HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0033770_Monitoring - 11-2022_20230131Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number #* Name of Facility:* Month: * November Report Information Type * GW-59 WQ0033770 Carolina Plantation Confirmation Email Address:* Name of Submitter: * Signature: Date of submittal: Initial Review Year:* 2022 Upload Document* Groundwater Monitoring 326.52KB Report November 2022.pdf PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). ecochran@onswc.com Erica Cochran Reviewer: Wanda.Gerald 1 /31 /2023 This will be filled in automatically Is the project number correct?* WQ0033770 Is the monitoring report accepted?* - Yes NO Regional Office* Wilmington Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 2/15/2023 SUBMIT FORM ON YE t EOW PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORINGc � � � "VWOM Nfilr ` COMPLIANCE REPORT" FORM �Hf 011UL ttl�Et:FJABR iirll.BDlI„ NG�/OwtN7 - t INFO 0 �e°°�r �fi'°r 7!'Pe PERMT Number. WW33770 Expiration Date: 12/31/20Z6 FacilityrName: Carolina Plantation Non -Discharge UIC Permit Name Of ridierant): NPDES Ottrer Infiltration System Fadly A Carolina Plantation Road TYPE OF PER WITED OPERATION BEING MONITORED I 3arksonviile. Neteet' ZS540 County onslow 0 Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery ,C40F �.ve, �zm� ❑ Spray Field ❑ RemediafFon: CorBad Person: Jeff 3arman Telephone#: 910-330-8167 ❑ Rotary DietduRor ❑ Land Application of Sludge Wail Location/Site Name: Carol i nit Pl antati on wvrP No. of wells to be sampled: 6 ❑ Water Source Heal Pump fl Other: wderdrains lfw ELL WELL. lD NUMBER (from Pempdt): -r L � Dale sample collected: 11-3-22 FIELD ANJLLYSES: WAS ell Depth: is ft. WellDEameterl•25 In. pHoo400: units Tamp.como: `C DRYd time Depth to Water Level wue:.16.3 f. below measuring point Screened Interval:15 ft. to ft. Spec. Cond. 000ee: NMtws samplili ng, Measuring point is 2 f. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Odor cross: diadc Volume of water pumpedlbailed before sampling: gallons Appearance here;a Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: N YES ❑ NO and field acidified: ■ YES ❑ NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: Certification No. PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should raged dlsaolvml and colloidal concentratlons. COD oom mg& Nitrite (NOr as N oasis m91L Pb - Lead otosi U91L Coliform: MF Fecal sieis h00mL Nitrate (NOj) as N oma mgfL 7-n - zinc won mg/L Colform: MF Total 31504 /100mL Phosphorus: Total as P ooess mgfL Qdit Un MPN m1 Il I - W hlp7 "y Orthophosphate msW mgfL Other (Spa* Compounds and Concentration Untie): Essclved Solids:Toial7moo mgll. AI -Aluminum oiio5 mgfL pH (Lab) oo4w tuft Ba - Barium 01007 061L TOC ooeeo mg/L Ca - Calcium owe mgfL Chiorfde 00940 mg/L Cd - Cadmium morn ug1L Arsenioc"am ugfL Chromium: Total01034 trp1L Grease and Otis crier nWL Cu - Copper o1o42 mgfL ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol 327so uglL Fe - Iron oio4s u91L (Specify test rend method M ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Suffate cocas mg1L Hg - Mum" 71000 W& Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) peatic