HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-01087_Well Construction - GW1_20230126 II WELL CONSTRUCTION.RECORD Tn,..f"nn can m amen for single or multiple wells For internal llsa ONLY: i•Well Contractor Information: l Rex Meadows 14,WATER zoAB t Weil CnniraclorName PROM TO D&SCRIP7tON 11• ft. 21 93-A �• �. 1I _ NC Weil contractor Ccrtitlention Number I&QU IER CASH ORIJ a Clearwater Well Drilling Inc. FROM To DUM@TER T9iCKNM MATWAL CompsnyName to f 16.1NNERCA9INGaRT1J111I1VG t/\�._t--y,lJ� rmttiettned]oo 2,Well Construction Permit#: �' � FRt>flt To DiAMIfiiHR' TtitCKN63S MATt3RlAL l frt nll4)rplicah/r,srll cnruh7rcllan pest Gs aCannotSlola.l�arlane a' it in, 3.Well Use(check well use); R fL in: Wafer SaPP1y Weil: 17 SCRETN FROM TO DtAMBT&R .BLOT BITE TtiiCKNESq MATBAIAL 17ngricithiral 13municipai/PubGo rr, n' 11h I�Gemhermal(Noting/Cooling Sltllply) OResidendal Water Supply(single) ft. 0• In. Olndustry'ai/COnlmerCial Mesidentini Water Su 1 (shared) I&GROUT Supply( 'FROM To MATERIAL- nMPLACBM tNS7iiOD&AMOUNT ❑irri lion Non-Water Supply Well: ft. ft. DMonitoring QRecovery ft• fe. injection Well: ft. fL C1Aquifer Recharge M oindwater Remediation 14. GRAYBL PACK illfainimawth 0 Aquifer Storage and Recovery OSalinity Barrier FROM To I MATERIAL, RMPLACRWHTMETuoD IJnquiferTest tt, rL OSttirmwater Drainage Ol:xirerimentaI Technologyp• O' OSubsidenceControl ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) DTracer 20.DRILLING LUG attach addlHeed a tSjr []GeothermalHearin Cooliq Return OOtiter lain antler#2i Remarks) FROM TO DESCR1PilON mtar ha troaltncA In ern l� °• a75 ". 4.Date Well(e)Cnm lcted;q�K 4e0 I fl• ft. 5a. ell Location: /C n. 30� eo$WATl al C4 7 u:1 °r-clscu)t 1 --- . O 35D t' eoi-hei�lt^�P LA pt.t.�� ;t-s t 14 pacithYtOwnerNtanme r 'n TaeilitylDN(ifapplicnblc) lX (1�11 � R, �vstcl'l Address,Lily. 1' ft. and Zip . k�LJ.,I 1. 21.);;t3MAitKS Parcel identification No.(PIN) Sb.i.atitude Rtid Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if1`11 field one lot/long iq sufyleient) J A N V 2 C rflRr on: �r•�a N 4 . 7 t .»W !7 n.� Ilno;Frl4sn f'rr.^;���`si-�,r:i-Z� 6,is(are)the well(s)• t Si gmt o Certiffed Well Cnntmctnr j. eR . Permanent or OTemporary Jij,signing rh/c form.1 borAr crrAfy that rite ineli(s)a'as(were)mmirncled In aceardtnrrrr 7-is this a repniy 10 an existing well: 13Yes or j No Wiih 139 N4itCWC.0100 or 1sA NCAC 02C!0200 Well Cnnmrrnrtian Stanaordm and iliat a 1frhlSlSarepair•f/ion14nmtrltrollconrtnrrllnnfrl/ormattnnand crl�lntntbannnrrcnfihc cap-gr1h/mrrcordhashernprmidedlafix,11VIlntttrra: rrq,nir ran/rr MII renrnr/s cecllnn n!'aa the hack nflhisjarin. 23.Site diagram or nddifinual well details: &Number ofweliq constructed: — a"(5 f+ r `T YOR may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well Frrr mnhl lc, �b construction details. YOU may also attach additional pages if necessary. P l>lecttnn a non-rvntersrrpply weAS ONtYW/h the some conornerieft.)'On ran srrhmit onejnrn,. SUBMiTCAL INSTUCTiONS ?.Total well depth horns land surface: 24a.for Ali Wells: Submit this form'within 30 days of completion of welt For n 11"I*"'ell,I/.vt all rhtuha 1/'d(f)errnr&Xon,ple-30209•and 2(n)n 100n construction to(ltc following: 11)'StRtie water level below top of casing: Ir,rter level iTahrnecnsing;rrrc"+" (tt.) DIViSionof Water QnaiftY,informationProcessingUnit, 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 t I.Borehole diameter: (1°') 24b. or lnjectiLrn Wells: in addition toseiiding the form to the address in 24a 12.Well construction method: above, also submit n copy 0f this form VAtllin 30 days of completion of well ("c'auger,rotary,cable,ditect push,etc.) construction to die following: j FOR WATER St1pPI.Y WIWLLS ONLY: Division of Water Quality,Underground injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center,italeigb,NC 270M636 t3a.Ytetd(gpm) Method of test: 24e.For WRter Cp_anly&faiecti /ells' 20.E In andiron to sending lire form to 131).Disinfection type: rite addrem(m)above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 day5 of Amount.- Completion of well comfuelion to the coun i health department of die county wham constructed: Frntn Ctgr_1 - North Cnniti0a Department of F.nvim Gv ntn and Natural Resootscs•Division of Water Quality Revisedjan.2013 I