HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120285_Appendix L_Section 4(f) Resources_20101222 APPENDIX L APPENDICES APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS APPENDIX L SECTION 4(F) RESOURCES ED GE W O OD RD S T E E L R D WOLFE LN B R I G H T A V E W F R A N K L I N B LV HILLCR EST D G A M B L E A V E TERRACE DR K IN G S M O U N T A I N H W Y TREMONT TER N D R D O W N E Y L N MCCALL DR R U S TI C H IL L S C I R S O U T H R I D G E P K W Y T I P T O E L N LANDVIEW DR E HARTFORD AVE B A R N E Y C A S T L E L N R H Y N E S T H I L L C R E S T D R T H I R D S T CRESCENT DR NO NAME ³‚SR 1122 H1 A Complex of houses and farm outbuildings Right of Way required from property Wolfe Family Dairy Farm 0950475 FeetW ")275")161 tu321 ")274 ")279 tu29 ")273 §¨¦85 ")27 §¨¦485 4f R e s o u r c e s . m x d A K H 1 2 . 1 1 . 0 8 Source: Gaston County and Mecklenburg County GIS Map printed Jan 09. Aerial dated Jan 06.Appendix L Figure 1STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County Section 4(f) Resources NOTE: PRELIMINARY ALIGNMENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Detailed Study Area Hydrology Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Parcels RailRoads Streets Structures K3A Segment Name Wolfe Family Dairy Farm DSAs 58, 64, 68, 76, 77, 81 L S O N R D M A N D E L D R BUD WILSON RD J 1 C House Corncrib Barn Right of Way avoids property Wm. Clarence Wilson House 0475237.5 FeetW ")275")161 tu321 ")274 ")279 tu29 ")273 §¨¦85 ")27 §¨¦485 4f R e s o u r c e s . m x d A K H 1 2 . 1 1 . 0 8 Source: Gaston County and Mecklenburg County GIS Map printed Jan 09. Aerial dated Jan 06.Appendix L Figure 2STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County Section 4(f) Resources NOTE: PRELIMINARY ALIGNMENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Detailed Study Area Hydrology Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Parcels RailRoads Streets Structures K3A Segment Name Wm. Clarence Wilson House DSAs 64, 68 DORCHE LELAND DR JX4 Right of Way avoids property House and contributing outbuildings (wellhouse and smokehouse) JBF Riddle House 0300150 FeetW ")275")161 tu321 ")274 ")279 tu29 ")273 §¨¦85 ")27 §¨¦485 4f R e s o u r c e s J B F R I d d l e . m x d A K H 1 2 . 1 1 . 0 8 Source: Gaston County and Mecklenburg County GIS Map printed Jan 09. Aerial dated Jan 06.Appendix L Figure 3aSTIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County Section 4(f) Resources NOTE: PRELIMINARY ALIGNMENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Detailed Study Area Hydrology Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Parcels RailRoads Streets Structures K3A Segment Name JBF Riddle House DSAs 5, 9, 23, 27, 77, 81 DORCH LELAND DR J1D Right of Way avoids property House and contributing outbuildings (wellhouse and smokehouse) JBF Riddle House 0300150 FeetW ")275")161 tu321 ")274 ")279 tu29 ")273 §¨¦85 ")27 §¨¦485 4f R e s o u r c e s J B F R I d d l e . m x d A K H 1 2 . 1 1 . 0 8 Source: Gaston County and Mecklenburg County GIS Map printed Jan 09. Aerial dated Jan 06.Appendix L Figure 3bSTIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County Section 4(f) Resources NOTE: PRELIMINARY ALIGNMENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Detailed Study Area Hydrology Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Parcels RailRoads Streets Structures K3A Segment Name JBF Riddle House DSAs 64, 68 W IL S O N R D S U M M E R G L E N D R R IV E R T O N P L J A Y B I R CRAW UV274 U N I O N R D J 1 F House Outbuildings Harrison Family Dairy Farm 0475237.5 FeetW ")275")161 tu321 ")274 ")279 tu29 ")273 §¨¦85 ")27 §¨¦485 4f R e s o u r c e s . m x d A K H 1 2 . 1 1 . 0 8 Source: Gaston County and Mecklenburg County GIS Map printed Jan 09. Aerial dated Jan 06.Appendix L Figure 4STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County Section 4(f) Resources NOTE: PRELIMINARY ALIGNMENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Detailed Study Area Hydrology Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Parcels RailRoads Streets Structures K3A Segment Name Harrison Family Dairy Farm DSAs 5, 9, 23, 27, 64, 68, 77, 81 R OMCCULLOUGH D R C O U N T R Y L N WYCLIFF LN C A M E R O N P O I N T E L N R S O N G B I R D C T A D C O C K B L U O N L N C A R R I G A N D R UV279 K2 A House Right of Way avoids property Thomas Allison House 0475237.5 FeetW ")275")161 tu321 ")274 ")279 tu29 ")273 §¨¦85 ")27 §¨¦485 4f R e s o u r c e s . m x d A K H 1 2 . 