Conductance 0000 pMhos K - Potassium oo937 mg1L VOC M , method 0 Total Ammonia ooet0 mg/L Mg - Magnesium cow mgfL , method # P'"`"0i m Nfopn Mfsu K Aert M HWOa TaWQ Mn - Manganese oto55 ugf L , method # 'M ae N cases nv& Ni - Nickel oioe7 ug1L , method # For Renmdlation Systeme Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mglL Effluent Total VOCs mg/L VOC Removal% GW6.9 Rev.08-074MO SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY ER QUALITY MOMORINO: REPORT FORM at Name: Carolina Plantation )ant Name pt difierllnt): 'adlflyAddrea: Carolina Plantation Road aacksonvills. Ne"" 26540 County onslow ampersorl: We 34rtran TelephonsM. 910-330-6167 I-oCatfW8ite Name: Carolina Plantation WwrP No. of wells to be sampled: 6 WQW33770 El~ Date: in-DWarge UIC IDES Other infiltration system 'Plfl OF PERM TED OPERATWN BEING MDKli CORED © Leaoon Cl Remedidon: Infiltration Gallery G Spray Field © Remedist#an: © Rotary Distributor L7 Uwd Application of Sludge Q W&W Spume Wet pump fl Other: Underdrat ns powirmmm Rm mu WELL M NUMBER (Iirorn P= ft): _I� � Date sample collected: 11-3-22 � FIEW AN&YSES: If We" WAS on Depth: 16 ft. Well Diameterl,�5 in. pH o040o units Temp. cootsg0 DRY at Depth to Water Level 8250.13 A. below measuring point Screened Interval: isIt. to ft. Spec. Cond, aoaw: plNltas time Measuring Point is 2 A. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft... _.. Odor Cones: sampl Mai Voiu ne of water pumpedibelled before sampling: ,gallons Appearance hereO Samples for neatais were collected unAltened: ■ YES 0 NO and field acidified: W YES i] NO its sample analyrtsd: Laboratory Name: IRA METERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and coltoldal concentrations. COD om mg1L Nitrite (NO2) as N costa malL Coliform: MF Fecal mete 1100ml. Nitrate (NOJ as N ooeoo mg1L Cotifoen: MF Total ales N00ml. Phosphoru& Total as P oosss mall. "ft UWMPNffWM1 rtspxrWW=RV" Orthophonphatezoss7 mg1L solved Solkis:Total 7= mglL At - Aluminum m icm mall, pH (Lob) oom units TOC octeao mg1L Chloride oo*40 mg/L AraeNc mom ugrL Grease and Oils ttt>sma mall. Phenol ww ug(L Sulfate DM5 mall. Me Conductance coWm pMhos Total Ammonle omio m91L t `NMWR*ha%AR WftNftFe.TftQ TKN as N MW mall. For P4mmdbftn Systems Only (Attsch Lab Reports): IMS iarlu+thwtned AM O NWo ■nd INO - Plc O M M OW-69 Rev.0047-2M6 Be - Barium 01007 ugrL Ca - Csidum ottsle mglL Cd - Cadmium o102T uarL Chromium: Total o1034 ugrL Cu - Copper 01042 mWL Fe - Iron clam ua1L fig . Mercury ?I= UWL K - Potassium oo007 MWL Mg - Magnesium OC627 malt. Mn - Manganese olomm ugrL Ni - Nickel oioe7 ugiL Influent Total Certification No. Pb - Lead most Zn - Zino MGM m9fl- Other (Spa* Compounds and Concentration Unh): ORGANICS: (by GO, GC1MS, HPLC) (Specify test end mdhod IL ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Lab Report Attached? Cl Yes (1) © No (0) VOC Tens , method i , Row d method methyl d Effluent Total AtlRMT FnRU nN VFr r nW PAPFR nM V GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: • OWARl�IWOF�.Q1Ai1 .;=.OPW =Feu E m COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM' ��r»un.