HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120285_Appendix F_Relocation Reports_20101222 APPENDIX F APPENDICES APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS APPENDIX F RELOCATION REPORTS EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority H1A ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 53 15 68 4 0 0 15 22 31 Businesses 11 4 15 2 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 84 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 2 250-400 10 40-70M 159 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 9 400-600 2 70-100M 205 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 42 600 UP 3 100 UP 713 600 UP 23 displacement? TOTAL 53 15 1170 23 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 3) Business services will remain available. The area X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, around the interchange is primarily commercial/industrial. indicate size, type, estimated number of 4) Please see attached spreadsheet for Business Relocatees employees, minorities, etc. 6) Multiple Listing service, Visual Survey, Local Papers, X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? Real Estate Brochures. 6. Source for available housing (list). 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 9)One home was observed that has a handicapped ramp. X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. families? 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS X 11. Is public housing available? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing that the entire east west connector right of way will be housing available during relocation period? acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within 14) Based on local survey and Real Estate listings financial means? suitable business sites will be available. X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). Please note: Not all tenants are considered as renting a 15. Number months estimated to complete conventional home. Some may own mobile homes but rent RELOCATION? 18-24 months lots. These MH owners are classified as tenants. Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File NO . T O NA M E EM P L O Y E E S FP TYP E M 1 X M a s t e r s E c o n o m y I n n 5 3 M o t e l X 2 X B e s s e m e r G r i l l 4 2 R e s t a u r a n t X 3X E d gew o o d M i n i M a r t 2 3 C o n v e n i e n c e S t o r e 4 X R o b e r t ' s O x yg en 1 0 2 G a s / W e l d i n g 5 X C a r o l i n a C a r pet W o r k s 3 1 C a r pet S a l e s 6 X G a b - E - G a l s 2 U n k n o w n 7 X U n k n o w n N a m e 1 2 N u r s e r y/G a r d e n i n g 8 X L a u r a ' s V i d e o 2 1 V i d e o R e n t a l 9 X B l u e G a s S e r v i c e 1 5 2 B o t t l e G a s S u pp li e r 10 X R e l i a b l e F i r e a n d S a f e t y I n c . 4 F i r e E x t i n gui s h e r S a l e s 11 X A n gel ' s G a r d e n 2 1 G a r d e n i n g S u pp li e s a n d N u r s e r y 12 X R o ger ' s C u s t o m I n t e r i o r s 4 A u t o m o t i v e C u s t o m i z i n g 13 X A m e r i c a n V e t e r a n s P o s t 9 2 0 2 1 V e t e r a n s P o s t 14 X K a r yae P a r k Y M C A f a m i l y C e n t e r 6 R e c r e a t i o n a l P a r k 15 X C a r o l i n a S pec i a l t y T r a n s por t 8 2 H a n d i c a pp ed / S pec i a l N e e d T r a n s port Ga s t o n E a s t - W e s t C o n n e c t o r B u s i n e s s R e l o c a t i o n s S e g m e n t H 1 A EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority H1B ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 12 0 12 0 0 0 0 2 10 Businesses 0 0 0 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 84 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 0 250-400 0 40-70M 159 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 2 400-600 0 70-100M 205 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 10 600 UP 0 100 UP 713 600 UP 23 displacement? TOTAL 12 0 1170 23 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 3) Business services will remain available. The area X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, around the interchange is primarily commercial/industrial. indicate size, type, estimated number of 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. employees, minorities, etc. 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. 6. Source for available housing (list). X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS families? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 11. Is public housing available? acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing housing available during relocation period? 14) Based on local survey and real estate listings X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within suitable business sites will be available. financial means? X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete RELOCATION? 9-12 months Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority H1C ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 46 2 48 3 0 0 3 17 28 Businesses 0 0 0 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 1 0 1 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 84 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 4 250-400 0 40-70M 159 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 13 400-600 2 70-100M 205 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 29 600 UP 0 100 UP 713 600 UP 23 displacement? TOTAL 46 2 1170 23 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 2) True United Church of God in Proposed R/W X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, 3) Business services will remain available. The area indicate size, type, estimated number of around the interchange is primarily commercial/industrial. employees, minorities, etc. 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where 6. Source for available housing (list). warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS families? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 11. Is public housing available? acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing housing available during relocation period? 14) Based on local survey and Real Estate listings X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within suitable business sites will be available. financial means? X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete RELOCATION? 18-24 months Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority H2A ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 29 17 46 41 0 3 37 6 0 Businesses 9 5 14 1 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 1 0 1 1 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 84 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 4 250-400 0 40-70M 159 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 24 400-600 17 70-100M 205 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 1 600 UP 0 100 UP 713 600 UP 23 displacement? TOTAL 29 17 1170 23 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 2) Church Wesley Chapel in Proposed R/W X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, 3) Business services will remain available. The area indicate size, type, estimated number of around the interchange is primarily commercial/industrial. employees, minorities, etc. 4) Please see attached spreadsheet for Business Relocatees X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. 6. Source for available housing (list). 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on families? the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 11. Is public housing available? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. housing available during relocation period? 