HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0057606_mv-2023-0005 enforcement case_20230214DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES - CIVIL PENALTY ASSESSMENT Violator: Town of Stantonsbure Facility Name: Stantonsbura WWTP Permit Number: NC0057606 County: Wilson Case Number: MV-2023-0005 ASSESSMENT FACTORS 1) The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violation; Not monitoring for Nitrite + Nitrate N, NH-3-N, TKN, TN, and TP can cause water quality standard violations. 2) The duration and gravity of the violation; The above parameters were not monitored twice a month during September 2022. 3) The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality; Not monitoring for Nitrite + Nitrate — N, NH-3-N, TKN, TN, and TP can cause water quality standard violations. 4) The cost of rectifying the damage; The cost of rectifying the damage is not given. 5) The amount of money saved by noncompliance; It is believed that no money was saved by the noncompliance. 6) Whether the violation was committed willfully or intentionally; It does not appear that the violations were committed willfully or intentionally. 7) The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority; There has been one enforcement within the last 12 months. S) The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures. $95.72 v2X �7 V/ 6�1 Dat Scott Vinson, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Raleigh Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary RICHARD E. ROGERS, JR. virector Certified Mail # 7020 3160 0000 4115 6075 Return Receipt Requested Barbara Aycock, Interim Town Manager Town of Stantonsburg PO Box 10 Stantonsburg, NC 27883-0010 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality February 14, 2023 SUBJECT: Notice of Violation and Assessment of Civil Penalty for Violations of North Carolina General Statute (G.S.) 143-215. I(a)(6) and NPDES WW Permit No. NCO057606 Town of Stantonsburg Stantonsburg W WTP Case No. MV-2023-0005 Wilson County Dear Ms. Aycock: This letter transmits a Notice of Violation and assessment of civil penalty in the amount of $220.72 ($125.00 civil penalty + $95.72 enforcement costs) against Town of Stantonsburg. This assessment is based upon the following facts: a review has been conducted of the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) submitted by Town of Stantonsburg for the month of September 2022. This review has shown the subject facility to be in violation of the discharge limitations and/or monitoring requirements found in NPDES WW Permit No. NC0057606. The violations, which occurred in September 2022, are summarized in Attachment A to this letter. Based upon the above facts, I conclude as a matter of law that Town of Stantonsburg violated the terms, conditions or requirements of NPDES WW Permit No. NCO057606 and G.S. 143-215.1(a)(6) in the manner and extent shown in Attachment A. In accordance with the maximums established by G.S. 143-215.6A(a)(2), a civil penalty may be assessed against any person who violates the terms, conditions or requirements of a permit required by G.S. 143-215.1(a). North Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Quabty I DWIslon of Water Resources Raklgh Reglor W Me 1 3500 Burets Drtve I Ralelph North Carobna 27609 4.ft 919.791A200 Based upon the above findings of fact and conclusions of law, and in accordance with authority provided by the Secretary of the Department of Environmental Quality and the Director of the Division of Water Resources, 1, Scott Vinson, Regional Supervisor, Raleigh Regional Office hereby make the following civil penalty assessment against Town of Stantonsburg: 25.00 for 1 of the 1 failures to properly monitor Nitrite plus Nitrate Total as in violation of Permit No. NC0057606. 25.00 for 1 of the 1 failures to properly monitor Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as N) - Concentration in violation of Permit No. NC0057606. 25.00 for 1 of the 1 failures to properly monitor Nitrogen, Kieldahl, Total (as N) in violation of Permit No. NC0057606. 25.00 for 1 of the I failures to properly monitor Nitrogen, Total - Concentration in violation of Permit No. NC0057606. 25.00 for 1 of the 1 failures to properly monitor Phosphorus, Total (as P) - Concentration in violation of Permit No. NC0057606, 125.00 TOTAL CIVIL PENALTY 95.72 Enforcement Costs 220.72 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A(c), in determining the amount of the penalty I have taken into account the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and the factors set forth at G.S. 143B-282.1(b), which are: (1) The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violation; (2) The duration and gravity of the violation; (3) The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality; (4) The cost of rectifying the damage; (5) The amount of money saved by noncompliance; (6) Whether the violation was committed willfully or intentionally; (7) The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority; and (8) The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice, you must do one of the following: (1) Submit payment of the penalty, OR (2) Submit a written request for remission, OR (3) Submit a written request for an administrative hearing Option 1: Submit payment of the penalty: Payment should be made directly to the order of the Department of Environmental Quality (do not include waiver form). Payment of the penalty will not foreclose further enforcement action for any continuing or new violation(s). Please submit payment to the attention of: Wastewater Branch Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Option 2: Submit a written request for remission or mitigation including a detailed justification for such request: Please be aware that a request for remission is limited to consideration of the five factors listed below as they may relate to the reasonableness of the amount of the civil penalty assessed. Requesting remission is not the proper procedure for contesting whether the violation(s) occurred or the accuracy of any of the factual statements contained in the civil penalty assessment document. Because a remission request forecloses the option of an administrative hearing, such a request must be accompanied by a waiver of your right to an administrative hearing and a stipulation and agreement that no factual or legal issues are in dispute. Please prepare a detailed statement that establishes why you believe the civil penalty should be remitted, and submit it to the Division of Water Resources at the address listed below. In determining whether a remission request will be approved, the following factors shall be considered: (1) whether one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors in NCGS 14313-282.1(b) was wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner; (2) whether the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation; (3) whether the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident; (4) whether the violator had been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; or (5) whether payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions. Please note that all evidence presented in support of your request for remission must be submitted in writing. The Director of the Division of Water Resources will review your evidence and inform you of his decision in the matter of your remission request. The response will provide details regarding the case status, directions for payment, and provision for further appeal of the penalty to the Environmental Management Commission's Committee on Civil Penalty Remissions (Committee). Please be advised that the Committee cannot consider information that was not part of the original remission request considered by the Director. Therefore, it is very important that you prepare a complete and thorough statement in support of your request for remission. In order to request remission, you must complete and submit the enclosed "Request for Remission of Civil Penalties Waiver of Right to an Administrative Hearing.and Stipulation of Facts" form within thi 001 days of receipt of this notice. The Division of. Water Resources also requests that you complete. and submit the enclosed "Justification for Remission 9,Q est." Both forms should be submitted to the following address: Wastewater Branch Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 O tion 3: File a oetition for an administrative hearing with the Office of Administrative Heariie s: If you wish to contest any statement in the attached assessment document you must file a petition for an administrative hearing. You may obtain the petition form from the Office of Administrative Hearings. You must file the petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered filed when it is received in the Office of Administrative Hearings during normal office hours. The Office of Administrative Hearings accepts filings Monday through Friday between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., except for official state holidays. The petition may be filed by facsimile (fax) or electronic mail by an attached file (with restrictions) - provided the signed original, one (1) copy and a filing fee (if a filing fee is required by NCGS §15013-23.2) is received in the Office of Administrative Hearings within seven (7) business days following the faxed or electronic transmission. You should contact the Office of Administrative Hearings with all uestions regarding the filing fee and/or the details of the filing process, The mailing address and telephone and fax numbers for the Office of Administrative Hearings are as follows: 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 6714 Tel: (919) 431-3000 Fax: (919) 431-3100 One (1) copy of the petition must also be served on DEQ as follows: Mr. William F. Lane, General Counsel Department of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601 Please indicate the case number (as found on page one of this letter) on the petition. Failure to exercise one of the options above within thirty (30) days of receipt of this letter, as evidenced by an internal date/time received stamp (not a postmark), will result in this matter being referred to the Attorney General's Office for collection of the penalty through a civil action. Please be advised that additional penalties may be assessed for violations that occur after the review period of this assessment. If you have any questions, please contact Mitchell Hayes with the Division of Water Resources staff of the Raleigh Regional Office at (919) 791-4200 or via email at mitch.hayes@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, y, sal ---� Scott Vinson, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Raleigh Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ ATTACHMENTS Laserfiche JUSTIFICATION FOR REMISSION RE UEST Case Number: MV-2023-0005 County: Wilson Assessed Party: Town of Stantonsburg Permit No.: NCO057606 Amount Assessed: $220.72 Please use this form when requesting remission of this civil penalty. You must also complete the "Request For Remission, Waiver of Right to an Administrative Hearing, and Stipulation of Facts" form to request remission of this civil penalty. You should attach any documents that you believe support your request and are necessary for the Director to consider in evaluating your request for remission. Please be aware that a request for remission is limited to consideration of the five factors listed below as they may relate to the reasonableness of the amount of the civil penalty assessed. Requesting remission is not the proper procedure for contesting whether the violation(s) occurred or the accuracy of any of the factual statements contained in the civil penalty assessment document. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 143B-282.1(c), remission of a civil penalty maybe granted only when one or more of the following five factors apply. Please check each factor that you believe applies to your case and provide a detailed explanation, including copies of supporting documents, as to why the factor applies (attach additional pages as needed). (a) one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors in N.C.G.S. 143B-282.1(b) were wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner (the assessment factors are listed in the civil penalty assessment document); (b) the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation (i.e., explain the steps that you took to correct the violation and prevent future occurrences), (c) the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident (Le., explain why the violation was unavoidable or something you could not prevent or prepare for); (d) the violator had not been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; (e) payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions (i.e., explain how payment of the civil penalty will prevent you from performing the activities necessary to achieve compliance). EXPLANATION: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COUNTY OF WILSON 1N THE MATTER OF ASSESSMENT ) WAIVER OF RIGHT TO AN OF CIVIL PENALTIES AGAINST ) ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING AND } STIPULATION OF FACTS Town of Stantonsburg } Stantonsburg WWTP } PERMIT NO. NCO057606 } CASE NO. MV-2023-0005 Having been assessed civil penalties totaling $220.72 for violation(s) as set forth in the assessment document of the Division of Water Resources dated Februajy 14 2023, the undersigned, desiring to seek remission of the civil penalty, does hereby waive the right to an administrative hearing in the above -stated matter and does stipulate that the facts are as alleged in the assessment document. The undersigned further understands that all evidence presented in support of remission of this civil penalty must be submitted to the Director of the Division of Water Resources within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notice of assessment. No new evidence in support of a remission request will be allowed after (30) days from the receipt of the notice of assessment. This the day of _-_-- ADDRESS TELEPHONE SIGNATURE , 20 ATTACHMENT A Town of Stantonsburg CASE NUMBER: MV-2023-0005 PERMIT: NCO057606 FACILITY: Stantonsburg WWTP MONITORING VIOLATION(S) REGION: Raleigh COUNTY: Wilson SAMPLE LOCATION: Outfall 001 - Effluent Violation Report Unit of Limit Calculated % Over Date MonthNr Parameter Frequency Measure Value Value Limit 9/30/2022 9-2022 Nitrite plus Nitrate 2 X month mg/l Total (as N) 9/30/2022 9-2022 Nitrogen, Ammonia 2 X month mg/I Total (as N) - Concentration 9/30/2022 9-2022 Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, 2 X month mg/I Total (as N) 9/30/2022 9-2022 Nitrogen, Total - 2 X month mgll Concentration 9/30/2022 9-2022 Phosphorus, Total (as 2 X month mg/l P) - Concentration Violation Penalty Type Amount Frequency $25.00 Violation Frequency $25.00 Violation Frequency Violation Frequency Violation Frequency Violation $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 pli | } m - } } # ! $ ;- ■ !|■1E - !s■!- `��` , ,� -. !!!,.-�. !g■,|;;| ,\;ks««,�,«■ !g{ • � ) ||\ k! \ | ! �|kAA 2 } ■ z ■ ! ] 7 | f � } � ] ! ƒ)� |} ;: �$ !! f} || ■#q�k! k ! d jt 06z z X z N C4 c•1 �' N c r Council Members Coley H Rhodes, Mayor Donnie Bass Mayor Pro-Tem Walter Bynum Ken D Home Steve Mooring Benjamin Harper North Carolina of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 NC Dept of Environmental Qu+y Clerk Tatum L Webb 252-238-3608 Fax 252-238-2696 P.O. Box 10 8 E Commercial Ave. NOV 4 7-02 Stantonshurg, NC 27853 5 &7 1;,; &2:'w, Raleigh Regional Office Sutject: Violation & intent to Assess Civil Penalty Tacking Number. Nov-2022-M V 0139 Dear Sir: J� riir/ r � o -(,-x* 4Cv054 A review of the penalty noted on permit no: NCO057606 has been addressed on procedures regarding corrective actions to prevent future penalties. One of the main issues the town had to experience was the resignation of a sewer employee. This resulted in a backlog for the sewer operator. During the investigation on making corrections to the process, the staff will put together a standard operating procedure check off list. Another issue during the process was not dating information on a month that has 5 Wednesday correctly The operator has used the process of every Wednesday to do the test. The corrections actions we_have_imnlemcnted a[e-lhe_follo_w_ing: Put in place a reminder on the sewer workers phone and a visible calendar for daily reviews Phone alami to remind the sewer worker I day in advance of testing needed Make sure on the months with 5 Wednesdays the report is not dated incorrectly Update the standard operating schedule and procedures and review with current staff as needed when changes are made The sewer staff are very conscious of the necessity of staying in compliance with General Statue (G.S.) 143-215.1 and will continue to work toward keeping in compliance. With