HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120285_02_Chapter 2 Figures_20101222160 Exit 10 Legend Intersection/Ramp IntersectionImprovements 6 Lanes (Existing) 8 Lanes (Existing) Widen to 6 Lanes Widen to 8 Lanes Cross Street Improvements Interstate US Route NC Route Railroad County Boundary Hydrology Figure 2-1 Source: Gaston County and Mecklenburg Counties GIS. Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County IMPROVE EXISTING ROADWAYS ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 4 Scenario 4 = Widen I-85 to 8 lanes and 10 lanes, widen US 29/74 segments to 6 lanes, widen cross streets, improve intersections and ramps Widen to 10 Lanes ne w f i g 7 - 5 - 0 6 . a p r r e v i s e d i n i l l u s t r a t o r A K H 4 . 9 . 0 9 State Line Exit 10 160 Legend Intersection/Ramp IntersectionImprovements 6 Lanes (Existing) 8 Lanes (Existing) Widen to 6 Lanes Widen to 8 Lanes Part of N/S Feeder Road but No Improvements Needed Interstate US Route NC Route Railroad County Boundary Hydrology Figure 2-2 Source: Gaston County and Mecklenburg Counties GIS. Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County IMPROVE EXISTING ROADWAYS ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 8 Scenario 8 = Scenario 4a and additional North/South Feeder Road Improvements N/S Feeder Road Improvements Widen to 10 Lanes ne w f i g 1 1 _ 5 - 2 7 - 0 8 . a p r r e v i s e d i n i l l u s t r a t o r b y A K H 4 . 9 . 0 9 State Line W Figure 2-3 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR NEW LOCATION ALTERNATIVE TYPICAL CROSS SECTION STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Fi g 2 - 0 3 _ N e w L o c A l t T y p C r o s s S e c . p d f A K H 4 . 9 . 0 9 CL 23 ft 23 ft 12 ft 12 ft 300 ft – Minimum Right of Way SHOULDER TRAVEL LANES SHOULDER SHOULDER TRAVEL LANES SHOULDER GRASS/LANDSCAPE GRASS MEDIAN GRASS/LANDSCAPE Right-of-WayLimit Right-of-WayLimit NOTE: Four lanes may be built initially, resulting in a wider grass median. The 5th and 6th travel lanes would be the innermost travel lanes. tf 63tf 21tf 63 12 ft14 ft 14 ft NOT TO SCALE k k k k k k kk k k k k k k k k k kk k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k kkkk Sp e n c e r M o u n t a i n Mc A d e n v i l l e Belmont Cr a m e r t o n Ra n l o Be s s e m e r C i t y Da l l a s Ga s t o n i a Mt. Holly Charlotte Lo w e l l Gas to n C ou nt y Yor k C ou n t y , S C Gaston County Mecklenburg County Charlotte -Douglas Int'l Airport Ga s t o n i a Mu n i c i p a l Ai r p o r t tu2974 tu32 1 Cr o w d e r s M o u n t a i n St a t e P a r k tu2974§¨¦ 85 §¨¦ 8 5 §¨¦485 Linwood Rd Chapel Grove Rd Lewis Rd Crowders C r e e k Rd Robinson Rd B u d W ilso n R d Union Rd U n io n N e w H o p e R d S N e w H o p e R d Southpoint Rd Allen Steam Station Dixie River Rd Catawba River South Fork Catawba River C ata w b a Cree k Crowders Creek ¯ ¯ 27 9 W a l l a c e N e e l R dWest Blvd Rufus Ratchford Rd U n i o n R d F orbes R d F r e e d o m M ill R dOates R d ¯¯273 ¯ ¯ 27 4 ¯ ¯ 27 4 Da n i e l S t o w e Bo t a n i c a l G a r d e n Berewick District ParkBerryhillPark Ma r t h a R i v e r s Pa r k T J e f f e r s Pa r k Da v i s Pa r k Li n w o o d Pa r k Ga s t o n i a M u n i c i p a l Go l f C o u r s e Cr o w d e r s M o u n t a i n Go l f C o u r s e Fo r e s t v i e w Pa r k Fe r g u s o n Pa r k W. A . B e s s Pa r k Ch a p e l G r o v e Pa r k Ne w H o p e Pa r k Li n w o o d S p r i n g s Go l f C o u r s e Ga s t o n C o u n t r y C l u b Ka r y a e YM C A P a r k Ca r o l i n a Sp e e d w a y Ca m p R o t a r y Gi r l S c o u t C a m p Duke Energy Recreation Fields Dixie Community Center Al l e n A c c e s s Fi s h i n g A r e a Ca r r Page Gr i e r Rh y n e Lo w e l l Co s t n e r As h b r o o k Ho l b r o o k Ro b i n s o n Wo o d h i l l Pinewood Ne w H o p e So u t h w e s t Cr a m e r t o n H. H . B e a m Br o o k s i d e W. A . B e s s Fo r e s t v i e w Ida Rankin Hu n t e r H u s s Ea s t G a s t o n So u t h P o i n t Li n g e r f e l d t Mc A d e n v i l l e Yo r k C h e s t e r Ch a p e l G r o v e Ga r d n e r P a r k No r t h B e l m o n t Be l m o n t M i d d l e Pl e a s a n t R i d g e Fo r e s t H e i g h t s Catawba Heights Be l m o n t C e n t r a l Mt. Holly Middle Be s s e m e r C i t y H i g h Be s s e m e r C i t y M i d d l e Ed w a r d D . S a d l e r J r . Be s s e m e r C i t y C e n t r a l Be s s e m e r C i t y P r i m a r y OLYMPIC HIGH KENNEDY MIDDLEBERRYHILL ELEM STEELE CREEK ELEM Fig2-4_RefStudyAreaNewLocAlts.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Legend Study Area Boundary Refined Study Area Boundary for New Location Alternatives kSchools School Property Parks Private Recereation Facilities and Attractions State Complexes Fly Ash Basins County Lines State Line Interstates US Routes Streets Railroad Hydrography City Limits WSource: Gaston County and Mecklenburg County GIS Map printed April 2009.01.50.75 Miles Figure 2-4STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTORGaston County and Mecklenburg County REFINED STUDY AREA FOR NEW LOCATION ALTERNATIVES NO T E : P R E L I M I N A R Y A L I G N M E N T S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E kk k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k kk k k Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì°Ì°Ì°Ì°Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì°Ì°Ì°Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ranlo Be s s e m e r C i t y Ga s t o n i a Lowell Gaston County Cleveland County Gastonia Municipal Airport tu2974 tu32 1 Cr o w d e r s M o u n t a i n St a t e P a r k §¨¦ 8 5 Linwood Rd Chapel Grove Rd Lewis Rd Crowders C r e e k Rd Robinson Rd B u d Wilson RdUnion Rd Union New Hope RdCatawba C re e k Crowders Creek U n i o n F orb es R d F r e e d o m M ill R dOates R d ¯ ¯ 27 4 Ma r t h a R i v e r s Pa r k T J e f f e r s Pa r k Da v i s Pa r k Li n w o o d Pa r k Ga s t o n i a M u n i c i p a l Go l f C o u r s e Cr o w d e r s M o u n t a i n Go l f C o u r s e Forestview Park Fe r g u s o n Pa r k W.A. Bess Park Ch a p e l G r o v e Pa r k Li n w o o d Sp r i n g s Go l f Co u r s e Gaston Country Club Ka r y a e YM C A P a r k Caro Speed A3 A A 3 A 4 A3-X A7 A7a A4 - X A 6 A4 - X A 5 A6A A5 A2 A 1 B-X 1 A A 6 A 7 B 2 B3 B - X 2 a B-X2 B 1 a B1 B5 B8 