HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC230554_FRO Submitted_20230302131 W. Margaret Lane - Post Office Box 8181 00 e 0 Hillsborough, NC 27278 (919)245-2575 h i t/'3,;V W W. 1. Name of Project: Buckhorn Business Center - Phase 2 Te 3k 0 (010 35 Mebane 2. Parcel Identification Number (PIN): J 'J" ; ;J �,�;�—® Planning Jurisdiction: 3. Size of Tract: 23.55 acres; Area Disturbed: 20.91 acres 4. Fees: Erosion Control Plan Review Required with Application �'� $ 5 $$ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY and Disturbing Permit W IP ?-0 i ®$ Date Paid • t �2, Z Receipt # . " V Optional with Initial Application t �,0 $ 13 Date Paid � •®i Z Receipt # o (9 6170 Stormwater Management Plan Review Orange County Planning Jurisdiction Only Date Paid Required with Applica $ 19 9iq ` � ®otal $ 1 $ 5. Approximate Date Land Disturbance Will Begin: October 1, 2022 6. Landowner(s) of Record: (Use additional pages if necessary and attach to application) See attached Name Name Street Address Current Mailing Address City State zip Telephone Fax Email Address QQ t s.Pa`9� P C C. dz7-�� Street Address Current Mailing Address City Telephone Email Address 7l1'`C Receipt # State zip Fax Page 1 Future Landowners (if applicable): (Use additional pages if necessary and attach to application) Company / Organization ' Company / Organization Contact Street Address Current Mailing Address City Telephone e-mail Contact Street Address Current Mailing Address Tta7te— Zip city Telephone e-mail 7. Person(s) or Firm(s) Financially Responsible for this Land Disturbing Activity: Company / Organization: Company / Organization: AL Neyer LLC Contact Contact Bob Brooks Street Address Street Address 4509 Creedmoor Rd., Suite 201 Current Mailing Address Current Mailing Address 4509 Greedmoor Rd., Suite 201 NC 27912 City State Zip City Raleigh NC 27612 Telephone Telephone 919.816.6227 e-mail e-mail bbrooks@neyer.com 8. Registered Agent (if any) for the Person(s) or Firm(s) Financially Responsible: (NOTE: a North Carolina agent is required if the applicant is not a resident of North Carolina) Name City Street Address Telephone Current Mailing Address Email State Zip State Zip State Zip Page 2 9. Project Description: Industrial development north of West Ten Road in Mebane, NC to include new warehouse buildings, public road and utilities, parking and stormwater management. Page 3 10. Plans Prepared By: Stewart Tim Summerville Name of Person or Firm Contact Person 101 West Main Street tsummerville@stewartinc.com Mailing Address Email Durham NC 27701 919.866.4794 City State zip Telephone 11. Signature and Witness: the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was provided by me while under oath. T­' Signamfe of Financially Responsible 'C-LJ -"A Title or Authority Type or Print Name Legibly Date a Notary Public of the County of r j 41 hereby certify that personally before me this day and under oath acknowledged that this Application for Erosion Control Plan Approval, Stormwater Management Plan Approval and Land Disturbing Permit / Statement of Ownership and Financial Responsibility was executed by him or her. Witness my hand and notarial seal, this -% Day of ur Signature of Notary HAYDEN PAULS Notary Public, North Carolina Wake County My Commission Expires February 15, 2027 My Commission Expires Page 4 Property Owners 9834G67140 ACT f'V'=- HILL DONALD JR HILL KAREN L Z513NEWHCFEC4UFCH, CHAF-=,- -fl'-L Nc Z75114 CHEEK ,SQ) xm im GREENPOINTE LLC 71 2 U 1 C,,' R E E C, it C, F F.'-D S7 E 14C, P,,L.LEfGH NC Z-1 I 12 9834154904 A--Ti'VE HILL KAREN L TRU STEE ETA L RET14AFORD KRISTY L C,'Cp MEBANE Nc 27 m HILL KAREN L TRUSTEE ETA L RETHAFORD KRI STY M z �i'Z 1119, C RA IVI.7- OR D S M, E 2,A IN I Ni- o 27:f- 9834G59397 AC71-VE GREENPOINTE LLC 720 1 CRE ED' 00-P PD - L Q7= FALEIGr N-C 27� 12 9,334151396 ,kaTWE HILL KAREN L TRUSTEE ETA L RETHAFORD KRI STY L MEBANE NC 33-