HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0060283_Ownership Change_20190826 ROY COOPER Gowemor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secrelnry LINDA CULPEPPER Director 4r,pyy,�yr,�' NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality August 26, 2019 Mr. George Morosani Ridge View Community,LLC 932 Hendersonville Rd,Suite 201 Asheville, NC 28803 Subject: Transfer of ownership/permit modifications NPDES Permit NCO060283 Ridgeview Acres MHP WWTP Buncombe County Dear Mr.Morosani: The Division has received and reviewed your request to change the ownership name for the subject permit. We do not object to your request. The Division hereby re-issues NC0060283, pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency dated October 15,2007 (or as subsequently amended). If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this modification are unacceptable to you,you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this letter. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings (6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714). Unless such demand is made,this decision shall be final and binding. This permit is not transferable except after notice to the Division. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by any other Federal, State, or Local governmental regulation. If you have any questions concerning this matter,please contact Charles H.Weaver at(919) 707-3616 or via e-mail [charles.weaver@ncdenr.gov). rely, G Linda Culpepper Director cc: NPDES file North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 919-707-3616 Permit NCO060283 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) In compliance with the provisions of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Ridge View Community, LLC is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at the Ridgeview Acres Mobile Home Park WWTP 5 Impala Trail, off of Dryman Mtn. Road, west of Emma Buncombe County to receiving waters designated as an unnamed tributary to Smith Mill Creek in the French Broad River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II,'III and IV hereof. This permit shall become effective August 26, 2019. This permit and authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on October 31, 2020. Signed this day August 26, 2019 eivisi Culpepper, Director on of Water Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Page 1 of 7 Permit NCO060283 / SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET All previous NPDES Permits issued to this facility,whether for operation or discharge are hereby revoked.As of this permit issuance,any previously issued permit bearing this number is no longer effective.Therefore,the exclusive authority to operate and discharge from this facility arises under the permit conditions,requirements,terms,and provisions included herein. Ridge View Community, LLC is hereby authorized to: 1. Continue to operate an existing 0.0078 MGD WWTP with the following components: • 15 separate septic tanks and subsurface sandfilter systems (one tank/filter for every two mobile home spaces) • Sewer-collection line • Tablet chlorination with chlorine contact chamber • Tablet dechlorination • Cascade reaeration This facility is located at the Ridgeview Acres Mobile Home Park WWTP (5 Impala Trail, off Dryman Mtn. Road), west of Emma in Buncombe County. 2. Discharge from said treatment works via Outfall 001, at the location specified on the attached map, into an unnamed tributary to Smith Mill Creek [stream segment 6-79], a waterbody currently classified C waters within subbasin 04-03-02 [HUC: 06010102] of the French Broad River Basin. Page 2 of 7 Permit NCO060283 Part I A. (1) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS [15A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq.; 02B .0500 et seq.] During the period beginning upon the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited,monitored,and reported l by the Permittee, as specified below: x L ? a tT;IMITS MOl, N 0-GREQUIREMENTS EFFLUENT t ; CHARACTERISTICS * h rr # r Monthly LL, 7 Daily - Measurement Sample k Sample, rPaIa1116ter Codes], t x� t j,. ,Average '_ Maximum f Frequency Tyke Location"2. Flow Influent or 50050 0.0078 MGD Weekly Instantaneous Effluent Temperature(IC) [00010] 2/Week Grab Effluent Total Residual Chlorine(TRC)3 17 µg/L 2/Week Grab Effluent 50060 Dissolved Oxygen [00300] Daily average>5.0 mg/L Weekly Grab Effluent BOD,5-day(20°C) 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L 2/Month Grab Effluent C0310 Total Suspended Solids 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L 2/Month Grab Effluent C0530 NH3 as N [C0610] 2/Month Grab Effluent pH [00400] >6.0 and<9.0 standard units 2/Month Grab Effluent Fecal Coliform 200/100 ml 400/100 ml 2/Month Grab Effluent (geometric mean 31616 Chronic Toxicity 4 [fGP3B] Quarterly Grab Effluent Temperature(IC) Upstream& 00100 Weekly Grab Downstream. Dissolved Oxygen Weekly, Grab Upstream& 00300 Downstream Footnotes: 1. The Permittee shall submit discharge monitoring data electronically using the Division's Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report(eDMR)system[see A.