HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190585 Ver 2_B-4593 Nationwide CAMA Pamlico May 2 2019_20230203Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Form For Nationwide Permits and Regional General Permits (along with corresponding Water Quality Certifications) September 29, 2018 Ver 3 Please note: fields marked with a red asterisk * below are required. You will not be able to submit the form until all mandatory questions are answered. Also, if at any point you wish to print a copy of the E-PCN, all you need to do is right-click on the document and you can print a copy of the form. Below is a link to the online help file. https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WaterResources/0/edoc/624704/PCN%20Help%20File%202018-1-30.pdf County (or Counties) where the project is located:* Is this project a public transportation project?* Is this a NCDOT Project?* (NCDOT only) T.I.P. or state project number: WBS #* 1a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps:* 1b. What type(s) of permit(s) do you wish to seek authorization?* This form may be used to initiate the standard/individual permit process with the Corps. Please contact your Corps representative concerning submittals for standard permits. All required items that are not provided in the E-PCN can be added to the miscellaneous upload area located at the bottom of this form. 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps?* Nationwide Permit (NWP) Number: Nationwide Permit (NWP) Number: NWP Numbers (for multiple NWPS): 1d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR:* 1e. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? * For the record only for DWR 401 Certification: For the record only for Corps Permit: 1f. Is this an after-the-fact permit application?* A. Processing Information Pamlico Yes No This is any publicly funded by municipal,state or federal funds road, rail, airport transportation project. Yes No B-4593 42328.1.2 (for NCDOT use only) Section 404 Permit (wetlands, streams and waters, Clean Water Act) Section 10 Permit (navigable waters, tidal waters, Rivers and Harbors Act) Nationwide Permit (NWP) Regional General Permit (RGP) Standard (IP) Yes No 03 - Maintenance 12 - Utility Lines List all NW numbers you are applying for not on the drop down list. check all that apply 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular 401 Water Quality Certification - Express Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit Riparian Buffer Authorization Individual Permit Yes No Yes No CAMA MP-5 updated on 6/7/19 1g. Is payme nt into a mitigation bank or in-lie u fe e program propose d for mitigation of impacts? Acce ptance Le tte r Attachme nt 1h. Is the proje ct locate d in any of NC's twe nty coastal countie s?* 1i. Is the proje ct locate d within a NC DCM Are a of Env ironme ntal Conce rn (AEC)?* 1j. Is the proje ct locate d in a de signate d trout wate rshe d?* Link to trout information: http://www.saw.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory-Permit-Program/Agency-Coordination/Trout.aspx 1a. Who is the Primary Contact?* 1b. Primary Contact Email:* 1c. Primary Contact Phone :* 1d. Who is applying for the pe rmit?* 1e . Is the re an Age nt/Consultant for this proje ct?* 2. Owner Information 1a. Name of proje ct:* 1b. Subdiv ision name : 1c. Ne arest municipality / town:* Yes No If so, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program. Yes No Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document FILE TYPE MUST BE PDF Yes No Yes No Unknown Yes No B. Applicant Information Gordon Cashin gcashin@ncdot.gov (xxx)xxx-xxxx (919)707-6107 Owner Applicant (other than owner) (Check all that apply) Yes No 2a. Name (s) on re corde d de e d:* 2b. De e d book and page no.: 2c. Re sponsible party: 2d. Addre ss * 2e . Te le phone Numbe r:* 2f. Fax Numbe r: 2g. Email Addre ss:* Multiple property owners (for Corporations) City Raleigh State / Province / Region NC Postal / Zip Code 27612 Country USA Street Address 1000 Birch Ridge Dr. Address Line 2 (xxx)xxx-xxxx (919)707-6107 (xxx)xxx-xxxx gcashin@ncdot.gov C. Project Information and Prior Project Hi story 1. Project Information B-4593 Bridge No. 38 on NC Highway 55 over Trent Creek (Central) (if appropriate) 2a. Property Ide ntification Numbe r:2b. Prope rty size : 2c. Proje ct Addre ss 2d. Site coordinate s in de cimal de grees Please collect site coordinates in decimal degrees. Use between 4-6 digits (unless you are using a survey-grade GPS device) after the decimal place as appropriate, based on how the location was determined. (For example, most mobile phones with GPS provide locational precision in decimal degrees to map coordinates to 5 or 6 digits after the decimal place.) Latitude:*Longitude:* 3. Surface Waters 3a. Name of the ne are st body of wate r to propose d project:* 3b. Wate r Re source s Classification of ne are st re ce iving wate r:* Surface Water Lookup 3c. What riv e r basin(s) is your proje ct locate d in?* 3d. Ple ase prov ide the 12-digit HUC in which the project is locate d.* River Bas in Lookup 4. Project Description and History 4a. De scribe the e xisting conditions on the site and the ge ne ral land use in the v icinity of the proje ct at the time of this application:* 4b. Hav e Corps pe rmits or DWR ce rtifications be e n obtaine d for this proje ct (including all prior phase s) in the past?