HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120285_09_DEISGaston_Ch9_Public&AgencyInvolve_20101222 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 9-1 CH. 9 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND AGENCY COORDINATION 9.1 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT Public involvement and input has been encouraged throughout the development of this project. Local government officials, civic organizations, neighborhood groups, and interested citizens were informed of the progress of the project through a series of three workshops and numerous small group meetings. Other outreach efforts and opportunities for the public to review project information and provide input included project mailings, a project Web site, and project toll-free telephone number. Comments received on the project may be obtained by contacting NCTA via email at gaston@ncturnpike.org or via the contact information for the NCTA provided in Section S.2. 9.1.1 CITIZENS INFORMATIONAL WORKSHOPS Three series of Citizens Informational Workshops (CIWs) were held. The first series was held in 2003 by NCDOT, the second and third series were held by the NCTA in 2006 and 2008. For each series, workshops were held in three locations spread throughout the Project Study Area, each on a different day, to provide a variety of attendance opportunities. All the CIWs were informal open houses. Attendees were encouraged to sign-in, read the project handouts, view the slideshows and project displays, and to discuss the project one-on-one with Project Representatives. There were no formal presentations given at the workshops. Project handouts were available in English and Spanish at each workshop, and a Spanish translator was available at most workshops. All workshops were advertised in local newspapers and on the project Web site. Postcards were mailed to area property owners and residents announcing each workshop series. Advertisements and articles in the local English and Spanish newspapers were published before and after the workshops. Citizens Informational Workshop Series #1 In 2003, the first series of CIWs took place on September 30, (Forestview High School, Gastonia), December 9, (South Point High School, Belmont), and December 10, (Hunter Huss High School, Gastonia). The workshops, held by NCDOT, presented the purpose and need for the project and the preliminary alternatives being considered. Approximately 734 citizens signed in at the first series of workshops. Public involvement and environmental resource and regulatory agency coordination are integral to the project  development and decision‐making process.  The NCTA, NCDOT, and FHWA coordinated and consulted with numerous  federal, state, and local agencies, as well as the general public through a variety of means, as summarized in this  chapter.  PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND AGENCY COORDINATION Chapter 9 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 9-2 There were 192 written comment forms received at and following the workshops. A majority of commenter’s supported a new location roadway and the purpose and need for the project. However, about 20 percent of the comments supported other types of alternatives, including improving I-85 and US 29-74, as well as mass transit. Other comments were related to route location, wildlife habitat, river shoreline buffers and recreational uses, parks, neighborhoods, land use and sprawl, water quality, air quality, and noise. Specific comments about locations and preferences regarding the preliminary new location alignments provided at Citizens Informational Workshop Series #1 are summarized below. Refer to Figure 2-5a-b for preliminary new location corridor segment names. For additional information and summaries of comments received at the first series of workshops, refer to the Citizens Informational Workshop Series #1 Summary – Gaston East-West Connector (PBS&J, March 2004), incorporated by reference. COMMENT FOLLOW UP INFORMATION   Cross north of Paradise  Point at South Fork of the  Catawba River.  Two out of three preliminary new location segments north of Paradise Point (DSA  segments K2A and K3A [formerly preliminary corridor segments F2 and F4] have been  retained for detailed study in the DEIS.   Cross Bud Wilson Road as  far south as possible.  The southernmost crossing of Bud Wilson Road (DSA segment J1c [formerly  preliminary corridor segment C6/D3]) has been retained for study in the DEIS.   Connect to Buster Boyd  Bridge in South Carolina.  Connecting to the NC 49 Buster Boyd Bridge over the Catawba River at the  Mecklenburg County North Carolina/York County South Carolina border would not  meet the project’s purpose and need for mobility, access, and connectivity within  southern Gaston County and between southern Gaston County and Mecklenburg  County.   Use existing Hudson  Boulevard as a bypass of  Gastonia.  Hudson Boulevard parallels US 29‐74 to the south, and connects US 321 in Gastonia to  Lowell‐Bethesda Road on the east side of Cramerton.  Hudson Boulevard currently  serves as a local bypass of downtown Gastonia.  Improving Hudson Boulevard would  not meet the project’s purpose and need.  It would not improve mobility, access and  connectivity within southern Gaston County nor between southern Gaston County and  Mecklenburg County.   