HomeMy WebLinkAboutA0009CC Meeting MinutesRoy COOPER GOVERNOR STATE OF NORTH H CAROLfNA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTArHON February 24, 2023 J. ERIC BoYETTr SECRETARY CONTRACT NO: C204912 WBS ELEMENT: 32572.3.15 0143011 T.I.P. NO: A-0009CC COUNTY: Graham DESCRIPTION: Grading, Paving, Drainage, Retaining Walls, and Structures on NC-143 From 0.5 miles north of Appalachian Trail to NC-28 & NC-28 from 0.2 miles west of NC-143 to 0.2 miles west of SR 1228 Mr. Blake Anderson Project Manager Adams Contracting Company Inc. P.O. Box 1157 Robbinsville, NC 28771 SUBJECT: Preconstruction Conference Minutes Dear Mr. Anderson: The preconstruction conference for the above referenced project was held Tuesday, February 7, 2023. Those in attendance are indicated on the attached sign -in sheets. General Items: Introductions — Mr. Adam Dockery, Resident Engineer, opened the meeting by having everyone introduce themselves. The CEI project team was introduced. Right of Wa Mr. Kevin Monteith (JMT R/W agent) provided copies of the R/W agreements to Mr. Wade Clements. Mr. Clements will upload these agreements to the project SharePlus/Sharepoint site for use and future reference by Department personnel. R/W is secure on all parcels except for the following: Parcel 126 (Wachacha) — check has been given to the attorney and should be closed later this week; Parcel 129 (Wachacha) — in condemnation; Parcel 121/128 (Lakey) in condemnation; Parcel 127 (Brace) — closed. Mailing Address: Telephone, 828-3214105 Location. NC DEPARTMEN# OF TRANSPORTA110N Fay: 828-321-3229 191 RORRINSVILLE ROAD ANDREWS DISTRICT OFFICE CzwamerService: 1-977-368-4963 ANDRENVS, NC 28901 191 R(MBINSVILLE ROAD ANDRFWS, NC 29901 WeBsite.• ncdatgav Page 2 Preconstruction Conference Minutes February 7, 2023 Contract Items — Mr. Dockery brought attention to the following items listed within the project contract: • Page G7 - Mr. Dockery directed attention to the Special Requirements for work in the National Forest. • Page GI I — Steel Price Adjustment. Adams Contracting stated that they would not be participating the steel price adjustments. Page G21 — Schedule of Estimated Completion Progress was noted. • Page G24 — DBE Goal for this project is 4%. • Page G35 — Certification for Federal -Aid Contracts was discussed. + Page G38 — Cooperation Between Contractors was discussed. Wade Clements will be coordinating the resolution of any potential conflicts between adjacent project work zones. Communication utilizing the chain -of -command will minimize confusion. • Page G39 -- The 12 Month Guarantee was noted. • Page G40 — Erosion Control Certifications. The contractor shall supply a Level 2 certified employee on the project to supervise the work and to fill out NPDES forms. A Level 1 certified employee is required to be present for each earth disturbance operation. • Page G46 — Notes to Contractor: There is a low potential for acid rock on the project but there is a potential that it will be encountered within the project limits. The contractor shall notify NCDOT if any acidic rock is encountered. There are guidelines for notifying EBCI for discovery for human remains and Funcrary Objects. Safety Fence shall be installed along historic property boundaries as directed by the Engineer. Construction equipment is required to be pressure washed prior to being brought onto USFS property. • Page R1 — The building removal on Parcel 135 has been completed. • Page RI 9 — Material & Equipment Storage was noted — a table of clew zone distances is listed in the contract. • Page GT 1.1 — Geotextile for Pavement Stabilization was noted. • Page GT2.1 — Rock Embankments information was noted. • Page GT3.1 — Toe Shear Key information was noted. • Page GT5.1— Soil Nail Retaining Walls section includes information on the administration of the soil nail wall construction. • Page GT6.1— Horizontal Drains were noted. • Page GT7.1— Dean Hardister pointed out that surveys are needed prior to design of Shored Mechanically Stabilized Earth Retaining Walls. The surveys will need good slope information, along the front and back of the wall, to be able to compare with initial information. Submit wall envelopes to the Geotechnical Engineering Unit (GEU) for review & approval. For soil nail walls — ditches and existing slopes will affect cantilever design. Four walls have special details: Page 3 Preeonstruction Conference Minutes February 7, 2023 Wall 26 MSE Wall with shallow undercut, GEU will assist with