HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW1221002_Plansheet CL905.P2 - Misc. Detail_20230223 D 7 TABLE OF DIMENSIONS NOTE: PIPE TAPPING SLEEVES, STRUCTURE SHALL BE SEWER, CONDUIT, OR H2 SIZE TEES&PLUGS PRECAST CONCRETE LOCKING GRATE NEENAH R-6672-M, FRAME 7 OTHER OBSTRUCTION H1 H2 V D C.F. STYLE 'Y', OR APPROVED EQUAL. FRAME r �%V WITH MIN. 28-DAY x 48�f SHALL BE CAST INTO STRUCTURE, WITH Gresham Smith V 2" 18" 10" 12" 18" 1.9 COMPRESSIVE S 3 , GRATE FLUSH WITH TOP OF STRUCTURE. p�S CONCRETE PAVEMENT ,s 3,4" 24" 12" 12" 18" 2.25 STRENGTH OF 4,000 PSI 36 2g00 6f GS-NC P.C. OR FINISH GRADE 6" 24" 16" 18" 18" 3.5 " An Affiliate of Gresham Smith CLEAN PAVEMENT 2'-0" SQ. MIN. 8" 36" 18" 18" 18" 5.05 g00 COMPACTED (MIN.) CONCRETE COLLAR 5`Z 10" 48" 24" 18" 24" 7.15 x x EARTH FILL 7- _ _ - - - - _ _ - - 90° BENDS �2g0 =1Tf= =1Tf=Tff=Tff=Tff=Tff=Tff=Tff=Tff= =1Tf=Tff=T rff TfT=Tff 1T� P' ,�, PIPE 12 WIDE CAST SIZE H1 H2 V D C.F. T _ T^ r 11�11�11�1111= IRON OR POLYPROPYLENE '��Tf[�Tf[�Tf[�Tf[�Tff,�Tff Tff_=1Ti=rR %�i��i i • I I�I I�I I�I' 0� 1 „ , II�IIII=' CONCRETE THRUST 2" 18" 10" 12" 18" 1.9 PLASTIC STEPS, PROTRUDE 5`Z°�' BIORETENTION SURFACE 201 South College St. 2„X/2 FLAT �!i��ii� II I BLOCK 3,4" 24" 12" 12" 18" 2.25 4" MIN. FROM INSIDE FACE, ELEV= 2128,00 IRON STRAP UNLESS '�� � �� 11�1111- Suite 1950 II�II�I 16 MAX SPACING Q' OTHERWISE ��i,�\�j 11= EXTENSION STEM REQ'D IF ISOMETRIC VIEW 6" 30" 16" 18" 18" .05 Charlotte, NC 28244 VALVE BOX SHALL BE ® NOTED II OPERATING NUT IS OVER 30" 8" 39" 18" 24" 18" 7.3 704.944.7970 CENTERED OVER OPERATING BEND - z BE NUT, PLUMBED, AND CLEAR BELOW VALVE BOX TOP 10" 54" 32" 24" 18" 10.25 i bo - OF VALVE AT ALL POINTS H2 D 3/4" THREADED COMMON BRICK AT 3 POINTS PIPE 45° BENDS RODS HEX NUTS 45° 45° SAME BLOCKING II TO PREVENT SETTLEMENT SIZE H1 H2 V D C.F. TOP OF INTERNAL 3,500 PSI BEND BEND TAMPED BACKFILL I III AND PLUMB BOX / Ss, \� / .. .r. AS OPPOSITE END II�II 2" 18" 6" 12" 18" 1.5 WATER STORAGE AND i \ 18" RCP W/ CONCRETE III 3,4" 18" 8" 12" 18" 1.6 6" PVC ELEV= 2126.50 E'� i \ �� g I ANCHOR ROD (TYP.) WATERTIGHT THRUST �� MIN. ADAPTER ADAPTER I 6" 24" 10" 16" 18" 3.2 � � CONNECTIONS BLOCK PIECES PIECES TEE H1 8" 30" 11" 18" 18" 3.95 \ STANDARD CONCRETE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10" 36" 18" 21" 18" 4.6 $ / � 18" OUTLET 8" , EXTERIOR FIRE/WATER THRUST BLOCKS ON BOTH J I.E. = 2121.05 MAIN. (REFER TO SIDES PIPE 22-1/2°&11-1/4° BENDS CONTRACT DRAWINGS (REFER TO DETAIL) ;0D SIZE H1 H2 V D C.F. Gresham FOR DETAIL AND SIZE) NOTE: 1'-0"N) ,4 18" 6" 12" 18" 1.5 P MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION SHALL COMPLY WITH (MIN) CONCRETE SUPPORT PAD H1 _ 3,4" 18" 8" 12" 18" 1.6 Smith FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS. 6" 24" 10" 16" 18" 3.2 REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS. 8" 24" 11" 18" 18" 3.4 10" 24" 18" 21" 18" 4.6 PLAN VIEW I.E. = 2123.15 6" PVC 01 02 03 04 90o BEND / CL905.P2 CL905.P2 CL905.P2 WATER LINE CROSSING OBSTRUCTIONS GATE VALVE AND BOX TYPICAL CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKING CL905.P2 BIORETENTION POND OUTLET STRUCTURE NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE • s 12" PONDING DEPTH heville REG I O N A L AIRPORT PA Till PARTIII PART III BIORETENTION SURFACE GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING PRACTICES FOR COMPLIANCE WITH EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE vrv5'i ecvlvcuelevv llvEa SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SEE 2020 NCDEQ STO RM WATER THE NCG01 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT 1. Maintain vehicles and equipment to p revent discharge o111m s. sraucTuaEvulTuc Implementingthedetailsandspecificationsonthisplansheetwillresultinthecons[ruction z, Provide drip pans under any stored equipment. - SECTION A:SELF-INSPECTION SECTIONB:RECORDKEEPING