14) Based on local survey and real estate listings X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within suitable business sites will be available. financial means? X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list Please note: Not all tenants are considered as renting a source). conventional home. Some may own mobile homes but rent 15. Number months estimated to complete lots. These MH owners are classified as tenants. RELOCATION? 18-24 months Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File NO . T O NA M E EM P L O Y E E S FP TYP E M 1 X W a f f l e H o u s e 1 0 4 R e s t a u r a n t 2 X B P 5 2 S e r v i c e S t a t i o n 3 X S u b w a y 8 2 R e s t a u r a n t 4X E x pre s s I n n a n d S u i t e s 4 2 H o t e l X 5 X U n k n o w n B u s i n e s s 2 0 U n k n o w n 7 X H a r r i s M a c h i n e P a r t s 3 I n d u s t r i a l m a c h i n e par t s 8 X L a n d M a s t e r s 1 5 5 L a n d s c a pin g 9 X S S I 1 5 5 L a n d s c a pin g 10 X P C S I 3 0 1 0 P o w d e r C o a t i n g F a c i l i t y 11 X S C I - V o l u t i o n s 4 0 1 0 U n k n o w n T yp e 12 X S u n b e l t R e n t a l s 2 0 5 H e a v y E qui pme n t R e n t a l s 13 X E S C E m plo yme n t S e c . C o m m . 2 5 G o v e r n m e n t 14 X V a c a n t B u s i n e s s 0 V a c a n t 15 X C h u r c h - W e s l e y C h a pel 1 M i n o r i t y C h u r c h X 16 X R T S A u t o S e r v i c e 2 G a r a ge/ A u t o S e r v i c e Ga s t o n E a s t - W e s t C o n n e c t o r B u s i n e s s R e l o c a t i o n s S e g m e n t H 2 A EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority H2B ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 50 1 51 5 0 0 5 2 44 Businesses 10 0 10 3 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 84 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 3 250-400 0 40-70M 159 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 3 400-600 1 70-100M 205 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 44 600 UP 0 100 UP 713 600 UP 23 displacement? TOTAL 50 1 1170 23 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 3) Business services will remain available. The area X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, has sufficient commercial/industrial. indicate size, type, estimated number of 4) Please see attached spreadsheet for Business Relocatees employees, minorities, etc. 6) Multiple Listing service, Visual Survey, Local Papers, X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? Real Estate Brochures. 6. Source for available housing (list). 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on families? the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 11. Is public housing available? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. housing available during relocation period? X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within 14) Based on local survey and Real Estate listings financial means? suitable business sites will be available. X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). Please note: Not all tenants are considered as renting a 15. Number months estimated to complete conventional home. Some may own mobile homes but rent RELOCATION? 12-18 months lots. These MH owners are classified as tenants. Bradley D Bowers 3/27/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/27/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File NO . T O NA M E EM P L O Y E E S FP TYP E M 1 X T h e B e a v e r C o m pan y 5 M e t a l W o r k - F a b r i c a t i o n 2 X J & L M a c h i n e & F a b r i c a t i o n 2 5 M e t a l W o r k - F a b r i c a t i o n 3 X M & M A u t o 3 J u n k Y a r d X 4 X B e l A i r e 1 H o t e l X 5 X U n k n o w n 2 A u t o S a l v a geX 6 X B a r r e t ' s H o m e F u r n i s h i n gs 5 F u r n i t u r e S a l e s 7 X D i x i e G l a s s C o . 5 G l a s s C o . 8 X I n n o v a t i v e M F G . 2 U n k n o w n 9 X M u f f l e r B r a k e S h o p, I n c . 5 A u t o R e pai r 10 X P u t n a m ' s A u t o P a r t s 5 O f f i c e O n l y Ga s t o n E a s t - W e s t C o n n e c t o r B u s i n e s s R e l o c a t i o n s S e g m e n t H 2 B EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority H2C ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 39 0 39 0 0 0 0 1 38 Businesses 1 0 1 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 84 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 3 250-400 0 40-70M 159 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 1 400-600 0 70-100M 205 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 38 600 UP 0 100 UP 713 600 UP 23 displacement? TOTAL 39 0 1170 23 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 3) Business services will remain available. The area X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, has sufficient commercial/industrial. indicate size, type, estimated number of 4) Please see attached spreadsheet for Business Relocatees employees, minorities, etc. 6) Multiple Listing service, Visual Survey, Local Papers, X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? Real Estate Brochures. 6. Source for available housing (list). 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on families? the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 11. Is public housing available? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. housing available during relocation period? X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within 14) Based on local survey and Real Estate listings financial means? suitable business sites will be available. X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete RELOCATION? 12-18 months Bradley D Bowers 3/27/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/27/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File NO . T O NA M E EM P L O Y E E S FP TYP E M 1 X B r e - i n a s C o r n e r M a r t 3 1 C o n v e n i e n c e S t o r e / G a s Ga s t o n E a s t - W e s t C o n n e c t o r B u s i n e s s R e l o c a t i o n s S e g m e n t H 2 C EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority H3 ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 33 1 34 6 0 0 5 12 17 Businesses 10 0 10 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 2 0 2 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 84 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 3 250-400 0 40-70M 159 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 13 400-600 1 70-100M 205 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 17 600 UP 0 100 UP 713 600 UP 23 displacement? TOTAL 33 1 1170 23 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 2) The Charity Independent Baptist Church is inside X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, the proposed R/W. Additionally the Elks Lodge(Non Profit) indicate size, type, estimated number of is also in Proposed R/W. employees, minorities, etc. 3) Business services will remain available. The area X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? has sufficient commercial/industrial. 6. Source for available housing (list). 4) Please see attached spreadsheet for Business Relocatees X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? 6) Multiple Listing service, Visual Survey, Local Papers, Real estate brochures X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where families? warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? X 11. Is public housing available? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on housing available during relocation period? the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within housing. This determination is based on the assumption financial means? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. source). 14) Based on local survey and Real Estate listings 15. Number months estimated to complete suitable business sites will be available. RELOCATION? 12-18 months Bradley D Bowers 3/27/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/27/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File NO . T O NA M E EM P L O Y E E S FP TYP E M 1 X T h e B e a v e r C o m pan y 5 M e t a l W o r k / F a b r i c a t i o n 2 X J & L M a c h i n e & F a b r i c a t i o n 2 5 M e t a l W o r k / F a b r i c a t i o n 3 X M & M A u t o 3 J u n k yar d X 4 X B e l A i r e 1 H o t e l X 5 X U n k n o w n 2 A u t o S a l v a geX 6 X B a r r e t ' s H o m e F u r n i s h i n gs 5 F u r n i t u r e 7 X D i x i e G l a s s C o m pan y 5 G l a s s C o . 8 X I n n o v a t i v e M F G . 2 U n k n o w n 9 X M u f f l e r B r a k e S h o p. I n c 5 A u t o R e pai r 10 X P u t n a m ' s A u t o P a r t s 5 O f f i c e O n l y 11 X E l k s L o d ge0 Fr a t e r n a l L o d ge (o v e r l a p H 2 B ) 12 X C h a r i t y I n d e pen d e n t B a pti s t C h u r c h 3 1 No n P r o f i t (o v e r l a p H 2 B ) Ga s t o n E a s t - W e s t C o n n e c t o r B u s i n e s s R e l o c a t i o n s S e g m e n t H 3 EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority HX2 ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 79 0 79 0 0 6 0 30 43 Businesses 0 0 0 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 2 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 4 150-250 0 20-40M 84 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 3 250-400 0 40-70M 159 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 9 400-600 0 70-100M 205 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 64 600 UP 0 100 UP 713 600 UP 23 displacement? TOTAL 79 0 1170 23 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 3) Business services will remain available. The area X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, around the interchange is primarily commercial/industrial. indicate size, type, estimated number of 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. employees, minorities, etc. 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. 6. Source for available housing (list). X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS families? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 11. Is public housing available? acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing housing available during relocation period? 14) Based on local survey and real estate listings X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within suitable business sites will be available. financial means? X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete RELOCATION? 18-24 months Bradley D Bowers 3/29/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/29/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority J1A ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 16 17 33 4 0 4 10 8 11 Businesses 5 4 9 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 1 0 1 1 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 84 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 4 250-400 0 40-70M 159 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 0 400-600 17 70-100M 205 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 12 600 UP 0 100 UP 713 600 UP 23 displacement? TOTAL 16 17 1170 23 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 2) Church Mount Pleasant Zion in Proposed R/W X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, 3) Business services will remain available. The area indicate size, type, estimated number of has sufficient commercial/industrial areas post acquisition. employees, minorities, etc. 4) Please see attached spreadsheet for Business Relocatees X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. 6. Source for available housing (list). 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on families? the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 11. Is public housing available? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. housing available during relocation period? 14) Based on local survey and Real Estate listings X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within suitable business sites will be available. financial means? X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list Please note: Not all tenants are considered as renting a source). conventional home. Some may own mobile homes but rent 15. Number months estimated to complete lots. These MH owners are classified as tenants. RELOCATION? 12-18 months Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File NO . T O NA M E EM P L O Y E E S FP TYP E M 1 X C o r v e t t e s C l a s s i c 3 2 C l a s s i c C a r S a l e s 2 X D a n ' s 2 2 2 G r i l l 3 X P a n t h e r M e t a l F a b r i c a t i o n 6 2 M e t a l F a b r i c a t i o n 4 X M a r r M a c h i n e W o r k s 6 2 M a c h i n e W o r k s 5 X E T S S a l e s a n d R e pai r 4 S a l e s / R e pai r 6 X M a s o n M i n i S t o r a ge 1 1 S t o r a ge U n i t s 7 X U n k n o w n B u s i n e s s 0 2 W a r e h o u s e 8 X R E M c L e a n T a n k C o . 2 0 S t o r a ge T a n k s I n s t a l l / B u i l d 9 X I n d u s t r i a l P o w d e r C o a t i n g 20 P o w d e r C o a t i n g 10 X C o l o r M a t e 2 0 M a n u f a c t u r i n g D ye a n d I n k 11 X M o u n t P l e a s a n t Z i o n C h u r c h 3 N o n P r o f i t X Ga s t o n E a s t - W e s t C o n n e c t o r B u s i n e s s R e l o c a t i o n s S e g m e n t J 1 A EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority J1B ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 0 7 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 Businesses 1 1 2 2 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 6 20-40M 84 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 0 250-400 0 40-70M 159 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 0 400-600 1 70-100M 205 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 0 600 UP 0 100 UP 713 600 UP 23 displacement? TOTAL 0 7 1170 23 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 3) Business services will remain available. The area X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, has sufficient commercial/industrial. indicate size, type, estimated number of 4) Please see attached spreadsheet for Business Relocatees employees, minorities, etc. 6) Multiple Listing service, Visual Survey, Local Papers, X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? Real Estate Brochures. 6. Source for available housing (list). 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on families? the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 11. Is public housing available? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. housing available during relocation period? X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within 14) Based on local survey and Real Estate listings financial means? suitable business sites will be available. X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). Please note: Not all tenants are considered as renting a 15. Number months estimated to complete conventional home. Some may own mobile homes but rent RELOCATION? 6-9 months lots. These MH owners are classified as tenants. Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File NO . T O NA M E EM P L O Y E E S FP TYP E M 1 X J & P A u t o R e pai r 2 A u t o R e pai r 2 X I n d u s t r i a l P o w d e r C o a t i n g 20 P o w d e r C o a t i n g Ga s t o n E a s t - W e s t C o n n e c t o r B u s i n e s s R e l o c a t i o n s S e g m e n t J 1 B EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority J1C ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 17 3 20 0 0 0 0 4 16 Businesses 0 0 0 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 1 0 1 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 19 150-250 3 20-40M 84 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 7 250-400 0 40-70M 159 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 2 400-600 0 70-100M 205 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 15 600 UP 0 100 UP 713 600 UP 23 displacement? TOTAL 17 3 1170 23 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 3) Business services will remain available. Sufficient X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, commercial/industrial areas will remain. indicate size, type, estimated number of 4) Please see attached spreadheet for business relocatees employees, minorities, etc. 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where 6. Source for available housing (list). warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on families? the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 11. Is public housing available? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. housing available during relocation period? X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within 14) Based on local survey and real estate listings financial means? suitable business sites will be available. X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). Please note: The tenant displacees on this segment are 15. Number months estimated to complete primarily mobile home lots. The proposed R/W affects RELOCATION? 12 months two parks. There were other parks with vacancies that Were not impacted. Although this is a high number of tenant displacees, over time, their relocation should be poss. Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File NO . T O NA M E EM P L O Y E E S FP TYP E M 1 X D u c k C r o s s i n g F a r m 3 F a r m O per a t i o n Ga s t o n E a s t - W e s t C o n n e c t o r B u s i n e s s R e l o c a t i o n s S e g m e n t J 1 C EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority J1D ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 7 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 Businesses 0 0 0 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 84 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 0 250-400 0 40-70M 159 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 0 400-600 0 70-100M 205 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 7 600 UP 0 100 UP 713 600 UP 23 displacement? TOTAL 7 0 1170 23 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 3) Business services will remain available. The area X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, around the interchange is primarily commercial/industrial. indicate size, type, estimated number of 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. employees, minorities, etc. 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. 6. Source for available housing (list). X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS families? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 11. Is public housing available? acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing housing available during relocation period? 14) Based on local survey and real estate listings X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within suitable business sites will be available. financial means? X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete RELOCATION? 6-9 months Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority J1E ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Businesses 0 0 0 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 114 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 0 250-400 0 40-70M 218 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 0 400-600 0 70-100M 307 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 0 600 UP 0 100 UP 1257 600 UP 31 displacement? TOTAL 0 0 1905 31 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, indicate size, type, estimated number of employees, minorities, etc. X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? 6. Source for available housing (list). X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? This is a negative study, NO relocatees X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. families? X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? X 11. Is public housing available? X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing housing available during relocation period? X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within financial means? X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete RELOCATION? 0 months Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority J1F ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 17 3 20 2 0 2 3 12 3 Businesses 0 0 0 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 114 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 3 250-400 3 40-70M 218 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 4 400-600 0 70-100M 307 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 10 600 UP 0 100 UP 1257 600 UP 31 displacement? TOTAL 17 3 1905 31 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 3) Business services will remain available. The area X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, around the interchange is primarily commercial/industrial. indicate size, type, estimated number of 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. employees, minorities, etc. 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. 6. Source for available housing (list). X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS families? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 11. Is public housing available? acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing housing available during relocation period? 14) Based on local survey and real estate listings X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within suitable business sites will be available. financial means? X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete RELOCATION? 9-12 months Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority J2A ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 9 20 29 2 0 25 4 0 0 Businesses 7 1 8 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 5 150-250 0 20-40M 84 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 3 250-400 20 40-70M 159 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 1 400-600 0 70-100M 205 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 0 600 UP 0 100 UP 713 600 UP 23 displacement? TOTAL 9 20 1170 23 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 3) Business services will remain available. The area X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, will have a sufficient number of businesses unaffected. indicate size, type, estimated number of 4) Please see attached spreadsheet for business relocatees employees, minorities, etc. 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where 6. Source for available housing (list). warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on families? the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 11. Is public housing available? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. housing available during relocation period? 