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20201434 Ver 2_July 2022 PCN App Modifications_SAW_2020_02256_20220815
PCN MODIFICATIONS AND CHANGES 210 Wastewater Treatment Facility USACE Action ID No. SAW-2020-02256; DWR # 20201434 Changes to the previously submitted PCN relative to Section 401/404 and Neuse River beffers for the above referenced project are provided herein. The changes to the PCN application are provided by referenced section of the PCN Application below. Supplemental information/attachments are provided herein and include: PJD Table (signed) - changes from previous submittal are an increase in W2 acreage and S3 length PCN Impact Figures Wetland, Stream, and Buffer Impact Maps — changes from previous submittal include Figures 6, 7, 8, and 9 Design drawings —changes depicted on Sheets P20, P21, and CD5 Revised PCN Application Text and Tables - provided below C. Project Information and Prior Project History 4i. Describe the overall project in detail, including indirect impacts and the type of equipment to be used: To access the dechlorination facility and cascade aerator, which are integral parts of the discharge process relative to water quality, a 20-foot-wide access road that will support larger vehicles associated with operation and maintenance of the dechlorination facility and cascade aerator will be constructed. The access road will be within the existing easement that contains Wetland W2. A majority of the width of the limits of disturbance in W2 will occur in existing maintained corridor. However, the southern edge of the corridor in W2 is forested. In wetland areas associated with the access road, the depth of the gravel will be 18 inches above existing grade. A culvert will be placed under the access road to allow water from the southern side of W2 to flow to W2 on the northern side of the project corridor. The access road will cross S3 via a culvert. S3 is a jurisdictional, maintained ditch that is abutted by maintained grass to the west and maintained grass and farm field to the east. D. Proposed Impacts Inventory 2. Wetland Impacts 2a Site # 2a1 Reason 2b Impact type 2c Type of W. 2d W. name 2e Forested 2f Type of jurisdiction 2g Impact area W2-T PIPE INSTALLATION T Unknown W2 No Both 0.3 W2-P FILL FOR PERMANENT ACCESS ROAD P Unknown W2 No Both 0.19 W2-P FILL FOR PERMANENT ACCESS ROAD P Bottomland Harwood Forest W2 Yes Both 0.16 2g. Total Temporary Wetland Impact 0.397 acres 2g. Total Permanent Wetland Impact 0.541 acres 2g. Total Wetland Impact 0.938 acres 2h. Comments: The new project area associated with W2 consists of forested wetlands abutting an existing maintained corridor. The permanent impact to forested wetlands cannot be avoided due to the width required for the access road to the cascade aerator being wider than the area available in the current maintained corridor. The new permanent impact (versus temporary) is for fill (gravel) associated with the access road in W2. 3. Stream Impacts 3a. Reason for Impact 3b. Impact type 3c. Type of impact 3d. S. name 3e. Stream type 3f. Type of Jurisdiction 3g. S. width 3h. Impact length S6 Culvert for Road Crossing Permanent Fill UT to Neuse River Jurisdictional Ditch Both 4 75 S7 Construction including coffer dam Temporary Fill UT to Neuse River Jurisdictional Ditch Both 4 50 3i. Total jurisdictional ditch impact in square feet 1096 3i. Total permanent stream impacts 30 3i. Total temporary stream impacts 284 3i. Total stream and ditch impact 314 3j. Comments Additional stream impacts are associated with a culverted crossing of a jurisdictional ditch for the permanent access road to the dechlorination facility. 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWR) 6b. Impact Type 6c. Per or Temp 6d. Stream Name 6e. Buffer Mitigation Required? 6f. Zone 1 Impact 6g. Zone 2 Impact B4—ALLOWABLE UPON AUTHORIZATION (PIPE) TEMP UNNAMED No 27067 11524 B4-ALLOWABLE WITH MITIGATION UPON AUTHORIZATION (ROAD) PERM UNNAMED YES 12649 18344 6h. Total buffer impacts: Zone 1 Zone 2 Total Temporary Impacts: 29,004.00 14,107 Zone 1 Zone 2 Total Permanent Impacts: 14,274.00 33,174 .00 Total combined buffer impacts : Zone 1 Zone 2 43,278.00 47,281 Comments: Discussion of Buffer 84: The proposed effluent force main will parallel an existing reclaimed water line within an existing easement, both of which parallel a jurisdictional ditch that flows through an active farm field. Therefore, the effluent force main will parallel the jurisdictional ditch. The waterway is intermittent and abutted to the west by maintained grass area and the east by active farm field. The banks of the ditch are also maintained. The ditch is depicted on the soils map and the area was in agriculture at the time of the soil survey. The access road will parallel the eastern side of the ditch in an easement that parallels the ditch. The permanent access road will also traverse the ditch. The access road will be 16 feet wide and the project corridor in the buffer is 100 feet wide at its widest. B4, which is the buffer associated with the jurisdictional ditch, is located along an existing farm field and is comprised of maintained grass associated with existing easement and the edge of a farm field. G. Supplementary Information 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) Attached is the Aquatic Species Survey Report for the stretch of the Neuse River in which the outfall will be located that was generated by Three Oaks Engineering. Per the report, none of the target mussel species, Carolina madtom, nor Neuse River waterdog were found during the survey. However, eight mussel species were found to be present, including the triangle floater and eastern lampmussel. • Johnston County proposes to implement mussel relocation in the project area during instream work associated with the Neuse River. • A copy of the Aquatic Species Survey Report has not yet been provided to USFWS. A separate file with the report is provided for ease of transmittal of the report to USFWS. PJD TABLE (UPDATED) Appendix 2 - PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (PJD) FORM BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR PJD: B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REQUESTING PJD: Linda Diebolt - Idiebolt©hazenandsawyer.com C. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER: D. PROJECT LOCATION(S) AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: (USE THE TABLE BELOW TO DOCUMENT MULTIPLE AQUATIC RESOURCES AND/OR AQUATIC RESOURCES AT DIFFERENT SITES) State: NC County/parish/borough: Johnston City: n/a Center coordinates of site (lat/long in degree decimal format): Lat.: 35.496383 Long.: -78.403588 Universal Transverse Mercator: NAD 83 feet Name of nearest waterbody: Neuse River E. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): ❑ Office (Desk) Determination. Date: ❑ Field Determination. Date(s): TABLE OF AQUATIC RESOURCES IN REVIEW AREA WHICH "MAY BE" SUBJECT TO REGULATORY JURISDICTION. Site number Latitude (decimal degrees) Longitude (decimal degrees) Estimated amount of aquatic resource in review area (acreage and linear feet, if applicable) Type of aquatic resource (i.e., wetland vs. non -wetland waters) Geographic authority to which the aquatic resource "may be" subject (i.e., Section 404 or Section 10/404) W 1 35.426415 -78.426415 0.09 AC WETLAND 404 S 1 35.499844 -78..417718 40 FT NON -WETLAND WATERS 404 O1 35.499603 -78.417735 0.01 AC NON -WETLAND WATERS 404 S2 35.498122 -78.408981 35 FT NON -WETLAND WATERS 404 W2 35.495774 -78.385887 0 , 65 AC WETLAND 404 W3 35.495855 -78.384079 0.2 WETLAND 404 Site number Latitude (decimal degrees Longitude (decimal degrees) Estimated amount of aquatic resource in review area (acreage and feet, if applicable) Type of aquatic resource (i.e., wetland vs. non -wetland waters) Geographic authority to which the aquatic resource "may be" subject (i.e., Section 404 or Section 10/404) S3 35.497076 -78.381693 274 FT NON -WETLAND WATERS 404 S4/S5 35.499001 -78.376578 60 FT NON -WETLAND WATERS 10/404 UPDATED DELINEATION MAPS C3 JURISDICTIONAL WETLAND ~ PROPOSED EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE JURISDICTIONAL AREAS IN PROJECT LIMITS NON -FORESTED WETLAND FORESTED WETLAND W2 - NON -FORESTED (EXISTING MAINTAINED CORRIDOR)AND FORESTED WETLAND (DEPICTED ON FIGURES 6, 7, 8, AND 9) EXISTING RECLAIMED WATE R PIPE -..-..-..-I.-.. W2 - NON -FORESTED WETLAND (EXISTING MAINTAINED EASEMENT) AND FORESTED WETLAND 0.65 AC = TOTAL FOR W2 DEPICTED ON FIGURES 6, 7, 8, AND 9 20 40 Feet 1 inch = 40 feet Hazen JOHN LQNOUN yO NOR TH•CARO LINA(_J FIGURE 6 : JURISDICTIONAL AREA F WETLAND, STREAM, AND BUFFER IMPACT MAPS 210 WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN Johnston County, North Carolina C3 JURISDICTIONAL WETLAND PROPOSED EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE JURISDICTIONAL AREAS IN PROJECT LIMITS NON -FORESTED WETLAND FORESTED WETLAND W2 - NON -FORESTED (EXISTING MAINTAINED CORRIDOR) AND FORESTED WETLAND (DEPICTED ON FIGURES 6, 7, 8, AND 9) 111111111111 EXISTING RECLAIMED WATE R PIPE Gt h J/_ IL J/_ J/_ IL J/_ J/_ IL 1 I rii/L Lt_ J/_ J/_ J/_ 44444444444444444444444444444444444444/ IG 14444444444-J, W2 - NON -FORESTED WETLAND (EXISTING MAINTAINED EASEMENT) AND FORESTED WETLAND 0.65 AC = TOTAL FOR W2 DEPICTED ON FIGURES 6, 7, 8, AND 9 20 40 Feet 1 inch = 40 feet Hazen JOHN LQNOUN yO NOR TH•CARO LINA(_J FIGURE 7 : JURISDICTIONALAREA G WETLAND, STREAM, AND BUFFER IMPACT MAPS 210 WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN Johnston County, North Carolina JURISDICTIONAL WETLAND PROPOSED EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE JURISDICTIONAL AREAS IN PROJECT LIMITS NON -FORESTED WETLAND FORESTED WETLAND W2 - NON -FORESTED (EXISTING EXISTING MAINTAINED CORRIDOR) AND RECLAIMED FORESTED WETLAND (DEPICTED WATER ON FIGURES 6, 7, 8, AND 9) PIPE Lana /_]La a L4444444444444444444444 W2 - NON -FORESTED WETLAND (EXISTING MAINTAINED EASEMENT) AND FORESTED WETLAND 0.65 AC = TOTAL FOR W2 DEPICTED ON FIGURES 6, 7, 8, AND 9 20 40 Feet 1 inch = 40 feet Hazen JOHN LQNOUN yO NOR TH•CARO LINA(_J FIGURE 8 : JURISDICTIONALAREA H WETLAND, STREAM, AND BUFFER IMPACT MAPS 210 WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN Johnston County, North Carolina CZ JURISDICTIONAL WETLAND 0 JURISDICTIONAL STREAM III PROPOSED EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN rsd LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE 1 1 1 1 ...) JURISDICTIONAL AREAS IN PROJECT LIMITS NON -FORESTED WETLAND FORESTED WETLAND EXISTING RECLAIMED WATER PIPE S3 - JURISDICTIONAL DITCH I IISTORICAL DITCH AROUND FARMFIELD 1 i W2 - NON -FORESTED (EXISTING j MAINTAINED CORRIDOR)AND FORESTED WETLAND (DEPICTED ON FIGURES 6, 7, 8, AND 9) su_u _ ■=u=u=u=! W2 - NON -FORESTED WETLAND (EXISTING MAINTAINED EASEMENT)AND FORESTED WETLAND 0.65 AC = TOTAL FOR W2 DEPICTED ON FIGURES 6, 7, 8, AND 9 20 40 Feet 1 inch = 40 feet Hazen JOHN LQNOUN yO NOR TH•CARO LINA(_J FIGURE 9 : JURISDICTIONALAREA WETLAND, STREAM, AND BUFFER IMPACT MAPS 210 WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN Johnston County, North Carolina UPDATED IMPACT MAPS - WETLANDS, STREAMS, AND BUFFERS /\/ LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE ^f EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN JURISDICTIONAL WETLAND 1.1 PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT / FORESTED /ACCESS ROAD PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT / NON -FORESTED /ACCESS ROAD TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT / CONSTRUCTION PERMANENT PROPOSED EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN W2-P - NON -FORESTED EXISTING MAINTAINED IMPACT FROM (DEPICTED ON FIGURES WETLAND CORRIDOR FILL FOR ACCESS ROAD 6, 7, 8, AND 9) W2-T - NON -FORESTED TEMPORARY IMPACT DURING (DEPICTED ON FIGURES WETLAND CONSTRUCTION 6, 7, 8, AND 9) EXISTING RECLAIMED WATER PIPE -\\�C� WETLAND MAINTAINED CORRIDOR 6, 7, 8, AND W2-P - PINE/HARDWOOD CONVERSION IMPACT FOR (DEPICTED ON FIGURES 9) W2 TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT IMPACTS ARE DEPICTED ON FIGURES 6, 7, 8, AND 9 TEMPORARY: W2-T - NON -FORESTED WETLAND (EXISTING MAINTAINED EASEMENT) 0.491 AC - TOTAL TEMPORARY IMPACT DURING CONSTRUCTION PERMANENT: W2-P - PINE/HARDWOOD WETLAND (ABUTS EXISTING MAINTAINED EASEMENT) 0.16 AC - TOTAL CONVERSION IMPACT FOR MAINTAINED CORRIDOR 20 40 © Feet 1 inch = 40 feet Hazen aOHN�I'0 FIGURE 6 : IMPACTAREA F WETLAND, STREAM, AND BUFFER IMPACT MAPS 210 WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN Johnston County, North Carolina — 9UNI)O ';1 w_.; NORTH•CAROLINA LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE ^f EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN JURISDICTIONAL WETLAND 1.1 PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT / FORESTED /ACCESS ROAD PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT / NON -FORESTED /ACCESS ROAD TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT / CONSTRUCTION W2-T - NON -FORESTED TEMPORARY IMPACT DURING (DEPICTED ON FIGURES W2-P - NON -FORESTED EXISTING MAINTAINED PERMANENT IMPACT FROM (DEPICTED ON FIGURES WETLAND CONSTRUCTION 6, 7, 8, AND 9) WETLAND CORRIDOR FILL FOR ACCESS ROAD 6, 7, 8, AND 9) EXISTING RECLAIMED WATER PIPE 6)- ANIELMINIUMFR 4444444444444444 6)-esO 444444444444444 ‘4 Wv W2-P - PINE/HARDWOOD WETLAND CONVERSION IMPACT FOR MAINTAINED CORRIDOR (DEPICTED ON FIGURES 6, 7, 8, AND 9) PROPOSED EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN W2 TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT IMPACTS ARE DEPICTED ON FIGURES 6, 7, 8, AND 9 TEMPORARY: W2-T - NON -FORESTED WETLAND (EXISTING MAINTAINED EASEMENT) 0.491 AC - TOTAL TEMPORARY IMPACT DURING CONSTRUCTION PERMANENT: W2-P - PINE/HARDWOOD WETLAND (ABUTS EXISTING MAINTAINED EASEMENT) 0.16 AC - TOTAL CONVERSION IMPACT FOR MAINTAINED CORRIDOR 0 20 40 © Feet 1 inch = 40 feet Hazen FIGURE 7 : IMPACTAREA G WETLAND, STREAM, AND BUFFER IMPACT MAPS 210 WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN Johnston County, North Carolina — aOHN�I'0 9UNI)O ';1 _.; NORTH•CAROLINA w LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE ^f EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN JURISDICTIONAL WETLAND 1.1 PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT / FORESTED /ACCESS ROAD PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT / NON -FORESTED /ACCESS ROAD TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT / CONSTRUCTION PERMANENT (DEPICTED EXISTING RECLAIMED WATER PIPE W2-P - NON -FORESTED EXISTING MAINTAINED IMPACT FROM ON FIGURES WETLAND CORRIDOR FILL FOR ACCESS ROAD 6, 7, 8, AND 9) W2-T - NON -FORESTED TEMPORARY IMPACT DURING (DEPICTED ON FIGURES WETLAND CONSTRUCTION 6, 7, 8, AND 9) Ir 4444444 444444441/444444444444 4444444444444444444444 I, I!. I,, .I-, 4 � 444444 J PROPOSED EFFLUENT FORCE MAI N W2-P - PINE/HARDWOOD CONVERSION IMPACT FOR (DEPICTED ON FIGURES WETLAND MAINTAINED CORRIDOR 6, 7, 8, AND 9) W2 TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT IMPACTS ARE DEPICTED ON FIGURES 6, 7, 8, AND 9 TEMPORARY: W2-T - NON -FORESTED WETLAND (EXISTING MAINTAINED EASEMENT) 0.491 AC - TOTAL TEMPORARY IMPACT DURING CONSTRUCTION PERMANENT: W2-P - PINE/HARDWOOD WETLAND (ABUTS EXISTING MAINTAINED EASEMENT) 0.16 AC - TOTAL CONVERSION IMPACT FOR MAINTAINED CORRIDOR 20 40 © Feet 1 inch = 40 feet Hazen FIGURE 8 : IMPACTAREA H WETLAND, STREAM, AND BUFFER IMPACT MAPS 210 WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN Johnston County, North Carolina — aOHN�I0 9UNIyJ '.; w_.; NOR TH•CAROLINA LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE ^f EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN v NEUSE RIVER BUFFER JURISDICTIONAL STREAM JURISDICTIONALWETLAND PERMANENT ZONE 1 BUFFER IMPACT PERMANENT ZONE 2 BUFFER IMPACT TEMPORARY ZONE 1 BUFFER IMPACT TEMPORARY ZONE 2 BUFFER IMPACT - PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT / CULVERT - RIP RAP ZOO NEB ZONE 