SECTIONC:REPORTING CONTROL MEASURE C-2 FOR Regional activity beingconsidered compliant with the Ground Stabilization and Materials Handling 3. Identify leaks and repair as soon asfeasible or remove leaking a mentfromthe •-„ Asheville V I I I e es°._. Self-inspections ns a fired Burin normal business hours in accordance with the table sections ofthe NCGOl Construction General Permit(Sections E and F,respectively).The 'ect g quip N Ga� p required g o 1.E&SC Plan Documentation 1.Occurrencesthat Must be Reported Pro, below.When adverse weather or site c'oncitionswouldcause the safetyofthe inspection ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.permit tee shall comply with the Erosion and Sediment Control plan approved by the The approved E&SC plan as well as any approved deviation shall be Rep on the site.The PermOtees shall report the following occurrences: 4. Collect all spent fluids store in separate containers and properly dispose as Hello be aril the ins ection ma be Bela ed until the next business day o d ele ated authorit havin jurisdiction.All details and specifications shown on this sheet P P pope H �u Person njeoP Y, P Y Y Y n approved E&SC Ian must be kept to-date throughout the cove ra der this t. tt g y g[ pp p p- g age permit. (a) Visible sedimentdeposi[ioninas[reamorwetland. 3 MULCH / Airport hazardous waste(recycle when possible). a which it is safe to perform the inspection.In add 0io n,when a storm event of equal to or may not apply depend ing on site conditions and the delegated authority having jurisdiction. The following items pertainingto the business plan shall be kept on site and available for 5. Remove leakin hides and construction t from service until the problem .°._s.a„.v.., _ °°"_'^" greater than 1.0 inch occurs outside of normal business hours,the self-inspection shall be gve nequipmen pro - „°.N66,•v„„ inspection at all times during normal business hours. SECTION E:GROUND STABILIZATION has been corrected. I��r� performed u pon the commencement ofthe next business day.Anytime when inspections (b) Oilspillsif: 6. Brin used fuels,lubricants,coolants,hydraulic fluids and other petroleum products -�„ re delayed shall be noted in the Inspection Record. Item to Document Documentation Requinamems They are 25 gallons or more, Required Ground Stabilization Timeframes g Y P P 9 .�..._�°.�..._°°w_°°.a - m .�..°_° _ toarecycling or disposal center that handles these materials. „°._s,a. {a)Each E85Cmeasurehasbeen from lth Initials PiErweeach E&ra meconp an,copy The are less 25 gallons but cannot be cleaned within 24 hours Terminal Stabilize within this wmgiea (tludag normal atspealan recmdsmustlrciude: antl does no[signifcan[lydeviate from[he of[heapprovetl E85C plan orcomplete,date Y g P Site Area Description many calendar. „°„°__ baslrea-os) aurae locations,dimensions and relative elevations and sign inspection rtthatHseach They cause sheen on surface waters(regardless of volume),or Timeframe variations gnasur-tc pa (J' rn iz I n de after ceasing LITTER,BUILDING MATERIAL AND LAND CLEARING WASTE R)a'z".'ee -IN °a11v m�^T'll is shown onthea tlE&SC Ian. E85C measureshown an they tlE&SC • They are within 100 feet of surface waters(regardless of volume). oMe a� o days a g mmetl m rt na dalN ram gaug .-cans are matle curl g m kend or PPmve p pprove land disturbance 1. Never bury or burn waste.Place litter and debris in approved waste containers. �,wru,�g plan.This tlocumentation's requlred upon the (a) Pe r imete r d i Re 2.2. P ro vid e a suffic ie nt n u m be r a nd size of wart a co nta in a rs(e.g d u m pste r,t rash CON CRETE WASH OUTS aura m m - initial installation of the E&SC measures aril „ wales,ditches,and 7 None ceptacle)on site to contain construction and domestic wastes. attnem daadlana tnuenl1 deurm e�rtramsRe fmspe�v nau the E&SC measures are matlifee after initial Ill Releases of hazardous substancesin excess of reportable quantities under Section 311 36 CHOKER LAYER WITH #8 OR perimeter slopes re 1. Do not discharge concrete or cement slurry from the site. �a).m eaeotrer uric nor, B V installation. of the Clean Water Act(Ref:40 CFR 110.3 and 40 CFR 117.3)or Section 102 of CERC LA 3. Locate waste containers at leas[SO feet away from storm drain inlets and surface 2. Dispose of,or recycle settled,hardened concrete residue in accordance with local - - (Ref: CFR 302.4)or G.S.143-215.85. 