14) Based on local survey and real estate listings X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within suitable business sites will be available. financial means? X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list Please note: Majority of tenants on this segment are Mobile source). homes which rent lots and own the mobile home. 15. Number months estimated to complete Replacement housing may be in the form of lots, other RELOCATION? 12-18 months mobile homes for rent/sale, and in some cases conventional homes. Bradley D Bowers 3/29/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/29/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File NO . T O NA M E EM P L O Y E E S FP TYP E M 1 X O r i o n M o b i l e H o m e P a r k 2 M H P a r k O f f i c e 2 X G a s t o n B u i l d i n g S yst e m s 1 0 3 C o n s t r u c t i o n 3 X J o h n n y's G a r a ge 2 A u t o S e r v i c e 4 X M e t a l W o r k s 5 M e t a l F a b r i c a t i o n 5 X A b b o t I n d u s t r i e s 1 0 U n k n o w n 6 X P a r k e r ' s G a r a ge 1 A u t o S e r v i c e 7 X D e n n i s M a c h i n e W o r k s 5 8 X B r u c e ' s I r o n a n d M e t a l 1 0 I r o n a n d M e t a l W o r k s Ga s t o n E a s t - W e s t C o n n e c t o r B u s i n e s s R e l o c a t i o n s S e g m e n t J 2 A EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority J2C ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 20 0 20 0 0 0 0 9 11 Businesses 0 0 0 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 84 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 0 250-400 0 40-70M 159 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 6 400-600 0 70-100M 205 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 14 600 UP 0 100 UP 713 600 UP 23 displacement? TOTAL 20 0 1170 23 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 3) Business services will remain available. The area X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, has sufficient commercial businesses not impacted. indicate size, type, estimated number of 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. employees, minorities, etc. 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. 6. Source for available housing (list). X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS families? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 11. Is public housing available? acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing housing available during relocation period? 14) Based on local survey and real estate listings X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within suitable business sites will be available. financial means? X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete RELOCATION? 12 months Bradley D Bowers 3/29/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/29/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority J2D ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 15 1 16 8 1 1 6 0 8 Businesses 1 0 1 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 1 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 84 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 6 250-400 1 40-70M 159 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 3 400-600 0 70-100M 205 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 5 600 UP 0 100 UP 713 600 UP 23 displacement? TOTAL 15 1 1170 23 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 3) Business services will remain available. Sufficient X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, commercial/industrial areas will remain. indicate size, type, estimated number of 4) Please see attached spreadheet for business relocatees employees, minorities, etc. 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where 6. Source for available housing (list). warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on families? the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 11. Is public housing available? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. housing available during relocation period? X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within 14) Based on local survey and real estate listings financial means? suitable business sites will be available. X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete RELOCATION? 24 months Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File NO . T O NA M E EM P L O Y E E S FP TYP E M 1 X V i l l a R o m a R e s t a u r a n t 5 5 R e s t a u r a n t Ga s t o n E a s t - W e s t C o n n e c t o r B u s i n e s s R e l o c a t i o n s S e g m e n t J 2 D EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority J3 ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 9 20 29 2 0 25 4 0 0 Businesses 8 1 9 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 5 150-250 0 20-40M 84 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 3 250-400 20 40-70M 159 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 1 400-600 0 70-100M 205 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 0 600 UP 0 100 UP 713 600 UP 23 displacement? TOTAL 9 20 1170 23 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 3) Business services will remain available. The area X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, around the interchange is primarily commercial/industrial. indicate size, type, estimated number of 4) Please see attached spreadsheet for business relocatees employees, minorities, etc. 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where 6. Source for available housing (list). warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on families? the market, It is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 11. Is public housing available? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. housing available during relocation period? 14) Based on local survey and real estate listings X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within suitable business sites will be available. financial means? X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list Please note: Majority of tenants on this segment are Mobile source). homes which rent lots and own the mobile home. 15. Number months estimated to complete Replacement housing may be in the form of lots, other RELOCATION? 12-18 months mobile homes for rent/sale, and in some cases conventional homes. Bradley D Bowers 3/29/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/29/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File NO . T O NA M E EM P L O Y E E S FP TYP E M 1 X O r i o n M o b i l e H o m e P a r k 2 M H P a r k O f f i c e 2 X G a s t o n B u i l d i n g S yst e m s 1 0 3 C o n s t r u c t i o n 3 X J o h n n y's G a r a ge 2 A u t o S e r v i c e 4 X M e t a l W o r k s 5 M e t a l F a b r i c a t i o n 5 X A b b o t I n d u s t r i e s 1 0 U n k n o w n 6 X P a r k e r ' s G a r a ge 1 A u t o S e r v i c e 7 X D e n n i s M a c h i n e W o r k s 5 8 X B r u c e ' s I r o n a n d M e t a l 1 0 I r o n a n d M e t a l W o r k s 9 X H a w k i n ' s M i n i S t o r a ge 3 1 M i n i S t o r a ge Ga s t o n E a s t - W e s t C o n n e c t o r B u s i n e s s R e l o c a t i o n s S e g m e n t J 3 EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority J4 ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 33 56 89 22 0 76 8 3 2 Businesses 7 1 8 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 19 150-250 0 20-40M 84 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 7 250-400 56 40-70M 159 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 5 400-600 0 70-100M 205 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 2 600 UP 0 100 UP 713 600 UP 23 displacement? TOTAL 33 56 1170 23 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 3) Business services will remain available. Sufficient X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, commercial/industrial areas will remain. indicate size, type, estimated number of 4) Please see attached spreadheet for business relocatees employees, minorities, etc. 