Provide a toll road facility. In February 2005, the proposed project was adopted by the North Carolina Turnpike  Authority as a candidate toll facility.   Maintain access to  Bessemer City via Exit 13 –  Edgewood Road from I‐85.  All of the DSAs would maintain this access.  Provide a road only from  Union New Hope Road to  I‐485.  This option would not meet the project’s purpose and need.    Citizens Informational Workshop Series #1  Source:  PBS&J PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND AGENCY COORDINATION Chapter 9 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 9-3 COMMENT FOLLOW UP INFORMATION   Segments E8, F5, F10, and  F11 are the only segments  that make sense.  Preliminary corridor segments E8, F5, and F10 were retained for study as Detailed  Study Corridor Segments K3A and K4A.  Preliminary corridor segment F11 was  eliminated from consideration because its route would directly impact publicly‐owned  parkland and twice as many subdivisions as the route that uses preliminary corridor  segment F10. F‐X9a should be chosen  over E8+F6.  Both preliminary corridor segments have been retained for detailed study as DSA  segments K3A (formerly F‐X9a) and K1C/K4A (formerly E8/F6).  The southernmost routes  are most beneficial to  Daniel Stowe Botanical  Garden.  One route that passes just north of Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden has been retained  for detailed study in the DEIS.  Put alignment as close as  possible to South Carolina.  Except for preliminary corridor segment F11/G6, all the southernmost preliminary  corridor segments have been retained for detailed study.  Avoid lower end of Bud  Wilson Road/Sparrow  Dairy Road.  There are no DSA segments located at the lower end of Bud Wilson Road/Sparrow  Dairy Road, near the North Carolina/South Carolina state line.    Avoid area north of Allen  Steam Station, where  there is too much  development.  There is one DSA corridor north of the Allen Steam Station and one south of the Allen  Steam Station.  NC 49/SC 49 should be  used.  Use of NC 49/SC 49 in South Carolina would not meet the project’s purpose and need.   It would not provide connectivity between southern Gaston County and Mecklenburg  County. Citizens Informational Workshop Series #2 The second series of Citizens Informational Workshops took place January 31 (Hunter Huss High School, Gastonia), February 1 (Olympic High School, Charlotte), and February 2 (South Point High School, Belmont), 2006. These workshops were held by the NCTA with assistance from the NCDOT. The purpose of this series of workshops was to present the recommended DSAs for input and comment. Approximately 813 citizens signed in at the second series of workshops. There were 185 written comment forms received at and following the workshops. In addition, verbal comments received at the workshops were noted and summarized. Additional information on the comments received at the second series of workshops is included in the Citizens Informational Workshop Series #2 Summary – Gaston East-West Connector (PBS&J, June 2006), incorporated by reference. Comments regarding preferences, impacts and issues were taken into consideration in the evaluation of the DSAs. Most attendees were in support of the new location roadway. Fifty-five written comments expressed a specific comment about the new location concept, with 34 explicitly stating support Citizens Informational Workshop Series #2  Source:  PBS&J  PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND AGENCY COORDINATION Chapter 9 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 9-4 and 21 expressing opposition. Seven comments were received that stated support for improving existing roadways. Most attendees preferred a non–toll facility over a toll facility. Regarding specific corridor segments, 19 people stated a preference for a corridor segment west of US 321. Of these, 12 preferred the easternmost corridor segments (H3-J4a), six preferred the westernmost corridor segments (H1A-H1B-H1C), and one preferred the middle segments (H2B- H2C-J3) (Figure 2-8a). Only two people commented specifically on corridors between US 321 and the South Fork Catawba River. Both preferred the southernmost corridors (J1c-J1d-J1e-J1f). Sixty-three people stated corridor segment preferences for the eastern end of the project. Of these, 35 preferred Corridor Segment K1D, 10 preferred Corridor Segment K3C, eight preferred Corridor Segment K4A, and four preferred Corridor Segment K3A. Comments on issues or resources were included in 130 of the comment forms and in most of the documented verbal remarks. Specific churches and cemeteries were noted in several comments, as well as individual communities. These resources were included in the Final Community Impact Assessment for the Gaston East-West Connector (PBS&J, October 2008, incorporated by reference and available on the NCTA Web site: www.ncturnpike.org/projects/gaston) prepared for the project (Section 3.2). Some comments related to the existence of potential historic homes. A survey of the Project Study Area for historic architectural resources was performed for the project (Section 5.2). Other participants noted there were bald eagles and numerous species in the area around Brown’s Cove, a neighborhood located at the confluence