulus (Ec) of 3.6 X 106 psi, and a concrete modulus of rupture (S'c) of 650 psi. Table 12: Rigid Pavement Recommendations The concrete should be protected against moisture loss, rapid temperature fluctuations, and construction traffic for several days after placement. All pavements should be sloped for positive drainage. We recommended that the pavements be reinforced to hold any cracks that might develop tightly together and restrain their growth. All pavement components must be placed and compacted in accordance with the applicable sections of the North Carolina Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. All subgrade, base and pavement construction operations should meet minimum requirements of this document. Page 122 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development — Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 8.0 SUBGRADE REHABILITATION The subgrade soils often become disturbed during the period between initial site grading and construction of surface improvements. The amount and depth of disturbance will vary with soil type, weather conditions, construction traffic, and drainage. The engineer should evaluate the subgrade soil during final grading to verify that the subgrade is suitable to receive pavement and/or concrete slab base materials. The final evaluation may include proofrolling or density tests. Subgrade rehabilitation can become a point of controversy when different contractors are responsible for site grading and building construction. The construction documents should specifically state which contractor will be responsible for maintaining and rehabilitating the subgrade. Rehabilitation may include moisture conditioning and re - compacting soils. When deadlines or weather restrict grading operations, additional measures such as undercutting and replacing saturated soils or chemical stabilization can often be utilized. 9.0 CONSTRUCTION MONITORING Field verification of site conditions is an essential part of the services provided by the geotechnical consultant. In order to confirm our recommendations, it will be necessary for Building & Earth personnel to make periodic visits to the site during site grading. Typical construction monitoring services are listed below. ■ Periodic observation and consultation by a member of our engineering staff during site development. ■ Continuous monitoring during structural fill placement. ■ Field density tests during structural fill placement. ■ Observation and verification of the bearing surfaces exposed after foundation excavation. ■ Molding and testing of concrete cylinders. ■ Sampling of asphalt for verification and coring for determination of in -place thickness and density. 10.0 CLOSING AND LIMITATIONS This report was prepared for AdVenture Developer, LLC, for specific application to the Eastfield Crossing Development Warehouse located in Selma, North Carolina. The Page 123 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Evaluation, Eastfield Crossing Development — Warehouse Facility, Selma, North Carolina Project No.: RD200482, September 11, 2020 information in this report is not transferable. This report should not be used for a different development on the same property without first being evaluated by the engineer. The recommendations in this report were based on the information obtained from our field exploration and laboratory analysis. The data collected is representative of the locations tested. Variations are likely to occur at other locations throughout the site. Engineering judgment was applied in regard to conditions between borings. It will be necessary to confirm the anticipated subsurface conditions during construction. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted standards of geotechnical engineering practice. No other warranty is expressed or implied. In the event that changes are made, or anticipated to be made, to the nature, design, or location of the project as outlined in this report, Building & Earth must be informed of the changes and given the opportunity to either verify or modify the conclusions of this report in writing, or the recommendations of this report will no longer be valid. The scope of services for this project did not include any environmental assessment of the site or identification of pollutants or hazardous materials or conditions. If the owner is concerned about environmental issues Building & Earth would be happy to provide an additional scope of services to address those concerns. This report is intended for use during design and preparation of specifications and may not address all conditions at the site during construction. Contractors reviewing this information should acknowledge that this document is for design information only. An article published by the Geoprofessional Business Association (GBA), titled Important Information About Your Geotechnical Report, has been included in the Appendix. We encourage all individuals to become familiar with the article to help manage risk. Page 124 Appendix Table of Content GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION METHODOLOGIES...........................................................................................1 DRILLING PROCEDURES — STANDARD PENETRATION TEST (ASTM D1586)...........................1 BORINGLOG DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................................................2 DEPTH AND ELEVATION.............................................................................................................................2 SAMPLETYPE...................................................................................................................................................2 SAMPLENUMBER..........................................................................................................................................2 BLOWS PER INCREMENT, REC%, RQD%...............................................................................................2 SOILDATA........................................................................................................................................................ 2 SOILDESCRIPTION........................................................................................................................................3 GRAPHIC...........................................................................................................................................................3 REMARKS..........................................................................................................................................................3 SOIL CLASSIFICATION METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................................................4 KEYTO LOGS......................................................................................................................................................................... 5 KEYTO HATCHES................................................................................................................................................................7 BORINGLOCATION PLAN...............................................................................................................................................8 SUBSURFACESOIL PROFILES..........................................................................................................................................9 BORINGLOGS.....................................................................................................................................................................10 LABORATORY TEST PROCEDURES..............................................................................................................................11 DESCRIPTION OF SOILS (VISUAL -MANUAL PROCEDURE) (ASTM D2488)............................11 NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT (ASTM D2216).............................................................................11 ATTERBERG LIMITS (ASTM D4318).......................................................................................................11 MATERIAL FINER THAN NO. 200 SIEVE BY WASHING (ASTM D1140)....................................11 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS..................................................................................................................12 Table A-1: General Soil Classification Test Results.....................................................................12 CALCULATIONS..................................................................................................................................................................13 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THIS GEOTECHNICAL-ENGINEERING REPORT ............................14 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION METHODOLOGIES The subsurface exploration, which is the basis of the recommendations of this report, has been performed in accordance with industry standards. Detailed methodologies employed in the investigation are presented in the following sections. DRILLING PROCEDURES — STANDARD PENETRATION TEST (ASTM D 7586) At each boring location, soil samples were obtained at standard sampling intervals with a split -spoon sampler. The borehole was first advanced to the sample depth by augering and the sampling tools were placed in the open hole. The sampler was then driven 18 inches into the ground with a 140-pound automatic hammer free -falling 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler each 6-inch increment was recorded. The initial increment is considered the "seating" blows, where the sampler penetrates loose or disturbed soil in the bottom of the borehole. The blows required to penetrate the final two (2) increments are added together and are referred to as the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) N-value. The N-value, when properly evaluated, gives an indication of the soil's strength and ability to support structural loads. Many factors can affect the SPT N-value, so this result cannot be used exclusively to evaluate soil conditions. Samples retrieved from the boring locations were labeled and stored in plastic bags at the jobsite before being transported to our laboratory for analysis. The project engineer prepared Boring Logs summarizing the subsurface conditions at the boring locations. Page I A-1 BORING LOG DESCRIPTION Building & Earth Sciences, Inc. used the gINT software program to prepare the attached boring logs. The gINT program provides the flexibility to custom design the boring logs to include the pertinent information from the subsurface exploration and results of our laboratory analysis. The soil and laboratory information included on our logs is summarized below: DEPTH AND ELEVATION The depth below the ground surface and the corresponding elevation are shown in the first two columns. SAMPLE I YPL The method used to collect the sample is shown. The typical sampling methods include Split Spoon Sampling, Shelby Tube Sampling, Grab Samples, and Rock Core. A key is provided at the bottom of the log showing the graphic symbol for each sample type. SAMPLE NUMBER Each sample collected is numbered sequentially. BLOWS PER INCREMENT, REC%, RQD% When Standard Split Spoon sampling is used, the blows required to drive the sampler each 6- inch increment are recorded and shown in column 5. When rock core is obtained the recovery ration (REC%) and Rock Quality Designation (RQD%) is recorded. SOIL DATA Column 6 is a graphic representation of four different soil parameters. Each of the parameters use the same graph, however, the values of the graph subdivisions vary with each parameter. Each parameter presented on column 6 is summarized below: N-value- The Standard Penetration Test N-value, obtained by adding the number of blows required to drive the sampler the final 12 inches, is recorded . The graph labels range from 0 to 50. — Unconfined Compressive Strength estimate from the Pocket Penetrometer test in tons per square foot (tsf). The graph labels range from 0 to 5 tsf. • Atterberg Limits — The Atterberg Limits are plotted with the plastic limit to the left, and liquid limit to the right, connected by a horizontal line. The difference in the plastic and liquid limits is referred to as the Plasticity Index. The Atterberg Limits test results are also included in the Remarks column on the far right of the boring log. The Atterberg Limits graph labels range from 0 to 100%. • Moisture — The Natural Moisture Content of the soil sample as determined in our laboratory. Page I A-2 SOIL DESCRIPTION The soil description prepared in accordance with ASTM D2488, Visual Description of Soil Samples. The Munsel Color chart is used to determine the soil color. Strata changes are indicated by a solid line, with the depth of the change indicated on the left side of the line and the elevation of the change indicated on the right side of the line. If subtle changes within a soil type occur, a broken line is used. The Boring