* 4d. Attach an 8 1/2 X 11 e xce rpt from the most re ce nt v e rsion of the USGS topographic map indicating the location of the proje ct site . (for DWR) 4e . Attach an 8 1/2 X 11 e xce rpt from the most re ce nt v e rsion of the publishe d County NRCS Soil Surve y map de picting the proje ct site . (for DWR) 4f. List the total e stimate d acre age of all e xisting we tlands on the prope rty: 4g. List the total e stimate d line ar feet of all e xisting stre ams on the prope rty: 4h. Explain the purpose of the proposed proje ct:* 4i. Describe the ov e rall proje ct in detail, including indire ct impacts and the type of e quipme nt to be use d:* 4j. Ple ase upload proje ct drawings for the propose d proje ct. Merrit 2. Project Identification (tax PIN or parcel ID)(in acres) City State / Province / Region Postal / Zip Code Country Street Address Address Line 2 35.104395 ex: 34.208504 -76.718223 -77.796371 Trent Creek SC; Sw; NSW Neuse 030202040802 Land use in the project area consists of agriculture, residential development along roadways,and forestland along stream corridors. Topography in the vicinity is predominately flat with gentle slopes descending into a wide floodplain along the stream. Elevations in the study area range from sea level to approximately eight feet above sea level. Yes No Unknown Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document File type must be pdf Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document File type must be pdf 6.46 (intermittent and perennial) 300 The purpose is to replace the deficient bridge No. 38 on NC Highway 55 over Trent Creek. The existing Bridge 38 has a sufficiency rating of 37.89 out of a possible 100. The existing bridge will be replaced with a longer bridge (160 feet vs. 145 feet) providing a minimum of 32-foot five-inch clear deck width. The bridge will include two 12-foot lanes with four foot offsets on each side. A temporary on-site detour, on the south side, will be utilized to maintain traffic during construction. Standard road building equipment will be used. 5. Jurisdictional Determinations 5a. Hav e the we tlands or stre ams be e n de line ate d on the prope rty or propose d impact are as?* Comme nts: 5b. If the Corps made a jurisdictional de termination, what type of dete rmination was made ?* Corps AID Numbe r: 5c. If 5a is ye s, who de line ate d the jurisdictional are as? Name (if known): Age ncy/Consultant Company: Othe r: 5d1. Jurisdictional de te rmination upload 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phase d proje ct?* Are any othe r NWP(s), re gional ge ne ral pe rmit(s), or indiv idual pe rmits(s) use d, or inte nde d to be use d, to authorize any part of the propose d proje ct or relate d activ ity? This include s othe r se parate and distant crossing for linear proje cts that re quire De partment of the Army authorization but don’t re quire pre -construction notification. 1. Impacts Summary 1a. Whe re are the impacts associate d with your proje ct? (che ck all that apply): 2. Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete this question for each wetland area impacted. "W." will be use d in the table be low to re pre se nt the word "we tland". 2a. Site #*(?)2a1 Re ason *(?)2b. Impact type *(?)2c. Type of W.*2d. W. name *2e . Fore ste d *2f. Type of Jurisdicition *(?) 2g. Impact are a * 2g. Total Te mporary We tland Impact 2g. Total Pe rmane nt We tland Impact 2g. Total We tland Impact Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document B4593 Buffer Drawings.pdf 1.48MB B4593 Permit Drawings.pdf 5.52MB B4593 Roadway Plans.pdf 4.04MB B4593 Utility Buffer Drawings.pdf 1.36MB B4593 Utility Permit Drawings.pdf 1.67MB File type must be pdf Yes No Unknown Preliminary Approved Not Verified Unknown N/A Example: SAW-2017-99999 Lane Sauls Ecological Engineering Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document File type must be PDF Yes No D. Proposed Impacts Inventory Wetlands Streams-tributaries Buffers Open Waters Pond Construction 1 Roadway fill slope P Salt/Brackish Marsh WA & WB No Both 0.090 (acres) 1 Detour fill slope T Salt/Brackish Marsh WB No Both 0.150 (acres) U2 Poles, guy wire, water main P Salt/Brackish Marsh WA & WB No Both 0.010 (acres) U3 Water main P Salt/Brackish Marsh WA & WB No Both 0.010 (acres) 0.150 0.110 0.260 2h. Comme nts: 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. "S." will be used in the table below to represent the word "stream". 3a. Re ason for impact *(?)3b.Impact type *3c. Type of impact *3d. S. name *3e . Stre am Type * (?) 3f. Type of Jurisdiction * 3g. S. width *3h. Impact le ngth * S1 ** All Perennial or Intermittent streams must be verified by DWR or delegated local government. 3i. Total jurisdictional ditch impact in square fe e t: 3i. Total pe rmane nt stre am impacts: 3i. Total te mporary stream impacts: 3i. Total stre am and ditch impacts: 3j. Comme nts: 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. Site #*(?)4a1. Impact Re ason 4b. Impact type *(?)4c. Name of wate rbody (?)4d. Activ ity type *4e . Wate rbody type *4f. Impact are a * 4g. Total te mporary ope n wate r Impacts: 4g. Total pe rmane nt open wate r impacts: 4g. Total ope n wate r impacts: 4h. Comme nts: 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWR) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. Individually list all buffer impacts below. 6a. Proje ct is in which prote ct basin(s)?* 6b. Impact Type *(?)6c. Per or Te mp *(?)6d. Stre am name *6e . Buffe r mitigation re quire d?