�xvres�xr��aa� FACILJIIINMBM83LON PERNMT Number. bQW33710 6cpkati n Date: 12/31/2026 Fac3byName. Carolina Plantation Non -discharge UIC Perm Name Of c fff mnt): NPLES Other Infiltration sYstm FacuqAddron, Carolina Plantation Road TYPE OF PERNMW OPERATION BWG MONIVORED 3acksonville. N&r"' 28540 Corny onslow Q Lagoon Q Ran: Infiltration Gallery kGrvi �.`^I¢ie ©Spray Field ©R�r: Contact Peron; 3eff yarnan gin-33n-s1s7 Telephone#: © RotW Distributor ❑ Land Appik ation of Sludge Well Locallon/Sits Name: Carolina Plantation WdrP No. of wells to be sampled. 6 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump 1❑ Ofhm. t nderdrains ram SAMUNG INFORNINTION f� - Z J Kam, WELL ID fltUNM (from Permit): ? Date sample collected: 11-3-22 _ ptELpAMAL1f S: WAS Well Depth: I8 ft.- Well Diameteri.25 In. pH oc o units Temp. wour. oc DRY at Depth to Water Leval mw:16.3 ft. below Measuring point Screened Interval: 15 It. to ft. Spec. Cond. o=4- tint* of Measuring Point Is 2 R. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Odor sampl ceck Volume of water pumped/balled before sampling: gallons Appearance here: 0 Sam IDS for metals were collected uMlllared: M YES ❑ NO and field acidified: EYES ❑ NO LABORATOR INFOtiMA O Data sample analysed: Laboratory Name: Certification No. PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dhmWvsd and coflofdd coneadntim. COD 000as mglL Nitrite (NO2) as N oasis mg1L Pb - Lead o1a51 U91L Colf form: MF Feral mate /I DGML Nitrate (NN as N oono mg1L Zn - Zinc aloes "WI, Coff orm: MF Total 31504 11 OImL Phosphorus: Total as P oosss mgli. aj0* u" WN m.0 - raW q uW=ff0.r) Orthophosphate 7ow MOIL Other (Specdy Compounds and Concentration Units): issohred Solids:Total 7mm mglt. AI - Aluminum o11os MOIL pH (Lab) am units Be - Barium o,n07 uglL TOC oom molt. Ca - Calcium ome molt. Chloride Dom mg/L Cd - Cadmium o1o27 ug1L Arsenic Otooc LWL Chromium: Tobd oio34 uglL Grease and Offs oam mg►L Cu - Copper oim mglL ORGANICS: (by GC, GCIMS, HPLC) Phenol 3273a u91L. Fe - Iron aim ugll. (Specifytee and method S. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Suble oms mElL Hg - Menxay 71NO ug1L Lab R*w Attrrohat? Q Yes (1) ❑ No (0) Specific Conductance 00006 NMhos x - Potassium 00937 mg1L VOC Tars , method # Total Ammonia coelo mg1L Mg - Magnesium 00927 mg1L , method # w11 % "W0W NHsM N: A Wit N WL TarQ Mn - Manganese 0105 ug1L , method # . TKN as N oom mglL NI - Nickel o1os7 uglL _ , method # For Rem kilation Systems Only (Aft ch Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs; mg1L. Effluent Total VOCs: mo1L vac Removam W—A GW-69 Rev.0"7,2018 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLM PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: ffiRX w►�ttM " COMPLIANCE REPORT FORMd I �h�l�r�lr.ac�tr,[cneerc . Name: Carolina Plantation 'ennit Name Of different): 'aciifty Address: Carolina Plantation Road 3acksomville. Nam"' 28S40 Cody WOW ,CW toMad Person: 361T 3arman Telephone*: 910-330-8167 Veil LoeaiioNBite Name: Carolina P1 antati on WerrP No. of wells to be sampled: 6 'Slii•11i1.