HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000610_Fact sheet binder_20230120DEQ /DEMLR FACT SHEET FOR NPDES INDUSTRIAL INDIVIDUAL STORMWATER PERMIT DEVELOPMENT Basic Information for Permit Issuance and Renewals: Permit Writer / Date Brianna Young 1/20/2023 Permit Number NCS000610 Owner / Facility Name Goldston Lumber LLC / Goldston Lumber supply SIC Code / Category 2429 / Special Product Sawmill 2491 / Wood Preserving Basin Name / Sub -basin number Cape Fear / 03-06-11 Receiving Stream / HI C UT to Cedar Creek / 030300030605 Stream Classification / Stream Segment C / 17-39 Is the stream impaired on 303 d list]? No Any TMDLs? No Any threatened and/or endangered species? See Section 2 below Any compliance concerns? See Section 2 (below) Any permit mods since lastpermit? N/A New expiration date 2/29/2028 Comments on Draft Permit? See Section 6 below Section 1. Facility Activities and Process: The facility currently has a COC under a general permit (NCG210446). The DEMLR Central Office informed the applicant via email January 12, 2022 that they needed to apply for an individual permit as operations at the facility were changing to include more wood treatment and preservation activities. Goldston Lumber Supply is a specialized sawmill and wood treatment facility that recycles rejected logs and log cores into lumber for pallets, crating, or dunnage. The facility previously operated a wood preserving plant using copper azole; however, that process is being changed to treatment with arsenic. Additional changes/cleanup operations are ongoing at the site by the new owners (see DEMLR RRO June 2022 and August 2022 inspection reports). Per information submitted with the renewal application, wood treating chemicals used will contain the following hazardous ingredients: Chromated Copper Arsenic (CCA) (chromic acid, cupric oxide, arsenic pentoxide) and Copper Azole type B (CA-B) (copper and tebuconazole [alpha-(2-(4-chlorophenyl) ethyl-alpha-(I,1-dimethylethyl)-1 H-1,2,4-triazole- I -ethanol]). The site contains the following equipment: • Sawmill (with dust/chips from untreated wood) • Autoclave — Used for treating wood with CA-B; in future where staff will deal with arsenic (wood coming out of the autoclave will sit on a drip pad until dry and then transported offsite) • Dry kiln and boiler room • Finished goods inventory • Untreated log storage • Remanufacturing plant • One —4,000 gallon above ground storage tanks labeled CA-B Process Water • One —9,400 gallon above ground storage tanks for Wolman E (CA-B) copper tebuconazole Page 1 of 6 One 10,600 gallon above ground tank — can be used as an autoclave but previously only used as a CCA storage tank Tank farm — Two 12,900 and one 5,000 gallon above ground storage tanks labeled CA-B Process Water • Vehicle maintenance There will be four (4) stormwater outfalls on the site: • SW001: Outfall A on site map • SW002: Outfall B on site map • SW003: Outfall C on site map • SW004: Outfall D on site map Why Industrial Sites with Stormwater are Subject to a Permit: Federal NPDES regulations define stormwater discharge associated with industrial activity in 40 CFR § 122.26 (b)(14) as: "the discharge from any conveyance that is used for collecting and conveying storm water and that is directly related to manufacturing, processing or raw materials storage areas at an industrial plant. The term does not include discharges from facilities or activities excluded from the NPDES program under this part 122. For the categories of industries identified in this section, the term includes, but is not limited to, storm water [sic] discharges from industrial plant yards; immediate access roads and rail lines used or traveled by carriers of raw materials, manufactured products, waste material, or byproducts used or created by the facility; material handling sites; refuse sites; sites used for the application or disposal of process waste waters (as defined at part 401 of this chapter); sites used for the storage and maintenance of material handling equipment; sites used for residual treatment, storage, or disposal; shipping and receiving areas; manufacturing buildings; storage areas (including tank farms) for raw materials, and intermediate and final products; and areas where industrial activity has taken place in the past and significant materials remain and are exposed to storm water. For the purposes of this paragraph, material handling activities include storage, loading and unloading, transportation, or conveyance of any raw material, intermediate product, final product, byproduct or waste product. The term excludes areas located on plant lands separate from the plant's industrial activities, such as office buildings and accompanying parking lots as long as the drainage from the excluded areas is not mixed with storm water [sic] drained from the above described areas." Section 2. Monitoring Information and Compliance History: No monitoring data was available for review. Per the 6/9/2022 inspection report, there were no DMRs in the historic file and the new owners were not aware of any being stored onsite. The DEMLR inspector stated the new owners should have no trouble bringing the site into compliance. Endangered/Threatened Species: No threatened or endangered species are on the site, but in the vicinity the Geometrid Moth (NC Status: SR) and Bisected Honey Locust Moth (NC Status: SR) have been documented. Section 3. Proposed Monitoring for Stormwater Discharges: The Division considered potential pollutants from past and present industrial activities; however, no quantitative sampling data was available for review. Page 2 of 6 Unlike most stormwater permits in its program, the Division is proposing a permit structure with outfall- specific monitoring for discharges. Parameters are based on potential pollutants in the drainage area, sampling results, and in some cases, dependent upon future activities (e.g., ash removal through the drainage area). Below is a table of the proposed monitoring for each outfall at the Goldston Lumber Supply site. Outfalls SW001, SW002, SW003, and SWO04 Quarterly monitoring Total Suspended Solids BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area and BMP (TSS) effectiveness indicator. Quarterly monitoring pH BASIS: Pollutant indicator Quarterly monitoring Total Rainfall BASIS: Discharge potential indicator Quarterly monitoring Non -Polar Oil &Grease BASIS: Potential pollutant from lubricants; Method 1664 SGT-HEM targets petroleum -based O&G Quarterly monitoring Monthly Oil Usage BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area Quarterly monitoring COD BASIS: Pollutant indicator Quarterly monitoring BOD BASIS: Pollutant indicator Quarterly monitoring Arsenic BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area; specific to CCA treated wood Quarterly monitoring Total Chromium BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area; specific to CCA treated wood Quarterly monitoring Total Copper BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area; specific to CA-B treated wood Quarterly monitoring Total Hardness BASIS: Monitoring for hardness dependent metals required Stormwater Benchmarks and Tiered Response: Rather than limits, North Carolina NPDES Stormwater permits contain benchmark concentrations. Stormwater benchmarks are numerical action Page 3 of 6 levels for stormwater monitoring. Benchmarks are not effluent limits, and benchmark exceedances are not permit violations. Benchmarks provide facilities a tool for assessing the significance of pollutants in stormwater discharges and the effectiveness of best management practices (BMPs). Benchmark concentrations are intended as guidelines for the facility's development and implementation of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Benchmark exceedances require the permittee to increase monitoring, increase management actions, increase record keeping, and/or install stormwater BMPs in a tiered program. The permit establishes a tiered approach to specify actions the permittee must take in response to analytical results above benchmark concentrations. The tiered structure of the permit provides the permittee and DEMLR wide flexibility to address issues that may arise with one or more parameters and/or outfalls. Metals benchmarks are calculated to mimic acute water quality standards and with the guidance of DWR. NC DWR follows established federal procedures for calculating acute standards when developing the benchmarks. Just like the acute standards, metals benchmarks normally reflect one half of the calculated Final Acute Value (the "1/2 FAV"). In most cases, translation into total recoverable values is based on an assumed hardness of 25 mg/L and a total suspended solids (TSS) concentration of 10 mg/L. Acute standards protect aquatic life from negative impacts of short-term exposure to higher levels of chemicals where the discharge enters a waterbody. The Stormwater Permitting Program applies this approach because of the ephemeral nature of rainfall events. The Division may evaluate results to determine if a smaller suite of parameters for some outfalls is adequate to characterize potential pollution or BMP effectiveness. For example, one or more metals or other parameters may serve as an adequate tracer for the presence of ash pollution during disturbance or ash removal in specific drainage areas at this site. For parameters that do not have a stormwater benchmark, the Division may develop a benchmark value if appropriate toxicity data become available or if rising trends in concentrations suggest a persistent source. A summary of the benchmarks in the draft permit, and their basis, is below: Parameter Benchmark Basis Total Suspended 100 mg/L National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) Study, Solids TSS 1983 H 6 s.u. — 9 s.u. NC Water Quality Standard (Range) Non -Polar Oil & Review of other state's daily maximum Grease, EPA 15 mg/L benchmark concentration for this more targeted Method 1664 O&G; NC WQS that does not allow oil sheen in SGT-HEM waters COD 120 mg/L BPJ; Generally found at levels 4x BOD5 in domestic wastewaters BOD 30 mg/L BPJ; Based on Secondary Treatment Regulation 40 CFR 133.03 Total Arsenic 340 /L '/2 FAV Assume all chromium III in most cases; Although there is no longer a total chromium Total Chromium 905 µg/L standard, may keep total chromium benchmark in permits because of limits of labs to test for ve low levels of chromium VI Total Copper 10 /L '/z FAV Page 4 of 6 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan: The proposed permit conditions reflect the EPA and NC's pollution prevention approach to stormwater permitting. The Division's maintains that implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) and traditional stormwater management practices that control the source of pollutants meets the definition of Best Available Technology (BAT) and Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology (BCT). The permit conditions are not numeric effluent limitations but are designed to be flexible requirements for implementing site -specific plans to minimize and control pollutants in stormwater discharges associated with the industrial activity. Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) § 122.44(k)(2) authorizes the use of BMPs in lieu of numeric effluent limitations in NPDES permits when the agency finds numeric effluent limitations to be infeasible. The agency may also impose BMP requirements which are "reasonably necessary" to carry out the purposes of the Act under the authority of 40 CFR 122.44(k)(3). The conditions proposed in this draft permit are included under the authority of both of these regulatory provisions. In essence, the pollution prevention and BMP requirements operate as limitations on effluent discharges that reflect the application of BAT/BCT. Flexibility in Tier Responses: Tier Two actions provide an opportunity for the permittee to propose an alternative monitoring plan for approval by the Region: • Alternatively, in lieu of steps 2 and 3, the permittee may, after two consecutive exceedances, exercise the option of contacting the DEMLR Regional Engineer as provided below in Tier Three. The Regional Engineer may direct the response actions on the part of the permittee as provided in Tier Three, including reduced or additional sampling parameters or frequency. • If pursuing the alternative above after two consecutive exceedances, the permittee may propose an alternative monitoring plan for approval by the Regional Engineer. The permit therefore allows the permittee to petition the Regional Office for monitoring changes sooner than Tier Three (upon any four benchmark exceedances) and gives guidance on one option to take. For example, the permittee may request that mercury only be monitored semi-annually under the tiers, or that only parameters over the benchmark be monitored more frequently. In this way, changes to the monitoring scheme for any outfall could be handled outside of a permit modification. Other Proposed Requirements: • It is standard for Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) requirements to include an annual certification that stormwater outfalls have been evaluated for the presence of non- stormwater discharges, and if any are identified, how those discharges are permitted or otherwise authorized. • Requirement to submit a request for permit modification if the facility identifies or creates any new outfalls, removes outfalls, or alters any drainage area that changes potential pollutants. • The Division expects the permittee to apply best professional judgment and consider the safety of its personnel in fulfilling sampling obligations under the permit. • Federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs). If a state does not establish a system to receive such submittals, then permittees must submit DMRs electronically to the EPA. • Quarterly QualitativeNisual Monitoring to assure regular observation of outfalls throughout year. • Chemical management plan to handle CCA and other chemical storage onsite. Page 5 of 6 Section 4. Changes from previous permit to draft: • N/A Section 5. Changes from draft to final: • Benchmark exceedances for copper, chromium, and arsenic shall be reported to DWM o Condition added in monitoring table footnotes (Part D-2), reporting section (Part F), and Tier I response (Part D-5) • BOD benchmark corrected Section 6. Discussions with the Facility and Regional Office: • Initial contact with facility made: 4/1/2022 • Initial contact with Regional Office: 4/22/2022 • Draft sent to CO peer review: 8/22/2022 • Draft sent to Regional Office: 12/5/2022 • Final permit sent for supervisor signature: 1/20/2023 Section 7. Comments received on draft permit: • Jenne Walker (DWM; via phone 12/14/2022): DWM would like a condition added to the permit that DWM be notified of benchmark exceedances for arsenic, copper, and chromium. o DEMLR response: This will be added to the permit. Page 6 of 6 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Account # Order Number Identification Order PO Amount Cols Depth 38106 355138 Print Legal Ad-IPL01007600 - IPLO100760 $452.50 2 24 L Attention: Paul Clark NC DENR ENGERGY MINERAL & LAND RESOURCES 1612 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 276991612 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION INTENT TO ISSUE NPDES STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMITS The North Carolina Environmental Management Commission proposes to issue NPDES stormwater discharge permit(s) to the person(s) listed below. Public comment or objection to the draft permits is invited. Written comments regarding the proposed permit will be accepted until 30 days after the publish date of this notice and considered in the final determination regarding permit issuance and permit provisions. The Director of the NC Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) may hold a public hearing should there be a significant degree of public interest. Please mail comments and/or information requests to DEMLR at 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612. • Goldston Lumber, LLC [2963 NC Hwy 751, Apex, NC 27523] has request- ed renewal of permit NCS000610 for the Goldston Lumber Supply in Cha- tham County. This facility discharges to an unnamed tributary to Cedar Creek in the Cape Fear River Basin. Interested persons may visit DEMLR at 512 N. Salisbury street, Raleigh, NC 27604 to review information on file. Additional information on NPDES permits and this notice may be found on our website: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divi- s ions/e nergy-m i neral-and- land- resou rces/stormwater/stormwate r-program/ stormwater-public-notices, or by contacting Brianna Young at brianna.young @ ncdenr.gov or 919-707-3647. IPLO100760 Dec 6 2022 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF WAKE, COUNTY OF DURHAM Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of Dallas County, Texas, duly commissioned and authorized to administer oaths, affirmations, etc., personally appeared Tara Pennington, who being duly sworn or affirmed, according to law, cloth depose and say that he or she is Accounts Receivable Specialist of the News & Observer Publishing Company, a corporation organized and doing business under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, and publishing a newspaper known as The News & Observer, Wake and State aforesaid, the said newspaper in which such notice, paper, document, or legal advertisement was published was, at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all of the requirements and qualifications of Section 1- 597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, and that as such he or she makes this affidavit; and is familiar with the books, files and business of said corporation and by reference to the files of said publication the attached advertisement for NC DENR ENGERGY MINERAL & LAND RESOURCES was inserted in the aforesaid newspaper on dates as follows: 1 insertion(s) published on: 12/06/22 I certify or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Haic� Notary Public in and for the state of Texas, resi ing in Dallas County '" A' "'• STEPHANIE HATCHER x: •- My Nctari ID It 133534406 Eorss January 14, 2026 Extra charge for lost or duplicate affidavits. Legal document please do not destroy! Young, Brianna A From: Garcia, Lauren V Sent: Thursday, September 1, 2022 11:19 AM To: William Copeland; Goldstonlumberllc@gmail.com Cc: Young, Brianna A; Carson, Brittany; Drew Blake; Justin Hasenfus Subject: RE: [External] GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY AMENDED PERMIT APP ma I have heard back from Drew Blake and Justin Hasenfus with Chatham County. I have copied every one here for ease of access. I am going to provide this explanation in written format so you can reference this as you navigate the situation. I am using my understanding of the situation from Goldston Lumber and the information provided by Chatham County for this: In summary, Goldston Lumber would like to use what they are calling an existing/historic parking area at the front of their parcel (9202) to park trailers. These trailers are being relocated from Zebra Recovery, which is under a Notice of Violation from the Chatham County Local Program, for grading 3+ acres for commercial land use within a residential neighborhood. Chatham County Zoning is requiring Zebra Recovery to remove all trailers from the lot and relocate them. Chatham County has inspected the parking area at the Goldston Lumber facility and determined that in order for that space to be used to park the trailers, the area "will require extensive grading to remove spoil asphalt, concrete rubble and other debris that is currently on the property." The explanation Chatham County gave was that the referenced trailers are tractor trailers and campers that are used as base camps and temporary housing in storm situations. Storage of these trailers would require heavily compacted gravel. Chatham County has a delegated Erosion Control Program and Post -Construction Stormwater Program. Based on the Chatham County local ordinances associated with these two programs, 6" of packed 57 stone would require a stormwater permit (post -constructions stormwater permit) for impervious surfaces if more than 20,000 sq feet (Chatham County Stormwater Requirements). Erosion control would also be required at the same threshold (erosion control stormwater permit). It is my best guess that the compaction of the stone required under the trailers has to do with a code, ordinance, or zoning requirement. 1) Goldston Lumber is referring to the area as an existing or historic parking/storage area and wanted to know why they are not able to lay down a layer of stone and use the area as a parking lot. I believe the answer to this is there is either a Chatham County code, ordinance or zoning requirement that dictates the specific conditions of the parking lot the trailers are stored/parked on, that would trigger a requirement for the asphalt and other materials to be removed before stone is laid down and compacted. Heck, there could even be some kind of federal regulation if these are for FEMA. While the previous owner of the site may have used this area as trailer storage, it appears that spoil asphalt and concrete debris may have been the medium used to park on. 2) Goldston Lumber asked why the parking area could not be covered under the NCG21/NCS Industrial Stormwater Permit that is permitted by the State. We discussed this a bit over the phone, but the wood treatment that will occur onsite is an industrial activity that falls under one of the categories regulated by the EPA. So, an industrial stormwater permit is required for the site that authorizes the discharge of stormwater that may have come into contact with the onsite industrial activity. It is completely separate from sediment and erosion control and post - construction stormwater permitting There are two other kinds of stormwater permits. Once is a construction stormwater permit, which deals with sediment and erosion control. The other is a post -construction stormwater permit, which deals with stormwater management. Chatham County has a delegated sediment and erosion control program, and their threshold for land disturbance appears to be 25,000 square feet. This means if a land disturbing activity takes place where greater than 25,000 sqft is impacted, an erosion control permit is required. The Chatham County ordinance does require erosion control plan designers to be NC Licensed Professional Engineers, Landscape Architects, or NC registered Surveyors. This is why Goldston Lumber was told they would need an engineer. Here is the link to their erosion control webpage: https://www.chathamcountync.gov/government/departments-programs-i- z/watershed-protection/erosion-control. The Chatham County Stormwater Management Ordinance requires that post -construction stormwater plans be submitted for projects that will exceed 20,OOOsgft of land disturbance. Here is the link to their Post -construction webpage: https://www.chathamcountync.gov/government/departments-programs-i-z/watershed- protection/stormwater. So, to move forward with storing the trailers, it does appear that Goldston Lumber will need to contact an engineer to get the erosion control and post -construction permitting underway... Hopefully, I didn't miss anything. Let me know if you have any other questions, Lauren From: Garcia, Lauren V Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2022 5:47 PM To: Carson, Brittany <brittany.carson@ncdenr.gov>; William Copeland <goldstonlumberllc@gmail.com> Cc: Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY AMENDED PERMIT APP Hi All, I am just copying everyone for ease of access. Brittany and Brianna, William Copeland is the owner of the company and the email, but you are communicating with Shana and Lee Hankins. Lee Hankins left me a voicemail that Chatham County is requiring him to have some kind of engineering for runoff and/or stormwater permit and to see if they could roll that into our stormwater permit. So, the NCG21/NCS permits are industrial stormwater permits that are required because of the EPA regulated industrial activities taking place at Goldston Lumber. For this permit, if you just wanted to add a parking lot, you would just add it and then update your maps. Chatham County has a local erosion control program and they also have post -construction stormwater delegation in the area where Goldston Lumber is located. The erosion control program deals with land disturbances. If you were to clear/disturb greater than an acre of land, they would require you to have an erosion control permit. Since you are just refreshing an existing gravel parking lot, I don't think this is what they are talking to you about. I think what they want from you has to do with post -construction, which I have a limited understanding of. But basically, depending on the watershed you are in there are rules for how the stormwater has to be handled because of things in the Clean Water Act... Ex. Falls Lake has nutrient sensitivity requirements. We are not able to really help with this, because this is all done through Chatham County's authority. But I may be able to help explain what it is they are asking you for. I'll be in the field tomorrow morning, but I will be in the office tomorrow afternoon if you need call. Thanks, Lauren From: Carson, Brittany <brittany.carson@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2022 1:52 PM To: William Copeland <goldstonlumberllc@Rmail.com> Cc: Garcia, Lauren V <lauren.garcia@ncdenr.Rov> Subject: RE: [External] GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY AMENDED PERMIT APP Good afternoon William, Thanks for reaching out. I'm copying Lauren Garcia with the Raleigh Regional Office because she may be able to answer questions I can't. I don't believe adding gravel to your parking violates any part of NCG210000. Be sure to document it in your SWPPP. The Regional Office can provide more technical guidance here. As for the permitted area, the map originally sent in with the application showed a deeded area of about 20 acres. I'm including a copy of one of the "Historical Files" from this permit's early days. You can see on pages 13 and 14 the areas in question. If the parking lot you are referring to is on these original maps, then yes it is likely permitted, but if it is not on these maps, then the Regional Office may have to look into whether it was originally permitted or not. Brittany Carson General Industrial Stormwater Permit Coordinator Stormwater Program, Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources N.C. Department of Environmental Quality Phone: (919) 707-3648 From: William Copeland <goldstonlumberllc@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2022 1:36 PM To: Carson, Brittany <brittany.carson@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Re: [External] GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY AMENDED PERMIT APP CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Good afternoon Brittany, I guess the question I have on this general SW permit we have is, can we maintain an area that has been parking area by putting some gravel on already existing gravel parking ? The area up by the office when you enter the property has been parking for more than 10 years and we would like to put more #57 gravel to make it look better and more uniform to park trailers up there. Can we do that ? And if so, can you send me the information that says we can maintain an already existing parking area. We don't intend on changing, grading, digging, etc, just put #57 down. I appreciate your help clarifying this for us. We are learning as we go. Most Sincerely, Shana Hankins Office Manager Goldston Lumber Supply, LLC 919-260-4201 On Wed, Aug 24, 2022 at 11:50 AM Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> wrote: Hello Shana, At this time I do not need anything further from you. I have submitted the draft permit for internal peer review (this is our standard process when issuing permits). Once the peer review is completed, the draft permit will be submitted for public notice and you will receive a copy as well (to provide comments on if you wish). Unfortunately, I do not have a timeline of when this peer review will be completed as it depends on staff availability. In regards to your question on coverage under the general permit, I have copied Brittany Carson on this email as she is the General Permits Coordinator and can better answer your question. We appreciate your patience as we work through this new permit. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you, Brianna Young, MS (she/her/hers) Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator Stormwater Program NC DEQ/ Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov (e-mail preferred) 919-707-3647 (office) Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19, the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. From: William Copeland <goldstonlumberllc@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2022 11:38 AM To: Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Re: [External] GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY AMENDED PERMIT APP CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Good morning Brianna, I was just wondering about the status of our individual permit application and if there was anything you may need from us. Also, I had a question about the general permit we currently have. Does that general permit cover the entire property at 2304 S. Main Street? I saw on the original general permit it was approved for 2304 s. main st, and the lat and long for 2304 s. main st were also on the approved permit. I'm just a bit confused about what that covers. Thanks for all your help ! Most Sincerely, Shana Hankins Office Manager Goldston Lumber Supply, LLC On Fri, Aug 19, 2022 at 1:37 PM Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> wrote: Thank you for the clarification, I did not see the link within the email before. I will reach out with any questions after I've reviewed everything. Brianna Young, MS (she/her/hers) Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator Stormwater Program NC DEQ/ Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov (e-mail preferred) 919-707-3647 (office) Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19, the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. From: William Copeland <goldstonlumberllc@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, August 19, 2022 1:32 PM To: Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Re: [External] GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY AMENDED PERMIT APP CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. There were 3 attachments. One was only the first page because the scan of the entire 27 page application messed up the first page. The entire application was on the 3rd attachment sent in the email as a google doc file, on Aug 17. The other attachment was our drip pad certification. I have attached all of those again to this email. AMENDED 2F 08 17 2022.p Shana Hankins Goldston Lumber Supply, LLC On Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 1:23 PM Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> wrote: Hi Shana, Sorry for the quick follow-up. It looks like only 1 page of the amended application was attached. Could you please send the full application? Thank you, Brianna Young, MS (she/her/hers) Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator Stormwater Program NC DEQ/ Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov (e-mail preferred) 919-707-3647 (office) Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19, the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. From: Young, Brianna A Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2022 1:21 PM To: William Copeland <goldstonlumberllc@gmail.com> Subject: RE: [External] GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY AMENDED PERMIT APP Shana, Thank you for providing this information. I will reach out if I have any questions. Thank you, Brianna Young, MS (she/her/hers) Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator Stormwater Program NC DEQ/ Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov (e-mail preferred) 919-707-3647 (office) Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19, the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. From: William Copeland <goldstonlumberllc@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2022 11:41 AM To: Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY AMENDED PERMIT APP CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Good Morning Brianna, I have attached another amended (hopefully last one) permit application with map and drip pad certification. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns, or if I need to send anything else. Most Sincerely, Shana Hankins Goldston Lumber Supply LLC AWR, LLC AMENDED 2F 08 17 2022 10 Compliance Inspection Report Permit: NCS000610 Effective: Expiration: Owner: Goldston Lumber Supply LLC SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Goldston Lumber Supply County: Chatham 2304 S Main St Region: Raleigh Goldston NC 27252 Contact Person: Lee Hankins Title: Phone: 919-272-8574 Directions to Facility: System Classifications: Primary ORC: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 08/12/2022 Entry Time 12:45PM Primary Inspector: Lauren Garcia Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Routine Permit Inspection Type: Stormwater Discharge, Individual Facility Status: Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: Storm Water (See attachment summary) Certification: Phone: Exit Time: 02:OOPM Phone: 919-707-3648 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Page 1 of 3 Permit: NCS000610 Owner - Facility: Goldston Lumber Supply LLC Inspection Date: 08/12/2022 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: Inspection was requested by the site contact Lee Hankins. He wanted to discuss the outfall locations identified during the previous inspection on June 9, 2022. Lee Hankins has been contiuing to transition the site from a saw mill to a treatment plant. No industrial activity is occuring onsite at this time. More scrap metal and discarded wood has been removed from the site. Machinery and other materials have been removed from the saw mill building. A lot of grading has taken place along the roadways and behind the saw mill. The outfall that was identified behind the saw mill building is no longer present. The area has been graded and birmed. Outfall A near the treatment building has also been shifted to a new location after grading has taken place. Outfalls will need to be labled/identified under the requirements of the new individual permit. Page 2 of 3 Permit: NCS000610 Owner - Facility: Goldston Lumber Supply LLC Inspection Date: 08/12/2022 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Page 3 of 3 Young, Brianna A From: Garcia, Lauren V Sent: Friday, September 2, 2022 3:35 PM To: Young, Brianna A; Carson, Brittany Subject: RE: [External] GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY AMENDED PERMIT APP You're copied because he emailed you and Brittany asking about the parking lot at the front of the site. He was being told by Chatham County he needed stormwater permits (erosion control and post -construction) for something he wanted to do there. When Lee and Shana were emailing you guys, it was because he was getting those crossed with the industrial permit and I was setting everyone straight. You don't need to do anything, its just an FYI From: Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Friday, September 2, 2022 9:44 AM To: Garcia, Lauren V <lauren.garcia@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY AMENDED PERMIT APP Hey Lauren, I'm a little confused. Is this a new drainage area and outfall that would need to be added to the permit, or just an FYI? Thanks! Brianna Brianna Young, MS (she/her/hers) Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator Stormwater Program NC DEQ/ Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Brlanna.Young@ncdenr.gov (e-mail preferred) 919-707-3647 (office) Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19, the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. From: Garcia, Lauren V <lauren.garcia@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, September 1, 2022 11:19 AM To: William Copeland <goldstonlumberllc@gmail.com>; Goldstonlumberllc@gmail.com Cc: Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov>; Carson, Brittany <brittany.carson@ncdenr.gov>; Drew Blake <drew.blake@chathamcountync.gov>; Justin Hasenfus <Justin.hasenfus@chathamcountync.gov> Subject: RE: [External] GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY AMENDED PERMIT APP MR I have heard back from Drew Blake and Justin Hasenfus with Chatham County. I have copied every one here for ease of access. I am going to provide this explanation in written format so you can reference this as you navigate the situation. I am using my understanding of the situation from Goldston Lumber and the information provided by Chatham County for this: In summary, Goldston Lumber would like to use what they are calling an existing/historic parking area at the front of their parcel (9202) to park trailers. These trailers are being relocated from Zebra Recovery, which is under a Notice of Violation from the Chatham County Local Program, for grading 3+ acres for commercial land use within a residential neighborhood. Chatham County Zoning is requiring Zebra Recovery to remove all trailers from the lot and relocate them. Chatham County has inspected the parking area at the Goldston Lumber facility and determined that in order for that space to be used to park the trailers, the area "will require extensive grading to remove spoil asphalt, concrete rubble and other debris that is currently on the property." The explanation Chatham County gave was that the referenced trailers are tractor trailers and campers that are used as base camps and temporary housing in storm situations. Storage of these trailers would require heavily compacted gravel. Chatham County has a delegated Erosion Control Program and Post -Construction Stormwater Program. Based on the Chatham County local ordinances associated with these two programs, 6" of packed 57 stone would require a stormwater permit (post -constructions stormwater permit) for impervious surfaces if more than 20,000 sq feet (Chatham County Stormwater Requirements). Erosion control would also be required at the same threshold (erosion control stormwater permit). It is my best guess that the compaction of the stone required under the trailers has to do with a code, ordinance, or zoning requirement. 1) Goldston Lumber is referring to the area as an existing or historic parking/storage area and wanted to know why they are not able to lay down a layer of stone and use the area as a parking lot. I believe the answer to this is there is either a Chatham County code, ordinance or zoning requirement that dictates the specific conditions of the parking lot the trailers are stored/parked on, that would trigger a requirement for the asphalt and other materials to be removed before stone is laid down and compacted. Heck, there could even be some kind of federal regulation if these are for FEMA. While the previous owner of the site may have used this area as trailer storage, it appears that spoil asphalt and concrete debris may have been the medium used to park on. 2) Goldston Lumber asked why the parking area could not be covered under the NCG21/NCS Industrial Stormwater Permit that is permitted by the State. We discussed this a bit over the phone, but the wood treatment that will occur onsite is an industrial activity that falls under one of the categories regulated by the EPA. So, an industrial stormwater permit is required for the site that authorizes the discharge of stormwater that may have come into contact with the onsite industrial activity. It is completely separate from sediment and erosion control and post - construction stormwater permitting There are two other kinds of stormwater permits. Once is a construction stormwater permit, which deals with sediment and erosion control. The other is a post -construction stormwater permit, which deals with stormwater management. Chatham County has a delegated sediment and erosion control program, and their threshold for land disturbance appears to be 25,000 square feet. This means if a land disturbing activity takes place where greater than 25,000 sqft is impacted, an erosion control permit is required. The Chatham County ordinance does require erosion control plan designers to be NC Licensed Professional Engineers, Landscape Architects, or NC registered Surveyors. This is why Goldston Lumber was told they would need an engineer. Here is the link to their erosion control webpage: https://www.chathamcountync.gov/government/departments-programs-i- z/watershed-protection/erosion-control. The Chatham County Stormwater Management Ordinance requires that post -construction stormwater plans be submitted for projects that will exceed 20,OOOsgft of land disturbance. Here is the link to their Post -construction webpage: https://www.chathamcountync.gov/government/departments-programs-i-z/watershed- protection/stormwater. So, to move forward with storing the trailers, it does appear that Goldston Lumber will need to contact an engineer to get the erosion control and post -construction permitting underway... Hopefully, I didn't miss anything. Let me know if you have any other questions, Lauren From: Garcia, Lauren V Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2022 5:47 PM To: Carson, Brittany <brittany.carson@ncdenr.gov>; William Copeland <goldstonlumberllc@gmail.com> Cc: Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY AMENDED PERMIT APP Hi All, I am just copying everyone for ease of access. Brittany and Brianna, William Copeland is the owner of the company and the email, but you are communicating with Shana and Lee Hankins. Lee Hankins left me a voicemail that Chatham County is requiring him to have some kind of engineering for runoff and/or stormwater permit and to see if they could roll that into our stormwater permit. So, the NCG21/NCS permits are industrial stormwater permits that are required because of the EPA regulated industrial activities taking place at Goldston Lumber. For this permit, if you just wanted to add a parking lot, you would just add it and then update your maps. Chatham County has a local erosion control program and they also have post -construction stormwater delegation in the area where Goldston Lumber is located. The erosion control program deals with land disturbances. If you were to clear/disturb greater than an acre of land, they would require you to have an erosion control permit. Since you are just refreshing an existing gravel parking lot, I don't think this is what they are talking to you about. I think what they want from you has to do with post -construction, which I have a limited understanding of. But basically, depending on the watershed you are in there are rules for how the stormwater has to be handled because of things in the Clean Water Act... Ex. Falls Lake has nutrient sensitivity requirements. We are not able to really help with this, because this is all done through Chatham County's authority. But I may be able to help explain what it is they are asking you for. I'll be in the field tomorrow morning, but I will be in the office tomorrow afternoon if you need call. Thanks, Lauren From: Carson, Brittany <brittany.carson@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2022 1:52 PM To: William Copeland <goldstonlumberllc@gmail.com> Cc: Garcia, Lauren V <lauren.garcia@ncdenr.Rov> Subject: RE: [External] GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY AMENDED PERMIT APP Good afternoon William, Thanks for reaching out. I'm copying Lauren Garcia with the Raleigh Regional Office because she may be able to answer questions I can't. I don't believe adding gravel to your parking violates any part of NCG210000. Be sure to document it in your SWPPP. The Regional Office can provide more technical guidance here. As for the permitted area, the map originally sent in with the application showed a deeded area of about 20 acres. I'm including a copy of one of the "Historical Files" from this permit's early days. You can see on pages 13 and 14 the areas in question. If the parking lot you are referring to is on these original maps, then yes it is likely permitted, but if it is not on these maps, then the Regional Office may have to look into whether it was originally permitted or not. Brittany Carson General Industrial Stormwater Permit Coordinator Stormwater Program, Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources N.C. Department of Environmental Quality Phone: (919) 707-3648 From: William Copeland <goldstonlumberllc@email.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2022 1:36 PM To: Carson, Brittany <brittany.carson@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Re: [External] GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY AMENDED PERMIT APP CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Good afternoon Brittany, I guess the question I have on this general SW permit we have is, can we maintain an area that has been parking area by putting some gravel on already existing gravel parking ? The area up by the office when you enter the property has been parking for more than 10 years and we would like to put more #57 gravel to make it look better and more uniform to park trailers up there. Can we do that ? And if so, can you send me the information that says we can maintain an already existing parking area. We don't intend on changing, grading, digging, etc, just put #57 down. I appreciate your help clarifying this for us. We are learning as we go. Most Sincerely, Shana Hankins Office Manager Goldston Lumber Supply, LLC 919-260-4201 On Wed, Aug 24, 2022 at 11:50 AM Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> wrote: Hello Shana, At this time I do not need anything further from you. I have submitted the draft permit for internal peer review (this is our standard process when issuing permits). Once the peer review is completed, the draft permit will be submitted for public notice and you will receive a copy as well (to provide comments on if you wish). Unfortunately, I do not have a timeline of when this peer review will be completed as it depends on staff availability. In regards to your question on coverage under the general permit, I have copied Brittany Carson on this email as she is the General Permits Coordinator and can better answer your question. We appreciate your patience as we work through this new permit. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you, Brianna Young, MS (she/her/hers) Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator Stormwater Program NC DEQ/ Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov (e-mail preferred) 919-707-3647 (office) Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19, the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. From: William Copeland <goldstonlumberllc@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2022 11:38 AM To: Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Re: [External] GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY AMENDED PERMIT APP CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Good morning Brianna, I was just wondering about the status of our individual permit application and if there was anything you may need from us. Also, I had a question about the general permit we currently have. Does that general permit cover the entire property at 2304 S. Main Street? I saw on the original general permit it was approved for 2304 s. main st, and the lat and long for 2304 s. main st were also on the approved permit. I'm just a bit confused about what that covers. Thanks for all your help ! Most Sincerely, Shana Hankins Office Manager Goldston Lumber Supply, LLC On Fri, Aug 19, 2022 at 1:37 PM Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> wrote: Thank you for the clarification, I did not see the link within the email before. I will reach out with any questions after I've reviewed everything. Brianna Young, MS (she/her/hers) Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator Stormwater Program NC DEQ/ Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov (e-mail preferred) 919-707-3647 (office) Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19, the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. From: William Copeland <goldstonlumberllc@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, August 19, 2022 1:32 PM To: Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Re: [External] GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY AMENDED PERMIT APP CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. There were 3 attachments. One was only the first page because the scan of the entire 27 page application messed up the first page. The entire application was on the 3rd attachment sent in the email as a google doc file, on Aug 17. The other attachment was our drip pad certification. I have attached all of those again to this email. AMENDED 2F 08 17 2022.p Shana Hankins Goldston Lumber Supply, LLC On Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 1:23 PM Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> wrote: Hi Shana, Sorry for the quick follow-up. It looks like only 1 page of the amended application was attached. Could you please send the full application? Thank you, Brianna Young, MS (she/her/hers) Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator Stormwater Program NC DEQ/ Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov (e-mail preferred) 919-707-3647 (office) Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19, the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. From: Young, Brianna A Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2022 1:21 PM To: William Copeland <goldstonlumberllc@gmail.com> Subject: RE: [External] GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY AMENDED PERMIT APP Shana, Thank you for providing this information. I will reach out if I have any questions. Thank you, Brianna Young, MS (she/her/hers) Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator Stormwater Program NC DEQ/ Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov (e-mail preferred) 919-707-3647 (office) Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19, the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. From: William Copeland <goldstonlumberllc@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2022 11:41 AM To: Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY AMENDED PERMIT APP CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Good Morning Brianna, I have attached another amended (hopefully last one) permit application with map and drip pad certification. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns, or if I need to send anything else. Most Sincerely, Shana Hankins Goldston Lumber Supply LLC 10 AWR, LLC 11 Young, Brianna A From: Young, Brianna A Sent: Thursday, June 9, 2022 2:27 PM To: William Copeland Subject: RE: [External] Re: Goldston Lumber LLC stormwater permit application NCS000610 Good afternoon Shana, I will need more information on the new outfall other than just the coordinates. Please submit an amended application that includes the new outfall along with associated required information. Additionally, I've had a chance to review the information submitted on June 6, 2022. Not all requested information was received. Document titled "form 2f epa 06 6 2022" and "Goldston Lumber 19Nov2022 CAV" are the same document - is one of these supposed to be the amended EPA Form 2F? If so, please resend that document with the information for the new outfall added on. If there was not an amended Form 2F prepared previously, can you please provide the following information on the amended application and have all 4 outfall locations represented? • EPA Form 1: Section 8.1 — Nature of business description is missing. Please provide. • EPA Form 2F: Section 4.1 — Please provide impervious surface area information. • EPA Form 2F: Section 4.2 — Provide more description about significant material. • EPA Form 2F: Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 — Please provide this information. • Description of discharge from each outfall/drainage area • An electronic spreadsheet summarizing all of the monitoring data that has been collected. Thank you, Brianna Young, MS (she/her/hers) Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator Stormwater Program NC DEQ/ Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov (e-mail preferred) 919-707-3647 (office) Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19, the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. From: William Copeland <goldstonlumberllc@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, June 9, 2022 11:02 AM To: Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Re: [External] Re: Goldston Lumber LLC stormwater permit application NCS000610 CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Good Morning Brianna, Lauren Garcia added another outfall site to Goldston Lumber Supply when she came out this morning. The coordinates are Outfall D: lat 35 deg 35' 15" long 79 deg 19' 32" Could you add this outfall to our permit application ? Most Sincerely, Shana Hankins Office Manager Goldston Lumber Supply, LLC On Mon, Jun 6, 2022 at 11:36 AM Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> wrote: Good morning Shana, You do not need to submit online; this email will suffice. I will reach out to you if I have any additional questions after I've had a chance to review the information. Thank you, Brianna Young, MS (she/her/hers) Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator Stormwater Program NC DEQ/ Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov (e-mail preferred) 919-707-3647 (office) Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 FEI Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19, the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. From: William Copeland <goldstonlumberllc@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, June 6, 2022 11:25 AM To: Young, Brianna A <Brianna.YounR@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Re: Goldston Lumber LLC stormwater permit application NCS000610 CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Good Morning Brianna, This is Shana Hankins. I have attached a revised copy of our permit with the corrections you asked Lee to address. Do I need to submit this permit app online also ? If so, can you send me a link ? I have also attached the name/ownership change approval. Please let me know if there is anything else I need to send you. Sincerely, Shana Hankins Office Manager Goldston Lumber Supply, LLC AWR, LLC 919-444-5040 On Wed, May 11, 2022 at 2:21 PM Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> wrote: Good afternoon, After reviewing the permit application submitted for Goldston Lumber, LLC (NCS00610), additional information is needed to complete the review. Please provide the following: • EPA Form 1: Section 8.1 — Nature of business description is missing. Please provide. • EPA Form 2F: Section 4.1 — Please provide impervious surface area information. • EPA Form 2F: Section 4.2 — Provide more description about significant material. • EPA Form 2F: Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 — Please provide this information. • Description of discharge from each outfall/drainage area • SWPPP Certification Form • Supplemental Information Form (and all associated attachments) • An electronic spreadsheet summarizing all of the monitoring data that has been collected since the effective date of the current permit; Enter your stormwater permit number into the Stormwater Permit Summary Report and you will see a form that includes the address of the facility, contact information for the permit, and the regulated stormwater outfall(s) for the facility. Please review the facility information to make sure it is correct. Information can be updated using the links provided below, where applicable: Facility/Company name or ownership: Name/Ownership Change Form • Owner Affiliation (Legally responsible person; i.e., someone with the company who is designated to represent the company per signatory requirements or another authorized representative): Permit Contact Update Request Form • Delegation of Signature Authority (DOSA): Permit Contact Update Request Form • Billing contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form • Permit contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form • Facility contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form • Facility address only: Email Bethany Georgoulias • Stormwater outfall information: Email Bethany oulias 0 Visit the eDMR Six Steps website and complete Steps 1 and 2. Pay outstanding permit fees: Stormwater ePg3 ment website Once I have the above listed information, I can continue my review. You will receive a draft permit for a 30- day comment period. During this time we will be able to address any comments or concerns you have. During the same 30-day period, the draft will be sent to a Regional Office staff member for review as well as out to public notice. Once all comments and concerns are addressed, you may be issued a final permit. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you, Brianna Young, MS (she/her/hers) Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator Stormwater Program NC DEQ/ Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov (e-mail preferred) 919-707-3647 (office) Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19, the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. Young, Brianna A From: Morman, Alaina Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2022 2:57 PM To: Young, Brianna A Subject: FW: Permitting for Goldston Lumber Yard From: Morman, Alaina Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2022 2:33 PM To: Goldstonlumberllc@gmail.com Cc: Carson, Brittany <brittany.carson@ncdenr.gov>; Young, Brianna A <Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov>; goldston.lumber@gmail.com; Garcia, Lauren V <lauren.garcia@ncdenr.gov>; Valentine, Thad <thad.valentine@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Permitting for Goldston Lumber Yard Hi Lee, Since the operations at this facility are changing to include more wood treatment and preservation activities, coverage under the general permit is no longer applicable. This means that the current Certificate of Coverage (COC) (NCG210446) cannot be transferred to the new owner. The facility still needs stormwater permit coverage, however, but since the general permit no longer applies, the new owner must apply for an individual stormwater permit. Individual permit information can be found at: https:Hdeq.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-and-land- resources/stormwater/stormwater-pro rg am/npdes-industrial-program/individual-industrial-permits. The previous owner, Mr. Shields, will also need to submit a Rescission Request to terminate NCG210446. Only the permit owner(s) can submit a Rescission Request, which is why the responsibility falls to Mr. Shields. Rescission information can be found at: https:Hdeq.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-and-land- resources/stormwater/stormwater-pro rLnpdes-industrial-program. Scroll to the bottom of the page. The individual permit application and Rescission Request will be processed together to avoid any lapse in coverage for the facility. If you or Mr. Shields have questions about the Rescission Request, please contact Brittany Carson (copied), our General Permits Coordinator. Questions about individual permits can be directed to Brianna Young (copied), our Individual Permits Coordinator. Thank you, Alaina Alaina Morman (she/her) Environmental Specialist Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Phone: (919) 707-9236 Email: alaina.morman(abncdenr.gov Physical Address: 512 North Salisbury Street Mailing Address: 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Opr <�- EQwwrly ME" Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Young, Brianna A From: Morman, Alaina Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2022 2:57 PM To: Young, Brianna A Subject: FW: Useful information for NPDES Industrial Permits From: Morman, Alaina Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2022 11:56 AM To: Goldstonlumberllc@gmail.com Cc: Carson, Brittany <brittany.carson@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Useful information for NPDES Industrial Permits Hi Lee, Thank you again for your call earlier. As discussed, I'm including some links that I believe will be helpful: 1. This is the link to the landing page for our industrial permits: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral- and-land-resources/stormwater/stormwater-pro rg am/npdes-industrial-program. Every action you can take regarding industrial permits is on this page, from paying annual fees to rescinding permit coverage. If you scroll down to the "How to Update Permit Data" section, the first bullet point includes the hyperlink to the Ownership Change Form. a. In part VI of the Ownership Change Form, the new permittee is required to upload supporting documentation that demonstrates the transfer of ownership. This can be basically any formal documentation of the sale to the new owner. 2. This link takes you directly to the permit and associated monitoring forms for the NCG21 general permit: https://deq.nc.,gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-and-land-resources/stormwater/storrnwater-pro rg gm/npdes- industrial-pro rg am/general-industrial-permits#nce210000-timber-products-effective-8-1-2018-expires-7-31-2023. 3. This link takes you to our Maps & Permit Data landing page: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral- and-land-resources/stormwater/stormwater-program/maps-permit-data. The Active Stormwater Permits Map is a useful tool to locate permit data, especially if the previous owner can't remember their Certificate of Coverage (COC) number. Please contact Brittany Carson (copied) or me if you have any further questions. Thanks, Alaina Alaina Morman (she/her) Environmental Specialist Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Phone: (919) 707-9236 Email: alaina.morman(cDncdenr.aov Physical Address: 512 North Salisbury Street Mailing Address: 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Opr <�- EQwwrly ME" Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. AMENDED APPLICATION / ORIGINAL APPLICATION SUBMITTED APRIL 2022 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 COC210446 NCS000610 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY LLC OMB No.2040-0004 Form U.S Environmental Protection Agency 2F Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater NPDES STORMWATER DISCHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY SECTIONOUTFALL LOCATION 1.1 Provide information on each of the facilit 's outfalls in the table below Outfall Number Receiving Water Name Latitude Longitude A CEDAR CRK TO DEEP RIVER 35 35� 17, 79° 19, 38" c 0 B CEDAR CRK TO DEEP RIVER 3T 35' 10, 79° 19, 36„ c� 0 J C CEDAR CRK TO DEEP RIVER 35° 35 14" 79° 19, 40" iv p D CEDAR CRK TO DEEP RIVER 3T 35' 14 79 19 4Y SECTION'• 1 2.1 Are you presently required by any federal, state, or local authority to meet an implementation schedule for constructing, upgrading, or operating wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs that could affect the discharges described in this application? ❑ Yes ❑ No -* SKIP to Section 3. 2.2 Briefly identify each applicable project in the table below. Final Compliance Dates Brief Identification and Affected Outfalls Source(s) of Discharge Required Projected Description of Project (list outfall numbers) H C N E N O Q E 2.3 Have you attached sheets describing any additional water pollution control programs (or other environmental projects that may affect your discharges) that you now have underway or planned? (Optional Item) ❑ Yes ❑ No EPA Form 3510-21' (Revised 3-19) Page 1 AMENDED APPLICATION / ORIGINAL APPLICATION SUBMITTED APRIL 2022 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03105119 COC210446 NCS000610 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY LLC OMB No.2040-0004 Form U.S Environmental Protection Agency 2F��,/, Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater , NPDES JAwk STORMWATER DISCHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY SECTIONOUTFALL LOCATION1 1.1 Provide information on each of the facility's outfalls in the table below Outfall Receiving Water Name Latitude Longitude Number A CEDAR CRK TO DEEP RIVER 3! ° 35 if 79° 19, 38" i C 4�--. B CEDAR CRK TO DEEP 5 RIVER 3' 3�° 10 O J C CEDAR CRK TO DEEP RIVER 3� 35' 14" 79° 19' 40" m p D CEDAR CRK TO DEEP RIVER 39' 35' 1'r 79° 19' 43, SECTION •• 1 2.1 Are you presently required by any federal, state, or local authority to meet an implementation schedule for constructing, upgrading, or operating wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs that could affect the discharges described in this application? ❑ Yes ✓❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 3. 2.2 Briefly identify each applicable project in the table below. Brief Identification and Affected Outfalls Final Compliance Dates Description of Project (list outfall numbers) Source(s) of Discharge Required Projected AMENDED APPLICATION / ORIGINAL APPLICATION SUBMITTED APRIL 2022 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03105119 COC210446 NCS000610 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY LLC OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION-. .• ,0 3.1 Have you attached a site drainage map containing all required information to this application? (See instructions for a0 specific guidance.) rn•�� ® Yes ❑ No SECTIONPOLLUTANT SOURCES 4.1 Provide information on the facility's pollutant sources in the table below. Outfall Impervious Surface Area Total Surface Area Drained Number (within a mite radius of the facility) (vdithin a mile radius of the facility) specify units specify units A 1/2 ACRE 20% 3/4 ACRE specify units specify units B 1.5 ACRE 85% 2.5 ACRE specify units specify units C 2.5 ACRE 55% 5 ACRE specify units specify units D 3/4 ACRE 75% 1.5 ACRE specify units specify units specify units specify units 4.2 Provide a narrative description of the facility's significant material in the space below. (See instructions for content requirements.) CHEMICALS TO BE DELIVERED, UNLOADED ON COVERED CONCRETE PAD, AND STORED IN LOCKED TREATMENT PLANT y BUILDING WITH SELF CONTAINED MAKE UP WATER/SPILL SYSTEM. FINISHED TREATED PRODUCT WILL BE STORED ON A SELF CONTAINED DRIP PAD THAT HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND CERTIFIED. NO CHEMICALS INVOLVED AT DRY KILN, ONLY RAW LUMBERITIMBERS. UNTREATED LOG STORAGE WILL BE SOUTH OF THE SAWMILL. SAWMILL DUST/CHIPS c FROM UNTREATED WOOD IS STORED ACROSS FROM THE SAWMILL AND WILL BE REMOVED ON A REGULAR BASIS. NO 3 TREATED PRODUCTS WILL BE IN OR NEAR THE SHOP THAT HOUSES TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND GENERAL SHOP FLUIDS. 0 o- 4.3 Provide the location and a description of existing structural and non-structural control measures to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff. See instructions forspecificguidance.) Stormwater Treatment Codes Outfall from Number Control Measures and Treatment Exhibit 2F-1 list A SILT FENCE AND PLANTING GRASS B SILT FENCE AND PLANTING GRASS C SILT FENCE AND PLANTING GRASS D SILT FENCE AND PLANTING GRASS EPA Form 3510-21F (Revised 3-19) Page 2 AMENDED APPLICATION / ORIGINAL APPLICATION SUBMITTED APRIL 2022 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 COC210446 NCS000610 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY LLC OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION{N STORMWATER DISCHARGES 1 5.1 1 certify under penalty of law that the outfall(s) covered by this application have been tested or evaluated for the presence of non-stormwater discharges. Moreover, 1 certify that the outfalls identified as having non-stormwater discharges are described in either an accompanying NPDES Form 2C, 2D, or 2E application. Name (print or type first and last name) Official title Signature Date signed E, 5.2 Provide the testing information requested in the table below. Outfall Onsite Drainage Points c Number Description of Testing Method Used Date(s) of Testing Directly Observed During Test v R N/A 0 w N/A 0 z N/A N/A N/A N/A SECTION• SIGNIFICANT LEAKS OR 1 6.1 Describe any significant leaks or spills of toxic or hazardous pollutants in the last three years. 'e. `o NONE N J C R4 V _0 SECTIONA' {' • 1 See the instructions to determine the pollutants and parameters you are required to monitor and, in turn, the tables you must o com fete. Not all applicants need to complete each table. 7.1 Is this a new source or new discharge? ,0 0 Yes 4 See instructions regarding submission of ❑ No + See instructions regarding submission of estimated data. actual data. Tables A, B, C, and D y 7.2 Have you completed Table A for each outfall? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 3 AMENDED APPLICATION / ORIGINAL APPLICATION SUBMITTED APRIL 2022 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 COC210446 NCS000610 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY LLC OMB No.2040-0004 7.3 Is the facility subject to an effluent limitation guideline (ELG) or effluent limitations in an NPDES permit for its process wastewater? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.5. 7.4 Have you completed Table B by providing quantitative data for those pollutants that are (1) limited either directly or indirectly in an ELG and/or (2) subject to effluent limitations in an NPDES permit for the facility's process wastewater? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7.5 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants in Exhibit 2F-2 are present in the discharge? ❑ Yes ✓❑ No + SKIP to Item 7.7. 7.6 Have you listed all pollutants in Exhibit 2F-2 that you know or have reason to believe are present in the discharge and provided quantitative data or an explanation for those pollutants in Table C? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7.7 Do you qualify for a small business exemption under the criteria specified in the Instructions? ❑ Yes +SKIP to Item 7.18. ❑✓ No 7.8 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 are present in the discharge? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No + SKIP to Item 7.10. 7.9 Have you listed all pollutants in Exhibit 217-3 that you know or have reason to believe are present in the discharge in = Table C? o ❑ Yes ❑ No C 7.10 Do you expect any of the pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 to be discharged in concentrations of 10 ppb or greater? w ❑ Yes 0 No + SKIP to Item 7.12. 0 7.11 Have you provided quantitative data in Table C for those pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 that you expect to be discharged in a, concentrations of 10 ppb or greater? N ❑ Yes ❑ No 7.12 Do you expect acrolein, acrylonitrile, 2,4-dinitrophenol, or 2-methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol to be discharged in concentrations of 100 ppb or greater? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No + SKIP to Item 7.14. 7.13 Have you provided quantitative data in Table C for the pollutants identified in Item 7.12 that you expect to be discharged in concentrations of 100 ppb or greater? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 7.14 Have you provided quantitative data or an explanation in Table C for pollutants you expect to be present in the discharge at concentrations less than 10 ppb (or less than 100 ppb for the pollutants identified in Item 7.12)? ❑ Yes 0 No 7.15 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants in Exhibit 2F-4 are present in the discharge? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No + SKIP to Item 7.17. 7.16 Have you listed pollutants in Exhibit 217-4 that you know or believe to be present in the discharge and provided an explanation in Table C? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7.17 Have you provided information for the storm event(s) sampled in Table D? ❑ Yes 0 No EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 4 AMENDED APPLICATION / ORIGINAL APPLICATION SUBMITTED APRIL 2022 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03105/19 COC210446 NCS000610 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY LLC OMB No.2040-0004 Used or Manufactured Toxics 7.18 Is any pollutant listed on Exhibits 2F-2 through 2F-4 a substance or a component of a substance used or cmanufactured as an intermediate or final product or byproduct? ✓❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 8. c 0 7.19 List the pollutants below, including TCDD if applicable. 1. CCA 4. 7. d cc 2. CA 5. 8. 0 3. 6. 9. SECTIONBIOLOGICAL T• DATA i 8.1 Do you have any knowledge or reason to believe that any biological test for acute or chronic toxicity has been made on any of your discharges or on a receiving water in relation to your discharge within the last three years? 0 c ❑ Yes 0 No 4 SKIP to Section 9. •y 8.2 Identify the tests and their purposes below. 2' x Test(s) Purpose of Test(s) SubmittedES Auted to NPDPD ? Date Submitted 0 ~ N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No R 4M El Yes El No 0 m ❑ Yes ❑ No SECTION• •- • i 9.1 Were any of the analyses reported in Section 7 (on Tables A through C) performed by a contract laboratory or consulting firm? ❑ Yes ❑� No 4 SKIP to Section 10. 9.2 Provide information for each contract laboratory or consulting firm below. Laboratory Number 1 Laboratory Number 2 Laboratory Number 3 Name of laboratory/firm N/A N/A N/A 0 R E L .r.O w Laboratory address U1 9. RS C a i o Phone number c.� Pollutant(s) analyzed EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 5 AMENDED APPLICATION / ORIGINAL APPLICATION SUBMITTED APRIL 2022 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05119 COC210446 NCS000610 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY LLC OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION1 CHECKLIST AND CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (40 10.1 In Column 1 below, mark the sections of Form 2F that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section, specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note that not all applicants are required to complete all sections or provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 Section 1 ❑ w/ attachments (e.g., responses for additional outfalls) Section 2 ❑ w/ attachments 0 Section 3 ❑ w/ site drainage map 0 Section 4 ❑ w/ attachments ❑ Section 5 ❑ w/ attachments N/A ❑ Section 6 ❑ w/ attachments N/A ❑Section 7 ❑✓ Table A ❑ w/ small business exemption request o ElTable B ❑ w/ analytical results as an attachment ❑ Table C ❑ Table D ElSection 8 ❑ w/attachments N/A y ❑ Section 9 ❑ w/attachments (e.g., responses for additional contact laboratories or firms) N/A L ❑ Section 10 ❑ 10.2 Certification Statement I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name (print or type first and last name) Official title A. LEE HANKINS ON SITE MANAGER ture Date signed A/. 08/17/2022 * SECTION 7 - NO CURRENT OPERATION = NO SAMPLES EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 6 rb co o t v 2.855 w4 ar s.a� an Office 7 _ in gas Cutoff -IIIK 84 Shop t t Treatiri P�4 sawmi!! . t 3.3a9 Yard 0 i,a.`: Orr Ca, ) ~-1 Finished goods .:. r 'Y invento Cis- Slat Log cuff l ' 1 storage (D— Electx ' cal EXTERIOR SCALE I" _200, FtRe- gt dram' ` ' tf ~' 'mot �,= CONTOUR INTERVAL IC 1 . Fence ............ .... Well ........................... irection Ground Slopes ..... Gate ............... _/L Drain Lines or Culverts Stream or Creek .......... . Railroad ........... w i i ii- (with direction of flow) Impoundment Location .. , Drain Inlet ........ ....... Surface . ... ........... ift Pump ..................... Q Manhole ........... ......... Q underground .............. _ _ oposed Hike or Berm ..... �v --o 1�"n gab#e �`� `t f s Goldston Lumber land use area EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall COC210446 I NCS000610 I GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY LLC Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE A. CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL1 You must provide the results of at least one anal sis for every pollutant in this table. Complete one table for each outfall. See instructions for additional details and re uirements. Pollutant or Parameter Maximum Daily Discharge (specify units) Average Daily Discharge (specify units) Number of Storm Events Sampled Source of Information (new souroelnew dischargers only; use codes in instructions ) Grab Sample Taken During First 30 Minutes ed Flow -Weighted Composite Composite Grab Sample Taken During First 30 Minutes Flow -Weighted Composite 1. Oil and grease 2. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) 3. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) 4. Total suspended solids (TSS) 5. Total phosphorus 6. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) 7. Total nitrogen (as N) 8. pH (minimum) pH (maximum) 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). NO CURRENT OPERATION = NO SAMPLES EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 7 This page intentionally left blank. EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number COC210446 I NCS000610 I GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY LLC Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. CERTAIN CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL' • 1 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(i)(E)(4)1 List each pollutant that is limited in an effluent limitation guideline (ELG) that the facility is subject to or any pollutant listed in the facility's NPDES permit for its process wastewater (if the facility is operating under an existing NPDES permit). Complete one table for each outfall. See the instructions for additional details and requirements. Pollutant and CAS Number (if available) Maximum Daily Discharge (specify units) Average Daily Discharge (specify units) Number of Storm Events Sampled Source of Information (new source/new dischargers only; use codes in instructions) Grab Sample Taken During First 30 Minutes Flow -Weighted Composite Grab Sample Taken During First 30 Minutes Flow -Weighted Composite 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 9 NO CURRENT OPERATION = NO SAMPLES This page intentionally left blank. EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number COC210446 I NCS000610 I GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY LLC Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLEPOLLUTANTS,• A'1• 1 1 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(i)(E)(4)and 40 List each pollutant shown in Exhibits 2F-2, 2F-3, and 2F-4 that you know or have reason to believe is present. Complete one table for each outfall. See the instructions for additional details and requirements. Pollutant and CAS Number (if available) Maximum Daily Discharge s eci units Average Daily Discharge s eci units Number of Storm Events Sampled Source of Information (new source/new dischargers only; use codes in instructions) Grab Sample Taken During First 30 Minutes Flow -Weighted Composite Grab Sample Taken During First 30 Minutes Flow -Weighted Composite 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-21' (Revised 3-19) NO CURRENT OPERATION = NO SAMPLES Page 11 This page intentionally left blank. AMENDED APPLICATION / ORIGINAL APPLICATION SUBMITTED APRIL 2022 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03105/19 COC210446 NCS000610 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY LLC OMB No. 2040-0004 Form U.S Environmental Protection Agency 2F ,��•,. 13A J6% Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater NPDES STORMWATER DISCHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY SECTIONOUTFALL LOCATION1 1.1 Provide information on each of the facili 's outfalls in the table below Outfall Number Receiving Water Name Latitude Longitude A CEDAR CRK TO DEEP RIVER 35 35� 17" 79' 19, 38" c 0 a B CEDAR CRK TO DEEP RIVER 35' 35� 10' 79' 19, 36" ca 0 J C CEDAR CRK TO DEEP RIVER 35' 35' 14" 79° 19, 40" is p D CEDAR CRK TO DEEP RIVER 39' 35' 14' 79' 19, 43' SECTION'• 1 2.1 Are you presently required by any federal, state, or local authority to meet an implementation schedule for constructing, upgrading, or operating wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs that could affect the discharges described in this application? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 3. 2•2 Briefly identify each applicable project in the table below. Brief Identification and Affected Outfalis Source(s) of Discharge Final Compliance Dates Required Projected Description of Project (list outfali numbers) y d E N O Q E 2.3 Have you attached sheets describing any additional water pollution control programs (or other environmental projects that may affect your discharges) that you now have underway or planned? (Optional Item) ❑ Yes ❑ No EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 1 AMENDED APPLICATION / ORIGINAL APPLICATION SUBMITTED APRIL 2022 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 COC210446 NCS000610 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY LLC OMB No.2040-0004 SECTION-. .• .0 4 3.1 Have you attached a site drainage map containing all required information to this application? (See instructions for 0 M C specific guidance.) •L o ® Yes ❑ No SECTIONPOLLUTANT SOURCES 4.1 Provide information on the facility's pollutant sources in the table below. Outfall Impervious Surface Area Total Surface Area Drained Number (within a mile radius of the facility) (within a mile radius of the facility) specify units specify units A 1/2 ACRE 20% 3/4 ACRE specify units specify units B 1.5 ACRE 85% 2.5 ACRE specify units specify units C 2.5 ACRE 55% 5 ACRE specify units specify units D 3/4 ACRE 75% 1.5 ACRE specify units specify units specify units specify units 4.2 Provide a narrative description of the facility's significant material in the space below. (See instructions for content requirements.) CHEMICALS TO BE DELIVERED, UNLOADED ON COVERED CONCRETE PAD, AND STORED IN LOCKED TREATMENT PLANT BUILDING WITH SELF CONTAINED MAKE UP WATER/SPILL SYSTEM. FINISHED TREATED PRODUCT WILL BE STORED ON A SELF CONTAINED DRIP PAD THAT HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND CERTIFIED. NO CHEMICALS INVOLVED AT DRY KILN, N ONLY RAW LUMBER/TIMBERS. UNTREATED LOG STORAGE WILL BE SOUTH OF THE SAWMILL. SAWMILL DUST/CHIPS c FROM UNTREATED WOOD IS STORED ACROSS FROM THE SAWMILL AND WILL BE REMOVED ON A REGULAR BASIS. NO 3 TREATED PRODUCTS WILL BE IN OR NEAR THE SHOP THAT HOUSES TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND GENERAL SHOP FLUIDS. 0 a 4.3 Provide the location and a description of existing structural and non-structural control measures to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff. See instructions fors specificguidance.) Stormwater Treatment Codes Outfall from Number Control Measures and Treatment Exhibit 2F-1 list A SILT FENCE AND PLANTING GRASS B SILT FENCE AND PLANTING GRASS C SILT FENCE AND PLANTING GRASS D SILT FENCE AND PLANTING GRASS EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 2 AMENDED APPLICATION / ORIGINAL APPLICATION SUBMITTED APRIL 2022 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name m Approved 03105/19 For COC210446 NCS000610 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY LLC OMB No.2040-0004 SECTION•N STORMWATER DISCHARGES41 5.1 1 certify under penalty of law that the outfall(s) covered by this application have been tested or evaluated for the presence of non-stormwater discharges. Moreover, I certify that the outfalis identified as having non-stormwater discharges are described in either an accompanying NPDES Form 2C, 2D, or 2E application. Name (print or type first and last name) Official title Signature Date signed N M 5.2 Provide the testing information requested in the table below. u Outfall Onsite Drainage Points c Number Description of Testing Method Used Date(s) of Testing Directly Observed L During Test a> w R 3E N/A 0 •J N/A 0 z N/A N/A N/A N/A SECTION. SIGNIFICANT LEAKS OR 1 6.1 Describe any significant leaks or spills of toxic or hazardous pollutants in the last three years. Q 0 NONE d J c ev c� rn SECTIONDISCHARGE •' • 1 See the instructions to determine the pollutants and parameters you are required to monitor and, in turn, the tables you must o com lete. Not all applicants need to complete each table. 16 7.1 Is this a new source or new discharge? ,o Yes 4 See instructions regarding submission of ❑ No -* See instructions regarding submission of El = estimated data. actual data. 0 Tables A, B, C, and D y 7.2 Have you completed Table A for each outfall? o ❑ Yes ❑✓ No EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 3 AMENDED APPLICATION / ORIGINAL APPLICATION SUBMITTED APRIL 2022 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Forth Approved 03/05/19 COC210446 NC5000610 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY LLC OMB No.2040-0004 7.3 Is the facility subject to an effluent limitation guideline (ELG) or effluent limitations in an NPDES permit for its process wastewater? ❑ Yes 0 No + SKIP to Item 7.5. 7.4 Have you completed Table B by providing quantitative data for those pollutants that are (1) limited either directly or indirectly in an ELG and/or (2) subject to effluent limitations in an NPDES permit for the facility's process wastewater? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7.5 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants in Exhibit 2F-2 are present in the discharge? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No + SKIP to Item 7.7. 7.6 Have you listed all pollutants in Exhibit 2F-2 that you know or have reason to believe are present in the discharge and provided quantitative data or an explanation for those pollutants in Table C? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7.7 Do you qualify for a small business exemption under the criteria specified in the Instructions? ❑ Yes +SKIP to Item 7.18. 0 No 7.8 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 are present in the discharge? ❑ Yes ❑ No + SKIP to Item 7.10. 7.9 Have you listed all pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 that you know or have reason to believe are present in the discharge in c Table C? 0 ❑ Yes ❑ No 0 7.10 Do you expect any of the pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 to be discharged in concentrations of 10 ppb or greater? w € ❑ Yes ❑✓ No + SKIP to Item 7.12. 0 7.11 Have you provided quantitative data in Table C for those pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 that you expect to be discharged in E, concentrations of 10 ppb or greater? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No _w 7.12 Do you expect acrolein, acrylonitrile, 2,4-dinitrophenol, or 2-methyl4,6-dinitrophenol to be discharged in concentrations of 100 ppb or greater? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No + SKIP to Item 7.14. 7.13 Have you provided quantitative data in Table C for the pollutants identified in Item 7.12 that you expect to be discharged in concentrations of 100 ppb or greater? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 7.14 Have you provided quantitative data or an explanation in Table C for pollutants you expect to be present in the discharge at concentrations less than 10 ppb (or less than 100 ppb for the pollutants identified in Item 7.12)? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 7.15 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants in Exhibit 2F4 are present in the discharge? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No + SKIP to Item 7.17. 7.16 Have you listed pollutants in Exhibit 217-4 that you know or believe to be present in the discharge and provided an explanation in Table C? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7.17 Have you provided information for the storm event(s) sampled in Table D? ❑ Yes ✓❑ No EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 4 AMENDED APPLICATION / ORIGINAL APPLICATION SUBMITTED APRIL 2022 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 COC210446 NCS000610 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY LLC OMB No.2040-0004 Used or Manufactured Toxics 7.18 Is any pollutant listed on Exhibits 21F-2 through 2F-4 a substance or a component of a substance used or cmanufactured as an intermediate or final product or byproduct? lu - 0 Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 8. 0 E 7.19 List the pollutants below, including TCDD if applicable. 1. CCA 4. 7. d 2. CA 5. 8. 0 3. 6. 9. SECTIO N 8. BIOLOGICAL T• DATA r 8.1 Do you have any knowledge or reason to believe that any biological test for acute or chronic toxicity has been made on any of your discharges or on a receiving water in relation to your discharge within the last three years? 0 _ a' ❑ Yes ❑✓ No + SKIP to Section 9. .y 8.2 Identify the tests and their purposes below. Test(s) Purpose of Test(s) Submitted to NPIDES Permittin Authority? Date Submitted x 0 ~ N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No R 4M 0 ❑ Yes ❑ No 0 m ❑ Yes ❑ No SECTION• •• •• • i 9.1 Were any of the analyses reported in Section 7 (on Tables A through C) performed by a contract laboratory or consulting firm? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 10. 9.2 Provide information for each contract laboratory or consulting firm below. Laboratory Number 1 Laboratory Number 2 Laboratory Number 3 Name of laboratory/firm N/A N/A N/A 0 M R E L .ice y Laboratory address in T 11S _ a v ca c Phone number c.� Pollutant(s) analyzed EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 5 AMENDED APPLICATION / ORIGINAL APPLICATION SUBMITTED APRIL 2022 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 COC210446 NCS000610 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY LLC OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTION1 CHECKLIST AND CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (40 10.1 In Column 1 below, mark the sections of Form 2F that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section, specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note that not all applicants are required to complete all sections or provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 El Section 1 ❑ wl attachments (e.g., responses for additional outfalls) El Section 2 ❑ w/ attachments Z Section 3 ❑ w/ site drainage map El Section 4 ❑ w/ attachments ❑ Section 5 ❑ wl attachments N/A ❑ Section 6 ❑ w/ attachments N/A E w ❑ Section 7 ❑✓ Table A ❑ w/ small business exemption request w w _ ❑ Table B ❑ w/ analytical results as an attachment 0 w ❑ Table C ❑ Table D ❑ Section 8 ❑ w/attachments N/A a c W ❑ Section 9 ❑ w/attachments (e.g., responses for additional contact laboratories or firms) N/A d ❑ Section 10 El 10.2 Certification Statement 1 certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name (print or type first and last name) Official title A. LEE HANKINS ON SITE MANAGER ture Date signed 08/17/2022 * SECTION 7 - NO CURRENT OPERATION = NO SAMPLES EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 6 co P. RVf i t 2.55sw., ; :.•� \ ✓ - ` in Office i in gas Cutof£ Shop Treat iri _Pin Sawmill, •ice _ - _ 'c'•"i k. 3 $9 1 � Yard 0�ff1 ��• o ' �-;� ,:- . q 1 ^, Finished goods s inventoryq� Wate -cuff X.. Log storage) a 10— Electr'cal ' Fire in EXTERIOR --- SCALE I " = 2001 FrRe �ry4mn t ` CONTOUR INTERVAL 10' Fence .. , ......... ..... Well . . ...... . ......... . ....... irection Ground Slopes _ .. -------- Gate ............. Drain Lines or Culverts Stream or Creek ........._. . _ Railroad ... _ ... ; i I I i i i (with direction of flow) impoundment Location ..... Drain inlet . _ ...... , ' ... , .. Surface .ift Pump ...... _ .......... . Manhole ... - ....... _ .. _ . _ _ .. @ underground ........oposed Dike or Berm . _ .. . Goldston Lumber land use area EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Numbei Facility Name Outfall Number COC210446 I NCS000610 I GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY LLC Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE• • 1 NON CONVENTIONAL'A' 1 You must provide the results of at least one analysis for eve )ollutant in this table. Complete one table for each outfall. See instructions for additional details and requirements. Pollutant or Parameter Maximum Daily Discharge (specify units) Average Daily Discharge (specify units) Number of Storm Events Sampled Source of Information (new source/new dischargers only; use codes in instructions) Grab Sample Taken During First 30 Minutes Flow-Weighted Composite Grab Sample Taken During First 30 Minutes Flow -Weighted Composite 1. Oil and grease 2. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) 3. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) 4. Total suspended solids (TSS) 5. Total phosphorus 6. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) 7. Total nitrogen (as N) 8. pH (minimum) pH (maximum) t Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). NO CURRENT OPERATION = NO SAMPLES EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 7 This page intentionally left blank. EPA Identificaion tuber I NPDNCS000610 ber I GOLDSTON LUIMBER SUPPLY LLC Outfall Number Faciity Name Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE B. CERTAIN CONVENTIONAL AND NON• • ' • 1 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(i)(E)(4)and 40 • List each pollutant that is limited in an effluent limitation guideline (ELG) that the facility is subject to or any pollutant listed in the facility's NPDES permit for its process wastewater (if the facility is operating under an existing NPDES permit). Complete one table for each outfall. See the instructions for additional details and requirements. Pollutant and CAS Number (if available) Maximum Daily Discharge (specify units) Average Daily Discharge (specify units) Number of Storm Events Sampled Source of Information (new source/new dischargers only; use codes in instructions) Grab Sample Taken During First 30 Minutes Flow -Weighted Composite Grab Sample Taken During First 30 Minutes Flow -Weighted Composite 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-21' (Revised 3-19) Page 9 NO CURRENT OPERATION = NO SAMPLES This page intentionally left blank. EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number COC210446 I NCS000610 I GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY LLC Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE C. TOXIC POLLUTANTS, CERTAIN HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES, AND ASBESTOS (40 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(i)(E)(4) and 40 CFR 122.21 (g)(7)(vi)(B) and (vii))' List each pollutant shown in Exhibits 2F-2, 2F-3, and 2F4 that you know or have reason to believe is present. Complete one table for each outfall. See the instructions for additional details and requirements. Pollutant and CAS Number (if available) Maximum Daily Discharge s eci units Average Daily Discharge s eci units Number of Storm Events Sampled Source of Information (new source/new dischargers only; use codes in instructions) Grab Sample Taken During First 30 Minutes Flow -Weighted Composite Grab Sample Taken During First 30 Minutes Flow -Weighted Composite I Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures (i.e., methods) approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-217 (Revised 3-19) NO CURRENT OPERATION = NO SAMPLES Page 11 This page intentionally left blank. EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 COC210446 NCS000610 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY LLC OMB No. 2040-0004 TABLE D. STORM EVENT INFORMATION (40 CFR 1122.26(c�(1)(i)(E)(6)) Provide data for the storm event(s) that resulted in the maximum daily discharges for the flow -weighted composite sample. Number of Hours Between Total Rainfall During Maximum Flow Rate Date of Storm Event Storm Event During Rain Event Duration of Storm Event Beginning of Storm Measured and Total Flow from Rain Event (in hours) End of Previous Measurable Rain (in gallons or specify units) (in inches) Event (in gpm or specify units) Provide a description of the method of flow measurement or estimate. NO CURRENT OPERATION = NO SAMPLES EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 13 Young, Brianna A From: William Copeland <goldstonlumberllc@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2022 9:52 AM To: Young, Brianna A Subject: [External] SW AMENDED PERMIT NPDES NCS000610, EPA COC210446 Attachments: SW AMENDED F1 AND F2 AND MAP.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Good Morning Brianna, I have attached an amended permit 1f and 2f with maps and also other documents I thought you may need. Please let me know if there is anything else I need to submit. Our drip pad is on the schedule for certification in the next couple of weeks (waiting on back order sealant). Hope you have a great day. Shana Hankins Office Manager Goldston Lumber Supply, LLC [�JSW AMENDED ADDITIONAL DOCS.pd AmerAaed EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 COC210446 NCS000610 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY, LLC I OMB No. 2040-0004 Form U.S. Environmental Protection Agency p Co NPDES GENERAL GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION•NPDES 1.1 Applicants Not Required to Submit Form 1 1.1.1 Is the facility a new or existing publicly owned 1.1.2 Is the facility a new or existing treatment works treatment works? treating domestic sewage? If yes, STOP. Do NOT complete No If yes, STOP. Do NOT ✓� No Form 1. Complete Form 2A. complete Form 1. Complete Form 2S. 1.2 Applicants Required to Submit Form 1 =. 1.2.1 Is the facility a concentrated animal feeding 1.2.2 Is the facility an existing manufacturing, operation or a concentrated aquatic animal commercial, mining, or silvicultural facility that is d o- production facility? currently discharging process wastewater? cYes 4 Complete Form 1 0 No Yes 4 Complete Form Fvj No o- and Form 26. 1 and Form 2C. z 1.2.3 Is the facility a new manufacturing, commercial, 1.2.4 Is the facility a new or existing manufacturing, ca mining, or silvicultural facility that has not yet commercial, mining, or silvicultural facility that commenced to discharge? discharges only nonprocess wastewater? Yes + Complete Form 1 ❑� No ❑ Yes 4 Complete Form Fvj No and Form 2D. 1 and Form 2E. 1.2.5 is the facility a new or existing facility whose discharge is composed entirely of stormwater a associated with industrial activity or whose discharge is composed of both stormwater and non-stormwater? �✓ Yes 4 Complete Form 1 No and Form 2F unless exempted by 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14)(x) or b 15 . SECTIONADDRESS, • • i Facility Name 2.1 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY 0 2.2 EPA Identification Number 0 COC 210446 R 2.3 Facility Contact d L Name (first and last) Title Phone number Q JODY RAGAN VICE PRESIDENT (919) 696-4989 Email address GOLDSTONLUMBERLLC@GMAIL.COM 2.4 Facility Mailing Address ZStreet or P.O. box 2963 NC HWY 751 City or town State ZIP code APEX NC 27523 EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 1 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05119 OMB No. 2040-0004 y 2.5 Facility Location Street, route number, or other specific identifier Q v 2304 SOUTH MAIN STREET CD a County name County code (if known) CHATHAM R City or town State ZIP code z GOLDSTON NC 27252 SECTIONI NAICS CODESi Description (optional) 3.1 SIC Code(s) 2429 SPECIAL PRODUCT SAWMILL 2491 WOOD PRESERVING m 0 0 0 ca U Z 3.2 NAICS Codes) Description (optional) 321114 LUMBER AND TIMBER TREATING S2 Cn Name of Operator 4.1 LEE HANKINS 0 4.2 Is the name you listed in Item 4.1 also the owner? cc c ❑ Yes 21 No 4.3 Operator Status ❑ Public —federal ❑ Public —state ❑ Other public (specify) C ✓❑ Private ElOther (specify) 4.4 Phone Number of Operator (919) 272-8574 4.5 Operator Address = Street or P.O. Box 15 E 3602 SILK HOPE GUM SPRINGS RD City or town State ZIP code 0 0 PITTSBORO NC 27312 a V Q Email address of operator O GOLDSTONLUMBERLLC@GMAIL.COM SECTIONI + +1 Is the facility located on Indian Land? 0 -05.1 ❑ Yes ED No EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 2 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 COC210446 NCS000610 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY, LLC OMB No.2040-0004 SECTION'• 1 6.1 Existing Environmental Permits (check all that apply and print or type the corresponding permit number for each) d ❑ NPDES (discharges to surface ❑ RCRA (hazardous wastes) ❑ UIC (underground injection of c water) fluids) .> E U 0 ❑ PSD (air emissions) ❑ Nonattainment program (CAA) ❑ NESHAPs (CAA) c w ❑ Ocean dumping (MPRSA) ❑ Dredge or fill (CWA Section 404) ElOther (specify) SECTIONA' 7.1 1 Have you attached a topographic map containing all required information to this application? (See instructions for specific requirements.) ID Yes ❑ No ❑ CAFO—Not Applicable (See requirements in Form 2B.) SECTIONOF I Describe the nature of your business. 8.1 WOOD TREATMENT PLANT AND SPECIALIZED SAWMILL W W m c N m 0 m z SECTION •• I Does your facility use cooling water? 9.1 ❑ Yes ❑ No-* SKIP to Item 10.1. w 9.2 Identify the source of cooling water. (Note that facilities that use a cooling water intake structure as described at 40 CFR 125, Subparts I and J may have additional application requirements at 40 CFR 122.21(r). Consult with your NPDES permitting authority to determine what specific information needs to be submitted and when.) o Y o � c) � SECTIONI • 1 1 Do you intend to request or renew one or more of the variances authorized at 40 CFR 122.21(m)? (Check all that 10.1 apply. Consult with your NPDES permitting authority to determine what information needs to be submitted and H when.) ❑ Fundamentally different factors (CWA ❑ Water quality related effluent limitations (CWA Section Section 301(n)) 302(b)(2)) ❑ Non -conventional pollutants (CWA ❑ Thermal discharges (CWA Section 316(a)) Section 301(c) and (g)) ❑ Not applicable EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 3 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTIONI CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (40 11.1 In Column 1 below, mark the sections of Form 1 that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section, specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note that not all applicants are required to provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 Section 1: Activities Requiring an NPDES Permit ❑ w/ attachments Section 2: Name, Mailing Address, and Location ❑ w/ attachments ❑r Section 3: SIC Codes ❑ w/ attachments ❑� Section 4: Operator Information ❑ w/ attachments ❑✓ Section 5: Indian Land ❑ w/ attachments E ❑ Section 6: Existing Environmental Permits ❑ w/ attachments d ❑✓ Section 7: Map ❑ watopographic El w/ additional attachments mp Cn c 0Section 8: Nature of Business Elw/ attachments ❑� Section 9: Cooling Water Intake Structures ❑ w/ attachments ❑ Section 10: Variance Requests ❑ w/ attachments c y 0 Section 11: Checklist and Certification Statement ❑ w/ attachments d 11.2 Certification Statement s U l certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. i am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name (print or type first and last name) Official title Signature Date signed EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 4 {� §� . , -}� \?ƒ �\, . . � ` , \ - \{� '\-» % � . � I\;/ � � �\:/ � I\:� I\ �>.y . / -. EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 COC210446 NCS000610 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY, LLC OMB No.2040-0004 Form U.S Environmental Protection Agency 2F 48 / #i Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater NPDES STORMWATER DISCHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY SECTIONOUTFALL LOCATIONt 1.1 Provide information on each of the facilit 's outfalls in the table below Outfall Number Receiving Water Name Latitude Longitude A CEDAR CRK TO DEEP RIVER 35 35 if 79° 19, 40" c 0 a B CEDAR CRK TO DEEP RIVER 3T 35 10, 79° 19, 36" c.� 0 J C CEDAR CRK TO DEEP RIVER 35 35' 1e 79° 19 40" p D CEDR CRK TO DEEP RIVER 35° 35' 15" 79 19 3f SECTION'• i 2.1 Are you presently required by any federal, state, or local authority to meet an implementation schedule for constructing, upgrading, or operating wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs that could affect the discharges described in this application? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 3. 2.2 Briefly identify each applicable project in the table below. Brief Identification and Affected Outfalls Source(s) of Discharge Final Compliance Dates Required Projected Description of Project (list outfall numbers) d E d 0 L E 2.3 Have you attached sheets describing any additional water pollution control programs (or other environmental projects that may affect your discharges) that you now have underway or planned? (Optional Item) ❑ Yes ❑ No EPA Form 3510-21' (Revised 3-19) Page 1 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05119 COC2102 NCS000610 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY, LLC OMB No.2040-0004 SECTIONDRAINAGE I 0 3.1 Have you attached a site drainage map containing all required information to this application? (See instructions for c C specific guidance.) o ® Yes ❑ No SECTIONPOLLUTANT SOURCES, 4.1 Provide information on the facility's pollutant sources in the table below. Outfall Impervious Surface Area Total Surface Area Drained Number (within a mile radius of the facility) (within a mile radius of the facility) specify units specify units A 1/2 ACRE 20% 3/4 ACRE specify units specify units B 1.5 ACRE 85% 2.5 ACRE specify units specify units C 2.5 ACRE 55% 5 ACRE specify units specify units D 3/4 ACRE 75% 1.5 ACRE specify units specify units specify units specify units 4.2 Provide a narrative description of the facility's significant material in the space below. (See instructions for content requirements.) WOOD NON TREATED (PLYWOOD CORES) APROX 8' IN LENGTH N N L Q R Q a 4.3 Provide the location and a description of existing structural and non-structural control measures to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff. See instructions forspecificguidance.) Stormwater Treatment Codes Outfall from Number Control Measures and Treatment Exhibit 2F-1 list SELF CONTAINED COVERED DRIP PAD COVERED MAKE UP WATER STORAGE EQUIPMENT TO BE STORED UNDER COVERED AREA EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 2 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 COC210446 NCS000610 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY, LLC OMB No.2040-0004 SECTION•N STORMWATER DISCHARGES (40 5.1 1 certify under penalty of taw that the outfall(s) covered by this application have been tested or evaluated for the presence of non-stormwater discharges. Moreover, I certify that the outfalls identified as having non-stormwater discharges are described in either an accompanying NPDES Form 2C, 2D, or 2E application. Name (print or type first and last name) Official title Signature Date signed Q E, 5.2 Provide the testing information requested in the table below. Outfall Onsite Drainage Points N o Number Description of Testing Method Used Date(s) of Testing Directly Observed During Test d w 3 E L W O Z SECTION OR Describe any significant leaks or spills of toxic or hazardous pollutants in the last three years. 6.1 NONE Q CO c ea v T to SECTION See the A' •' • I instructions to determine the pollutants and parameters you are required to monitor and, in turn, the tables you must o complete. Not all applicants need to complete each table. % 7.1 Is this a new source or new discharge? ❑ Yes 4 See instructions regarding submission of ❑ No 3 See instructions regarding submission of = estimated data. actual data. d Tables A, B, C, and D y 7.2 Have you completed Table A for each outfall? a ❑ Yes ❑ No EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 3 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 COC210446 NCS000610 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY, LLC OMB No.2040-0004 7.3 Is the facility subject to an effluent limitation guideline (ELG) or effluent limitations in an NPDES permit for its process wastewater? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.5. 7.4 Have you completed Table B by providing quantitative data for those pollutants that are (1) limited either directly or indirectly in an ELG and/or (2) subject to effluent limitations in an NPDES permit for the facility's process wastewater? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7.5 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants in Exhibit 2F-2 are present in the discharge? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.7. 7.6 Have you listed all pollutants in Exhibit 2F-2 that you know or have reason to believe are present in the discharge and provided quantitative data or an explanation for those pollutants in Table C? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7.7 Do you qualify for a small business exemption under the criteria specified in the Instructions? ❑ Yes -*SKIP to Item 7.18. ❑ No 7.8 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 are present in the discharge? ❑ Yes ❑ No + SKIP to Item 7.10. 7.9 Have you listed all pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 that you know or have reason to believe are present in the discharge in Table C? ❑ Yes ❑ No 0 7.10 Do you expect any of the pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 to be discharged in concentrations of 10 ppb or greater? ❑ Yes ❑ No -* SKIP to Item 7.12. 0 7.11 Have you provided quantitative data in Table C for those pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 that you expect to be discharged in a� concentrations of 10 ppb or greater? ❑ Yes ❑ No a 7.12 Do you expect acrolein, acrylonitrile, 2,4-dinitrophenol, or 2-methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol to be discharged in concentrations of 100 ppb or greater? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.14. 7.13 Have you provided quantitative data in Table C for the pollutants identified in Item 7.12 that you expect to be discharged in concentrations of 100 ppb or greater? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7.14 Have you provided quantitative data or an explanation in Table C for pollutants you expect to be present in the discharge at concentrations less than 10 ppb (or less than 100 ppb for the pollutants identified in Item 7.12)? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7.15 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants in Exhibit 2F4 are present in the discharge? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.17. 7.16 Have you listed pollutants in Exhibit 2F-4 that you know or believe to be present in the discharge and provided an explanation in Table C? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7.17 Have you provided information for the storm event(s) sampled in Table D? ❑ Yes ❑ No EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 4 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 COC210446 NCS000610 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY, LLC OMB No.2040-0004 Used or Manufactured Toxics CD 7.18 Is any pollutant listed on Exhibits 2F-2 through 2F-4 a substance or a component of a substance used or cmanufactured as an intermediate or final product or byproduct? c- _ ❑ Yes ❑ No SKIP to Section 8. 0 .5 7.19 List the pollutants below, including TCDD if applicable. L 1. CCA 4. 7. d L2. CA 5. 8. 0 3. 6. 9. SECTIONBIOLOGICAL T• DATA i 8.1 Do you have any knowledge or reason to believe that any biological test for acute or chronic toxicity has been made on any of your discharges or on a receiving water in relation to your discharge within the last three years? 0 ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 9. 8.2 Identify the tests and their purposes below. Z Test(s) Purpose of Test(s) Submitted to NPDES Permitting Date Submitted x Authority? 0 ~ ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No m0 ❑ Yes ❑ No SECTION• -. •• • i 9.1 Were any of the analyses reported in Section 7 (on Tables A through C) performed by a contract laboratory or consulting firm? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 10. 9.2 Provide information for each contract laboratory or consulting firm below. Laboratory Number 1 Laboratory Number 2 Laboratory Number 3 Name of laboratory/firm c 0 E L 0 .y Laboratory address C a c cc L c Phone number c� Pollutant(s) analyzed EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 5 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 COC210446 NCS000610 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY, LLC OMB No.2040-0004 SECTION1 CHECKLIST AND CERTIFICATION1 10.1 In Column 1 below, mark the sections of Form 2F that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section, specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note that not all applicants are required to complete all sections or provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 Section 1 ❑ w/ attachments (e.g., responses for additional outfalls) Section 2 ❑ w/ attachments Section 3 ❑ w/ site drainage map Section 4 ❑ w/ attachments ❑ Section 5 ❑ w/ attachments ❑ Section 6 ❑ w/ attachments ❑ Section 7 ❑ Table A ❑ w/small business exemption request c ElTable B ❑ w/ analytical results as an attachment ❑ Table C ❑ Table D v ❑ Section 8 ❑ w/attachments y ❑ Section 9 ❑ w/attachments (e.g., responses for additional contact laboratories or firms) Y ❑ Section 10 ❑ U 10.2 Certification Statement 1 certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name (print or type first and last name) Official title Signature Date signed EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 6 CX),IOSTONT LUMBER, INC. SITE RUNOFF CONTROL Draw map showing the surrounding area for abash one a can be comai: edLocate x^ he e and how runoffmay be mile i all directions" Extend the asap in Ine direction of th e bloclfed Uv' 'kes, Cam: , shutlting off lift pumps, etc. Shove Site drainage so that drainage can t E .r2ua tlI it reeche le surrou ?d,ng ar3d fuse (residential, cornfield, ato.). 'Show places ?ate st a4ge body of seater if runoff can be impounded on i of Public assembly, such as schools, churches. Use symbols oil site show foca icon and approximatent:,` ler of canons 4 beIovv. Sr TNha o6J° �. c , £ errVr " in gas CatofE a 'r' Q c, Shop`Z } AW& T� F tI� - Tank Farm Tree xiq 1? an Sawmill coveredk.Dr Pad Yard 0 i �Sa Calf '! Elects` °bal ire EXTERIOR 1,/CONTOU-P INTERVAL 10' Fence.-�<-.:-��-.; '>�1e.... , h . ��x..4-- . - , " . ���. L+re.,�ior Ground 5iopes �' ' F Stream or Creek - mate ... Drain Lyres vests Railroad (with d<<ec.wn of .1 Impoundment Location _ Orrin Intel L Suriace . . ... ..... Lift Furnp _ ........ i 4a o tle s3�Underground ... _ — Proposed Dice or Berm � . � 2304 S Main St Imagery @2022 Google, Imagery @2022 Maxar Technologies, Map data @2022 100ft 2304 S Main St W Directions Save Nearby Send to Share phone 2304 S Main St, Goldston, NC 27252 Photos NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources NPDES Stormwater Permit Summary NC DEMLR has the following information in our Permit Database for your permit as of 5/13/2022. Permit Number: NCG210446 Permit Status: Active Permit Type: Timber Products Stormwater Discharge COC Facility Name: Goldston Lumber Supply LLC Facility Addressl: 2304 S Main St Facility Address2: City, State & Zip: Goldston NC 27252 Owner Information Details: MUST submit a Change of Name/Ownership form to DEMLR to make any changes to this Owner information. (Click here for "Change of NamejOwnershiQ"FOrmI Owner Name: Goldston Lumber Supply LLC Owner Type: Unknown Owner Type Group: Organization ** Legally Responsible for Permit *** (Responsible corporate officer/principle executive officer or ranking elected official/general partner or proprietor; or any other person with delegated signatory authority from the legally responsible person.) Owner Affiliation: William R Copeland Title: Addressl: 2963 NC Hwy 751 Address2: City, State & Zip: Apex, NC 27523 Work Phone: 919-422-7862 Fax: Email Address: wrcapex gmail.com *** Permit Annual Fee Billing *** Billing Month: November Invoice Number Invoice Date Invoice Due Date Invoice Amount Invoice Status Owner Contact Person(s) Contact Name Title Address Phone Fax Email Lee Hankins 3602 Silk Hope Gum Springs Rd, 391-927-2857 goldstonlumberllc@ Pittsboro, NC 27312 gmail.com Facility Contact Person(s) Contact Name Title Address Phone Fax Email Jody Ragan 2963 NC Hwy 751, Apex, NC 27523 919-696-4989 goldstonlumberllc@g mail.com Lee Hankins 3602 Silk Hope Gum Springs Rd,^�.,. ,- goldstonlumberllc@g Pittsboro NC 27312 -a.7a - $5'7 4 mail.com Permit Contact Person(s) Contact Name Title Address Phone Fax Email William R 2963 NC Hwy 751, Apex, NC 27523 919-422-7862 wrcapex@gmail.com Copeland 5/13/2022 NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources NPDES Stormwater Permit Summary NC DEMLR has the following information in our Permit Database for your permit as of 5/13/2022 Permit Billing Contact(s) Contact Name Title Address Phone Fax Email Shana Hankins 2963 NC Hwy 751, Apex, NC 27523 919-444-5040 goldstonlumberllc@g mail.com Person(s) with Delegated Signatory Authority Twe Contact Name Title Address Phone Fax Email Person(s) with Electronic Signature Authority Twe Contact Name Title Address Phone Fax Email Outfalls Outfall #: 001 Outfall Description: Stormwater outfall Outfall Lattitude: 35.587780 Outfall Longitude:-79.325830 Represented by Outfall: Stormwater: 100 % Industrial: Basin Cape Fear Waterbody Name Cedar Creek Stream Index Number 17-39 Waterbody Classification C I Compliance Inspection Report Permit: NCG210446 Effective: 08/01/18 Expiration: 07/31/23 Owner: Goldston Lumber Supply LLC SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Goldston Lumber Supply LLC County: Chatham 2304 S Main St Region: Raleigh Goldston NC 27252 Contact Person: William R Copeland Title: Phone: 919-422-7862 Directions to Facility: System Classifications: SWNC, Primary ORC: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 06/09/2022 Primary Inspector: Lauren Garcia Secondary Inspector(s): Certification: Phone: Entry Time 09:OOAM Exit Time: 10:OOAM Phone: 919-707-3648 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Timber Products Stormwater Discharge COC Facility Status: N Compliant Not Compliant Question Areas: Storm Water (See attachment summary) Page 1 of 3 Permit: NCG210446 Owner - Facility: Goldston Lumber Supply LLC Inspection Date: 06/09/2022 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: Inspection was in response to a new individual permit application. The site has been covered under the general industrial permit number NCG210446. The new individual permit number is NCS000610. Since the NCS application was submitted in March 2022, the company was sold and is under new management. Previously, the facility operated as a saw mill, that utilizes rejected logs and log cores. The material is recycled into lumber for pallets, crating and dunnage. This activity will continue under the new ownership. The facility also operated a wood preserving plant using copper azole. The new owners are switching to treatment with arsenic. There are no discharge monitoring reports for the facility in the historic file and the new owners are not aware of any being stored onsite. Will Copeland, a new owner, is responsible for three other NCG21 permits in Apex and is aware of SWPPP and monitoring requirements. The new owners should have no trouble bringing the site into compliance. Lee Hankins met me onsite today and we walked the facility together. Since the property transfered ownership, Lee Hankins has facilitated an overhaul of the site. Multiple dumpsters of stored scrap metal have been removed. Old equipment is in the process of being removed from the site. Wood waste has been consolidated from where it was spread throughout the site. This wood will be chipped and sold. There is still some saw dust and mulch still present onsite that is left over from the previous owners activities. These are set to be removed as needed. All outfalls were observed during the inspection. Afourth outfall was identified below/behind the saw mill. The site visit was ocnducted following a substantial amount of rain. Leachate was observed in several areas of the site where the old mulch and wood materials were observed. We discussed how the leachate will cause the stormwater samples to exceed benchmark values. The new owners will likely have to manage stormwater onsite with berms and diversions or other methods, to reduce the sample values. Removing the material from the site will also take care of the leachate issue. Water was pooling in some areas where old equipment, scrap metal or wood, and old buidlings previously existed. The facility is in a large transition period between the way the facility operated from the old owners. The new owners have had to clean up and remove alot of material from the site. Lee Hankins said they are currently working on plans to address the pooling water and some areas where erosion has occurred from stormwater flow. Currently onsite there is a saw mill, a kilm, and an autoclave. The kilm is not currently functioning. The autoclave is where facility personel will be dealing with arsenic. They are waiting on an engineering inspection of the concrete slab beneath the autocalve and warehouse area to make sure there are no cracks or damage. There is a sump pump benteath the production areas in this building. The autoclave system is self contained, all water used is recycled in the system. All chemicals will be stored within this building. Wood comining out of the autoclave td on the drip pad until dry and is then ready to be transported offsite. There are currently no plans for the treated to be stored onsite. There is an area along the access road at the northern portion of the site where wood peices left over from the saw mill activities are currently stored. This wood is untreated. We walked along the back side of this wood pile to see if there was an outfall. The area was so heaviliy vegetated, we were not able to find a distinct outfall. If one is ever identified, it will need to be added to the facility map and sampled as the other outfalls are. Page 2 of 3 Permit: NCG210446 Owner - Facility: Goldston Lumber Supply LLC Inspection Date: 06/09/2022 Inspection Type : Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Page 3 of 3 i' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT HAZARDOUS WASTE SECTION RC RA COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE VISIT (CAV) REPORT 1. FacilityName: EPA ID Number: Type of Facility: Facility Location: Mailing Address: County: Goldston Leber Supply LLC NCD98618124E notified as a Small Quantity Generator (SQG) of hazardous waste 2304 S Main Street, Goldston NC 27252 2963 Hwy 751 Apex NC 27523 Chatham 2. FACILITY CONTACT: Archie L. Hankins - Operator 919-272-8574; goldstonl-amberllc(i nail.corn William Copeland — Owner, Goldston Lumber Supply, LLC 3. DATE OF SITE VISIT: November 19, 2021 4. EVALUATION PARTICIPANTS: Mr. Archie "Lee" Hankins — Goldston Lumber Supply LLC 5. INSPECTOR: Jenne S. Walker, Environmental Specialist 11, DWM, NC DEQ 6. DATE OF REPORT: June 1, 2022, prepared by Jenne Walker 7. PURPOSE OF SITE VISIT: A preplanned site visit was conducted to determine compliance and provide compliance assistance with the hazardous waste management requirements set forth in North Carolina Solid Waste Management Act, N.C.G.S. Chapter 130A, Article 9, and the North Carolina Hazardous Waste Management Rules, 15A NCAC Subchapter 13A.. 8. FACILITY DESCRIPTION: Goldston 'Lumber Supply, LLC was previously operated by Paul Shields as a sawmill, lumber planning mill, dry kiln and wood treating facility utilizing Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA) until 2003 and Copper Azole type B (CA-B) until Autumn 2021 at which time the Business and property were sold to the current owner, Mr. William Copeland. Mr. Copeland plans to resume operations as a CCA wood treating facility with Mr. Archie (Lee) Hankins as operator. The facility includes a shed covered drip pad equipped with metal plate as well as one treatment vessel, tank farm, and associated above ground product storage tanks. The drip pad is subject to regulation under 40 CFR 265.440-445. The facility is Goldston Lumber Supply, LLC EPA ID # NCD986181246 CEI —November 19, 2021 Page 1 of 4 also expected to operate as a Small Quantity Generator (SQG) of hazardous waste in the future and has notified as such as of May 12, 2022. General Facility Information Operator of facility: Goldston Lumber Supply, LLC 2304 S Main Street Goldston NC 27252 Acreage: 20 Shifts: one shift, 8am-5pm Monday - Friday Number of employees: 2 Water Supply & Sanitary Sewer: municipal source provided by the Town of Goldston Groundwater Monitoring wells on -site: none Distance to closest residence: approximately 1/2 mile 9. WASTE STREAMS: F035 hazardous waste 10. AREAS OF REVIEW: The evaluation began with an initial interview. Mr. Harkim provided and overview of the facility's planned operations. William: Copeland purchased the company from Paul Shields in 2021 and plans to resume CCA wood treating operations in the near future. A physical inspection of the facility was conducted followed by a discussion of the required regulatory requirements applicable to SQGs of hazardous waste and operators of drip pads. PHYSICAL INSPECTION/FACILITY WALK-THROUGH The facility includes the following equipment inside the treatment plant building: • One (5'x62') treatment vessel/autoclave for treating wood with CA-B. The door/opening is located in front of and just outside the treatment plant building and is directly over the containment sump/pit. • One-4,000-gallon (6'6" diameter xl6') horizontal above ground tank labeled CA- B process water. • One —9,400-gallon ($'diameter x 25') horizontal above ground tank used for storage of Wohnan E 'CA-B} cop[per tebuconazole. • One 10,600-gallon (6' diameter x 50') horizontal above ground tank. This unit can be used as an autoclave but has previously been used only as a CCA storage tank. A tank farm is located under a shelter behind the treatment plant building and includes: • Two 12,900 gallons each vertical above ground storage tanks labeled "CA-B Process Water". • One 5,000-gallon vertical above ground tank labeled "CA-B Process Water". Goldston Lumber Supply, LLC EPA ID # NCD986181246 CEI —November 19, 2021 Page 2 of 4 Central Accumulation Area (CAA) A; CAA is designated inside the treatment building. The area is caged and no hazardous waste was accumulating at the time of the inspection. A fire extinguisher, spill clean -up - supplies and eye was station are available. A `no smoking' sign was posed and cell phones are used for communication. Satellite Accumulation Areas (SAAs) No satellite accumulation areas were observed during the visit. RECORDS & DOCUMENTATION Upon generation of hazardous waste and operation of the drip pad, ensure the following documents are maintained up to date and are available for review during an unannounced compliance inspection: • Accurate waste profiles • Weekly inspection legs for CAA (weekly is defined as at least every 7 days) • The required SQG Emergency Information must be posted onsite • Records to document the facility has made arrangements with local emergency authorities as required in 40 CFR 262.256. • Final signed manifests and Land Disposal Restriction (LDR) form for each hazardous waste stream 11. COMMENTS: Below is a weblink to the Division's Generator Compliance Manual which contains valuable guidance and example documents: hLps://files ne govincde€qtWasie�/o2€1Mana€tiement/DWTN4NW/CoWliance/Generator%o20Co mpliance9/o20Manga1.pdf An email containing a Subpart W checklist and regulations and example SQG documents discussed during the site visit was sent on 6/l/2022. 12. CONCLUSION: After 30_days from receipt of this report, Goldston Lumber Supply, LLC will be subject to an unannounced compliance inspection. Please contact me at (919) 538-2853 or ienne.walker, ynedenr.gov if you have any questions about this report or complying with the hazardous waste management regulations. Jenne S. Walker Environmental Specialist 11 NC DEQ, Hazardous Waste Section Goldston Lumber Supply, LLC EPA ID # NCD986181246 CEl —November 19, 2021 Page 3 of 4 cc: DWM Central Files Heather Goldman - Eastern Regional Compliance Supervisor Archie (Lee) Hankins and William Copeland at goidstonlumberllckwna l.com Goldston Lumber Supply, LLC EPA ID # NCD986181246 CEI —November 19, 2021 Page 4 of 4 i y l I I I t 11 HWB - Subsequent Notification Letter 1 message ....................... SVC_DEQ-SRV1 <DEQ-DoNotReply@ncdenr.gov> To: ARCHIE HANKINS <GOLDSTONLUMBERLLC@gmail.com> ROY COOPER Governor DIONNE DELLI-GATTI Secretary MICHAEL SCOT Director ARCHIE HANKINS GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY, LLC 2304 S, MAIN ST GOLDSTON, NC 27252-0219 US Dear Facility Contact: William Copeland <goldstonlumberllc@gmail.com> Tue, May 17, 2022 at 9:13 AM The North Carolina Hazardous Waste Section has received a Subsequent Notification Letter from your facility. Our office has accepted and processed the changes. Please login to the Self Service Permit Portal to ensure that your facility site detail report is accurate. You can get instruction to view your RCRA Site Detail information here. As part of the roll out of a new accounting system, all facilities must register in an online portal. With the change in contact information, you must register or change that information in our portal. This will allow DWM to provide online billing and also receive online payments. To create your account, please use this NG IDEQ Self Service Permit P^ F ta. Registration Link to register in the new system. This is part of a paper reduction initiative, started fiscal year 2018. Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please contact me at 919-707-8214. Sincerely, Christine Twining Business Officer Hazardous Waste Section North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality ! Division of Waste Management 217 West Janes Streit 11646 Mail Service Center j Raleigh, NC 27069-1645 919-707-8200 T Gmaii NC Hazardous Waste Subsequent Notification 1 message SVC_DEQ-SRV1 <DEQ-DoNotReply@ncdenr.gov> To: ARCHIE HANKINS <GOLDSTONLUMBERLLC@gmail.com> ROY COOPER Governor DIQNNE DELLI-GATTI Secretary MICHAEL SCOTT DireCtor ARCHIE HANKINS GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY, LLC 2304 S. MAIN ST GOLDSTON, NC 27252-0219 US Dear Facility Contact: William Copeland <goldstonlumberllc@gmail.com> Tue, May 17, 2022 at 9:14 AM The North Carolina Hazardous Waste Section has received a Subsequent Notification Letter from your facility. Our office has accepted and processed the changes. Please login to the Self Service Permit portal to ensure that your facility site detail report is accurate. You can get instruction to view your RCRA Site Detail information here. If you are considered a Large Quantity Generator (LQG), Small Quantity Generator (SQG), Hazardous Waste Transporter, or a Hazardous Waste Treater, Storer or Disposer (TSD) facility, you are required to pay an annual fee to the State of North Carolina (N.C.G.S. $ 130A-294.1) to support government programs that ensure the safe management of hazardous wastes. The applicable regulatory requirements for hazardous waste management can be found in the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Act, (N.C.G.S Chapter 130A, Article 9 ("the Act") and the North Carolina Hazardous Waste Management Rules, 15A NCAC Subchapter 13A ("the Rules"). To view the Act and the Rules, please visit https:/ideq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste- management/hw/rules Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please contact me at 919-707-8214. Sincerely, Christine Twining Business Officer Hazardous Waste Section North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Waste Management 217 West Jones Street 11646 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, NC 27069-1645 919-707-8200 T O'K3tio5 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name C` �11.�Q� Form Approved 03/05/11 l� OMB No. 2040-0004 Coca��y�1 ,& U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Form 1 :.EPA Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater NPDES GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION! •! 1 1.1 Applicants Not Required to Submit Form 1 1.1.1 Is the facility a new or existing publicly owned 1.1.2 Is the facility a new or existing treatment works treatment works? treating domestic sewage? If yes, STOP. Do NOT complete No If yes, STOP. Do NOT 0✓ No Form 1. Complete Form 2A. complete Form 1. Complete Form 2S. 1.2 Applicants Required to Submit Form 1 1.2.1 Is the facility a concentrated animal feeding 1.2.2 Is the facility an existing manufacturing, E operation or a concentrated aquatic animal commercial, mining, or silvicultural facility that is a production facility? currently discharging process wastewater? cYes -* Complete Form 1 No Yes 4 Complete Form 0 No a and Form 2B. 1 and Form 2C. 1.2.3 Is the facility a new manufacturing, commercial, 1.2.4 Is the facility a new or existing manufacturing, rn mining, or silvicultural facility that has not yet commercial, mining, or silvicultural facility that E commenced to discharge? discharges only nonprocess wastewater? Yes 4 Complete Form 1 Qr No ❑ Yes 4 Complete Form No Of and Form 2D. 1 and Form 2E. — y 1.2.5 Is the facility a new or existing facility whose discharge is composed entirely of stormwater RECEIVED X associated with industrial activity or whose discharge is composed of both stormwater and non-stormwater?. MAR 312022 �✓ Yes 4 Complete Form 1 ❑ No and Form 2F unless exempted by DEKR-Starrmyater Program 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14)(x) or (b)(15). SECTIONDD AND LOCATION (40 2.1 Facility Name GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY 0 2.2 EPA Identification Number a J COC 210446 v 2.3 Facility Contact Name (first and last) Title Phone number y JODYRAGAN VICE PRESIDENT (919)696-4989 a Email address GOLDSTONLUMBERLLC@GMAIL.COM 2.4 Facility Mailing Address A Street or P.O. box z 2963 NC HUIY 751 City or town State ZIP code APEX NC 27523 EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 1 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Faci@ty Name Form Approved 03105119 OMB No. 20404ON 2.5 Facility Location Street, route number, or other specific identifier a _ 2304 SOUTH MAIN STREET co County name County code (if known) +� o CHATHAM °f 0 City or town State ZIP code cc-a Z. GOLDSTON NC 27252 SECTION•D 40 CFR SIC Codes) Description (optional) 3.1 2429 SPECIAL PRODUCT SAWMILL 2491 WOOD PRESERVING �d 0 t� ca c� z 3.2 NAILS Code(s) Description (optional) 321114 LUMBER AND TIMBER TREATING t� N SECTIONOPERATOR INFORMATION (40 Name of 0 `erator 4.1 LEE HANKINS 0 4.2 Is the name you listed in Item 4.1 also the owner? ❑ Yes 0 No 4.3 Operator Status 0 ❑ Public —federal ❑ Public —state ❑ Other public (specify) o ❑✓ Private ❑ Other (specify) 4.4 Phone Number of Operator [(9:19) 272-8574 4.5 --0 erator.Address G Street or P.O. Box �a m 3602 SILK HOPE GUM SPRINGS RD City or town State ZIP code 0 PITTSBORO NC 27312 .M Email address of operator ;, O GOLDSTONLUMBERLLC@GMAIL.COM SECTION,0 Is the facility located on Indian Land? 5.1 ❑ Yes ❑ No EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 2 i EPA Identification Number E 0 LU a CD c NPDES Facility Name 6.1 1 Existing En.rironmental. Permits (check all1hat apply and print or ty ❑ NPDES (discharges to surface ❑ RCRA (hazardous wastes) water) ❑ PSD (air emissions) ❑ Nonattainment program (C ❑ Ocean dumping (MPRSA) 1 ❑ Dredge or fill (CWA Sectioi Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 the corresponding permit number for each) ❑ UIC (underground injection of fluids) ❑ NESHAPs (CAA) X) ❑ Other (specify) 7.1 Have you attached a topographic map containing all required information to this application? (See instructions for C specific requirements.) 