Termination or Auger Refusal depth is shown as a solid line at the bottom of the boring. GRAPHIC The graphic representation of the soil type is shown. The graphic used for each soil type is related to the Unified Soil Classification chart. A chart showing the graphic associated with each soil classification is included. HtMAHKS Remarks regarding borehole observations, and additional information regarding the laboratory results and groundwater observations. Page I A-3 BUILDING & EARTH SOIL CLASSIFICATION METHODOLOGY Geotechnica1, Environmental, and Materials Engineers Gravel and �� GW Well-graded gravels, gravel - sand mixtures, little or Gravelly Clean Grovels & i .R no fines GP Poorly -graded gravels, gravel - sand mixtures, little Soils (Less than 5% fines) Q° °o []°� Coarse More than D, D C� r or no fines 50% of Grained coarse I GM Silty gravels, gravel - sand - silt mixtures Soils fraction is DE Gravels with Fines larger than (More than 72% fines) No. 4 sieveVXM'1GC Clayey gravels, gravel - sand - clay mixtures More than 50% of Sand and SW Well -graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines material is Sand Y Clean Sands larger than Soils No. 200 (Less than 5% fines) SP Poorly -graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no sieve More than fines size 50% of coarse SM Silty sands, sand - silt mixtures fraction is Sands with Fines smaller than No. 4 (More than 72% fines) $C Clayey sands, sand -clay mixtures sieve ML Inorganic silts and very find sands, rock flour, silty or Fine Silts and clayey fine sands or clayey silt with slight plasticity Clays Inorganic Grained CL Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly Soils clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays Liquid Limit _ _ _ _ less than 50 Organic =_= — OL Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity More than — — — - Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine 50% of MH material is Silts and sand, or silty soils smaller Clays Inorganic than No. 200 CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity Liquid Limit sieve greater than size 50 Organic OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic silts „ „ f PT Peat humus, swamp soils with high organic Highly Organic Soils it }, ,j '1 contents Page I A-4 Ge ote chn ical. Environmental, and Materials Engineers Building & Earth Sciences classifies soil in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) presented in ASTM D2487. Table 1 and Figure 1 exemplify the general guidance of the USCS. Soil consistencies and relative densities are presented in general accordance with Terzaghi, Peck, & Mesri's (1996) method, as shown on Table 2, when quantitative field and/or laboratory data is available. Table 2 includes Consistency and Relative Density correlations with N-values obtained using either a manual hammer (60 percent efficiency) or automatic hammer (90 percent efficiency). The Blows Per Increment and SPT N-values displayed on the boring logs are the unaltered values measured in the field. When field and/or laboratory data is not available, we may classify soil in general accordance with the Visual Manual Procedure presented in ASTM D2488. SOIL CLASSIFICATION METHODOLOGY 60 �e 50 — J� CH o OH a 40 X �' zr�� 30 P CL or OL/01 M 20 a 10 MH or OH CL M ML or OL 0 a 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Liquid Limit (LL) r Non -cohesive: Coarse -Grained Soil SPIT Penetration SPIT Penetration (blows/foot) (blows/foot) Relative Automatic Manual Density Hammer* Hammer Automatic Manual < 2 < 2 Hammer* Hammer Very Loose 2-3 2-4 0-3 0-4 4-10 3-8 Loose 3-6 4-8 8-23 10-30 Medium Dense 6 - 12 8 - 15 23 - 38 30-50 Dense 12 -23 15 - 30 > 38 > 50 Very Dense > 23 > 30 * - Modified based on 80% hammer efficiency Cohesive: Fine -Grained Soil Estimated Range of Consistency Unconfined Compressive Strength (tsf) Very Soft < 0.25 Soft 0.25 — 0.50 Medium Stiff 0.50 — 1.00 Stiff 1.00 — 2.00 2.00 — 4.00 > 4.00 Very Stiff Hard Page I A-5 BUILDING Geotechnica1, Environmental, and Materials Engineers Standard Penetration Test ASTM D1586 or AASHTO T-206 Shelby Tube Sampler ASTM D1587 Rock Core Sample ASTM D2113 Auger Cuttings Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (Sower DCP) ASTM STP-399 ONo Sample Recovery Groundwater at Time of Drilling Groundwater as Indicated KEY TO LOGS Soil Particle Size U.S. Standard Boulders Larger than 300 mm N.A. Cobbles 300 mm to 75 mm N.A. Gravel 75 mm to 4.75 mm 3-inch to #4 sieve Coarse 75 mm to 19 mm 3-inch to 3/4-inch sieve Fine 19 mm to 4.75 mm 3/4-inch to #4 sieve Sand 4.75 mm to 0.075 mm #4 to #200 Sieve Coarse 4.75 mm to 2 mm #4 to #10 Sieve Medium 2 mm to 0.425 mm #10 to #40 Sieve Fine 0.425 mm to 0.075 mm #40 to #200 Sieve Passing #200 Sieve Fines Less than 0.075 mm Silt Less than 5 pm N.A. Clay Less than 2 pm N.A. Table•. • Sieve Sizes Standard Penetration Test Resistance A measure of a soil's plasticity characteristics in N-value Atterberg general accordance with ASTM D4318. The soil calculated using ASTM D1586 or AASHTO T- Limits Plasticity Index (PI) is representative of this ❑ 206. Calculated as sum of original, field characteristic and is bracketed by the Liquid Limit (LL) recorded values. PL LL Moisture and the Plastic Limit (PL). percent natural moisture content in general 4u Unconfined compressive strength, typically Aestimated from Results a pocket penetrometer. accordance with ASTM D2216. are presented in tons per square foot (tsf). Hollow Stem Auger Flights on the outside of the shaft advance soil cuttings to the surface. The hollow stem allows sampling through the middle of the auger flights. Mud Rotary/ A cutting head advances the boring and discharges a drilling fluid to Wash Bore support the borehole and circulate cuttings to the surface. Solid Flight Auger Flights on the outside bring soil cuttings to the surface. Solid stem requires removal from borehole during sampling. Hand Auger Cylindrical bucket (typically 3-inch diameter and 8 inches long) attached to a metal rod and turned by human force. Descriptor Meaning Trace Likely less than 5% Few 5 to 10% Little 15 to 25% Some 30 to 45% Mostly 50 to 100% . •le 5: Descripto Page I A-6 BUILDING Geazechnica1, Enrlronmenza1. and Mazer]als Engineers KEY TO LOGS Manual Hammer The operator tightens and loosens the rope around a rotating drum assembly to lift and drop a sliding, 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. Automatic Trip Hammer An automatic mechanism is used to lift and drop a sliding, 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. Uses a 15-pound steel mass falling 20 inches to strike an anvil and cause penetration Dynamic Cone Penetrometer of a 1.5-inch diameter cone seated in the bottom of a hand augered borehole. The (Sower DCP) ASTM STP-399 blows required to drive the embedded cone a depth of 1-3/4 inches have been correlated by others to N-values derived from the Standard Penetration Test (SPT). Non -plastic Low Medium High A 1/8-inch thread cannot be rolled at any water content. The thread can barely be rolled and the lump cannot be formed when drier than the plastic limit. The thread is easy to roll and not much time is required to reach the plastic limit. The thread cannot be re -rolled after reaching the plastic limit. The lump crumbles when drier than the plastic limit. _ _ _ It takes considerable time rolling and kneading to reach the plastic limit The thread can be re -rolled several times after reaching the plastic limit. The lump can be formed without crumblina when drier than the plastic limit. Dry Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch. Moist Damp but no visible water. Wet Visible free water, usually soil is below water table. Table Stratified Alternating layers of varying material or color with layers at least'/z inch thick. Laminated Alternating layers of varying material or color with layers less than'/a inch thick. Fissured Breaks along definite planes of fracture with little resistance to fracturing. Slickensides Fracture planes appear polished or glossy, sometimes striated. Blocky Cohesive soil that can be broken down into small angular lumps which resist further breakdown. Lensed Inclusion of small pockets of different soils, such as small lenses of sand scattered through a mass of clay. Homogeneous Same color and appearance throughout. Page I A-7 Geosechnica1, Envlronmensal, and Materials Engineers �'�■ `' G W - Well -graded gravels, grave[ —sand w ! mixtures, little or no fines GP - Poorly -graded gravels, gravel -- sand Q D�Q° � o mixtures, little or no fines 7 U ❑ Q - GM - Silty gravels, gravel — sand — silt c mixtures GC - Clayey gravels, gravel — sand — clay mixtures ;.� SW - Well -graded sands, gravelly sands, ..... , _:j little or no fines SP - Poorly -graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines 5M - Silty sands, sand — silt mixtures Asphalt Aggregate Base a�PyN1� /! • TC �i '� z; +• .•'�'r' 'z+:'. Topsoil Concrete coal CL-ML - Silty Clay Sandy Clay KEY TO HATCHES Clay with Grave[ o R ..t)o Q . Sand with Gravel Silt with Gravel a o D Gravel with Sand I s F Gravel with Clay It ft `•I ` Gravel with Silt to b Limestone f' SC - Clayey sands, sand— clay mixtures Clayey Chert Chalk YY Y YY ML - Inorganic silts and very find sands, Law and High x X X x x x rack flour, silty or clayey jive x x x x x xx x x x x x Siltstone sands or clayey silt with slight plasticity Plasticity Clay x x x x x x CL - Inorganic clays of low to medium Low plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy ClaY Plasticity Silt and Till clays, silty clays, lean clays / OL - Organic silts and organic silty clays High Plasticity Silt I Sandy Clay with Po of low plasticity and Clay Cobbles and Boulders MH - Inorganic silts, micaceous or Fill Sandstone with Shale diatomaceous fine sand, or silty soils CH - Inorganic clays of high plasticity �vn9 ' Weathered Rock # Cora[ Ylt It MILA OH - Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic silts Sandstone Boulders and Cobbles .. .............. .. + 1t PT -Peat humus, swamp soils with high Shale Soil and Weathered organic contents o Rock Page I A-8 BORING LOCATION PLAN Page I A-9 i i � y 4 B-01 — Profile A -A' .... .... M Profile F-F B-12_ _ Profile B-B' , El: - B-03 I F: I •� i B-08 B-09 B-19 i t B-18 •J � i B-13 . • iscar axe ' i i - Mbrj5v �I B 21 �3 SPA@ x SF FFL �.MW I I -0 +.; B-04 -- -22 B_-17� s , ` rB-05 I r I_, • —xw*; .; >aa�kr, _ Profile G-G' ai L A, Profile E-E' Profile D-D' Profile C-C' 4 Boring Location Boring Location Map BES Project #: RD200482 Address: W. Blanche Street Exd Drawing Source: Site Plan - C301 City: Selma, NC . Client: Adventure Developers, LLC Figure 1 Project' Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse SUBSURFACE SOIL PROFILES Page I A-10 NIN SE A A' 180 180 175 175 170 B-01 B-02 170 N N 4 4 3 6 165 18 36 165 19 15 160 17 23 160 BT=10.0 BT=10.0 z 155 O 155 w 150 150 145 145 140 140 135 135 0 50 100 150 200 250 Key to Hatches Legend Building & Earth Sciences, Inc. 1209 Baker Road, Unit 506, Virginia Beach, VA 23455 .'.\A Topsoil USCS Low Plasticity Clay USCS Silt INN=Standard BT=Boring Termination, TPT=Test Pit Terminated AR=Auger Refusal, ER=Excavation Refusal Eastfield Crossin Develo ment - Warehouse Facilit 9 P Y Penetration Test N-Value Selma, North Carolina Profile A -A': Subsurface Profile B-01, B-02 Qu=Unconfined compressive strength estimate IM USCS Silty Sand from pocket penetrometer test (tsf) SZ Water Level Reading at time of drilling. 6 p2 1 Water Level Reading after drilling. PROJECT NO: RD200482 I PLATE NO: A-1 DATE: 9/4/20 0 35 11111111116mm" BUILDING & EARTH Horizontal Scale (feet) Vertical Exaggeration:4x Engineers Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials En S Site Map Scale 1 inch equals 215 feet SIN NE B B' 180 180 175 175 no B-04 B-03 no N N 4 70 4 '0�� 10 5 165 165 14 11 17 19 160 160 28 24 BT=10.0 BT=10.0 z 155 O 155 w 150 150 145 145 140 140 135 135 0 50 100 150 200 250 Key to Hatches Legend Building & Earth Sciences, Inc. 1209 Baker Road, Unit 506, Virginia Beach, VA 23455 6 p3 Topsoil USCS Low USCS Clayey Sand BT=Boring Termination, TPT=Test Pit Terminated AR=Auger Refusal, ER=Excavation Refusal Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility Plasticity Clay N=Standard Penetration Test N-Value Selma, North Carolina Profile B-B': Subsurface Profile Qu=Unconfined compressive strength estimate from pocket penetrometer test (tsf) East Parking Lot: B-03, B-04 a Water Level Reading at time of drilling. drilling. PROJECT NO: RD200482 I PLATE NO: A-2 DATE: 9/4/20 1 Water Level Reading after 0 35 p411111111116mm" BUILDING & EARTH Horizontal Scale (feet) Vertical Exaggeration:4x Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials En Engineers S Site Map Scale 1 inch equals 215 feet SIN NE C C, 180 180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- F.F.E. 176.0 ft. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17s 175 170 B-15 B-14 B-13 B-12 N 170 N N N g 24 5 I T. 5 1 4 = 11 9 4 165 17 165 6 10 8 - 21 8 11 12 160 15 60 21 33 42 0 155 5 55 Q w w 14 6 7 50 18 150 6 5 5 13T=20.0 BT=20.0 45 14 145 13 140 50+ 140 50+ BT=30.0 BT=30.0 135 135 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Key to Hatches Legend Building & Earth Sciences, Inc. 1209 Baker Road, Unit 506, Virginia Beach, VA 234559 Eastfield Crossin Develo ment - Warehouse Facility P Y BT=Boring Termination, TPT=Test Pit Terminated Topsoil USCS Silt plasticity Clay AR=Auger Refusal, ER=Excavation Refusal IN 11 uscs Low � N=Standard Penetration Test N-Value Selma, North Carolina Profile C-C' : Subsurface Profile East Building Pad: B-12, B-13, B-14, B-15 _13177.71 USCS Qu=Unconfined compressive strength estimate USCS ClayeySand Poorl raded USCS Well -graded y g Sand Clay from pocket penetrometer test (tsf) Sand .. with PROJECT NO: RD200482 PLATE NO: A-3 DATE: 9/4/20 .' Q Water Level Reading at time of drilling. 1 Water Level Reading after drilling. 0 55 15 11111111116mm" BUILDING & EARTH Horizontal Scale (feet) Vertical Exaggeration: 6x Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers S Site Map Scale 1 inch equals 335 feet SIN NE D D' 180 180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- F.F.E. 176.0 ft. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17s 175 B-16 N 9 170 5 B-18 B-11 170 B-17 N N N 6 '�� t., = 4 6 2 _ 11 5 165 11 14 26 7 165 15 26 17 17 15 160 21 25 160 26 14 SZ SZ z 155 O 20 7 155 > 3 w 3 w BT=20.0 150 8 21 150 0 BT=20.0 145 11 145 35 140 50+ 140 50+ BT=30.0 BT=30.0 135 135 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Key to Hatches Legend Building & Earth Sciences, Inc. 610 Spring Branch Road, Dunn, North Carolina 28334 6� �A �� ��.' A Topsoil ®USCS Low Plasticity Clay BT=Boring Termination, TPT=Test Pit Terminated USCSClayey Sand AR=Auger Refusal, ER=Excavation Refusal Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility _Aa ,., N=Standard Penetration Test N-Value Selma, North Carolina Profile D-D': Subsurface Profile Center Building Pad: B-11, B-16, B-17, B-18 USCS USCS Qu=Unconfined compressive strength estimate Poorly -graded Poorly -graded USCS Silt from pocket penetrometer test (tsf) . ' Sand Sand with Clay Q Water Level Reading at time of drilling. 1 Water Level Reading after drilling. PROJECT NO: RD200482 I PLATE NO: A-4 DATE: 9/8/20 0 55 16 BUILDING & EARTH Horizontal Scale (feet) Vertical Exaggeration: 6x Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers Site Map Scale 1 inch equals 335 feet SIN NE E E' 180 180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- F.F.E. 176.0 ft- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17s 175 B-22 170 B-23 N >1 B-21 B-20 B-19 B-10 170 N 3 N N N N 5 8 px 4 'A1. 5 'Al. 7 '.A ly 4 '.,A ly. 5 8 6 6 4 14 165 7 12 15 I oil 10 9ZZ 16s 10i ./,, 7 10 18 11 19 60 23 19 16 26 21 23 60 Z Q 10 Q 0 iss 10 6 9 2 10 iss w 16 so 4 BT=20.0 9 10 9 10 so BT=20.0 BT=20.0 BT=20.0 145 17 7 145 140 50+ 20 140 BT=30.0 BT=30.0 13s 135 0 10 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Key to Hatches Legend Building & Earth Sciences, Inc. 1209 Baker Road, Unit 506, Virginia Beach, VA 23455 -10 -A9 A Topsoil P ®USCS Low Plasticity Clay BT=Boring Termination, TPT=Test Pit Terminated USCSClayey Sand AR=Au er Refusal, ER=Excavation Refusal y y g Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility • N=Standard Penetration Test N-Value Selma, North Carolina Profile E-E' : Subsurface Profile West Building Pad: B-70, B-79, B-20, B-27, B-22, B-23 USCS Qu=Unconfined compressive strength estimate Poorl graded USCS High USCS Silt y g Plasticity Clay from pocket penetrometer test (tsf) Sand SZ Water Level Reading at time of drilling. 2 1 Water Level Reading after drilling. PROJECT NO: RD200482 I PLATE NO: A-5 DATE: 9/4/20 0 55 _23 11111111116mm" BUILDING & EARTH Horizontal Scale (feet) Vertical Exaggeration: 6x Engineers Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials En S Site Map Scale 1 inch equals 335 feet SIN NE F F 180 180 175 175 B-07 170 N B-09 170 a 1.. 7 N 10 4 3 23 165 11 165 20 11 31 160 BT=10.0 21 160 B T=10.0 z O 155 155 w 150 150 145 145 140 140 135 135 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Key to Hatches Legend Building & Earth Sciences, Inc. 1209 Baker Road, Unit 506, Virginia Beach, VA 23455 -09 �� ��.' Topsoil ®USCS Low Plasticity clay USCS Clayey Sand BT=Boring Termination, TPT=Test Pit Terminated AR=Auger Refusal, ER=Excavation Refusal Eastfield Crossing Development Warehouse Facility Selma, North Carolina N=Standard Penetration Test N-Value Profile F-F'• Subsurface Profile Qu=Unconfined compressive strength estimate from pocket penetrometer test (tsf) Loading Bay: B-07, B-09 a Water Level Reading at time of drilling. 1 Water Level Reading after drilling. PROJECT NO: RD200482 I PLATE NO: A-6 DATE: 9/4/20 0 25 0�%llllll0" BUILDING & EARTH Horizontal Scale (feet) Vertical Exaggeration: 2.5x Engineers Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials En S Site Map Scale 1 inch equals 150 feet SIN NE G G' 180 180 175 175 B-05 B-06 170 '.17. B-08 170 4N 8N N 12 9 2 3 14 19 165 13 165 12 18 20 19 27 60 BT=10.0 BT=10.0 20 160 B T=10.0 z 155 O 155 w 150 150 145 145 140 140 135 135 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Key to Hatches Legend Building & Earth Sciences, Inc. 1209 Baker Road, Unit 506, Virginia Beach, VA 23455 Topsoil ®Plasticity USCS Low Clay USCS Clayey Sand BT=Boring Termination,R=ExTest Pit Terminated AR=Auger Refusal, ER=Excavation Refusal Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility 9 P Y N=Standard Penetration Test N-Value Selma, North Carolina Profile G-G' • Subsurface Profile Qu=Unconfined compressive strength estimate USCS Silty Sand from pocket penetrometer test (tsf) Loading Bay Driveway: B-05, B-06, B-08 /,3-05 SZ Water Level Reading at time of drilling. 1 Water Level Reading after drilling. PROJECT NO: RD200482 PLATE NO: A-6 DATE: 9/4/20 0 45 • Horizontal Scale (feet) Vertical Exaggeration: 5x Engineers Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials En S Site Map Scale 1 inch equals 275 feet BORING LOGS Page I A-11 LOG OF BORING Designation: B-01 Sheet 1 of 1 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers PROJECT NAME: Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility PROJECT NUMBER: RD200482 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger EQUIPMENT USED: CME 550 HAMMERTYPE: Manual BORING LOCATION: Northern Entrance Driveway 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Office: (910) 292 - 2085 LOCATION: Selma, North Carolina DATE DRILLED: 8/21/20 WEATHER: 73 Degrees, Cloudy ELEVATION: 169 DRILL CREW: J&L Drilling LOGGED BY: M.Lumpkin ❑ N-Value ❑ w H w 10 20 30 40 V A Qu (tsf) A z zz n Q O J J w 2 1 2 3 4 SOIL DESCRIPTION _ REMARKS 1 Atterberg Limits I a Q a 0- m p w < Z 20 40 60 80 Q l7 • % Moisture • w `^ 20 40 60 80 2 0.8 TOPSOIL: 9 inches 168.3 0 2 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): soft, brown, wet, ? 0 (COASTAL PLAINS) 2 3.5 165.5 165 -0 $ SANDY SILT (ML): very stiff, light gray, moist, 5 10 4.8 (COASTAL PLAINS) 164.2 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): very stiff, yellowish Groundwater encountered at 5 brown, gray, wet, (COASTAL PLAINS) EL 64 ( 1 ) at time of 0 8 .......... '................. drilling.et 11 ..:..:..:. :..:..:..:..:..:. Cave-in at 8.0 ft. 160 0 5 8 10 9 10.0 159.0 Boring Terminated at 10 feet. 155 15 150 20 145 25 140 30 ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:. Borehole backfilled on date drilled unless otherwise noted. Consistency/Relative Density 135 based on correction factor for Manual hammer. SAMPLE TYPE N Split Spoon N-VALUE STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AASHTO T-206) REC RECOVERY LL: LIQUID LIMIT M: NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT % MOISTURE PERCENT NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT RQD ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION PL: PLASTIC LIMIT F: PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN THE BOREHOLE AT TIME OF DRILLING UD UNDISTURBED PI: PLASTICITY INDEX 1 STABILIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL Qu POCKET PENETROMETER UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Ft. Smith, AR • Tulsa, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9 DFW Metroplex, TX 9 Virginia Beach, VA LOG OF BORING Designation: B-02 Sheet 1 of 1 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers PROJECT NAME: Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility PROJECT NUMBER: RD200482 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger EQUIPMENT USED: CME 550 HAMMERTYPE: Manual BORING LOCATION: Northern Entrance Driveway 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Office: (910) 292 - 2085 LOCATION: Selma, North Carolina DATE DRILLED: 8/21/20 WEATHER: 73 Degrees, Cloudy ELEVATION: 169 DRILL CREW: J&L Drilling LOGGED BY: M.Lumpkin ❑ N-Value ❑ z w zz H n w 10 20 30 40 Q V A Qu (tsf) A O J J w 2 1 2 3 4 SOIL DESCRIPTION _ REMARKS 1 Atterberg Limits I a Q a 0- m p w < Z 20 40 60 80 Q l7 • % Moisture • w `^ 20 40 60 80 -0 2 0.7 TOPSOIL: 8 inches 168.3 2 2 ;..:. 1 5 SILTY SAND (SM): very loose, brown, fine to 167.5 0 z ". """"""""""' medium grained, wet, (COASTAL PLAINS) SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): medium stiff, 4 165 7 4.0 yellowish brown, moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) 165.0 SANDY SILT (ML): hard, light gray, moist, 5 0 17 19 6.0 (COASTAL PLAINS) 163.0 0 5 SILTY SAND (SM): medium dense, yellowish Q 8 _ br own, rown, fine to medium grained, moist, Groundwater encountered at — (COASTAL PLAINS) (CO NS 7 feet (EL 62) 1 at time of 160 0 9 11 ...... wet drilling. Cave in at 7.0 ft. 10 12 10.0 159.0'.:..:: Boring Terminated at 10 feet. 155 15 150 20 145 25 140 30 ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:. Borehole backfilled on date drilled unless otherwise noted. Consistency/Relative Density 135 based on correction factor for Manual hammer. SAMPLE TYPE N Split Spoon N-VALUE STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AASHTO T-206) REC RECOVERY LL: LIQUID LIMIT M: NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT % MOISTURE PERCENT NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT RQD ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION PL: PLASTIC LIMIT F: PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN THE BOREHOLE AT TIME OF DRILLING UD UNDISTURBED PI: PLASTICITY INDEX 1 STABILIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL Qu POCKET PENETROMETER UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Ft. Smith, AR • Tulsa, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9 DFW Metroplex, TX 9 Virginia Beach, VA LOG OF BORING Designation: B-03 Sheet 1 of 1 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers PROJECT NAME: Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility PROJECT NUMBER: RD200482 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger EQUIPMENT USED: CME 550 HAMMERTYPE: Manual BORING LOCATION: Eastern Parking Lot 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Office: (910) 292 - 2085 LOCATION: Selma, North Carolina DATE DRILLED: 8/21/20 WEATHER: 73 Degrees, Cloudy ELEVATION: 168 DRILL CREW: J&L Drilling LOGGED BY: M.Lumpkin ❑ N-Value ❑ z w zz H n w 10 20 30 40 Q V A Qu (tsf) A O J J w 2 1 2 3 4 SOIL DESCRIPTION _ REMARKS 1 Atterberg Limits I a Q a 0- m p w < Z 20 40 60 80 Q l7 • % Moisture • w `^ 20 40 60 80 2 TOPSOIL: 6 inches 0 2 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): soft, gray, moist, ? 0 z (COASTAL PLAINS) 165 3 medium stiff, brownish yellow 0 3 4 f sti f, gray 5 7_ 6.0 162.0 6 CLAYEY SAND (SC): medium dense, yellowish 11 grained, of _ brown, fine to ra d moist, SZ 160 (COASTAL PLAINS)ium Groundwater encountered at L .5 a (E 160 ) t time of 0 10 light gray, brownish yellow, wet drillfeet 10 14 10.0 158.0 ' .'. ' ': Cave-in at 7.5 ft. Boring Terminated at 10 feet. 155 15 150 20 145 25 140 ....................:..:..:.. 30 ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:. Borehole backfilled on date drilled unless otherwise 135 noted. Consistency/Relative Density based on correction factor for Manual hammer. SAMPLE TYPE N Split Spoon N-VALUE STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AASHTO T-206) REC RECOVERY LL: LIQUID LIMIT M: NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT % MOISTURE PERCENT NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT RQD ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION PL: PLASTIC LIMIT F: PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN THE BOREHOLE AT TIME OF DRILLING UD UNDISTURBED PI: PLASTICITY INDEX 1 STABILIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL Qu POCKET PENETROMETER UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Ft. Smith, AR • Tulsa, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9 DFW Metroplex, TX 9 Virginia Beach, VA LOG OF BORING Designation: B-04 Sheet 1 of 1 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers PROJECT NAME: Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility PROJECT NUMBER: RD200482 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger EQUIPMENT USED: CME 550 HAMMERTYPE: Manual BORING LOCATION: Eastern Parking Lot 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Office: (910) 292 - 2085 LOCATION: Selma, North Carolina DATE DRILLED: 8/20/20 WEATHER: 80 Degrees, Partly Cloudy ELEVATION: 168 DRILL CREW: J&L Drilling LOGGED BY: M.Lumpkin ❑ N-Value ❑ z w zz H n w 10 20 30 40 Q V A Qu (tsf) A O J J w 2 1 2 3 4 SOIL DESCRIPTION _ REMARKS 1 Atterberg Limits I a Q a 0- m p w < Z 20 40 60 80 Q l7 • % Moisture • w `^ 20 40 60 80 -0 3 2 TOPSOIL: 5 inches SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): soft, brown, moist, ? 