HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC214776_MODIFICATION Supporting Documents_202302032/ l /2023
Stephen Dorn
Lennar Carolinas, LLC
1100 Perimeter Park Dr, Suite 112
Morrisville, NC 27560
Project: Carolina Springs Reclaimed Waterline Replacement
Property Reference: right of way
River Basin: Cape Fear
Environmental Development Permit Number: 03-2023
Disturbed Acreage: 1.44
To: Stephen Dorn
The Town of Holly Springs, Utilities and Infrastructure has reviewed the development
plan and supporting information for the subject project and found the plan acceptable to
meet the requirements outlined in Chapter 8 Article II. Soil Erosion Sedimentation
Control, Stream Wetland Protection, Land Disturbance, Article III. Flood Damage
Prevention, and Article V. NPDES Phase II Post -Construction Stormwater of the Holly
Springs, NC Code of Ordinances with the conditions of plan approval identified below.
Conditions of plan approval: As noted on approved plan set
Required Field Meetings and Inspections:
Certificate of Compliance Inspection: A Certificate of Compliance (COC) for
installation of Erosion Control is required prior to starting clearing, grubbing,
grading, installation of utilities and building permit activities. Prior to issuance of
the COC you can only clear what is needed to install erosion control measures. A
PE Certification shall be required prior to issuance of the COC for all projects
where the temporary sediment basin will be converted to a permanent Stormwater
Control Measures (SCMs).
Stream Crossing Meetings: An onsite meeting is required prior to starting
construction at a crossing of a stream or wetland area that has a 404 Permit and
401 Certification to verify that limits of disturbance and erosion control has been
installed per the approved plan and to discuss sequencing, bypass channel
installation, or pump -around procedures.
Environmental Preconstruction Meeting: Meeting to discuss the construction
sequencing of the SCMs or conversion from temporary erosion control devices to
the permanent SCMs.
SCM Punchlist Inspections: A punchlist inspection for all SCMs will be required
prior to beginning of the Performance Monitoring Period (PMP). A punchlist
inspection will also be required prior to the transition of long-term Operations
and Maintenance (OM) at the end of PMP. Whenever possible, this punchlist
inspection will coincide with the punchlist inspection for the infrastructure of the
site or phase.
Certificate of Completion: To verify that all temporary erosion control measures
have been removed and that all permanent erosion control measures and
stabilization has been completed per the approved plan.
Documentation Required Prior to the end of the PMP:
• Stormwater OM Manual must be updated to reflect as -built conditions and
recorded with Wake County Register of Deeds.
• Homeowner Education Packet must be finalized and Recorded at the Wake
County Register of Deeds.
• All applicable access and drainage easements must be shown on a plat and
recorded with Wake County Register of Deeds.
• Digital and mylar stormwater as -built drawings and PE Certifications for each
SCM must be received.
• Digital and paper copies of the as -built flood study and any FEMA or State
Floodplain Mapping Approvals must be submitted to the Town for our records.
• Maintenance Sureties must be established and cash payment made to the
Stormwater Facility Replacement Fund in the amount of 35% of the actual
construction cost of the SCM(s).
This letter gives the notice of our right to periodically inspect the jobsite to insure
compliance with the approved plan as outlined in the Chapter 8 of the Holly Springs, NC
Code of Ordinances. The Town of Holly Springs Erosion and Sediment Control
Program is performance -oriented, requiring protection of existing natural resources and
adjoining properties. If, following the commencement of this project, the erosion and
sedimentation control plan is inadequate to meet the requirements of the Town, revisions
to the plan may be required to insure compliance with the ordinance.
A copy of the approved plan shall be on file at the job site. Be aware that your project
will require coverage by the NPDES General Stormwater Permit NCGO 10000
(Construction Activities). Requirements for coverage under this permit will be discussed
at the preconstruction conference. In addition, you are also required to meet the Self
Inspections Requirements as outlined by NCGS 113A-54.1. The State's Combined Self -
Monitoring and Self -Inspection Form shall be used to document the report. These
reports shall be kept on site with the Environmental Development Permit, Approved
Plans and NPDES log book.
This plan approval expires if work does not begin within one year of the date of this
letter. The Environmental Development Permit expires with the expiration of the
approved plan. Acceptance and approval of this plan is conditioned upon your
compliance with Federal, State, and Local water quality laws, regulations, and rules. This
approval does not supersede any other permit or approval.
Please note that this approval is based in part on the accuracy of the information
provided in the application for plan review including the Financial Responsible Parry
information that you provided. You are required to file an amended form if there are any
changes in the information included on the form. Note that a revised or new erosion
control plan will be required for residential lot construction if the builder(s) are different
than the Financial Responsible Party provided on the application.
Before any land disturbing activity can begin you or your agent must sign the
Environmental Development Permit before it is issued to acknowledge in writing that
you have read this letter, understand its requirements and implications, and are prepared
to ensure that you, your contractors, agents, etc. will observe these requirements.
The establishment of financial sureties in the amount of 125% estimated construction
cost (Performance Surety) 35% actual cost of construction (Maintenance Surety) for the
structural SCMs on site will be required. Performance Sureties are required prior to the
preconstruction meeting for sites and prior to platting for subdivisions. Maintenance
sureties are required at the end of the Performance Monitoring Period, which typically
lasts one year after the completion of the SCM(s).
Failure to appeal these conditions in writing within 15 days after receipt of this letter or
initiation of land -disturbing activity signifies your acceptance of the approved plan and
condition of approval and your intention to observe and implement the conditions.
We look forward to working with you toward the successful completion of this project. If
you have questions about this letter or project, do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 557-
3938 or via email at Kendra.parrish@hollyspringsnc.gov
_--7� for KDP
Kendra D. Parrish, PE, CFM
Executive Director of Utilities and Infrastructure
cc: Environmental Specialist
Erosion Control Inspector
Design Professional
Attendees at Pre -Construction Conference
Environmental project file paper/electronic/correspondence