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where 6. Source for available housing (list). warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on families? the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 11. Is public housing available? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. housing available during relocation period? X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within 14) Based on local survey and real estate listings financial means? suitable business sites will be available. X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). Please note: The tenant displacees on this segment are 15. Number months estimated to complete primarily mobile home lots. The proposed R/W affects RELOCATION? 24 months two parks. There were other parks with vacancies that Were not impacted. Although this is a high number of tenant displacees, over time, their relocation should be poss. Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File NO . T O NA M E EM P L O Y E E S FP TYP E M 1 X O r i o n M o b i l e H o m e P a r k 2 O f f i c e T r a i l e r 2 X G a s t o n B u i l d i n g S yst e m s 1 0 3 C o n t r u c t i o n 3 X J o h n n y's G a r a ge 2 A u t o S e r v i c e 4 X M e t a l W o r k s 5 M e t a l F a b r i c a t i o n 5 X A b b o t I n d u s t r i e s 5 U n k n o w n 6 X P a r k e r s G a r a ge 1 A u t o S e r v i c e 7 X D e n n i s M a c h i n e W o r k s 5 U n k n o w n 8 X B r u c e ' s I r o n a n d M e t a l 1 0 M e t a l I r o n C u s t o m i z i n g Ga s t o n E a s t - W e s t C o n n e c t o r B u s i n e s s R e l o c a t i o n s S e g m e n t J 4 EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority J5A ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 13 0 13 0 0 0 0 1 12 Businesses 0 0 0 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 114 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 1 250-400 0 40-70M 218 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 0 400-600 0 70-100M 307 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 12 600 UP 0 100 UP 1257 600 UP 31 displacement? TOTAL 13 0 1905 31 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 3) Business services will remain available. Sufficient X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, commercial/industrial areas will remain. indicate size, type, estimated number of 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. employees, minorities, etc. 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. 6. Source for available housing (list). X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS families? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 11. Is public housing available? acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing housing available during relocation period? 14) Based on local survey and real estate listings X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within suitable business sites will be available. financial means? X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete RELOCATION? 9-12 months Bradley D Bowers 4/1/08 Bradley D Bowers 4/1/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority JX1 ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 10 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 Businesses 0 0 0 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 84 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 0 250-400 0 40-70M 159 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 10 400-600 0 70-100M 205 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 0 600 UP 0 100 UP 713 600 UP 23 displacement? TOTAL 10 0 1170 23 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 3) Business services will remain available. The area X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, will have sufficient unaffected businesses. indicate size, type, estimated number of 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. employees, minorities, etc. 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance 6. Source for available housing (list). with the Uniform Relocation Act. X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS families? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 11. Is public housing available? acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing housing available during relocation period? 14) Based on local survey and real estate listings X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within suitable business sites will be available. financial means? X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete RELOCATION? 6-9 months Bradley D Bowers 3/29/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/29/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority JX4 ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 12 0 12 0 0 0 0 1 11 Businesses 0 0 0 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 1 150-250 0 20-40M 114 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 0 250-400 0 40-70M 218 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 0 400-600 0 70-100M 307 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 11 600 UP 0 100 UP 1257 600 UP 31 displacement? TOTAL 12 0 1905 31 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 3) Business services will remain available. Sufficient X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, commercial/industrial areas will remain. indicate size, type, estimated number of 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. employees, minorities, etc. 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. 6. Source for available housing (list). X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS families? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 11. Is public housing available? acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing housing available during relocation period? 14) Based on local survey and real estate listings X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within suitable business sites will be available. financial means? X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete RELOCATION? 9-12 months Bradley D Bowers 4/1/08 Bradley D Bowers 4/1/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority K1A ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Businesses 0 0 0 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 1 0 1 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 114 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 0 250-400 0 40-70M 218 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 0 400-600 0 70-100M 307 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 1 600 UP 0 100 UP 1257 600 UP 31 displacement? TOTAL 1 0 1905 31 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 3) Business services will remain available. Sufficient X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, commercial/industrial areas will remain. indicate size, type, estimated number of 4) Please see attached spreadheet for business relocatees employees, minorities, etc. 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where 6. Source for available housing (list). warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on families? the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 11. Is public housing available? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. housing available during relocation period? X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within 14) Based on local survey and real estate listings financial means? suitable business sites will be available. X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete RELOCATION? 6 Months Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File NO . T O NA M E EM P L O Y E E S FP TYP E M 1 X W h i t e R o c k H o r s e F a r m 3 2 H o r s e F a r m Ga s t o n E a s t - W e s t C o n n e c t o r B u s i n e s s R e l o c a t i o n s S e g m e n t K 1 A EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority K1B ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Businesses 0 0 0 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 114 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 0 250-400 0 40-70M 218 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 0 400-600 0 70-100M 307 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 0 600 UP 0 100 UP 1257 600 UP 31 displacement? TOTAL 0 0 1905 31 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, indicate size, type, estimated number of employees, minorities, etc. X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? 6. Source for available housing (list). X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? This is a negative study, NO relocatees X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. families? X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? X 11. Is public housing available? X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing housing available during relocation period? X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within financial means? X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete RELOCATION? 0 months Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority K1C ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 26 0 26 0 0 0 0 2 24 Businesses 0 0 0 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 114 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 0 250-400 0 40-70M 218 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 1 400-600 0 70-100M 307 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 25 600 UP 0 100 UP 1257 600 UP 31 displacement? TOTAL 26 0 1905 31 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 3) Business services will remain available. The area X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, around the interchange is primarily commercial/industrial. indicate size, type, estimated number of 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. employees, minorities, etc. 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. 6. Source for available housing (list). X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS families? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 11. Is public housing available? acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing housing available during relocation period? 14) Based on local survey and real estate listings X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within suitable business sites will be available. financial means? X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete RELOCATION? 12-16 months Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority K2A ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 37 3 40 1 0 0 4 6 30 Businesses 1 0 1 1 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 1 0 1 1 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 114 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 3 250-400 1 40-70M 218 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 9 400-600 0 70-100M 307 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 25 600 UP 2 100 UP 1257 600 UP 31 displacement? TOTAL 37 3 1905 31 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 2) Church - Gaston Christian Church in Proposed R/W X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, 3) Business services will remain available. The area indicate size, type, estimated number of has sufficient commercial/industrial areas post acquisition. employees, minorities, etc. 4) Please see attached spreadsheet for Business Relocatees X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. 6. Source for available housing (list). 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on families? the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 11. Is public housing available? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. housing available during relocation period? 14) Based on local survey and Real Estate listings X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within suitable business sites will be available. financial means? X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete RELOCATION? 18 months Bradley D Bowers 4/1/08 Bradley D Bowers 4/1/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File NO . T O NA M E EM P L O Y E E S FP TYP E M 1 X G a s t o n C h r i s t i a n C h u r c h 3 C h u r c h 2 X G a s t o n C o . S a t t e l i t e D u m p 3 W a s t e D i s pos a l Ga s t o n E a s t - W e s t C o n n e c t o r B u s i n e s s R e l o c a t i o n s S e g m e n t K 2 A EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority K3A ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 21 3 24 0 0 3 5 2 14 Businesses 2 0 2 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 114 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 5 250-400 0 40-70M 218 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 2 400-600 3 70-100M 307 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 14 600 UP 0 100 UP 1257 600 UP 31 displacement? TOTAL 21 3 1905 31 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, 3) Business services will remain available. The area indicate size, type, estimated number of has sufficient commercial/industrial areas post acquisition. employees, minorities, etc. 4) Please see attached spreadsheet for Business Relocatees X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. 6. Source for available housing (list). 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on families? the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 11. Is public housing available? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. housing available during relocation period? 14) Based on local survey and Real Estate listings X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within suitable business sites will be available. financial means? X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete RELOCATION? 18 months Bradley D Bowers 4/21/08 Bradley D Bowers 4/21/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File NO . T O NA M E EM P L O Y E E S FP TYP E M 1 X A l l S t a t e M e c h a n i c a l 2 H V A C 2 X U n k n o w n B u s i n e s s U n k n o w n Ga s t o n E a s t - W e s t C o n n e c t o r B u s i n e s s R e l o c a t i o n s S e g m e n t K 3 A EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority K3B ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 45 22 67 0 0 0 20 15 32 Businesses 2 0 2 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 114 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 2 250-400 20 40-70M 218 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 11 400-600 2 70-100M 307 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 32 600 UP 0 100 UP 1257 600 UP 31 displacement? TOTAL 45 22 1905 31 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, 3) Business services will remain available. The area indicate size, type, estimated number of has sufficient commercial/industrial areas post acquisition. employees, minorities, etc. 4) Please see attached spreadsheet for Business Relocatees X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. 