the undercut determination. Walls 27, 30, and 32 — walls have colluvial soils on outward side with shored MSE walls. Walls are quite tall; when encountering colluvial boundary, contact GEU for inspection of the colluvial material limits. For an example, the colluvial boundary drawing within the plan sheets was reviewed for Wall 30. It was noted that colluvial material is acceptable to reuse with guidance from GEU. A question was posed by Kevin Burns — How do we design soil nails with colluvial unknowns? Answer (Dean Hardister) — There is a good estimate of the boundaries available but if extra work is required, a Supplemental Agreement will be needed. Question — Can colluvial material be used back in the wall zone? Answer — There is a quantity of select granular material set up if the colluvial material is too saturated to reuse. Utility Update -- Mr. James Hooper (JMT) reviewed the status of the current utility work (Utilities by Others) that is being completed. Utilities are currently 90% complete. There are 3 poles at the intersection of NC 281NC 143 that need an access agreement in order to construct. Erosion Control - The following items within the contract were noted: • Page EC — Stabilization Requirements were noted • Page EC5 - Seeding requirements were noted. Josh Stephens (DMJs) noted that not all seeds will be available. Reid Whitehead (NCDOT) noted that the right seed mix needs to be used in the correct places. Mitchell Bishop (NCDOT) stated that if any seed is unavailable, notify NCDOT to discuss seed mixture options. Reid Whitehead noted that Erosion Control measures need to be installed as soon as they can and the Erosion Control plans need to be followed. Dave McHenry stated that seeding for the USFS parcels applies to more than just the Golden - Winged Warbler Habitat. • Page EC13 — Waste and Borrow Sources section was noted. • Page EC15 — Safety Fence and Jurisdictional Flagging section was noted. • Page EC30 — Stream Channel Relocation Limitations section was noted. • Page EC35 — Litter Removal. To be paid by the man-hour for picking up litter and paid by the ton for bag disposal. Frequency will be determined by NCDOT as needed. • Page EC38 — Tack for Mulch and Erosion Control section was noted. Page 4 Preconstruction Conference Minutes February 7, 2023 Structures - The following items within the contract were noted: Page ST8 — Submittal of Working Drawings. General overview of the submittal process for structure envelopes. • Page ST14 — Crane Safety section was noted. Guidelines and requirements for crane operations are included in this section. • Page STl6 — Optional Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert at STA 66+85 -L-; Adams Contracting will be constructing a Cast -in -Place culvert. Environmental Permitting — Patrick Breedlove (NCDOT) covered several key points contained within the environment permit that included, but are not limited to, the following: • Tree clearing may take place from October 16 through March 31 of any year. These dates are not negotiable and if clearing is not complete by the deadline then it will be delayed until the next cycle. • The trout moratorium is January 1 to April 15 of each year. No mechanical clearing within the 25 foot buffer zone from the top of each stream bank. No disturbance of the ground is allowed within the 25 foot buffers in the sensitive areas during the trout moratorium. • The Prime Contractor should communicate through Wade Clements or Mary Davis with questions or reporting in order to follow protocol. * Use orange safety fence for delineation of sensitive areas. • As a condition of the 401 Permit embed culverts to plan specifications, including inlet & outlet elevations. Permit condition for stream relocations at Site # 11, 17, & 19 — work will need to be completed, area stabilized, and inspected by NC Division of Water Resources before water is put back into original stream location. Mr. Kevin Mitchell (NC Division of Water Resources) addressed the following conditions of the environmental permit: • For culvert burial, bury culvert 20% for diameters less than 48 inches, bury culverts 1' with diameters greater than 48 inches. Retain all natural substrate to be used for backfill, generally the top 1'-2' of excavated material is acceptable for reusable substrate - do not over excavate down to unsuitable material. Aggregate may be allowed to backfill the bottom of culvert sills with natural substrate to be place on top of the aggregate. All culvert