(3)]. 2. Upstream=at least 50 feet upstream from the outfall. Downstream=at least 200 feet downstream from the outfall. 3. Total Residual Chlorine(TRC)monitoring is required only if chlorine is used by the facility.Because of difficulty quantifying TRC in a wastewater matrix,the Division will consider all values reported by a North Carolina-certified test method below 50 µg/L to be compliant with his permit.However,the Permittee shall continue to report all values reported above the test-method minimum detection level,even if these levels fall below 50 µg/L. 4. Whole Effluent Toxicity(WET)Testing,Chronic[ceriodaphriia dubia]Pass/Fail at 90%:February,May,August& November[see A. (2)]. Condition: The Permittee shall discharge no floating solids or foam. Page 3 of 7 Permit NCO060283 . A. (2.) CHRONIC TOXICITY PASS/FAIL PERMIT LIMIT (Quarterly) [15A NCAC 02B.0200 et seq.] The effluent discharge shall at no time exhibit observable inhibition of reproduction or significant mortality to Ceriodaphnia dubia at an effluent concentration of 90%. The permit holder shall perform at a minimum, quarterly monitoring using test procedures outlined in the"North Carolina Ceriodaphnia Chronic Effluent Bioassay Procedure,".Revised December 2010, or subsequent versions or"North Carolina Phase II Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Procedure" (Revised- December 2010) or subsequent versions. The tests will be performed during the months of February,May,August, and November. These months signify the first month of each three-month toxicity testing quarter assigned to the facility. Effluent sampling for this testing must be obtained during representative effluent discharge and shall be performed at the NPDES permitted final effluent discharge below all treatment processes. If the test procedure performed as the first test of any single quarter results in a failure or a ChV below the permit limit, then multiple-concentration testing shall be performed at a minimum,in each of the two following months, as described in"North Carolina Phase H Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Procedure" (Revised-December 2010) or subsequent versions. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the months in which tests were performed,using the parameter code TGP3B for the pass/fail results and THP3B for the Chronic Value. Additionally, DWR Form AT- 3 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Sciences Section/Aquatic Toxicology Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1621 Completed Aquatic Toxicity Test Forms shall be filed with the Water Sciences Section no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period for which the report is made. Test data shall be complete, accurate, include all supporting chemical/physical measurements and all concentration/response data, and be certified by laboratory supervisor and ORC or approved designate signature. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should there be no discharge of flow from the facility during a month in which toxicity monitoring is required, the permittee will complete the information located at the top of the aquatic toxicity(AT) test form indicating the facility name, permit number, pipe number, county, and the month/year of the report with the notation of"No Flow"in the comment area of the form. The report shall be submitted to the Water Sciences Section at the address cited above. Should the permittee fail to monitor during a month in which toxicity monitoring is required,monitoring will be required during the following month. Assessment of toxicity compliance is based on the toxicity testing quarter, which is the three-month time interval that begins on the first day of the month in which toxicity testing is required by this permit and continues until the final day of the third month. Page 4 of 7 Permit NCO060283 Should any test data from this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Water