B7 B - X 3 B9 C3 C 2 C1 C9 C -X 4 C - X 5 C4 C6 D3 C8 C5 C3A C7 D 1 D2 D6D5D4D-X6 D8aD8D7D9E2E1E B-X1 B 2 a B 6 B 4 A5a B10 Grier Rh y n e Ashbrook Robinson Wo o d h i l l So u t h w e s t H. H . B e a m Brookside W.A. Bess Forestview Hu n t e r H u s s Li n g e r f e l d t Yo r k C h e s t e r Ch a p e l G r o v e Gardner Park Pl e a s a n t R i d g e Fo r e s t H e i g h t s Be s s e m e r C i t y H i g h Be s s e m e r C i t y M i d d l e Fig2-5_PrelimCorridorSegs.mxd AKH 4.17.09 Legend Study Area Boundary Refined Study Area Boundary for New Location Alternatives Ì°Segment Endpoints Preliminary Corridors for New Location Alternatives West Blvd Realignment (Construction by Airport)kSchools Land Conservancy NC Clean Air Project Power Transmission Lines Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Parks State Complexes County Lines State Line Interstates US Routes Streets Railroad Hydrography City Limits WSource: Gaston County and Mecklenburg County GIS Map printed April 2009.05,0002,500 Feet Figure 2-5aSTIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTORGaston County and Mecklenburg County PRELIMINARY CORRIDOR SEGMENTS NO T E : P R E L I M I N A R Y A L I G N M E N T S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E ")275 tu321")279")273tu29/74")274§¨¦85 §¨¦485")160 k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k kkk kÌ°Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Mc A d e n v i l l e Be l m o n t Cr a m e r t o n Ga s t o n i a Charlotte Lo w e l l Gaston Co unty York Coun ty, SC Gaston County Mecklenburg County Charlotte -Douglas Int'l Airport Ga s t o n i a Mu n i c i p a l Ai r p o r t tu2974§¨¦ 85 §¨¦485 son Rd B u d W ils o n R d Union Rd U n i o n N e w H o p e R d S N e w H o p e R d Southpoint Rd Al l e n St e a m St a t i o n Dixie River Rd Catawba River South Fork Catawba River C ata w b a C re e k ¯ ¯ 27 9 W a l l a c e N e e l R dWest Blvd Rufus Ratchford Rd U n i o n R d ¯ ¯ 27 3 ¯ ¯ 27 4 ¯ ¯ 27 4 Fl y A s h Ba s i n Berewick District ParkBerryhillPark ha R i v e r s Par k pal Fo r e s t v i e w Pa r k W. A . B e s s Pa r k Ne w H o p e Pa r k Ga s t o n C o u n t r y C l u b Ca r o l i n a Sp e e d w a y Al l e n A c c e s s Fi s h i n g A r e a Da n i e l S t o w e Bo t a n i c a l G a r d e n 8C7 D 1 D2 D6 D 5 D4 D - X 6 D8a D 8 D7 D 9 E 2 E 1 E 3 E-X 7 E 5 a E 5 E 4 E 6 E - X 8 F 2 E 7 F 3 E-X 9 E 8 F-X9a F- X 1 1 F 4F 7 F12 F1 F7a F-X10 F-X13 G-X13 G15 G 1 9 G13G1G2 G 7G9 G 12 G10 G11 G6 F 1 1 G5 F10 F 9 G4 G-X14 G 3 G 1 8 F6 F 5 F- X 1 2 F8F13 G 1 7 G - X 1 2 G 1 6G14G8 Pa g e Gr i e r As h b r o o k Ho l b r o o k Ro b i n s o n Ne w H o p e Cr a m e r t o n W. A . B e s s Fo r e s t v i e w So u t h P o i n t Mc A d e n v i l l e Ga r d n e r P a r k No r t h B e l m o n t Be l m o n t M i d d l e Ca t a w b a H e i g h t s Be l m o n t C e n t r a l OLYMPIC HIGH KENNEDY MIDDLEBERRYHILL ELEM STEELE CREEK ELEM Fig2-5_PrelimCorridorSegs.mxd AKH 4.17.09 Legend Study Area Boundary Refined Study Area Boundary for New Location Alternatives Ì°Segment Endpoints Preliminary Corridors for New Location Alternatives West Blvd Realignment (Construction by Airport)kSchools Land Conservancy NC Clean Air Project Power Transmission Lines Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Parks State Complexes County Lines State Line Interstates US Routes Streets Railroad Hydrography City Limits WSource: Gaston County and Mecklenburg County GIS Map printed April 2009.05,0002,500 Feet Figure 2-5bSTIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTORGaston County and Mecklenburg County PRELIMINARY CORRIDOR SEGMENTS NO T E : P R E L I M I N A R Y A L I G N M E N T S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E ")275 tu321")279")273tu29/74")274§¨¦85 §¨¦485")160 kk k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k kk k k Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì°Ì°Ì°Ì°Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì°Ì°Ì°Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ranlo Be s s e m e r C i t y Ga s t o n i a Lowell Gaston County Cleveland County Gastonia Municipal Airport tu2974 tu32 1 Cr o w d e r s M o u n t a i n St a t e P a r k §¨¦ 8 5 Linwood Rd Chapel Grove Rd Lewis Rd Crowders C r e e k Rd Robinson Rd B u d Wilson RdUnion Rd Union New Hope RdCatawba C re e k Crowders Creek U n i o n F orb es R d F r e e d o m M ill R dOates R d ¯ ¯ 27 4 Ma r t h a R i v e r s Pa r k T J e f f e r s Pa r k Da v i s Pa r k Li n w o o d Pa r k Ga s t o n i a M u n i c i p a l Go l f C o u r s e Cr o w d e r s M o u n t a i n Go l f C o u r s e Forestview Park Fe r g u s o n Pa r k W.A. Bess Park Ch a p e l G r o v e Pa r k Li n w o o d Sp r i n g s Go l f Co u r s e Gaston Country Club Ka r y a e YM C A P a r k Car Spee A3 A A 3 A 4 A3-X A7 A7a A4 - X A 6 A4 - X A 5 A6A A5 A2 A 1 B-X 1 A A 6 A 7 B 2 B3 B - X 2 a B-X2 B 1 a B1 B5 B8 B7 B - X 3 B9 C3 C 2 C1 C9 C -X 4 C - X 5 C4 C6 D3 C8 C5C3A C7 D 1 D2 D6D5D4D-X6 D8aD8D7D9E2E1E B-X1 B 2 a B 6 B 4 A5a B10 Grier Rh y n e Ashbrook Robinson Wo o d h i l l So u t h w e s t H. H . B e a m Brookside W.A. Bess Forestview Hu n t e r H u s s Li n g e r f e l d t Yo r k C h e s t e r Ch a p e l G r o v e Gardner Park Pl e a s a n t R i d g e Fo r e s t H e i g h t s Be s s e m e r C i t y H i g h Be s s e m e r C i t y M i d d l e Fig2-6_PrelimCorridorSegsRetained.mxd AKH 4.17.09 Legend Study Area Boundary Refined Study Area Boundary for New Location Alternatives Ì°Segment Endpoints Segment Retained for Study Corridor Retained for Study Segment Eliminated from Study Corridor Eliminated from Study West Blvd Realignment (Construction by Airport)kSchools Land Conservancy NC Clean Air Project Power Transmission Lines Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions State Complexes County Lines State Line Interstates US Routes Streets Railroad Hydrography City Limits WSource: Gaston County and Mecklenburg County GIS Map printed April 2009.05,0002,500 Feet Figure 2-6aSTIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTORGaston County and Mecklenburg County PRELIMINARY CORRIDOR SEGMENTS RETAINED FOR FUNCTIONAL DESIGN NO T E : P R E L I M I N A R Y A L I G N M E N T S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E ")275 tu321")279")273tu29/74")274§¨¦85 §¨¦485")160 