HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0033770_Monitoring - 10-2022_20230131Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number #* Name of Facility:* Month: * October Report Information Type * GW-59 WQ0033770 Carolina Plantation Confirmation Email Address:* Name of Submitter: * Signature: Date of submittal: Initial Review Year:* 2022 Upload Document* Groundwater Monitoring 313.39KB Report October 2022.pdf PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). ecochran@onswc.com Erica Cochran Reviewer: Wanda.Gerald 1 /31 /2023 This will be filled in automatically Is the project number correct?* WQ0033770 Is the monitoring report accepted?* - Yes NO Regional Office* Wilmington Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 2/15/2023 SU M1T FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY • GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: T ispIPAR'i1RBi!'Oa'E71AI�OIti{4plA1J]'r.?Lltt."P.WAlE111l�Ol�lf�"" tfa _ COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM • iiirteAT.eQtY1CHc_1�1IE!l;wuBolr;HcxrM�fe19': FACILVIYINFORMATION PERMT Number: w0003377o Expiration pate: 12/3V20Z6 Facility Name: Carolina Plantation Non -Discharge UIC Permit Name Of different): NPDES Other infiltration System Facility, Address: caroling Plantation Road TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION OEM 101011IT+OREO sacksonviile. NLS`° 28540 County onslaw (] Lawn [y Remediatfin Infiltration Gallery X10 fstair, ,zm ❑ Spray Field ❑ Rernediallon Contact Person: 7eff sarwan Telephone#: 9"-330-8167 ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Applt Won of Sludge Well Locatlon/Stie Name: caroli na Plantation Wk rP No. of wells to be sampled: 6 ❑ Water Source Heat pump f 3 Other: underdrai ns rom vwmn WELL ID NUfYBER (fromParmlt}: 2 _^ Date sample collected: �0-6-22 _ FIELD ANALYSES: ff WEL.L 1fIfA8 en Depth: 18 ft. Well Dfametsr1.25 in. PH o0M. units Temp. oomo: 9C at a Depth Water Level s 1G . ft. below measuring point Screened Intenral:15 fL to ft. Spec. Cond. am: p ihos Nof ana time of Measuring Poled Is 2 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: 1t Odar 000es: check Volume of water pumlhedroafled before sampling: gallons Appearance here:❑ Samples for nNuts were collected 0011amd: AYES ❑ NO and fold acidified: © YES ❑ NO 0 Date sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: Certi ication No. PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal cancenlrations. COD com m;1, Nitft (NO2) as N coem mglL Pb - Lead 01051 Colifosm: MF Fecal maie lif nt. Nitrate (NO3) as N ooe2o mgrL xn -Zinc olm MOIL Coliorm: MF Total 815e4 /10tfitL Phosphorus: Totei as P ooee5 mg1L "ftu"WN °ie P ra N" mm Orthophosphate 7ee07 mglL Other (Specify Compodandt and Concentration Unb): fasolved Solids:Total 70300 AI -Aluminum mica mgfL pH (Lab) oo4w units Ba - BadUM 01007 UWL 70C woo mg/L Ca - Calcium cone MOIL Chloride cos4c mg/L Cd - Cadmium oiw OWL. Arsenic 01002 uglL Chromium Total 01034 UA Grease and 0119 WGIL CU - Capper 01042 mg/L ORGANICS: (by GC, GOMS, HPLC) Phenol s UWL Fe - Iron clogs 091L. (Specify test and method N. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate Cam rrg/L mg - Mom" ?l000 u9FL. Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) 0 No (0) Specific Conductance oases pMhos K - PotsWum 0oes7 mgll. V007e7a , method 0 Total Ammonia oasts MOIL Mg - Magnesium 0=7 ml( , method 0 (Ammer rc %u Ar Anwaft N&am Taus Mn - Manganese moss LWL method 11 TKN as N oom nglL. Nf - Nickel otoe7 uglL , method # For Remedl4W= Systerns Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mglt. Effluent Total VOCs: MOIL VOC RWFWAI% �r- GW69 Rev.06-07-2018 UUUMIT FURM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY ■ rcr,K.�pgrrr.alw�1l�rr• lRlli{ESOL2 REPORQUALMMONITORING: imi�N�: eY+ atpdrrreR ,fx: r ����1 T FFORM � --edgy Name. Carolina Plantation ;ermlt Name pf difletent); 'adityAddress: Carolina Plantation tread lacksom►ille. 2a540 County onslow ,clyl actPtmn: 31aff 3arman TelephonefM: 920-330-8167 LassdcNSlte Name: Carolina Plantation ww m No. of wells to be sampler RMIt Number. wM33770 Eq*d1o„ opt: 32/ n-CiaohaW We loss Qllwr infiltration system VE OF PERRWTTED OPERAT M BENG NOWTOP" ❑ Lagoon [] Rsmedation: lrftation G ahty 13 sprayLid ❑ Rameation: ❑ Rotary o m utor � © Land Axftwon of siudps ❑ Water source Neat Pump E1Otfrtr. _uederdrai ns ARRL;mrvn.UMM LL 00,146 iYBELR (k+ Pam" _OZ- 3 Date sample collected: 10- 6-22 FIELD ANALYSES: If WELL WAS ell Depth: is ff. Well Dlamebr.1.25 in, pH oa400 unib Temp. 000ic. _C DRY at Depth to Water Level 8zwl3.1, ft. below mee%A% point Scnaned Intemal:13 IL to tt , Spec. Cond. 000w: t,Mhos time of Measwlr>p Point Is2 ft. above land aurfice Relative M.P. Elevation:ft. Odor cease: sampling,�Ck VoiuMrs of water pumpedlbailed before sampling: gallons Appearance hen1;L..t Samples for mtteta were collected unffitared: 0 YES © NO and field acidified: YES ❑ NO INF—ORMATION Date sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: Cerliflartion No. PARAMETERS NONE: Values should reflect dlasolved and coffokhd cmeebtratk mt. COD oc2ss maiL Write (NO2) as N code MOIL. Pb - Lead mom � Collfbim: MF Fecal aisie H WML Nltrate (NO3) as N oomo "VIL Zn -Zinc oiow m9r Colffomr: MF Taal cleat MOOmL Phosphorus: Total as P omee MG& (Nock UNMlPN -H oahrlWha l uno" Orthophosptrate 70501 mall Other (8peclfy Campokmda and Canoes>tnllon Urdb): iamlved So11ds:76tal Tom MGM Af -Aluminum mios mWL pH (Lob) MW unlb Ba - Barium close uplL TOO ow mplL Co - Calcium ame mplL Chloride oom nVIL Cd - Cadmium oicm uWL, Areerde oioaa rgrL Chmmlum: Total oio34 uplL Grease and 011e cosm Mok Cu - Copper 01042 mplL ORSAKICS: (by GC. GCIMS, HPLC) Phenol 221 UBIL Fe - Iron woo u91L (Sptdtytest aerd evied Ok ATTACH LAN! REPORT.) Buffalo 0006 mp1L Hp - Msm," 7100o usiL. Lab Rw d Aftdan ❑ Yea (1) ❑ No (a) pecMllc Conductance come pMhes K - Pate ssfum o0037 MWI VOC Tarn , metNwd i Total Ammonia oosio MOIL Mg - Magnewwn am? mall. , mailmd d Nasopn<wytlrtAfm,onlsreros.�rorq Mn - Manpansas moss wall. madaod d . TKN as N ooeze mall. NI - Nickel oioe7 uplL , meow 9 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOtbi PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUAD Y MONITORING: s �AR11tE�ITAFH/YTAt.1�liEin DN.f�trp117ER " tmaoarrnitotttltocEtutm urr COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM g tat7tiAa.sEltvrCSCkNtX! XALMftWXVWB11 PERIIAT Nurnbe: wg0033770 Expir Lion Dam: 32/31/2026 Facility Nanro: Carolina Plantation No"Ischarge UIC Pamit Name Of dfarent): NPOES Other Infiltration 5ysten FacOity Adder: Carolina Plantation Road TYPE OF PERiIMMM OPERATM SM MO11fiORED Jacksonville. Neu.", 2RS40 Courtly onsiow ❑ Lagoon ❑ RemadhMon: Infiltration GaIM iCLr+ 451etn ilia. ❑ Spray Field � Remediabon: Contact person: Leff 7ariran Telephone#: "330-8167 © Rotary Distributor 0 Land Aw adon of a dge WellLocaffonlStte Narrm: Carolina Plantation wwrP No. of wells to be aamptad: 6 13 wetter Source Heat Pump £7 other t nderdrai ns �y WELT.ID HUMBER (from PaemR): - / Date sample collected: 10-6_22_ _ FIELD ANA Y30: if WELL WAS Wei Depft is f. VM Dlameter.1.25 in. pH 0oM milts Temp. coolo: °C DRY at Depth to VWWAr Level OM& 1673 R. below meaawirrg point Screened Interval: ZS ft. to A. Spec. Card. wmd: pWhoih tuna of sampling, Measuring Point Is " 2 above land wi face Relative M.P. Elavagon: ft. Odor crass: ck Volume of water pumpedUlled before sampling: gallons Appearance here:❑ Samples for umtrds were collected urhfllbered: E YES El NO and gold addi%d: ■ YES E3 NO QMMjRpXjjLq3MpX Date sample analyzed: Laborakq Name: Certification No. PARAN& MM NOTE. Values should reflsd dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD a= MOIL Nitrite (NO2) as N 00eis mgl. Pb - Lead moss USL Cola m: MF Fecal 3ims 1100mL Nitrate (NOj as N ooemo mglL Zn -Zinc ciao MOIL Calform: MIT Total 3IM4 1100mL Phosphorus: Total as P was MOIL oicar u.uPrrvmn,eacerhViryt,W.a xiV* Orlhophosphsts7amo7 Mali- Other (Specify Compowuls and ConcertrationUnfis): issolved SollftTatal 7030o MOIL AI - Aluminwn mica mOIL pH (Lab) com unu Be - Barium 01007 ug/L TOC coeeo mglL Ca - Calcium owe mglL Chloride 0090 MOIL Cd - Cadmium oic27 uWL Arserdo won Usti- Cthr omkim: Total mm4 UBIL Grease arid Oft MOIL Cu - Copper 01042 MOIL ORGANICS: (by GC, GCIMS. HPLC) Phenol 3= UWL Fe - Iron aloes UBL {Specify tat ern! ww&od rX ATTACH LAD RERORT.) Sulfate ua W mall. fig - Menory 71600 uwL Lab Report Att4rcdwa 13 Vas (1) © No (0) peciffc Conductance OM INhos K - Potassium o0037 MOIL VOC 7m , Method # Total Ammonia 00sio mall MO - Magrmahrm 0eat7 mglL . method # pmw& Nbgpa NH,N a; xxreaMTOMB Mn - Mamaroae 01055 Ug►L . method # TKN as N ooazr} mat. Ni - Niftl 01007 UVL , method # For Remadlation Systerns Only (Altach Loh Repoft: GW-59 Roo 06 W- 0111 Influent Total VOCs: c\N- mgll. EffilrerrtTotal MOIL VOC Reffaum SUBAMT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY 2R QUALdTY MOMTORING: REPORT FORM °acility Name: Carolina Plantation lermit Name Of different): racy Address: Carolina Plantation Road aacksomrille, its" } 26540 Cody Onslo►r Lca ;ontact Pennon: 3eff 7arman Telephoned: 910-330-6167 Nell Location/Sits Name: Carolina Plantation w rP No. of wells to be sampled: 6 rLUMAMUZZ 11SU L ID NUMBER (from Permit): -10Z Date sample collected: 10-6-22 Depth: is ft. Well Diameter:1-25 In. h to Water Level aamll - ? ft. below measuring point Screened Interval: 15 ft. to ft wring Point is 2 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: fl. me of water pumped/balled before sompfing: gallons me sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: 1RAIVETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal eoneenirattons. COD WM mg/L, Nitrite (NO2) as N omis mg1L ColNorm: MF Fecal areis 1100mL Nitrate (NO3) as N ooeao mg1L Cofiform: MF Total mom 1100mL Phosphorus: 'Total as P noses mglL "" fnetliad1brhWW4`b1d=W" OrthophosphateTo5c7 mWL solved Solkls Total m o0 mill Al - Aluminum ottos mill pH (Lab) W403 units Be - Baduun orom uglL TOC omeo mill. Ce - Calcium co0ie mg1L Chloride me4o mgA. Cd - Cadmium oto27 reg1L Areardemm USL Chromium: Total01034 USE- Grease and Oh co= mglL Cu - Capper 01042 mill Phenol azm ugll Fe - Iron oto43 ugfL Sulfate =M3 mill. Hg - Mercury 7teoc ugfL pacific Conductance oDo95 pMhca K - Potassium oosz7 mg/l. Total Ammonia oosto mglL Mg - Magnesium 0=7 mill NftWM NH$- N: AffM—b NWVMTMQ Mn - Manganese oloss UVIL TKN as N ooazs milt. Nl - Nickel oiea7 u911. or WQqD33y7o Expiration Data: /2/ ZZ UIC parer snfil 'PE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BUNG MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remedlation: Infiltration Gafiery ❑ Spray Reid ❑ Remediadarr. _ ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump 13 Other: uarderdrai ns FIELD ARALYSES: pH 00400: units Temp. oom&. oC Spec. Cond. oo0w: pMhos Odor 000as: Appearance Certification No. Pb - Lead moss ugg, Zn - Mno o:oaz mglL Other (Sparilly Compounds and Concentration Unfls): ORGANICS: (by GC, GC1MS, HP .C) (Specify test and method Ilk ATTACH LAB REPORT4 Lab Repoli Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) VOC 7573 , method 8 method method p method 0 For Renredlation Systerns Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mglL Effluent Total VOCS; melt. VOC Removal% or GVd-% Reri 0047.2018 of SUBOT FORM ON TEPAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER Ql1AL!'1'Y MONITORING: •��-...._.. . _�..�,� .�.�..�,..� w+oneur�atrPrnt�aesrourar COMPLIANCE REPORT FORS!!EACBMIMPORWMM ieiswte.atetyxxcrAeraR. eresree�iers PERWTNumber:*W13nO P FINSOn00* 32/33,/2026 Facity Name: Carolina Plarttttion Natt-Dftdw a uIc pOnrANam (Ild° NPOES Cow ltnflitrstton Systn FacwWAddvw Carolina Plantation Road TV" OFPERN rFEDOPERATI MBENGMGMITORED a ksomri73e. hL i°"' 28510 O0 Ons3a► 13 i wan 13 RwwdA= Md7HOn Geary 13 spray Fad O Rmwdaw rrleM Pereorr 3sfF 3arran TelophonW: t130-93o-e167 E3 Rotary Dwwbutor © Lard Awkwon of s dpe I tacsowdsiia "anw: tO' 2a Plantation wwrP No. ohvaftta be aampilft 6 17 wow gm= Hem Pump 13 omw m+du*zina L ID NUMBER (h=n Perrrdt): � a f Gate sample coAeded: FIELD AMALYM: Moto 1 JMW Level a te��_ Well CNamehr 1.2s pH rrotoat tatib Temp. Roan 'A R below rneasrairtp pptnt Scraerred Iraetval: li it to _ft Spec. Cond. amm. pMhos aft POW is �? (L above lad surface ReN*@ M.P. EWVGV n: IL Odor o0oee no ofwater punMedt&%d batons wmplry: _galbra APPumrm e &abrI manamelmd.n.atr...d• Mvice rt u., __��.._�.,._�_ �..�_ .