61 Terminal Drive Suite 1 (b) High Cc ityWater waters unless no oferalternativesarereasonablyavailable. andstatesolidwasteregulationsandatanapprovedfacility. aPproedbycneoiman {b)Aphaseofgradinghasbeencompleted. Initial and #89 CLEAN WASHED 7 None [z)vxv tleanonce per Tar of me measure lm red plan orcanplete,tlate antl sign an lnspxtion (HQ Zones 4. Locatewastecontainers0nareasthatdonotreceivesubstantialamountsofrunoff 3. Manage washout from mortar mixers in accordance with the above item and in asurez zwenaarda a ndnmewcneins,Pscu . report tointlicatecompletianotthe Fletcher, North Carolina 28732 from upland areasand does not draindirectly to a storm drain,stream or wet land. addition the mixerand associated materialson impervious barrierand within d.tma21 comrtruencoohase. d) Anticipated bypasses and unanticipated bypasses. FILTER MEDIA DEPTH GRAVEL (c) Slopes steeper than If slopes are 10'or less in length and are pace pervious xame oft necne.cle meEees Ter per B 31 7 not steeper than 2:1,14 days are 5. Cover waste containers at the end of each workday and before storm events or lot perimeter silt fence. Indlratmn ofW allowed provide seconda ry conta in ment.Re pa nor replace damaged waste containers. 4. Install temporary concrete washouts local requirements,wherea applicable.Iran _ mcnm a P-I,. {c)Gre-d eseris located antllnstallea Initial and dates copy of the approvetl E&SC per quiremen pp murs oesolncla�orma a rdencew'rthtiepprovedE&SC plan omplete,der,endsign-I-p-l- (e) Nonconmentcewiththeconditionsofthispermitthatmayendangerhealthorthe 6" PERFORATED UNDER DRAIN -7 daysfor slo ter than 50 in 6. Anchoralllightweight ite ms in waste conta iners d unng t imes of high winds. alternate method or product is to be used,contact your approval authority for oeolpclan e„ envuon „ „ pes Brea an plan_ report to indcare complia-with pp-cd ment. p length and with slo pes steepe r than 4:1 7. Empty waste co ntaine rs as needed to prevent overflow.Clean up immed iately'd and approval.If local standard d etails are not availa ble,use one of t he two [s)scsm.rne. Its speaea Fly groundeoversiusoficabonz. WITH 3/8 PERFORATIONS AT 6 02/16/2022 -7 daysfor ter dikes,swales, containersoverflow. types to mporary concrete washouts provided on this detail. dcma.ge ralendard., an�eafinemspeaoe (d) Slopes 3:1 to 4:1 14 ditches,perimeter sloe and HOW 8. Dispose waste off-site at ana approved disposal 5. Do not use concrete washouts for dewatering storing defective curb or sidewalk ..-Is(soos) and wlimn zap Tame oftne qe-r performing the mspectbn. {red) The ma'n[enariceand repair complete,da[earw sign an inspection report. 2.Reporting Timeframes and Other Requirements p slopes posewa pprove sposa y. gar g ead. eaeawrsrasmrmwxerpouetmesecn oII quirementsforallE&SCmeasures Afters tteebecomesawareofanoccurrencethatmus[bere reported, ON CENTER. PROVIDE Zones 9. On business days,clean up and dispose ofwaste in designated waste containers. sections.Stormwater accumulated within the washout may not be pumped into or In<n zits orsespe�em mlms ora�sm.mrninr�.a5 have been performed. permi po „ -10 da for Falls Lake Watershed d ischarged to the storm drain system or receiving surface waters.Liquidwastemust 24hourseam Irdsatlonofvlsiblesedlmnt�evugtheslre. the appropriate Division regional officewOhinthetimeframesand