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Gmail - Response to NOV for River Mill
Response to NOV for River Mill
1 message
James Marshburn <jam3baseball@gmail.com>
To: Nancy Mathews <mmwaterservices@yahoo.com>
James Marshburn <jam3baseball@gmail.com>
Wed, Jan 25, 2023 at 3:03 PM
Ms. Manuel,
We Are responding to the Notice Of Violation for River Mill WWTP(Permit # NC00562780, received on 1/23123. The
violation was an effluent fecal col'Iform result of 600 on 7127/22. We apologize for not calling to report this to the Regional
Office, when we got this result. We did look into possible causes for the high fecal result. We found nothing unusual at the
plant or the appearance of the effluent leaving the plant. We did have a normal chlorine residual of 10ug/l that day and
had chlorine tablets in place. We believe the sample may have gotten contaminated in some manner. We do use a plastic
dipper,(which we sterilize with hypo and rinse before collection) to collect fecal grab samples. We have not had any fecal
issues or any other compliance issues since then. We have and will continue to do our best to be sure we don't have
issues going forward, by sterilizing equipment and being sure chlorine contact and dechlorination chambers are kept
dean and full of tablets. We will also inform your office of any future violations in a timely manner.
James Marshburn (ORC River Mill WWTP)
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