k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k kkk kÌ°Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì°Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Ì° Mc A d e n v i l l e Be l m o n t Cr a m e r t o n Ga s t o n i a Charlotte Lo w e l l Gaston Co unty York Coun ty, SC Gaston County Mecklenburg County Charlotte -Douglas Int'l Airport Ga s t o n i a Mu n i c i p a l Ai r p o r t tu2974§¨¦ 85 §¨¦485 son Rd B u d W ils o n R d Union Rd U n i o n N e w H o p e R d S N e w H o p e R d Southpoint Rd Al l e n St e a m St a t i o n Dixie River Rd Catawba River South Fork Catawba River C ata w b a C re e k ¯ ¯ 27 9 W a l l a c e N e e l R dWest Blvd Rufus Ratchford Rd U n i o n R d ¯ ¯ 27 3 ¯ ¯ 27 4 ¯ ¯ 27 4 Fl y A s h Ba s i n Berewick District ParkBerryhillPark ha R i v e r s Par k pal Fo r e s t v i e w Pa r k W. A . B e s s Pa r k Ne w H o p e Pa r k Ga s t o n C o u n t r y C l u b Ca r o l i n a Sp e e d w a y Al l e n A c c e s s Fi s h i n g A r e a Da n i e l S t o w e Bo t a n i c a l G a r d e n 8C7 D 1 D2 D6 D 5 D4 D - X 6 D8a D 8 D7 D 9 E 2 E 1 E 3 E-X 7 E 5 a E 5 E 4 E 6 E - X 8 F 2 E 7 F 3 E-X 9 E 8 F-X9a F- X 1 1 F 4F 7 F12 F1 F7a F-X10 F-X13 G-X13 G15 G 1 9 G13G1G2 G 7G9G12 G10 G11 G6 F 1 1 G5 F10 F 9 G4 G-X14 G 3 G 1 8 F6 F 5 F- X 1 2 F8F13 G 1 7 G - X 1 2 G 1 6G14G8 Pa g e Gr i e r As h b r o o k Ho l b r o o k Ro b i n s o n Ne w H o p e Cr a m e r t o n W. A . B e s s Fo r e s t v i e w So u t h P o i n t Mc A d e n v i l l e Ga r d n e r P a r k No r t h B e l m o n t Be l m o n t M i d d l e Ca t a w b a H e i g h t s Be l m o n t C e n t r a l OLYMPIC HIGH KENNEDY MIDDLEBERRYHILL ELEM STEELE CREEK ELEM Fig2-6_PrelimCorridorSegsRetained.mxd AKH 4.17.09 Legend Study Area Boundary Refined Study Area Boundary for New Location Alternatives Ì°Segment Endpoints Segment Retained for Study Corridor Retained for Study Segment Eliminated from Study Corridor Eliminated from Study West Blvd Realignment (Construction by Airport)kSchools Land Conservancy NC Clean Air Project Power Transmission Lines Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions State Complexes County Lines State Line Interstates US Routes Streets Railroad Hydrography City Limits WSource: Gaston County and Mecklenburg County GIS Map printed April 2009.05,0002,500 Feet Figure 2-6bSTIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTORGaston County and Mecklenburg County PRELIMINARY CORRIDOR SEGMENTS RETAINED FOR FUNCTIONAL DESIGN NO T E : P R E L I M I N A R Y A L I G N M E N T S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E ")275 tu321")279")273tu29/74")274§¨¦85 §¨¦485")160 k k k k k k kk k k k k k k k k k kk k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k kkkk K1A J X 4 K2A J1e J 5 b J 1 f K 1 C H2 A H2B H 1 A H 3 H 2 C H X 1 K1B K4A J X 1 J 3 H 1 C HX2 K3CK2 DK3BK2C K 3 A K2B KX4KX1 K X 2 KX3 K1D J1a J1b J1c J1d J 2 a J2c J2d J 5 a JX4 J 4 a J4 b J2 b JX 7 JX 5 JX 2 JX6Sp e n c e r M o u n t a i n Mc A d e n v i l l e Belmont Cr a m e r t o n Ra n l o Be s s e m e r C i t y Da l l a s Ga s t o n i a Mt . H o l l y Charlotte Lo w e l l Gas to n C ou n ty Yor k C ou n t y , S C Gaston County Mecklenburg County Charlotte -Douglas Int'l Airport Ga s t o n i a Mu n i c i p a l Ai r p o r t tu2974 tu32 1 Cr o w d e r s M o u n t a i n St a t e P a r k tu2974§¨¦ 85 §¨¦ 8 5 §¨¦485 Linwood Rd Chapel Grove Rd Lewis Rd Crowders C r e e k Rd Robinson Rd B u d W ilso n R d Union Rd U n i o n N e w H o p e R d S N e w H o p e R d Southpoint Rd Allen Steam Station Dixie River Rd Catawba River South Fork Catawba River C ata w b a C re e k Crowders Creek ¯ ¯ 27 9 W a l l a c e N e e l R dWest Blvd Rufus Ratchford Rd U n i o n R d F orbes R d F r e e d o m M ill R dOates R d ¯ ¯ 27 3 ¯ ¯ 27 4 ¯ ¯ 27 4 Fly Ash Basin H1B Berewick District ParkBerryhillPark Ma r t h a R i v e r s Pa r k T J e f f e r s Pa r k Da v i s Pa r k Li n w o o d Pa r k Ga s t o n i a M u n i c i p a l Go l f C o u r s e Cr o w d e r s M o u n t a i n Go l f C o u r s e Fo r e s t v i e w Pa r k Fe r g u s o n Pa r k W. A . B e s s Pa r k Ch a p e l G r o v e Pa r k Ne w H o p e Pa r k Li n w o o d Sp r i n g s Go l f Co u r s e Ga s t o n C o u n t r y C l u b Ka r y a e YM C A P a r k Ca r o l i n a Sp e e d w a y Al l e n A c c e s s Fi s h i n g A r e a Da n i e l S t o w e Bo t a n i c a l G a r d e n Ca r r Page Gr i e r Rh y n e Lo w e l l Co s t n e r As h b r o o k Ho l b r o o k Ro b i n s o n Wo o d h i l l Pinewood Ne w H o p e So u t h w e s t Cr a m e r t o n H. H . B e a m Br o o k s i d e W. A . B e s s Ida Rankin Hu n t e r H u s s Ea s t G a s t o n So u t h P o i n t Li n g e r f e l d t Mc A d e n v i l l e Yo r k C h e s t e r Ch a p e l G r o v e Ga r d n e r P a r k No r t h B e l m o n t Be l m o n t M i d d l e Pl e a s a n t R i d g e Fo r e s t H e i g h t s Ca t a w b a H e i g h t s Be l m o n t C e n t r a l Mt . H o l l y M i d d l e Be s s e m e r C i t y H i g h Ed w a r d D . S a d l e r J r . Be s s e m e r C i t y C e n t r a l Be s s e m e r C i t y P r i m a r y OLYMPIC HIGH KENNEDY MIDDLEBERRYHILL ELEM STEELE CREEK ELEM Fig2-7_FuncDesgnCorr.mxd AKH 4.17.09 Legend Study Area Boundary Refined Study Area Boundary for New Location Alternatives Potential Interchanges Potential Interchanges Eliminated Segments Retained for Detailed Study Segment Eliminated from Study Segment Breaklines West Blvd Realignment (Construction by Airport)kSchools Land Conservancy Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP "Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas NC Clean Air Project Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions State Complexes County Lines State Line Interstates US Routes Streets Railroad Hydrography City Limits WSource: Gaston County and Mecklenburg County GIS Map printed April 2009.01.50.75 Miles Figure 2-7STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTORGaston County and Mecklenburg County FUNCTIONAL DESIGN CORRIDORS NO T E : P R E L I M I N A R Y A L I G N M E N T S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E Sp e n c e r M o u n t a i n Mc A d e n v i l l e Belmont Cr a m e r t o n Ra n l o Be s s e m e r C i t y Da l l a s Ga s t o n i a Mt . H o l l y Charlotte Lo w e l l Gas to n C ou n ty Yor k C ou n t y , S C Gaston County Mecklenburg