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GW1-2023-01114_Well Construction - GW1_20230126
i WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Thty f.,.m can be jscd R,rsinglC Or mnit(pleWClls. For tntcmal Usa ONLY; 1•Well Contractor Information: Il Rex Meadows i4,wATIIR ZO1V8S Well Contractor Neme FROM TO I - DS9CRIPTIoN 2113-A ry• ft. f NC Well C.ontmctor cer+ifiention Numttcr 1&40UUR CASING rmcttleased1:Clearwater Well Drilling inc. FROM To "�' °R1•'� � AT - lt1AMETER TAICKNIigg MA�?t6RtAL Comptny Natno fr. R t z.Well CA CaR MnstrnctnPnit G. © O tRMRTo MAIN Rppcahlr,trll enaftcailpm mtda (fie Cotn,t�z Stgr4 trarlanc etc,) tt• 7iiICICN&44 MATt2R1,tL in. 3.Well USe(ebeek well use)t R• tt, is Water Supply Wen: I .SCRI M QAgticulnlral FROM a.. TO DIAMETER BtATSr?g TiiiCtCNfi�4 MATERIAL ❑Monjcipal/PubGc 130c0thennal(1-ieeting/Cooling SupPly)❑industrial/Cm nercjal �eidettie]Witter Supply(single) ft. R• JTM Mai lion OResidentiat Water Supply(shared) t&GROUT FROM To IyOMWater$R Iy ft. ft. MATSRtAL SMP1,ACgMgNT MB7ROD@AMOIINi Well: ` ❑Moniroring PP , Injection Weil: ❑Recovrry n• tt_ ElAquifer Recharge it. It ❑A 1Ximundwater Remedial 19.8ANDlf;rRAVBL PACK 1} c qu iferSrorageandRecovery UAquiferTest L7SalinityBarrier RnOM g, TO MATERIAL,, BMPJ ACEMENT M91nour � 13Stormwater Drainage l3r-VOlitaentalTechnology OSubsiderleaCiatil i7Geothennal(Closed Loop) OTrscer 20.DIIILL G LOC aMae6:ddlttoartl s irtll gCreothertttal Heatin Cooliq Retttm pother lainunda#21 Remarks FROM To Dfi9CRiPTION mtar m coalman na ett t -•7 � n 4.Date WeLJ(s)Completed: 0. ft Sa.^'cJl lwrcsttGtn: • 1--t•J�LL1��� 20 p litylOwncrAtsm� R tl. .� rhollityJDll(ifaPPltcnhlc) 'p PhySteal Address,city,aaa Zip 21. BMAWCS 2 t*, ------- Calmly J�aecl identificalion No.(PIN) YSS ' 56.I.atltade and Ltingltude in degt et4lfifatlfeslsemtrdy or decimal d . (iftvell field,one lat/lon effees. t gnsutticicm) 7-Crrtitl lion: 4,1s(are)thewell(s);A. Signeolreoft-allied Well Centmctor/�rent or QTemporary bete`--`-- 7•is this a re ai Bill T;gwirg rhk fora,.r hcrehv evillpi.char Ilia i+eN(sj net(rlcrc)e»»a1171tted in accmrlm�rc P r to an existing wea pyeS or �o Wth t SA NCAC 0 C.0100 or 15A NCAC 02C;0?nD rYe)1 Ca,zrtrnctinn Syandait? and tlMr n llhly is n,cpq/r ill mq hnnntr cgnttnreAnn i„Jo,mgtlga a„d erp/af„the,rrmme nfnc� rr7Mir rmde,'#dl rnMnrdx eectlrur nrnatbe hack r moor farm. `D�'nfrhds,rcm d lazy hers P,•rnidrd to the nrii rr1191g, 8 No 23.Site diagram or additional well details; Fn,•Mrdrlp/c la/ ether ofwelLa construeted: You may use the back of this page to provide additional wail site derails or wet! pna-Wme,•s the sa,nc Qonrrgzyian, .yahur nnrfe COnStluctlon details. You ,�pp)y rn, )!s ONLP auh may also attach additional pages if nec ryessa yuacn„ , ?•Total well depth bdo�y land sn A'�� SUBMi ML INSTUCTIONS Far aurlrlplc ue1h xi,all(l rfaeee— "nrizy!fd/Jla+rnr(crcmn),fo-3@20n and2(r, 10 ) (Ili 24a.EI A11 VN0a: Submit this fornr Static water level below top aPc w(thin ao doy8 of completion of well construction to tlra foilowing: D. as}trg: I f 1"n7,rrrlrrc/lsahmkigsyn1Mrnc'•+'1 (ft) DivisionofwaterQual(ty,lufplrjiaBRR $orehale diameter: I g 1617 Mail Service Center,liar' pro Dg Unit, rn) gh,NCz76"4617 ?fib.For In actin .Ij r J 1 12,Well construction method: n addition to sending the form to the address in 24a (i•c auger,rotary,cable,direct push,etc ahovq also submit a copy of this form Within 30 dal construction to the fonowitlg. S"r of completion of well FOR WATUR gt)PPLY WELLS ONLY: Division of Water Quality,Underground tnjeeNon Control Program, 13a.Yle}d(gPm) ?0 n 1636 114811 Service Center,Ralelgh,NC 27699-1636 Method of test: t�1 24e o I Water StlDDiv Injection Welt-I t "Ill Disinfection typC the addrees(aa)above,also submit one addition to sending lire form to Amount: completion of well conStnrctian to the coin'of this fool within 30 days of FmmCgtt ovbcmConstructed. �t5''health department of the county North Chmtina Denn.t-----0 __:_ � i, I i Well Drlllor SoWomut Cerdfkadou V/ Ne�n��VlTell: �' � n i hereby £Y tliat the abm rdeme�cecl wed waygmiod in all Coum Welt rulesSign Wei filer. DGroubed' - r Consh udiow. i. Tot Type: - G Thiclmess:_ Cagng'rilpe:: -----� Dp :_ �v Casng Diameter. We btjThW--..� Drive Shoe: I. . � I I ; i� �