0 4 (COASTAL PLAINS) 165 6 ff, reddish sti brown,moist 0 4 6 brown, yellowish brown 5 8 4 very stiff, yellowish brown, gray Cave-in at 6.0 ft. 0 10 160 6 10 -0 10 18 10.0 158.0 Boring Terminated at 10 feet. 155 15 150 20 145 25 140 ....................:..:..:.. Groundwater not 30 encountered at time of drilling. Borehole backfilled on date drilled unless otherwise 135 noted. Consistency/Relative Density based on correction factor for Manual hammer. SAMPLE TYPE N Split Spoon N-VALUE STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AASHTO T-206) REC RECOVERY LL: LIQUID LIMIT M: NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT % MOISTURE PERCENT NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT RQD ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION PL: PLASTIC LIMIT F: PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN THE BOREHOLE AT TIME OF DRILLING UD UNDISTURBED PI: PLASTICITY INDEX 1 STABILIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL Qu POCKET PENETROMETER UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Ft. Smith, AR • Tulsa, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9 DFW Metroplex, TX 9 Virginia Beach, VA LOG OF BORING Designation: B-05 Sheet 1 of 1 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers PROJECT NAME: Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility PROJECT NUMBER: RD200482 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger EQUIPMENT USED: CME 550 HAMMERTYPE: Manual BORING LOCATION: Delivery Driveway 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Office: (910) 292 - 2085 LOCATION: Selma, North Carolina DATE DRILLED: 8/19/20 WEATHER: 76 Degrees, Cloudy ELEVATION: 170 DRILL CREW: J&L Drilling LOGGED BY: M.Lumpkin ❑ N-Value ❑ w H w 10 20 30 40 V A Qu (tsf) A z zz n Q O J J w 2 1 2 3 4 SOIL DESCRIPTION _ REMARKS 1 Atterberg Limits I a Q a 0- m p w < Z 20 40 60 80 Q l7 • % Moisture • w `^ 20 40 60 80 3 0.7 TOPSOIL: 8 inches 169.3 ' 0 2 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): soft, brown, moist, ? 0 (COASTAL PLAINS) 5 ddish eddish brown stiff, re 4 0 7 5 165 7 Cave-in at 5.0 ft. 6.0 164.0 0 4 ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:. CLAYEY SAND (SC): medium dense, light gray, 5 7 fine to medium grained, moist, CO d (COASTAL — NS PLAINS) 4 0 8 10 160 11 10.0 160.0'.'. Boring Terminated at 10 feet. 15 155 20 150 25 145 Groundwater not 30 140 encountered at time of drilling. Borehole backfilled on date drilled unless otherwise noted. Consistency/Relative Density based on correction factor for Manual hammer. SAMPLE TYPE N Split Spoon N-VALUE STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AASHTO T-206) REC RECOVERY LL: LIQUID LIMIT M: NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT % MOISTURE PERCENT NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT RQD ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION PL: PLASTIC LIMIT F: PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN THE BOREHOLE AT TIME OF DRILLING UD UNDISTURBED PI: PLASTICITY INDEX 1 STABILIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL Qu POCKET PENETROMETER UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Ft. Smith, AR • Tulsa, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9 DFW Metroplex, TX 9 Virginia Beach, VA LOG OF BORING Designation: B-06 Sheet 1 of 1 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers PROJECT NAME: Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility PROJECT NUMBER: RD200482 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger EQUIPMENT USED: CME 550 HAMMERTYPE: Manual BORING LOCATION: Delivery Driveway 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Office: (910) 292 - 2085 LOCATION: Selma, North Carolina DATE DRILLED: 8/21/20 WEATHER: 73 Degrees, Cloudy ELEVATION: 170 DRILL CREW: J&L Drilling LOGGED BY: M.Lumpkin ❑ N-Value ❑ z w zz H n w 10 20 30 40 Q V A Qu (tsf) A O J J w 2 1 2 3 4 SOIL DESCRIPTION _ REMARKS 1 Atterberg Limits I a Q a 0- m p w < Z 20 40 60 80 Q l7 • % Moisture • w `^ 20 40 60 80 2 TOPSOIL: 6 inches 0 3 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): medium stiff, brown, 5 0 4 moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) stiff, yellowish brown 5 0 4 7 very stiff 5 165 12 Cave-in at 5.0 ft. :..:..:..:..:..:. 6.0 164.0 0 3 ..:..:..:. CLAYEY SAND (SC): medium dense, yellowish 8 10 brown, fine to medium grained, moist, CO PLAINS) (COASTAL ) 8 10 160 0 12 15 10.0 160.0'.'. Boring Terminated at 10 feet. 15 155 20 150 25 145 Groundwater not 30 140 encountered at time of drilling. Borehole backfilled on date drilled unless otherwise noted. Consistency/Relative Density based on correction factor for Manual hammer. SAMPLE TYPE N Split Spoon N-VALUE STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AASHTO T-206) REC RECOVERY LL: LIQUID LIMIT M: NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT % MOISTURE PERCENT NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT RQD ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION PL: PLASTIC LIMIT F: PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN THE BOREHOLE AT TIME OF DRILLING UD UNDISTURBED PI: PLASTICITY INDEX 1 STABILIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL Qu POCKET PENETROMETER UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Ft. Smith, AR • Tulsa, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9 DFW Metroplex, TX 9 Virginia Beach, VA LOG OF BORING Designation: B-07 Sheet 1 of 1 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers PROJECT NAME: Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility PROJECT NUMBER: RD200482 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger EQUIPMENT USED: CME 550 HAMMERTYPE: Manual BORING LOCATION: Loading Dock Area 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Office: (910) 292 - 2085 LOCATION: Selma, North Carolina DATE DRILLED: 8/20/20 WEATHER: 80 Degrees, Partly Cloudy ELEVATION: 170 DRILL CREW: J&L Drilling LOGGED BY: M.Lumpkin ❑ N-Value ❑ z w zz H n w 10 20 30 40 Q V A Qu (tsf) A O J J w 2 1 2 3 4 SOIL DESCRIPTION _ REMARKS 1 Atterberg Limits I a Q a 0- m p w < Z 20 40 60 80 Q l7 • % Moisture • w `^ 20 40 60 80 2 TOPSOIL: 7 inches 0 3 4 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): medium stiff, reddish 0 " " " " " " " brown, moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) 4 stiff 6 3-0 6 10 very stiff 5 165-x 13 . 60 164.0 0 7 :..:..:..:..:..:. Cave-in at 6.0 ft. CLAYEY SAND (SC): medium dens e, light 9 11 " " " " " " " " brown, yellowish brown, fine to medium grained, moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) 0 dense, light yellowish brown 10 160 14 17 10.0 160.0'.'. Boring Terminated at 10 feet. 15 155 20 150 25 145 Groundwater not 30 140 encountered at time of drilling. Borehole backfilled on date drilled unless otherwise noted. Consistency/Relative Density based on correction factor for Manual hammer. SAMPLE TYPE N Split Spoon N-VALUE STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AASHTO T-206) REC RECOVERY LL: LIQUID LIMIT M: NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT % MOISTURE PERCENT NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT RQD ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION PL: PLASTIC LIMIT F: PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN THE BOREHOLE AT TIME OF DRILLING UD UNDISTURBED PI: PLASTICITY INDEX 1 STABILIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL Qu POCKET PENETROMETER UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Ft. Smith, AR • Tulsa, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9 DFW Metroplex, TX 9 Virginia Beach, VA LOG OF BORING Designation: B-08 Sheet 1 of 1 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers PROJECT NAME: Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility PROJECT NUMBER: RD200482 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger EQUIPMENT USED: CME 550 HAMMERTYPE: Manual BORING LOCATION: Delivery Driveway 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Office: (910) 292 - 2085 LOCATION: Selma, North Carolina DATE DRILLED: 8/21/20 WEATHER: 73 Degrees, Cloudy ELEVATION: 169 DRILL CREW: J&L Drilling LOGGED BY: M.Lumpkin ❑ N-Value ❑ w H w 10 20 30 40 V A Qu (tsf) A z zz n Q O J J w 2 1 2 3 4 SOIL DESCRIPTION _ REMARKS 1 Atterberg Limits I a Q a 0- m p w < Z 20 40 60 80 Q l7 • % Moisture • w `^ 20 40 60 80 -0 1 0.7 TOPSOIL: 8 inches 168.3 1 1 1.5 SILTY SAND (SM): very loose, brown, fine to 167.5 0 z " " " " " " " medium grained, wet, (COASTAL PLAINS) SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): soft, yellowish brown, 1 Cave-in at 3.0 ft. 165 3 moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) 0 5 stiff 5 8 6.0 163.0 3-0 4 ..:..... ..:..:..:..:..:. CLAYEY SAND (SC): medium dense, light gray, 12moist, "' """"" yellowish brown, fine to medium grained, (COASTAL PLAINS) 160 0 7 8 10 12 10.0 159.0'.'. Boring Terminated at 10 feet. 155 15 150 20 145 25 140 Groundwater not 30 encountered at time of drilling. Borehole backfilled on date drilled unless otherwise noted. Consistency/Relative Density 135 based on correction factor for Manual hammer. SAMPLE TYPE N Split Spoon N-VALUE STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AASHTO T-206) REC RECOVERY LL: LIQUID LIMIT M: NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT % MOISTURE PERCENT NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT RQD ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION PL: PLASTIC LIMIT F: PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN THE BOREHOLE AT TIME OF DRILLING UD UNDISTURBED PI: PLASTICITY INDEX 1 STABILIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL Qu POCKET PENETROMETER UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Ft. Smith, AR • Tulsa, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9 DFW Metroplex, TX 9 Virginia Beach, VA LOG OF BORING Designation: B-09 Sheet 1 of 1 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers PROJECT NAME: Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility PROJECT NUMBER: RD200482 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger EQUIPMENT USED: CME 550 HAMMERTYPE: Manual BORING LOCATION: Loading Dock Area 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Office: (910) 292 - 2085 LOCATION: Selma, North Carolina DATE DRILLED: 8/20/20 WEATHER: 80 Degrees, Partly Cloudy ELEVATION: 169 DRILL CREW: J&L Drilling LOGGED BY: M.Lumpkin ❑ N-Value ❑ w H w 10 20 30 40 V A Qu (tsf) A z zz n Q O J J w 2 1 2 3 4 SOIL DESCRIPTION _ REMARKS 1 Atterberg Limits I a Q a 0- m p w < Z 20 40 60 80 Q l7 • % Moisture • w `^ 20 40 60 80 2 TOPSOIL: 7 inches 0 2 ? SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): soft, reddish brown, 0 " " " " " " " moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) 2 165 0 3 4.2 164.8 CLAYEY SAND (SC): medium dense, reddish 5 5 6 brown, fine to medium grained, moist, 3 PLAINS) (COASTAL PLAT Cave-in at 6.0 ft. 0 7.0 162.0 : SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): stiff, light gray, moist, 6 (COASTAL PLAINS) 160 -0 9 very stiff 10 12 10.0 159.0 Boring Terminated at 10 feet. 155 15 150 20 145 25 140 Groundwater not 30 encountered at time of drilling. Borehole backfilled on date drilled unless otherwise noted. Consistency/Relative Density 135 based on correction factor for Manual hammer. SAMPLE TYPE N Split Spoon N-VALUE STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AASHTO T-206) REC RECOVERY LL: LIQUID LIMIT M: NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT % MOISTURE PERCENT NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT RQD ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION PL: PLASTIC LIMIT F: PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN THE BOREHOLE AT TIME OF DRILLING UD UNDISTURBED PI: PLASTICITY INDEX 1 STABILIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL Qu POCKET PENETROMETER UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Ft. Smith, AR • Tulsa, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9 DFW Metroplex, TX 9 Virginia Beach, VA LOG OF BORING Designation: B-10 Sheet 1 of 1 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers PROJECT NAME: Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility PROJECT NUMBER: RD200482 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger EQUIPMENT USED: CME 550 HAMMERTYPE: Manual BORING LOCATION: Building Pad - Northwest Corner 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Office: (910) 292 - 2085 LOCATION: Selma, North Carolina DATE DRILLED: 8/20/20 WEATHER: 80 Degrees, Partly Cloudy ELEVATION: 169 DRILL CREW: J&L Drilling LOGGED BY: M.Lumpkin ❑ N-Value ❑ w H w 10 20 30 40 V A Qu (tsf) A z zz n Q O J J w 2 1 2 3 4 SOIL DESCRIPTION _ REMARKS 1 Atterberg Limits I a Q a 0- m p w < Z 20 40 60 80 Q l7 • % Moisture • w `^ 20 40 60 80 0 2 Sample 0.8 TOPSOIL 168.2.' 