HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0033770_Monitoring - 07-2022_20230201Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number #* Name of Facility:* WQ0033770 Carolina Plantation Month: * July Year: * 2022 Report Information Type* Upload Document* GW-59 Groundwater Monitoring 173.53KB Report July 2022 Monitoring Wells.pdf PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). Confirmation Email Address:* ecochran@onswc.com Name of Submitter: * Erica Cochran Signature: Date of submittal: 2/1/2023 This will be filled in automatically Initial Review Reviewer: Wanda.Gerald Is the project number correct?* WQ0033770 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes NO Regional Office* Wilmington Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 2/15/2023 SUBMIT FORM ON YELPAPER ONLY eR QUALITY MONITORING: REPORT FORM Name: Carolina Plantation Name of different): Address; Carolina Planation Road onville. kL"`""' 28540 County Onslow 3cl Person: 3eff 3arman Telephone#: 910-330-8167 Location/Site Name: Carolina Plantation wwrP No. of wells to be sampled 3 L Ili NUMBER (from Parmlt): f)? W -" / Depth: 18 ft. i to Water Level e2sae: 15.7 _h, below measuring point wring Point Is 2 �ft. above land surface ne of water pumped/balled before sampling: )IeS for metals were Collected rust Kamd- M VFA I7 4N 7' i<Up,. t1ERYlC� lrI1L®6!i IT Number: WM33770 Expiration Isc harge UIC WOES Other Infiltration syssas rPE OF PERMTITED OPERATION BMNQ MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remedistfon: lydiltratbn Gallery ❑ Spray Fleid L] RenHediatiort ❑ Rotery Distributor ❑ Lend Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump fl Other. Underdrai ns 7-13-22 Ise"" Date sample collected: FIELD ANALYSES: WAS WellDiameter:1.25 In.,.,,,,.,,� PHo04ao^5.6 units Temp.00mo: °C DRY at Screened Interval: 15 fL to ft. Spec. Cond. oow4: I time of disc* � Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Odor 000es a AppearanceIhare:r rte sample analyzed: 7-13-22 Laboratory Name: IRAMETERS NOTE: Values should refl d dissolved and colloidal concerrtratiorhs. COO 0=3 mg/L Nitrite (NO2) as N oDms mg/L Collform: MF Fecal male 8 r 1100mL Nitrate (NO3) as N 00e20<. 0'04 mg/L CoOtorm: MF Total 31504 1100mL Phosphorus: Total as P come .76 - - mg/L (NOW uMum"odforhb*enmaum*4 Orthophosphate yosor mglL solved Soltds:Total 7o= mg/L Al -Aluminum oilo5 mg/L pH (Lob) oo4a �^`-� -�mWL unite Be - Barium 01007 ugn. TOG oosso�: Ca - Calcium OMIG mg/L _ Chloride o0aa0 < - ,, rnyL Cd -Cadmium Oi027 ■■g( Arsenic otoa2 ug/L Chromium: Total oia34 ug/L Grease and Oils o= mg/L Cu - Copper o1o42 mglL Phenol erx w ug/L Fe - Iron oao45 u91L SUHate o0845 mQIL Jig - Memory 71eoa 091L edf c ConducWtoe doom - - Mhos K - Potassium oD937 mg/L Total Ammonia ooeio .52 mg/L Mg - Magneslum o0027 mg/L furl Nftp zz NHj n it G N-AT-wo Mn - Manganese atolls uWL TKN as N ooems mg/L Ni - Nickel oioa7 ugn. For Rernsdlaton Systems Only (Attach Lob Rsporte): Influent Total VOCs: AM smo ..w ,w nxunn,rau nmwal rownu am I Me- rlEiiiE pnllt or GVV-59 Rev. 0B-"-=B Cedfficaffon No. _ Pb - Lead moss uWL Zn - Zinc M092 m9fL - Other iswdfv Compounds erns Concentration Unflo): Total Dissolved ltesid mg/1 110 ORGANICS: (by GC, GCIMS, HPLC) (Specify test and method 0. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Lab Report Mtached7 ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) VOC 7e73 , method g method d method d mg/L Sffluent Total , method d mg/L UOC r Wc) SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUAUTY MONITORING: oaPw ar= .alr�ranr�pn. >�x COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM gar wAn. ee�vx �IczrwtNrE- > 9. ;.: FAVILITY INMEMONP tr orTX* PERMIT NMVW. M=33770 Expiniffm date: 12/32/2026 Facility Name. Carolina Plantation Non-DEat orp UIC Permit Name (If different): NPDES Other Infiltration systm Faculty Address: Carolina Plantation Road TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BUNG MONMORED 3acksonville. Nerec' 28540 Cody Onslow ❑ Lagoon ❑ RmwCation: IrdliNation G22M (Uy. ,Sale, .Z,o, ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remedfation: Contact Person: 3eff 3anean Telephone#: 430-330-8167 ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑Land Appka#on of Shdge Well Location/Site Nance: Carolina Plantation wWM No. of wells to be sampled: ❑ Water Source Meat Pump lfl Other underdrains SAMPILINrye D IN O WELL ID NUMBER (from PWmk): Date sample collected: 7-13-22 FIE.D ANALYM: NWELL WAS Well Depth: 18 it. Depth �' Well D12meter:1.25 In. pH aoaoo:;� • . 