Resources indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re-opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival,minimum control organism reproduction, and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate follow-up testing to be completed no later than the last day of the month following the month of the initial monitoring. A. (3) ELECTRONIC REPORTING - DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORTS [G.S. 143-215.1(b)] Federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) and program reports and specify that, if a state does not establish a system to receive such submittals, then permittees must submit monitoring data and reports electronically to the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA). The final NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule was adopted and became effective on December 21, 2015. NOTE: This special condition supplements or supersedes the following sections within Part II of this permit(Standard Conditions for NPDES Permits): • Section B. (11.) Signatory Requirements • Section D. (2.) Reporting • Section D. (6.) Records Retention • Section E.(5.) Monitoring Reports 1. Reporting Requirements [Supersedes Section D.(2.) and Section E. (5.) (a)1 Effective December 21,2016,the permittee shall report discharge monitoring data electronically using the NC DWR's Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report(eDMR) internet application. Monitoring results obtained during the previous month(s) shall be summarized for each month and submitted electronically using eDMR. The eDMR system allows permitted facilities to enter monitoring data and submit DMRs electronically using the internet. Until such time that the state's eDMR application is compliant with EPA's Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR),permittees will be required to submit all discharge monitoring data to the state electronically using eDMR and will be required to complete the eDMR submission by printing_ , signing, and submitting one signed original and a copy of the computer printed eDMR to the following address: NC DENR/Division of Water Resources/Water Quality Permitting Section ATTENTION: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 If a permittee is unable to use the eDMR system due to a demonstrated hardship or due to the facility being physically located in an area where less than 10 percent of the households have broadband access, then a temporary waiver from the NPDES electronic reporting requirements may be granted Page 5 of 7 Permit NCO060283 and discharge monitoring data may be submitted on paper DMR forms (MR 1, 1.1, 2, 3) or alternative forms approved by the Director. Duplicate signed copies shall be submitted to the mailing address above. See"How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting" section below. Regardless of the submission method, the first DMR is due on the last day of the month following the issuance of the permit or in the case of a new facility, on the last day of the month following the commencement of discharge. Starting on December 21, 2020, the permittee must electronically report the following compliance monitoring data and reports, when applicable: • Sewer Overflow/Bypass Event Reports; • Pretreatment Program Annual Reports; and • Clean Water Act(CWA) Section 316(b)Annual Reports. The permittee may seek an electronic reporting waiver from the Division(see"How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting" section below). 2. Electronic Submissions In accordance with 40 CFR 122.41(1)(9), the permittee must identify the initial recipient at the time of each electronic submission. The permittee should use the EPA's website resources to identify the initial recipient for the electronic submission. Initial recipient of electronic NPDES information from NPDES-regulated facilities means the entity (EPA or the state authorized by EPA to implement the NPDES program)that is the designated entity for receiving electronic NPDES data [see 40 CFR 127.2(b)]. EPA plans to establish a website that will also link to the appropriate electronic reporting tool for each type of electronic submission and for each state. Instructions on how to access and use the appropriate electronic reporting tool will be available as well. Information on EPA's NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule is found at: Wp://www2.gpa.gov/compliance/final-national pollutant- discharge-elimination-system-npdes-electronic-reporting-rule. Electronic submissions must start by the dates listed in the"Reporting Requirements"section above. 