HomeMy WebLinkAboutWayne_Well Abandonment_20230227 - _� . _ :. WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD . ti -Y=; ', For,Internal Use ONLY: t `U �" -- T.WellContractorInformation:- i WELL'ABANDONMENT DETAiLS'-I• .. • .-'1:'',-�, 0�t d1 L. �A7,'(T,jX . 7a.For Geoprobe/DPT et Closed-Loopi Geothermal Wells having the same�' '• Wall ContractorNarne.far wellownerpersonallyabandoningw ell onluslher.property) well construction/depth,only1 GW-30'isneeded.Indicate.'10.1AL NUM BERof -. • • • -. .-. abandon - - - - - 3393 A4 --• s e • .- NC Well Contractorrccnification Number• : • '. •• •- '7b..Approxima(e volume of Water remaining in wcll(s): (gal.),- ' CtS.CJ-de Jr, I I,/1,5•: FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: .-.•... Company Name ' •' 7e:Type of disinfectant used:-• • • - -- ' 2.Well Construction Permit tl: .: .: - .. _ . --• ,'•'Listtillappl(cahleuellconsnucriarrpermirs(i.e.,t)lC-Counrp;Stare;,Varrhince,etc.)ifknoini --.• • - . - .. ... 7d.Amount of disinfectant used: ' 3.Well use(check well use): , Water Supply Well: - - ' '"- ' -' 7e.Sealingmaterialsused(check all;thrarapply): • •• •• --"•"- . ' .. ❑Agriculiuril _: : -• : -: ❑MunieipaWPublic - . ikSiCat Cement Grout. i n tletitnnite Chips or'Pel lets ' ❑Gcothcinial(Heatiai/Cooling Supply):. OResidaritiar Water Supply{single) ❑"Said Cement(,rotit - 0 Dry Clay ."' "-' -' ❑IndustriaiICommcreial: - -'❑Residential Water Supply(shared) .❑,Concrete Grout: ' 0 Drill Cuttings . - OTnigatioa• ::: , .❑'Specialty Grant::: 0 Gravel ... ..- .. ... • • Non-Water Supply Well: -:• :- : - pOther 0 entonite Slum• 0 (ei:plain under 7g): . r ionitoring: ' ' ❑Recovery _ - - .. :.- -Injection Well:. - - - 7f.For each material.selected.above,provide amount of materials used: ❑AquiferRecharge ❑GroundwaterReniediation - ❑Aqu . ❑ifer Storage and.Recovcry . . Salinity Bamer -- ❑AggiferTest -: - = : •:❑StormwaterDrainage: : -- _ - ❑lperimcntal Teclinology ❑Subsidence Control . 7g.Provide a brief description of m ithe abandonment procedure::' ,0Geotlierntal(Closed Loop) . •" . OTracer -- ' ' ❑Geothermal(IieatimJCoo ling Return)-"' ❑Other(explain under 7g) "-' S /: - ^^.. : : . 1- c4-e per -Sc j"i : d:Dale well(s)abandoned: d ' S a - 5aWell location:. .' . - ,.-: • t% t nergV ' . . FacilityiOwnerName •- -• - FaciliiyID»(ifapptidabte).• ,:8:Certilication::.: . - .:.. - - - ... .... . 7 (1I S cf i ' (c�( , otrdst ry ic z iz-,s- g Physical-Address,City,and Zip . :. :•. ..- :- •Signature of Iiified-Wd1 Contractor b.Veil Owner:. •: Data': - '' !Ain �� • • - '- By signdng.rhis foiur,=i herchy-ceitify:thatthe sreli(s)itus(us are)abandoned it - 'Cupiny - ' Parcel Ideutification No.(PIN)' "i' accordance with 15A NC/1C 02C,0100 or_2C.0200 Well Construction'Standards and that a copy of this record has been pi•orided to the well owner . a-b-Latitude and longitude in-degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: - (ifnzp field.onelaUlnpgissu[reieriij '- _" '""" 2 9.Silc diagram or'nddttronnl well dcia�s: - )G-.2.- y 5/ , _ N ;- .. g t ! 2.Qi - - `V .You may use the back of this page to:,provide additional well site details or Well./rye,.. ... - • LJ"' :abandonment details.:You may also attach additional pages if necessary. • ' CONSTRUCrlON DETAILS-OF'VFLL(S)BEING-ABANDONED: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS' ' . - ,tract,nyilrnnarnretionrecard(.-)ifmaiahle.'Formultipleinjectionornen-water.slipplpurlls: . _ - - • -- ONLY Kith the same canter?eriarvabandnnment,von can submit one farm. •-•--.' " - - -- :- - : •: •: tit, in 30 ofco p Well , . 1h Oa For All �Vdls� Submit• 'c-form.vv�tli days -to /alien of�' -.6n:Well II)# L i4oU 1.-' - abandonment tote following: •- Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit,-- Gb.:Totalnelldepth: (ft.): 617- 27699-1617 1 Mail service Center,Raleigh NC = - ' 10b.For-Infection Wells: In.addition to sending the form to:Me address in I0a. - Ge.Borehole diameter': (in.) above,also submit one copy of this;Dann within 30 days of;completion of Well.-- .abandonment to the:following: • j ": Gd.Water lcvel below ground surface: (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control.Program, 1636 Mail Sen•ice tooter,Raleigh;NC 27699-1636- -- be:Uuterca§ing.lcngth[ifknown): ' ' (fO 10c.For_Water Sunni Wel ls; ' .-. address(es).above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion - . • : ' of well abandonment to"the county health department, of the county where -6L'Inner casing/tubing length(if known): --Z' 7 5(fts) abandoned.__ ,__ •- _ .- - - _•- ..- .:. : . r :.:- _ ' 6g.Screen length(if known): (ft.): - - I - . • .Fenn OW-ill North Carolina Department or Environmental Quality-DiuLddn Of Water itesources i - •-• •:•Revised 2-22 tat it-' .. - • . •-- • - P . � n . :—