HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071571 Ver 1_More Info Received_20071015-V11NZ Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants, Inc. October 8, 2007 To: N.C. Division of Water Quality 401 Wetlands Unit Attn: Ms. Cyndi Karoly 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 G ~~~~~ D ~C~ ~ ~ x!`a!)T Re: Lot 80, Lake Toxaway -Additional Information Transylvania County, NC DWQ Project # 07-1571 Dear Ms. Karoly, This letter is in response to your Request for More Information letter dated September 19, 2007 regarding the project known as Lot 80 (Lake Toxaway) in Transylvania County, NC. Below we have addressed the issues listed in your request. . Information Requested: 1. This Office believes that the house labeled on the plans as house can be moved or reconfigured to avoid the impacts to wetlands. Please revise the plans to avoid the impacts. The house location was chosen in an effort to minimize impacts to waters, and work within existing site constraints (See Attachment 1. Lot 80 -- Site Plan & & Attachment 2. Lot 80 -- Topo Map). Avoiding impact to the large fish supporting stream was our priority, since it is a good quality stream, and it is already crossed by the adjacent road. Therefore, the house and driveway were configured in order to avoid impact to the stream. So the house and driveway needed to be on the south side of the lot; this side is steeper so it requires fill for access. Canton Office PO Box 882 Canton, NC 28716 828-648-8801 828-648-8802 Fax 2. This Office believes that the footpath labeled on the plans as footpath can be moved or reconfigured to minimize the impacts to wetlands. Please revise the plans to minimize the impacts. We will move the footpath to avoid those impacts. 3. Please show elevation contours on your revised plans. See Attachment 2. Lot 80 Topo Map 4. Please submit documentation verifying your approved Trout Variance. We do not have to request a formal trout buffer variance since we will not have to request a Sediment and Erosion Control Plan since the land disturbance will be less than 1 acre. We can therefore assume our variance since it is less than 100'. Please call me anytime if you need further clarification of these issues. Best Regards, ~ ~~, ' /~ Neill Yelverton 828-712-9613 Canton Office Z PO Box 882 Canton, NC 28716 828-648-8801 828-648-8802 Fax Attachment 1. Lot 80 -Site Plan APPROX. LC CONC. HEA[ JURISDICTIC WETLAND A (TYP. ) CULVERT Vrttand Oellneatbn Sketch U Thle Nlustratlon depkis the npproxlnote Ilnlts of Jurlsdciloml Voters of the U.T. (rrtlsnds, open rotors, rand sirenns) delMealed (flapped) ushp the Corps of Enphrers Vetlonds DNkitatlon Monwl, flndkps subJect to future chnrpr and revigon 2) Jurlsdctlonnl Wetland areas exhOdt posltlve Indcaton aF all thror regWred pnronoters (vepetotlon, soBs, and hydrdopyL 3) Strron classlfkatbm are loosed an Identlfkatbn Methods far thr Orlphs of Internlttent and PermNal Streans V,3,L (NC Blvblan of Vnter puniky), prlph pants are subJect to change baud on enWrorMental factors. Epheneral dralrapes nre typkally not regulated but nay be captured as JurlsdktlonaL 4) MI fbxlF~gs are approxkgte untB a Jurbdclkmal DeternMatlan Is obtnhed Cron thr US Array Corps aF Enpkxers M accordance qth VNnhpton Olatrkt pdky of JWy 2007, 7) Jurisdctlonol Vetland and Stnan locatlans an not Fhal untB platted by a lkmssd land surveyor In accordance rllh V0.nlnpton Dlstrkt pdky of July 200,, NORTH 6) All dnerolons, pogtlon locatbns, and bourwlorin, Including GPS retland and strean pogtlons, ore approxlnate ord are no! suitable for ncordatlon 7) In Host casts perMts nre rrquMed to Inpoct ar disturb Voters of the US. protect proponrn! h Ilable for land dsturbinp actlvltks on the site uMOrlaken prbr 4o a final Jurisdctlonol Oeternlnatbn or perNt Ifsuancr VNR Versbn ll-t-2006 p~_ ~~"II YP. ) ROUT fNCE ~egen~ i Jurlydkdaral Strwn(s) E (~/~/ '(%~ Y/ ~~ ~ Ju•ISdcdonnl Vrtlandfs) AWAY 27 ft. Trout Bufhr 'vJ'~ ;,,1.E.~.,.` ;.~,r.#e•.» Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants ;~;:: »~_ ~ ~•~ P.O. Box 882 Canton, N.C. 28716 "~ .• • ~ 828-648-8801 1 of 1 ~ 1:50 ~ NCY ~ 10.12-07 Attachment 1, Site Plan 1e Lot 80, Lake Toxaway Transylvania County, North Carolina LakeToxawa LTPOA-1003 Attachment 2. Lot 80 - Topo Map 0'1- -5~~ Legend i Jurlsdctbnnl StrtnMs) ~ Jurlidcibnal Velbndfs) ~ 20 ft Trout BuFFm Wetland Dellnratbn Skrtch U Thli Illus4ra{Ion depkts the npproKlnate IIMts of Jurisdktbnal Voters of the LLS• (^rtlands, open ^oten, and s4rtoro) dtlkuatrd (Flagged) uskip tM Corps of Englnems Veklonds Orlheotlon Manual Findngs subJect to Future charpt antl revklon 2) Jurbdctbnal Vr<laM arras a^hblt positive Indkotors of all three required pnroneters (vegetotbn, saNs, and hydrology>. 3) Strewn dasslFkatlons art bused on Idm4lflta4bn Mettads For the Orlplns of IntmMtimt and PerenMal Strtans V.3.1. (NC DWlsbn of Wa4er guallty), OrlpFi paints nrr subJect to change bored on mvlronnm4al foc4orf• EpMneral dralnngrs nrr typlully not repainted bu< nay br captured as Jurlsdctbna6 /) All fkMirps ore appraxhate untM o Jurlsdctbnnl DetereYrotbn Is obtnMed iron tM US Array Corps o9 Enphems b accordmcr tlth WNnlrgton Dls4rk4 policy of July 2005• 5) Jurbdctbnal Vrtland and Strewn lacntloro are not final until plated by a Ikensed lnrd surveyor h accordencr ^Ith WltnMpp4on Dlstrkt polcy of JWy 2005. NORTH 6) All dlnenslons, position locatbns, and baundnrks, Indudnp GPS ^etland and strewn posltbns, are approKlna4e and an not sul4oble for recordatbn 7) In Host cases pernks ort required to Inpnct or drturb Voters of tM US. Protect proponent b lbble For land dlsturbinp activitks on the site undertnkrn prior to a fMal Jurlsdctbnol Deternhwtlon or perMt bsumn, WNR Vmrbn 11-1-2006 .,! f. Vie;. Wetland and Natural Resource Consultants .s .•~~.~~.~ '~.:~>.'~.;~.:~~ P,O. Box 882 Canton, N,C. 28716 ~•~•.«.: ~~ ~~"~" "~~ 828-648-8801 >f 1 ~ 1:50 ~ NCY ~ l0 Attachment 2. Topo Map Lot S0, Lake Toxaway Transylvania County, North Carolina Lake LTPOA-1003