HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0033770_Monitoring - 12-2022_20230131 (3)Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number #* Name of Facility:* Month: * December Report Information Type * GW-59 WQ0033770 Carolina Plantation Confirmation Email Address:* Name of Submitter: * Signature: Date of submittal: Initial Review Year:* 2022 Upload Document* Groundwater Monitoring 316.14KB Report December 2022.pdf PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). ecochran@onswc.com Erica Cochran Reviewer: Wanda.Gerald 1 /31 /2023 This will be filled in automatically Is the project number correct?* WQ0033770 Is the monitoring report accepted?* - Yes NO Regional Office* Wilmington Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 2/15/2023 SUBMIT FORM ONE PAPER ONLY "R QUALITY MONITORING: REPORT FORM FIICIUMINF28M ON nn"rMuO nyorim PERMIT Number. w00o3377o EmIradon Date: 12/31/2026 Fecifity Name: Carolina Pl ntatian, Non-Dieclmrge UIC Permit Name Ofdifferenly NPDES Other xrrfiltration system Facility Addream carol i na Plantation woad TYPE OF PERM TrED OP19RATION BEMG N ONITOREO 7acksomrille. NL`lmm 28540 County onslow ❑ agoon ❑ 11emediallon: Infiltration Gallery (cry) l5,alol rZry: © Spray Field ❑ Remedia8on: Contact Person: Uff XMn Telephone#: 910-330-8167 ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge ell LocatIaNSite Name: carol i na Plantation wwTP No. of wells to be sampled: 6 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump 13Other: underdrai ns om"W"Mm IFIru MMIUM � WELL ID NUMBER (frmn Pam*): 12- 12- 22 Date Date sample collected: FIELD ANALYSES: se ssc�.�. WAS Well Depth: 18 ft. _ Well Dlameter:1.25 in. i pH oo4oa: units Temp. oomo: °C DRY at Depth to Water Level am- 9.8 eft. below measuring point Screened Interval: 15 ft. to ft. Spec. Cond. Oomc, poWhos time of sampling, Measuring Point is 2 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Odor oaoss: check Volume of water pumpedfbailed before sampling: gallons Appearance here:❑ Semoles for metals were collected unfiltered: E YES ❑ NO and field acitHad: E YES ❑ NO its sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: Certification No. LRAMETERS NOTE: Values show repast dissolved and colloids! concentrations. GOD cow ram. Nitrite (NO2) as N mete mg/L Pb - Lead o1uu1 OWL Colithrm: MF Fecal 3161e I100mL Nitrate (NO3) as N oour:a mglL Zn - ZInc Clops mglL Conform: MF Total mso4 /100mL (Nntx U@*AWNmartlndtohW1yttiUdisvPs) Ived Solids:Total 7o30o mg/L pH (Lab) 00403 units TOC ocean mg/L. Chloride 0004o mg/L Arsenlcolt>o2 uglL Grease and Oils oom m911. Phenol um ug/L Sulfate 006" mglL i5c Conductance Dom Whos Total Ammorda ooslo mg/L (AMM"N"p r%Ntis-N:AMM-AMUOVCLTOHIQ TKN as N oom5 Phosphorus: Total as P oose5 mg1L Orthophosphate 7o5a7 mg/L AI - Aluminum was mg/L Ba - Barium 01007 ug/L Ca - Calcium 0091e mgiL Cd - Cadmium a1027 uglL Chromium: Total o1ca4 ug/L Cu - Copperalo42 mWL Fe - Iron =46 ug/L Hg - Mercury liu Lrg/L K - Potassium 0oW mglL Mg - Magnesium 00927 mg/L Mn - Manganese oloea ugfL- M - Nickel o1oe7 uglL Other (Specify Compounds and Coircentratkln Units): ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) (Specify led and method X ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) VOC 7a73 , method # method # method # method # For