County Charlotte -Douglas Int'l Airport Ga s t o n i a Mu n i c i p a l Ai r p o r t tu2974 tu32 1 Cr o w d e r s M o u n t a i n St a t e P a r k tu2974§¨¦ 85 §¨¦ 8 5 §¨¦485 Linwood Rd Chapel Grove Rd Lewis Rd Crowders C r e e k Rd Robinson Rd B u d W ilso n R d Union Rd U n i o n N e w H o p e R d S N e w H o p e R d Southpoint Rd Allen Steam Station Dixie River Rd Catawba River South Fork Catawba River C ata w b a C re e k Crowders Creek ¯ ¯ 27 9 W a l l a c e N e e l R dWest Blvd Rufus Ratchford Rd U n i o n R d F orbes R d F r e e d o m M ill R dOates R d ¯ ¯ 27 3 ¯ ¯ 27 4 ¯ ¯ 27 4 Da n i e l S t o w e Bo t a n i c a l G a r d e n Berewick District ParkBerryhillPark Ma r t h a R i v e r s Pa r k T J e f f e r s Pa r k Da v i s Pa r k Li n w o o d Pa r k Ga s t o n i a M u n i c i p a l Go l f C o u r s e Cr o w d e r s M o u n t a i n Go l f C o u r s e Fo r e s t v i e w Pa r k Fe r g u s o n Pa r k W. A . B e s s Pa r k Ch a p e l G r o v e Pa r k H 1 A H2A H 3 H2B H2C H 1 B H X 2 J4A J 3 J 2 A J1A J3J2B J4B J X 1 J1BJ2C J2D J 1 C J5A J X 4 J1E J 5 B J 1 F K 2A K 1 A K 3 A K1B K1C K4A KX 1 K3B K3C H1C J1D Fig2-8a_DetStudyAlts.mxd AKH 4.17.09 Legend Refined Study Area Boundary for New Location Alternatives Design Centerline Segment Breaks Detailed Study Alternatives West Blvd Realignment (Construction by Airport)Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions State Complexes County Lines State Line Interstates US Routes Streets Railroad Hydrography City Limits WSource: Gaston County and Mecklenburg County GIS Map printed April 2009.01.50.75 Miles Figure 2-8aSTIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTORGaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES NO T E : P R E L I M I N A R Y A L I G N M E N T S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E CIA_Recomm_Seg . m xd 5/ 1 3/0 8 r e v i s e d i n I l l u s t r a t o r A K H 4 . 9 . 0 9 Legend Design Right-of-Way Corridor Segments Comprising Each Detailed Study Alternative Source:Gaston County and Mecklenburg Counties GIS. Map printed April 2009. Figure 2-8b STIP PROJECT NO.U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES 000,0105,000 Feet Alternative 4 Alternative 5 Alternative 9 Alternative 22 Alternative 23 Alternative 27 Alternative 58 Alternative 64 Alternative 68 Alternative 76 Alternative 77 Alternative 81 Sp e n c e r M o u n t a i n Mc A d e n v i l l e Belmont Cr a m e r t o n Ra n l o Be s s e m e r C i t y Da l l a s Ga s t o n i a Mt . H o l l y Charlotte Lo w e l l Gas to n C ou n ty Yor k C ou n t y , S C Gaston County Mecklenburg County Charlotte -Douglas Int'l Airport Ga s t o n i a Mu n i c i p a l Ai r p o r t tu2974 tu32 1 Cr o w d e r s M o u n t a i n St a t e P a r k tu2974§¨¦ 85 §¨¦ 8 5 §¨¦485 Linwood Rd Chapel Grove Rd Lewis Rd Crowders C r e e k Rd Robinson Rd B u d W ilso n R d Union Rd U n i o n N e w H o p e R d S N e w H o p e R d Southpoint RdAllen Steam Station Dixie River Rd Catawba River South Fork Catawba River C ata w b a C re e k Crowders Creek ¯ ¯ 27 9 W a l l a c e N e e l R dWest Blvd Rufus Ratchford Rd U n i o n R d F orbes R d F r e e d o m M ill R dOates R d ¯ ¯ 27 3 ¯ ¯ 27 4 ¯ ¯ 27 4 Da n i e l S t o w e Bo t a n i c a l G a r d e n Berewick District Park T J e f f e r s Pa r k Da v i s Pa r k Li n w o o d Pa r k Fo r e s t v i e w Pa r k W. A . B e s s Pa r k Ch a p e l G r o v e Pa r k Al l e n A c c e s s Fi s h i n g A r e a H 1 A H2A H 3 H2B H2C H 1 B H X 2 J4A J 3 J 2 A J1A J3J2B J4B J X 1 J1BJ2C J2D J 1 C J5A J X 4 J1E J 5 B J 1 F K 2A K 1 A K 3 A K1B K1C K4A KX 1 K3B K3C H1C J1D a b c d e f g h i j k l n m po q r s t u v w x y z aa bb cc ddee ffgghhii Fig2-9_Index_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.17.09 Legend MapGrid Segment Breaks Right of Way Preliminary Road Design Detailed Study Alternatives West Blvd Realignment (Construction by Airport)Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions County Lines State Line Interstates US Routes Streets Railroad Hydrology City Limits WSource: Gaston County and Mecklenburg County GIS Map printed April 2009.01.50.75 Miles Figure 2-9 IndexSTIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTORGaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS NO T E : P R E L I M I N A R Y A L I G N M E N T S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E EDGE W O OD RD S T E E L R D C A P P S R D WOLFE LN B R I G H T A V E MCCALL DR T I P T O E L N LANDVIEW DR B A R N E Y C A S T L E L N GASTON AVE H I L L C R E S T D R NO NAME 29 74 85 SR 1302 SR 1122 A b ern eth y C re e k O a t e s B r a n c h H1A Wolfe Family Dairy Farm Edward D. Sadler Jr.P2 P1 W6 W2 W7 W5 W3 W4 W1 S 4 S9 S 2 S8 S1 S 5 S3 S 10 10A S9 S 7 S 1 1 aFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c O A T E S R D B E L F A S T D R D E L T A D R SALEM DR B R I G H T A V E G A M B L E A V E K I L B O R N E D R GRACETTE LN D U N D E E N D R DIANE 29 THEATER RD TREMONT TER CANTERBURY CT SEA OATES LN C O L E B R O O K D R HALLMARK DR SHANNON BRADLEY RD SO U T H R I D G E P K W Y TAREYTON DR W I N D W O O D D R WINSTON DR VANCOUVER LN SANTE CIR ERSKINE WOODS DR SPRING VALLEY DR CHRISTIN GAMBLE CT NORTHWYNN RD ANNADELLE AVE 29 74 SR 1122 I-85 O a t e s B r a n c h B e s s e m e r B r a n c h Bessemer Branch 29 74 T Jeffers H2A H 3 H1A Wolfe Family Dairy Farm Edward D. Sadler Jr. P4 P4 P5 W35 W34 W44 W29 W37 W45 W38 W25 W36 W30 W43 W26 W27 W37A W28 W24 S28 S 2 5 S27 S 4 6 S 2 4 S22 S36 S32 S 3 7 S 4 0 S29 S22 S 26 S31 S 4 8 S 2 3 bFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c JENKINS RD J E N K I N S D A I R Y R D D E L T A D R F R A L E Y R D MYRTLE AVE R A E F O R D C T B E S S E M E R C I T Y R D W P O PLAR ST J O R D A C H E C T GRACETTE LN SUNSET AVE N O R T H W E S T BLV D A R K R A Y S T K Y L E C T MCGUIRE ST R O S S S T HALLMARK DR JUNIUS ST REICHEL DR G A R F I E L D D R KEYSTO N E CT SATURN ST MARS ST SHANNON BRADLEY RD MT O L I V E C H U R C H R D P E A C E F U L T R L REX ST S HAD Y N O O K CIR NEWCASTLE RD P I N E B A R K C T O V E R H E A D B R I D G E R D C A S T L E C T SR 1344 I-85 I-85 B e s s e m e r B r a n c h H2A W34 W35 W31 W29 W39 W33 W37 W40 W38 W30 W32 W41 W28 W42 S28 S44 S 3 6 S 3 9 S 2 7 S 4 3 S35S34 S 3 7 S 4 2 S29 S 3 5 S 2 6 S31 S 3 0 S 4 1 cFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c