in accordance with the 3 MIN. Ys {e) Correctiv een-havebw,taken Inroad and CLEANOUTS WITH VENTED CAPS GS Project#: 43483.02 be pumped out and removed from project. a.ogm Io evldnce,and darn afaorrectvemm�staken. other requirements listed below.Occurrences outside normal business hours may also be -7 d ays for perimeter d ikes,-ales, PAINTAND OTHER LIQUID WASTE (y Porlmeterof Atkartonce Pa Ifvlslbk:setllme nlsrouneautdde dce umrcs Mena rewN to E&SC measures_ plan omplete,dm,,ndsignaninspection reported to the Department's Environments Emergency Center personnel at(800) t t ditches,perimeter slopes and HOW Zones 1. Do not dump paint and other liquid waste into storm drains,streams or wetlands. 6. Locate washouts at least 50 feet from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless it lcalnaarmys ofinefalwring shall be made: report to indcare thecompletion of the AT THE TS AND YS AND ENDS (e) Areaswith slopes an be shown that no other alternatives are reasonably available.At a minimum, ana nceln za awriz takn mclean uporstanloMcne elmncmnnasleft rrecu-sifion. 858-0368. flatterthan4:1 14 -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed unless 2. Locate paintwashoutsat least 50 feet away from storm drain inletsand surface CQ tt install protection of storm drain inlets)closest to the washout which could receive nounmarain 1 -o'.limit:. 6 MIN. OF PIPE• there is zero slope waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. nt�s InchIn oenipnon.oirmnce and deteofoorract-actonstakei 2.Additional Documentation to be Kept on Site oocurrence Reparttngnmefmmes(After Dbcaery)andotter R Irleemens spills or overflow. zn bourse en�pbnxpn asmtneaalanstaken--r-Il future In add it in n to the E&SC d ocume nts above,the following t ha ll be Re ton the Note:After the permanent of construction activities,an with temporary 3. Contain was[be in oiled area. pan giemss p Ia)visible setlimeltt WMio 7ozeors,an oral or elenroat intention_ permanen any aorary 7. Locatece pad uts nan ea h accessible area,on level Brosnd may b required nstalla stone sraeases. site and available for inspectors at all times during normal business hours,unless the tleposition ins WIfhM]mleedordeys,areportthat eoraaimadescriptbn oithe p acticblebut in shall beger converted 90Plendar days sta eta it land as soon as 4. Containment must be ofeaps,zedand pletede ntsandf appropriately fort id needs o Tom entrance pad in front ofthe washout.Additional controls may be required bythe re) s-d-rr Ac k:anonce per Ifinescream orwe, has increases vm tic sedlmntamn ors practicable but in no case longer than 90 calendar days after the last land disturbing 5. Preve nt the discharge of soaps,solvents,deterge nts and other liq uid wastes from of weunasonate twlnanaays tam hss melble maremee wrbldtyfram me wnstructmn Division providesa site-specific exemption based on unique site cond Hions that make stream mwetland seaimern and aaians Taken toaddress the rouse of the deposition_ „ activit Tem ds[abilization shall be maintained in a manner to renderthe construction sites. approving au y. this requirement t' Diviirom staff my waive the requirement iora written re port 3 MIN• sign directing project I-era nawrnln z4 ntoeimuana rewrdofMefollowlf:Hall bwsa quiremen practical:y. porary groun 8. Install at leas[one si directin to trucks to the washout within the t (where lwus afa ram s.ogmPvon,euldnce neeare ofcorrecuue ncbnsnken,nn ase-bycase basis. G surfaces[able against accelerated erosion until permanent ground stabilization is achieved. limits.Past signage on the washout itself to identify this location. acceslwe) mchm «oNsofMe required repads tomeaprymprlme°vbmn (a) This General Permit as well as the Certificate of Coverage,after it is received. If thenmam gnamed on the NC3o3Id)listas Impaired forsetliment- BIORETENTION MEDIA NOTES. PORTABLE TOILETS 9. Remove leavings from the washout when at approximately 75%capacity to limit �a nourse Re,,.r mce per varc fires.