3. How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting The permittee may seek a temporary electronic reporting waiver from the Division. To obtain an electronic reporting waiver, a permittee must first submit an electronic reporting waiver request to the Division. Requests for temporary electronic reporting waivers must be submitted in writing to the Division for written approval at least sixty(60) days prior to the date the facility would be required under this permit to begin submitting monitoring data and reports. The duration of a temporary waiver shall not exceed 5 years and shall thereupon expire. At such time,monitoring data and reports shall be submitted electronically to the Division unless the permittee re-applies for and is granted a new temporary electronic reporting waiver by the Division. Approved electronic reporting waivers are not transferrable. Only permittees with an approved reporting waiver request may Page 6 of 7 Permit NC0060283 submit monitoring data and reports on paper to the Division for the period that the approved reporting waiver request is effective. Information on eDMR and the application for a temporary electronic reporting waiver are found on the following web page: hilp:Hdeq.nc.gov/abo-ut/divisions/Water-resources/edmr 4. Signatory Requirements [Supplements Section B. (11.)(b)and Supersedes Section B.(11.) (d)1 All eDMRs submitted to the permit issuing authority shall be signed by a person described in Part II, Section B. (I 1.)(a) or by a duly authorized representative of that person as described in Part II, Section B. (I 1.)(b). A person, and not a position,must be delegated signatory authority for eDMR reporting purposes. For eDMR submissions,the person signing and submitting the DMR must obtain an eDMR user account and login credentials to access the eDMR system. For more information on North Carolina's eDMR system, registering for eDMR and obtaining an eDMR user account, please visit the following web page: http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/Water-resources/edmr Certification. Any person submitting an electronic DMR using the state's eDMR system shall make the following certification [40 CFR 122.22]. NO OTHER STATEMENTS OF CERTIFICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED: 7 certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 5. Records Retention [Supplements Section D. (6.)] The permittee shall retain records of all Discharge Monitoring Reports, including eDMR submissions. These records or copies shall be maintained for a period of at least 3 years from the date of the report. This period may be extended by request of the Director at any time [40 CFR 122.41]. Page 7 of 7 Approximate 1} IT. � MUM (t STRO (lift, ff VT --to Smith Mill Creek, 'N­- (flows S (flows N A.��� {{ �j,•� ,t- ' ,�'� `� . ,'rs► � M � `� r ; rdtl .ems=,.;,�s,��i� J r ,• Smith-Mill Creek (flows E) f'` or •, �.� , ' r, ,te yA '�,� spy"�,�• t sPR, � / , .. , _� -_•;� �:/���,f� ;J.�j �}gj,t�X'�^�,t�w ,- .ary'�1,IS '���'`s �l/ r ,j �� -s• _ �.. ' !. i�r r j 1 r `�� 't♦7 , '!`pt .;, }@�{*�i.'y:�s'��"�=' '�� }j'�,i IFk ' ¢~ � •-i-�. {.1- t•rr. ■ _.� r -4.•+' Ya' f ��' � i�Xa::':'� '�\ �- � w,:dY Facffi ty Location (not to lose •.�� � �� � I i 11 I - I 1 swim ROY COOPER 0.__ �4MICHAEL S. REGAN "`f' LINDA CULPEPPER NORTH CARC_!%;* - Environmentat Qaa!!ty PERMIT NAME/OWNERSHIP CHANGE FORM I. CURRENT PERMIT INFORMATION: Permit Number: NCO060283 or NCG5 / / / / 1. Facility Name: Ridge View Acres MHP II. NEW OWNER/NAME INFORMATION: 1. This request for a name change is a result of. X a. Change in ownership of property/company X b. Name change,&; c. Other(please explain). 2. New owner's name (name to be put on permit): Ridge View Community LLC 3. New owner's or signing official's name and title: George Morosani (Person legally responsible for permit) Manager/Owner (Title) 4. Mailing address: 932 Hendersonville Road, Suite 201 City: Asheville State: NC Zip Code:28803 Phone: (828 )274-4111 E-mail address: gwmim(a)aol.com THIS APPLICATION PACKAGE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY THE DIVISION UNLESS ALL OF THE APPLICABLE ITEMS LISTED BELOW ARE INCLUDED WITH THE SUBMITTAL. REQUIRED ITEMS: 1. This completed application form 2. Legal documentation of the transfer of ownership (such as a property deed, articles of incorporation, or sales agreement) [see reverse side of this page for signature