HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120285_12_DEISGaston_Ch12_References_20101222 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 12-1 CH. 12 REFERENCES 12.1 REFERENCES American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Policy on Design Standards- Interstate System January 2005 Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2004 http://environment.transportation.org/environmental_issues/historic_cultural Amtrak www.amtrak.com Anderson, David G., and Michael K. Faught The Distribution of Fluted Paleoindian Projectile Points: Update 1998 Archaeology of Eastern North America 26:163-187 Belmont Optimist Club Telephone interview, Mr. Craig Queen, November 18, 2008 Bishir, Catherine W. and Michael T. Southern. A Guide to the Historic Architecture of Piedmont North Carolina, 2003. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill Brengle, Kim W. The Architectural Heritage of Gaston County, North Carolina, 1982. Commercial Printers, Inc., Gastonia Carolina Speedway www.carolinaspeedway.net/trackinfo.php Carolina Thread Trail www.carolinathreadtrail.org Carpenter, P. Albert, III Gold in North Carolina, 1993. Information Circular 29, Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, North Carolina Geological Survey, Raleigh Catawba Lands Conservancy www.catawbalands.org Catawba Riverkeeper Foundation Telephone interview, Catawba Covekeeper CD Collins, September 4, 2008 Chapter 12 lists the various references and supporting documentation cited throughout the Draft EIS.  REFERENCES Chapter 12 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 12-2 Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) 2030 Transit Corridor System Plan, November 2006 www.charmeck.org/Departments/CATS Charlotte-Douglas International Airport 2007 Annual Report to the Community www.charmeck.org/Departments/Airport www.charmeck.org/Departments/Airport/Runway+Road+Relocations.htm City of Belmont City of Belmont Comprehensive Land Use Plan, August 2007 www.cityofbelmont.org/department-watertreatment.aspx www.cityofbelmont.org/webroot/departments/show/7) City of Bessemer City Interview, Planning Director, July 12, 2007 Interview, Planning Director, October 2, 2008 Land Use Plan, 1995 City of Charlotte-Mecklenburg County 2015 Plan: Planning for Our Future, November 1997 Telephone interview, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Commission Staff, July 30, 2007 Dixie Berryhill Strategic Plan, April 2004 www.charmeck.org/Departments/Planning/Area+Planning/Plans/Dixie+Berryhill.htm Southwest District Future Land Use Map, 2007 www.charmeck.org/Departments/Planning/Area%20Planning/Plans/home.htm www.charmeck.org/Departments/LUESA/Air+Quality/Permitting+Regulations/Regulations.h tm www.charmeck.org/Departments/Park+and+Rec/Inside+The+Department/Divisions/Park+Pl anning/Berewick.htm www.charmeck.org/departments/stormwater/flood+zone/what+are+floodplain+maps+used+fo r%3.htm www.charmeck.org/departments/transportation/roads/home.htm www.charmeck.org/Departments/Utilities/Divisions/supplyandtreat.htm www.charmeck.org/fastlanes City of Cramerton Unified Land Development Code, 2002, http://www.cramerton.org/ City of Gastonia City Vision 2010: Gastonia’s Comprehensive Plan, July 1995 Gastonia Rapid Transit Alternatives Study: Corridor and Modal Options, December 2005 Resource Guidebook for Residential and Commercial Development, August 2007 REFERENCES Chapter 12 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 12-3 Telephone interview, Planning Director, July 12, 2007 Telephone interview, Planning Director, October 8, 2008 www.cityofgastonia.com/city_serv/general/transit/transit.cfm www.cityofgastonia.com/city_serv/pwu/utilities/treatment/treatment.cfm Clay, James W., and Douglas M. Orr, Jr. Metrolina Atlas, 1983. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill Cope, Robert F. and Manly W. Wellman The County History of Gaston: Two Centuries of a North Carolina Region, 1961. Gaston Historical Society Council on Environmental Quality Considering Cumulative Effects Under NEPA, 1997 Forty Most-Asked Questions Regarding CEQ’s NEPA Regulations, Web site: www.nepa.gov/nepa/regs/40/40P1.htm Cowardin, Lewis M., Virginia Carter, Francis C. Golet, and Edward T. LaRoe Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States, 1979 Crowders Mountain State Park Telephone interview, Larry Hyde, Superintendent, April 11, 2008 www.ncparks.gov Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden Annual Report, 2006. www.dsbg.org Letter from Executive Director, May 19, 2003 Telephone interview, Mike Bush, Executive Director, November 13, 2001 Telephone interview, Human Resources, April 22, 2008 www.dsbg.org/visitdsbg_masterplan.php Delcourt, Hazel, and Paul Delcourt Quaternary Palynology and Vegetational History of the Southeastern United States, 1985. Pollen Records of Late-Quaternary North American Sediments, edited by V. M. Bryant, Jr., and R. G. Holloway Vegetation Maps for Eastern North America: 40,000 YR B.P. to the Present, 1981, Geobotany II Dubois v. US Department of Agriculture, 102 F.3d 1273, 1286 (1st Circuit 1996) Duke Energy Corporation www.duke-energy.com www.duke-energy.com/lakes/facts-and-maps/lakes-wylie.asp Federal Emergency Management Administration www.fema.gov/plan/prevent/floodplain/nfipkeywords/lomr.shtm REFERENCES Chapter 12 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 12-4 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission www.ferc.gov/industries/gas/gen-info/reg-ent.asp Federal Highway Administration 23 CFR 772 - Procedures for Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise and Construction Noise Air Quality Guidelines for Environmental Documents, NC Division, August 2007 Air Quality Planning for Transportation Officials, 2008, Web site: www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/aqplan/index.htm Final Environmental Impact Statement and Department of Transportation Act Section 303(C) Statement for Master Plan Development and FAR Part 150 Noise Compatibility Plan Update, November 1999 Guidance on Invasive Species: http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/inv_guid.htm Guidance for Preparing and Processing Environmental and Section 4(f) Documents A Guide for HOT Lane Development: www.itsdocs.fhwa.dot.gov/JPODOCS/REPTS_TE/13668.html Guidelines for Implementing the Final Rule of the Farmland Protection Policy Act for Highway Projects, May 1989 Highway Traffic Noise Analysis and Abatement: Policy and Guidance, June 1995 http://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/tolling_pricing/index.htm Interim Guidance on Air Toxic Analysis in NEPA Documents, February 2006 Policy on Design Standards – Interstate System, January 2005 Technical Advisory T66430.8.A, October 1987 Traffic Noise Model Version 2.5 and User’s Guide www.fhwa.gov/environment/airtoxic/vmtmsat2020.htm www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/conformity/con_broc.htm www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/ejustice/dot_ord.htm www.fhwa.dot.gov/hep/guidedeminimis.htm www.fhwa.dot.gov/safetealu/factsheets/conformity.htm Fetters, Thomas T. and Peter W. Swanson, Jr. Piedmont and Northern: The Great Electric System of the South, 1974 Funk, Linda Reed Gold Mine, 1979. Division of Archives and History Gaston County Gaston County Hazard Mitigation Plan, Appendix E – Government Profiles, December 2004 Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance, Adopted April 2007 www.co.gaston.nc.us/ordinances/VADordinance2004-07-22.pdf www.co.gaston.nc.us/planning/maps/firms/firm.htm www.co.gaston.nc.us/planning/UDO/adoptedUDO/adoptedUDO.htm REFERENCES Chapter 12 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 12-5 Gaston County Economic Development Commission www.gaston.org Gaston County Planning Department Gaston County Comprehensive Plan, July 2002 (Adopted November 2002) www.co.gaston.nc.us/CompPlan/ComprehensivePlan.htm Gaston County Unified Development Ordinance, Adopted April 24, 2008, Effective July 1, 2008 Gaston County Schools Telephone interview, Physical Facilities Director, April 11, 2008 Gaston County YMCA www.gastonymca.org/karyae Gaston Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization 2009–2015 Transportation Improvement Program, May 2008 2030 Long-Range Transportation Plan, May 24, 2005 Girl Scouts of the Pioneer Council www.girlscoutspc.org/camp/camp_rotary/index.pho Glass, Brent D. The Textile Industry in North Carolina, A History, 1992 Griffin, James B. Eastern North American Archaeology: A Summary, 1967, Science 156:175-191 Griffin, Sally Gaston Remembers: Weaving a Tapestry in Time, 1994 Hanchett, Thomas W. The Rosenwald Schools and Black Education in North Carolina, October 1988 Hobbs, Samuel Huntington, Jr. Gaston County: Economic and Social, 1920 Hudson, Charles, Marvin