all the personnel changes the staff knows how important it is to have reminders and updates in place daily. Thank you for your consideration re arding the penalty. Sincerely, �y Barbara Aycock U Interim Manager Attachment: Notice NPV 2022 MV 0139 R NC Dept of Environmental Quality ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary RICHARD E. ROGERS, JR. Director NOV 4 2',22 Raleigh Regional Office Certified Mail # 7020 3160 0000 4109 0461 Return Receipt Requested Barbara Aycock, Interim Town Manager Town of Stantonsburg PO Box 10 Stantonsburg, NC 27883-0010 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quallty October 14, 2022 OCT 2 7 2022 1�,e,L&,'ved hLr C%fi0{ -5iIned SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ASSESS CIVIL PENALTY Tracking Number: NOV-2022-MV-0139 Permit No. NCO057606 Stantonsburg WWTP Wilson County Dear Permittee: A review of the September 2022 Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) for the subject facility revealed the violations indicated below: Monitoring Violations: Sample Monitoring Location Parameter Date Frequency Type of Violation 001 Effluent Nitrite plus Nitrate Total (as N) 9/30/2022 2 X month Frequency Violation (00630) r 001 Effluent Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as N) - 9/30/2022 Concentration (C0610) 001 Effluent 001 Effluent 001 Effluent Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total (as N) (00625) Nitrogen, Total - Concentration (C0600) 9/30/2022 2 X month Frequency Violation 2 X month Frequency Violation 9/30/2022 2 X month Phosphorus, Total (as P) - 9/30/2022 2 X month Concentration (C0665) Frequency Violation Frequency Violation North Carolina Oepanment ofpmlranmcntal Qua[I[y l Division of Water Resources R*0 Reg. nal Office 138008arrettDrlve RalelghNorth Carolina 27609 a.w 919.7%.4200 MN Council Mernben Coley It Rhodes Mayor bonnie Bass "Mayor Pro-7 an Walter nVntnn Ken D. Horne Steve Mooring 13e1)anlm liarper North Carolina ol'Emironniental Quality Di% ision of Water Resuurres 38t10 Barren Drier Raleigh. NC 27609 Subject: Violation & Intent to Assess Civil Penalty Tacking Nurnher. No%-2022-MV 0139 Dear Sir NC Dept of Envlmremental Qum Clerk Tammy L Webb 252.23R-3M1R Fax 252.238-2696 P.O. no% 10 NOV8 F Commtrtktl Ale. 51antonahur�, NC 21883 Raleigh Regional strive �-/loll rJ ��{siloi141467 A re%tew of the penally noted on permit no WM57606 has been addressed on procedures regarding corrective actions to prevent future penalties. One of the main issues the town had to experience w as the resignation of a setter employee. This resulted in a hacking for the sewer operator - Daring the investigation on staking corrections to the process, the stall'will put together a standard operating procedure check Off list. Ana7lheC issue during the pr+icss was not dating information on a month that has 5 Wednesday correctly the operator has used the process of cr ery Wednesday to do the test. The �Lha,-VAmPislwttdze theJoJW" lnQ: Put in place a reminder on ti-c sewer workers phone and a visible calendar I'm daily rc% icm s Phone alarm to remind the sewer worker 1 d.ty in advance Oftcsting needed Make sure on the months wo-th 5 Wednesdays the report is not dated incorrectly Lptlate the standard operating schedule and procedures and review with current iialTas needed when chinge9 aremade The sewer stali'are very conscious ofthe nerCSSitV nfitaving ill Compliant r t+i4h (irneml %latue (G 1� ) 143-215.1 and will continue to work toward keeping in compliance. With all the personnel changes the stannows how important it is to have reminders and updates in place daily Thank you liar your consideration re arding the penalty Sincerel , y Barbara Aycock U interim Manager Attachment. `olive `P4 ?022 %1%' 0119 r �• �,• �ewunCfliiil yuallty ROY COOPER Cavernor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary RICHARD E- ROGERS, JR. Director NO Y 4„ Raleigh Regional Office Barbara Aycock, Interim Town Manager Town of Stantonsburg PO Box 10 Stantonsburg, NC 27883-0010 NORTH CAROUNA Environmental Quality October 14, 2022 OCT 2 7 2022 r J .signed SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ASSESS CIVIL PENALTY Tracking Number: NOV-2022-MV-0139 Permit No. NCO057606 Stantonsburg VA TP Wilson County Dear Permittee: A review of the September 2022 Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) for the subject facility revealed the violations indicated below: m2gitorina Violations: Sample Location Parameter 001 Effluent Nitrite plus Nitrate Total (as N) (00630) Date 9/30/2022 Monitoring Frequency 2 X month Type of Violation Frequency Violation 001 Effluent Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as N) - 9/30/2022 2 X month Frequency Violation Concentration (C0610) 001 Effluent Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total (as N) 9/30/2022 2 X month Frequency Violation` (00625) 001 Effluent Nitrogen, Total - Concentration 9/30/2022 2 X month Frequency Violation (C0600) 001 Effluent Phosphorus, Total (as P) - 9/30/2022 2 X month Frequency Violation Concentration (C0665) N�1h GraLu Drparlmtm of frrrlrnnmenW �,Yr1r ' ON'Slan of Vim" R� 42WRA00 Re9WW 0ML* 1 3000 Emrn 9Mtr R~ Noah CArolrr ZIW9 919.791A700 ROY COOPER Govemor EUZABETH S. BISER sercmwy RICHARD L ROGERS. JR. VhTC ► Barbara Aycock, Interim Town Manager Town of Stantonsburg PO Box 10 Stantonsburg, NC 27883-0010 NORTH raeQ INA October 14, 2022 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ASSESS CIVIL PENALTY Tracking Number: NOV-2022-MV-0139 Permit No. NC0057606 Stantonsburg WWTP Wilson County Dear Perrnittee: A review of the September 2022 Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) for the subject facility revealed the violations indicated below: Sample Monitoring Location Parameter Dais Frequency Type of Violation 001 Effluent Nitrite plus Nitrate Total (as N) 9/30/2022 2 X month Frequency Violation (00630) 001 Effluent Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as N) - 9/30/2022 2 X month Frequency Violation Concentration (CO610) 001 Effluent Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total (as N) 9/30/2022 2 X month Frequency Violation (00625) 001 Effluent Nitrogen, Total - Concentration 9/30/2022 2 X month Frequency Violation (CO600) 001 Effluent Phosphorus, Total (as P) - 9/30/2022 2 X month Frequency Violation Concentration (CO66S) Nffocwtwopne%a"rDMOMe mwa..wees 4AP w92%4= A Notice of Vioiation/Intent to Issue Civil Penalty is being issued for the noted violation of North Carolina General Statute (G.S.) 143-215.1 and the Facility's NPOE,S WW Permit. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1. If you wish to provide additional information regarding the noted violation, request technical assistance, or discuss overall compliance please respond in writing after receipt of this Notice. A review of your response will be considered along with any Information provided on the submitted Monitoring Report(s). You will then be notified of any civil penalties that may be assessed regarding the violations. If no response Is received In this Office within the 10-day period, a chill penalty assessment may be prepared. Remedial actions should have already been taken W correct this problem and prevent further occurrences in the future. The Division of Water Resources may pursue enforcement action for this and any additional violations of State law. If the violations are of a continuing nature, not related to operation and/or maintenance problems, and you anticipate remedial construction activities, then you may wish to consider applying for a Special Order by Consent. Reminder: Pursuant to Permit Condition 6 in Section E. the Permittee is required W verbally notify the Regional OMce as soon as possible, not W exceed 24 hours, from first knowledge of any non-compliance at the facility including limit violations, bypasses of, or failure of a treatment unit. A written report may be required within 5 days if directed by Division staff. Prior notice should be given for anticipated or potential problems due to planned maintenance activities, taking units off-line, etc. If you have any questions concerning this matter or to apply for an SOC, please contact Mitchell Hayes of the Raleigh Regional Office at 919-791-4200. Sincerely, Scott Vinson, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Raleigh Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Cc. WQ9 Fteldgh RegkmW ORIce - ment file— y6,, Laserflche / 7x2-- 4�wp "RIVAM ftwoftomroff"1700pti1tntftk% ftAQralwM0 d�4 OFFICIA ROY COOPER 0a en Fell $ MwA flab arr Au as ttYaaPtagj ❑ Hahan rapt ri COTemar EU?ABEfH S. BLSERt wftv» ❑cars wMePA*ktwno my 6 RiiCHARD E ROGERS,X NORTH CAROLINA o ❑"d'"'�^'t'°'""0 6 Abetter EnVr70ARrfrJ1[alQuafty ❑'I"w° '•p"41t°a'E e'7 October 14, 2022 Barbara Aycock, Interim Town Manager Town of Stantonsburg PO Box10 Stantonsburg, NC 27883-0010 an�+t liefo Q � BMBMtA ATCOCK. INT TOWN MANAGER m e Twrf of sTANroNswRG Po Boll 10 (M Serif b STANTONSDUM NC 27BB3 ru ►e WQ:NOV•IntenttokumClv9nahy/r1OV•2022•MV-0139fp@"Mt ,__.—y E3 , bleef IN00057606JSTANTONSBURG WWTPfWILSON r' 11i)10 702W1f000W4W90161 M:10J21/2022 ....... SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO, ASSESS CIVIL PENALTY Tracking Number: NOV-2022-MV-0139 Permit No. NCO057606 Stantonsburg WWTP Wilson County Dear Permlttee: A review of the September 2022 Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) for the subject facility revealed the violations indicated below: ups iMMITMW7711.� Sample Monitoring Location Parameter Date Frequency Type of VioWan 001 Effluent Nitrite plus Nitrate Total (as N) 9/30/2022 2 X month Frequency Violation (00630) 001 Effluent Nitrogen, Ammonia Concentration (CO6I en 001 Effluent NitroKjeldahl To ■ Corot your Items 1. a. dd s. r Nitrogen, � ■ Print your name and address on the reverse (00625) so that we can mwm the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the black of the malIPWOt 001 Eftent Nitrogen, Total - Con[ or on the front If WOO permits. (C10600) 1. amide Addressed Ur 001 Effluent Phosphorus, Total (as Concentration (CO665 BARMINA AVCOCILL%f !'OWN MANAGER TWMOF SFANTCNURM ro Boll !0 STWOONSB M NC 27a3 INQ:NOV N Intent to AMU Civil Penatty/NOV-2022•MV 4139/Permn •NCW57606/STAKTC-NS6URG WWTP/W LSON 7020716000001109W61 M:UV21i2022 II I lllltl III Itl I II I IIII I I I I�IIIII II I I I I I I I III 9590 9402 6851 1060 2376 09 7020 3160 0000 41ag a461 B. Received by(" Name) C. Date of iY D. b delivery address dHldew WOm to9ne 17 W YES, enter delivery address below. C] No 3. Service lype Plraftly t C] t1dld! SiprlatufB Roetllcted D1awry E] Mal RW LVu M Vcollftirmil %d is Cded on DIRVery os E3Cded on Dd"V RwW4W O1li RO*W ""wy AWMW ,rod rkd RB W*dodwry pc Fnrm .1811. Juiv 2020 PSN 7530-024a0-9053 Domeetia PAtUM Ftec NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO057606 FACILITY NAME: Stantonsburg WWTP OWNER NAME: Town ofStantonsburg GRADE: WW-2 eDMR PERIOD: 09-2022 (September 2022) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active CLASS: WW-2 COUNTY: Wilson ORC: Roger Eugene Sullivan ORC CERT NUMBER: 1007597 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO o e U uRecorder IgCt O o aaii 50050 MID 00400 50060 C0310 C0610 Cos" 31416 own Continuous Weekly w"kiy 2 X week Weekly 2 X month 5 X week