requirements] North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality i Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center"Raleigh.North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707 3712 J- e NPDES Name&Ownership Change Page 2 of 2 Applicant's Certification: I, IiJ AV41(l 1 attest that this application for a name/ownershi hange has been eviewed and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application, package will be returned as incomplete. Signature: Date: THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION & MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDDRESS: NC DEQ/ DWR/NPDES 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Version 712016 Page t1A 4 _: llil'i-?`:�tt"ICf ✓tis J Doc ID: 032456750004 TVPe: CRP Recorded: 07/25/2019 at 02:00:20 PM Fee Amt: $2,426.00 Pape 1 of 4 Revenue Tax: $2,400.00 Workflow# 0000533051-0001 Buncombe Countv, NO Drew Reisinger Register of Deeds SK5793 PG864-367 NORTH CAI"OUNA GENERAL WARRANW DEED ' Excise Tax:$2,490.00 Parcel Identifier No. 9629-74-6579 Verified by County on the day of 520 By. MaiVBox to: David Matnev 22 South Pack Square,Suite 402,Asheville,NC 28801 (Box 68) This instrument was prepared by: Peter U.Kanipe,a licensed NC attorney. Delinquent taxes,if any,to be paid by the closing attorney to the county tax collector upon disbursement of closing proceeds. No title examination performed by deed preparer. File: 71170.22 Brief description for the Index: THIS DEED made June 28,2019,by and between GRANTOR GRANTEE Carol E.Banks an unremanied widow RidgeView Community,LLC,a North Carolina limited liability company PO Box 387 932 Hendersonville Ind,Ste 201 Barnardsvi➢le,NC 28709 Asheville,NC 28803 The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties,their heirs,successors,and assigns,and shall include singular,plural,masculine,feminine or neuter as required by context. VJITNESSETI3,that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee,the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,has and by these presents does grant,bargain,sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Buncombe County,North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: See Exhibit A,attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Page 2 of 4 9 The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor through the Estate of Parks B.Banks, filed in Buncombe County Clerk of Court file 17 E 1768.For back title reference, see instrument recorded in Book 1310,Page 762,Buncombe County Registry E All or a portion of the property herein conveyed does not include the primary residence of a Grantor. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee,that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple,has the right to convey the same in fee simple,that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances,and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawfW claims of all persons whomsoever, other than the following exceptions: SUBJECT to easements, restrictions, rights of way(s) of record, and ad valorem taxes not yet due and payable. (SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS) ND:4848-1471-8213,v_ i '_'age 3614 - 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first-above written. O D 5;�_ Z - (SEAL) Carol E.Banks State of North Carolina-County of Buncombe L the undersigned Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid,certify that Carol E.Banks,Grantor personally appeared before me this day provided satisfactory evidence of his-identity-in the form of driver's licenses and who acknowledged.the'due and voluntary execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed Witness my hand and Notarial stamp or seal this ZqYIA day of �7 ,2019. My Commission-Expires: Notary'Public (Affix Seal) tary's Printed or Typed.Name Plotes U Kanipe WOTARY PUBLIC Buncombe CoUM NO My Commission Expires.NR�e�� 24 ND:4848-1471-8213,v. 1 Page 4 of 4 - EXE[IBIT A BEGINNING.at.a stake at the intersection of the Northeastern edge of the right of way of Dryman Mountain Road and the Eastern boundary of Fieetwood'Road,'said point also being the Southwestern corner of Lot#9 as shown on that certain plat or map recorded in Plat Book 34 at Page 5,Buncombe County Registry and proceeding thence from said point and place of beginning with the Eastern margin of Fleetwood Road North 13 deg.22' East 36.65 feet to a point;thence a curve to the left with a radius of 130 feet,an are length of 38.52 feet to a point;thence with the Northern line of Lot#9,North 80 deg.25' East 122.96 feet to a