1 3 LL: 31 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): soft, yellowish brown, 0 1� " " PL: 15 moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) z ..:..:.. P 16 e gray, yellowish brown 2 M: 19.0% 165 0 3 F:56.8% stiff Sample 5 6 S 03 M: 17.5% 6.0 163.0 0 5 Sample S 04 CLAYEY SAND (SC): medium dense, yellowish 7 12 " : : : : M: 16.6% brown, gray,fine to medium rained, moist, g Sample (CO PLAINS) (COASTAL LAT 160 0 ILL: 57 gray, yellowish brown 10 11 12 PL:21 PI: 36 M: 17.9% F: 23.1 13.5 Q155.5'.. 155 0 6 ..:. Sample S 06 Groundwater encountered at POORLYGRADED SAND (SP): loose, light gray, 9 9 Y 5 5 M: 18.6% fine to medium grained, wet, (COASTAL 13.5 feet (EL 155.5) at time of 15 PLAINS) drilling. {. Cave-in at 14.0 ft. 150 0 3 5 20 5 145 0 2 2 25 5 140 -0 medium dense 30 12 8 30.0 139.0 :.'.' Boring Terminated at 30 feet. ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:. Borehole backfilled on date drilled unless otherwise noted. Consistency/Relative Density 135 based on correction factor for Manual hammer. SAMPLE TYPE N Split Spoon N-VALUE STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AASHTO T-206) REC RECOVERY LL: LIQUID LIMIT M: NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT % MOISTURE PERCENT NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT RQD ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION PL: PLASTIC LIMIT F: PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN THE BOREHOLE AT TIME OF DRILLING UD UNDISTURBED PI: PLASTICITY INDEX 1 STABILIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL Qu POCKET PENETROMETER UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Ft. Smith, AR • Tulsa, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9 DFW Metroplex, TX 9 Virginia Beach, VA LOG OF BORING Designation: B-11 Sheet 1 of 1 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers PROJECT NAME: Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility PROJECT NUMBER: RD200482 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger EQUIPMENT USED: CME 550 HAMMERTYPE: Manual BORING LOCATION: Building Pad - North Central Side 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Office: (910) 292 - 2085 LOCATION: Selma, North Carolina DATE DRILLED: 8/21/20 WEATHER: 73 Degrees, Cloudy ELEVATION: 169 DRILL CREW: J&L Drilling LOGGED BY: M.Lumpkin ❑ N-Value ❑ z w zz H n w 10 20 30 40 Q V A Qu (tsf) A O J J w 2 1 2 3 4 SOIL DESCRIPTION _ REMARKS 1 Atterberg Limits I a Q a 0- m p w < Z 20 40 60 80 Q l7 • % Moisture • w `^ 20 40 60 80 1 TOPSOIL: 7 inches -0 2 2 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): soft, brown, wet, 0 z (COASTAL PLAINS) medium stiff, e brown, yellowish bro moist 3 165 0 1 3 5 4 - Groundwater encountered at ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:. 5 feet (EL 164) at time of 0 6 6.8 162.2 drilling. CLAYEY SAND (SC): medium dense, yellowish 11 grained, ine wet, brown, fine to medium g 160 4 (COASTAL P S) PLAINS) 0 8 gray, yellowish brown 10 17 Cave-in at 11.0 ft. 155 0 5 14.2 154.8 POORLYGRADED SAND (SP): loose, yellowish 15 4 3 brown, fine to medium grained, wet, (COASTAL PLAINS) 150 0 medium dense, gray, yellowish brown 20 10 11 20.0 149.0;:''';:' Boring Terminated at 20 feet. 145 25 140 30 ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:. Borehole backfilled on date drilled unless otherwise noted. Consistency/Relative Density 135 based on correction factor for Manual hammer. SAMPLE TYPE N Split Spoon N-VALUE STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AASHTO T-206) REC RECOVERY LL: LIQUID LIMIT M: NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT % MOISTURE PERCENT NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT RQD ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION PL: PLASTIC LIMIT F: PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN THE BOREHOLE AT TIME OF DRILLING UD UNDISTURBED PI: PLASTICITY INDEX 1 STABILIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL Qu POCKET PENETROMETER UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Ft. Smith, AR • Tulsa, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9 DFW Metroplex, TX 9 Virginia Beach, VA LOG OF BORING Designation: B-12 Sheet 1 of 1 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers PROJECT NAME: Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility PROJECT NUMBER: RD200482 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger EQUIPMENT USED: CME 550 HAMMERTYPE: Manual BORING LOCATION: Building Pad - Northeast Corner 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Office: (910) 292 - 2085 LOCATION: Selma, North Carolina DATE DRILLED: 8/21/20 WEATHER: 9 ELEVATION: 169 DRILL CREW: J&L Drilling LOGGED BY: M.Lumpkin ❑ N-Value ❑ w H w 10 20 30 40 V A Qu (tsf) A z zz n Q O J J w 2 1 2 3 4 SOIL DESCRIPTION _ REMARKS 1 Atterberg Limits I a Q a 0- m p w < Z 20 40 60 80 Q l7 • % Moisture • w `^ 20 40 60 80 0 2 Sample TOPSOIL: 5 inches i 3 5 " S 02 ILL: 26 1.5 167.5 SANDY SILT (ML): medium stiff, dark gray, 0 z 1I' PL: 14 moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) z ":""':":":":":":":" P SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): soft, grayish brown, 165 8 F 64%/ moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) 0 8 . Sample � very stiff 5 9 S 03 - Groundwater encountered at 5 M. 18.4% Sample 6.7 162.3 5 feet (EL 164) at time of 0 11 :..:. S 04 drilling. CLAYEY SAND (SC): medium dense, yellowish 10 ILL: 45 PL: 19 medium grained, 8 5 brown, gray, fine to m ra' d, wet, 160.5 (COASTAL PLAINS) Cave-in at 8.0 ft. 160 -0 $ . . .. M: 17.2% F: 22.4% SA medium den POORLY GRADED ND (SP): ediu se, 10 7 Sample light yellowish brown, fine to medium S 05 grained, wet, (COASTAL PLAINS) M: 20.0% 155 0 z :..:..:..:..:..:..:. loose 15 3 150 $ medium dense 0 20 10 145 0 4 6 25 8 140 0 50/5" « y> Sample 09 very dense 30 M: 16.3% 30.0 greenish gray, trace silt Boring Terminated at 30 feet n T Borehole backfilled on date drilled unless otherwise noted. Consistency/Relative Density 135 based on correction factor for Manual hammer. SAMPLE TYPE N Split Spoon N-VALUE STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AASHTO T-206) REC RECOVERY LL: LIQUID LIMIT M: NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT % MOISTURE PERCENT NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT RQD ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION PL: PLASTIC LIMIT F: PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN THE BOREHOLE AT TIME OF DRILLING UD UNDISTURBED PI: PLASTICITY INDEX 1 STABILIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL Qu POCKET PENETROMETER UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Ft. Smith, AR • Tulsa, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9 DFW Metroplex, TX 9 Virginia Beach, VA LOG OF BORING Designation: B-13 Sheet 1 of 1 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers PROJECT NAME: Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility PROJECT NUMBER: RD200482 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger EQUIPMENT USED: CME 550 HAMMERTYPE: Manual BORING LOCATION: Building Pad - Northeast Side 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Office: (910) 292 - 2085 LOCATION: Selma, North Carolina DATE DRILLED: 8/20/20 WEATHER: 80 Degrees, Partly Cloudy ELEVATION: 168 DRILL CREW: J&L Drilling LOGGED BY: M.Lumpkin ❑ N-Value ❑ Z w ZZ H n w 10 20 30 40 Q V A Qu (tsf) A O J J w 2 1 2 3 4 SOIL DESCRIPTION _ REMARKS 1 Atterberg Limits I a Q a 0- m p w < Z 20 40 60 80 Q l7 • % Moisture • w `^ 20 40 60 80 -0 2 2 TOPSOIL: 5 inches SANDY SILT (ML): medium stiff, light gray, 3 Groundwater encountered at 0 WOH """""""""' 2.5 moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) 165.5 14.5 feet (EL 153.5) at time of ri ing an stabilized at 1 165 3 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): soft, yellowish brown, feet 167). f t (EL 3 light gray, moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) 0 4 medium stiff WOH: Weight of Hammer 5 4 -0 3 5 ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:. stiff 7 160 8.5 159.5 0 7 ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:. CLAYEY SAND (SC): dense, yellowish brown, 10 14 28 fine to medium grained, moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) Cave-in at 12.0 ft. 155 0 4 14.5 Q153.5 .. POORLYGRADED SAND (SP): loose, light 15 3 m grained, to medium g ine yellowish brown, fine wet, (COASTAL PLAINS) 150 0 2 1 light gray 20 4 20.0 148.0 :..'::'. . Boring Terminated at 20 feet. 145 25 140 .................:..:..:..:.. 30 ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:. Borehole backfilled on date drilled unless otherwise 135 ;..;..;... . noted. Consistency/Relative Density based on correction factor for Manual hammer. SAMPLE TYPE N Split Spoon N-VALUE STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AASHTO T-206) REC RECOVERY LL: LIQUID LIMIT M: NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT % MOISTURE PERCENT NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT RQD ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION PL: PLASTIC LIMIT F: PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN THE BOREHOLE AT TIME OF DRILLING UD UNDISTURBED PI: PLASTICITY INDEX 1 STABILIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL Qu POCKET PENETROMETER UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Ft. Smith, AR • Tulsa, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9 DFW Metroplex, TX 9 Virginia Beach, VA LOG OF BORING Designation: B-14 Sheet 1 of 1 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers PROJECT NAME: Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility PROJECT NUMBER: RD200482 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger EQUIPMENT USED: CME 550 HAMMERTYPE: Manual BORING LOCATION: Building Pad - Southeast Side 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Office: (910) 292 - 2085 LOCATION: Selma, North Carolina DATE DRILLED: 8/19/20 WEATHER: 76 Degrees, Cloudy ELEVATION: 168 DRILL CREW: J&L Drilling LOGGED BY: M.Lumpkin ❑ N-Value ❑ w H w 10 20 30 40 V A Qu (tsf) A Z ZZ n Q O J J w 2 1 2 3 4 SOIL DESCRIPTION _ REMARKS 1 Atterberg Limits I a Q a 0- m p w < Z 20 40 60 80 Q l7 • % Moisture • w `^ 20 40 60 80 2 0.8 TOPSOIL: 10 inches 167.2 .'' -0 3 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): medium stiff, brown, 1 ? 0 4 moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) - Groundwater encountered at 165 5 stiff, reddish brown, gray g y 10 feet (EL 158) at time of 3 Sample drilling and stabilized at 2 0 5 S 03 feet (EL 166). 5 5 M: 17.5% 0 3 ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:.. ..................... Sample light yellowish brown 5 6 M: 26.5 % 160 Sample S OSOS 8'5 159.5 CLAYEY SAND SC): dense, brown, fine to 0 7 ILL: 61 14 19 PL: 23 medium grained, moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) Q 10 PI: 38 M: 15.9% F: 44 % 155 0 3 3 :..:. se, w loo et 15 3 Cave in at 15.0 ft. ............................ Sample 150 S 07 18.5 149.5 0 2 r ILL: NP PL: NP POORLY GRADED SAND (SP): loose, light gray, 20 3 PI: NP 20.0 fine to coarse grained, wet, (COASTAL 148.0 M:16.6% PLAINS) F 3% Boring Terminated at 20 feet. 145 25 140 30 ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:. Borehole backfilled on date drilled unless otherwise 135 noted. Consistency/Relative Density based on correction factor for Manual hammer. SAMPLE TYPE N Split Spoon N-VALUE STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AASHTO T-206) REC RECOVERY LL: LIQUID LIMIT M: NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT % MOISTURE PERCENT NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT RQD ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION PL: PLASTIC LIMIT F: PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN THE BOREHOLE AT TIME OF DRILLING UD UNDISTURBED PI: PLASTICITY INDEX 1 STABILIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL Qu POCKET PENETROMETER UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Ft. Smith, AR • Tulsa, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9 DFW Metroplex, TX 9 Virginia Beach, VA LOG OF BORING Designation: B-15 Sheet 1 of 1 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers PROJECT NAME: Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility PROJECT NUMBER: RD200482 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger EQUIPMENT USED: CME 550 HAMMERTYPE: Manual BORING LOCATION: Building Pad - Southeast Corner 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Office: (910) 292 - 2085 LOCATION: Selma, North Carolina DATE DRILLED: 8/19/20 WEATHER: 76 Degrees, Cloudy ELEVATION: 168 DRILL CREW: J&L Drilling LOGGED BY: M.Lumpkin ❑ N-Value ❑ w H w 10 20 30 40 V A Qu (tsf) A z zz n Q O J J w 2 1 2 3 4 SOIL DESCRIPTION _ REMARKS 1 Atterberg Limits I a Q a 0- m p w < Z 20 40 60 80 Q l7 • % Moisture • w `^ 20 40 60 80 0 10 Sam le TOPSOIL: 2 inches 13 11 SQz ILL: 25 SANDY LEAN CLAY CL : very stiff, gray, fine ( ) rY 9 Y 0 3 PL: 16 grained, moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) 165 5 6 P 9 stiff 0 2 �.,..,. M: 17.3% F 71.2% medium stiff, yellowish red, grayish brown 3 Sam 5 3 S 03 M: 22.3 % 4 :..:..:..:..:..:..:..:.. Sa of 0 5 S 04 3 M: 19.5% 160 0 6 g Sample SOS very stiff, yellowish bro wn, gray 10 13 M:23.4% 155 13.5 154.5 0 7 7 ... ......:..:..:..:.. - WELL GRADED SAND WITH CLAY (SW SC): Groundwater encountered at 15 7 medium dense, light yellowish brown, fine to 13.8 feet (EL 154.2) at time of medium grained, wet, (COASTAL PLAINS) drilling. Cave-in at 14.0 ft. 150 0 44 loose 20 145 Sample 08 0 5 L L: 29 s medium dense, light gray 9 PL:19 25 4 PI: 10 F: 9 % 140 ............... 