-cI-(zlNloftnis pe_t related causes,the permares may be requiretl to Parorm additional GROUND STABILIZATION SPECIFICATION 1. Install portable toilets on level ground,at least 50 feet away from storm drains, overflow events.Replace the tar sand ba s rother temporary structural (a)ereuna AfRreacnphme >_The phase1g dh.[I,ti"'cr ce,erlmeteregsc monitoring,ir¢pectiors orappN more stringen[prx[iees lfstaff Stabilize the ground that rain will not dislodge the soil.Useoneofthe P P, g o p Tory svwuzxlon ofgradmg re aearingandmubbl�.In stallaticroOtorr, (b) Recordsofinspections made during the previous twelve months.The permittee shall MEDIA MIX �����II���/ groun yso ge streams or wetlands unless there is no alternative reasonably available.If 50 foot is when no ion functional.When utilizin Iternative or tothedetenninethat adtlitiolvl requiremerrtsare neetledmassure compliance \�� techni the table below: components longer utilizing proprietary easufes a n alter aut�es,completion of all lanadmuromg cord the required obse rvations on the Inspection Record Form provided by � quesin offset silt ` ducts,follow manufacturer's instructions. rewit",thefetleminrsareimpaired-watertrondit�ns- THE MEDIA SHOULD BE COMPOSED OF A CA ii Pro ntMy.mn re aaare��bpmntpemneat Divisionorasimilarinspectionformthatindndesalltheregnhedelements.Dseof STORAGE LAYER WITH #57 CLEAN .RO �� Temporary Stababerrioe /lrfnaeent 9NbtT¢efiRi na gravel pad and surround with sa nd bags. 10. At the completion ofthe concrete work,remove remaining leavings and f grwnd caved. Ib)O[1 spillsantl widain My n,-oml orclecironlc notifration_the notification p g gs an dispose electronically available records in lieu ofthe required paper copies will be all owed if releaseof shall includ-formation about the date,time,nature,wlumeand BIORETENTION \� �• $ $ •Temporarygn-seed-eretlwthsfawor •Permaneurgrasseeedcwerecwthsrawor 2. Provide staking or anchoring of portable toilets during periods of high winds or in high ddi: Ifacilit Fill d,ifs licable,and stabilize an disturbance an tlucme requved groun aenlllvmon shown qua utility hard-copy records. �+ �+ HOMOGENOUS MIX OF THE FOLLOWING. \ �• / n approve posa y. p' pp y °�ure nave ben Prwlaed wlmintne requbed Lure,ee I accessand utilit the hard-co ds. hazardous loot inn rt[nespinwrelease. WASHED STONE otherni es-ditackiiiiii othermuthgandtackifiers foot traffic areas. O •�C Qa used by removal of washout. 'Imefame Oran sssuren�tnxmeywlll be prwmeda substanessper Hem O 0 G Fly •Geotedi)efabrtssuch aspermanerrt soil 3. Monitor portable toilets for leaking and properly dispose ofany leaked material. nazpoxmle. 3.Documentation to be Retained for Three Years A. 75-85�0 MEDIUM TO COARSE •R011ederovonconcrol productswrthor rainiarcementmatng Utilize a licensed sanitary waste hauler to remove leaking portable toilets and replace All data used to complete thee-IN I and all inspection records shall be maintained for a period 1(b)-iUabove ��L\//�� R F wthauttemporar,grasss=ed Hyd=dling with in t. NOTE:The rain inspection resets them required 7 calendar day inspection ofthree fter project letion and made available request.40 CFR 122.41 (c)Armopated Areporte ees[Ieeya�jne Mcdere"the Gypery lJ po be MEDIA PROFILE ILE WASHED SAND e� SEAL Pro opera guni pet quir yinspec quiremen years afte projec p upon reque [ 1 bypasses[40 CFR Thereport shall inclutle n licerro of theamidietetl qualityand •Appropriately applied straw err other much •Shrubs err other permanerrt plarrtngscoveretl HERBICIDES,PESTICIDES AND RODENTICIDES •Plaakdleetirg wthmakh 1. Store and 1 herbicides, s<icidesandmdenticidesinaccordancewdhlabel 1zz4umu3u effect of thetrypau. B. 8-10% FINES (SILT AND CLAY) 053149 PPY pe Ill)Uneraiciri WBhiel4hoersanoralorelecmonicnotifration_ VIEVV 02/1'7/2F Undvm ande entytl rbu etlg wntl cove EARTHEN STOCKPILE MANAGEMENT PART 11,SECTION G,ITEM(4) ypasses[ WhhM]mMc,. at rd,desan cal-[-ofthe 0 restrictions. h 40[FR dA'4 arepT (� (� (� 23 s ierrt to restrain erosion 1. Show stockpile locations on plans Locate earthen-material stockpile areas at least DRAW DOWN OF SEDIMENT BASINS FOR MAINTENANCE OR CLOSE OUT { ){° qualit ndeffmciftheb 5-10%ORGANIC MATTER (SUCH AS 2. Store herbicides,pesticides and rodent icides intheiroriginalcontainerswiththe 122.41m3 ya ypass_ Z •Structural mRlwdssuchaconrrete,asphal[err 50 feet away from storm drain inlets,sediment basins,perimeter sediment controls label,which lists directions for use,ingredients and first aid steps f IeN--.liance Widaie Nhocri-oml..electronic rmifration_ FINES) �- 7a�'� e;ae��� anigwalls and surfacewatersunlessitcanbeshownnootheralternativesarereasonabl gre Psincaseo p BIORETENTION NOTES: PINE BARK �9 N ea Y accidental poisoning. Sediment basins and traps that receive runoff from drainage areas of one acre or more shall use outlet structures that withdraw water from the surface when these devices need to be drawn down with the conditi- • Wifb/]mMSWardoys,a report that carlen,a description ofthe /� / • G I N - (it�/�\ •Rdletl erosion c°rrtrd protluaswth gragseetl vailable. 3. Do not store herbicides, esticides and rodenticides in areaswhere flooding is for maintenance or close out unless this is infeasible.The circumstances in which it is not feasible to withdraw water from the surface shall be rare example,times with extended cold weather). cfmis permit that ompliance,antl is causes,the pedotl of noncompliance, �/ '7 v \� P g 1. ALL BIORETENTION LAYERS SHALL EXTEND THE FULL WIDTH OF i �9N' `A0 2. Protect stockpile with silt fence installed alongtoe of slope wither minimum offset of Non-surface withdrawalsfrom sediment basins shall be allowed only when all ofthe following criteria have been met: mayendanger ncludng exam tlates antltimes,antl if the noncompliance has not / t�V possible or where they may spill or leak into wells,s[ormwater drains,ground water D•e Ct \� POLVACRVLAMIDES(PAMS)AND FLOCCULANTS five feet from the toe of stockpile surfacewater.If a spill occurs,c lean are a lmme diately. heicirthe� been Correctetl,the an[icipatetl time noncompliance is expected[. THE BOTTOM OF THE PRACTICE. MINIMUM MEDIA DEPTH 1. Select flocculantsthatare appropriate for the soils being exposed during 3. Provide stone access point when feasible. The E&SC thorn has been Bed with documentation ofthe non-surface withdrawal and the: f time periods or conditions in which it will occur.The non-surface withdrawal mL continue;antl rtepstakenaplannetl to reduce,eliminate,antl o nstrnction,selectingfrom the NC OWR List o A d PAMS/Flocculants. 4. oo not s<ockl,de mese materials onsde. (a) commence y provided specific Perio CFR 122.41I00)J prevent re«rmrre�e of,:nonrnmoia e_[40CF 1zz 41IIXb)_ 2. SHWT MUST BE 2 FT BELOW THE LOWEST POINT OF THE /'� f pprove 4. Stabilizes[ockpilewithinthetimeframesprovidedonthissheetandinaccordance shall not commence until theE&SC plan authority has approved these items, ALL CELLS WITH TREES AND SHRUBS. 36 2. APR lyflocculants at or before the inlets to Erosion and Sediment Control Measures. with the approved plan and any additional require ments.Soil stabilization is defined Divisomstaff maywaivethe requiremen[iarawriffen repor[una C 3. A flocculantsattheconcentrationss ecifiedintheNCDWRListo A roved as vegetative,physical or chemical coverage techniques that will restrain accelerated (b) The non-surface withdrawal has been reported as an anticipated bypass in accordancewOhPartIII,SectionC,Item(2)(c)and(d)ofthisperm0, case-bycase�asis BIORETENTION CELL PPY P f PP HAZARDOUS AND TOXIC WASTE (c) Dewatering discharges are treated with controls to minimize discharges of pollutants from stormwater that is removed from the sediment basin.Examples of appropriate controls include INCHES PA MS/F/acts/ants and in accords nce with the manufacture.sins[ructions. on disturbed soils for temporary or permanent control needs. 