HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-01158_Well Construction - GW1_20230126 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD rFor Tatennt Ilse ONLY: This form can be wed for single or multiple wcTts L i,Well Contracter Informatlen: Josh Plemmons To D68CRIl7tOTt Well C tt. n Contractor Name 4137-A 1 7MA NC watt ContnaWgr CeRitkatton Number H M To OtAaRTgtl 171lCItIVi88 LClearwater Well Drilling Inc. ' Corntmny Name td. � HkOM Tf) 1➢IAIMRTRR MATNiiAL 2.Well Construt'tiott Permit#: �- A. ra. Lixr all appbeahk well conatraeNon perniils(l.e.Counly.Stale.Yariamv.e1cJ N — 3.Well Use(check well use): iq• — waler 3m�ly WON: FROM To DIA sa or slzc tlllcic MA IAL ClAgriaultural OlytssticipaUPublic _ Ot3eotheretal(Heathrg/Cooling Supply) residential Water Supply(single) D I L 1116 OlndoarrieUCommerciai 011esidential Water Supply(shared) mI MATMAL tent A AMOUNT ❑Irri tion 1 Nea-Water Sappily Well: J n. e. [Monitoring ORecovery _. lid eetMn WeIP A. a ❑Aquifer Recharge DGroundwster Remediation =1Ploll_ C)Aquifer Stomp and Recovery ElSalinity Battier t.4 salrir�❑Aquifer Test fMStormwater Drainage OE:perimental Technology OSubsidence Control t : OCieothermal(Clotted Loop) OTracer jL=rtft aID skDGeothermal a oolin Rein OOther lain under#21 Remarks �-) �1— y 4.date We"(t)Completed; I O Au Well lD# UT-1 � tiff O � � AL Sa.Wen LocMkeq: It Faeility/OwnerName Neelliky1DR(ifap ankle) Phgwal Addrer,City � N G � 21, County Parcel identification No.(PiN) Sb.Latitude and Longitude in degreWminutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22.Certl (if well field,Otte]at/[on g 11 sufficient) t Si ofCdtitiel Well Conaa clor bat 6.Is(are)the wewzy: anent or Mewperary 9' - thi.,farm.1 hereAv ea*toot the xr11(.,)we,,(wtem)camnvered In acmulitrwx '' `` A'Vft CAC 02C.0100 or ISA NCAC 01'C.0200 Well Cantfne rkX S Nwvdr and that a 7.is this a repair to on existing weH: DVes or a twin the narnrc o/the repair wider p21 re"amjx sc llon or on Abe hmk of this farm. 23. iagram or additional well details: You use the back of this page to provide additional Well site details or well tL Number of wells constructed: amondetails. You may also attach additional pages ifwry. For"aldple Gr jaetlrm or non water supply wells tN L P with the saw eenmrWOOw,ymj can xuA/Mtonefi-inn. SUBAL INSTUCTIONS 9.TsU11 Well depth below land stWf*M: 13 l i� tit) 2AIL .AI( WNI� Submit this form within 30 daW of completion of well Far"#triple wells lilt alldepth.,irdoerwl(.ww#c-3(a}200•and2@100) conson to the following: 14L Static water level below Mpofcasing: (ft,) Division of Water Quality,infornudn Pnse aft LWt. (f#»ter level 11 ohnve casing,tce"+" 1617 Mail Servcee Cmder,Raleigh,NC 176�1b17 11.Borehole diameter: (Its) 24b. lnlectien Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a abovosubmit a copy of this tbrm within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: \ 1 `, t C V\-,1 ennFn to the following: (i.e,sager,rosary,cable,diroet push,eta} of Water_ FOR WATER S IMvhbn 16M Mall Service Center,Raleigh,ergirstand NC 2a769 46%Control r�n� SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a.:1.1 d(gpm) Method of test 24e.F�W�&RR v&laiaedon t tldditlOn to sending the form to the_addresses) above, also submit one: copy of this form within 30 days of 131L itel sfectlon type- Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW.1 North Carolina Tkpartment of Envirooment and Nnturat Resowees-Division of Water-- -- - QuslitS'