point;thence with the line of Lot#3 North 9 deg. 10'West 120.00 feet to a point; thence with the lines of Lot 44,5 and lands now or formerly belonging to Louie Justus,North 2 deg.20' West(passing through an old iron pipe at 179 feet)208 feet to a point;thence with he old fence,North 1 deg.28'West 256.33 feet to a stake at a fence post,thence North 36 deg.23'West 232.07 feet to an iron stake;thence South 46 deg.53'West 89.2 feet to a stake;thence North 50 deg.04'West 550.24 feet to a stake at a fence post;thence South 35 deg. 19' West 377.7 feet to an old iron pipe in the center of the old abandoned road; thence with the center line of the old abandoned road,South 41 deg.54'East 429.58 feet to an iron stake;thence South 43 deg.24' West 118.12 feet to a stake in the Northeastern margin of the paving of Dryman Mountain Road;thence with the edge of said pavement South 51 deg. 51'East 336.82 feet to a point;thence leaving said road North 37 deg.57' East 22.05 feet to a point;the Western corner of Lot#11 of the above-described plat or map;thence with the edge of the right of way of Dryman Mountain Road South 52 deg. 12'East 47.1 feet to a point;thence North 56 deg. 12'East 158.37 feet to a point in the Western margin of Fleetwood Road,thence with the margin of Fleetwood Road,South 16 deg.32'East 31.3 feet to a point;thence a curve to the right with a radius of 840 feet,an arc length of 49.95 feet;thence South 13 deg.08'East 96.89 feet to a point;thence on a curve to the right with a radius of 70.0 feet,an are length of 32.38 feet to a point;thence South 13 deg.22' West 11.22 feet to a point; thence crossing Fleetwood Road in a Southeasterly direction approximately 60 feet to the point and place of Beginning. Grantor fiuther conveys any property not described above that is described in Plat Book 200,Page 113 of the Buncombe County Registry,reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description, without warranties. 4893-5989-2123,v.9 ND:4848-1471-8213,v. 1 A SOSID: 1856331 Date Filed:6/1712019 9:31:00 AM Elaine F.Marshall North Carolina Secretary of State STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ___ _ C�019 156 00691 i Department of the Secretary of State — -- LDMED LIABILITY COMPANY ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION OF RidgeView Community,LLC Pursuant to § 57D-2-20 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby submit these Articles of Organization for the purpose of forming alimited liability company. 1. The name of the limited liability company is RidgeView Community,LLC. 2.The period of duration of the limited liability company is perpetual. 3. The name and address of the person executing these Articles of Organization in capacity of Organizer only is David E,Matney,III, 22 South Pack Square,Suite 402,Asheville, NC 28801. 4. The street address and county of the initial registered office of the limited liability company is 22 South Pack Square,Suite 402,Buncombe County,Asheville,North Carolina,28801. 5.The mailing address ofthe initial registered office is P.O.Box 7345,Asheville,NC 28802. 6.The name of the initial registered agent is:David E.Matney,ITI. 7.The street and mailing address of the initial principal office is 932 Hendersonville Road, Suite 201,Asheville,Buncombe County,NC 28803. 8.These Articles will be effective upon filing. This the 5 h day of June,2019. David.E. atney,III, Organizer August 15,2019 Wastewater Branch Water Quality Permitting Section Division of Water Resources 1617 MailServiceCenter Raleigh,NC27699-1617 Subject: Delegation of Signature Authority R DGE VIEW COMMUNITY LLC NPDES Permit NumberNC0060283 To Whom It May Concern: By notice of this letter,I hereby delegate signatory authority to each of the following individuals for all permit applications,discharge monitoring reports, and other information relating to the operations at the subject facility as required by all applicable federal, state, and local environmental agencies specifically with the requirements for signatory authority as specified in 15A NCAC 2B.0506. Individual#1 Individual#2 (fapplicable) Name: Trevor C. Mcminn Title: Operator In Responsible Charge 2020 Howard Gap Road, Mailing Address: Hendersonville,Nc 28792 Physical Address: Same (if different) Email Address: trevorcm@bellsouth.net Office Phone: 828 -691 -7191 - - Mobile Phone: 828 -691 -7191 - - If you have any questions regarding this letter,please feel free to contact me atgwmjm@aol.com. Sincerely, uthorized Signing Official's Name: George Morosani Authorized Signing