6. Source for available housing (list). 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on families? the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 11. Is public housing available? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. housing available during relocation period? 14) Based on local survey and Real Estate listings X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within suitable business sites will be available. financial means? X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete RELOCATION? 18-24 months Bradley D Bowers 4/21/08 Bradley D Bowers 4/21/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File NO . T O NA M E EM P L O Y E E S FP TYP E M 1 X U n k n o w n 2 U n k n o w n 2X J o ye' s M o b i l e H o m e P a r k 1 M o b i l e H o m e P a r k Ga s t o n E a s t - W e s t C o n n e c t o r B u s i n e s s R e l o c a t i o n s S e g m e n t K 3 B EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority K3C ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 19 0 19 18 0 2 14 3 0 Businesses 0 0 0 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 3 150-250 0 20-40M 114 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 9 250-400 0 40-70M 218 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 7 400-600 0 70-100M 307 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 0 600 UP 0 100 UP 1257 600 UP 31 displacement? TOTAL 19 0 1905 31 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 3) Business services will remain available. The area X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, around the interchange is primarily commercial/industrial. indicate size, type, estimated number of 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. employees, minorities, etc. 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. 6. Source for available housing (list). X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS families? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 11. Is public housing available? acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing housing available during relocation period? 14) Based on local survey and real estate listings X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within suitable business sites will be available. financial means? X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete RELOCATION? 12 months Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority K4A ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 66 28 94 15 0 0 7 29 58 Businesses 0 0 0 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 1 0 1 1 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 11 20-40M 114 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 6 250-400 0 40-70M 218 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 10 400-600 5 70-100M 307 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 50 600 UP 12 100 UP 1257 600 UP 31 displacement? TOTAL 66 28 1905 31 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? 2) Ramoth AME Zion Church in Proposed R/W X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, 3) Business services will remain available. Sufficient indicate size, type, estimated number of commercial/industrial areas will remain. employees, minorities, etc. X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. 6. Source for available housing (list). 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. families? 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS X 11. Is public housing available? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing that the entire east west connector right of way will be housing available during relocation period? acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within 14) Based on local survey and real estate listings financial means? suitable business sites will be available. X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). Please note: Not all tenants are considered as renting a 15. Number months estimated to complete conventional home. Some may own mobile homes but rent RELOCATION? 18-24 Months lots. These MH owners are classified as tenants. Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Bradley D Bowers 3/26/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File NO . T O NA M E EM P L O Y E E S FP TYP E M 81 X R a m o t h A M E Z i o n 2 C h u r c h / N o n - P r o f i t X Ga s t o n E a s t - W e s t C o n n e c t o r B u s i n e s s R e l o c a t i o n s S e g m e n t K 4 A EIS R E L O C A T I O N R E P O R T North Carolina Turnpike Authority RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM E.I.S. CORRIDOR DESIGN WBS: N/A COUNTY Gaston/Mecklenburg Alternate N/A of N/A Alternate I.D. NO.: U-3321 F.A. PROJECT N/A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Gaston East West Connector – North Carolina Turnpike Authority KX1 ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 33 0 33 1 0 0 0 14 19 Businesses 1 1 2 0 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $ 0-150 0 0-20M 9 $ 0-150 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 114 150-250 0 Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. 40-70M 2 250-400 0 40-70M 218 250-400 0 X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 12 400-600 0 70-100M 307 400-600 0 X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 UP 19 600 UP 0 100 UP 1257 600 UP 31 displacement? TOTAL 33 0 1905 31 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS (Respond by Number) after project? X 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, 3) Business services will remain available. The area indicate size, type, estimated number of has sufficient commercial/industrial areas post acquisition. employees, minorities, etc. 4) Please see attached spreadsheet for Business Relocatees X 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? 6) Multiple Listing Service, Local Survey, Local papers/broc. 6. Source for available housing (list). 8) Last Resort Housing should be a consideration. Where X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? warranted, Last Resort Housing will be applied in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act. X 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? 11) Public Housing is available through local agencies. X 9. Are there large, disabled, elderly, etc. 12) Based on the availability of DSS housing available on families? the market, it is not felt that there will be a shortage of DSS X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? housing. This determination is based on the assumption X 11. Is public housing available? that the entire east west connector right of way will be X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing acquired in phases/segments rather than simultaneously. housing available during relocation period? 14) Based on local survey and Real Estate listings X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within suitable business sites will be available. financial means? X 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete RELOCATION? 18 months Bradley D Bowers 4/21/08 Bradley D Bowers 4/21/08 Right of Way Agent Date Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E Revised 09-02 Original & 1 Copy: Relocation Coordinator 2 Copy Division Relocation File NO . T O NA M E EM P L O Y E E S FP TYP E M 1 X J i m ' s B a i t a n d T a c k l e 3 C o n v e n i e n c e S t o r e 2 X S o u t h P o i n t G r i l l 3 R e s t a u r a n t Ga s t o n E a s t - W e s t C o n n e c t o r B u s i n e s s R e l o c a t i o n s S e g m e n t K X 1