of Beaver Dam Creek and the Catawba River. Surveys for bald eagles and other protected species were performed for the DSAs (Section 6.5). Citizens Informational Workshop Series #3 The third series of Citizens Informational Workshops, held by the NCTA, took place August 6 (Olympic High School, Charlotte), August 7 (South Point High School, Belmont), and August 11 (Gastonia Adult Recreation Center), 2008. The purpose of this workshop series was to seek feedback regarding the elimination of Corridor Segment K1D from detailed study (due to interference with critical operations at the Allen Steam Station) and to present the following for additional public comment: • Updates to the project’s Purpose and Need Statement, June 2008, • The Addendum to the Final Alternatives Development and Evaluation Report, July 2008, • The DSAs and the preliminary right-of-way limits for the roadway designs within the study corridors, and • The potential elimination of the project’s interchange at US 29-74. A total of 1,026 citizens signed in at the third series of workshops. There were 205 written comment forms received at and following the workshops. In addition, verbal comments received at the workshops were noted and summarized. Additional information on the comments received at the third series of workshops is included in the Citizens Informational Workshop Series #3 Summary – Gaston East-West Connector (PBS&J, PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND AGENCY COORDINATION Chapter 9 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 9-5 September 2008), incorporated by reference. Comments regarding preferences, impacts and issues were taken into consideration in the evaluation of the DSAs. Twenty-eight citizens stated that they did not see the need for the project and twenty citizens stated that they do not want the project at all. Fifteen comments were received supporting the purpose and need for the project and seventeen supported the overall project. Regarding tolling, 48 attendees submitted comments disagreeing with using tolls to fund the project, while 22 comments were submitted supporting the use of tolls. Additionally eleven comments stated the preliminary $2.00-$4.00 toll for using the Garden Parkway is too costly. Eleven comments were received stating support for improving existing roadways. Numerous comments were received regarding specific Corridor Segments. For example, fifteen comments stated a preference for DSA 4, and the elimination of Corridor Segment H1A. Fifteen people opposed Corridor Segment K4A, which includes the southernmost crossing of the Catawba River, while eight comments preferred Corridor Segment K4A. Regarding the project interchange at US 29-74, 23 comments stated the interchange was not needed, while 25 comments stated the interchange was needed. Comments on issues and resources were included in the comment forms. Specific churches and cemeteries were noted in several comments, as well as individual communities. Attendees also submitted comments expressing concerns for protecting natural resources such as wetlands, Crowders Mountain State Park, and Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden. 9.1.2 LOCAL OFFICIALS MEETINGS Local Officials Meetings were held September 30, 2003, January 31, 2006, February 1, 2006 and August 6, 2008 prior to each series of Citizens Informational Workshops to provide local officials with opportunities to ask questions and submit comments, as well as an opportunity for NCTA to give a project overview and status report. Updates were provided to the Mecklenburg-Union MPO (MUMPO) Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) at their meeting on August 7, 2008. Presentations were made to Gaston Urban Area MPO (GUAMPO) committees, as listed below: • 1/22/02, 9/24/02 GUAMPO Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) • 9/24/02 GUAMPO TCC • 5/14/08 GUAMPO TCC • 5/27/08 GUAMPO TAC Citizens Informational Workshop Series #3  Source:  PBS&J  PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND AGENCY COORDINATION Chapter 9 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 9-6 9.1.3 SMALL GROUP MEETINGS Throughout the study process, the Project Representatives have met with a variety of organizations, agencies, and groups to exchange information, collect data, or to make a presentation about the project at a group’s request. The local entities interviewed for information exchange, research, and data collection purposes included the following: • Charlotte – Douglas International Airport • Charlotte – Mecklenburg Planning Commission • Charlotte Department of Transportation • Gaston County Natural Resource Department • City of Gastonia • City of Belmont • Belmont Planning Board • City of Bessemer City • Town of McAdenville • Catawba River Foundation/Catawba Riverkeeper • Crescent Resources, LLC • Duke Energy Corporation (Allen Steam Station) • Quality of Natural Resources Commission (QNRC) • Schiele Museum of Natural History • Village Properties – Pharr Yarns Four outreach meetings were held with organizations, community leaders, and elementary schools in Gaston County on January 17, 2006, to identify ways to communicate with low-income and minority populations and to incorporate appropriate methods into the public involvement program to encourage participation from these