1. Create des' led hazardous waste collection areas on-site. 4. Provide pending,reaforcontainmentoftreatedStormwaterbeforediscbarging Igna properly sited,designed and maintaineddewateringtanks,weirtanks,andfiltrationsystems, 3. DO NO MECHANICALLY COMPACT THE MEDIA.WATER OR WALK ON CELLS WITHOUT TREES AND SHRUBS: offsite. 2. Place hazardous waste containers under cover or in secondary containment. (d) Vegetated,upland areas ofthe sites or a properly designed stone pad is used to the extent feasible at the outlet ofthe dewatering treatment devices described in Item Ill above, /'� /'� 5. Storeflocculants in leak-proof containers that arekept under storm-resistant cover 3. Do not store hazardous chemicals,drums or bagged materials directly on the ground. (e) Velocity dissipation devices such as check dams,sediment traps,and ritual,are provided at the discharge points ofall dewatering devices,and IT AS IT IS PLACED. WITH NO IWS. 24 INCHES oundedbysecondarycontainmentstructnre. edimentremovedfromthedewate ring treatment devices described in Item Ill above is disposed ofina manner that does not cause deposition of sediment into waters ofthe United States. 4. TOP OF THE IWS ZONE MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 18 INCHES BELOW WITH IWS: 30 INCHES NCGOI GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING EFFECTIVE: 04/01/19 NCGOI SELF-INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING EFFECTIVE: 04/01/19 THE PLANTING SURFACE. 5. MINIMUM OF ONE CLEANOUT PER UNDERDRAIN MEDIA P INDEX NATHAN HUDGENS, PE C.O. LESS THAN 30 IN NSW WATERS NC 053149 CY) LESS THAN 50 ELSEWHERE N 05 06 11 REVISION O MEDIA MAINTENANCE CL905.P2 CL905.P2 CL905.P2 GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING SELF-INSPECTION RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING BIORETENTION MAINTAIN MEDIA SUCH THAT INFILTRATION NO. DATE DESCRIPTION NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE RATE IS AT LEAST 1 IN/HR a 1 02/16/22 ISSUE FOR CONSTRUCTION I oRIP-RAP STABILIZATION TO BE HAND �a �a �a �v �a �a �v 2 03/09/22 ADDENDUM 02 Q PLACED NATIVE STONE, 2" TO V-3" IN ° ° ° ° ° 3 o3/2s/22 ADDENDUM 03 N DIAMETER, WITH NO MORE THAN 20% BY SLOPE zzzWEIGHT BEING LESS THAN 4" IN DIAMETER, > ° ° ° ° 12"3ocm INSTALLATION 4 08/19/22 AGENCY COMMENTS INSTALL T-POST TO ANCHOR 5 11/02/22 ASI 007 v MINIMUM V-6" DEPTH. ° ° ° ° BAFFLE TO SIDE OF BASIN AND z"-s" �I z"-s" z"-s" I� z"-s" 1.Prepare soil before installing rolled SECURE TO VERTICAL POST 4 4 <5-lzscm (5-12.5cm) (5-12.5cm (5-12.5cm) ::::::�.;:::• } 6„ 6 01/18/23 ASI 011 DRAPE BAFFLE MATERIAL 15cm erosion control products(RECPs), `�'`��� ( ) 7 02/17/23 AGENCY COMMENTS OVER WIRE STRANDAND DIAMETER (DIA.) ° ° ° 3' 3' :•; ;:;: including any necessary and (0.9m) (0.9m) application of lime, fertilizer, and SECURE WITH PLASTIC MAX. 4' POST ° ° seed. TIES AT POSTS AND ON 1.Sfn) • (1.Sfn • • 0 2.Begin at the top of the slope by SPACING A PLAN C ( • 4:1 Slopes(A) 2"-5" ancho ng the RECPs in a OO WIRE EVERY 12" ° ° ° C + 2'-0" 3.3' I 0) ° MIN (lm) L1 , (lm) JS-12.Scm (15cm) trenchm)with eta proxi ately w12e ° • (0.5m) • 3:1 Slopes(B) 3H �(I (30cm)of RECPs extended beyond • the up-slope portion of the trench. 3.3' Anchor the RECPs with a row of o - ENDWALL (SEE DETAIL) (1m> • 21 Slopes(C) staples/stakes approximately 12" 9 GAUGE MIN HIGH (30cm)apart In the bottom of the M VARIABLE DEPTH ° ° co TENSION WIRE STRANS ) • trench. Backfill and compact the 1* ° ° ° ° • O 1:1&Steeper Slopes(D) trench after stapling. Apply seed to (10 SHALL BE SECURE TO M if the compacted soil and fold the d' POST TO SUPPORT DIMENSIONS TABLE .