Weekly Weekly Grab Grab Grab composjtc Cam to Composite Composite Grab rLQw 7EMr•C pH CHLORINE SOD - Coy[ NNIx-COW TS9-COW PCOLI DR DO 2100 ebek Hn 2400ebe4 Hn vim mad dtS a au USA mgA #/1OOm1 m gA 1 0717 24 0600 10 Y 0.065 27 73 7,5 7 52 2 0749 24 0710 0,75 Y 0.069 + 26 3 0713 03 Y 0.065 0850 10.5 Y 0.053 5 0742 24 0700 I 1 Y 0.056 26 72 c IS 7.06 6 0917 24 0645 9.25 Y 0.069 26 7.4 c 2 $ 7.04 7 0906 24 0705 8 Y 0.106 1 < 2 5 29 a 0920 24 0700 9.5 Y 0.086 26 7.2 < 2 5 7.35 9 0737 124 0715 0.75 Y 0.069 < 25 10 0740 105 Y 1 0.084 11 0749 0.5 Y 0.088 12 0754 24 0620 9.7S Y 0.068 25 17.1 2.5 7.4 13 0955 24 0655 9.5 Y Ob6 26 7.1 < 2.5 7.54 14 0725 24 10630 9 Y 0,077 24 7.2 2 5.05 < 2.5 4 749 IS 0917 24 0700 9 1 Y 1 0.044 25 7 <2.5 746 16 074$ 24 0720 1 Y o057 <2.5 17 0700 1 N o046 Is 0545 05 N o068 19 0742 24 10645 9.75 Y 0.072 24 i 7 3 e 2.5 714 20 0903 24 0700 8.5 1 Y 0.06$ 25 7.3 a 2.5 6.89 21 0853 24 0655 8 Y 0.063 25 7.3 + 2 x 2.5 12 6.87 22 0802 24 0630 9.5 Y 0.059 t 2.5 23 0725 24 0705 1.25 Y 0.055 2.5 24 10645 0.5 N 0.058 13 1 0730 Or$ N 0.059 26 0749 24 0700 9.2S Y 0.055 23 73 c 2.5 6.63 27 1 0&44 24 0700 8,5 Y 0.055 c 2.5 23 0801 24 0645 6.25 Y 0.059 22 74 2 c 2.5 < 1 7.59 29 0943 24 0650 9.75 Y 00$1 22 74 < 2.5 7."30 0902 24 10730 1 Y 0.20$ {25 Monthly Awnge LIMN: 0.3M 30 30 200 Moalhb Average. 0.069667 24 785714 0 1),25 4.340909 6.108152 7.268571 Daay Maalmam. 0209 127 74 1 10 U 65 15 29 7.79 Day Mlatmam: D 044 22 7 0 0 45 0 0 El 6.63 I ****No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE .- No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR - No Visitation- Adverse Weather, NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY - No Visitation - Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record (COR NC0057606_Ver 1.0 9_2022.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO057606 FACILITY NAME: Stantonsburg WWTP OWNER NAME: Town of Stantonsburg GRADE: W W-2 eDMR PERIOD: 09-2022 (September 2022) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 CLASS: WW-2 ORC: Roger Eugene Sullivan ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION. 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Wilson ORC CERT NUMBER: 1007597 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: DOWNSTREAM DISCHARGE NO.: 001 A' i F L 90010 own Weekly w«rd Gmb Grob TEMP-C Do Adak 4es c m 2 3 4 s 6 $ 1054 2 - $ 89 9 10 1 12 13 14 1s 11' « 24 6.08 16 11 to 39 20 21 1512 27 6.13 22 23 24 23 26 2' n 0845 21 7.27 29 30 Mwthly A.emr IJmIL- Maathly Awn r 24.5 6.3425 Dally Muimam: 27 7.27 Daffy Mlslmam: 21 5.99 ****No Reporting Reason ENFRUSE - No Flow-ReuseMccycle, ENV WTHR -- No Visitation Adverse Weather, NOFLOW -- No Flow, HOLIDAY -No Visitation -Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record (COR_NC0057606_Ver_1.0 9_2022.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO057606 PERMIT STATUS: Active FACILITY NAME: Stantonsburg W WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Stantonsburg GRADE: W W-2 eDMR PERIOD: 09-2022 (September 2022) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 CLASS: WW-2 ORC: Roger Eugene Sullivan ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 COUNTY: Wilson ORC CERT NUMBER: 1007597 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) i F ud 9a F- u O z' QM600 cow OWN C0665 922" COMER on" 00625 Monthly 2 X month Annually 2 X month Monthly Once per pernait 2 X month 2 X month Calculated Composite Calculated Composite Calculated Grab Composite Composite TOTAL N - Qty TOTAL N -Com TOTAL K - Qty TOTAL F- Cam TOT FLOW MERCURY - Caec NOW03 TOT KILL 24N clack Rn 24000"k An vam lblmtm -gA Ib r mgA mpUmonth n9A m m FA 1 0717 24 0600 10 Y 2 0743 24 0710 0.75 Y 3 0715 03 Y 0850 03 Y 3 0742 24 0700 1 Y 6 0817 24 10645 1915 Y 7 0806 24 0705 8 Y a 0926 24 0700 8.5 Y 9 0737 24 071$ 0.75 Y 1Q 0740 0.5 Y 11 0749 0.5 Y 12 0754 24 0624 19.75 Y 13 0955 24 0655 9.5 Y 14 0725 24 0630 9 Y 13.46 3.06 12.32 1114 13 10917 24 070D 9 Y i6 0748 24 0720 1 Y 17 0700 11 N Is 0345 0.$ N 19 0742 24 0645 1975 Y 20 10903 24 070D 8.5 Y 21 0853 24 0655 S. Y 22 0802 24 0630 95 Y 23 0725 24 0705 125 Y 14 0645 0.5 N 23 1 0730 0.5 N 26 0749 24 0700 9.25 Y 17 as" 24 0700 8.5 ly 2a 0801 24 0645 6.2$ Y < 1 29 0943 24 10650 375 Y 30 0802 24 0730 1 Y 234.619985 2.09001 Meathty A.smLe Umtj; Meaddy Avenge 234.619935 1346 1 3.08 2.09001 D 1232 1.14 Da* Maim-m: 234 619995 11346 3.03 2.09001 0 12.32 1.14 Dally Mlulma : 234 619985 11346 1 3.08 12.09001 10 12.32 11,14 ****No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE - No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR - No Visitation -Adverse Weather, NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY -No Visitation -Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record(COR_NC0057606_Ver_1.0_9_2022.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO057606 FACILITY NAME: Stantonsburg WWTP OWNER NAME: Town of Stantonsburg GRADE: W W-2 eDMR PERIOD: 09-2022 (September 2022) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active CLASS: WW-2 COUNTY: Wilson ORC: Roger Eugene Sullivan ORC CERT NUMBER: 1007597 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: INFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 y g ze co310 Cosa Weekly 5 X week Composite Composite Bob - cook 755-ever 2I90 ors m m gA 1 0719 24 209 = 0751 24 334 3 4 5 0744 24 293 6 0819 24 236 7 0908 24 238 400 0928 124 330 9 0739 24 138 to n 13 0756 24 428 13 0358 124 238 14 0732 24 241 158 Is 0819 24 243 16 0750 24 1 156 17 Is 19 0740 24 236 20 0905 24 163 31 0902 24 191 210 22 0804 24 280 27 0727 24 343 24 25 36 0751 24 307 37 0346 24 449 311 0804 24 343 493 39 0845 24 163 30 10804 124 86 Monthly Awraile limit: Monthly Awmii . 250.75 267 819192 Doily Miulmem: 343 493 Dnay, Minimum: 1181 86 `••o No Reporting Reason. ENFRUSE - No Flow-Rease/Recycle; ENVWTHR - No Visitation Adverse Weather; NOFLOW No Flow; HOLIDAY -- No Visitation - Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record (COR_NC0057606_Ver_I.0 9_2022.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO057606 PERMIT STATUS. Active FACILITY NAME: Stantonsburg W WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Stantonsburg GRADE: WW-2 eDMR PERIOD: 09-2022 (September 2022) PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 CLASS: WW-2 ORC: Roger Eugene Sullivan ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 COUNTY: Wilson ORC CERT NUMBER: 1007597 STATUS: Submitted SAMPLING LOCATION: UPSTREAM DISCHARGE NO.: 001 S i$ L° 00010 mm Weekly Weekly Gmb Grob 7YMPC DO 2400 dKk ft e m 1 2 7 4 s 4 7 a 1039 25 5 37 9 10 I 12 13 14 Is 1037 24 6.34 If 17 10 19 20 21 1444 26 6.7 22 23 U is u 27 28 0821 20 6.88 29 30 Mmthy Aw nOe Unit: M"y A% wW: 2375 64475 Daay Maemnw: 26 6.99 WAY Minimam: 20 5.37 '••a No Reporting Reason: ENFRUSE - No Flow-Reuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR - No Visitation Adverse Weather; NOFLOW - No Flow; HOLIDAY - No Visitation - Holiday Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record (COR_NC0057606 Ver_1.0_9 2022.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO057606 PERMIT STATt S: Active FACILITY NAME: Stantonsburg W WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Stantonsburg GRADE: WW-2 eDMR PERIOD: 09-2022 (September 2022) COMPLIANCE STATUS: Non -Compliant PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 CLASS: WW-2 ORC: Roger Eugene Sullivan ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 CONTACT PHONE #: 2524147800 COUNTY: Wilson ORC CERT NUMBER: 1007597 STATUS: Submitted SUBMISSION DATE: 10/11/2022 Electronically Certified by Roger Eugene Sullivan on 2022-10-11 12:15:51.963 ORC:'Certifier Signature:Roger Eugene Sullivan Phone #:252-414-7800 Date I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. The permittee shall report to the Director or the appropriate Regional Office any noncompliance that potentially threatens public health or the environment. Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours from the time the permittee became aware of the circumstances. A written submission shall also be provided within 5 days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. The written submission shall be made as required by part ILE.6 of the NPDES permit. Electronically Signed by Roger Eugene Sullivan on 2022-10-11 12:16:22.326 Perm ittee+Submitter Signature: ***Roger Eugene Sullivan Phone #:252-414-7800 Date Permittee Address: 7655 Peacock Bridge Rd Stantonsburg NC 27883 Permit Expiration Date: 05131/2023 1 certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who managed the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. CERTIFIED LABORATORIES LAB NAME: Environment I Inc CERTIFIED LAB R: 10 PERSON(s) COLLECTING SAMPLES: Roger Sullivan, Lonnie Smith PARAMETER CODES Parameter Code assistance may be obtained by visiting https:':,deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resourcesledmr/user-documentation. FOOTNOTES Use only units of measurement designated in the reporting facility's NPDES permit for reporting data. * No Flow/Discharge From Site: YES indicates that No Flow/Discharge occurred and, as a result, no data is reported for any parameter on the DMR for the entire monitoring period. ** ORC on Site?: ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8G .0204. *** Signature of Permittee: If signed by other than the permittee, then delegation of the signatory authority must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 2B .0506(b)(2)(D). Discharge Monitoring Report - Copy Of Record (COR_NC0057606 Ver_1.0_9}022.pdf) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO057606 PERMIT STATUS: Active FACILITY NAM E:Stantonsbur WWTP OWNER NAME: Town of Stantonsburg GRADE: WW-2 eDMR PERIOD: 09-2022 (September 2022) Report Comments: PERMIT VERSION: 5.0 CLASS: W W-2 ORC: Roger Eugene Sullivan ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 COUNTY: Wilson ORC CERT NUMBER: 1007597 STATUS: Submitted Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, Ammonia Nitrogen, Nitrate -Nitrite, and Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen samples were not collected twice for the month of Se tember as required by our permit. This was my error alone. These samples are taken Bi-Weekly on Wednesdays. August had five Wednesdays in the month, a third Total Nitrogen Total Phosphorus Ammonia Nitrogen, Nitrate -Nitrite, and Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen sample set was collected on August 31 st (Wednesday) and should had been collected on September 1st (Thursday). This was a oversite on my part. Roger Sull ivan O Ocli N Ctl $ S S O O O O `O O O 4 (gyp ai ;z fop 4 A O N O O C] Cl � O O`I L� Pi C� l'7 r T •- O T N tP O o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 x a d z z z z z z z zpp z zpp zp zp zpp z z z CD O O O Q CD O O O O O 0 O O O O O 69 G 49 O Vi G 44 O 49 G 49 G 69 O Vi G 69 O 49 d 49 O 69 O V! O to O V! O 6A r N N t�+ w O o O> LO N u, A o pJ M I� N co co O 1� O m CD N N N CS w T h (0 f� qT qt O O I� a0 a0 O N 1Nff n � r N aa N 00 b l7 N � 6 6N9 6r9 69 669 V3 C%jM 6T9 69 6A 69 V> co 0 Ea U 1� c O C IA � a m E O Q 0 C tl) � aEE0E wid Im c m V .0 0 3 wxx O 0 0 a Q 0 0 uJ E oci 0 o CD W 409 4fk 69. 013. 