populations. These meetings were with: • Gaston Community Action • Tabernacle Baptist Church • HH Beam Elementary School • Forest Heights Elementary School During development and analysis of alternatives, the following organizations and citizen groups requested small group meetings. The meeting dates and groups involved are listed below. • 12/11/02 Gaston Chamber of Commerce • 10/15/03 Friends of Crowders Mountain PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND AGENCY COORDINATION Chapter 9 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 9-7 Brochure from Citizens  Informational Workshop Series #3  Source:  NCTA  • 03/24/04 Gaston Chamber of Commerce • 11/08/04 Paradise Point Neighborhood Group in Cramerton • 3/08/06 Medallist Development Corporation • 3/10/06 NC League for Transportation and Logistics • 4/19/06 Ramoth AME Zion Church in Charlotte • 4/25/06 Friends of Crowders Mountain • 4/27/06 Brown’s Cove Neighborhood Group in Charlotte • 11/17/07 Garrison Road/Horton Road Community in Charlotte • 5/27/08 Gaston County and Municipal Planners (GCAMP) • 8/28/08 Misty Waters Subdivision in Belmont • 9/11/08 River Lakes Subdivision in Belmont • 10/01/08 Karyae Park YMCA Outdoor Family Center in Gastonia • 10/01/08 Pisgah ARP Church in Gastonia • 11/18/08 Town of Belmont 9.1.4 OTHER OUTREACH EFFORTS The various methods employed for communicating project information and announcements of public meetings are described below. Brochures and Postcards Brochures and postcards were used to provide the public with information about the project and project-related events such as Citizens Informational Workshops, and to seek comments from the public. Copies of brochures and postcards are included in the workshop summaries incorporated by reference. Postcards were used as a cost- effective way of announcing upcoming Citizens Informational Workshops to the large numbers of residents and property owners within the Project Study Area. Project brochures were distributed at each Citizens Informational Workshop that provided information related to the workshops and the information being presented. These brochures also were posted to the project web site and available for download. Postcard announcing Citizens Informational Workshop Series  #3  PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND AGENCY COORDINATION Chapter 9 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 9-8 www.ncturnpike.org/projects/gaston  Source:  NCTA Project Web Site and E-mail A project web site (www.ncturnpike.org/projects/gaston) provides project information, documents, previous newsletters and postcards, project maps and an online comment form. The web pages were originally posted on the NCDOT’s web site beginning in September 2004, and a project Web site has been online since that time. The online comment form enables users to add their name to the project mailing list and/or provide comments and ask questions. The web site is updated periodically as new information, documents, maps, and reports are available. Citizens could also send comments and questions via the project e-mail address: gaston@ncturnpike.org. This email address was included in brochures and project mailings. Project Toll-Free Telephone Number A toll-free hotline number was created for the project (1-800-475-6402). This provided a resource for citizens to ask a question, provide input or request a meeting for an organization. All calls received were logged and responded to in a timely manner. 9.2 AGENCY COORDINATION 9.2.1 SCOPING LETTER A formal scoping letter, as required by NEPA, was sent by NCDOT to local, state, and federal agencies on April 9, 2003. The letter is included in Appendix A-3, along with responses from many agencies. The purpose of the scoping letter was to solicit comments and collect pertinent project information early in the project development process. The coordination (NEPA scoping) between NCDOT, FHWA, and the agencies assisted with the development of the purpose and need statement, range of alternatives considered, and the determination of the DSAs. Table 9–1 lists the agencies that provided comments in response to the scoping letter, along with a brief summary of the comments. Comments are listed by federal, state, and local agency and then by date. TABLE 9-1: Scoping Comments Agency Date Comments  USACE, Asheville  Regulatory Field Office 05/22/03  Permits required under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of  the Rivers and Harbors Act. Study plan should provide for an evaluation of  secondary and cumulative impacts for each alternative.  NCDENR Division of Soil   and Water  Conservation  04/25/03 Requested information on adverse impacts to Prime or Statewide Important  Farmland.  PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND AGENCY COORDINATION Chapter 9 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 9-9 TABLE 9-1: Scoping Comments Agency Date Comments  NCDENR Division of  Environmental Health 05/01/03  This area has two surface water plants and numerous community well  systems.  The rules governing public water systems must be followed in  reference to impact on these systems, which include treatment facilities and  distribution systems.  Gaston County has a wellhead protection program.   