•',:', remaining 12"(30cm) portion of 4 4 4 4 0.7 Staples per SQ.YD. 1.15 Staples per SQ.YD. +' .'' RECPs back over the seed and BAFFLE MATERIAL DIA. A B C D E ) '.', - O Medium/High Flow Channel(D) 12" 20" 30" 60" 6" $" ^'^ '' =111+=111=11 compacted soil. Secure RECPs ° ° ° /1 ° �•'��+ - - of staples/stakes spaced -111 over compacted soil with a row • High Flow Channel And •• +III-III-III approximately 12"(30cm) apart t tt Shoreline(E) - across the width of the RECPs. v) 15" 23" 36" 72" 6" 8" B 2A + 10-0 " © II OD II _ II EO _ I=11 I=1 I I=11 I I BAFFLE I I I I 2"-5" 2"-5" 2"-5" 2"-5" 3.Roll the RECPs(A) down or(B) CL MATERIAL SECURE BOTTOM OF BAFFLE 1$tt 28 42tt 84 9rt $" (5-12.5cm) (5-12.5cm) (5-12.5cm) (5-12.5cm) 1-1I 1-III-III horizontally across the slope. J I I I I -111-1 11-111E111-11 RECPs will unroll with appropriate Cp TO GROUND WITH 12"STABLES 24" 34" 48" 96" 9" 8" 2' 2' 2' °" -III-III-III-III-III side against the soil surface. All (0.6m) (0.6m) (0.6m) (25cm) RECPs must be secure) fastened AT 1z°MAXIMUM SPACING 30° 40" 54° 108" 12" 10" 4' • • 4' O 4 • • 111E111E111E111E111-11 y (1.2 m) (1.2m) (1.2m) to soil surface by placing O L-I L-) L-) COMPACTED & STABILIZED 16, III=III=III=III=III=III staples/stakes in appropriate U 36° 48" 60° 120" 15" 10" SOIL BACKFILL 0 (05m) O O 1 VA• • • • 11111111111111I11111I11111I111111111 locations as shown in the staple �I _ _ pattern guide. V- BAFFLE MATERIAL 42" 54" 66" 132" 1 8" 1 0" 3.3' 3.3' �0"(25cm) III-III-III-III-III= 4.The edges of parallel RECPs must O (lm) (lm) I 1=111=111=111=1 be stapled with approximately 2"- 48" 60" 72" 144" 21" 12" PROVIDE RIP RAP • • O O • • • _ - 1=111=111- 5" (5-12.5cm) overlap depending 1 III- on the RECPs type. BAFFLE MATERIAL SHALL BE SECURE TO THE 54" 66" 78" 156" 24" 12" BEHIND WING WALLS, 33 _ 5.Consecutive RECPs spliced down EACH SIDE, TYPICAL • O • • •(lm)• 11=1 the slope must be end over end BOTTOM AND SIDES OF BASIN USING 12" 60" 72" 84" 168" 24" 12' V - (7.5cm (Shingle style)with an approximate LANDSCAPE STABLES 3.'(7.5cm)overlap. Staple through O 11 GAUGE overlapped area, approximately 12"(30cm) apart across entire CV LANDSCAPE O FLOW FINISHED GRADE 1.7 Staples per SQ.YD. 3.4 Staples per SQ.YD. 3.75 Staples per SQ.YD. NOTES: RECPs width. SITE DETAILS M STAPLE 0 CC) D *Use ECMDSO for more accurate Drawing Not To Scale 5 1* staple pattern selection. - *NOTE: M ' 1'-6" MIN. - , - NORTH Disclaimer: In loose soil conditions,the use of c:, d' _ �V VAR.Y LcA�:a 1 ao AMERICAN The information presented herein is general design information only.For specific applications, staple or stake lengths greater than CO NORTH Disclaimer: GREEN* consult an independent professional for further design guidance. 6"(15cm) may be necessary to r tt / \ 5401 St.Wendel-Cyfdldana Rd. PH:500.722-2040 properly secure the RECP's. 111Z-1STEEL POST 2-0 DEPTH /\/ /�,// / �'v �' .��L p, GREEN* ERN*AN The information presented herein is general design information only.For specific applications, y� g � E � � ����� � GREEN° consult an independent professional for further design guidance. Pose Ile,IN 47633 www.na Teen-tom Drawn on:3-16-11 5401 St.Wendel-Cyntltiana Rd. PH:500-722-2040 CL905mP2 SECTION .�,� \ // Poseyville,IN 47633 www.nagreen.com Drawn on:3-16-11 Drawing Not To Scale Z \/��/�� �/�� �� � ��/\ NOTES: /� /�I / /�%\ /��/ PROVIDE STAPLE PATTERNS c>3 B 2A+ 10'-0" PER MANUFACTURER'S t-• SPECIFICATIONS 07 08 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 09 10 Q CL905.P2 CL905.P2 CL905.P2 CL905.P2 EROSION CONTROL MATTING SLOPE FOR ALL APPLICATIONS, a, NSAR TEMPORARY POROUS BAFFLE PERMANENT RIPRAP AT ENDWALL EROSION CONTROL MATTING STAPLE PATTERN INSTALLATION NORTH CTORT IGREEN T 150O NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE NORTH AMERICAN GREEN SC150 OR APPROVED EQUAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS