HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140161 Ver 1_Certification of Completion_20141103Nortii' Carolina : +�0� � ,���. �� �� �� � ��� Departme�t of Environment an� • Division of tNater ftesources VVater Quality Prog�ams . Nafural Resoucces Pat McCrory Thomas A, Reedet Jofin E. Skvaria,'Ni Govemor # .,� : Di�ector � ;, Secretary �' � � . ' ` � NCD ,WR Project,No.: . � � Gounty: Applicant: Projec# Nan Date o£Issuance of 441 Water Quatity�erti�cation: , �. � 1� -5��� Gertificate of Compiefion Upon' completaon of all: work approved .wittiin the 401 Water Quality Certification or appticable Buffer Ruies;. and . any subsequent modifications, the applicarit is required to return.this certificate to ihe 40:1 Transportation Permiiting Unit, North GaroIina Division of Water:Resources; 1650 Mai1 Service Cenfer, Ralefgh,,NC, 27699-1650. This fonn may be returned to NCD�IR by the applicant; the applicant's authorize.d.agerit, or the project engineer: rt is nof necessary to send certificates from all ofthese: AppCicar�l's Certification � C I; 1�; . �(.�� t�� ,;hereby state that, fo the-best ofmy abilit :�—�---:_ - . was used 'n the o eryation of the constxucrion such, that the construction•was observed to compliance and intent of;the 401 Water Quality Gertification and BufFer Rules,�the appro� specifications; and other supporting materials. �' Signatures: Date:' _ Agent's Certifrca�ion ' due care and diligence built ;within�substantial plans arid � �V :. . .. I, ,;hereby state that; to the best nfmy abilities, due'care and diligence was used in the o6servation of the construcfion such that the construction was observed to be_built'within substaritial' compliance and intentof the 403 Water Cluality Certification and:Buffer:RuIes, ttie approved-,pians:and specifications, and other supporting materials: � Signature: Engineee's Gert�cation � Partial' Finai Date; 1; . , as a.duly regisfered Professional Engineer in the State ofNorth Carolina; having been:authorized to observe (periodically;<weekly, fuli time) the constructiori of ttie project for the Permittee hereby.state that,. ta the best of my abilities; due caze an8'diligence wes used.in ttie observation of the construction such that t}ie construction was observed to be buili within substantial campliance and.intent of the 40i Water Quality Cerfification: arid Buffer Rules; the approved.plans and specifications, and other supporting materiats: Sigziature Date Transportation antl Permitling Uoit , 1650 Mai! Servicz Center;'Ralsgh,: Norfh Carolina 27699-i65Q Loca6on: 512 N; Salisbury St Raleigh; Norfh Carolina 27604' Plione: 919-80T-63001 FAX'.�919 733-1290 , IntemeC vnnv:ncwate�nualitv.arq , An Equal Opparturiity 1 AffianaGve Actidn:Employer Registration No.: One I�IorthCarolina ��'���'�'��� Action ID Numbcr:SAW 2014 ;U033Q Permittee: NC D01'Latfn: Amy F.,ealiss:Br 189 SR 2564 i.��i'te Verification Issued: Februarv 24, 2074 l't-ojeet Itilanager: J�ohn Thomas County: Rowan Upan completion of the activity authorizea by fhis permitand any mitigation required by the permit;. si�n tliis certifcatian and return it ta:th'e'foIIowing address: US ARMY CORFS OF ENGINE�RS , `WTLIVIING'TO1V DTS7`RTCT Raieigh REGi1I.;A.TORY FIELD OFFiCE 3331 xeritage Trade Drive, Suite lOS � VVake Forest, NORTH CAR�LINA 27S$7 Please note "that your permitted activity is subject to a com}�liance inspection by a U: �. Army Cor�is of �ngizaeers re�iresen"fative. If you fail to comply with::tl�is permit.you:ai•e subject to perm�f:suspension, mo�3ification, or revocation. , T hereby certify°that the wo.rk authorized 6y the above refereneed permit:h�s been completed:.in accori3ance witb fhe terms and condition of the said permit, and r�quired mitigatiorr was comple#ed in accorc�ance r�vith :the permit conditions. a#e.