HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221640 Ver 1__External_ Wellington Park Dredging (SAW-2022-02488)_20230127Baker, Caroline D From: Carmen Tormey <ctormey@kbeng.org> Sent: Friday, January 27, 2023 3:04 PM To: Thomas, Zachary T; David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil Cc: Connor Brown Subject: [External] Wellington Park Dredging (SAW-2022-02488) Attachments: Wellington_EAST_for_permitting.pdf, Wellington_WEST_for_permitting.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Hello all, I'm responding to confirm that the rip -rap lined plunge pool on the Wellington Park West Pond Dredging (SAW-2022- 02488 ver 2) project is included in the 0.94 acre impact estimate in section DA of the PCN. I pasted the email conversation below. I also noticed I miscalculated the buffer impacts on the East pond (SAW-2022-02488 ver 1). Open water impacts: 0.67 ac - should be 0.72 ac Buffer zone 1: 0.01 ac - should be 0.02 ac Let me know if there is anything I need to do to account for this change on my end. We have updated both plan sets with comments from the Town of Cary permit review. The only change to buffer impacts are those listed above for the East Pond. I've included the updated plan sets here for your reference. These projects have the same action ID but different version numbers. I just wanted to note that these are separate dredging projects, on separate ponds, but in the same neighborhood. Let me know if you have any questions, Carmen ---------- Forwarded Message --------------- From: Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA)<David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil> Date: Tue, Dec 27, 2022 at 3:48 PM Subject: Provisional NWP 29 Verification: Wellington Park pond dredging west / Forest Park Way / Cary / Wake County; SAW-2022-02488 To: Connor Brown <cbrown@kbeng.org> Cc: kbass@kbeng.org <kbass@kbeng.org>, Thomas, Zachary T <zachary.thomas@ncdenr.gov> up Please note that the activities proposed in the PCN for the above -referenced project better fit Nationwide Permit (NWP) 29 in this case than NWP 3. As such, the email below pertains to Provisional verification of the use of NWP 29 pending issuance of an applicable 401 Water quality Certification from the NC Division of Water Resources. 1. If you disagree and would like to further discuss the applicability of NWP 3 to this project please let me know. 2. Please confirm whether or not the rip -rap lined inlet plunge pool (per Sheets 6 [listed as "Add Alternate 1..."], 8 and 9) is proposed and/or included in the 0.94 acre impact estimate in Section D.4 of the PCN. This is a provisional notification that your proposed work may be authorized by the above referenced general permit provided a 401 Certification is issued or waived. Once a 401 Certification is issued or waived, the Corps will provide you with a final general permit verification. Your proposed work shall not commence until after the 401 Certification has been issued or waived and until a final general permit verification has been provided to you. Additional special conditions may be added to the final general permit verification. As stated above, this is a provisional notification. This email does NOT provide Department of the Army (DA) authorization. You are cautioned that commencement of the proposed activities requested prior to receiving a written DA authorization would constitute a violation of Federal laws and subject you to further enforcement action. Receipt of a permit from the state (e.g., NCDWR) does not preclude the requirement for obtaining DA authorization (e.g. an NWP verification letter) prior to commencing the work. It appears that an Individual 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) is required from the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) for this project. For NCDWR: After review of the submitted PCN for the above referenced project, and NWP 29 Water Quality General Certification No. 4256, dated 12/18/2020 (https://saw-reg.usace.army.mil/NWP2021/NWP29 StateWQC.pdf), it appears an Individual 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) is required from the NCDWR for the proposed activities. The PCN received by our office provided the 9 required elements for an individual WQC and constitutes the Corps initial receipt of the WQC application. The reasonable period of time (RPOT) for you to act on this WQC request will begin is 120 calendar days from the date of the complete WQC request. Unless NCDWR is granted a time review extension, the date upon which a waiver of the WQC will occur if you do not act on the certification is 3/17/2023. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this provisional verification or the Corps of Engineers regulatory program. Sincerely, Dave Bailey CarnmenTmrnmey Ecological Engineer Kris Bass Engineering