burials should be constructed as per the design plans. Rip rap should also be embedded as to not impede free movement of any wildlife. Page 5 Preconstruction Conference Minutes February 7, 2023 • All work along streams, including concrete work, should be completed in dry areas with equipment being located on the banks. Check equipment regularly for any fluid leaks. Report any sediment loss greater than 5 gallons, oil spills greater than 25 gallons and/or within 100' of surface waters. All violations shall be reported to the Division of Water Resources within 24 hours of the occurrence. Kevin Barnett (NCDOT) stated that contractors shall route violation reporting through Wade Clements or Mark Davis, who will forward the report of violation to Kevin Barnett. Mr. Barnett will route the report to the agencies. • All NPDES records shall be kept up to date; reports will be checked for compliance regularly. • Patrick Breedlove stated that all stream diversion pipes shall be removed prior to the January 1st trout moratorium date. Adam Dockery noted that contractors shall notify Wade Clements if any diversion pipes need adjustment. Pro 'ect Special Provisions - Ms. Crystal Amschler (Army Corps of Engineers) discussed the 25 permit conditions in the 404 Permit as detailed in the project contract on pages P-8 through P-15. All personnel on the project should be familiar with these 25 permit conditions of the permit. Several key points were discussed as follows: • 1. Work Limits — Do not over exceed planned impacts. • 8. Reporting Violations - Subcontractors should not contact the Corps of Engineers (COE) directly, use the project chain of command. • 9. Clean fill no trash. • 10. Water Contamination — power washing of equipment before being onsite. • 11. Maintain flow and circulation patterns of waters. • 13. Culverts — Plans specify burying details. • 14. Sediment and Erosion. • 15. Temporary Fills. • 16. Aquatic Life Movement. • 17. Borrow and Waste. • 19. Compliance Inspection. • 20. 401 Certification. • 21. Prohibitions on Concrete. • 23. Discovery of Remains and Artifacts. • 24. Trout Moratorium. • 25. WRC and EBCl conditions. Mr. Patrick Breedlove discussed the approval process for waste/borrow sites utilized for the project. There are 9 agencies involved in the approval process. There are currently no waste sites approved of A-0009CC. All waste/borrow sites outside of the project trust have a reclamation plan and a State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) letter with the Page b Preconstruction Conference Minutes February 7, 2023 A-0009C designation. These items will be submitted to NCDOT through the Resident Engineer office, NCDOT will review the submittal and forward it to the Arrny Corps of Engineers. The Army Corps of Engineers will forward the submittal to the EBCI for their review. All current waste/borrow sites must also be resubmitted to go through this process to include the A-0009C screening criteria. All correspondence shall be submitted by the Prime Contractor to the Resident Engineer, at no time should any subcontractor contact the agencies directly. NCDOT will pose the question of whether existing construction lots will have to go through reclamation process for staging materials at the next meeting on February 9 h, 2023. All burning within the project limits will require permits from the Division of Forestry and Division of Air Quality. Fish & Wildlife Requirements - There is an area of special tree clearing for the Golden - Winged Warbler. There is special seeding for designated areas with available vendors for seed; seed can be purchased from any vendor. There will be no equipment staging allowed on Historic Sites. Stream Impact spreadsheets are to be filled out by the CEI Staff. Allyson Conner asked a question — Are the Warbler sites cleared? Answer: The site on Section C has been cleared and the marked trees were spared. Clearing on the Section B site began on February G`b, trees that were to remain were marked but some may be damaged during the clearing due to the size of those that are to be cut. Materials & Testing Michael Woods (NCDOT M&T) stated that aluminum pipe & guardrail must come from an acceptable source with all required paperwork. Inspection of the pipe is required before installation on the project. All aggregate must also come from an approved source. The metal strapping on the retaining walls will need to be tested. Adams Contracting stated that concrete will come from the SCM