1 1 1 1 1 EXISTING FARM FIELD 1.1 PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT / FORESTED /ACCESS ROAD PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT / NON -FORESTED /ACCESS ROAD TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT / CONSTRUCTION TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT /CONSTRUCTION EXISTING RECLAIMED WATER PIPE / / / S7 - JURISDICTIONAL DITCH TEMPORARY IMPACT FOR CULVERT INSTALLATION B4 - NON -FORESTED BUFFER (ACTIVE FARM FIELD) PERMANENT IMPACT TO BUFFER ZONES 1 AND 2 DURING CONSTRUCTION (DEPICTED ON FIGURES 9, 10, 11, AND 12) 1 PUMP AROUND SYSTEM S6 - JURISDICTIONAL DITCH PERMANENT IMPACT FOR CULVERT, HEADWALL, I WINGWALL, AND RIP RAP INSTALLATION W2-T - NON -FORESTED WETLAND EXISTING MAINTAINED CORRIDOR TEMPORARY IMPACT DURING CONSTRUCTION (DEPICTED ON FIGURES 6, 7, 8, AND 9) I W2-P - NON -FORESTED WETLAND EXISTING MAINTAINED CORRIDOR PERMANENT IMPACT FROM FILL FOR ACCESS ROAD I (DEPICTED ON FIGURES 6, 7, 8, AND 9) W2-P - PINE/HARDWOOD WETLAND CONVERSION IMPACT FOR MAINTAINED CORRIDOR (DEPICTED ON FIGURES 6, 7, 8, AND 9) 1 I S7 - JURISDICTIONAL DITCH 1 ZONE 21 TEMPORARY IMPACT FOR CULVERT INSTALLATION ZONE I PUMP AROUND SYSTEM ***W2 TEMPOARY AND PERMANENT IMPACTS ARE DEPICTED ON FIGURES 6, 7, 8, AND 9 W2-T - NON -FORESTED WETLAND (EXISTING MAINTAINED EASEMENT) = 0.3 AC - TEMPORARY IMPACT DURING CONSTRUCTION W2-P - PINE/HARDWOOD WETLAND (ABUTS EXIST. MAINTAINED AREA) = 0.16 AC — PERM. IMPACT FROM FILL FOR ACCESS ROAD W2-P — NON -FORESTED WETLAND (EXIST. MAINTAINED EASEMENT) = 0.19 AC — PERM. IMPACT FROM FILL FOR ACCESS ROAD ***S6 PERMANENT IMPACT AND S7 TEMPORARY IMPACT IS DEPICTED ON FIGURE 9 S6 - JURISDICTIONAL DITCH = 75 FEET - PERMANENT IMPACT FROM CULVERT FOR PERMANENT ACCESS ROAD S7 - JURISDICTIONAL DITCH = 50 FEET - TEMPORARY IMPACT DURING CONSTRUCTION INCLUDING COFFER DAM ***B4 - FORESTED AND NON -FORESTED BUFFER (B4 IS DEPICTED ON FIGURES 9, 10, 11, AND 12) 27,067 SF — TEMPORARY IMPACT ZONE 1 FOR PIPE INSTALLATION (EXISTING MAINTAINED) 11,524 SF —TEMPORARY IMPACT ZONE 2 FOR PIPE INSTALLATION (EXISTING MAINTAINED AND FORESTED) 12,649 SF - PERMANENT IMPACT TO ZONE 1 - PERMANENT ACCESS ROAD 18.344 SF - PERMANENT IMPACT TO ZONE 2 - PERMANENT ACCESS ROAD 20 40 Feet 1 inch = 40 feet Hazen JOHN N1LOUN yO NOR TH•CARO LINA(_J FIGURE 9 : IMPACTAREA WETLAND, STREAM, AND BUFFER IMPACT MAPS 210 WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN Johnston County, North Carolina LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE ^f EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN L v NEUSE RIVER BUFFER JURISDICTIONAL STREAM JURISDICTIONALWETLAND PERMANENT ZONE 1 BUFFER IMPACT PERMANENT ZONE 2 BUFFER IMPACT TEMPORARY ZONE 1 BUFFER IMPACT TEMPORARY ZONE 2 BUFFER IMPACT B4 - NON -FORESTED BUFFER ONF FIGURE 10 - MAINTAINED AREAAND FARM FIELD B4 IS DEPICTED ON FIGURES 9, 10, 11, AND 12 TEMPORARY IMPACT DURING CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPACT FOR ACCESS ROAD 27,067 SF - TEMPORARY IMPACT ZONE 1 FOR PIPE INSTALLATION (EXISTING MAINTAINED) 11,524 SF - TEMPORARY IMPACT ZONE 2 FOR PIPE INSTALLATION (EXISTING MAINTAINED AND FORESTED) 12,649 SF - PERMANENT IMPACT TO ZONE 1 - PERMANENT ACCESS ROAD 18.344 SF - PERMANENT IMPACT TO ZONE 2 - PERMANENT ACCESS ROAD JURISDICTIONAL DITCH (DEPICTED ON FIGURES 9, 10, 11, AND 12) IMPACTS ARE ON FIGURES 9 AND 12 NON -FORESTED BUFFER (EXISTING MAINTAINED AREA) TEMPORARY IMPACT TO BUFFER ZONES 1 AND 2 DURING CONSTRUCTION (DEPICTED ON FIGURES 9, 10, 11, AND 12 0 20 40 Feet 1 inch = 40 feet `J Hazen JOHN N1LOUN)O NOR TH•CARO LINA(_J :Q EXISTING RECLAIMED WATER PIPE B4 - NON -FORESTED BUFFER (EXISTING FARMFIELD) PERMANENT IMPACT TO BUFFER ZONES 1 AND 2 FOR ACCESS ROAD (DEPICTED ON FIGURES 9, 10, 11,AND 12) FIGURE 10: IMPACT AREA J WETLAND, STREAM, AND BUFFER IMPACT MAPS 210 WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN Johnston County, North Carolina LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE ^f EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN L v NEUSE RIVER BUFFER JURISDICTIONAL STREAM PERMANENT ZONE 1 BUFFER IMPACT PERMANENT ZONE 2 BUFFER IMPACT TEMPORARY ZONE 1 BUFFER IMPACT TEMPORARY ZONE 2 BUFFER IMPACT B4 - NON -FORESTED BUFFER ONF FIGURE 10 - MAINTAINED AREAAND FARM FIELD B4 IS DEPICTED ON FIGURES 9, 10, 11, AND 12 TEMPORARY IMPACT DURING CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPACT FOR ACCESS ROAD 27,067 SF — TEMPORARY IMPACT ZONE 1 FOR PIPE INSTALLATION (EXISTING MAINTAINED) 11,524 SF — TEMPORARY IMPACT ZONE 2 FOR PIPE INSTALLATION (EXISTING MAINTAINED AND FORESTED) 12,649 SF - PERMANENT IMPACT TO ZONE 1 - PERMANENT ACCESS ROAD 18.344 SF - PERMANENT IMPACT TO ZONE 2 - PERMANENT ACCESS ROAD cr Z` B4 - NON -FORESTED BUFFER TEMPORARY IMPACT TO BUFFER. ZONES 1 AND 2 DURING CONSTRUCTION (DEPICTED ON FIGURES 10, 11, 12 AND 13) / EXISTING RECLAIMED WATER PIPE / / JURISDICTIONAL DITCH (DEPICTED ON FIGURES 9, 10, 11, AND 12) IMPACT DEPICTED ON FIGURES 9AND 12 / / • C7 Z / / / B4 - NON -FORESTED BUFFER (EXISTING FARM FIELD) PERMANENT IMPACT TO BUFFER ZONES 1 AND 2 FOR ACCESS ROAD (DEPICTED ON FIGURES 10, 11, 12 AND 13) i / 0 20 40 Feet 1 inch = 40 feet Hazen JOHN N1LOUN)O NOR TH•CARO LINA(_J FIGURE 11: IMPACTAREA K WETLAND, STREAM, AND BUFFER IMPACT MAPS 210 WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN Johnston County, North Carolina /\/ LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE ^f EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN L. v NEUSE RIVER BUFFER 0 JURISDICTIONAL STREAM fl PERMANENT ZONE 1 BUFFER IMPACT PERMANENT ZONE 2 BUFFER IMPACT TEMPORARY ZONE 1 BUFFER IMPACT TEMPORARY ZONE 2 BUFFER IMPACT In TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT / CONSTRUCTION EXISTING REZLAIMED (NATER PIPE B4 - NON -FORESTED BUFFER / TEMPORARY IMPACT TO OFFER // ZONES 1 AND 2 DURING ONSTRLCTION (DEPICTED ON FIGURE$ 9, 10, 11jAND 12) / / / / / EXISTIN7i MAINTAII'ED ' EA / / / / / / ♦ / ♦ / ♦ / / / / / / / 20 40 Feet 1 inch = 40 feet 1 1 I 1 1 / / / / / / / / gXISTING Fj)(RM FIELD / / / / / B4 - NON -FORESTED BUFFER (EXISTING FARM FIELD) PERMANENT IMPACT TO BUFFER ZONES 1 AND 2 FOR ACCESS ROAD (DEPICTED ON FIGURES 9, 10, 11, AND B4 - NON -FORESTED BUFFER TEMPORARY IMPACT TO BUFF ZONES 1 AND 2 DURING CON RUCTION (DEPICTED ON FIGURES 9, •, 11, AND 12) S3 - JURISDICTIONAL DITCH TEMPORARY IMPACT DURING CONSTRUCTION (DEPICTED ON FIGURES 9, 10, 11, AND 12) S3 - JURISDICTIONAL DITCH 149 FT - TOTAL TEMPORARY IMPACT DURING PIPE INSTALLATION B4 - NON -FORESTED BUFFER ONF FIGURE 10 - MAINTAINEDAREAAND FARM FIELD B4 IS DEPICTED ON FIGURES 9, 10, 11, AND 12 TEMPORARY IMPACT DURING CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPACT FOR ACCESS ROAD 27,067 SF — TEMPORARY IMPACT ZONE 1 FOR PIPE INSTALLATION (EXISTING MAINTAINED) 11,524 SF —TEMPORARY IMPACT ZONE 2 FOR PIPE INSTALLATION (EXISTING MAINTAINED AND FORESTED) 12,649 SF - PERMANENT IMPACT TO ZONE 1 - PERMANENT ACCESS ROAD 18.344 SF - PERMANENT IMPACT TO ZONE 2 - PERMANENT ACCESS ROAD Hazen JOHN NILOUN)O NOR TH•CARO LINA(_J FIGURE 12: IMPACTAREA L WETLAND, STREAM, AND BUFFER IMPACT MAPS 210 WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN Johnston County, North Carolina DESIGN DRAWINGS LZd 133HS 33S 00+O2 HIS - 3NI1H31HW z 0 SCALE: 1" _ 61.d 133HS 33S OO+OOZ H1S - 3NI1H3IHW O LO to Ln m Ln N 'RJ DIP �i2 ?,, El 1V.I.33 /JVI O 1 33S 33S I1NV 4L+80;V1S ELIO-L001IV13U NV11OO d33S 33S IINV 4Z+LO 'VIS RADE, 20 E L LO-LO-O 1IV13l liV110O d33S 33S IINV TYPE C 4L+SO IVIS \ I DIP EFFLUENT RCE MAIN BEDDIN I00 � £LL O 1IV13O LIV11VllOO d33S INS IlMd 4Z+40' VIS a Q O Z I w U CC E \i EL LO-L0-9 1I1;13O 2JV11OOPG 33S _(- ZO'VIS . 0 Ln 0 .-1 Ln Ln N HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1 O O + W O N O O VD 0 0 0 + 0 O 0 + O N O O O 0 + 0 N O O + O 00 N N --1 LL J_ IL 0 a O N ❑ 30621-025 HAZEN NO. CONTRACT NO O Z W gE3m z CV 0_ EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN PLAN AND PROFILE AND EROSION CONTROL STA 200+00 TO STA 210+00 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES JOHNSTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 210 WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN AND DECHLORINATION FACILITY 0 0 9, wo 7 N CO W Q MO w . iz0Iz Q00rcow Nw Q Z W 0 = U w w g FINAL DRAWING EC 0 Z W▪ O O Ln1- ww wD cece I—Z Oa ZO M. SADLER B. EDWARDS DESIGNED BY: P. SELISKER r- z r m 0 W O m 0 0 93N9I13Sd ,A9 WV LE 9 ZZOZ/ZZ/L 31VO 1O1d WV CO, I. ZZOZ/41./9 0 P.m9 SO99M0399gP.mS OZd\11AIO\11AIOVJIll9Vd NOIIVNINO1H030 - NIV1,13O9OJ AIN 0O0 NOISNHOMI9 0V0\SZO-LZ90E1LZ90E\ 0:aI!1 a1 V 0 d s. E'scP22i 7 S Z w as STREAM PUMP AROUND PLAN P22- / SCALE: 1" = 30' 0 M 0 O 3 L / 0N38 ,Sb .0£ b8+g1Z VIS _DENT 0N3EI,Sb .0£ 0+41Z VLS XISTING GRADE O 2 1,9 0N38 ,Sb .0£ LS+ZIZ VIS (1 OalV1021 ONV 03. BEDDING TYPE C NUI1VN 0 0- N M O ti 0 '-I HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1 0 0'. '-I N 0 0 + 'H 0 0 + N O O N 0 O O Ln J J_ 0 x N N ❑ 30621-025 NZ CONTRACT NO N 0 EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN PLAN AND PROFILE AND EROSION CONTROL STA 210+00 TO STA 220+00 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES JOHNSTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN AND DECHLORINATION FACILITY 0 W r0 1,- CD N CO E J O 0 W U Z2Fu Lu co 0 W Q Z W wW FINAL DRAWING ce 0 Z Z W O W W W D ct H Z oa Zo M. SADLER B. EDWARDS m ❑ Z (7 0 P. SELISKER mQ 0 H Z H m m0 0 tl3MS113Sd :A8 WV 9E 0 ZZOZ/ZZ/L :31V0101d INVL6:6 ZZOZ/01/9 :0I0P 000S 83N8113Sd,(Q P0^0S IZchlIAIO/11A10ULI110Vd N011VNIH01H030 - NIVW30210d AINl00 NOISNHOP1W19 OVO\SZ0-LZ90E11Z90210:a1!d AQUATIC SPECIES SURVEY REPORT Aquatic Species Survey Report Johnston County Wastewater Treatment Facility Johnston County, North Carolina Neuse River Habitat in Survey Reach Prepared For: Johnston County Public Utilities 309 E. Market St. P.O. Box 2263 Smithfield, NC 27539 March 4, 2022 Prepared by: ,1llEERbre. 