Official's Title: Manager/Owner Mailing Address:932 Hendersonville Road,Suite 201 Email Address:gwmjm@aol.com 828-27444111 cc: AshevilleRegional Office,Water Quality Permitting Section 5';AI ROY COOPER MICHAEL S. REGAN LINDA CULPEPPER PERMIT NAME/OWNERSHIP CHANGE FORM I. CURRENT PERMIT INFORMATION: Permit Number: NCO060283 or NCG5_/_/_/_/_ RECEIVED/NCDEA/DWR 1. Facility Name: Ridge View Acres MHP II. NEW OWNER/NAME INFORMATION: AUG � 7 Lull' 1. This request for a name change is a result of: Water Quality q 9 Permitting Section X a. Change in ownership of property/company X b. Name change volt c. Other(please explain): 2. New owner's name (name to be put on permit): Ridge View Community LLC 3. New owner's or signing official's name and title: George Morosani (Person legally responsible for permit) Manager/Owner (Title) 4. Mailing address: 932 Hendersonville Road, Suite 201 City: Asheville State: NC Zip Code:28803 Phone: (828 )274-4111 E-mail address: gwmim(a,aol.com THIS APPLICATION PACKAGE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY THE DIVISION UNLESS ALL OF THE APPLICABLE ITEMS LISTED BELOW ARE INCLUDED WITH THE SUBMITTAL. REQUIRED ITEMS: 1. This completed application form 2. Legal documentation of the transfer of ownership (such as a property deed, articles of incorporation, or sales agreement) [see reverse side of this page for signature requirements] North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 919-707-3712 NPDES Name&Ownership Change Page 2 of 2 :y Applicant's Certification: attest that this application for a name/ownersh02hange has been 02ewel and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. Signature: Date.- THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION & MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDDRESS: NC DEQ / DWR / NPDES 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Version 712016 —Page'ricf 4 i�f«if�li�lll�i�llil�l�lfl�ll��lil�llfl�f�lifl�li1��11 Doc ID: 032456750004 Type: CRP Recorded: 07/25/2019 at 02:00:20 PM Fee Amt: $2,426.00 Page 1 of 4 Revenue Tax: $2,400.00 Workflow# 0000nao51-0001 Buncombe county, NC Drew RReissinger Register of Deeds BK5 ! V3 PG864-867 NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax: $2,400.00 Parcel Identifier No. 9629-74-6579 Verified by County on the day of ,20 By: Mail/Box to:. David Matney 22 South Pack Square, Suite 402,Asheville,NC 28801 ($ox 68) This instrument was prepared by: Peter U. Kanipe, a licensed NC attorney. Delinquent taxes, if any, to be paid by the closing attorney to the county tax collector upon disbursement of closing proceeds. No title examination performed by deed preparer. File: 71170.22 Brief description for the Index: THIS DEED made June 28,2019,by and between GRANTOR GRANTEE Carol E.Banks an unremarried widow RidgeView Community,LLC,a North Carolina limited liability company PO Box 387 932 Hendersonville Rd,Ste 201 Barnardsville,NC 28709 Asheville,NC 28803 The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties,their heirs,successors,and assigns,and shall include singular,plural,masculine,feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETI:i,that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee,the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Buncombe County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: See Exhibit A,attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Page 2 of 4 The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor through the Estate of Parks B. Banks, filed in Buncombe County Clerk of Court file 17 E 1768. For back title reference, see instrument recorded in Book 1310,Page 762,Buncombe County Registry All or a portion of the property herein conveyed does not include the primary residence of a Grantor. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee,that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple,has the right to convey the same in fee simple,that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances,and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, other than the following exceptions: SUBJECT to easements, restrictions, rights of way(s) of record, and ad valorem taxes not yet due and payable. (SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS) ND:4848-1471-8213,v. I sage 3'eA4 2 c IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first above written. ` aJce� _ C ,l ei (SEAL) Carol E.Banks State of North Carolina:County of Buncombe I,the:undersigned Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid,certify that Carol E.Banks,Grantor