0 o v C 0 m a a C w U= v T M O C O O M O O •"' to .m Z O d T O T r r r T Fc� M � W W E w � o m yEo ? O O co h O O m l!] N In N M N LO N O N m N O N O O CO O CO O •• '� O r 4 f+ 64 Ce6� 69 a0 co r- faa- to ha 1- O GO OD aa V! aa m�} m 69 6A fl9 C1 o c 0 Q 0 O 0 0 O 0 KI 0 �A a 0 0 0 �i ti o N C` m oQ 0 0 $ O O Lo N i Q t Q - ac O r Q LO N 0 C 69 69 66% 6N% 69 6r9 49 a 4Nr4 tJ9 6NA H u 60A rL E M M Q o 0 0 �� g o v 0 o 0 0 m 0 o a a o� rn ul c OM a QJ Qs 0 O �v O Or o c oo m a ;D- a0o p a Q c+� M CO) r) to $ o c C C F. t O 0 CV o CV O O O O 0 O a N O O 01 N I- U) Z lV lJ M w M V 0) YJ o [QN�J QM ro �Q0 YJ 0 Cl) v 4 c7 pO1 n O �►! N .. Qo O Q N Np M M f9 M Y' QN �IJ CD (40 0 0 pMp O 0 O O C. O tl € CD N E N N N N N N N N N p N p CV 4 fV N N CV y2N o'o n o n 0 n 0 ao 0 o 0 do _o Co o_ co o O o Co M Cl) T (n lq lq N O) N N M N O N r v v v LO O Z O Z O Z O Z O Z O Z O Z O Z O Z O Z O Z O Z O Z O Z O Z O Z O Z O Z O Z O Z O Z a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ n n n � Cl O N N 69 O fA O H9 O Vi O 69 O Vi O fH O fA O 64 O 64 O 64 O Vi p EA O 69 O V) O V) O Vi CO a oci tD M N r C%? pp L� 69 V► 7 V � h ti ti IO Iq o O N at ('h (D m fD (r+1 (D Co CO a CO s CO 3 C0 3 Cd S Co CD O (nD O n � I, 6 n M tV Eii 69 EA a 69 N 69 M 69 ( V► C7 to C6 V3. C E9 T 69 (`nn V3 (OD Eli to EA M fA M 69 M V> O O O 6A co O r p O 0 O O O O 643. GO). Q1 _ n n r O OD en N en N O T 0 W) 1n C if r n n r n Lo (C) C0 co co 0a0 EA 0aa0 6�T 00 C0 CD T to In M CO) 140 C ) H T r 609 609 409 649, 6F) dM9 0 g 0 LO o 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ Q 0 0 0 0 00 0 G CO 0 p$p O Ln o L o (q C�p In C�p lO o O pOp pop (A IIOJ IOO Lnn pop lq A n N N 0 n N GO 6l lq 69 W) ER N 69 M 69 m 69 m V! ( V► C fq 0(n 64 69 In WF 1O 69 N 69 N 64 N V) N V9 64 T 69 N V! n O O r— a0 Co Co O_ O_ m 0 M_ m 41 In LO co co w (D co N 0 55 tt 00 O I--n O O n O n O o O co O Co Q W O ap O ap O O N N rf rN O (D tD Ca N N A N N N N � N NN N ONN (V I- CO It (n NN V4 [D M C M � O O O Im O O O a E� pi N CD 00 W G RR O O O O O Oco O r O O O O (O O O T w O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O (V O N O N CDO CV N CV N N N N N (V N N J J J J r J J J O N N N Z Z Z Z z Z N ro O 00 Q O M O 09 6 49 w WD4 N Tel a A T [N'9 O c 609 � O co O^O CD 0 T to fa y N � C y� O U y C E 10 N in I � H Q N Ql C C a N U O I- O 'O a E 3 N 0 0 0 � � 40 v t h Cl N N 01 CT (O a y T GY O (p W N :+ 40 'o o L E d R o U_ LU a F H E s co T co fro O L6 A fD 40% co a_ GO T O N LO O N i CD M N M fA O O O Q f9 rn T N 7 co T O N fV CV O 4 m O N J I f- O fG M N4 O d Ln ry N! T a_ N O 2 Cl) 4 N O N I r y a H Permit N00057606 Class WW-2 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PERMIT. TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provisions of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, The Town of Stantonsburg is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at -the Stantonsburg Wastewater Treatment Plant 7655 Peacock Brldge Road . Stantonsburg Wilson County , to receiving waters designated as Contentnea Creek within the Neuse River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III, and IV hereof. This permit shall become effective August 1, 2018. Thin permit and authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on May 31, 2023. Signed this day June 22, 2018 da Culpepper, Interim ' Division of Water Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Page 1 of S Permit NCO057606 Class W W-2 PART I A. (1) EFFLIIMT LIMITATIONS AND MORrMRiNa R-101 R�;MSrliTB . (15A NCAC 02B.0400 et seq., 02B.0500 et seq.] During the period beginning' on the effective date of this permit and until the Permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 001. Such di Unsung expirmite discharges shall be limited and monitored' by the P9ermittee as specified below: PARAMETER eDMR Code • EFFLUENT Lli4ATAMONS 140MORUNG riE4UIR IiS ply :A We" A MOMOUMMt F 81tropk Sample Loaf n s F NO 0.375 MGD Continuous Recording Influentor uentt Total Monthly Flow Morft & Report (MGbonitr) Mo,v,ly Ca IMMed for BODs , 20° C 3 [C0310] 30.0 mglL 45.0 nglL We" Composite Influent & Effluent Total 5uepmW Saflds (TSsr • [�] 30.0 mgll. 45.0 mgR. SJWeek Composite Influent & went Feces Ca lore (geomehic mean) a 169 2001100 nt 400V100 nd Weekly Composits Effluent Ammonia (NI-bas N) [C0610] Month Composite Effluent Total Residual Chlorine (iRCr [50W Dally Mwftum'28 NgIL 2lVileek Grab Efluent pH [00M > 6.0 and:5 9.0 standard units Weekly Grab EBuW Dissolved Oxygen [00300] D* Average 15.0 mglL Weekly Grab Effluent Temperature °C 1000101 1 Weekly Grab Effluent Toted Mercury? [COMER] Monitor & Report (nglL) 1lpemdt cycle Grab Effluent TIN [0OM Monitor & Report (mg&) Month Compwb Effluent NO3-N + NOrN [00630] Monitor & Report (mglL) Month Composite Effluent Total Nitrogen S [CO800] Monitor & report (mg&) 2M m& Compote Effluent Total Nitrogen Load 9 [f,1M600] [DY600] Monttor & Report (pourrds/rrronM) Monthly Cak;calated Effluent Monitor & Deport (MmOyear) Annually Calculated Effluent Total Phosphorus [COaq Monitor & Report (mg1L) Month Cote Effluent Temperature °C [00010] WaWy Grab U & D Dls *W Oxygen [00300] Monitor & Report (mglL) We" Grab U & D Footnoi�es: . 1. The permittee shall summit discharge monitoring reports electronically using the Division's eDMR system [see A. (6)]. 2. M upstream at the NC Hwy 222 bridge. D: downstream at NSCR 1225. 3. Monthly average effluent values for Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BODO) and TOO shall not emceed 15% of the respective influent values (Le. 85% removal required). 4. T88 shall be sampled once per day except weekends (5 times pw week based an a calendar week). 5. Calculate Food Colif um using the geometric mean (see procedure Part K Section A, PaAragrgph 9b) Page 3 of 8