1 1 . 0 8 Source: Gaston County and Mecklenburg County GIS Map printed Jan 09. Aerial dated Jan 06.Appendix L Figure 5STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County Section 4(f) Resources NOTE: PRELIMINARY ALIGNMENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Detailed Study Area Hydrology Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Parcels RailRoads Streets Structures K3A Segment Name Thomas Allison House DSAs 4, 22, 58, 76 CAMP ROTARY RD LINWOOD RD JAKE LONG RD OLD PEACH ORCHARD RD M C S W A I N G R O V E S R D ARCHIE WHITESIDES RD DIAM OND T RD M I S T Y L N LYNN AVE L I N C O L N A C A D E M Y R D G L E N N A L L E N D R F R O S T Y B I T T R L JE N NY L N B A R N V I E W R D HANKS CIR FOY RD DOVE MEADOWS DR LAR R Y L N GRACEWAY DR KODIAK DR P O L M E R D R SEWARD ³‚SR 1133 ³‚SR 1122 H X 2 H1B H 1 A Jake Long Dairy Farm Crowders Mountain State Park Crowders Mt Golf Course 01,300650 FeetW ")275")161 tu321 ")274 ")279 tu29 ")273 §¨¦85 ")27 §¨¦485 4f R e s o u r c e s C r o w d e r s . m x d A K H 1 2 . 1 1 . 0 8 Source: Gaston County and Mecklenburg County GIS Map printed Jan 09. Aerial dated Jan 06.Appendix L Figure 6STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County Section 6(f) Resources NOTE: PRELIMINARY ALIGNMENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE Crowders Mountain State Park DSAs 58, 64, 68, 76, 77, 81 Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Detailed Study Area Hydrology Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Parcels RailRoads Streets Structures K3A Segment Name D B E A T Y R D L I N D S E Y S T B R A D L E Y T R L D O U B L E O A K S R D UNION RD L L H A R W E L L R D J O H N D R D STONE PINE DR S U S A N E L AIN E D R R L R D E L N T N O R F O L K P I N E C T CEDAR POINT RD C Y P R ESS C T UV27 UV274 J X 4 J1d J5A U N I O N R D Park at Forestview High School Park at W.A. Bess Elementary 0750375 FeetW ")275")161 tu321 ")274 ")279 tu29 ")273 §¨¦85 ")27 §¨¦485 4f R e s o u r c e s F o r e s t v i e w . m x d A K H 0 1 . 0 9 . 0 9 Source: Gaston County and Mecklenburg County GIS Map printed Jan 09. Aerial dated Jan 06.Appendix L Figure 7STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County Section 4(f) Resources NOTE: PRELIMINARY ALIGNMENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Detailed Study Area Hydrology Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Parcels RailRoads Streets Structures K3A Segment Name Park at Forestview High School DSAs 4, 22, 58, 76 HORTON RD BIRKW OOD CT KELYN HILLS DR GLENLIVET CT SPRINGHOLM DR KINLEY COMMONS LN G O L D M E D A L C R §¨¦485 K3C DIXIE RIVER RD G AR RIS O N RD Right of Way required from park S Berewick District Park 0950475 FeetW ")275")161 tu321 ")274 ")279 tu29 ")273 §¨¦85 ")27 §¨¦485 4f R e s o u r c e s B e r e w i c k k 3 c . m x d A K H 1 2 . 1 1 . 0 8 Source: Gaston County and Mecklenburg County GIS Map printed Jan 09. Aerial dated Jan 06.Appendix L Figure 8aSTIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County Section 4(f) Resources NOTE: PRELIMINARY ALIGNMENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Detailed Study Area Hydrology Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Parcels RailRoads Streets Structures K3A Segment Name Berewick District Park DSAs 4, 9, 22, 27, 58, 68, 76, 81 HORTON RD BIRKW OOD CT KELYN HILLS DR GLENLIVET CT SPRINGHOLM DR KINLEY COMMONS LN G O L D M E D A L C R §¨¦485 K 4 A DIXIE RIVER RD G AR RIS O N RD Right of Way required from park Right of Way required from park S Berewick District Park 0950475 FeetW ")275")161 tu321 ")274 ")279 tu29 ")273 §¨¦85 ")27 §¨¦485 4f R e s o u r c e s B e r e w i c k P a r k . m x d A K H 1 2 . 1 1 . 0 8 Source: Gaston County and Mecklenburg County GIS Map printed Jan 09. Aerial dated Jan 06.Appendix L Figure 8bSTIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County Section 4(f) Resources NOTE: PRELIMINARY ALIGNMENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Detailed Study Area Hydrology Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Parcels RailRoads Streets Structures K3A Segment Name Berewick District Park DSAs 5, 23, 64, 77