••,.._ COO Doane MO& Ccli MM MF Fecalatote MO ML CGNxm- MF Tchdateet 1100ML e�ntc urrta�x,,,r.,ar,rt,pYy..m,,.,�„q solved SoWcTow 7caoc nyp, PH (Lab) coal udts TOC omm MOIL clrlarldo omw ny0. Anwic oiam uvOL Gteaseand olectm RV& Phenol aQrao USL Sulfate ow" adfic Conducts ma owes pMhas Total Ammonia omo P—wmW*Mrm4..aammft rorp— TKN es N ooe2s mg/L For RwnWko= eymh� only Nam- Cl Isce"O ND a @*NaLebotatwy m *�---r Nbb (NO2) as N oom Pb - Lead atom VIOL Nitrate (Nod as N ccecn tnyL Zn - Zinc otoo;t ml� MW PhoePlwruti: Tots] as P Doses mgIL Oitlwplweptate mm, _ nWL OBar Madly Compourdaaed ConoedrMan Unft): Al-Akmrita:m ottoe MOIL Ba - mwun Dram uW• Ca - calclum 0001e mWL Cd - cadMum atartr �... UofL Chrcmiurrc Total ct4 � Cu - Copper otou —MWL ORBAKICN: (by GC. WMS. "PLC) Fe - Iranoto4s uO L (bpedbteal end mellem A ATTACH LAB REPORT.) NI - Moray imo sOiL Lab Report Art mime 0 Yes (t) 17 No (0) K - Pobeelum oon? MWL Voc leis rtteEirad / Mn - Mignoslunt aoe27 MOIL. ^.._• mod p Mn - Maryanne otoee U811. , . resod 4 Ni - fricloeL cram OWL . m.�ed d Lab ): Inownt Total Effluent Total VAC +FerAtAnaladMNiCNameendT".Rt odrdat"w13- GYIF6it Rev dlF0'We 8�anrAure IaAurhorhadApmQ at SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY aR QUAUTY MOWTOIUNG: REPORT FORM tyName: Carolina "A"tit"" E Ham* (HdNhrvo: IyAddress: Carolina Plantation aoad momAlle. te""` 26540 County Onslow kCnl t8•nm +:p• uA person: 7eff iarnl a Telsphartd: 910-i30-D367 LOcationl8ita Nam4:arollrw, Plantation VM No. of Walk te be samptad:, 6 11mOlalA"WiPrltlCrcairi0 tarr 1H7"2E =CBaBL KEGKlNCZrW*aet7 IRMT Nuntbsr: woo)3no r-101110 i Onto: 121JWK6 In•Ohdtnrpr ulC IDES 01W 1"Mitration systea rPE OF PERmff Mo OPERAWN BEND MONITORED 0 Lap m ❑ Rangy [Ardion Gallery (3 Spray Flow ❑ Remsdiatiorc © Rofm Dmauw CI Land AppAatiort at Shrdgs © Wow 800rw Hat Pump fl 0lher: urderdrains rums enruagunj nin L ID lit MWR (fiom patMt): `P-z % Date ample collected: l0: 6_ 2 2 _ FIBB ANALYt�: WAS Dash: is 11. Wall Dtonreter:i-25 in. PH Ooft oNts Tamp o0010_ DRY st hto V Dave! exs�a,iL below n*WXfna point Screened Ir erval:15 IL to _tL Spar. Cond. 0000r I ampur Kft Paint Is 2 J IL above land wrlsoe Relative M.P. EWnUon: iL Odor cones: d** me o(Wd" pumpedlballed gore sampling gaoons APpay� T- Date ample aratysed: Laboratory Name: Corfdeslian No.^� PARAN ETON NOTt:: Yaivaa should mled dlawAved and coSoidal aoracerrtratlona. COD om mail NUrite (NOg) as N Goete ma1L Pb - Lead M051 IpIL Conform: MF Paw Sena 110ML Nihate (NO3) as N MUD mWL zn -zim olum mWL Comorm: MF ToW msai 1100ML PhQ$phorW ToW U P noses MWL Dim uw W" M1MW1xhv*WaaQ;M Ot""Wiphate MW mWL , other (Spa* Compounds and Cexmmalion lhris): Assohn:dSoWs:Total7000o m91L M-Aluminumatlas mglL pH (Lab) om units Ba - Barium moor ug1L TOC am MOIL Ca - Calcium Me malt. Chloride oom mWL Cd - Cadmium omov. OWL Arsenlootom uprL Chromium TOW 01034.WI♦L Gteau and Oft com not Cu - Copper moo moll. ORGANICS: (by GO. GCN% HPLC} Phenol am rrpiL Fs - Iron (t045 UWL (ape ft W t and owdiod iL ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate o" null. Hg - Msreury 719oo uoiL Lab Report Mlachsd? 0 Yn (i) E3 Ho m tic Condummea mm Pool K - Potassium e0037 mg1L VDC 7M method t Total Ammorda amo MOIL MO - Magneslum Cow r"A . rrreliwd / rl om* rr kWR Mi6W -AWs W qar M Tarq W - mangerlass 01G4x 9111L method! TKN a N wm PWL NI - N108101oet upiL nntlrod P For Remad dlon Sydow only ~ Lab Reports}. Influent Totsl VOCv_0V& Effluent Toted VOcs: mgll. VOC RNWVal% GW50 Rev. WW MO