*6f. Zone 1 impact *6g. Zone 2 impact * There will be 0.32 acre of hand clearing due to bridge construction and 0.65 of hand clearing due to utility relocations. Additionally there will be 0.09 acre of temporary fill in wetlands in hand clearing areas for erosion control measures. rip rap Permanent Fill Trent Creek Perennial Both 100 Average (feet) 8 (linear feet) 0 8 0 8 1 rip rap P Trent Creek Bridge Tributary 0.01 (acres) 0.00 0.01 0.01 There will also be >0.01 ac of permanent surface water impacts due to bents. Check all that apply. Neuse Tar-Pamlico Catawba Randleman Goose Creek Jordan Lake Other Site 1 Bridge P Trent Creek No 425 (square feet) 373 (square feet) Site 1 Detour Bridge T Trent Creek No 1,371 (square feet) 880 (square feet) Site 1 Utilities P Trent Creek No 2,092 (square feet) 1,392 (square feet) 6h. Total buffer impacts: Zone 1 Zone 2 Total Te mporary impacts: Zone 1 Zone 2 Total Pe rmane nt impacts: Zone 1 Zone 2 Total combine d buffe r impacts: 6i. Comme nts: Supporting Docume ntation - i.e . Impact M aps, Plan She e t, e tc. 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Spe cifically de scribe me asure s take n to av oid or minimize the propose d impacts in de signing the proje ct:* 1b. Spe cifically de scribe me asure s take n to av oid or minimize the propose d impacts through construction te chnique s:* 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Doe s the proje ct re quire Compe nsatory M itigation for impacts to Wate rs of the U.S. or Waters of the State ? 2c. If ye s, mitigation is re quire d by (check all that apply): 2d. If ye s, which mitigation option(s) will be use d for this proje ct? NC Stream Temperature Classification Maps can be found under the Mitigation Concepts tab on the Wilmington District's RIBITS website. 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a pe rmitte e responsible mitigation plan, provide a de scription of the propose d mitigation plan including mitigation credits ge ne rate d. 5b. M itigation Plan Upload *** Recent changes to the stormwater rules have required updates to this section .*** 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1a. Doe s the proje ct include or is it adjace nt to protecte d riparian buffe rs ide ntifie d within one of the NC Riparian Buffe r Prote ction Rule s? 1b. All buffe r impacts and high ground impacts re quire diffuse flow or othe r form of stormwate r tre atme nt. If the proje ct is subject to a state imple me nte d riparian buffe r prote ction program, include a plan that fully docume nts how diffuse flow will be maintaine d. All Stormwate r Control M e asure s (SCM )s must be de signe d in accordance with the NC Stormwate r De sign M anual. Associate d supple me nt forms and othe r docume ntation shall be prov ide d. 1,371.00 880.00 2,517.00 1,765.00 3,888.00 2,645.00 Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document File must be PDF E. Impact Justification and Mitigation Bridge No. 38 will be replaced on the existing alignment with a longer bridge. The proposed roadway fill slopes are 2:1.There are no deck drains over Trent Creek. There are two proposed outlets on the beginning and end of the bridge left side to allow proper drainage for the bridge and minimize disturbance in the surrounding wetlands. Rip Rap outlet pads will be utilized to dissipate the flow and minimize erosion. All piping outlets beyond buffer zones. Rip rap toe protection has been added to stabilize fill slopes as needed.The detour has been redesigned using 2:1 fill slopes as well as a sheet pile retaining wall in order to minimize wetland impacts. Best Management Practices for Construction and Maintenance Activities will apply. Fill material for the temporary detour will be removed to wetland grade and replanted. Yes No DWR Corps Mitigation bank Payment to in-lieu fee program Permittee Responsible Mitigation See attached B-4593 Lengyel Mitigation Site Debit Ledger Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document B-4593_Lengyel Mitigation Site Debit.pdf 153.32KB File type must be pdf F. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWR) Yes No What type of SCM are you prov iding? For a list of options to meet the diffuse flow requirements, click here. Diffuse Flow Docume ntation 2. Stormw ater Management Plan 2a. Is this a NCDOT proje ct subje ct to compliance with NCDOT’s Indiv idual NPDES pe rmit NCS000250?* Comme nts: 1. Environmental Documentation 1a. Doe s the proje ct inv olv e an e xpe nditure of public (fe de ral/state /local) funds or the use of public (fe de ral/state ) land?* 1b. If you answe re d “ye s” to the abov e , doe s the proje ct re quire pre paration of an e nv ironme ntal docume nt pursuant to the re quire me nts of the National or State (North Carolina) Env ironme ntal Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)?* 1c. If you answe re d “ye s” to the abov e , has the docume nt re v ie w be e n finalize d by the State Cle aring House ? (If so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approv al le tte r.)* NEPA or SEPA Final Approv al Le tte r 2. Violations (DWR Requirement) 2a. Is the site in v iolation of DWR Wate r Quality Ce rtification Rule s (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolate d We tland Rule s (15A NCAC 2H .1300), or DWR Surface Wate r or We tland Standards or Riparian Buffe r Rule s (15A NCAC 2B .0200)?