324 Blackwell Street, Suite 1200 Durham, NC 27701 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Survey Efforts 2 2.1 Survey Methodology 2 2.1.1. Mussels 2 2.1.2. Carolina Madtom 3 2.1.3. Neuse River Waterdog 3 3.0 Results 3 3.1 Neuse River Conditions 3 3.2 Aquatic Species Survey Results 4 3.2.1. Mussels 4 3.2.2. Carolina Madtom 4 3.2.3. Neuse River Waterdog 4 4.0 Discussion/Conclusions 5 5.0 Literature Cited 6 Appendix A: Figures Figure 1: Project Vicinity and Survey Reach Figure 2-1 to 2-5: NCNHP Element Occurrences and Designated Critical Habitats Appendix B: Select Photographs 1.0 INTRODUCTION Johnston County Public Utilities proposes a new outfall in the Neuse River as part of the Johnston County WWTF Force Main (JCWWTF) project (the Project). Figure 1 shows the approximate location of the new outfall and survey area for the Project (Appendix A: Figure 1). The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Information, Planning, and Consultation (IPaC) system lists the Dwarf Wedgemussel (Alasmidonta heterodon, DWM), Atlantic Pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni, AP), Carolina Madtom (Noturus furiosus, CMT), and Neuse River Waterdog (Necturus lewisi, NRWD) as federally protected aquatic species that could potentially be affected by activities in this location, as accessed in February 2022 (USFWS 2022). The Dwarf Wedgemussel is a Federally listed Endangered species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and is known to occur near the Project area. The Atlantic Pigtoe is also known to occur near the Project area and was listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) as a Threatened Species with Section 4(d) Rule and Critical Habitat Designation on November 16, 2021 (USFWS 2021a). The Neuse River Waterdog and Carolina Madtom are likewise known to occur near the Project area. On June 8, 2021, these two species were granted protection under the ESA as a Threatened Species (Neuse River Waterdog) and an Endangered Species (Carolina Madtom) with Critical Habitat Designation proposed for both species and a Section 4(d) Rule granted for the Neuse River Waterdog (USFWS 2021b). The Green Floater (Lasmigona subviridis, GF) is being considered for listing by the USFWS and is known to occur in this portion of the Neuse River. When consulted on the project, the USFWS requested survey data for these species in the project area. Three Oaks Engineering, Inc. (Three Oaks) was contracted to perform these surveys targeting mussels, Carolina Madtom, and Neuse River Waterdog. Table 1 lists the nearest element occurrence (EO) in approximate river miles (RM) for these species relative to the Project, as well as the nearest Critical Habitat unit for each species that currently has defined Critical Habitat (USFWS 2021a, USFWS 2021b). Data is according to the NC Natural Heritage Program database (NCNHP 2022) last updated January 2022 (Appendix A, Figures 2-1 through 2-5). JCWWTF Aquatic Surveys Three Oaks Job# 21-308 March 2022 Page 1 Table 1—Element Occurrences and Critical Habitat Species Name EO ID EO Waterbody Distance from crossing (RM) First Observed Last Observed EO Status* Nearest Critical Habitat Unit** Distance from Crossing (RM) Figure DWM 13799 Swift Creek/Middle Creek 0.2 March 1991 March 2020 C N/A — 2-1 AP 11695 Swift Creek 1.3 March 1991 August 2020 C 14 .2 2-2 NRWD 1633 Swift and Middle Creek 0 2 April 1979 February 2021 C 11 .2 2-3 CMT 3858 Little River >50 June 1961 July 2005 C 5 >50 2-4 9621 Swift Creek/Middle Creek 1.0 June 1961 May 1985 H GF 28706 Neuse River 15.6 July 2010 May 2018 C N/A — 2-5 *: C — NCNHP Current; H —NCNHP Historic **: N/A — No Critical Habitat Defined, as of July 2022 2.0 SURVEY EFFORTS Surveys for target mussel species and Carolina Madtom were conducted by Three Oaks personnel Tom Dickinson (Permit 21-ES00343), Tim Savidge (Permit 21-ES0034), Nathan Howell, and Brian Watson on May 20, 2021. Neuse River Waterdog surveys were completed by Tom Dickinson, Tim Savidge, Kate Sevick, Trevor Hall, Lizzy Stokes -Cawley, and Nancy Oberle the week of February 14-18, 2022. 2.1 Survey Methodology Surveys for mussels, Carolina Madtom, and Neuse River Waterdog were conducted within the Neuse River as shown in the reach in Figure 1. 2.1.1. Mussels Areas of appropriate habitat were searched, concentrating on the stable habitats preferred by the target species. The survey team spread out across the creek into survey lanes. Visual surveys were conducted using mask and snorkel and SCUBA techniques in thalweg habitat over four feet deep. Tactile methods were employed, particularly in streambanks under submerged rootmats. All freshwater bivalves were recorded and returned to the substrate. Timed survey efforts JCWWTF Aquatic Surveys Three Oaks Job# 21-308 March 2022 Page 2 provided Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) data for each species. Relative abundance for freshwater snails and freshwater clam species were estimated using the following criteria: ➢ (VA) Very abundant > 30 per square meter ➢ (A) Abundant 16-30 per square meter ➢ (C) Common 6-15 per square meter ➢ (U) Uncommon 3-5 per square meter ➢ (R) Rare 1-2 per square meter ➢ (P-) Ancillary adjective "Patchy" indicates an uneven distribution of the species within the sampled site. 2.1.2. Carolina Madtom During the mussel survey effort for the project, the presence of preferred habitats for the Carolina Madtom were assessed and targeted visual surveys were conducted by overturning rocks and debris in these areas. 