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ CAFO—Not Applicable (See requirements in Form 213.) 8.1 Describe the nature of your business. a� c m 0 eo z 9.1 Does your facility use cooling water? ❑ Yes 0 No 4 SKIP to Item 10.1. 9.2 Identify the source of cooling water. (Note that facilities that use a cooling water intake structure as described at a, 0 40 CFR 125, Subparts I and J may have additional application requirements at 40 CFR 122.21(r). Consult with your = W NPDES permitting authority to determine what specific information needs to be submitted and when.) Owe O� V � SECTIONE VARIANCE REQUESTS41 10.1 Do you intend to request or renew one or more of the variances authorized at 40 CFR 122.21(m)? (Check all that apply. Consult with your NPDES permitting authority to determine what information needs to be submitted and when.) m ❑ Fundamentally different factors (CWA ❑ Water quality related effluent limitations (CWA Section °C Section 301(n)) 302(b)(2)) m ❑ Non -conventional pollutants (CWA ❑ Thermal discharges (CWA Section 316(a)) Section 301(c) and (g)) ❑ Not applicable EPA Form 3510-1 (revised 3-19) Page 3 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTIONAND 11.1 - • 1 CFR . a In Column 1 below, mark the sections of Form 1 that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section, specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note that not all applicants are required to provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 ❑✓ Section 1: Activities Requiring an NPDES Permit ❑ wl attachments ❑✓ Section 2: Name, Mailing Address, and Location ❑ wl attachments 0 Section 3: SIC Codes ❑ w/ attachments ✓❑ Section 4: Operator information ❑ w/ attachments Section 5: Indian Land ❑ wl attachments ❑ Section 6: Existing Environmental Permits ❑ w/ attachments d ❑ Section 7: Map topographic 0 wl additional attachments 0 S map m 0 0 Section 8: Nature of Business ❑ wl attachments 0 Section 9: Cooling Water Intake Structures ❑ w/ attachments c� ❑ Section 10: Variance Requests ❑ wl attachments .o c ❑ Section 11: Checklist and Certification Statement ❑ wl attachments �C 11.2 Certification Statement 1 certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. l am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name (print or type first and last name) Official tale J--, C � ROJ QLr\ J V ) C-e- Signatur Date signed EPA Form 3510-1(revised 3-19) Page 4 EPA Identification Number NPOES Permit Number Fadrty Name Form Approved 03/05/19 COC210446 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY, LLC OMB No. 2040-OON Form U.S Environmental Protection Agency 2F 1100EPA Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater NPDES STORMWATER DISCHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY SECTION• • • 40 CFR 1.1 Provide information on each of the facili 's outfalls in the table below Outfall Receiving Water Name Latitude Longitude Number 1 CEDAR CRK TO DEEP RIVER 3T 35 147 79° 19, 4r c 0 2 CEDAR CRK TO DEEP RIVER 35° 39 12" 79° 19' 40r a 0 3 CEDAR CRK TO DEEP RIVER 35' 3S' id, 79' 19' 36N O O / IJ - I IJ O q SECTION 2. IMPROVEMENTS - 2.1 Are you presently required by any federal, state, or local authority to meet an implementation schedule for constructing, upgrading, or operating wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs that could affect the discharges described in this application? ❑ Yes 0 No 4 SKIP to Section 3. 2.2 Briefly identify each applicable project in the table below. IS Identification and Affected Outfalls Final Compliance Dates Description of Project (Iistautfallnumbers) Source(s) of Discharge Required Projected N _ E' O, R E. 2.3 Have you attached sheets describing any additional water pollution control programs (or other environmental projects that may affect your discharges) that you now have underway or planned? (Optional Item) ❑ Yes ❑ No EPA Form 3510 2F (Revised 3-19) Page 1 EPA Identificatton Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05119 COC210446 I I GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY, LLC I OMB No. 2040-0004 3.1 Have you attached a site drainage map containing all required information to this application? (See instructions for specific guidance.) o ® Yes ❑ No 3 0 CO) a 0 CL 4.1 1 Provide information on the facility's pollutant sources in the table below. outfall Impervious Surface Area Total Surface Area Drained - Number (within a mile radius of the %ditty) (within a mile radius of the facility) specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units 4.2 1 Provide a narrative description of the facility's significant material in the space below. (See instructions for content requirements.) WOOD TREATMENT 4.3 Provide the location and a description of existing structural and non-structural control measures to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff. See instructions forspecificguidance.) Stormwater Treatment Codes. Outfap from Number Control Measures and Treatment Exhibit 2F-1 gist) SELF CONTAINED COVERED DRIP PAD COVERED MAKE UP WATER STORAGE EQUIPMENT TO BE STORED UNDER COVERED AREA EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 2 ' t• tee? �i o 1 I ;:; �• • - t 7. • :.:' � lid +.• 'AL � •• •.. • r - . °g an Office _ 2.8SSwti s• Main gas cutoff A ` �ti •' i - S . Cr kK t - Treatin►s Plan Saw • -- Yard 0 Jr �Ab/. 97 •.- �s� c Gas- - • Wat 'cLtt�f .i y -! - w Foxe-' ?� ;z r• :� . _ _ f b - =---• SCAL 1 = 200 EXTERIOR ; O 6 • .� Ca ke /,(dt-�tn �" ....... . . . . . ....... ound Stopes ..... a Well . irection Fence............ .. - ' ' ' ' ' ' Stream or reek .........:-..' Gate . . _ • . —�1— Drain Lines or Culverts . ........ • - • • • • (with direction of flow) lmpoundm nt Location ... . Railroad ......... .... +H I l ,- Ult Pump ...... .......... Q Drain Inlet ..........4 ......... Q Surface ................ �--� Manhole ........... ......... Q Underground .. ......... _ 4 - -� - Proposed ike or Bens lam rYtab �e L� �`5 �► — 3 — f • r �NtR 1 -a - • :. Office .- 2.8S5 we - Cutoff a �� SavuMili � i' � ��� •'a Treatang Plan-:y- 3. • • �� � '•� Rl• "fit nA sg�_ �. Yard 0 1 - t�.•'.1 jan:- .�771. ,�- Finished goods - inventory Lag storage " Wat _ , •: • - SCALE In — 200' EXTERI R CONTOURMTERVAL JIUEKVAL 1Q' . Re drgn t t Y O well .......................... irection Ground Stokes Fence............ .... ��-- Gate ............. Drain Lines or Culverts Stream or Creek ....•..::.•.: Railroad ......... .... -i (with direction of flow) Impoundment Location - . : • . • - ' O - Surface — lit Pump . • .. - • • P Drain Inlet ........ . - . - ...... ® ............... r Betm Manhole ........... ......... © underground ............. 4-4- oposed Dike o • - • - F1,gwn4able ' LI'Tas`ds AA-, Goldston Lumber land use area GOLDSTON LIMBER, INC. SITE RUNOFF CONTROL Draw map showing the surrounding area for about one can be contained. Locate where and how runoff maybe mile in all directions. Extend the map in the direction of th blocked by dikes. dams, shutting off flit pumps, etc. Show site drainage so that drainage can be traced until it reache a surrounding land use (residential, cornfield, etc.). Show places nearest large body of water if runoff can be impounded on of public assembly, such as schools, churches. Use symbols off site show loca 'on and approx mate number of oallons ., below. Sh w North arrow. or Cc u 4 r - n Office 2.8 ss in gas Cutoff 'w ./V u .7 • Fue Os.l`' • Shop ! jam. . �'• � � o ^ � � � 'S•.. vokle(s Kin =-•� '=;.:. x�. A Dp,`�� ler oo =. _�.�•'" Tank Farm i '• 'r. Sawmill TreatinPlang : r ; • s Covered' Drip Pad Yard 0 i •� Remanufacturing Plant Gas Q- Wate cuff. r Electr•cal .t • - Fire SCALE 1" = 200' EXT ERVY R - a ¢�'`—•Jt. • °� �' CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 t �Qedmn`_� vvett ....... name-"'• f irection Ground Slopes ... •-•••�•� Fence ............ ... • '�' Stream or Creek ........... - - Gate ............. .... —��-- Drain Lines or Culverts - -�+t+H-t- (with direction of flow) Impoundment Location O Railroad ........_. .... S ................�_ Lift Pump ..................... P Drain Inlet ....................... Q Surface _ • � • 11ei� i �i �QM roposed Dike or Berm Underground ...........-aP Yanhole.....�, .... (e fit` ds — s -" AK otsor`s' It 41 .�vc •- ,-yam/ -� � y I Y ,�� _,.-.. , P r n Y � , �• y . P..'y. jr,�yea •• rr a 5. l -�� f Ab a . . Ps i t • e AUNTY, NC Parcel Number: 9209 Deed Book: Deed Page: 825 0374 Map Number: 9606-28-8989.000 Owner Name: SHIELDS PAUL J & SARA G Plat Book:: i"%rn 21 P O BOX 219 Plat Page: )4 S. Main Street - Goldston Lumber caneerr CCityity: : GOLDST Deed Acres: 20.546 Owner State: NC Physical Address: 2304 BELLEVUE ST N Owner Zip: 272520000 Improvement Value: 143603 •provided on mle map na preperea lw rro lrnenlpry of reel propeM found wlmin Tax Year Land Value: 92046 no y,Wamar•awa01Wr mwrdedpai., daada,mdo0arpW10ra a .. mu mu�wrartamradpnai p_ro+a•pr+r •ad anpua wrm.pwawed Description: GO3-1 Fire District: 200 One Inch =400 Feet e Illlp seerA. pryxry apge¢el, survry, a la zmmg veriAwMn. Township Code: EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit dumber Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 COC210446 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY, LLC OMB No.2040-0004 SECTIONsN STORMWATER DISCHARGES +t CFR 122,26(c)(1)(j)(C)) 5.1 l certify under penalty of law that the outfall(s) covered by this application have been tested or evaluated for the presence of non-stonnwater discharges. Moreover, ! certify that the outfalls identified as having non-stonnwater discharges are described in either an accompanying NPDES Form 2C, 2D, or 2E application. Name (print or type first and last name) I Official title Signature Date signed w 5.2 Provide the testing information requested in the table below. Outfa[I Ma Onsite Drainage Points Description of Tessting:Method Used. Dates) of Testing Dlre.ccdy Observed o Number . During Test m R 3 0 o, 0 z C. L O ,x 0 m J r C t� ii c a, I6.1 I Describe any significant leaks or spills of toxic or hazardous pollutants in the last three years. See the instructions to determine the pollutants and parameters you are required to monitor and, in turn, the tables you must complete. Not all applicants need to complete each table. 7.1 Is this a new source or new discharge? o❑ Yes + See instructions regarding submission of ❑ No + See instructions regarding submission of d estimated data. actual data. v� Tables A, B, C, and b y 7.2 Have you completed Table A for each outfall? o ❑ Yes ❑ No EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 3 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03105/19 COC210446 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY, LLC OMB No.20404M 7.3 Is the facility subject to an effluent limitation guideline (ELG) or effluent limitations in an NPDES permit for its process wastewater? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.5. 7.4 Have you completed Table B by providing quantitative data for those pollutants that are (1) limited either directly or indirectly in an ELG and/or (2) subject to effluent limitations in an NPDES permit for the facility's process wastewater? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7.5 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants in Exhibit 2172 are present in the discharge? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.7. 7.6 Have you listed all pollutants in Exhibit 217--2 that you know or have reason to believe are present in the discharge and provided quantitative data or an explanation for those pollutants in Table C? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7.7 Do you qualify for a small business exemption under the criteria specified in the Instructions? ❑ Yes +SKIP to Item 7.18. ❑ No 7.8 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants in Exhibit 2173 are present in the discharge? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.10. 7.9 Have you listed all pollutants in Exhibit 2F 3 that you know or have reason to believe are present in the discharge in :r. Table C? o' El Yes ❑ No c.� o. 7.10 Do you expect any of the pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 to be discharged in concentrations of 10 ppb or greater? Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.12. 7.11 Have you provided quantitative data in Table C for those pollutants in Exhibit 2173 that you expect to be discharged in m concentrations of 10 ppb or greater? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7.12 Do you expect acrolein, acrylonitrile, 2,4-dinitrophenol, or 2-methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol to be discharged in concentrations of 100 ppb or greater? ❑ Yes ❑ No + SKIP to Item 7.14. 7.13 Have you provided quantitative data in Table C for the pollutants identified in Item 7.12 that you expect to be discharged in concentrations of 100 ppb or greater? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7.14 Have you provided quantitative data or an explanation in Table C for pollutants you expect to be present in the discharge at concentrations less than 10 ppb (or less than 100 ppb for the pollutants identified in Item 7.12)? ❑ Yes ❑ No 7.15 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants in Exhibit 2F-4 are present in the discharge? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.17. 7.16 Have you listed pollutants in Exhibit 217-4 that you know or believe to be present in the discharge and provided an explanation in Table C? ❑ Yes No 7.17 Have you provided information for the storm event(s) sampled in Table D? ❑ Yes ❑ No EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 4 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 COC210446 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY, LLC OMB No. 2040-0004 .p Used or Manufactured Toxics 7.18 Is any pollutant listed on Exhibits 2F 2 Through 2F-4 a substance or a component of a substance used or manufactured as an intermediate or final product or byproduct? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 8. 0 7.19 List the pollutants below, including TCDD if applicable. 10 1. CCA 4. 7. 2. CA 5. 8. 0 3. 6. 9. SECTION i BIOLOGICAL TOXICITY TESTING DATA I - Do you have any knowledge or reason to believe that any biological test for acute or chronic toxicity has been made on 8.1 any of your discharges or on a receiving water in relation to your discharge within the last three years? in c ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 9. 8.2 Identify the tests and their purposes below. Test(s) Purpose of Tests) Submitted to NPDES PermiNin Authc ' Date Submitted x t= ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No o 0 ❑ Yes ❑ No ao CONTRACTSECTION 9. ANALYSIS INFORMATION,i CFR Were any of the analyses reported in Section 7 (on Tables A through C) performed by a contract laboratory or 9.1 consulting firm? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 10. 9.2 Provide information for each contract laboratory or consulting firm below. Laboratory Number 1 Laboratory Number 2 Laboratory Number 3 Name of laboratory/firm A la C w H Laboratory address Jq Phone number c� Pollutant(s) analyzed EPA Form 3510-2F (Revised 3-19) Page 5 �riveo r- rom W ou, von J CCA Type Treatina SnI"fts .. HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS Chromic Acid Cupric Oxide Arsenic Pentoxide Water (Percentag According to solution Strength) Minimum 90% WARNING skin, or if inhaled or swallowed. Avoid Wear gloves impervious to the wood treatment formulz Wash thoroughly after skin contact and where dermal contact is expected (e.g., Handling fresh :co products or using restrooms. manually opening cylinder doors). ducts during those parts of the applica- ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS to the wood treatment formulation (e.g,, Do not discharge effluent containing this product into la Dors, moving trams out of cylinders, estuaries, oceans or other waters unless in accordance hly treated wood). ments of a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Sw permit and the permitting authority has been notified in othing (e.g., Gloves, overalls, jackets, discharge. Do not discharge effluent containing this prc n and handling of inorganic arsenicals systems without previously notifying the local sewage to )prene, NBR (blpa-n), and polyethylene. authority. For guidance contact your State Water Boara of the EPA. TORS ONLY SIDE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Wolman@ For Industri (CAmoB I Use Only INGREDIIENTS: TIVE INGREDIENTS: Copper (elemental)' Tebuconazole: alpha-(2-(4-chlorophe yl) ethyl-alpha-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-1H-1, ,4- triazole-1-ethanol INERT INGREDIENTS: Total t `Mixed inorganic copper complexes may be expressed as coy yr elemental equivalent. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN ANGER IFS WED: all a poison control center or doc • Do not induce vomiting unless told or doctor. • Have person sip a glass of water it • Do not give anything by mouth to 4 IF ON SKIN OR CLOTHING: • Take off contaminated cloturing. • Rinse skin immediately with plenty • Call a poison control center or doc IF IN EYES: • Hold eye and rinse slowly and gen • Remove contact lenses, if present, X U_ immediately for treatment _rc . do so by poison control cent:. ,able t() swallow r unconscibus person. )t water for minutes )r for treatment advice. with water for 15-20 minutes, Ier the first 5 minutes, then EPA tdentificatron Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 COC210446 GOLDSTON LUMBER SUPPLY, LLC OMB No. 2040-0004 SECTIONt CHECKLIST 10.1 AND CERTIFICATION, .t In Column 1 below, mark the sections of Form 2F that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section, specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note that not all applicants are required to com fete all sections or provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 0 Section 1 ❑ wl attachments (e.g., responses for additional outfalls) ❑� Section 2 ❑ wl attachments ❑✓ Section 3 ❑ wl site drainage map El Section 4 ❑ wl attachments ❑ Section 5 ❑ w/ attachments ❑ Section 6 ❑ w/ attachments ... Or 0 Section 7 ❑ Table A ❑ wl small business exemption request _ ❑ Table B ❑ wl analytical results as an attachment 0 ❑ Table C ❑ Table D ❑ Section 8 ❑ wlattachments ❑ Section 9 ❑ w/attachments (e.g., responses for additional contact laboratories or firms) ❑ Section 10 ❑ � 10.2 Certification Statement l certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of tine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name (print or type first and last name) Official title t�� V Signatu Date signed EPA Form 3510 2F (Revised 3-19) Page 6