LINWOOD RD OLD PEACH ORCHARD RD B R I G H T A V E W F R A N K L I N B L V D ARCHIE WHITESIDES RD M I S T Y L N DIANE 29 THEATER RD G L E N N A L L E N D R LAUREL WOODS DR C A N D L E W O O D D R K I N G S M O U N T A I N H W Y GRAYWOOD DR HANKS CIR R U S TI C H IL L S C I R T I P T O E L N L A R R Y L N KODIAK DR B A R N E Y C A S T L E L N M O U N T A I N V I L L A G E C I R S E L W Y N C I R P O L M E R D R SEWARD DR H I L L C R E S T D R T H I R D S T 29 74 85 SR 1122 SR 1134 SR 1122 A b ern eth y C re e k Bessemer Branch C r o w d e r s C r e e k C r o w d e r s C r e e k Bessemer Branch H 1 A H1A Edward D. Sadler Jr. Crowders Mountain State Park P6 P2 P3 W12 W17 W8 W15 W9W11 W7 W10 W13 W19 W21 W22 W16 W18 W23 W14 W20 S 9 S 1 4 S 1 7 S 2 1 S8 S2 S13 S 1 5 S 5 S 4 S20 S 1 9 S6 dFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c C A R S O N R D W F R A N K L I N B L V D BOLDING ST L E A R N I N G P L PIKES PEAK DR AMBER CREST DR TRAK AS B LVD BERNICE DR LAUREL WOODS DR C A N D L E W O O D D R R O G E R S A V E GRAYWOOD DR M A R V E S T RAINIER LN T A B L E R O C K D R STAGBUCK DR ADIRONDAK DR SANTE CIR RED TIP LN AMBERHILL LN ELKHORN LN B E A R B R O O K L N 29 74 SR 1136 SR 1122 SR 1134 SR 1122 Bessemer Branch C r o w d e r s C r e e k Bessemer Branch 29 74 Crowders Creek T Jeffers H2B H2B H 3 H 3 Forest Heights Linwood Springs Golf Course P5 P4 W51 W57 W46 W54 W59 W56 W52 W53 W49 W50 W47 W48 W55 W58 W45 S 1 4 S 52 S46 S 54 S 4 9 S55 S51 S57 S 5 6 S 2 5 S58 S 5 3 S56 eFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c C A R S O N R D CAMP ROTARY RD OLD PEACH ORCHARD RD WIL D W OO D R D ARCHIE WHITESIDES RD DIAMOND T RD MIST Y L N LYNN AVE C R E E K VIE W D R SEEJAY CT SILVERSTONE DR MOUNTAINBROOK DR LAUREL WOODS DR C A N D L E W O O D D R S H A D Y O A K T R L F R O S T Y B I T T R L GRAYWOOD DR HOME WOOD DR FOY RD DOVE MEADOWS DR RAINIER LN S U B U R B A N T E R ADIRONDAK DR TAMWORTH LNGRACEWAY DR SILVER CREEK DR ROLLINGWOOD DR SR 1133 SR 1134 SR 1122 Crowders Creek Pisgah ARP Church Property Pisgah ARP Church Property H2B H3 H 2 C H 1 A H 2 C Pisgah Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church Crowders Mountain State Park Crowders Mountain State Park Karyae YMCA Park Camp Rotary Girl Scout Camp Linwood Springs Golf Course Linwood Springs Golf Course Linwood Springs Golf Course P7 P8 P8 W74W75 W76 W70 W67 W68 W71 W60 W64 W73 W62 W61 W65 W63 W72 W69 W60A W66 S59 S70 S 82 S 68 S65 S66 S63 S 7 6 S 8 3 S 7 7 S79 S 7 1 S 7 8 S76A S 8 4 S59 S 6 0 S67 S71A S 6 2 S 8 2 fFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c C A R S O N R D A N T H O N Y D R L E A R N I N G P L WIL D W OO D R D H I L L M O N T S T CRICKET LN BLACKWOOD ST S K Y L A N D D R SEEJAY CT W E N D Y L N G R A S S Y C T H E D G E W O O D C I R P R O V I D E N C E D R BARWICK RD FINDLAY ST HOME WOOD DR LINWOOD RD RAINIER LN S U B U R B A N T E R TRINITY AVE B R I A R O A K D R ADIRONDAK DR TAMWORTH LN E A S Y A V E LENDORA DR ROLLINGWOOD DR A M E R I C A N S T HOYLE ST SR 1136 SR 1134 Crowders Creek Pisgah ARP Church Property Pisgah ARP Church Property H2B H3 H 3 H 2 C H 3 H 2 C Pisgah Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church Linwood Springs Golf Course P12 P11 P10 W74 W82 W75 W76 W85 W78 W83 W73 W72 W84 W81 W86 W77 W79 W80 S59 S85 S 6 9 S 8 9 S 9 2 S 82 S 68 S 7 0 S 1 4 S66 S87 S 8 3 S 8 4 S86 S67 S88 S 8 2 gFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name CAMP ROTARY RD JAKE LONG RD OLD CHURCH RD O L D S T A G E R D FALLSDALE DR G R E E N L E A F D R DONNABROOK LN QUAILCREST LN OLD PROVIDENCE RD F R O S T Y B I T T R L S T A R N E S C T B A R N V I E W R D W O O D L E A F D R DOVE MEADOWS DR G I N G L E S F A R M T R L ROSEBRIAR LN JIM T O R R E N C E LN F A L L S F E R G U S O N R D M A P L E W O O D D R SR 1131 SR 1126 H2C H X 2 H2C HX2 H1C H X 2 H1B H 2 C Jake Long Dairy Farm William Wilson House P9 P14 P13 W90 W89 W91 W88 S 7 9 S70 S96 S95 S 9 3 S99 S103 S97 S81 S98 S 1 0 0 S94 S 1 0 1 S 9 6 A S80 hFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c P E N N Y P A R K D R FALLSDALE DR DONNABROOK LN S K Y L A N D D R TORRENCE RD OLD PROVIDENCE RD STABLEGATE DR GRASSY C T MA R L D A L E S T B R I A R O A K D R F A L L S F E R G U S O N R D R O T A N S T S T A B L E F A R M R D T A T E S T SR 1131 SR 1126 C r o w d e r s C r e e k Blackwood Creek Phillips J4A H3 H 3 H2C H X 2 H2C HX2 H3 H 2 C Granitic Outcrop William Alexander Falls House P14 W92 W93 W94 W87 W91 W95 S 96 S70 S92 S135 S103 S 1 3 4 S 1 0 0 S 1 0 2 S 9 1 S 1 0 1 S92A iFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c LEWIS RD TE K O A D R OLD CHURCH RD BOYD RD H I C K O R Y C R E E K D R R E D W O O D L N P I N T O L N R A L P H S B L V D R A B B I T T R L STARRLAND DR BASS W O O D W AY C H A P E L G R O V E S C H O O L R D SPLIT O AK T RLGREG DR S U N F L O W E R C T OLD PROVIDENCE RD BRANDYWINE DR W H I T E H O R S E R D S E Q U O I A D R TONY RD W E D O W E E L N S A N D Y C R E E K D R CYPRESS DR CHAPELWOOD DR C O T T O N W O O D L N HOLLY HILLS DR S O M E R S E T D R HOLLYWOOD DR WEEPING WILLOW WAY BUCKSKIN DR C L O V E R W O O D L N J O Y S T POLO DR FALLING OAK DR C O N G A R E E D R A P P L I N G D R UWHARRIE DR D A Y T O N A D R SR 1126 SR 1106 SR 1126 M c G i l l B r a n c h M c G ill B ra n c h H 1 C H X 2 HX2H1C C H A P E L G R O V E S C H O O L R D Chapel Grove Park at Chapel Grove Elementary P15 W110 W111 W112 W114 W113 W110A S 1 0 4 S109 S112 S 10 7 S 1 0 8 S 1 0 6 S 1 1 0 S104A jFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c S H I R E S R D H I C K O R Y C R E E K D R COURTNEY COVE CT ANGLER WAY COVE RD C R O W D E R S C R E S T D R BASS W O O D W AY BIG OAK RD NEW HAVEN DR A L M O N D D R S PLIT O AK T RL F O X C T OLD PROVIDENCE RD O N L Y S T WEDO W E E L N S A N D Y C R E E K D R CYPRESS DR C O T T O N W O O D L N F E R G U S O N E S T A T E S R D S A R A C T HAVENCREST CT S O M E R S E T D R WEEPING WILLOW WAY F A L L S F E R G U S O N R D C L O V E R W O O D L N A C C E N T L N A M Y C T N O R T H W E S T E R N T R LRED O A K C T C O N G A R E E D R A P P L I N G D R UWHARRIE DR SHADY LN SR 1136 C r o w d e r s C r e ek Crowders Creek BlackwoodCreek F e r g u s o n B r a n c h Crowders Creek M c G ill B ra n c h J 2 a J 3 J4a J 2 A J4A J 3 