2.1.3. Neuse River Waterdog Methods were developed by Three Oaks in consultation with the USFWS and NCWRC and were designed to replicate winter trapping efforts conducted as part of the recent species status assessment undertaken by these agencies and collaborators. The Neuse River Waterdog is more active when water temperatures are low, an adaptation that may help them avoid fish predation, thus, trapping is generally conducted late October through March. Trapping during this time of year also reduces the potential for unintended mortality (by drowning) of bycatch of small turtles and other reptiles, as they are generally not active during the winter months. A total of 10 trap sites were distributed upstream and downstream of the approximate outfall location. Trap sites were selected based on habitat conditions and accessibility. Undercut banks, with some accumulation of leaf pack, as well as back eddy areas within runs were the primary microhabitats selected; however, all of the microhabitats (pool, riffle, run, etc.) occurring at a site were sampled with at least one trap. Traps were baited with chicken livers and allowed to soak overnight. The traps were checked daily, all species found within the traps were recorded, and the traps were rebaited. 3.0 RESULTS 3.1 Neuse River Conditions The channel in this portion of the Neuse River was 45-55 meters wide, with banks up to 4 meters high that exhibited significant erosion and undercutting. Habitat in the majority of the reach consisted of run with a deeper thalweg to eight feet deep along the right descending side of the river. A large bar and deep sand accumulations were present along the left descending riverbank extending to midchannel. Substrates were dominated by unconsolidated shifting sands with a narrow area of cobble and gravel in the river's thalweg. Areas of hard packed clay and silt JCWWTF Aquatic Surveys Three Oaks Job# 21-308 March 2022 Page 3 accumulations were present along the river margins and a large volume of woody debris was present. A strong wastewater smell was noted during the efforts. 3.2 Aquatic Species Survey Results 3.2.1. Mussels A total of 15.3 person hours of mussel survey time were spent in the reach, with the eight mussel species in Table 2 being found. Other mollusk species located included the Asian Clam (Corbicula fluminea). Table 2. CPUE for Freshwater Mussels in Neuse River Scientific Name Common Name # live Abundance/ CPUE Freshwater Mussels CPUE Alasmidonta undulata Triangle Floater 1 0.06/hr Elliptio congaraea Carolina Slabshell 76 4.97/hr Elliptio complanata Eastern Elliptio 121 7.91/hr Elliptio fisheriana Northern Lance 1 0.06/hr Elliptio icterina Variable Spike 2 0.12/hr Elliptio sp. c.f. mediocris No common name 41 2.68/hr Elliptio roanokensis Roanoke Slabshell 240 15.69/hr Lampsilis radiata Eastern Lampmussel 5 0.33/hr Freshwater Snails and Clams Relative Abundance Corbicula fluminea Asian Clam — C 3.2.2. Carolina Madtom The Carolina Madtom was not observed, and appropriate habitat and cover is very limited within the Project study area due to the large volume of unconsolidated sand. Visual surveys in the area observed Tessellated Darter (Etheostoma olmstedi), Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio), Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), and Flathead Catfish (Pylodictis olivaris). USFWS (2021c) identified the Flathead Catfish, an invasive predator in Atlantic Slope drainages, as a major factor influencing the viability of the Carolina Madtom, particularly in the Neuse River Basin. 3.2.3. Neuse River Waterdog The NRWD was not captured during the trapping efforts. Five fish species including the White Shiner (Luxilis albeolus), Spottail Shiner (Notropis hudsonius), Satinfin Shiner (Cyprinella analostana), Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), and Bluespotted Sunfish (Enneacanthus obesus) were trapped in low densities, as displayed in Table 3. Table 3. Neuse River Trauuina Surveys Suecies Found 02/14-18/2022 Trap Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 1 2 White Shiner (1) — — JCWWTF Aquatic Surveys Three Oaks Job# 21-308 March 2022 Page 4 3 4 — — Spottail Shiner (1) 5 — — — Bluespotted Sunfish (1), Channel Catfish (1) 6 — — — Satinfin Shiner (2) 7 8 9 10 — — Bluespotted Sunfish (1) 4.0 DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS These efforts provide updated aquatic species survey data and habitat assessment for the Johnston County WWTF Force Main Project. Target mussel species, the Carolina Madtom, and Neuse River Waterdog were not found. Mussel fauna consists of a fairly diverse assemblage typical of this portion of the mainstem Neuse River that includes the state Threatened Triangle Floater and Eastern Lampmussel. While other species were not found during these surveys, potential habitat is present; thus, the presence of additional species cannot be altogether ruled out. JCWWTF Aquatic Surveys Three Oaks Job# 21-308 March 2022 Page 5 5.0 LITERATURE CITED North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP). 2022. Biotics Database. Division of Land and Water Stewardship. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. January 2022 version. United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) 2021a. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: Threatened Species Status with Section 4(d) Rule and Designation of Critical Habitat for Atlantic Pigtoe. 50 CFR 17:86 FR 64000, 64000-64053. Docket Nos. FWS- R4-ES-2018-0046FF09E21000 FXES 1111090FEDR 223. USFWS 2021b. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Species Status with Section 4(d) Rule for Neuse River Waterdog, Endangered Species Status for Carolina Madtom, and Designations of Critical Habitat. 50 CFR 17:86 FR 30688, 30688- 30751. Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2018-0092. USFWS 2021c. Species status assessment report for the Carolina Madtom (Noturus furiosus). Version 1.2. USFWS 2022. USFWS Information for Planning and Conservation (IPAC). Accessed February 2022. https://ecos.fws.gov/ipac/ JCWWTF Aquatic Surveys Three Oaks Job# 21-308 March 2022 Page 6 APPENDIX A Figures JCWWTF Aquatic Surveys Three Oaks Job# 21-308 March 2022 Page 7 AMA% P+.51W, f Aquatic Species Surveys Johnston County 210 WWTF Force Main Project Vicinity and Survey Reach Johnston County, North Carolina " tt arch 2022 aka- 0 25 5a +.1,r-: 21-368 Drnafi by F9: TDH IChedied TE_: Figure 1 ock, QA Cry. e'0,5 4 skiff CseeK lime creek church ROM .. WI iO y HP�gh15 94s Bryn chi/ °b n, sra h; �rttle Poaar Cie ,,,i sa.p gPOb' 1CS s C A arreek {Pops a- EO ID: 13799 (Current) i R LJu r PIWO- d aryR, @ pltl FdrT Acres �r 5[ephenspn N19hly.y yc Sunrise AcreS �� SR 1010 1ns� r.1.3nn i Sn,: prwg roll, l We¢ Sr,dhlle!tl 7 11, C •.. aar,,, c1� cjeek SR 1010 8J NC210 NC21pre Neus a Riper/ffff cry : �a P ° mil,! Arters era,, noh p0aa 0 Approximate Outfall Location NCNHP Element Occurrence: Dwarf Wedgemussel , ��� Streams r' lei _ — Aquatic Species Surveys Johnston County 210 WWTF Force Main NCNHP Element Occurrences: Dwarf Wedgemussel Johnston County, North Carolina Date: March 2022 Figuret 2 Jot, No.: 21-308 Drawn By TDI- Checked Bv: TED N AC _. S )r Q EOID: 11695 (Current) f rP�WiiSn; orfq °'a - - SR 101 Cr ` � fit e pu oaC swift Creek @¢ erancp (4er74 ,, 0 nstan LCurr:nt) °Bcn irport f m EO ID: 37251 \aa+e� jp (Obscure) SR 1 NC i,ic z10 --- lyeuse River t: e (Salsa S J Arters g 4hYneR Approximate Outfall Location -NCNHP Element Occurrence: Atlantic Pigtoe Critical Habitat Unit 14: Atlantic Pigtoe — Streams ' j . 7 Gk195 NackeZdtsPond) , Aquatic Species Surveys Johnston County 210 VWVTF Force Main NCNHP Element Occurrences and Habitat: Atlantic Pigtoe Johnston County, North Carolina Date: March 2022 Figure 2 Drawn By TDI- Checked ev: TED A. N. 11S 70 T . 70 ED ID: 1633 (Current) r EO ID:1fi33 {Current} N s C• elf 14 Sasxan* pi`'$m�� Unit n #11 SR !rot)a->Ar fl VJ dF vigkd Unit #10 , NC 110 ek 030g \°`fir 4 �1 WllsarhVAolis 'a. �l 1'p+t-Cr \4 A [:�ek r. ti t il fa IS 47arrr N. ".V Ss 1C.10 NL_1l r ��'r r3.t. . a Approximate Outfall Location NCNHP Element Occurrence: Neuse River Waterdog• Critical Habitat Units-' Neuse River Waterlog fr Prs ar.,}� • A ., 1 "— �' ' f Bk....,... r��e , P - .r Streams isigI3iEERJyel iiptt. 4.,....litsiN': ��3�11°' .J" . •�1�t' R. ; ., ` '�. Aquatic Species Surveys Johnston County 210+� WWTF Force Main NCNHP Element Occurrences and Critical Habitat: Neuse River Waterdog Johnston County- North Carolina r,'X' March 2022 Figure 2 A v�. 21-308 TDHIy TEC• N o ` :z_ 1 � . m NC": ?" U 1 j * a l�9.6' 11 �. Lee s Cr w ' C 3ar t�1NO °~ � a.•- ;� t.owe-tit0, • O G'i ° 0 0,lt 2 J PeF i.VA . coV _ 1 US 301 q •- - Robin St, `son's Mills�y n -X EO ID: 13953 (Current) e ye - -'° Ju_,---,er amp / � 4' �/ aed � o� o b d f/1 Cre ` \ Big Branch P U5 70 ' 1 4,00c - �4 nth / al (2 �F / �bhR Cre (<4,,N. elaN - u i°1 N. �� '�✓r, _. c.) *f"°�' ' 195 47,.dab EO ID: 3858 (Current) /'/ / / 0 �� ' ° tyvnj O ID: 9621 (Historical) P e eP� --'1/' W °lrs' / Prt@ ch EOID:9621 {Historical) a �. odd o J Cti J=/� oc 1.5 161‘11111161 0• Y0;, r a YCrPP� $`k l'Z' • nch 0/er, • fah Cr - 9p,e- ... h/ S/P F L.'.1,D., tBrh \C1 CO di r.. `-. G U k'd / o UieR QSnk rry \ ` 57C� .. `y • NC 'eh, -e -' EO ID: 1744g' ' 7 ElApproximateOutfall Location o {Historical) . . -NCNHP Element Occurrence: Carolina Madtom Critical Habitat Unit 5: Carolina Madtom _ L- 1 County Boundary Streams gyp,,, ar lil Geex FIX i Milia ,' -' a' -� Hocsg aneh 6111EER/ �c� Prepared Far Aquatic Species Surveys Johnston County 210 V V TF Force Main NCNHP Element Occurrences and Critical Habitat: Carolina Madtom Johnston County, North Carolina Date: March 2022 Figure �5�� W 1" �`, y ,l , ,fit, `74/43311 , - 0 Scale:0 1 2 Miles Job No.:21-308 Drawn s • TDH Checked Bv: TED N,- •,-/— N �P �5�° ��ti�°°tpx EO ID:28706 (Current) . ram' ♦ ♦ Limeer N. Claiytan 320320 313 • • 1 323 • Y ♦ N. N. • • • 326 LL %. 2 , n m r EO ID:15369 (Historical) i Ilso is Mills pep N718ranch { o Sw emek Q`' m ` % U5 70 ,,),so Rive' cry 0 ch U C 1 co a h 3as� ,aCr e'F C2rPPk �- o S a l�fUe �' el��h c'gek (Ao� � I1� SR 1 1 . • 1 r mod} Gteek'rcf' i Nal g$�O Lek Smithfieldm / 5q Approximate Outfall Location NCNHP Element Occurrence: Green Floater i County Boundary — Streams NC ?1 r P �s�re"' " U5 301 i �F93, /A` i„9r2n cfr 1,•93{.V / !-.' cA'� Y'`n _ Al r ❑G Aquatic Species Surveys Johnston County 210 VWVTF Force Main NCNHP Element Occurrences: Green Floater Johnston County, North Carolina Date: March 2022 Figure 2 Job Na.: 21-308 Drawn By:Checked TDH Bv: TED APPENDIX B Select Photographs JCWWTF Aquatic Surveys Three Oaks Job# 21-308 March 2022 Page 14 Neuse River Survey Reach During Mussel and Fish Surveys JCWWTF Aquatic Surveys Three Oaks Job# 21-308 March 2022 Page 15 Neuse River Survey Reach During NRWD Surveys JCWWTF Aquatic Surveys Three Oaks Job# 21-308 March 2022 Page 16 or s't'rr': • 1%►f; ,00ct to, tf Otitt ■ 'I Eastern Lampmussel found in survey reach 1ri vo " "1'47676 • ',I. 4.k AVOIN L % t. ,�. Triangle Floater found in survey reach JCWWTF Aquatic Surveys Three Oaks Job# 21-308 March 2022 Page 17