�4.1 1-1.1INx Depth: IS ft. h to Water Level ams:_ 12 _ ft. below measuring point miring Point Is 2 ft. above land surface me of water pumpedlbailed before sampling: ales for metals were collected unGfts ed: 0 YER r Date sample collected: 11-3-22 Well Diameter.1"25 fn. Screened Interval:1S It. to _ft Relative M.P. Elevation: It. flew its sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: kRANIETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concerdratlona. COD oar mgp, Mite (NO2) as N ooets mWL Coldorm: MF Fecal 3:ate 1100ML Nitrate (NO3) as N ooe2o mglL Conform: MF Total =04 1100mL Phosphorus: Total as P noses mglL {NoW UW WN M9MW r0rt01y 4nW Orthophosphate 7oso7 m91L wolvad SolwmTotal 7oaco mg1L Al -Aluminum oiwos MWL pH (Lab) cocoa units Be - Beduin oioo7 ug1L TOC ooeaa mg1L Chloride com mglL Arsenic otoo2 ugfL Grease and Oils *= mg/L Phenol 327ao ug1L Sulfate DOM mg1L ipeciflc Conductance == pmhos Total Ammonia cask mg1L (Anwa a N'Nop r4 Min N; Ammonia NMOM Tobq TM as N oms mg1L Ca - Calcium ooms mg/l. Cd - Cadmium oto27 UA Chromium: Total wom ug1L, Cu - Capper 01042 mg1L Fe - Iran 01048 , Hg - Mercury 71ewo ug1L K - Potassium oos37 moll Mg - Magnesium oom mglL Mn - Manganese mans uglL NI - Nickel oi= ugiL, ,RMT Nurnbar: W00033770 Expiration Date: 12/31/2026 n-Discharge �. UIC 'DES der infiltration system PE OF PERW17120 OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Flew ❑ Remedladon: ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of sludge ❑ Water source Heat Pump 11 Ogtm: underdratns FIELDANALYSES: WAS pH omw. _ units Temp. 000ia OC DRY at Spec. Cond. oow4: µMhos time of sampfir Odor own. check check Appearance hero:- Certification No. Pb - Lead most UA Zn - zinc oioe2— mglL Other (Specify Compound and Concentration finite): ORGANICS: (by GC, GCIMS, HPLC) (Specltytest and method rL ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Lab Repoli Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) VOC 78" , method d method d method B . method P For Rernedlation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: ►►tell. Ef ant Total VOCa moll W ne Q.....s.,�ox .000-5 Of SUBMT FORM ON YELI9]AL PAPER ONLY ER DUALITY MONITORING: REPORT FORM Nm; Carolina Plantation None (n dfllm Q: Addn*m Carolirsa Piamation Road XmIle. NC""`"' 2a$e0 county onslow Drdad Paraan: 7af€ 7anran Telsphone f: 910-330-UG7 yell LacaitmMfta Nauru: Carols na Plantation vam No. of rYella to Ile esmpfed fi WUNQ FO"UMgM 131 fD HUN3ER (&M Parnell): T Z. 4 Data wimple onlieded: 11- 3 - z z m Oeptft is IL elf pqueeasri.ts Vll° - in )pth to MWsr Level m2 m 8.7 IL below mess zft pint cre Screened frrtmvel 15 �f1. & to 1L UWAhV Point is above land surfaaR RaldOve M.P. Etanatlon: tL ARM of Valor purrapedl6aited befmie sampling: Qdllons im lee brrrerrl>ts mete eopeeted uretifsred: DYES 0 NO and !fold at:id0ted: ■ YES © NO ►SORT► RY WFO ite sample rtraiym& Labarstafy Name: RA1ETM NWI ttalros should nMact dtpotvad and collofdal cmmw lydtons. COO onn my1L Nips (NO2) as N caste L Colibrm: MF Fecal ateta 1100ml- Nlhate (1110g) as N como L C096rm: VF TOW 31e09 HOOmL Phosphu Total am P om myL ( cUwea+larranAwwd�pauddwagMp 00100oapltata70W MWL Sohn! 5olids:Tetal 7m mpll. Al-A4anlrtamt ct1oS PH (Lob) 0a/a3 uNs Ba - 8adum (tom? LWL TOO apnea ma1L Ca - Celclum OOate mgfL Chfatida omv _ no& Cd - Cadmium a1027 Ataedov►oaQ- upfL CluompMre: Tosl atoms �. GOefteandOlsoom