* 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWR Requirement) 3a. Will this proje ct (base d on past and re asonably anticipate d future impacts) re sult in additional de v e lopme nt, which could impact ne arby downstre am water quality?* 3b. If you answe re d “no,” prov ide a short narrativ e description. 4. Sew age Disposal (DWR Requirement) 4a. Is sewage disposal re quire d by DWR for this proje ct?* 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this proje ct occur in or ne ar an are a with fe de rally prote cte d spe cie s or habitat?* 5b. Hav e you che cke d with the USFWS conce rning Endange re d Specie s Act impacts?* 5c. If ye s, indicate the USFWS Fie ld Office you hav e contacte d. 5d. Is anothe r Fe de ral age ncy inv olved?* What Federal Age ncy is inv olv e d? Level Spreader Vegetated Conveyance (lower SHWT) Wetland Swale (higher SHWT) Other SCM that removes minimum 30% nitrogen Proposed project will not create concentrated stormwater flow through the buffer (check all that apply) Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document File type must be PDF Yes No G. Supplementary Information Yes No Yes No Yes No Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document FILE TYPE MUST BE PDF Yes No Yes No The proposed project is the replacement of an existing bridge. Yes No N/A Yes No Yes No Raleigh Yes No Unknown National Marine Fisheries Service 5e . Is this a DOT proje ct locate d within Div ision's 1-8?* 5j. What data source s did you use to de te rmine whe the r your site would impact Endange re d Spe cie s or De signate d Critical Habitat?* Consultation Docume ntation Upload 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this proje ct occur in or ne ar an are a de signate d as an Esse ntial Fish Habitat?* 6b. What data source s did you use to de te rmine whe the r your site would impact an Esse ntial Fish Habitat?* 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) Link to the State Historic Preservation Office Historic Properties Map (does not include archaeological data: http://gis.ncdcr.gov/hpoweb/ 7a. Will this proje ct occur in or ne ar an are a that the state , fe de ral or tribal gov ernments hav e de signate d as hav ing historic or cultural pre se rv ation status (e .g., National Historic Trust de signation or propertie s significant in North Carolina history and archae ology)?* 7b. What data source s did you use to de te rmine whe the r your site would impact historic or arche ological re source s?* 7c. Historic or Pre historic Information Upload 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) Link to the FEM A Floodplain M aps: https://msc.fema.gov/portal/search 8a. Will this proje ct occur in a FEM A-de signate d 100-ye ar floodplain?* 8b. If ye s, e xplain how proje ct me e ts FEM A re quire me nts: 8c. What source (s) did you use to make the floodplain de te rmination?* Comme nts M isce llane ous attachments not previously re que ste d. * I have given true, accurate, and complete information on this form; I agree that submission of this PCN form is a “transaction” subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the “Uniform Electronic Transactions Act”); I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the “Uniform Electronic Transactions Act”); I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND I intend to electronically sign and submit the PCN form. Full Name :* Signature Yes No FWS website, County lists, coordination with NMFS. Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document File type must be PDF Yes No NOAA website Yes No Map review, file search, and fieldwork associated with NEPA documentation. Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document File must be PDF Yes No Hydraulics Unit coordination with FEMA. FEMA maps Miscellaneous Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document manatee_guidelines.pdf 116KB File must be PDF or KMZ Si gnature By checking the box and signing below, I certify that: Mack Christopher Rivenbark, III Date 5/3/2019 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER JAMES H. TROGDON, III GOVERNOR SECRETARY Mailing Address: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NATURAL ENVIRONMENT SECTION 1598 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1598 Telephone: (919) 707-6000 Fax: (919) 212-5785 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 Website: www.ncdot.gov Location: 1000 BIRCH RIDGE DRIVE RALEIGH NC 27610 May 2, 2019 N.C. Dept. of Environmental Quality Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, NC 28557 ATTN: Mr. Stephen Lane NCDOT Coordinator Subject: Application for CAMA Major Development Permit for the Proposed Replacement of Bridge No. 38 over Trent Creek on NC 55 in Pamlico County, North Carolina; TIP No. B-4593; Debit $475 from WBS No. 42328.1.2 Dear Sir, The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace the existing 145-foot bridge No. 38 on NC 55 over Trent Creek in Pamlico County. The purpose of the project is to replace a deficient bridge; the existing bridge has a sufficiency rating of 37.89 out of a possible 100 for a new structure. The proposed structure is a 165-foot, three-span bridge on the existing alignment, 34.6 feet wide A temporary on-site detour will be utilized on the south side to maintain traffic during construction. An offsite detour was considered during project planning. This option was precluded by the status of NC 55 as