T. Smith, and Chester B. DePratter The Hernando De Soto Expedition: From Apalachee to Chiaha, 1984 (Southeastern Archaeology 3(1)) Invasive.org Invasive Plants of the Thirteen Southern States, May 2004, www.invasive.org/seweedsframe.cfm?sort=0 Justice, Noel D. Stone Age Spear and Arrow Points of the Midcontinental and Eastern United States, 1987 Lawrimore Communications, Inc and the Corporation for Enterprise Development Cleveland-Gaston Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy, July 2003 (pg. 19) REFERENCES Chapter 12 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 12-6 Lefler, Hugh Talmadge, and Newsome, Albert Ray. North Carolina: The History of a Southern State, 1954 May, J. Alan An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Proposed Misty Waters Residential Development, Belmont, Gaston County, North Carolina, 2001 McReynolds, Theresa Spatial and Temporal Patterning in the Distribution of North Carolina Projectile Points, 2005. North Carolina Archaeology 54 Mecklenburg County 2008-2010 Strategic Business Plan, 2008 2015 Plan: Planning for Our Future, November 1997 Mecklenburg County Air Pollution Control Ordinance, December 2007 Protecting Our Lake Watersheds, Mecklenburg County Land Use and Environmental Services Agency, January 2004 State of the Environment Report, Prepared by the Land Use and Environmental Services Agency (LUESA) – Department of Air Quality, 2008 Mecklenburg-Union Metropolitan Planning Organization 2004 Mecklenburg-Union Metropolitan Planning Organization Thoroughfare Plan, November 2004 2009–2015 Transportation Improvement Program, May 2008 2030 Long Range Transportation Plan, Amended September 2005 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan Update Miller, James H. Nonnative Invasive Plants of Southern Forest: A Field Guide for Identification and Control, General Technical Report SRS-62, Asheville, NC (USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station, 2003) National Cooperative Highway Research Program Guidance for Estimating the Indirect Effects of Proposed Transportation Projects; Part 1 of 2, January 2001 Guidance for Estimating the Indirect Effects of Proposed Transportation Projects; Part 2 of 2, May 2002 NatureServe The Nature Conservancy International Classification of Ecological Communities: Terrestrial Vegetation of the Southeastern United States, 2006 NC Almanac, 1955. Almanac Publishing Company, Raleigh NC Department of Commerce www.nccommerce.com NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources 2000 Ambient Air Quality Report, Division of Air Quality, 2002 REFERENCES Chapter 12 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 12-7 A Basinwide Assessment Report for the Catawba River Basin, Division of Water Quality April 2008 Erosion and Sedimentation Control Planning and Design publication, June 2006 Generalized Geologic Map of North Carolina, Division of Land Resources, 1994 Guidance for Rating the Values of Wetlands in North Carolina: 4th Version, Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section, January 1995 Guidelines for Evaluating the Air Quality Impacts of Transportation Facilities, Division of Air Quality, September 2007 http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/bims/reports/reportsWB.html http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/csu/swc.html http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/esb/ams.html http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/NPDES/PublicNotices.html http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl/documents/B.Draft2008303dList.pdf http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/nps/documents/FactSheet7-29-04.pdf http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl/documents/06IRcountysummary.xls Identification Methods for the Origin of Intermittent and Perennial Streams: Version 3.1, NC Division of Water Quality, February 2005 List of Permitted Active and Inactive Mines in North Carolina, Division of Land Resources, May 19, 2008: www.dlr.enr.state.nc.us/pages/permittedmines.html Mineral Resources Fact Sheet, NC Geological Survey: www.geology.enr.state.nc.us/Mineral%20resources/mineralresources.html Natural Heritage Program List of the Rare Animal Species of North Carolina, Division of Parks and Recreation, 2006. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program: www.ncnhp.org/Images/2006RareAnimal List.pdf Natural Heritage Program List of the Rare Plant Species of North Carolina, Division of Parks and Recreation, 2006. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program: www.ncnhp.org/Images/2006RarePlantList.pdf North Carolina Water Quality Assessment and Impaired Waters List (2006 Integrated 305(b) and 303(d) Report, 2007: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl/documents/2006IR_FINAL_000.pdf North Carolina Waterbodies Report, January 2009: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/bims/reports/basinsandwaterbodies/Gaston.pdf North Carolina 303(d) List, June 2007: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl/documents/303d_Report.pdf NC Department of Transportation 2009-2015 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program 2030 Metrolina Regional Travel Demand Model, April 2006 Answers to the Questions Most Often Asked About Right of Way Acquisitions and Relocation Assistance Assessing Indirect and Cumulative Effects of Transportation Projects in North Carolina, November 2001 REFERENCES Chapter 12 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 12-8 Best Management Practices for Protection of Surface Waters, March 1997 Capacity Analysis Guidelines for TIP Project Traffic Analyses, Congestion Management Section, February 15, 2006 Conformity Analysis and Determination Report for the Cabarrus-Rowan MPO, the Gaston Urban Area MPO, and the Mecklenburg-Union MPO 2030 Long Range Transportation Plans and the FY 2007-2013 State Transportation Improvement Programs and for Non-MPO Areas of Lincoln County, Iredell County, Gaston County, and Union County areas, June 2005 Amendment 1 - Conformity Analysis and Determination Report for the Cabarrus-Rowan MPO, the Gaston Urban Area MPO, and the Mecklenburg-Union MPO 2030 Long Range Transportation Plans and the FY 2007-2013 State Transportation Improvement Programs and for Non-MPO Areas of Lincoln County, Iredell County, Gaston County, and Union County areas, September 2005 Amendment 2 - Conformity Analysis and Determination Report for the Cabarrus-Rowan MPO, the Gaston Urban Area MPO, and the Mecklenburg-Union MPO 2030 Long Range Transportation Plans and the FY 2007-2013 State Transportation Improvement Programs and for Non-MPO Areas of Lincoln County, Iredell County, Gaston County, and Union County areas, May 2007 Greater Charlotte Region Household Travel Survey, September 2002 Guidance for Assessing Indirect and Cumulative Impacts of Transportation Projects in North Carolina; Volumes I and II, November 2001 Relocation Assistance, November 2005 Roadway Design Manual, 2002 Section 106 Procedures and Guidelines, October 2003 Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures, January 2002, www.ncdot.org/doh/preconstruct/ps/specifications/dual/ Strategic Highway Corridors: www.ncdot.org/doh/preconstruct/tpb/SHC Strategic Highway Corridors Concept Development Report, October 2005 Traffic Noise Abatement Policy, 2004 www.ncdot.org/it/gis/DataDistribution/BikeMaps/default.html http://www.ncdot.org/doh/preconstruct/pe/MERGER01/default.html NC Department of Transportation – Geotechnical Engineering Unit GeoEnvironmental Impact Study Hazardous Material Evaluation, March 2004 GeoEnvironmental Impact Study Hazardous Material Evaluation Update, January 2008 NC Division of Parks and Recreation www.ils.unc.edu/parkproject/resource/river.html NC Employment Security Commission Employment and Wages by Sector, 2nd Quarter 2007, NCESC Web site: http://eslmi23.esc.state.nc.us/ew/EWGeoArea.asp?Report=1&Year=2007&Period=02 www.ncesc.com REFERENCES Chapter 12 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 12-9 NC Natural Heritage Program www.ncnhp.org Natural Heritage Inventory of Gaston County, 2000: www.ncnhp.org/Images/Gaston11-15- 2005.pdf NC Office of Budget and Management  Projected Annual County Population Totals 2020-2029, Web site: www.osbm.state.nc.us/ncosbm/facts_and_figures/socioeconomic_data/population_estimates/de mog/cpa2020p.html www.census.state.nc.us www.demog.state.nc.us NC Turnpike Authority www.ncturnpike.org/pdf/Right-of-Way%20Acquisition%20Brochure.pdf www.ncturnpike.org/pdf/Relocation%20Assistance%20Brochure.pdf www.ncturnpike.org/projects/gaston Parramore, Thomas C. Express Lanes and Country Roads: The Way We Lived in North Carolina, 1920-1970 (1983) Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina, Third Approximation, 1990 South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control  South Carolina 2008 303(d) List, Web site: http://www.scdhec.net/environment/water/tmdl/docs/tmdl_08-303d.xls South Carolina Office of Research and Statistics  South Carolina State and County Population Projections 2020-2025, Web site: www.sccommunityprofiles.org/census/proj2025.php Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council Regional Invasive Exotic Plant Species List: www.se-eppc.org/fslist.cfm Swanton, John R. Final Report of the United States De Soto Expedition Commission, 1939. Reissued 1985. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. Texas Department of Transporation Guidance on Environmental Justice for Toll Roads, March 2005 US Army Corps of Engineers Telephone interview, USACE representative Steven Lund, October 15, 2007 Wetlands Delineation Manual, Environmental Laboratory 1987 www.usace.army.mil/cw/cecwo/reg/cwa_guide/cwa_guide.htm www.usace.army.mil/cw/cecwo/reg/cwa_guide/rapanos_guide_memo.pdf US Census Bureau www.census.gov REFERENCES Chapter 12 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 12-10 US Department of Agriculture 2002 Census of Agriculture – North Carolina State and County Data (Volume 1, Geographic Area Series, Part 33, Report No. AC-02-A-33), June, 2004, USDA Web site: www.nass.usda.gov/census/census02/volume1/nc/index2.htm www.nass.usda.gov/census/census02/volume1/nc/NCVolume104.pdf US Department of Agriculture- Natural Resource Conservation Service List of North Carolina Important Farmlands, December, 2005: ftp://ftp- fc.sc.egov.usda.gov/NC/NCweb/Programs/soilsurvey. Soil Survey of Gaston County, North Carolina, May 1989 Soil Survey of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, June 1980 US Department of the Interior Land and Water Conservation Fund Project List, Web site: http://waso-lwcf.ncrc.nps.gov/public/index.cfm Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation, September 1983 www.nps.gov/ncrc/programs/lwcf/index.htm www.nps.gov/ncrc/programs/rtca/nri www.rivers.gov/wildriverslist.html US Department of Transportation Memorandum: Policy Statement on Invasive Alien Species, April 22, 1999 Order on Environmental Justice to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations (USDOT Order 5610.2) www.dotcr.ost.dot.gov/documents/ycr/eo12898.pdf US Environmental Protection Agency Control of Emissions of Hazardous Air Pollutants from Mobile Sources, Volume 66, Number 61, pages 17230-17273 (Published in the Federal Register on March 29, 2001) Control of Hazardous Air Pollutants from Mobile Sources, Volume 72, Number 37, pages 8427-8570 (Published in the Federal Register on February 26, 2007) Draft Plan for Review of the Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Carbon Monoxide, March 2008 http://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/swphases.cfm http://cfpub.epa.gov/supercpad/cursites/srchsites.cfm Integrated Plan for Review of the Primary NAAQS for Sulfur Oxides, October, 2007 Latest Findings on National Air Quality – Status and Trends through 2006, 2008 www.epa.gov/air/criteria.html www.epa.gov/npdes www.epa.gov/oar/oaqps/greenbk www.epa.gov/pmdesignations/2006standards/rec/letters REFERENCES Chapter 12 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 12-11 US Fish and Wildlife Service Lists of Federally Protected Species for Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties, 2008: www.fws.gov/nc-es/es/countyfr.html. Schweinitz's Sunflower Recovery Plan, 1994 (Atlanta, GA) www.fws.gov/permits/mbpermits/ActSummaries.html US Geological Survey http://landcover.usgs.gov/natllandcover.php Ward, H. Trawick, and R. P. Stephen Davis, Jr. Time Before History: The Archaeology of North Carolina, 1999 Weakley, A Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, Northern Florida, and Surrounding Areas (Working Draft of 7 April 2008) Whittaker Associates, Inc. York County Industry Cluster & Target Market Study, February 2006 York County, South Carolina York County 2025 Comprehensive Plan, April 2004 www.yorkcountygov.com www.yorkcountygov.com/Departments/DepartmentsNZ/PublicWorks/Divisions/WaterandSew er/tabid/159/Default.aspx 12.2 SUPPORTING PROJECT DOCUMENTATION The supporting project documentation listed below are technical memoranda and reports incorporated by reference into the Draft EIS. These are available for review upon request by contacting the NCTA via email at gaston@ncturnpike.org or via telephone at (919) 571-3000. Documents also available on the NCTA Web site (www.ncturnpike.org) are marked with an asterisk *. 