NCDOT Rail Division 05/12/03  Noted importance of Norfolk Southern Railway’s Washington DC to Atlanta  mainline, as well as the 12‐mile long inactive rail corridor that extends from  Mount Holly to Gastonia.  Required that space be reserved for one future  track whenever a highway overpass is constructed over the tracks.  NC Department of  Cultural Resources  State Historic  Preservation Office  05/14/03  Recommended records be thoroughly searched and a comprehensive survey  be conducted to inventory the architectural and historic resources that could  potentially be impacted by the project.  In addition, recommended a  comprehensive survey be conducted for archaeological resources.  NC Wildlife Resources  Commission 05/15/03  Requested description of fishery and wildlife resources in the project area,  steams or wetlands affected by the project, cover maps showing impacted  wetlands and wildlife habitat impacted by the project, mitigation plan, and  discussion of probable impacts on natural resources.   NCDENR Division of  Water Quality 05/21/03  Noted water resources within the Project Study Area: Crowders Creek, South  Crowders Creek, Abernathy Creek, Blackwood Creek, Catawba Creek,  Robinwood Lake, Anthony Creek, Catawba River, and South Fork Catawba  River. Outline required Environmental Documentation: Quantitative analysis  of the cumulative and secondary impacts of new location alternatives,  detailed presentation of the proposed impacts to wetlands and streams,  discussion of mitigation plans for unavoidable impacts, and cumulative  impacts from habitat alterations and point/nonpoint source pollution.  NCDOT Congestion  Management Section 05/30/03  Recommended building a roadway with access provided only at interchanges  or widely spaced at‐grade intersections, as well as a tie into I‐85 southwest of  Gastonia and I‐485 in Mecklenburg County.  Town of Dallas 04/25/03 Formal request to expand the study area to include STIP Project R‐2608.    Gaston County Quality  of Natural Resources  Commission  05/09/03  Listed natural heritage sites that could potentially be affected by the project  as well as stream impacts on Crowders Creek, potential wetland and stream  mitigation, stormwater, hazardous spill controls, impacts on land use, and  greenway development.  Gaston County  Department of  Community  Development and  Technology  05/09/03  Recommended NCDOT work with all 15 municipal entities in Gaston County  to remain “in concert” with the various land use plans, as well as goals and  objectives set forth in the Gaston County Comprehensive Plan. Also  encouraged NCDOT to assert or use creative methods to involve the general  public in the project development process.  Gaston County Natural  Resources Commission 05/13/03 Encouraged consistency with the Gaston County Comprehensive Plan and  citizen involvement throughout the project process.  Gaston Urban Area  Metropolitan Planning  Organization  05/13/03  Recommended input from the Catawba Land Conservancy.  Noted the need  for an increase in public services along the Garden Parkway, the need to  prevent isolation within and between neighborhoods in the project area, and  a decrease in the function of thoroughfares that feed into the Garden  Parkway.  Mecklenburg – Union  Metropolitan Planning  Organization  05/15/03  Noted concern of airport restrictions due to project construction as well as  the desire for bicycle and pedestrian accommodations on any future bridge  structure crossing the Catawba River.  PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND AGENCY COORDINATION Chapter 9 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 9-10 TABLE 9-1: Scoping Comments Agency Date Comments  Mecklenburg County  Land Use and  Environmental Services  Agency – Air Quality    05/15/03  Project must be in accordance with 40 CFR 93.116 – “FHWA/FTA project must  not cause or contribute to any new localized  CO or PM10 violations or  increase the frequency or severity of any existing CO or PM10 violations in CO  or PM10 non attainment and maintenance areas.” No new local violations will  be created and the severity or number of existing violations will not be  increased as a result of the project.   City of Charlotte  Department of  Transportation  05/15/03  Noted concerns that the project could interfere with the new Land Use Plan  for the portion of Mecklenburg County west of I‐485 and east of the Catawba  River.  York County Planning  and Development  Services  05/15/03  Requested impacts on commuting patterns from York County to Charlotte  along SC 49, and impacts on Gaston and York County population and  employment trends.  City of Gastonia 05/16/03 Outlined construction plan and FEMA requirements and existing underground  utilities that may be affected by roadway construction.  Daniel Stowe Botanical  Garden 05/19/03 Expressed support of the project and project location.  9.2.2 NOTICE OF INTENT A Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the project was published by FHWA in the Federal Register on April 27, 2006 (Volume 71, No. 81, pages 24909-24910). Appendix A-4 contains a copy of the Notice of Intent. 