a primary Hurricane Evacuation Route for the area, the traffic volume served by the route, and limited connectivity to the other major routes in the project vicinity. A Minimum Criteria Determination Checklist (MCDC) was completed in February 2018 and distributed shortly after. Additional copies are available at the NCDOT website: https://xfer.services.ncdot.gov/pdea/EnvironmentalDocs/Documents. On January 16, 2019, draft permit drawings were sent by e-mail to Stephen Lane, Garcy Ward, and Tom Steffens. Over subsequent weeks, different design alternatives were considered to minimize the project impact to coastal wetlands. The current design includes a sheet pile wall to restrict the amount of fill required. This option has reduced the amount of permanent wetland fill from 0.24 acre to 0.11 acre. Temporary fill has been reduced from 0.45 acre to 0.15 acre. Several utilities conflict with t he proposed project alignment and will require relocation, including underground cable and overhead electric power lines and poles. A more detailed utility narrative is attached along with drawings depicting utility impacts to wetlands and riparian buffers. Proposed permanent impacts to wetlands total 0.09 acre, with 0.15 acre of temporary fill for the bridge replacement. An additional 8 linear feet of permanent stream impact will occur to Trent Creek. Utility work will require 0.02 acre of excavation in wetlands, with an additional 0.65 acre of hand clearing. Impacts to riparian buffers total 1796 sq. ft of allowable impact in Zone 1 and 1253 sq. ft in Zone 2. Utility relocations will impact 2092 in Zone 1 and 1392 in Zone 2, both allowable. Please see enclosed copies of the Major Permit Forms 1 and 5, Lengyel Mitigation Site Debit Ledger, permit drawings, stormwater management plan, utility drawings, and roadway plans for the above referenced project. Federally Protected Species Table 5 lists the federally protected species for Pamlico County as of June 27, 2018. These species are discussed in Section 5.8 of the project Natural Resources Technical Report (June, 2015). Species with the federal classification of Endangered (E), Threatened (T), or officially Proposed (P) for such listing, are protected under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, as amended. Species listed as Threatened due to Similarity of Appearance [T(S/A)], such as the American alligator, are not subject to Section 7 consultation. The Bald Eagle is protected by the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and is not subject to Section 7 consultation. Scientific Name Common Name Federal Status Habitat Present Biological Conclusion Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus Atlantic sturgeon E Yes No Effect Acipenser brevirostrum Shortnose sturgeon E Yes No Effect Alligator mississippiensis American alligator T(S/A) Yes Not Required Chelonia mydas Green sea turtle T No No Effect Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald Eagle NA Yes NA Lepidochelys kempi Kemp’s ridley sea turtle E No Effect Picoides borealis Red-cockaded woodpecker E Yes No Effect Calidris canutus rufa Red knot T No No Effect Trichechus manatus West Indian manatee E No MA-NLAA Lysimachia sperulaefolia Rough-leaved loosestrife E Yes No Effect Biological Conclusions for ESA Listed Species The USFWS has developed a programmatic biological opinion (PBO) in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and NCDOT for the northern long-eared bat (NLEB) in eastern North Carolina. The PBO covers the entire NCDOT program in Divisions 1-8, including all NCDOT projects and activities. The programmatic determination for NLEB for the NCDOT program is "May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect." The PBO provides incidental take coverage for NLEB and will ensure compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for five years 252-808-2808 :: 1-888-4RCOAST :: www.nccoastalmanagement.net DCM MP-1 APPLICATION for Major Development Permit (last revised 12/27/06) North Carolina DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 1.Primary Applicant/ Landowner Information Business Name NC Department Of Transportation Project Name (if applicable) B-4593 Applicant 1: First Name Philip MI S Last Name Harris Applicant 2: First Name MI Last Name If additional applicants, please attach an additional page(s) with names listed. Mailing Address 1000 Birch Ridge Drive PO Box City Raleigh State NC ZIP 27610 Country Phone No. 919 - 707 - 6107 ext. FAX No. - - Street Address (if different from above) City State ZIP - Email gcashin@ncdot.gov 2.Agent/Contractor Information Business Name Agent/ Contractor 1: First Name MI Last Name Agent/ Contractor 2: First Name MI Last Name Mailing Address PO Box City State ZIP Phone No. 1 - - ext. Phone No. 2 - - ext. FAX No. Contractor # Street Address (if different from above) City State ZIP - Email <Form continues on back> Form DCM MP-1 (Page 2 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit 252-808-2808 :: 1-888-4RCOAST :: www.nccoastalmanagement.net 3. Project Location County (can be multiple) Pamlico Street Address NC 55 between Florence Road and Gibbtown road State Rd. # NC 55 Subdivision Name NA City Merritt State NC Zip 28556 - Phone No. - - ext. Lot No.(s) (if many, attach additional page with list) , , , , a. In which NC river basin is the project located? Neuse b. Name of body of water nearest to proposed project Trent Creek c. Is the water body identified in (b) above, natural or manmade? Natural Manmade Unknown d. Name the closest major water body to the proposed project site. Bay River e. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? Yes No f. If applicable, list the planning jurisdiction or city limit the proposed work falls within. Pamlico County 4. Site Description a. Total length of shoreline on the tract (ft.) 435 (length within easement) b. Size of entire tract (sq.ft.) 239813 (area within easement and ROW) c. Size of individual lot(s) N/A, , , (If many lot sizes, please attach additional page with a list) d. Approximate elevation of tract above NHW (normal high water) or NWL (normal water level) 8.0 NHW or NWL e. Vegetation on tract Brackish marsh dominated by big cordgrass and black needlerush fringed by loblolly pine forest. f. Man-made features and uses now on tract Public road and bridge g. Identify and describe the existing land uses adjacent to the proposed project site. Natural Areas, Wetlands, light residential h. How does local government zone the tract? NA i. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? (Attach zoning compliance certificate, if applicable) Yes No NA j. Is the proposed activity part of an urban waterfront redevelopment proposal? Yes No k. Has a professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? If yes, attach a copy. If yes, by whom? Yes No NA NCDOT Archeology Group l. Is the proposed project located in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a National Register listed or eligible property? Yes No NA <Form continues on next page> Form DCM MP-1 (Page 3 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit 252-808-2808 :: 1-888-4RCOAST :: www.nccoastalmanagement.net m. (i) Are there wetlands on the site? (ii) Are there coastal wetlands on the site? (iii) If yes to either (i) or (ii) above, has a delineation been conducted? (Attach documentation, if available) Yes No Yes No Yes No n. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities. Unknown o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. Water is pumped from Castle Hayne aquifer and treated in Bayboro p. Describe existing storm water management or treatment systems. Stormwater runs off the side of the road to wetlands which discharge into Trent Creek 5. Activities and Impacts a. Will the project be for commercial, public, or private use? Commercial Public/Government Private/Community b. Give a brief description of purpose, use, and daily operations of the project when complete. Replacement of bridge 680038 over Trent Creek c. Describe the proposed construction methodology, types of construction equipment to be used during construction, the number of each type of equipment and where it is to be stored. Detour bridge will be constructed. Existing bridge will be demolished and proposed bridge will be constructed in its place. Project is to be let. Construction equipment may include but is not limited to cranes, excavators, and backhoes.Equipment will be stored within right of way and easements. d. List all development activities you propose. Construction of detour bridge, construction of proposed bridge, repavement of select surrounding roads within project limits, construction of erosion control, utility relocation e. Are the proposed activities maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? Existing f. What is the approximate total disturbed land area resulting from the proposed project? 3.06 Sq.Ft or Acres g. Will the proposed project encroach on any public easement, public accessway or other area that the public has established use of? Yes No NA h. Describe location and type of existing and proposed discharges to waters of the state. Runoff on the road currently runs down the roadway embankment to wetlands which discharge into Trent Creek. Some of the runoff, is discharged directly into Buffer Zone 1. Deck drains are installed on the existing bridge, so runoff on the bridge is discharged directly into Trent Creek. The proposed bridge does not have deck drains, and all runoff from the bridge and approaches is collected and discharged oustside Buffer Zone 2. With the proposed roadway, runoff will continue to run down the roadway embankment to the wetlands. i. Will wastewater or stormwater be discharged into a wetland? If yes, will this discharged water be of the same salinity as the receiving water? Yes No NA Yes No NA j. Is there any mitigation proposed? If yes, attach a mitigation proposal. Yes No NA <Form continues on back> 252-808-2808 :: 1-888-4RCOAST :: www.nccoastalmanagement.net revised: 10/26/06 Form DCM MP-5 BRIDGES and CULVERTS Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental information. 