2003, September Phase I (Reconnaissance Level) Historic Architectural Survey for the Gaston East-West Connector, Prepared by Mattson, Alexander and Associates 2004, February Phase II Traffic Analysis Technical Memorandum – Gaston County East- West Corridor Study, Prepared by PBS&J 2004, March Citizens Informational Workshop Series #1 Summary – Gaston East-West Connector, Prepared by PBS&J 2005, February Gaston East-West Connector Study – Transportation Demand Modeling Technical Memorandum, Prepared by Martin/Alexiou/Bryson 2005, May Draft Traffic Technical Memorandum – Gaston County East-West Connector Study, Prepared by PBS&J 2006, April Citizens Informational Workshop Series #2 Summary – Gaston East-West Connector, Prepared by PBS&J *2006, October Proposed Gaston East-West Connector Preliminary Traffic and Revenue Study Final Report, Prepared by Wilbur Smith Associates REFERENCES Chapter 12 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 12-12 2006, October Gaston East-West Connector Traffic Forecasting and System Level Analysis for Detailed Study Alternatives, Prepared by Martin/Alexiou/Bryson 2007, April Archaeological Assessment of Detailed Study Alternatives for the Proposed Gaston East-West Connector, Prepared by Coastal Carolina Research, Inc. 2007, April Gaston East-West Connector Traffic Forecasting and System Level Analysis for the Detailed Study Alternatives - Revised, Prepared by Martin/Alexiou/Bryson 2007, November Community Characteristics Report for the Gaston East-West Connector, Prepared by PBS&J *2007, December Final Preliminary Hydraulic Technical Memorandum for the Gaston County East-West Connector, Prepared by PBS&J 2007, December Final Traffic Operations Technical Memorandum for the Gaston East-West Connector, Prepared by PBS&J *2008, January Preliminary Engineering Designs for the Gaston East-West Connector Detailed Study Alternatives, Prepared by PBS&J and Gibson Engineers. (See Public Hearing Maps available on the NCTA Web site) *2008, February Natural Resources Technical Report for the Gaston East-West Connector, Prepared by Earth Tech, Inc. *2008, February Phase II Architectural Resources Survey Report for the Gaston East-West Connector, Prepared by Mattson, Alexander and Associates, Inc. 2008, May Memorandum – Gaston County East-West Connector – TIP Project U-3321 – Logical Termini, Prepared by PBS&J *2008, June Relocation Reports for the Gaston East-West Connector, Prepared by Carolina Land Acquisitions, Inc. (Draft EIS Appendix F) *2008, July Final Traffic Noise Technical Memorandum for the Gaston East-West Connector, Prepared by PBS&J *2008, August Gaston East-West Connector (U-3321) Traffic Forecasts for Toll Alternatives, Prepared by Martin/Alexiou/Bryson *2008, August Utility Impact Report for the Gaston East-West Connector, Prepared by TBE Group, Inc. 2008, September Analysis of Potential Icing Impacts due to Allen Steam Station SO2 Scrubber for the Gaston East-West Connector, Prepared by Mactec 2008, September Citizens Informational Workshop Series #3 Summary – Gaston East-West Connector, Prepared by PBS&J *2008, September Final Air Quality Technical Memorandum for the Gaston East-West Connector, Prepared by PBS&J *2008, September Final Toll Traffic Operations Technical Memorandum - Gaston East-West Connector, Prepared by PBS&J *2008, September Final Traffic Operations Technical Memorandum for I-85, I-485, US 29-74, and US 321 Under Various Scenarios – Gaston East-West Connector, Prepared by PBS&J REFERENCES Chapter 12 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 12-13 2008, September Memorandum – Gaston County East-West Connector – TIP Project U-3321 – Effects on Impacts if the US 29-74 Interchange is Removed from DSAs, Prepared by PBS&J *2008, October Addendum to the Final Alternatives Development and Evaluation Report for the Gaston East-West Connector, Prepared by PBS&J *2008, October Final Community Impact Assessment for the Gaston East-West Connector, Prepared by PBS&J *2008, October Updated Purpose and Need Statement for the Gaston East-West Connector, Prepared by PBS&J 2008, December Gaston Cost Estimate Support Memorandum, Prepared by HNTB *2009, March Indirect and Cumulative Effects Assessment for the Gaston East-West Connector, Prepared by Louis Berger Group