9.2.3 AGENCY COORDINATION Background Information Initially, the project study was administered by the NCDOT. From project initiation in 2001 to 2005, when the project was adopted by the NCTA as a candidate toll facility, the project followed the NCDOT’s Merger 01 process for agency concurrence and coordination as contained in the NEPA/404 Merger 01 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signed by NCDOT, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and the NC Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (NCDENR). The Merger 01 process allows agency representatives to coordinate efficiently by providing a common forum for discussion of project issues as they relate to each agency’s mission. The merger process documents how competing agency mandates are balanced during a shared decision-making process, which results in agency representatives reaching a “compromise-based decision” to the regulatory and individual agency mandates at specific project milestones (http://www.ncdot.org/doh/preconstruct/pe/MERGER01/default.html). PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND AGENCY COORDINATION Chapter 9 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 9-11 The specific project milestones, called concurrence points, are listed below. NCDOT managed the process through Concurrence Point 2. CONCURRENCE   POINT DESCRIPTION  1 Purpose and need for the project.   2 DSAs to be evaluated in the DEIS.  2a Bridging and Alignment Review:  Identification of bridge locations and approximate lengths,  culvert locations, and a review of the preliminary alignment for each alternative.  3 Selection of Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA).  4a  Avoidance and Minimization:  A detailed, interdisciplinary review to optimize the design and  benefits of the project while reducing environmental impacts to both the human and natural  environment.  4b Hydraulic Review:  A review of the development of the drainage design.  4c Permit Drawings Review: A review of the completed permit drawings after the hydraulic  design is complete and prior to the permit application.  The Agency Coordination Team was called the NEPA/404 Merger Team when the project was being administered by NCDOT. The NEPA/404 Merger Team included the stakeholder agencies and local units of government listed in the insert box, with the exception of the NCTA, who joined the team in 2005. In 2005, when project administration was transferred to the NCTA, the NCTA decided that project coordination would continue with a process similar to the Merger 01 process, even though the NCTA is not a signatory to the MOA that created the Merger 01 process. It was decided to continue with a process similar to the Merger 01 process because the project had already achieved the first two concurrence points. The same agencies that were involved in the project as the NEPA/404 Merger Team would continue to participate as the Agency Coordination Team. Section 6002 Project Coordination Plan In October 2008, in accordance with Section 6002 of SAFETEA-LU (Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users), the NCTA developed a Project Coordination Plan for the proposed Gaston East-West Connector project. The plan establishes a project schedule, sets a monthly schedule for coordination meetings, establishes agency review times, identifies a process for resolving issues of concern, and identifies cooperating and participating agencies. The Section 6002 Project Coordination Plan was developed and finalized in consultation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), as well as the cooperating and participating agencies. The Agency Coordination Team  The Agency Coordination Team reviews the project at various  development milestones.  The project’s team members are:   • Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)  • NC Turnpike Authority (NCTA)  • NC Department of Transportation (NCDOT)  • US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)  • US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)  • US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)  • NC Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC)   • NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources  (NCDENR) – Division of Water Quality (DWQ)  • State Historic Preservation Office (HPO)  • Gaston Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization  (GUAMPO)  • Mecklenburg‐Union Metropolitan Planning Organization  (MUMPO)  PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND AGENCY COORDINATION Chapter 9 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 9-12 Draft versions of the plan were shared with cooperating and participating agencies and discussed at Turnpike Environmental Agency Coordination (TEAC) meetings (Section The plan was revised to incorporate agency comments. The project’s final Section 6002 Project Coordination Plan, which provides for a process similar to Merger 01, is included in Appendix A-7. Table 9-2 provides an overview of agency roles. The US Coast Guard also was contacted, and they verified the project was beyond their area of responsibility and a US Coast Guard Bridge Permit would not be required (see email from the US Coast Guard in Appendix A- 5). Therefore, the US Coast Guard is not a participating agency. TABLE 9-2: Agency Roles Agency Lead   Agency  Joint Lead  Agency  Cooperating  Agency  Participating  Agency  Federal Highway Administration 3     North Carolina Turnpike Authority  3    North Carolina Department of Transportation  3    US Army Corps of Engineers     3 3  