personally appeared before me this day provided satisfactory evidence of his identity in the form of driver's licenses and who-acknowledged:the'due and voluntary execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed. Witness my hand and Notarial stamp or seal this '7-4141 day of ' ���7 ;2019. My Commission Expires: Notary Public lie (Affix Seal) tary's Printed or Typed Name Pete r U Kanipe NOTAP'f PUBLIC &mcombe County,NC MyQ0Mffd lon EXOMS&+e oe,zoza ND:4848-1471-8213,v. 1 Page 4 of 4 4 EXHIBIT A BEGMNMG.at a stake at the intersection of the Northeastern edge of the right of way of Dryman Mountain Road and the Eastern boundary of Fleetwood-Road,'said point also being the Southwestern comer of Lot#9 as shown on that certain plat or map recorded in Plat Book 34 at Page 5,Buncombe County Registry and proceeding thence from said point and place of beginning with the Eastern margin of Fleetwood Road North 13 deg.22' East 36.65 feet to a point;thence a curve to the left with a radius of 130 feet,an arc length of 38.52 feet to a point;thence with the Northern line of Lot#9,North 80 deg.25' East 122.96 feet to a point;thence with the line of Lot#3 North 9 deg. 10'West 120.00 feet to a point; thence with the lines of Lot A,5 and lands now or formerly belonging to Louie Justus,North 2 deg. 20' West(passing through an old iron pipe at 179 feet)208 feet to a point;thence with he old fence,North 1 deg. 28' West 256.33 feet to a stake at a fence post,thence North 36 deg.23'West 232.07 feet to an iron stake;thence South 46 deg. 53' West 89.2 feet to a stake;thence North 50 deg.04' West 550.24 feet to a stake at a fence post;thence South 35 deg. 19' West 377.7 feet to an old iron pipe in the center of the old abandoned road; thence with the center line-of the old abandoned road, South 41 deg.54'East 429.58 feet to an iron stake;thence South 43 deg.24' West 118.12 feet to a stake in the Northeastern margin of the paving of Dryman Mountain Road; thence with the edge of said pavement South 51 deg. 51' East 336.82 feet to a point;thence leaving said road North 37 deg. 57' East 22.05 feet to a point;the Western corner of Lot#11 of the above-described plat or map;thence with the edge of the right of way of Dryman Mountain Road South 52 deg. 12' East 47.1 feet to a point; thence North 56 deg. 12' East 158.37 feet to a point in the Western margin of Fleetwood Road;thence with the margin of Fleetwood Road,South 16 deg. 32' East 31.3 feet to a point;thence a curve to the right with a radius of 840 feet,an arc length of 49.95 feet;thence South 13 deg. 08'East 96.89 feet to a point;thence on a curve to the right with a radius of 70.0 feet,an are length of 32.38 feet to a point;thence South 13 deg. 22' West 11.22 feet to a point; thence crossing Fleetwood Road in a Southeasterly direction approximately 60 feet to the point and place of Beginning. Grantor further conveys any property not described above that is described in Plat Book 200,Page 113 of the Buncombe County Registry,reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description, without warranties. 4813-5989-2123.v.1 ND:4848-1471-8213,v. 1 4 i SOSID: 1856331 ` Date Filed: 6/1712019 9:31:00 AM Elaine F.Marshall North Carolina Secretary of State STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA C2019 156 00691 Department of the Secretary of State LWITED LIABILITY COMPANY ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION OF RidgeView Community,LLC Pursuant to § 57D-2-20 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby submit these Articles of Organization for the propose of forming a limited liability company. 1. The name of the limited liability company is RidgeView Community,LLC. 2.The period of duration of the limited liability company is perpetual. 3. The name and address of the person executing these Articles of Organization in capacity of Organizer only is David E.Matney,III, 22 South Pack Square,Suite 402,Asheville, NC 28801. 4. The street address and county of the initial registered office of the limited liability company is 22 South Pack Square,Suite 402,Buncombe County,Asheville,North Carolina,28801. 5.The mailing address ofthe initial registered office is P.O.Box 7345,Asheville,NC 28802. 6. The name of the initial registered agent is: David E.Matney,M. 7. The street and mailing address of the initial principal office is 932 Hendersonville Road, Suite 201,Asheville,Buncombe County,NC 28803. 8.These Articles will be effective upon filing. This the 5' day of June,2019. David.E. . atney,III, Organizer