28.5 139.5 SANDY SILT (ML): hard, light bluish gray, 0 50/3" y> 30 30.0 moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) 138.0 ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:. Boring Terminated at 30 feet. Borehole backfilled on date drilled unless otherwise 135 noted. Consistency/Relative Density based on correction factor for Manual hammer. SAMPLE TYPE N Split Spoon N-VALUE STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AASHTO T-206) REC RECOVERY LL: LIQUID LIMIT M: NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT % MOISTURE PERCENT NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT RQD ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION PL: PLASTIC LIMIT F: PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN THE BOREHOLE AT TIME OF DRILLING UD UNDISTURBED PI: PLASTICITY INDEX 1 STABILIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL Qu POCKET PENETROMETER UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Ft. Smith, AR • Tulsa, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9 DFW Metroplex, TX 9 Virginia Beach, VA LOG OF BORING Designation: B-16 Sheet 1 of 1 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers PROJECT NAME: Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility PROJECT NUMBER: RD200482 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger EQUIPMENT USED: CME 550 HAMMERTYPE: Manual BORING LOCATION: Building Pad - Southwest Side 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Office: (910) 292 - 2085 LOCATION: Selma, North Carolina DATE DRILLED: 8/19/20 WEATHER: 76 Degrees, Cloudy ELEVATION: 172 DRILL CREW: J&L Drilling LOGGED BY: M.Lumpkin ❑ N-Value ❑ z w zz H n w 10 20 30 40 Q V A Qu (tsf) A O J J w 2 1 2 3 4 SOIL DESCRIPTION _ REMARKS 1 Atterberg Limits I a Q a 0- m p w < Z 20 40 60 80 Q l7 • % Moisture • w `^ 20 40 60 80 0 5 5 TOPSOIL: 2 inches SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): stiff, brown, fine 4 170 -0 z grained, moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) 2 medium stiff 3 3 0 3 5 3 0 3 stiff, brownish yellow 165 5 6 0 7 very stiff, brownish yellow, gray 12 9.8 162.2 10 14 POORLY GRADED SAND WITH CLAY (SP-SC): medium dense, light yellowish brown, fine to medium grained moist, (COASTAL PLAINS)0 6 wet 15 8 Groundwater encountered at 1 15 feet (EL 57) at time of 155 drilling. Cave-in a t 16.0 ft 0 3 2 very loose 20 1 20.0 152.0 '. Boring Terminated at 20 feet. 150 25 145 30 ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:. Borehole backfilled on date 140 drilled unless otherwise noted. Consistency/Relative Density based on correction factor for Manual hammer. SAMPLE TYPE N Split Spoon N-VALUE STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AASHTO T-206) REC RECOVERY LL: LIQUID LIMIT M: NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT % MOISTURE PERCENT NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT RQD ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION PL: PLASTIC LIMIT F: PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN THE BOREHOLE AT TIME OF DRILLING UD UNDISTURBED PI: PLASTICITY INDEX 1 STABILIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL Qu POCKET PENETROMETER UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Ft. Smith, AR • Tulsa, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9 DFW Metroplex, TX 9 Virginia Beach, VA LOG OF BORING Designation: B-17 Sheet 1 of 1 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers PROJECT NAME: Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility PROJECT NUMBER: RD200482 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger EQUIPMENT USED: CME 550 HAMMERTYPE: Manual BORING LOCATION: Building Pad - South Central Side 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Office: (910) 292 - 2085 LOCATION: Selma, North Carolina DATE DRILLED: 8/19/20 WEATHER: 76 Degrees, Cloudy ELEVATION: 168 DRILL CREW: J&L Drilling LOGGED BY: M.Lumpkin ❑ N-Value ❑ w H w 10 20 30 40 V A Qu (tsf) A Z ZZ n Q O J J w 2 1 2 3 4 SOIL DESCRIPTION _ REMARKS 1 Atterberg Limits I a Q a 0- m p w < Z 20 40 60 80 Q l7 • % Moisture • w `^ 20 40 60 80 0 1 1 TOPSOIL: 5 inches =166 1'S 5 CLAYEY SAND (SC): very loose, brown, fine to 1 Groundwater encountered at 0 medium grained, moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) 11 feet (EL 157) at time of 165 5 g m Sample S ri and stabilized at 1.1 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL : stiff, reddish brown, 4 LL 42 fine to medium grained, moist, (COASTAL eelingL f t .9 . ) 0 6 PL:19 PLAINS) 5 g PI: 23 M: 19.9% F: 64.1 % 0 6 ...... Sample yellowish brown 9 ........:..:. 160 .....:........:..:..:..:.. M: 21.2 % Sample 8.5 159.5 CLAYEY SAND (SC): medium dense, yellowish 0 7 11 SOS LL:47 10 15 PL: 20 brown, gray, fine to medium grained, moist, PI: 27 (COASTAL PLAINS) M: 14.8% F: 24.2 % 155 13.5 154.5 ' 0 1 2 + : Sample S 06 Cave-in at 14.0 ft. POORLY GRADED SAND (SP): very loose, 15 1 M: 30.2% yellowish brown, fine to medium grained, wet, (COASTAL PLAINS) 150 0 WOH Sample S 07 very to loose W ei ht OH. Weight of Hammer 20 p 0 M: 32.0 % 4 0 9 24.5 143.5 SANDY SILT (ML): hard, light bluish gray, wet, 25 26 (COASTAL ) CO PLAINS) 140 0 50/3„ 30 30.0 138.0 Boring Terminated at 30 feet. ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:. Borehole backfilled on date drilled unless otherwise 135 noted. Consistency/Relative Density based on correction factor for Manual hammer. SAMPLE TYPE N Split Spoon N-VALUE STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AASHTO T-206) REC RECOVERY LL: LIQUID LIMIT M: NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT % MOISTURE PERCENT NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT RQD ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION PL: PLASTIC LIMIT F: PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN THE BOREHOLE AT TIME OF DRILLING UD UNDISTURBED PI: PLASTICITY INDEX 1 STABILIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL Qu POCKET PENETROMETER UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Ft. Smith, AR • Tulsa, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9 DFW Metroplex, TX 9 Virginia Beach, VA LOG OF BORING Designation: B-18 Sheet 1 of 1 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers PROJECT NAME: Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility PROJECT NUMBER: RD200482 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger EQUIPMENT USED: CME 550 HAMMERTYPE: Manual BORING LOCATION: Building Pad - North Center 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Office: (910) 292 - 2085 LOCATION: Selma, North Carolina DATE DRILLED: 8/20/20 WEATHER: 80 Degrees, Partly Cloudy ELEVATION: 169 DRILL CREW: J&L Drilling LOGGED BY: M.Lumpkin ❑ N-Value ❑ w H w 10 20 30 40 V A Qu (tsf) A Z ZZ n Q O J J w 2 1 2 3 4 SOIL DESCRIPTION _ REMARKS 1 Atterberg Limits I a Q a 0- m p w < Z 20 40 60 80 Q l7 • % Moisture • w `^ 20 40 60 80 0 3 Sample 0.8 TOPSOIL: 9 inches 168.3 3 3 SQz8 Groundwater encountered at _ SANDY LEAN CLAY CL : medium stiff, brown, 0 3 PL: 16 moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) 11 feet (EL 158) time of P 12 �ff, e � stiff, yellowish brown lat drilling an stabilized at 1 8 Fi70%8/ 4.0 165.0 feet ( 1 ) f t EL 68. 165 0 12 �.:..:..:.. .:..:..:. .. Sample SANDY IL ( ) v of DY SILT ML : very stiff, gray, moist, 5 14 S 0303 (COASTAL PLAINS) LL:14 8 :.. PL: 12 0 6 PI: 2 7.0 162.0 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): very stiff, light brown, 11 M: 11.3% F: 63.2% Sample moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) 160 0 5 7 M: 0% light yellowishbrown, gray 10 14 Sample S 05 Q M: 23.7% Cave-in at 12.0 ft. 155 -0 1 z :..:..:. ..:..:..:..:..:. 14.3 154.7 POORLY GRADED SAND (SP): medium dense, 15 8 light brown, fine to medium grained, wet, (COASTAL PLAINS) ....... .................... Sample S-07 150 0 2 3 �....... .. .. ...... ILL: NP PL: NP loos e, light gray se 9 9 Y 20 5 PI: NP M: 26.2% . F: 5 145 5 . .. .. .. .. ..:. medium dense, fine to coarse grained 0 25 6 140 0 31 » 29.5 very dense 139.5 .'. 30 50/4" 30.0 SANDY SILT (ML): hard, greenish gray, wet, 139.0 ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:.. (COASTAL PLAINS) Borehole backfilled on date Boring Terminated at 30 feet. drilled unless otherwise noted. Consistency/Relative Density 135 based on correction factor for Manual hammer. SAMPLE TYPE N Split Spoon N-VALUE STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AASHTO T-206) REC RECOVERY LL: LIQUID LIMIT M: NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT % MOISTURE PERCENT NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT RQD ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION PL: PLASTIC LIMIT F: PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN THE BOREHOLE AT TIME OF DRILLING UD UNDISTURBED PI: PLASTICITY INDEX 1 STABILIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL Qu POCKET PENETROMETER UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Ft. Smith, AR • Tulsa, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9 DFW Metroplex, TX 9 Virginia Beach, VA LOG OF BORING Designation: B-19 Sheet 1 of 1 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers PROJECT NAME: Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility PROJECT NUMBER: RD200482 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger EQUIPMENT USED: CME 550 HAMMERTYPE: Manual BORING LOCATION: Building Pad - Northwest Side 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Office: (910) 292 - 2085 LOCATION: Selma, North Carolina DATE DRILLED: 8/20/20 WEATHER: 80 Degrees, Partly Cloudy ELEVATION: 169 DRILL CREW: J&L Drilling LOGGED BY: M.Lumpkin ❑ N-Value ❑ z w zz H n w 10 20 30 40 Q V A Qu (tsf) A O J J w 2 1 2 3 4 SOIL DESCRIPTION _ REMARKS 1 Atterberg Limits I a Q a 0- m p w < Z 20 40 60 80 Q l7 • % Moisture • w `^ 20 40 60 80 3 0.8 TOPSOIL: 9 inches 168.3 0 3 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): medium stiff, brown, 4 0 z moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) ye wn, ray yellowish brown, 9 4 165 4 stiff, yellowish brown, moist -0 5 6 3 ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:.. -0 5 6 8.5 160.5 160 0 CLAYEY SAND (SC): medium dense, light 10 11 10 brown, fine to medium grained, moist, SZ (COASTAL PLAINS) Groundwater encountered at 1 10 feet (EL 59) at time of ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:.. drilling. Cave-in at 12.0 ft. 155 -0 very loose, wet 15 1 18.5 150.5 :. POORLY GRADED SAND (SP): loose, light gray, 150 0 5 20 4 20.0 fine to medium grained, wet, (COASTAL 149.0 .' PLAINS) Boring Terminated at 20 feet. ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:.. 145 25 140 30 ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:. Borehole backfilled on date drilled unless otherwise noted. Consistency/Relative Density 135 based on correction factor for Manual hammer. SAMPLE TYPE N Split Spoon N-VALUE STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AASHTO T-206) REC RECOVERY LL: LIQUID LIMIT M: NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT % MOISTURE PERCENT NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT RQD ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION PL: PLASTIC LIMIT F: PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN THE BOREHOLE AT TIME OF DRILLING UD UNDISTURBED PI: PLASTICITY INDEX 1 STABILIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL Qu POCKET PENETROMETER UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Ft. Smith, AR • Tulsa, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9 DFW Metroplex, TX 9 Virginia Beach, VA LOG OF BORING Designation: B-20 Sheet 1 of 1 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers PROJECT NAME: Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility PROJECT NUMBER: RD200482 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger EQUIPMENT USED: CME 550 HAMMERTYPE: Manual BORING LOCATION: Building Pad - Northwest Central Side 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Office: (910) 292 - 2085 LOCATION: Selma, North Carolina DATE DRILLED: 8/20/20 WEATHER: 80 Degrees, Partly Cloudy ELEVATION: 169 DRILL CREW: J&L Drilling LOGGED BY: M.Lumpkin ❑ N-Value ❑ z w zz H n w 10 20 30 40 Q V A Qu (tsf) A O J J w 2 1 2 3 4 SOIL DESCRIPTION _ REMARKS 1 Atterberg Limits I a Q a 0- m p w < Z 20 40 60 80 Q l7 • % Moisture • w `^ 20 40 60 80 1 TOPSOIL: 7 inches -0 2 3 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): medium stiff, brown, 0 z moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) reddish brown 4 165 0 6 stiff 5 9 6.0 163.0 4 CLAYEY SAND (SC): medium dense, gray, Q 11 yellowish brown, fine to medium grained, Groundwater encountered at moist (COASTAL PLAINS) , 8.5 160.5 .', .' 