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission   3 (invited*)   US Environmental Protection Agency     3  US Fish and Wildlife Service    3  NCDENR Division of Water Quality    3  NCDENR Wildlife Resources Commission    3  State Historic Preservation Office    3  Gaston Urban Area MPO    3  Mecklenburg‐Union MPO    3  *  See invitation letter in Appendix A‐5. Agency Coordination Meetings Agency coordination meetings have been held throughout the project development process to receive comments on project studies, achieve concurrence points, and solicit issues and concerns from the Agency Coordination Team. The NCDOT scheduled meetings with the NEPA/404 Merger Team from 2002 through 2005 to achieve Concurrence Points 1 and 2. The NCTA initiated regularly scheduled monthly meetings, referred to as TEAC meetings, to review the status of the current NCTA projects, environmental concerns, and permitting requirements. TEAC meetings regarding the Gaston East-West Connector have been held from 2006 through 2008. In addition, NCTA held two meetings to discuss the scope of the indirect and cumulative effects analysis (June 29, 2007, with USFWS and NCWRC, and July 26, 2007, with NCDWQ). Table 9-3 lists each agency coordination meeting held, along with a brief purpose and summary of the meeting. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND AGENCY COORDINATION Chapter 9 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 9-13 TABLE 9-3: Summary of Agency Coordination Meetings Meeting  Date Main Topic Summary of Meeting  NEPA/404 Merger Team Meetings held by NCDOT  05/15/02 CP 1 Purpose and Need The preliminary Purpose and Need Statement was presented for discussion.   Additional information was requested.    07/24/02 CP 1 Purpose and Need The revised Purpose and Need Statement was presented and concurrence  was achieved.  02/17/04 Pre‐CP 2 Identified new location alternatives for which NCDOT should prepare  functional designs prior to the new location CP 2 meeting.  08/17/04 Partial CP 2  The purpose of this meeting was to achieve concurrence on the non‐new  location alternatives to be carried forward for detailed study.  Agreement on  eliminating the Improve Existing Roadways Alternatives could not be  reached, and the decision was made to follow the process outlined in the  NEPA/404 Merger 01 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for elevating the  decision.  09/14/04 Elevation Meeting #1  The Merger Team members attended. Concurrence was not achieved.  09/29/04 Elevation Meeting #2 The supervisors of the Merger Team members attended. Concurrence was  not achieved.  10/27/04 Elevation Meeting #3  (Review Board)  In accordance with the MOA, the Review Board met to discuss the project  and the issues that the Merger Team had not reached consensus on.  The  Review Board consists of designated senior management from FHWA,  NCDOT, USACE, and NCDENR.  02/08/05 Elevation Meeting #4  (Review Board) The Review Board met to continue discussion of project issues.  Late  June/Early  July 2005  Elevation Meeting #5  (Review Board)  The Review Board met and signed the Partial CP 2 form eliminating all non‐ new location alternatives from further study.  09/20/05 CP 2 Meeting   The purpose of the meeting was to decide which of the 90 preliminary new  location alternatives should be carried forward for further study.  The  preliminary new location corridors were narrowed to 16 DSAs (later reduced  to 12 DSAs).  The FHWA, NCDOT, USACE, NCDWQ, SHPO, GUAMPO, and  MUMPO signed the CP 2 form.  The USEPA, USFWS, and NCWRC chose to  abstain from signing.  An abstention in the NEPA/404 01 Merger process  means an agency does not actively object to a concurrence milestone, but  does not wish to sign the concurrence form.  The agency agrees not to revisit  the concurrence point subject to guidance on revisiting concurrence points  contained in the NEPA/404 Merger 01 Memorandum of Agreement.   Representatives of these agencies provided emails with their reasons for  abstaining. These are included in Appendix A‐1.   TEAC Meetings and Indirect and Cumulative Effects (ICE) Scoping Meetings held by NCTA  12/15/06 TEAC ‐ Project Status  Update Meeting  This meeting was held to discuss Section 6002 Coordination Plans and to  provide an update on the status of project‐related studies.  01/25/07 TEAC ‐ Project Status  Update Meeting  The following topics were discussed: Section 6002 Coordination Plans,  historic architecture resources, archaeological resources, bald eagle surveys,  mussel surveys, wetland and stream surveys and mitigation, preliminary  engineering designs, hydraulic studies, traffic operations analysis,  geotechnical studies of the Allen Steam Station fly ash basin, schedule for  design tasks, status of the project in the NEPA process, DSAs, traffic and  revenue study, Charlotte‐Douglas International Airport expansion, and  mobile source air toxics (MSATs).  PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND AGENCY COORDINATION Chapter 9 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 9-14 TABLE 9-3: Summary of Agency Coordination Meetings Meeting  Date Main Topic Summary of Meeting  03/22/07 TEAC ‐ Project Status  Update Meeting  The purpose of this meeting was to provide updates on recently  completed/ongoing environmental and technical studies, field verification  meetings, and next steps toward DEIS.  