HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-01099_Well Construction - GW1_20230126 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Thil form rno be unca forsing[e nr mullipiC WClls li ror imcmal Ilse ONLY: 1,Well Contractor Information: Rex Meadows 14:WATER ZE)Nn I i Wotl Cnmtactor Name FROM TO DESCRIPTION 2113-q ft' ft NC Well Gonttaetnr Certification Number ft, ft. Clearwater Well Drilling Inc. 1S-OUTER CASING for mu dwells OR L[NEIt a Hauble PROM TO DIAMETER I TRICICNBS. MATERIA Company Name ft' ft. I, In. L ip l� I6:INNfiR CA91NC OR TUIIING thermal crated-lao 2.Well CoostntetlnR Permit#: Y�/ Cn 3 GROM TO J.ian/f�tpJicahJrumJ/eons]nrctionpermltc(<e(.nunry.Slale.T�arlancr.etc/ DIAMETER THICKNESS htp=gy�L H. ft In. 3.'yell Use(check well use): ft. R, In. Water SuPP1Y Well: 17 SCREEN OAgrieulmral ]PROM TO DIAMETER SLOTS12E CMunicipai/Public it. ft. in, THICKNESS MATERIAL )(Geothemml(HcaNng/Cooling Supply) 0 PCs identied Water Supp ly(smig e) ft• ft, in. ❑lndustriaUCommercial DResidentiel Water S» 1 ❑Irri Lion Supply(shored) ta•GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT rytE Non-Water Supply 1Ve11: (t. ff, THOD&AMOUNT ❑Monitoring Injection Well: ClRecovery te. ft. ❑Aquifer Recharge ft• ft. C1Aquifer Storage and Recove Groundwater Remediation 19.SANDJGRAVEL PACK a ]]cable tIr gAquifer'fest DSalinity Barrier m ft.-mom To MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD ft. DStormwater Drainage ❑IixperimentalTecltnoiogy pSubsidenceControl ft' ry• !7(lcotitermal(Closed Loop) OTracer 21 DRILLING LOU attach additional shear i[neea ❑Gcorhetmal Heatin COolin Return) OOthcr(e lain under#21 Remarks FROat ft. TO t- iL DESCRIPTION rotor n.'a",� nick nln a cte. 4,Date Wells)Completed �l-22 H- i J ft. r'�'Q{- Well ID# Sa-Well Location: ft. 7t. 4 it. ft. facility/Owner Name- it: ft. �racility ID#(ifapplieablc) Ph •ical Addrees,City,and zip' ft. ' t ft. L 21.RfiMA,RKS Cmmty Pmcal identiftcntion Na(P1N) rMIA11JQJ3rJC- 5b.Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees; (if well field,one laillong is suthcient) 5b �i 2 . cr Callon: N � 3 E i OQ W `� 6,is(are)the wells• ~ O L� O' ermanent or SiBnntnleOfCenifiedWellConttacinr[]Temporary Date 121.signing l l fonn,02C'7 herehv cci7ff+,,that nc0 a eR(•v)u•nr(nrir).»aclnrcicd in arenrd Mire, 7.1s this a repair to an existing well' ❑yps or afih 1SA NCAC t71C.0700 a•LSA NCAC ll�C A?OD ife)1 Construction Standardc and that a (f lf' iT n rznalr,fill nor l;•nm,D)-f constnicllan lrfrn•utallnn alr�N lain the COP.',of•tliiv rer-ni-flims here p "A k to the urll au7rel: re�rnir under tF21 remar6s sedinr,nrnn the back oflhis fnrin. / nantreafrhe �����- 23.Site diagram back additional well detatis: P Number of wells constructed: YOU may use the back Of this page to provide additional well site details or Well Fhi nfnnpJc in/ectlnn or non-tvatersu 1 Construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. .vahaiit nncfnnn. PPY wells ONLY m!!h the soma tons�rndinn-)orr rnn 9.Total well depth beloty land surface; SUBMITTAL INSTUCTiONS For nrn/nliJr++•cl/,v/1.T1 all rlepl/av/fdi vrent(ernniplr-3�n]?00•nerd 2Qih0� (ft) 24a. For All Welts; Submit this fomt within 30 days of completion of wel l I D.Statle water level below topof construction m the following: Flit"'lrrel it ahmw eavbnl;.nse'•+,, eaSmgt (f>) Division of Water Quality,info lrmutloit Processing Unit; 1 i•Borehole diameter: 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Cu') 24b.For In action Walla; In 12,Well construction method: in 24a above, also submit at copy Of this h sttform withiiion to n 30hdays of co»lpletioaddress of Well (r•c.auger,rotary cable,direct push,etc,) construction to the following: FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division of Water Quality,Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 Of 13n.Yield(gpm) Method of test; 24e FOr Water 5u 1 &Injection Wells: lit addition to sending the form to 13b.Disinfection r the address(c4) nhove, also submit one co �C0 Amount: completion of well construction to the county icalth department of thpy:4 this form within 30 e countywhere constructed. Form CW_r . North Camlhta Department of Envimninent and Nntuml Resources•Division of Water Quality Revisedlnn.2013 I I