1 ) at time of 7 feet EL 62 160 0 9 drilling. d SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): very stiff, light gray, 10 17 brown, wet, (COASTAL PLANS) Cave-in at 11.0 ft. 13.5 155.5 155 0 4 POORLY GRADED SAND (SP): loose, light 15 5 brown, fine to medium grained, wet, (COASTAL PLAINS) 150 0 5 5 ` Boring Terminated at 20 feet. 145 25 140 30 ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:. Borehole backfilled on date drilled unless otherwise noted. Consistency/Relative Density 135 based on correction factor for Manual hammer. SAMPLE TYPE N Split Spoon N-VALUE STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AASHTO T-206) REC RECOVERY LL: LIQUID LIMIT M: NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT % MOISTURE PERCENT NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT RQD ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION PL: PLASTIC LIMIT F: PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN THE BOREHOLE AT TIME OF DRILLING UD UNDISTURBED PI: PLASTICITY INDEX 1 STABILIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL Qu POCKET PENETROMETER UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Ft. Smith, AR • Tulsa, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9 DFW Metroplex, TX 9 Virginia Beach, VA LOG OF BORING Designation: B-21 Sheet 1 of 1 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers PROJECT NAME: Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility PROJECT NUMBER: RD200482 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger EQUIPMENT USED: CME 550 HAMMERTYPE: Manual BORING LOCATION: Building Pad - Northwest Central Side 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Office: (910) 292 - 2085 LOCATION: Selma, North Carolina DATE DRILLED: 8/20/20 WEATHER: 80 Degrees, Partly Cloudy ELEVATION: 169 DRILL CREW: J&L Drilling LOGGED BY: M.Lumpkin ❑ N-Value ❑ z w zz H n w 10 20 30 40 Q V A Qu (tsf) A O J J w 2 1 2 3 4 SOIL DESCRIPTION _ REMARKS 1 Atterberg Limits I a Q a 0- m p w < Z 20 40 60 80 Q l7 • % Moisture • w `^ 20 40 60 80 1 TOPSOIL: 7 inches 0 2 ? SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): soft, brown, moist, 0 4 (COASTAL PLAINS) b r wn medium stiff, brown, reddish brown, moist 4 165 -0 5 stiff, grayish brown 5 7 3 ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:.. 0 4 6 160 0 6 very stiff, yellowish brown, wet Groundwater encountered at 10 10 9 feet (EL 160) at time of drilling. 13.5 155.5 Cave-in at 13.0 ft. POORLY GRADED SAND (SP): loose, light 155 0 3 15 3 brown, fine to medium grained, wet, (COASTAL PLAINS) 150 0 4 5 20 4 20.0 149.0,':;::; Boring Terminated at 20 feet. 145 25 140 30 ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:. Borehole backfilled on date drilled unless otherwise noted. Consistency/Relative Density 135 based on correction factor for Manual hammer. SAMPLE TYPE N Split Spoon N-VALUE STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AASHTO T-206) REC RECOVERY LL: LIQUID LIMIT M: NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT % MOISTURE PERCENT NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT RQD ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION PL: PLASTIC LIMIT F: PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN THE BOREHOLE AT TIME OF DRILLING UD UNDISTURBED PI: PLASTICITY INDEX 1 STABILIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL Qu POCKET PENETROMETER UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Ft. Smith, AR • Tulsa, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9 DFW Metroplex, TX 9 Virginia Beach, VA LOG OF BORING Designation: B-22 Sheet 1 of 1 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers PROJECT NAME: Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility PROJECT NUMBER: RD200482 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger EQUIPMENT USED: CME 550 HAMMERTYPE: Manual BORING LOCATION: Buiding Pad - West Side 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Office: (910) 292 - 2085 LOCATION: Selma, North Carolina DATE DRILLED: 8/19/20 WEATHER: 76 Degrees, Cloudy ELEVATION: 170 DRILL CREW: J&L Drilling LOGGED BY: M.Lumpkin ❑ N-Value ❑ w H w 10 20 30 40 V A Qu (tsf) A z zz n Q O J J w 2 1 2 3 4 SOIL DESCRIPTION _ REMARKS 1 Atterberg Limits I a Q a 0- m p w < Z 20 40 60 80 Q l7 • % Moisture • w `^ 20 40 60 80 -0 1 0.8 TOPSOIL: 10 inches 169.2 1 2 1.5 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): soft, light brown, 168.5 0 3 moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) CLAYEY SAND (SC): loose, yellowish brown, 5 5 fine to medium grained, moist, (COASTAL 0 6 PLAINS) 5 165 8 medium dense 3 -0 4 6 loose 7 medium dense 0 9 10 160 10 Q Groundwater encountered at 1 11 feet (EL 59) at time of drilling. ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:. 13.5 156.5 Cave-in at 13.0 ft. POORLY GRADED SAND (SP): loose, light 0 4 5 5 brown, fine to medium grained, wet, 15 155 (COASTAL PLAINS) 0 3 medium dense 20 150 7 9 20.0 150.0 . Boring Terminated at 20 feet. 25 145 30 140 ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:. Borehole backfilled on date drilled unless otherwise noted. Consistency/Relative Density based on correction factor for Manual hammer. SAMPLE TYPE N Split Spoon N-VALUE STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AASHTO T-206) REC RECOVERY LL: LIQUID LIMIT M: NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT % MOISTURE PERCENT NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT RQD ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION PL: PLASTIC LIMIT F: PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN THE BOREHOLE AT TIME OF DRILLING UD UNDISTURBED PI: PLASTICITY INDEX 1 STABILIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL Qu POCKET PENETROMETER UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Ft. Smith, AR • Tulsa, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9 DFW Metroplex, TX 9 Virginia Beach, VA LOG OF BORING Designation: B-23 Sheet 1 of 1 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers PROJECT NAME: Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility PROJECT NUMBER: RD200482 DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger EQUIPMENT USED: CME 550 HAMMERTYPE: Manual BORING LOCATION: Buiding Pad - Southwest Corner 610 Spring Branch Road Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Office: (910) 292 - 2085 LOCATION: Selma, North Carolina DATE DRILLED: 8/19/20 WEATHER: 76 Degrees, Cloudy ELEVATION: 169 DRILL CREW: J&L Drilling LOGGED BY: M.Lumpkin ❑ N-Value ❑ w H w 10 20 30 40 V A Qu (tsf) A z zz n Q O J J w 2 1 2 3 4 SOIL DESCRIPTION _ REMARKS 1 Atterberg Limits I a Q a 0- m p w < Z 20 40 60 80 Q l7 • % Moisture • w `^ 20 40 60 80 3 TOPSOIL: 3 inches -0 3 ........ SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL): medium stiff, brown, ? 0 3 """"""""""" moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) 2 2 3 5 4 Sample S 04 6.0 163.0 0 3 ILL: L 57 PL26 SANDY FAT CLAY (CH): medium stiff, 4 PI: 31 yellowish brown, moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) M:26.2% 85 160.5 5 160 0 �..,.., Sample CLAYEY SAND (SC): medium dense, brown, 10 9 14 S 05 fine to medium grained, moist, (COASTAL M:17.3% PLAINS) Sample Q-in at 155 -0 5 P� 22 loose, light brown, fine to medium grained, Groundwater encountered at 15 5 PI: 46 wet 13.5 feet (EL 155.5) at time of M: 21.4% drilling. F: 23 18.5 150.5 150 0 2 � Sample S07 POORLY GRADED SAND (SP): loose, light 20 2 2 : ; M: 22.1 % brown, fine to medium grained, wet, (COASTAL PLAINS) 145 0 .. .. .. medium dense, yellowish brown, fine to 25 10 coarse grained 140 0 14 ................... y� 7 very dense 29. 139.3 ' 30 50/2" SANDY SILT (ML): hard, light bluish gray, ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:. moist, (COASTAL PLAINS) Borehole ac i e on a to Boring Terminated at 30 feet. n T drilled unless otherwise noted. Consistency/Relative Density 135 based on correction factor for Manual hammer. SAMPLE TYPE N Split Spoon N-VALUE STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AASHTO T-206) REC RECOVERY LL: LIQUID LIMIT M: NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT % MOISTURE PERCENT NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT RQD ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION PL: PLASTIC LIMIT F: PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SZ GROUNDWATER LEVEL IN THE BOREHOLE AT TIME OF DRILLING UD UNDISTURBED PI: PLASTICITY INDEX 1 STABILIZED GROUNDWATER LEVEL Qu POCKET PENETROMETER UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Birmingham, AL • Auburn, AL • Huntsville, AL • Montgomery, AL Tuscaloosa, AL • Columbus, GA • Louisville, KY • Raleigh, NC • Dunn, NC Jacksonville, NC • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR • Ft. Smith, AR • Tulsa, OK Oklahoma City, OK 9 DFW Metroplex, TX 9 Virginia Beach, VA LABORATORY TEST PROCEDURES A brief description of the laboratory tests performed is provided in the following sections. DESCRIPTION OF SOILS (VISUAL -MANUAL PROCEDURE) (ASTM D2488) The soil samples were visually examined by our engineer and soil descriptions were provided. Representative samples were then selected and tested in accordance with the aforementioned laboratory -testing program to determine soil classifications and engineering properties. This data was used to correlate our visual descriptions with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT (ASTM D2216) Natural moisture contents (M%) were determined on selected samples. The natural moisture content is the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the weight of water in a given amount of soil to the weight of solid particles. ATTERBERG LIMITS (ASTM D4318) The Atterberg Limits test was performed to evaluate the soil's plasticity characteristics. The soil Plasticity Index (PI) is representative of this characteristic and is bracketed by the Liquid Limit (LL) and the Plastic Limit (PL). The Liquid Limit is the moisture content at which the soil will flow as a heavy viscous fluid. The Plastic Limit is the moisture content at which the soil is between "plastic" and the semi -solid stage. The Plasticity Index (PI = LL - PL) is a frequently used indicator for a soil's potential for volume change. Typically, a soil's potential for volume change increases with higher plasticity indices. MATERIAL FINER THAN NO. 200 SIEVE BY WASHING (ASTM D 1140) Grain -size tests were performed to determine the partial soil particle size distribution. The amount of material finer than the openings on the No. 200 sieve (0.075 mm) was determined by washing soil over the No. 200 sieve. The results of wash #200 tests are presented on the boring logs included in this report and in the table of laboratory test results. Page I A-12 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS The results of the laboratory testing are presented in the following table. B-10 1.5 - 3.0 19.0 31 15 16 57 CL B-10 3.5 - 5.0 17.5 B-10 6.0 - 7.5 16.6 B-10 8.5 - 10.0 17.9 57 21 36 23 SC B-10 13.5 - 15.0 18.6 B-12 1.5 - 3.0 18.6 26 14 12 64 CL B-12 3.5 - 5.0 18.4 B-12 6.0 - 7.5 17.2 45 19 26 22 SC B-12 8.5 - 10.0 20.0 B-12 28.5 - 30.0 16.3 B-14 3.5 - 5.0 17.5 B-14 6.0 - 7.5 26.5 B-14 8.5 - 10.0 15.9 61 23 38 44 SC B-14 18.5 - 20.0 16.6 NP NP NP 3 B-15 1.5 -3.0 17.3 25 16 9 71 CL B-15 3.5 - 5.0 22.3 B-15 6.0 - 7.5 19.5 B-15 23.5 - 25.0 19.5 29 19 10 9 SW -SC B-17 3.5 - 5.0 19.9 42 19 23 64 CL B-17 6.0-7.5 21.2 B-17 8.5 - 10.0 14.8 47 20 27 24 SC B-17 13.5 - 15.0 30.2 B-17 18.5 - 20.0 32.0 B-18 1.5 - 3.0 19.8 28 16 12 70 CL B-18 3.5 - 5.0 11.3 14 12 2 63 ML B-18 6.0 - 7.5 17.0 B-18 8.5 - 10.0 23.7 B-18 18.5 - 20.0 26.2 NP NP NP 5 SP B-23 6.0 - 7.5 26.2 57 26 31 57 CH B-23 8.5 - 10.0 17.3 B-23 13.5 - 15.0 21.4 68 22 46 23 SC TABLE L-1: General Soil Classification Test Results Soils with a Liquid Limit (LL) greater than 50 and Plasticity Index (PI) greater than 25 usually exhibit significant volume change with varying moisture content and are considered to be highly plastic LABORATORY TEST RESULTS The results of the laboratory testing are presented in the following table. TABLE L-1: General Soil Classification Test Results Soils with a Liquid Limit (LL) greater than 50 and Plasticity Index (PI) greater than 25 usually exhibit significant volume change with varying moisture content and are considered to be highly plastic CALCULATIONS Page I A-14 F -J Unit Sat. Unit Es Eur Material Name Color Weight Weight (ksf) (ksf) Cc Cr OCR e0 (kipsift3) (kipsfft3) New Structural Fill - CL ® 0.115 0.12 - - 0.1827 0.0216 6 0.72 Stiff Sandy Lean Clay (CL) ■ 0.118 0.126 - - 0.15 0.015 3 0.56 Medium Dense SP-SC ❑ 0.12 0.135 1000 1000 - - - - Loose SP-SC ❑ 0.12 0.135 300 300 - - - - Hard Silt(ML) ® 0.11 0.115 - - 0.25 0.048 2 0.6 Medium Stiff Sandy Lean Clay ■ 0.118 0.126 - - 0.122 0.011 1.5 0.498 (C L) 0 10 20 Total Settlement -- -I_ - --- (in) 0.11 0.22 0.33 0.44 _ 0.55 --�_- 0.66 0.77 0.88 0.99 - ----------__ 1.1C max (stage): 1.05 it max (all): 1.05 it I RD200482 Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility BUILDING+ • Ana/ysisDescnotion Settlement Analysis Drawn By IRE Company Building and Earth Sciences, Inc. Geotechnical, Environmental, and MaLerials Engineers ;ETTLE3D 4.023 Date 9/10/2020, 3:53:55 PM File Name Settlement at B-15.s3z Unit Sat. Unit Es Eur Material Name Color Weight Weight (ksf) (ksf) Cc Cr OCR e0 (kipsfft3) (kipsift3) New Structural Fill - CL ® 0.115 0.12 - - 0.1827 0.0216 6 0.72 Stiff to Very Stiff Sandy Lean Clay ■ 0.118 0.126 - - 0.15 0.015 3 0.56 (CL) Medium Dense Clayey Sand (SC) ❑ 0.12 0.135 1000 1000 - - - - Loose Clean Sand (SP) ❑ 0.1 0.118 300 300 - - - - Medium Stiff Sandy Lean Clay ■ 0.118 0.126 - - 0.122 0.011 1.5 0.498 (CL) 0 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers ice 20 Total Settlement (in) — 0.0C 0.14 0.28 0.42 0.56 0.7C 0.84 0.98 1.12 1.26 1.4C max (stage): 1.31 it max (all): 1.31 it RD200482 Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility sDesciiption Settlement Analysis BY IRE Company Building and Earth Sciences, Inc. 9/10/2020, 3:53:55 PM File Name Settlement at B-16.s3z Unit Sat. Unit Es Eur Material Name Color Weight Weight (ksf) (ksf) Cc Cr OCR e0 (kipsfft3) (kipsift3) New Structural Fill - CL ® 0.115 0.12 - - 0.1827 0.0216 6 0.72 Stiff Sandy Lean Clay (CL) 0.118 0.126 - - 0.15 0.015 3 0.56 Medium Dense Clayey Sand (SC) ❑ 0.12 0.135 1000 1000 - - - - Loose Clean Sand (SP) ❑ 0.1 0.118 300 300 - - - - Hard Silt(ML) ■ 0.115 0.12 - - 0.25 0.048 2 0.6 10 20 Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Engineers Total Settlement (in) — 0.0C 0.11 0.22 0.33 0.44 0.55 0.66 0.77 0.88 0.99 1.1C max (stage): 1.02 it max (all): 1.02 it M RD200482 Eastfield Crossing Development - Warehouse Facility sDesciiption Settlement Analysis BY IRE Company Building and Earth Sciences, Inc. 9/10/2020, 3:53:55 PM File Name Settlement at B-17.s3z r- Geotechnical-Engineering Report ---) Geotechnical Services Are Performed for Specific Purposes, Persons, and Projects Geotechnical engineers structure their services to meet the specific needs of their clients. A geotechnical-engineering study conducted for a civil engineer may not fulfill the needs of a constructor a construction contractor or even another civil engineer. Because each geotechnical- engineering study is unique, each geotechnical-engineering report is unique, prepared solely for the client. No. one except you should rely on this geotechnical-engineering report without first conferring with the geotechnical engineer who prepared it. And no one — not even you — should apply this report for any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. Read the Full Report Serious problems have occurred because those relying on a geotechnical-engineering report did not read it all. Do not rely on an executive summary. Do not read selected elements only. Geotechnical Engineers Base Each Report on a Unique Set of Project -Specific Factors Geotechnical engineers consider many unique, project -specific factors when establishing the scope of a study. Typical factors include: the client's goals, objectives, and risk -management preferences; the general nature of the structure involved, its size, and configuration; the location of the structure on the site; and other planned or existing site improvements, such as access roads, parking lots, and underground utilities. Unless the geotechnical engineer who conducted the study specifically indicates otherwise, do not rely on a geotechnical-engineering report that was: • not prepared for you; • not prepared for your project; • not prepared for the specific site. explored; or • completed before important project changes were made. Typical changes that can erode the reliability of an existing geotechnical-engineering report include those that affect: • the function of the proposed structure, as when it's changed from a parking garage to an office building, or from a light - industrial plant to a refrigerated warehouse; • the elevation, configuration, location, orientation, or weight of the proposed structure; the composition of the design team; or project ownership. As a general rule, always inform your geotechnical engineer of project changes —even minor ones and request an assessment of their impact. Geotechnical engineers cannot accept responsibility or liability for problems that occur because their reports do not consider developments of which they were not informed. Subsurface Conditions Can Change A geotechnical-engineering report is based on conditions that existed at the time the geotechnical engineer performed the study. Do not rely on a geotechnical-engineeringreport whose adequacy may have been affected by: the passage of time; man-made events, such as construction on o.r adjacent to the site; or natural events, such as floods, droughts, earthquakes, or groundwater fluctuations. Contact the geotechnical engineer before applying this report to determine if it is still reliable. A minor amount of additional testing or analysis could prevent major problems. Most Geotechnical Findings Are Professional Opinions Site exploration identifies subsurface conditions only at those points where subsurface tests are conducted or samples are taken. Geotechnical engineers review field and laboratory data and then apply their professional judgment to render an opinion about subsurface conditions throughout the site. Actual subsurface conditions may differ sometimes significantly — from those indicated in your report. Retaining the geotechnical engineer who developed your report to provide geotechnical-construction observation is the most effective method of managing the risks associated with unanticipated conditions. A Report's Recommendations Are Not Final Do not overrely on the confirmation -dependent recommendations included in your report. Confirmation - dependent recommendations are not final, because geotechnical engineers develop them principally from judgment and opinion. Geotechnical engineers can finalize their recommendations only by observing actual subsurface conditions revealed during construction. The geotechnical engineer who developed your report cannot assume responsibility or liability for the report's confirmation -dependent recommendations if that engineer does not perform the geotechnical-construction observation required to confirm the recommendations' applicability. A Geotechnical-Engineering Report Is Subject to Misinterpretation Other design -team members' misinterpretation of geotechnical-engineering reports has resulted in costly Page I A-15 problems. Confront that risk by having your geotechnical engineer confer with appropriate members of the design team after submitting the report. Also retain your geotechnical engineer to review pertinent elements of the design team's plans and specifications. Constructors can also misinterpret a geotechnical-engineering report. Confront that risk by having your geotechnical engineer participate in prebid and preconstruction conferences, and by providing geotechnical construction observation. Do Not Redraw the Engineer's Logs Geotechnical engineers prepare final boring and testing logs based upon their interpretation of field logs and laboratory data. To prevent errors or omissions, the logs included in a geotechnical-engineering report should never be redrawn for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings, Only photographic or electronic reproduction is acceptable, but recognize that separating logs from the report can elevate risk. Give Constructors a Complete Report and Guidance Some owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they can make constructors liable for unanticipated subsurface conditions by limiting what they provide for bid preparation. To help prevent costly problems, give constructors the complete geotechnical-engineering report, but preface it with a clearly written letter of transmittal. In that letter, advise constructors that the report was not prepared for purposes of bid development and that the report's accuracy is limited; encourage them to confer with the geotechnical engineer who prepared the report (a modest fee may be required) and/ or to conduct additional study to obtain the specific types of information they need or prefer. A prebid conference can also be valuable. Be sure constructors have sufficient time to perform additional study, Only then might you be in a position to give constructors the best information available to you, while requiring them to at least share some of the financial responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. Read Responsibility Provisions Closely Some clients, design professionals, and constructors fail to recognize that geotechnical engineering is far less exact than other engineering disciplines. This lack of understanding has created unrealistic expectations that have led to disappointments, claims, and disputes. To help reduce the risk of such outcomes, geotechnical engineers commonly include a variety of explanatory provisions in their reports. Sometimes labeled "limitations," many of these provisions indicate where geotechnical engineers' responsibilities begin and end, to help others recognize their own responsibilities and risks. Read these provisions closely. Ask questions. Your geotechnical engineer should respond fully and frankly. Environmental Concerns Are Not Covered The equipment, techniques, and personnel used to perform an environmental study differ significantly from those used to perform a geotechnical study. For that reason, a geotechnical- engineering report does not usually relate any environmental findings, conclusions, or recommendations; e.g„ about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. Unanticipated environmental problems have led to numerous project failures. If you have not yet obtained your own environmental information, ask your geotechnical consultant for risk -management guidance, Do not rely on an environmental report prepared for someone else. Obtain Professional Assistance To Deal with Mold Diverse strategies can be applied during building design, construction, operation, and maintenance to prevent significant amounts of mold from growing on indoor surfaces. To be effective, all such strategies should be devised for the express purpose of mold prevention, integrated into a comprehensive plan, and executed with diligent oversight by a professional mold -prevention consultant, Because just a small amount of water or moisture can lead to the development of severe mold infestations, many mold- prevention strategies focus on keeping building surfaces dry. While groundwater, water infiltration, and similar issues may have been addressed as part of the geotechnical- engineering study whose findings are conveyed in this report, the geotechnical engineer in charge of this project is not a mold prevention consultant; none of the services performed in connection with the geotechnical engineer's study were designed or conducted for the purpose of mold prevention. Proper implementation of the recommendations conveyed in this report will not of itself be sufficient to prevent mold from growing in or on the structure involved. Rely, on Your GBC-Member Geotechnical Engineer for Additional Assistance Membership in the Geotechnical Business Council of the Geoprofessional Business Association exposes geotechnical engineers to a wide array of risk -confrontation techniques that can be of genuine benefit for everyone involved with a construction project. Confer with you GBC-Member geotechnical engineer for more information. GEOTECHNICAL BUSINESS COUNCIL iffH4CJJ� of dw GeoprofenionWBusinw Assodadon 8811 Colesville Road/Suite G106, Silver Spring, MD 20910 Telephone.301/565-2733 Facsimile:301/589-2017 e-mail; info@geoprofessional.org www,geoprofessionatorg Copyright M H by Geoprofessional Business Association (GBA). Duplication, reproduction, or copying of this document or its contents, in whole or in part, by any means }whatsoever, is strictly prohibited, except with GBA's specific written permission. Excerpting, quoting, or otherwise extracting wording from this document is permitted only with the express written permission of GBA, and only for purposes of scholarly research or book review_ Only members of GBA may use this document as a complement to or as an element of a geotechnical-engineering report. Any other firm, individual, or other entity that so uses this document without being a GBA member could be commiting negligent or intentional (fraudulent) misrepresentation. Page I A-16