1. BRIDGES This section not applicable a. Is the proposed bridge: Commercial Public/Government Private/Community b. Water body to be crossed by bridge: Trent Creek c. Type of bridge (construction material): 36" Girder Bridge with Concrete Deck and 4 foot Caps d. Water depth at the proposed crossing at NLW or NWL: 10 feet e. (i) Will proposed bridge replace an existing bridge? Yes No If yes, (ii) Length of existing bridge: 145.0 (iii) Width of existing bridge: 31.5 (iv) Navigation clearance underneath existing bridge: 7.5 (v) Will all, or a part of, the existing bridge be removed? (Explain) All of the existing bridge will be removed. f. (i) Will proposed bridge replace an existing culvert? Yes No If yes, (ii) Length of existing culvert: (iii) Width of existing culvert: (iv) Height of the top of the existing culvert above the NHW or NWL: (v) Will all, or a part of, the existing culvert be removed? (Explain) g. Length of proposed bridge: 160 h. Width of proposed bridge: 34.6 i. Will the proposed bridge affect existing water flow? Yes No If yes, explain: larger waterway opening allows larger conveyance j. Will the proposed bridge affect navigation by reducing or increasing the existing navigable opening? Yes No If yes, explain: The low chord of the bridge is slighly higher than the existing low chord k. Navigation clearance underneath proposed bridge: 7.5' l. Have you contacted the U.S. Coast Guard concerning their approval? Yes No If yes, explain: Advance Approval received m. Will the proposed bridge cross wetlands containing no navigable waters? Yes No If yes, explain: n. Height of proposed bridge above wetlands: 8 2. CULVERTS This section not applicable a. Number of culverts proposed: b. Water body in which the culvert is to be placed: Form DCM MP-5 (Bridges and Culverts, Page 2 of 4) 252-808-2808 :: 1-888-4RCOAST :: www.nccoastalmanagement.net revised: 10/26/06 < Form continues on back> c. Type of culvert (construction material): d. (i) Will proposed culvert replace an existing bridge? Yes No If yes, (ii) Length of existing bridge: (iii) Width of existing bridge: (iv) Navigation clearance underneath existing bridge: (v) Will all, or a part of, the existing bridge be removed? (Explain) e. (i) Will proposed culvert replace an existing culvert? Yes No If yes, (ii) Length of existing culvert(s): (iii) Width of existing culvert(s): (iv) Height of the top of the existing culvert above the NHW or NWL: (v) Will all, or a part of, the existing culvert be removed? (Explain) f. Length of proposed culvert: g. Width of proposed culvert: h. Height of the top of the proposed culvert above the NHW or NWL. i. Depth of culvert to be buried below existing bottom contour. j. Will the proposed culvert affect navigation by reducing or increasing the existing navigable opening? Yes No If yes, explain: k. Will the proposed culvert affect existing water flow? Yes No If yes, explain: 3. EXCAVATION and FILL This section not applicable a. (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any excavation below the NHW or NWL? Yes No If yes, (ii) Avg. length of area to be excavated: (iii) Avg. width of area to be excavated: (iv) Avg. depth of area to be excavated: (v) Amount of material to be excavated in cubic yards: b. (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any excavation within coastal wetlands/marsh (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. CW SAV SB WL None (ii) Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas: c. (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any high-ground excavation? Yes No If yes, (ii) Avg. length of area to be excavated: 17ft (iii) Avg. width of area to be excavated: 71.5ft (iv) Avg. depth of area to be excavated: 2.12ft (v) Amount of material to be excavated in cubic yards: 192 CY Form DCM MP-5 (Bridges and Culverts, Page 3 of 4) 252-808-2808 :: 1-888-4RCOAST :: www.nccoastalmanagement.net revised: 10/26/06 d.If the placement of the bridge or culvert involves any excavation, please complete the following: (i)Location of the spoil disposal area: Currently unknown, to be determined by contractor (ii)Dimensions of the spoil disposal area: (iii)Do you claim title to the disposal area?Yes No (If no, attach a letter granting permission from the owner.) (iv) Will the disposal area be available for future maintenance?Yes No (v)Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands/marsh (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAVs), other wetlands (WL), or shell bottom (SB)? CW SAV WL SB None If any boxes are checked, give dimensions if different from (ii) above. (vi)Does the disposal area include any area below the NHW or NWL? ?Yes No If yes, give dimensions if different from (ii) above. e.(i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert result in any fill (other than excavated material described in Item d above) to be placed below NHW or NWL? Yes No If yes, (ii)Avg. length of area to be filled: (iii)Avg. width of area to be filled: (iv)Purpose of fill: f.(i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert result in any fill (other than excavated material described in Item d above) to be placed within coastal wetlands/marsh (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. CW 10,450 sf SAV SB WL None (ii)Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas: The fill is for the construction of both the proposed and detour bridges. Of the total 10450 sf of fill, approximately 6500 sf is temporary fill and will be removed once the proposed bridge is completed. g.