Remedistion Systems Only (Attsch Lob Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Rwwnl% 1MMie [Of PAMW M AM M) Name Soli TWO- MeM pMnt Or GW-69 Rev_ 06-07-2018 SLSWT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER (Nl Y GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: OWAR1AlWCFGfJltaNUENMGUAMY-D Y:OFK4TM193OliRM'� ;etMtii� COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM v ntrerAtL�r:Atm,ar, a . - FACiLM INFORMATION PEROT Number: bQDD33770 Expiration Date: 12/31/2026 INPDES Faclily Noma: Carolina Plantation Non-DiWorge UIC Permit {Name Of different); Other "1 tration system Fatafly Address: Carolina Plantation Road TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEOM MONITORED 7acksonvi?le. Nk� °et) 2SS40 County onslow ❑ Lagoon ❑ Ramediation: Infiltration Gallery ICA,) (Slroi I"PI ❑ Spray Field ❑Reniediatxrrt Contact Person: 7eff ear nan Telephoned: 910-330-8167 ❑ Rotary Dlsbibator ❑ Land Application of Sludge Wall Loc ationf8ife Name: Carol ins Plantation WWTP No. of wells to be sampled: 6 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump >D Other t nderdrains SAMPLING N if WELL WELL ID NUMBER (from Pemdt): Date sample collected: 1.2-12-22 FIELD ANALYSIS: WAS Well Depth: 18 4. Well DNmeter2.25 in pH Dom writs Tamp. moia °C DRY at Depth to Water Level 7-$ n. belnw measuring point Screened interval: l5 ft to ft Spec Cond ocoo n: I� time of �P , Measuring Point is 2 n. above land surfaoe Relative M.P. Elevation: fL Odor omm., chedu Volume of water pumpedfbailed before sampling: gallons Appearance here:❑ Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: M YES ❑ NO and Reid acddifled: M YES ❑ NO LABORAMIRY INPORMATION Date sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: Certification No. PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reffeet dissolved and colloidal cormentrations. COD =m ff61 Nitrite (NO2) as N oasis mglL Pb - Lead mosi ugA- Colifonn: MF Fecal aleis 1100mL Nitrate (NOj as N ooazo mgfL Zn - Zinc mom mgrl. Cofifonn: MF Total steer 1100mL Phosphorus: Total as P owes mgfL "ft UN MPlC no ftf hcphtr UM mow OrNwphosphate 7oso7 mgfL Other (Spedfy Compounds and Concentration Units): issolved Sollde:Total 7=o mgrL AI -Aluminum mios mg1L pH (Lab) oo4aci units Be - Badurn o1W7 u01L TOC 4oeeo mg/l. CA - Calcium oosie mgfL Chloride oop4o MOIL Cd - Cadmium Dim ugrL Arsenic oioo2 upfL Chromium: Total mom ugfL Grease and Ors oo5w mglL Ca - Copper 01e42 mgrL ORGANICS: (by GC, GCIMS, HPLC) Phenol 3= ugrL Fe - Iron M045 MITE- (Specifytest and method X ATTACH LIB REPORT.) Sulfate DOM m91L Mg - Mercury mono ugrL Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yea (1) ❑ No (0) Speft Conductance 000as IMhos K - Potassium =7 mStL VOC TM3 , method 0 Total Ammonia ooeto mg1L Mg - Magnesium OD027 mgfL method 0 VA1711nna NN,a?tA==A N&0M Tdap Mn - Manganese Dios ugfL ,method 0 TKN as N coe25 mgrL NI - Nickel cioe7 uglL , method 0 For Remedlation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCS: mgIL Effluent Total VOCs: mg1L VOC Rernoval% GW59 Rev 0"7--2016 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLj0W PARR ONLY :R QUAUTY MONITORING: REPORT FORM 'WRY Name: Carolina, Plantation 'erml Name (if different): 'acilkyAddreas: Carolina Plantation Road Jacksonville, Mean) 29540 C4umy onslow ,Cty] .SFatr, f=flv :ontact Person: Jeff Jarnan Ta;e tonelf 910-330-UG7 Veil t.gcation M Neme:Carolina Plantation www No. of wells to be sampled: 6 LID NUMBER (ftart Pwrltlt): jaz _ Date sample collected: 12-12-22 Deptiv,ig 0• Well Diameter:1.25 In.. h to Water Level WNW R, below mesaurNtp paint Screened Interval:15 IL to tL wring Point Is _ r?fl. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: It. rta of water pumpedlballed before sampling: gallons AD sample analyzed: laboratory Name: UUM ETERS NOTE: Valuae should railed dissolved and colloidal ooncwtratlona, COD oohs "191L NRNte (NO2) as N Wma myL Colif=: MP Fecal state 1100mL Nitrate (NO3) as N a= mgfL CaRform: MF Total 3iw4 /100mL Phosphorus: Total as P om 00ft UnMPNH- forh0hAr4M=*W OrthO pftoaphate 7a3o7 n1911- rsuived Solids:Tatal 7osa0 mglL Al -Aluminum inioe mg1L pH (Lab) 0o4a3 units So - Badum 01aa7 uWL TOC oaeeo Pall. Ca - Calcium awe mglL Conde pass "K A. Cd - Cadmium 01027 upfL, Arsenic oioo2 to& Chromium: Total oioen ugn Grease and Olt oom MA Cu - Copper 01042 mgll, Phanol Ww AIL Fe - Iron otace UA Sulfate oom mgA. fig - Marrwy 7iaao ng,L w4c: Conductance ooaae Whos K - Potassium cocct7 mWL Total Ammonia oaei0 WG& Mg - Megnealum =7 mgA. 0-4* mMWM 1%as iZ A" mft Mw m TOwa Mn - Manganese otoss OWL TKN as N oons mg& Ni - Nickel aim W% For Renledlaftn Systsms Only (AWndr Lab Reports)-. Intuent Total OVUM Rev.0"7-4016 .RM1T Numbw WW33770 ExPiration Data: 12/31/2026 in-Discimp UIC ..� 'DES Clew xnfiltration systsu 'PE OF PERMITTED OPERATION MW MONITORED E1 Lagoon [j Remecirtion: InRRation Gallery ❑ Spray Flow ❑ Remadiew: ❑ Rotary DMWxft ❑ Land Apication of Sludge ❑ Water So" Heat pump 13 Other: a ndardrai ns FIELD ANALYON: PH 00400: unb Temp. 000t OC Span Cord. 00004: Oft" Odor wom. Appearance Certification No. Pb - Lead moms � Zn - Zinc 01022 MW- Other (Specify Cnmpounft and Conoentra3fon Unb): ORGANICS: (by GC, GCANS, HPLC) (SPAN tesd and malhod IA ATTACH LAB REPWTT.) Lab Road Aft tadl7 ❑ Yes (i) ❑ No a VOC 7e73 , m mod N method d method M E method P Effluent Total VOCAL �L :; at of :R QUALITY MONITORING: REPORT FORM or Norm: Carolina Plantation SUBMIT FORM ON YEL PAPER ONLY 'ermh Name (if dilfemnQ., - — "adlilyAddrbss: Carolina Plantation Read 2acksomrille. N&C", ZBS40 Cody onslOw ice., z91#te. 4ao= :ontact Person: aeff 3arsan Telephone& 910-330-8167 Melt LocationfSlb Name: Carol i na Pl antati on wMTP No. of wells to be sampled: 6 ualr Number: w0003377a Eg irstian tiaras UIC IDES Other srrfiltratfon systo ►pE OF PERWTTEO OPERATION Btu MONITORED C] Lagoon ❑ Remediallon: InAllration (3Nery © Spray Field ❑ Rernedratlan: 0 Raw Dwi ibutor CI Land Application, of Sludge Cl Water Source Heat Pump 17 Other rsderdrains wuvwumg imrvuuv^jjury WE LL IO NUMBER (from Perra): 7' T 7.2—�.Z—zZ lute sample collected: ___,_ __. , — _._ FIE D ANALYSES: if11YELL WAS Well Depth: 1s R. Well Diameterl.2S in. pH omot. units Temp. coos °C Mat Depth to Water Level essas:�B�ft. below measuring point Screened Interval: is It. to ft. Spec. Corsi. ow94: WYltloa time of Measuring Point Is ft: strove end surface Relative M.P. Elevation: R. -_..., Odor 000ee: cng. check Volume of water pumpeditllad before sampling: gallons Appearance ham:❑ Samples for metals... were collected wrtiltered: E YES ©NO and ftid addilied: ■ YES I] NO its sample analysed: Laboratory Name: UMAIi L7M NOTE: Values should forkmi dissolved and eollotdal conceniratbns. COn am mglL Nitrite (NOr)as N coats mgll. Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 A00mL Nitrate (NOS as N oom mg1L Coiform: MF Total 3=4 /100mL Phosphorrm: Total as P ows mglL Rrorr. u/elrPMmrt1 " WhlonrraroWwm11 1 Odhophosphate7o507 mglL solved SolidaTotal 7mm mglL Al -Aluminum orio6 mgiL PH (Lab) ow units So - Barium 01007 UWL TOO aoeeo MIA Ca - Calcium 0091e MWL Chloride Oo040 mall. Cd - Cadmium 01027 uplL Arsenic otoo2 UWL Chromium: Total cnm4 upll, Grease and 011s oom mglL Phenol =7 %NX Sulfate 00045 Mali. it Conductance oom pMhos Total Ammonia coma nv& {pmaaa & HbraM NN&AN It AMBNr t WOM Tarrq TM as N a0 a mgd. Cu - Copper =42 MQtL Fe - Iron 01045 upit. Hg - Mercury 71WO ug(L K - Potassium ow 37 mg1L Mg - Magnesium 00027 MOIL Mn - Manganese at055 U911- NI - Nickel oms7 ualt. Cedilicaiion No. Pb - Lead w s1 U91L Zn -Zino otoao MWL Other (Specdly, Compounds and Concentration Unb): ORGANICS: (by GC, GCIMS, HPLC) (Specity bet orrd rnslhod K ATTACH LA13 REPORT.) Lab Ropart Attschadt © Yes (1) (3 No (0) VOC 7e73 method S method d method 0 method F Effluent Total VOC Removal% U SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: DEPARTMeffOF emmagNiKI:QUAm-W.orwx�'imopumm; ' i AIaw PiwNtim UW COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM iH»tiuu.acrrio�.sa�n�nr., FACIUTY INFORMATION PleensPrinrC.reeAYor7yps PEROTNumber,,wQ 337 0 Expiration Date: 12/31/2026 FacIIflyName. Carolina Plantation Ai Nonsdlaroe, 42 12/ 2Z UIC Permit Name Of ditmrd): NPDES Other Infiltration System Fed" Addross: Carolina Plantation Road TYPE OF PERNI TED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Jacksonville. NL OW1 28540 Cotmiy 0nslarr ❑ Lagoon ©Remediatlan: [Nitration Gallery ICi' tslw! %Zql- ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediadan: Cor ttact Person: 7efi` Jarman 910-330-8167 Telephone#: ❑ Rotary Dhdribtrtor ❑ Land Application of Sludge Well Locationl8b Name: Carolina Plantation wyrP No. of wells to be sampled: 6 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump E3 00ter: underdraf es 3 L WELL ® NUNM (from t'arrrt[t): _ _ 5 _ Data sample colk4ed: 12-12-22 FIELD ANALYMS: V WELL WAS A Depth: 18 R. Well Diameter:1.25 In. pH W400: units Temp. o001o: eC DRY at Depth to Water Leval e25a 11 � k below measuring point Screened Interval:15 R. to iL Spec. Cond. boos.: pMhos of Measwing Point is 2 R. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft.Odor 00m: samtime deckVoluma of water pumpedlbailed before sampling: gallons Appearance here:❑ Samples for mdats were collect uMlifensd: ® YES ❑ NO and field add[fled: EYES ❑ NO LABORATORY INFORIMTION Date sample analysed: Laboratory Name: Certification No. PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal corrcentratbns. COD 0a335 moll. Nitrite (NO2) as N ooels mglL Pb - Lead otosl u9L Coliform: MF Fecal alai$ 1100mL NM to (NO3) as N oomo mglL Zn - Zinc oi= mg1L Coliform: MF Total 31604 1100ml. Phosphorus. Total as P ODS05 mg/L 01de Lh0MPU 'nie'Odfcthk#'a MW Orthophosphate Tosol mglL Other (Specify Compounds and Canoentration Units): iseotved Sotkls:Total 7osoo moll. M-Aluminum o11oS moll. pH (Lab) 00403 unite Ba - Barium 010D7 uWL TOC oose4 MOIL Ca - Calcium oos18 mglL Chloride oom moll. Cd - Cadmium 01027 01911. Arsenic mom "M Chromium: Total 01034 ugg Grease and Op9 oo= m91L. Cu - Copper 01042 mall. ORGANIC& (by GC, GCIMS< HPLC) Phenol arm u911. Fe - Iron o1o45 ugfL (Spedtytest and method tR ATTACH LAB REPORT4 Sulfate com mg1L Hg - Mercury 71DDo uglL Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yee (1) ❑ No (€1) 'no Conductance oM Whos K - Potassium ow37 mg1L VOC Ian , method # Totai Ammonia ooelo moll. Mg - Magnesium ow2i moll. . method # twnwnM Nftp rg 10has FC AM=16 NMVm, T=0 Mn - Manganese o1a55 uglL , method # TM as N oom mgA. NI - Nickel olos7 uglL , method # va ...�wwwwu�n� 070SmnR Lmly LIM rwpur[af: mnuem 10181 vuus: molt. Effluent Total VOCs: mg[L VOC Remoum laity --ax—ou ARwm name ana Tina - mom pnm or type GW58 Rev. W-07-2018 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY :R QUALITY MONITORING: REPORTFORM Name: Carolina Plantation 3ermit Name (if different): :gcpityAftWs; Carolina Plantation Road Jacksonville. 2S540 County Onslow act Person: 7eff larro Location/Site Name: cap inefl: 910-330-8167 d wells to be sampled: 6 L ID NUMBER (frmn PWMN): - Date sample collected: 12-12-22 � Depth: 1S ft, Well Diameter:1.25 in. i to Water Laval &me: 9 ft. below measuring point Screened Interval: 15 ft to _fL During Point Is 2 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: fL ne of water pumpednWied before sampling: gallons cles for metals were collected unfiltered: 0 YES ❑ NO and field acidified: ■ YES ❑ NO do sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: IRAMETERS NOTE. Values should reliect dissolved and colloidal concentration. COD 0=5 mglL Nitrite (NOS as N ooeia mg1L Cobbrm: MF Fecal stars 1100ml. Nitrate (NO3) as N ooe20 mg1L Conform: MF Total 3ism 1100ml- Phosphorus: Total as P DDwa mg1L pJaW U.eMPK 11,- fth1shtrk1Vd4W08l Orthaphosphate70507 mg1L solved Sotids:Total 7o= MOIL AI -Aluminum oiioa mg/L PH (Lab) op4o3 units Ba - Barium 01W7. ug1L Tip MOIL Ca - Calcium Doan mg1L Chloride 00040 Hill Cd - Cadmium 0io277 uglL Arsenic otnar u914 Chromium: Total 01034 us(L Grease and Oils ao552 mg/L Cu - Copper 01042 mg1L Phenol 327ao ug1L Fe - Iron 01046 - Sulfate 00045 mglL Hg - Mercury 71eno UWL eciifa Conductance ooays� _ rpMhos K- Potassium DW37 mg1L Total Ammords Maio mglL Mg - Magneslum 00927_ mg1L (Amrwnla hnr,aN:/41n+�rNiamoeaTatag Mn Manganese aloss TKN as N ooeze mg1L Ni - Nickel Aio67 uWL �._ rNFOMATM PROCEMM UNrr 517MAIL e67lM CENFUL RALEXK H02 Number. WQD03377o Expiration o-Dtecharge UIC IDES Other Infiltration Systes "PE OF PERNSrTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ RemedMn: Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remedlatlow ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land AppYcaion of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump E) Other underdrai m FIELD ANALYSES: WAS PH oo4oa units Temp. aowo. OC DRY at Spec. Cond. 000rl4: Whos time of samplin Odor oaoes: chock Appearance herer Certification No. Pb - Lead 01051 UVIL Zn - Zinc 010e2 mglL other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): ORGANICS: (by GC, GC1MS, HPLC) j8podfy tit and method OL ATTACH 1.11E REPORT.) Lab Rat Attachad9 ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) VOC 7a7s , method # method d method N method d - twill Pf leant Total VOCs: _ _mglL VOC Removal'S 11-VCa3