mg/L Cu-Copperoto42 malt. pmml mm apll Fe -Iron atoms � Suffda oaoet . mgAL HS - Msmry 7tam �, eMa Oonductanm oo= pMhos K - Potaaalum cow milli, TalalAmrnaeiaoneta WGIL, l� � rab� rk Mrtoid� aUlva�n.Talip— fit-MaSnwUMCM7 .,_� TKN as H own Mn - Manganese otaae UWL millL Ni - Nkkef moe7 For Rarnadtatbrr sysewns fr/OlafAliOMt'11DC#aMlDtirrr — 4atrWAY.fiWM=OV1RftR4Ls0KpGflaad tdp' UnrUmber.ig0033770 Espicak tads: 12i3V!O-Z-6 m0schop L11C 21DES Other XaMItration system WE OF PERXWFED OPEAATIM BENa NOWFORM ❑ L van ❑ RaNd lone kftWon Gallery ❑ Spray Raid ❑ RWDKUdMM ❑ Rotary Dbatbitor ❑ L UM Appicalion of S dSe ❑ waw $ourm Had Pu v :13 Other O dendraiass RELO AHALYM.- pH ooioo: imtfs Temp. ob' m ac Spec. Cond. am": Wsos Odoro m Appearance Cerulinsm NO. Pb - Lead atom WIt- Zn - ZW Olaa2 COWL Clow Mpmffy commroft and Cmamuation !trots): OiSQAHICs: (by GC. GCIMS. HPLC) �psgt}I hell and raslhod #L ATiACH LAD REPORT.) Lab MPod AftdudF ❑ Yes 0) ❑ No (0) ----��`R method d metfeod E method 0 . method ! SUBMIT FORM ON= PAPER OAe-Y ER QUAUTY MONITOWNG: REPORT FORM NY Name. Carolina Plantation d Natm Of different): NyAddress: Carolina Plantation Ruud tsonvilla. ere"' 28540 County onslok Lct.j i&nci�pr adPf=n: gaff Jarman TeIePI>QRte#: 910-330-UGI L,00doNSih Name: caroli na Pl antatian wrP No. of wells to be sampled: 6 OROMATM MWCE aara Number. WW33770 won Dote in4llcf2fP UIC logo Odw Infiltration Systaa 'PE OF PERNMW OPtOiMTM DENG MoUnvM ❑ Lspoan ❑ Pwnedbtion: lnsintcn Gamy ❑ Spray Field ❑ ❑ Rotary Distrhtur ❑ Land Apprirasm of Sludps ❑ Wahr So" Baal Pimp lfl ogw. underdraim ■M L ID NUMt3ER (franc Psanllj: "Z Date Temple coAscted: 11- 3 2 2 RELD ANALTM: a u EU WAS Dom' o• r to Water lavaE Well Dlameler.1.2s in, pH oom, orals Temp. 000tor VC re. _ t below rneasuring point Socened Intmi:15 fL to fL Spm Card. om: 0r$os tone of U" Point is ? eft. above land sskm Relathro M.P. Ekmllon: ft. odoromea � "0 of Water Pumpedlballed befota sampling: � galbns __— grsn Appoe here:r DOW sarnPh analyzed: Laboratory Name: PARAME1E18 Not'E: tfrduss shatdd rrfled dlaotwd and C'W Wsl Onosntrailons. Cerbilcation No. CAD Dooms mgll. Nltr<te (N10W as N ooeta MWL Pb - Lead mo01 CliaM: MF Fscas stale I100mL Nidats (NW as N ooe2o mglL Zn - Zinc MM marL Collbrm: MF Total 3t8o1 11o0mL Phosphorus: Tolsl as P mem mWL Q+bwc u. Man mama ra bW*UMd MOma Orthophosphate 7osa7 mglL Olher (Speay Compounds and C mmrraon Unh): imoNed SolkI r:Tatal mco mg1L AI - Alurnimrm otroe mglL PH (Lab) ooaos Wits Ba - Barium 01007 uyL, TQGR:oeeo moll. Ca - Calcium ome mgk CHoride mm U11A Cd - Cadmium mos7 UWL ArseMo oioca U911L Chromium: Total oioss uglL Grease and Ole Cu - COPper 01042 mp1L ORGANICS: (by GC. GCIMS, HPL C) Phenol m m "L- Fe - Iron aims uglL (Spm* tat and mstilm tit ATTACH iAB RIPORT.) SuE[ate oce" mil. H9 - MuanY 71NO UWL Lab PAport Art cW? ❑ Yea (1) ❑ No (0) Spedlic Conducartce 000 pMha K - Potasalum oora7 moll VOC 7ar3 method # Total Ammonia ooato mgA. M9 - Magnesium MW Wafl. meow # VA —I* ftW rr NK"1k AnMrA MI%ft Tv" Mn - Manganese 0105a UWL media. # TKN as N mm MWL NE - Nlftl mov UD(L method # For Ramediaflon BYAWS Only (Attach Lab RIM*: InNuent Total GW459 Rwos-074oie Emuentval fftl:3 0.