2 mp. ooata: °C units Temp. DRY at time of to Water Level exs4e:A. below measuring point Screened Interval: 2.5 fL to Spec. Cond. Dom: pMhos Mea%Wng Palm Is 2 1t. above land surface RelaM M.P. Elevation: eft. ft. Odor 000es. sampling. check Volume of water pumped/balled befOrs sampling: 2 gallons Appear herar] Samples for metals were coflecled unaltered: © YES ❑ NO and field addlfied: R YES ❑ NO hAW—MMITY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed: - 3 Laboratory Name: Certification No. PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should rodent dissolved and colloidal conceafrallons. COD Dotes mg/[. NIft (NO2) as N coats mg/L Pb - Lead oiasl ug/L Colhbffn: NIF Fecal 31010 <1 I1100ml. Nitrate (NO3) as N omo <. 004 mglL Zn - Zinc oioas m OIL Colifomh: MF Total siso4 /100ml. Phosphonm: Total as P Dom 2 T _$ � mgll. (nor Um MM mmoo rbt hr" ftw Orthophosphate 7=7 mg/L Other (Specify Compounds and Crinoentnrtion t1nNs): issohred Sollde:Total 7oaoo 200 mg/L Al -Aluminum was mg/L PH (Lob) ao4w - ... units Ba - Barium c1oo7 uplL TOC oDeeo 45.95 mg/L Ce - CalClum DORIS m g►l. Chloride Coew 11 Cd - Cadmium Dim uglL Arsenic mm LWL 4 Chromlum: Total Dim ug/L Grease and Otis om mg/L Cu - Copper 01042 mgtL ORGANICS: (by QC. GC1MS. HPLC) Phenol mm u911- Fa - Iron oio46 ug L (SpecHy test and method AL ATTACK LAB REPORT.) Sullata Doses MOIL Hg - IUtrcury moo uglt. Lab Report Attlachso ❑ Yes (t) ❑ No (0) ped@c Conductance Daces liMhoe N - Potassium ow mg& VOC 7s73 , method 0 Total Ammonia ooeio • 18 - m911 Mg - Magnesium oo927 mg/l. IM Wnnnnti NP4opsrc het��sH; Mrronp Ntpna Tamp Mn - Manganesa m5s ug(L ,method , method a TKN as N oases mg/L NI i. Nkkel 01Da7 ug/L , method 0 SUBMIT FORM ONy[ PAPER QUALITY MONITORING: PORT FORM -aoAhy Name: Carolina plantation lermit Nome (if different}: -aclliityAddresg: Carolina Plantation Road Jacksonville. 28540 Cow onslorr (Up 151ue1 IZp' :ontact Person: Jeff ]Arun Telephoned: 910-330-8I67 Veil L0Cd0W tts Name: Carol i na P1 antati on warp No, of wells to be sampled: 3- ELL W NUwER (trwn ftmtlt): m W - 3 _. Data sample collected: 7-13--22 oil Depth: is f. Well Diamela r:1.25 in. upth to Water Level ems:? 2 it. below measuring point Screened Interval:15 IL to assuring Point Is 2_ft. above land surface � Relative M.P. Elevation: R. eft. flume of water pumpedlbafled before sampling: 2.5 _- galions imams for Betts were collected umllthwed: YE$ ❑ NO and Held acidified: ■ YES ❑ NO ON ._.... its sampleanatpW: Laboratory Name: Environment 1 IRAMETERS NOTE. Values should rsfhct dissolved and colloidal concsnWjorZ COD corns mplL Nitrha (NO2) as N oosle Collform: MF 17e021 31e1e <1 1100ML Nitrate (NOS as N omo<:OD4- —mggIL Coliform: MF Total 3=4 1100mL Phosphonm: Total as P oom 1.17 - mg/l (N� tier MPN nrlAoo 1w ruorly WM wapwo Orthophosphate Soso? mg1L solved Solkb:Totsl ro300 350 mgA. M -Aluminum ottos mg►L pH (Lab) oo4n3 units Ba - Barium 01007 ug1L TOC oom _2;�7" -mg1L Ca - Calcium 0091e mg1L Chloride oom 13 _ - qA Cd - Cadmium oiw uat Areenlc mom uglL Chromium: Total o10a4 ugrt Grease and 011s oo5m mplL Cu - Copper m042 MOIL Phenol 327m upfL Fe - Iron omms ugfL Sulfate course MAIL Hg - Mercury 71900 ug1L edfic Conductance oom _ pMhos K - Potassium ooe37 mg1L Total Ammonia ocsio .19 MOIL 4 it NWOpK Nihn N; Amrmft N3oprr7Topq TKN as N oms MOIL For Remedkftn Systems Only (AWuch Lab Reports): Mg - Magnesium oo=7 mg1L Mn - Manganese 41055 ug1L Ni - Nickel aiw ug1L Influent Total VOCs: a+r.rM%IMMF Wr LWIVriCOMITRlli1. tdTAR f.CW, Cry /t7ld fti<SOUREC Ity10fl ApO�/Ia tAe'f , . :WT Number. KW33770 E*Mft Date: 731M—R on-Dlecharpe Ufa VES' Other inI41tratlon system !PE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BENifO MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remedstiom Inunrtion Gadery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Rauh ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land AWwm of Sludge ❑ Water Source Hest Pump 17 Other: tunderdrains FIELD ANALYSES: y PHMW 6.4 units Temp. oomo: - 110 DRYat Spec. Cond. 000N- pMtros lime of aarnpiin Odor cocas: duedt Appearance here:r- Certification No. Pb - Lead most UA Zn - Zinc mom myL Other (Specify Comgounde and Concenbation Units): ORGANICS: (by GC, GC1M8, HPLC) (Specify test and nuMhod N. ATTACH LAB REPO.) Lair Report Attached? ❑ Yee (1) ❑ No (0) VOC sa73 4 method 0 method s method d , method 0 mall- FfMuant Tn&l