HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-01147_Well Construction - GW1_20230126 I WXJ .CONMECI'IUN RECORD For Tnternai Use ONLY: Thin form can be reed for single or multiple wells 1.Well Contracmr Itdanmatloo: A Josh Plemmons Ol TO ft Weil CenlraeterFleme• 4137-AMA _ l NC Weil CommotorCcrilfi4ation Narl M TO fi pait►aT THIS L Clearwater Well Drilling ins "' ftto CompetryNnttb ]p[Oss TO >Nl►D1lRRAIn. 7HiCQ1ia8S 10AitAOAL 2.Well Counrecdon Palreoit* LW 411 aR*=hte wd1 wmWucdon permftr(49.County.Shale,lrarlmme.e!c) p. H. M. 3 Wdl iCLc(eirekwell oaejw 92Q CKMA Wrtas'Supply Wes: Z- ,n— (L �; OAgrieulttnal pMtnticipallPttbt)c13Gcothermel(HeetfnglCoofiog Supply) !]Residential WaterSupply(single) (3111d tstrinucar ardal ORcddaltial Water Supply(Shared)Olrti lion R Non Water Stlppajl Well: OMatitorfng ORerovery tt Jejectiall OAquifer Recharge Q(boundwtttcr Remediation 1 • FROM m ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery OSalinity,Barrier p, fL 13AquWer Test pStottllvvnter thairtage DEttperimetnal Technology 13Suhsideitee Control DGeothermal(Closed Loop) 0 racer Toorl Y talvnrt ate. OGeo3 oral ffeatiq#Caoft Rtdlna QOt)ter fainunder#21 Reloads t n' k' 11 of r� rn} \ 0.Date Welts)Cotnpllekds -p(q/�oC Well iD# a. ILa tq, 5a.Welt i.ocatlaa: ^ p p. �. r"16..7 n ` � ('- . 1re� v�e�, is n n. 2 ZaL3 Faeility/OtvtterName Pacilityll>if(ifepPlicable) K� �Cc�� 1'�C., 1�\t 1c� nQ n l A ip City,and K C—ly 1'51x1 men61ieotion No.(Phil) Sb.Ltantude and LoaggUude is degreWmteutWkwands or decimal degrees_ ;22.Veadfkjk (ifwell field,one iatnong is sutficb;n) , tdWeIIC rMctor Dale 6.la(are)the well(s):`�Pernaneot or 137emparary Br airp fug Lbws fowm.1 M*Av mO thaw the Kr0(s)xros(one}conraveted in aeooadmtcr With 1SA NCAC 02C.0100 or 15A NCAC 02C.0200 WHI CottrlrtrCM&aOsTm'tJr and dW a 7.lit this.a repair toaneMagwellt f]Yes or 00 cnpYoflhtvrcrnrdhmhearP,nvl f►oihenrlioatru. Ijthrs>s o rupatnJlllmttlbtmv»tvr11 merfiucwton!►llbmxrtlon and explain the wrcmor ojlhe �.�dim or addltiaaal wall dtdaUa repatr rmdsr w12t row arlisaralon oro»tlia lKmtolthrs fwm• You may use the back of"page to provide edditimAl well site delaits Or soli e.Natnbet-otwetla contrncted: constmction details. You may els0 attach additional pegm if itecel ly. Farmuhlplelryar�lanornonwnrersyyrlywe!)sONLY�vllhthe+Y9+eoanlhaclhra yis+cmr n suhnthnne,prrnr. � BUHMtITAL INSTliG"17ON3 !� 9 Ttgal Lea �� 24, Far Ail Wells: Submit this fort within 30 days of completial of well For Muhlple xr� domft jd/ff�c-3@=�''mrds®roa) ( ) mnsntVtion to the followinw. �. 10.Static Crater level below top of eA ft.,^.�.Q (ft) Dlvidon Gil r Qaft.information Pracndag UOK rue er laud It&howewhr,me + 1617 Man*jMeaClellr,RaMtg><,NC 27MI617 1 !' 11.Hord ola dlamt ter.LO .,,(in.) 24h.Ear jnj2Sft We,IN: in addition to sending&e form to the address in 24a above,also submit a espy of this than within 30 days of completion of welt 12.Well coustractlen mow: construction to the follats4ng (i.e.anger,rotary,cable,daeetpush,eta) plvplon of Water Quality,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1ti36 MeU Setvt�Center,Ralal$h,NC 276941696 13a.Yield(gpm) Method ofteet: 24C ft Wa QQWb&itl_itirdto t wells 1n 9MitiM to satding the far to the addra*cs)above, also submit one cW of this fam Within 30 Clays of 13b.DMnill type: Amount Complt'hon of well coMtntction to the county ht:glth dopat inm of the carry where constructed. Form GW l Nonb Carolina Depertmentof Environment and Natural Resnwrea-Division of Water"ity Revised Jan.2013