H3 H X 2 HX2 H X 2 J2a J3 Granitic Outcrop C H A P E L G R O V E S C H O O L R D P17 P16 P18 W103 W99 W98 W97 W102 W104 W100 W107 W96 W101 W108 W109 S 1 4 S131 S125 S123 S 1 3 0 S129 S124 S 1 2 8 kFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c B E T H A N Y R D MA UNEY LN BETHANY RD S P RIN G D R GREENWOOD DR R I V E R C R E E K L N J A M E S H O L L A N D D R B R A D D Y L N ROWLAND DR A R C HIE R D J E R A N L N M A G G I E L E E L N ME RRY WO O D L N WALTER HOLLAND DR R A M S E Y C I R ARCHIE DR C O T T O N W O O D L N M CCOY DR S H A D Y B L U F F D R KAYLIN CT H A N N A F O R D P L HUNTER LEE LN O MEGA DR C L O V E R W O O D L N BALSAM CT OAKSTONE DR CAIN CT S T O N E C L I F F D R SPRING ST FIRST ST SR 1130 SR 1126 M c G ill B ra n c h H 1 C H1C F R E E D O M M I L L R D C H A P E L G R O V E S C H O O L R D P19 W116W115 W119 W120 W118 W117 S118 S120 S113 S 1 1 4 S 115 S117 S 1 1 9 S122 lFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c F E R G U S O N R I D G E R D GRISSOM RD C P GROVES RD DICK E Y M IL L R D O L D D E P O T R D S U P E RIO R S TAINLE S S R D B A D G E R D R L I N G E R F E L T D R S H A D Y B L U F F D R WHITE OAK CIR OAKSTONE DR G E R M A N T O W N R D E V E L Y N D R N O N A M E SR 1108 SR1130 321 Crowders CreekMcGill Bra n c h C r o w d e r s C r e e kMcGill Branch J1a H1C CHAPEL GROVE SCHOOL RD Mendenhall-Grissom House P20 W127 W124 W123 W126 W121 W125 W128 W122 S 1 3 8 S 1 4 S 1 3 7 mFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c C P GROVES RD ANGLER WAY G A L L A G H E R D R GRIER ST FALLS ST S U P E RIO R S TAINLE S S R D BIG OAK RD NEW HAVEN DR JASPERS TRL GRISSOM ST F O X C T WOODCREST DR PLAZA RD TELEGRAPH DR L O N G B R I A R D R H O Y L E C I R HAVENCREST CT KICKAPOO AVE D A V I S H E I G H T S D R H O M E S T E A D D R WHITE OAK CIR A C C E N T L N N O R T H W E S T E R N T R L G E R M A N T O W N R D SECOND AVE SHADY LN SR1136 SR 2412 321 C r o w d e r s C r e ek F e r g u s o n B r a n c h Crowders Creek C r o w d e r s C r e e kMcGill Branch J X 1 J 2 a J 3 J4a J 2 A J4AJ3 J3, J2b, J4b HX2 J2a J3P18 P18 W103 W104 W106 W107 W105 W108 W109S131 S 1 4 S146 S133 S125 S 1 4 2 S 1 3 0 S144 S 1 4 5 S142 S 1 4 3 S 1 2 8 nFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c FORBES RD BENFIELD RD F O RIN G T O N LN G A L L A G H E R D R GRIER ST FALLS ST H E M PHIL L RD S U P E RIO R S TAINLE S S R D MCCARVER RD LEDIA DR W O O D S T R E A M D R LISA DR J A M E E D R S AFE W AY D R PLAZA RD B E N T O N A V E TELEGRAPH DR L O N G B R I A R D R KAY DR H O Y L E C I R M O N I C A L N B R AIN A R D C T KICKAPOO AVE F E R N C L I F F D R W E S L E Y D R D A V I S H E I G H T S D R H O M E S T E A D D R D O W D R C A R L A C T G E N ES RID G E C APITAL D R T O N E Y A V E G R EE N PA C K PK W YGERMANTOWN R D L I N F O R D C T H E L E N A V E SR 2412 321 J1B J X 1 J 1 a J4a J2 C J3, J2b, J4b J2C JX1 J2a J3 W135 S146 S 1 4 7 S 1 4 2 S 1 5 7 S148 S156 S144 S 1 4 5 S142 S 1 4 3 oFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c YORK H W Y FORBES RD R O B I N S O N R D W OLFPACK RD V E R D E V I E W D R O L D D E P O T R D P E A R S O N S T N P K S U P E RIO R S TAINLE S S R D MCCARVER RD W O O D S T R E A M D R TURNER DR C O M M U N I T Y D R CHICKASAW RD M O N I C A L N TARHEEL DR F E R N C L I F F D R STOCKW OOD DR WESLEY D R BLUE DEVIL DR H A Z E L N U T P L G A T E H O U S E C T ELIZ A B ET H D R ELIZABETH LN 321 321 J1B J X 1 J 1 a J2C J2C JX1 P23 P22 P21 W134 W136 W132 W131 W129 W128 W130 W133 S 1 5 6S 1 4 6 S157 S 1 3 8 S 1 5 0 S 1 6 3 S155 S153 S 1 6 2 S 1 6 1 S150 S166 S151 S140 S153 S152 S 1 4 1 pFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c O L E L A M P L N ROBINSON RD G O R D O N D R F O RIN G T O N LN MONTANA DR L A U R E N C T MCCARVER RD LEDIA DR W O O D S T R E A M D R SADDLEWOOD DR DUNBAR LN TIMBER CREEK TRL S AFE W AY D R PAM DR C E D A R G R O V E D R M O N I C A L N F E R N C L I F F D R STOCKW OOD DR W E S L E Y D R SHANNON RIDGE COVINGTON LN A P P L E G A T E R D D O W D R HEATHER TRACE LN G E NES RID G E WYOMING LN SUSAN LN RIC K A R D D R H A Z E L N U T P L FARMHOUSE LN BRIAR CREEK RD O L D B RID G E C T G A T E H O U S E C T LAKEWOOD RD SR2420 J2D J2D J1B J2 C J2C JX1 P25 P24 P26 W142 W136 S 1 5 6 S157 S177 S161 S178 S 1 6 2 S 1 6 3 S175 S174 S159 S161 S 1 7 9 S176 S166 qFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c C R W O O D R D R O B I N S O N R D B U D W IL S O N R D S P A R R O W D A I R Y R D MONTANA DR L A U R E N C T SADDLEWOOD DR TIMBER CREEK TRL M A N D E L D R C E D A R G R O V E D R O A K W O O D C I R REDBIRD LN STOCKW OOD DR GRANNY TRL SHANNON RIDGE BUCKEYE LN HICKORY CT WYOMING LN H A Z E L N U T P L FARMHOUSE LN BRIAR CREEK RD PINEBURR CT S DOGWOOD PL O L D B RID G E C T S H A D Y CT SWEETWOOD LN G A T E H O U S E C T J2D J2D J1C J 1 C J1B JX1 Stowe-Caldwell-Lowery House P23 P26P25 W136 W141 W137 W141A W140 W139 W138 S178 S163 S 1 7 1 S 1 5 6 S194 S 1 8 7 S185 S 1 9 2 S168 S 1 9 3 S 1 7 3 S172 S166 rFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c B E A T Y R D HARPER RD A N D Y L N WILMOT TRL D A W N W O O D D R COACHWOOD LN C O N F E D E R A T E D R DORCHESTER RD TANYA CT TIMBER CREEK TRL LELAND DR UNION RD I R I S D R L L H A R W E L L R D UNION TER J O H N D R D FAIRSTONE DR D O VE W O O D LN C A R M E L D R BUD WILSON RD S U S A N E L AIN E D R BEDFORDSHIRE DR JOSE P H P E A R L R D WINTERBERRY LN T I M B E R L I N E L N KNIGHTWOOD DR BROADWING CT B A R N S T A B L E C T G O V E R N O R S S Q U A R E 274Mill Creek J1e JX4 J X 4 J1D J1d J5A J2D J2D J 1 C U N I O N R D JBF Riddle House Forestview Park at W.A. Bess Elementary Park at Forestview High School P28 P30 P27 P29 P31 W159 W154 W150 W157 W170 W165 W152 W146 W174 W171W169 W148 W168 W149 W161 W155 W145 W156 W162 W167 W175 W160 W166 W153 W163 W151 W147 W164W158 W173 W172 S 1 9 6 S213 S187 S 2 0 5 S 1 8 3 S 2 1 0 S 1 8 1 S18 2 S215 S19 8 S 1 9 2 S18 9 S 1 9 7 S190 S218 S202 S 2 0 4 S 2 1 1 S 2 1 6 S212 S 2 0 3 S184 S 1 8 6 S200 S191 S217 S 1 8 0 S 1 9 9 S 1 8 8 S 201 S 2 0 5 S 1 8 2 sFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c M E E K R D PAT RIC K R D RID D L E R D H A R V E S T L N SCOTT DR WILMOT TRL C O P P E R F I E L D D R DORCHESTER RD STONE RI DGE DR GAT E W O O D D R TIMBER CREEK TRL LELAND DR