Completed surveys discussed were:  bald eagles, wetlands and streams, biotic communities, historic architectural  resources, and archaeological resources. The NCTA requested comments,  issues, and concerns from the agencies regarding environmental issues  related to the recently completed studies and ongoing studies.  06/20/07 TEAC ‐ Project Status  Meeting  Issues covered in this meeting included the decision to study toll‐only  alternatives in the DEIS, the completed Phase II historic resource surveys and  the archaeological resource surveys, field verification meetings for wetlands,  streams, and ponds, and other updates on special technical studies,  indirect  and cumulative effects assessment, engineering designs, community  characteristics, and toll traffic forecasts.  NCTA reviewed the GUAMPO’s  resolution to change the name of STIP Project U‐3321 to the Garden  Parkway.    06/29/07 Indirect and Cumulative  Effects Scoping Meeting  This meeting was held with the USFWS and NCWRC to discuss the scope of  the indirect and cumulative effects study.  07/26/07 Indirect and Cumulative  Effects Scoping Meeting  This meeting was held with the NCDWQ to discuss the scope of the indirect  and cumulative effects study.  09/27/07 TEAC ‐ Project Status  Update   This meeting provided updates on recently completed and ongoing  environmental technical studies, recent correspondence with Duke Energy  Corporation supporting elimination of detailed study corridor segment K1D,  and next steps toward the DEIS.  The NCTA requested comments, issues and  concerns from the agencies.  Topics covered in the meeting included a  summary of draft versions of the Natural Resources Technical Report (NRTR),  a summary of findings from the Draft Community Characteristics Report  (CCR), toll traffic forecasting studies, and information related to the Duke  Power Allen Steam Station fly ash basin.  The attendees agreed that DSAs  containing Corridor Segment K1D (DSAs 6, 24, 65, and 78) should be  eliminated from further study due to interference with critical operations at  Allen Steam Station.  Attendees included representatives from FHWA, USACE,  EPA, NCDWQ, NCWRC, USFWS, NCDOT, and NCTA.  12/17/07  12/18/07 TEAC ‐ Project Site Visit  The purpose of the site visit was to review the various natural communities  represented in the study area at locations requested by the resource  agencies. Representatives from FHWA, NCDOT, USACE, EPA, NCDWQ, and  NCWRC attended the field tour over the two‐day period.  02/05/08 TEAC ‐ Approach to  Discussing CP 2a  The primary purpose of this meeting was to discuss the approach to be taken  to discuss CP 2a.  The attendees agreed that it was acceptable to move  forward with bridging decision discussions.  Other items discussed were the  Section 6002 Project Coordination Plan, updates to the draft versions of the  Purpose and Need Statement and the Alternatives Development and Analysis  Report Addendum, and planned Citizens Informational Workshops.  03/04/08 TEAC ‐ CP 2a Discussion  The purpose of the meeting was to discuss information to achieve  agreement/concurrence on the bridging decisions for streams and wetlands  crossed by the DSAs (CP 2a).    04/08/08 TEAC ‐ CP 2a Agreement  Agreement on bridging and alignment decisions for the DSAs was reached at  this meeting. Attendees included representatives from FHWA, USACE,  USEPA, USFWS, NCWRC, NCDOT, and NCTA.  07/07/08  TEAC ‐ Indirect and  Cumulative Effect  Assessment and Other  Issues  This meeting covered the analysis and results in the draft Indirect and  Cumulative Effects Assessment (ICE), July 2008.  Also presented were the  Updated Purpose and Need Statement, June 2008 a discussion of items  updated and added in the Addendum to the Final Alternatives Development  and Evaluation Report,  July 2008, an update on the status of the Section  6002 Coordination Plan for the project, and an announcement of upcoming  Citizens Informational Workshops scheduled for August 2008.  PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND AGENCY COORDINATION Chapter 9 APRIL 2009 GASTON EAST-WEST CONNECTOR DEIS 9-15 TABLE 9-3: Summary of Agency Coordination Meetings Meeting  Date Main Topic Summary of Meeting  09/23/08  TEAC ‐ Section 6002  Coordination Plan,  Comments on Reports,  and Summary of  Workshop Series #3  Comments  This meeting was held to provide the attendees a summary of the August  2008 Citizens Informational Workshop Series #3 and to discuss the updated  Purpose and Need Statement, June 2008,  the Addendum to the Final  Alternatives Development and Evaluation Report, July 2008 and the Indirect  and Cumulative Effects Assessment, July 2008.  10/07/08  TEAC ‐ Section 6002  Coordination Plan,  Comments on Reports,  and Signatures for CP 1,  2, and 2a  The Agency Coordination Team agreed to sign (or resign) CPs 1, 2, and 2a.   There were no abstentions.  The Section 6002 Coordination Plan was  approved.  There were no substantive comments on the Purpose and Need  Statement, June 2008, or the Addendum to the Final Alternatives  Development and Evaluation Report, July 2008  The Indirect and Cumulative  Effects Analysis, July 2008 was discussed, with additional review time  requested by the team.  Notes:  CP – Concurrence Point