plants in Bryson City and Andrews. Page 7 Preconstruction Conference Minutes February 7, 2023 Progress Schedule_- The time scale/cash curve narrative was submitted at the preconstruction conference and is under review for approval_ Subcontract Approval Form (SAF) — SAF submittals have been submitted for the following subcontractors: • Clean Cuts Tree Service (Clearing & Grubbing) • Young Construction Co. Inc. (Welded Steel Pipe) • Nu Pipe, LLC (CIPP Liners) • DM3's, Inc. (Erosion Control) • Concrete Specialties Constructors (Concrete Flatwork Items) • Dixon Paving & Milling (Asphalt Milling) • Moore Surveying PLLC (Construction Surveying) • R.E. Burns & Sons (Culverts and Walls) • JC Concrete, Construction, LLC (Concrete Construction) • Highway Markings, Inc. (Pavement Striping & Markings) • Bullington Construction, Inc. (Guardrail) • Bateman Trucking Company (Asphalt Construction) + Wurster Engineering- 2' Tier Sub (Sail Nail Walls) + Jensen Drilling Company (Horizontal Drains) Material Suppliers — The proposed suppliers of materials for this project include: • Harrison Construction (Aggregates and Asphalt) • Bullington Construction Inc. (Guardrail) • K&M Products (Frames and Grates) + Fortiline, Inc. (pipe, Drainage Structures) + Hanes Geo Components (Geotextile Fabrics) • Eagle Precast (Single Face Concrete Barrier) Southern Concrete Materials (Concrete) + Reinforced Earth (Precast Panels for MSE & SMSE Walls) Contractor Personnel - For Adams Contracting Co. Inc., Mr. Blake Anderson will serve as Project Manager and Erosion & Sediment Control Supervisor. The OSHA Competent Person will also be Mr. Blake Anderon. Mr. Rance Adams will serve as Project Superintendent. Mr. Terry Adams will serve as the Traffic Control Supervisor. Mr. Scott Anderson will serve as the EEO/DBE Liaison Officer. Supplemental A eement SA Authorization — A letter has been submitted stating that Mr. Rance Adams and Mr. Terry Adams are authorized to sign SAs on behalf of Adams Contracting Co. Inc. Page 8 Preconstruetion Conference Minutes February 7, 2023 Project Schedule: Date of Availability — March 15, 2023 except for clearing & grubbing operations is January 20, 2023 Contract Completion Date — January 28, 2027 ICT No. 1 Completion Date — August 01, 2026 Construction Start Dates — January 2023 for Mobilization, Clearing, & Erosion Control; April 2023 for Grading & Excavation; May 2023 for Storm Drainage; June 2023 for Milling/Paving; July 2023 Soil Nail Walls; August 2023 for MSE Walls. Contract/Plan Review: The ACORD standard form certification as required by Article 107-15 has been provided. The Domestic Steel Notarized Certification as required by Subarticle 106-1(B) has been provided. A Type 7 Traffic Control Certification letter has been provided. Certified Payroll is to be submitted weekly. Inspection staff will be conducting wage interviews with random employees. All DBE tracking should be submitted in a timely manner and no later than 30 days after payroll is submitted. These minutes are prepared as they are documented. Any discrepancies with the content of these minutes should be submitted in writing to this office. Failure to do so will be an indication of agreement. Sincerely, 4�[�r�s'�clre�-y _ oon:e� IFeb xr, zo- oa:.111 Adam Dockery Resident Engineer Attachment JAD:wbc Page 9 Preconstruction Conference Minutes February 7, 2023 Cc: Ms. W. Austin, P.E. Mr. J.M Bishop, P.E. Mr. J.A. Russell, P.E. Ms. C. Amschler, Army Corps of Engineers Ms. A. Conner, U.S. Forestry Service Ms. Lara Mohamed Mr. R.C. Golding Mr. P. Breedlove Mr. K. Barnett Mr. K. Mitchell Mr. R. Whitehead, F.E. Mr. D McHenry Mr. M. Wood Mr. D. Shuler Mr. C. Plemmons Mr. K. Monteith Mr. J. `Ferry, `FGS Engineers Mr. T. Adams, RK&K Mr. J. Adams, Michael Baker International Mr. S. Cordray, Vaughn & Melton Project file, wloriginal attachment rA �o N r-I 00 d' N O W W fA Z l7 me ti °' a m `�, CJ O acr .! ,a a-, � ` :n cn M r• C C3!S M N cra V I ��j N i ,� �. 00 �} N c v - 5 nQ', -� d c � t, vi 72 3 -Its .� to13 T `� Lk Qy Z-:Z o a t W 4 4 h (� qA m C2w `xl L O Y n` (n , CL Nj yy � CI- 6 li) u ® 6 N r-1 00 O N V 0 LL F- W LL1 1 z 4 C\ �N i— s d v M N 9 � � Ns � � � � » � � Ln LLI LLI a z LU � Q ui z :-i Z 0 U u � O O O Q � 0 LL I-- uj uj � � z Z (D a > ƒ E ƒ / E E / / E> § \ m 0> , Ln > o \ u / / } : 2 / � \ % _ I w uq CA \ @ 4 / _ o 7 )f2�E § /a � Ln± C E u ai j m k � bD 3 L G f 7 $ o Q E « g = \ $ 2/ \. f W w E u E / - CL R / ¥� 3 J ° 2 k > / 2§ > _ ® 4 C / 0 Q / E 3% § k f k R I @ W I u