BUD WILSON RD KE NTBE R R Y CT C A R M E L HIL L S D RBRIMWOOD C T SUEQUAY CT B R I D G E S T O N E C T BLACKBURN CT 274Mill Creek J1e JX4 J X 4 J1D J1d J5A J2DJ2D J 1 C U N I O N R D Wm. Clarence Wilson House JBF Riddle House P30 P27 P32 P31 W159 W154 W157 W170 W165W146 W174 W171W169 W144 W168 W161 W155 W145 W156 W162 W167 W175 W160 W166 W153 W163 W143 W164W158 W173 W172 S196 S213 S187 S 2 0 5 S 2 1 0 S215 S 1 9 2 S 2 2 0 S18 9 S 21 9 S190 S208 S218 S 1 9 5 S 2 0 4 S 2 1 1 S207 S194 S 2 1 6 S209 S212 S 2 0 3 S202 S 1 8 6 S191 S217 S 1 8 8 S 201 S 2 0 5 tFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c B E A T Y R D I N G O N I S H D R TERBY D R U NIO N N E W H O P E R D COOK S L A K E R D L I N D S E Y S T CAPE BRETON TRL B R A D L E Y T R L D O U B L E O A K S R D COVE C R E E K D R C O OK SEARS RDL L H A R W E L L R D J O H N D R D HALIFAX CT S U S A N E L AIN E D R N O R F O L K P I N E C T CEDAR POINT RD K ELTIC M E A D O W S D R GROVONT CT CRAWFORD RD 274 274Mill Creek J1e J 1 E J X 4 J1d J 1 F J 1 F J 5 B J5A J 5 A J 5 A U N I O N R D William N. Craig House (Craig Family Farm) W.A. Bess Forestview Park at Forestview High School Park at W.A. Bess Elementary P36 P33 P35 P34 W201 W197 W203 W199 W203A W170 W210 W208 W185 W186 W211W193 W200 W212 W235 W196 W206 W207 W209 W194 W204 W199A W205 W202A W198 W202 S 2 2 6 S 2 3 3 S 2 3 4 S 2 2 8 S235 S 2 3 0 S237 S 23 2A S220 S227 S 2 3 2 B S 2 2 9 S 2 3 1 S236 uFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c U N I O N R D W I L S O N F A R M R D W IL S O N R D U NIO N N E W H O P E R D L I N D S E Y S T D O U B L E O A K S R D STONE PINE DR N O R F O L K P I N E C T BRIDGEST O N E C T G R E E N M E A D O W C T CYPRESS CT CRAWFORD RD 274 274 274 U N I O N R D Mill Creek J1e J 1 E J X 4 J1d J 1 F J 1 F J5A J 5 A J 5 A U N I O N R D Harrison Family Dairy Farm Carolina Speedway P36 P33 P35 P38 P37 P34 W189 W232 W201 W192 W197 W187 W188 W199 W179 W229 W191 W170 W210 W227 W208 W214 W185 W221 W228 W186 W211 W231 W223 W190 W193 W226 W230 W225 W200 W212 W218 W183 W235 W196 W234 W184 W206 W220 W180 W207 W209 W215 W224 W194 W217 W199A W182 W178 W177 W216 W219 W198 W181 S 2 3 8 S 2 2 0 S 2 3 4 S226 S 2 2 8 S235 S 2 3 0 S227 S 225 S 233 S 2 2 1 S222 S 2 2 9 S 2 2 3 S222 S241 S243 S 2 3 8 vFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c G L O V E R R D M O O R E D R CRAIG MCKEE SCHOOL RD PETUNIA CT PIN E Y G R O V E R D C R A I G L A N D D R GROVONT CT SR 2435 U nio n N e w H o p e R d Catawba Creek Catawba LandConservancyEasement K 2 A K 1 A K1A J 5 B J 5 B J5A U N I O N N E W H O P E R D William N. Craig House (Craig Family Farm) P39 P42 W268 W257 W269 W261 W260 W270 W267 W264 W265 W266 W271 W259 W263 W258 S248 S252A S250A S237 S 2 5 6 S251A S 2 5 0 S 2 5 7 S251 S254 S253 S236 S258 wFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_D SAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c BUENA VALE DR R U F U S R AT C H F O R D R D R A T C H F O R D D R W IL S O N R D U NIO N N E W H O P E R D RIV E R T O N P L CRAIG MCKEE SCHOOL RD J A Y B I R D L N S T A R LIN G D R PIN EY G R O V E R D A R M S T R O N G L N FLOYD DR CLEN S O D R H E D G E R O W D R EDNA DR O A K M O NT D R C R A I G L A N D D R E D W A R D G R A H A M D R CRAWFORD RD 274 U N I O N R D Catawba LandConservancyEasement K 1 A K1A J 1 F J1F J 5 B J5A Harrison Family Dairy Farm William N. Craig House (Craig Family Farm) Carolina Speedway P38 P41 P40 W237 W238 W233 W235A W239A W234 W239 W236 W232 S 2 4 7 S 242 S 2 3 7 S276 S 2 7 0 S 2 7 1 S 2 7 2 S244 S 2 7 7 S243 S243 S245 xFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_D SAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c L A K E W Y L I E R D R O X I E L N DUCK COVE RD M O O R E D R LAKHANY DR ELLER RD M C C U L L O U G H D R C O U N T R Y L N ROWE ST WYCLIFF LN HUGHEY DR C A M E R O N P OIN T E L N WOODY CT S U Z A N N E D R O G D E N D R S O N G B I R D C T K E L L Y L N A D C O C K B L U E B I R D L N H A R RIS O N L N C A R R I G A N D R ETHEL DR W A L N U T S T P I N E S T 279 U nio n N e w H o p e R d LAKE WYLIE RD Catawba Creek Catawba Creek Catawba LandConservancyEasement Catawba LandConservancyEasement K 2 A K 2 A K3B Thomas Allison House P42 P46 P45P43 W272 W275 W273 W274 W276 W270 W275A W278 W277 W271 W252A W279 S 2 6 3S259 S 2 6 4 S285 S 2 6 1 S286 S259A S265 S260 S 2 6 6 S284 S259C S 2 8 5 S262 S 2 6 4 S258 yFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_D SAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c W O R R E L L S R I V E R R D M T Z I O N C H U R C H R D V I C T O R Y T R L LORRIE ANN LN PIN EY G R O V E R D S U Z A N N E D R G R A C E C H U R C H L N Catawba Creek Catawba Creek Catawba LandConservancyEasement Catawba LandConservancyEasement K 3 A K1B K1A K3B Dillard-Falls House Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden P44 P41 W248 W241 W247 W245 W253 W252 W249 W242 W254 W243 W240 W246 W244 W250 W239A W239 W256 W251 W255 W252A S268S 2 3 7 S 2 5 9 S 2 6 9 S 2 7 4 S 2 8 2 S266 S265 S 2 8 1 S 2 7 3 S276 S275 S 2 8 0 S267 S 2 8 2 S283 S279 zFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_D SAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c L A K E W Y L I E R D R O X I E L N DUCK COVE RD G A I T H E R R D EASY ST PARADISE DR P A R A D I S E C I R R I V E R F R O N T D R T A N G L E W O O D C O V E M O O N L I G H T W AY L A K E S H O R E D R B E L L E M E A D E C I R E D G E W A T E R D R VALLEY VIEW LN GAITHER RD LAKE WYLIE RD South Fork Catawba River KX1 K X 1 K3A K 3 A K 2 A K2A K3B L A K E F R O N T D R P46 W284 W283 W280 W282 W279 W281 W283A W281A W278 S296 S 2 8 5 S 2 9 7 S 2 9 4 S 2 9 5 S 2 8 6 S 2 9 4 S295 aaFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c W A T E R V I E W D R BAY SHORE DR PARADISE DR E L L I N G T O N R D B A Y V I E W L N P A R A D I S E C I R T A N G L E W O O D C O V E Q U I E T W A T E R S R D MOONLIGH T W AY L A K E S H O R E D R POPE LAKE RD Q U I E T W A T E R S D R M A G N O LIA W A Y L N LAKESIDE CIR N E U M A N N R U N F O R E S T B A Y C T SUNSET STRIP CT G R A C E C H U R C H L N MINNIE QUEEN LN R O C K Y VIE W C T D I X O N R D South Fork Catawba River South Fork Catawba River K 4 A K 1 C K3B L A K E F R O N T D R A R M S T R O N G R D Dillard-Falls House Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden Allen Access Fishing Area P48 P47 W298AW298 W299 W251 S 2 8 8 S289 S269 S 2 8 8 A S291 S287 S 292 S289 S 2 8 8 S 2 8 7 S290 bbFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c T U C KE R R D C A N A L R D S O U T H F O R E S T L N J O Y E L N B O A T C L U B R D CHARITY LN O A K C R E S T T R L B R O O K F O R E S T D R S U N D E R L A N D R D T A N G L E W O O D C O V E LANDS END TRL N E A G L E S M IT H L N ALLISON ST WISHB O NE DR D R E N N A N H O R N E D R B E L L E M E A D E C I R WORTHY CT DOE PASS W A G O N W HEEL CT OAKCREST DR HILL VALE DR MARY TATE RD GRAYSTONE ESTATES DR BREEZEWOOD DR BARRY COOTER LN S O U T H P O I N T C H U R C H R D F I R S T S T VALLEY VIEW LN South Fork Catawba River C a t a w b a R i v e rAllen Steam Station Allen Steam Station K3B K3C KX1 K3A NC Clean Air Project Duke Energy Recreation Fields P52 W286 W289 W294 W291 W290 W285 W287 W292 W295 W293 W284 W288 S 2 9 7 S301 S304 S300 S 2 9 9 S 3 0 5 S 3 0 3 S300 S 30 4 S 2 9 9 S 2 9 8 S 3 0 2 S301 ccFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c E G R E T R I D G E R E E S E W IL S O N R D W A T E R V I E W D R W I L D L I F E R D W I N G P O I N T D R E L L I N G T O N R D S O U T H P OIN T R D B A Y V I E W L N SHOREW OOD PL L A K E M I S T D R O L D S P R I N G R D QUIET W A T E R S R D F A R M R D M I D W O O D L N W O O D B E N D D R H I G H L A N D W AY B E L L P O S T R D Q U I E T W A T E R S D R S O U T H P O I N T D R WARRE N DR LAKE HILL CT REESE WILSON RD EXT K E N N E T H W I L S O N L N F O R E S T B A Y C T H E A T H E R G L E N L N S H A D Y C R E E K C T WHITE IBIS CT MICHAEL DOMINICK DR D A N A M I C H E L L E C T C A D M A N C T 273 South Fork Catawba River Catawba River AllenSteamStation Fly Ash Basin (active) K4A K4A A R M S T R O N G R D S O U T H P OIN T R D P50 P50 P49 P50 P51 W308 W309 W305A W306A W302 W307 W304A W304B S 2 9 6 A S 2 9 7 A S309 S 2 9 5 A S307 S307 S294A S 3 0 8 S309 ddFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c DIXIE RIVER RD LOCHFOOT DR L Y N N P A R K E R L N T U F F Y L N FOX VALLEY RD S E C T O N V I E W L N C a t a w b a R i v e r Catawba River Beaverdam Creek Allen Steam Station Allen Steam Station K3C K3C K 4 A K 3 C NC Clean Air Project W317 W306 W297 W304 W318 W321 W305B W305 W296 S 3 1 2 A S313 S 3 11 S 3 1 8 S312 S317 S306 S 3 1 6 A S 3 1 3 S 3 1 8 A S318B eeFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c B U C K L A N D R D WINDYGAP RD B R A C E B RID G E C T L Y N N P A R K E R L N B U C K L A N D R D T I M A H O E L N O U T W E L L R D L I L Y B E T L N KELYN HILLS DR MALLARANNY RD KINLEY COMMONS LN K I L P E C K C T Catawba River Catawba River L e gio n L a k e Stre a m Beaverdam Creek AllenSteamStation Fly Ash Basin (active) K3C K 4 A K4 A K 3 C DIXIE RIVER RD DIXIE RIVER RD Berewick District Park P53 P55 P54 W317 W315 W316 W306 W309 W316A W311 W310 W314 W316C W313 W312 W316B W317A W316D S 3 1 2 A S321 S322 S 3 1 6 S318A S322 S 3 1 6 S 3 1 5 S318A S 3 1 9 ffFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c DIXIE RIVER RD G A R R I S O N R D D O R C A S L N D I X I E R D HORTON RD G O O D M A N R D I-485 160 Legion Lake Stream Beaverdam Creek Charlotte-Durham Int'l Airport Property for New Runways Charlotte-Durham Int'l Airport Property for New Runways K 1 D K 4 A K4 A K 3 C WEST BLVD REALIGNMENT(CONSTRUCTION BY AIRPORT) WALLACE NEAL RD Byrum-Croft House Steele Creek Presbyterian Church Dixie Community Center P58P57 P56 W329 W319 W335 W334 W332 W318 W336 W331 W333W330 W324 W323 W321 W333A W320 W329A W331A S 3 2 1 S312A S323 S326 S 3 4 0 S 3 1 4 A S 3 3 7 S328 S340 S 3 3 9 S336 S 3 2 1 S 3 1 3 A S325 S315A S324 S328 S 3 4 0 A S341 S326 S337A S338 S 3 3 7 ggFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_D SAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.17.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c M A R K S W O O D R D D O R C A S L N SNOW RIDGE LN COOPER LN GERALD DRROBBIE C R ENTRANCE DR CHRISTIE LN WHISPERING PINES LN W STEELEBERRY DR STEELE CREEK PLACE DRSHOPTON RD 485 Legion L a k e S tre a m Beaverdam Creek Legion Lake StreamK1D K 4 A K4 A K 3 C DIXIE RIVER RD RELOCATED NC160 / WEST BLVD(CONSTRUCTED BY AIRPORT) DIXIE RIVER RD WALLACE NEAL RD Steele Creek Presbyterian Church Shopton Rural Historic District Steele Creek Presbyterian Church Manse Byrum-Croft House Berewick District Park P56W322 W327 W318 W326 W328 W325 W322A S328 S 3 4 0 S 3 2 1 S335 S 3 3 2 S331 S330 S 3 2 7 S 33 1 S 3 2 8 S322 S333 S 3 3 0 S342 S 3 3 4 S330A hhFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.9.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c G A R R I S O N R D D O R C A S L N D I X I E R D HORTON RD C O O L E M E E D R I-485 160 Legion Lake Stream Beaverdam Creek Charlotte-Durham Int'l Airport Property for New Runways Charlotte-Durham Int'l Airport Property for New Runways K 1 D K 4 A K3C Charlotte -DouglasInt'lAirport WEST BLVD REALIGNMENT(CONSTRUCTION BY AIRPORT) WALLACE NEAL RD Steele Creek Presbyterian Church Byrum-Croft House Berewick District Park Dixie Community Center P58 P56 P57 W329 W337 W335 W334 W332 W336 W331 W333W330 W337A W324 W323 W333A W329A W331A S321 S340 S323 S326 S 3 3 7 S340 S 3 3 9 S343 S336 S 3 2 1 S325 S324 S 3 4 0 A S341 S326 S337A S338 S 3 3 7 iiFigure 2-9 Fig2-9_DSAPrelimDesigns.mxd AKH 4.17.09 Source: Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Map printed April 2009. STIP PROJECT NO. U-3321 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR Gaston County and Mecklenburg County DETAILED STUDY ALTERNATIVES PRELIMINARY DESIGNS 0 600300 Feet Legend Preliminary Road Design Right of Way Segment Breaks Toll Gantries Detailed Study Area Surveyed Intermittent Stream Surveyed Perennial Stream Surveyed Wetlands Surveyed Ponds Floodway 100 Yr. Floodplain Other Hydrology Cemeteries Churches in DSA Fire Stations Hospitals/Medical Services Libraries Schools School Property Structures Historic Sites on/eligible NRHP Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Natural Heritage Program Occ. Areas Superfund Sites Parks Private Recreation Facilities and Attractions Power Transmission Lines Substations Parcels RailRoads Streets K3A Segment Name 275 321 274 279 29/74 273 85 27 485i l j f tr z y ii xvs k e a o p q u n h g d b ff wm eeccaa bb hh gg dd c