(i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert result in any fill (other than excavated material described in Item d above) to be placed on high-ground? Yes No If yes, (ii)Avg. length of area to be filled: 950 ft (iii)Avg. width of area to be filled: 40 ft (iv)Purpose of fill: Slightly raising the grade and widening the road 4. GENERAL a.Will the proposed project require the relocation of any existing utility lines? Yes No If yes, explain: Relocation of multiple power poles and associated overhead power lines and guy wire anchor units.Cable and phone lines will be relocated via burial and overhead. Sewer and water lines will also be relocated. See utility narrative for additional detail. If this portion of the proposed project has already received b.Will the proposed project require the construction of any temporary detour structures? Yes No If yes, explain: 140' Detour bridge around the existng while proposed structure is built Lengyel Mitigation Site ONEID 025-001 The Lengyel Site is in Craven County within the USGS hydrologic unit 03020204 of the Neuse River. NCDOT acquired the 11.9 acre brackish marsh site to mitigate for unavoidable, jurisdictional impacts associated with TIP B-2531. Monitoring requirements were performed from 1999 to 2003 and the site was closed out in 2004. Table 1 shows the final mitigation quantities approved for the site. The site has been placed on the NCDOT On-site Debit Ledger for use within HUC 03020202. Table 2 indicates all mitigation debits that have occurred per regulatory agency approval. In order to offset 0.11 acres of unavoidable brackish marsh impacts associated with B-4593, the Lengyel Mitigation Site will be debited 0.11 acres of brackish marsh mitigation. Table 1. Mitigation Quantities Approved HUC Mitigation Type Starting Amount Additional Notes 3020202 Brackish Marsh Restoration 7.2 3020202 Brackish Marsh Preservation 4.7 Do not debit. Table 2. Mitigation Debits – Brackish Marsh Restoration Mitigation Type Debit Amount Status Site TIP Action ID# Notes Brackish Marsh Restoration 1.56 Close Out B-2531 199401568 0.78@2:1 ratio Debited in 03020202 Brackish Marsh Restoration 1.08 Close Out B-2531 Mod 1994-01568 0.46 acres of these impacts were charged to Sawmill Debited in 03020202 Brackish Marsh Restoration 0.18 Close Out B-4598 Impacts were 0.09 @ 2:1 ratio Debited in 03020202 Brackish Marsh Restoration 0.11 Close Out B-4593 Debited in 03020204 United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 GUIDELINES FOR AVOIDING IMPACTS TO THE WEST INDIAN MANATEE Precautionary Measures for Construction Activities in North Carolina Waters The West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), also known as the Florida manatee, is a Federally-listed endangered aquatic mammal protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) and the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, as amended (16 U.S.C 1461 et seq.). The manatee is also listed as endangered under the North Carolina Endangered Species Act of 1987 (Article 25 of Chapter 113 of the General Statutes). The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is the lead Federal agency responsible for the protection and recovery of the West Indian manatee under the provisions of the Endangered Species Act. Adult manatees average 10 feet long and weigh about 2,200 pounds, although some individuals have been recorded at lengths greater than 13 feet and weighing as much as 3,500 pounds. Manatees are commonly found in fresh, brackish, or marine water habitats, including shallow coastal bays, lagoons, estuaries, and inland rivers of varying salinity extremes. Manatees spend much of their time underwater or partly submerged, making them difficult to detect even in shallow water. While the manatee’s principal stronghold in the United States is Florida, the species is considered a seasonal inhabitant of North Carolina with most occurrences reported from June through October. To protect manatees in North Carolina, the Service’s Raleigh Field Office has prepared precautionary measures for general construction activities in waters used by the species. Implementation of these measure will allow in-water projects which do not require blasting to proceed without adverse impacts to manatees. In addition, inclusion of these guidelines as conservation measures in a Biological Assessment or Biological Evaluation, or as part of the determination of impacts on the manatee in an environmental document prepared pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act, will expedite the Service’s review of the document for the fulfillment of requirements under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act. These measures include: 1. The project manager and/or contractor will inform all personnel associated with the project that manatees may be present in the project area, and the need to avoid any harm to these endangered mammals. The project manager will ensure that all construction personnel know the general appearance of the species and their habit of moving about completely or partially submerged in shallow water. All construction personnel will be informed that they are responsible for observing water-related activities for the presence of manatees. 2. The project manager and/or the contractor will advise all construction personnel that there are civil and criminal penalties for harming, harassing, or killing manatees which are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act. 3. If a manatee is seen within 100 yards of the active construction and/or dredging operation or vessel movement, all appropriate precautions will be implemented to ensure protection of the manatee. These precautions will include the immediate shutdown of moving equipment if a manatee comes within 50 feet of the operational area of the equipment. Activities will not resume until the manatee has departed the project area on its own volition (i.e., it may not be herded or harassed from the area). 4. Any collision with and/or injury to a manatee will be reported immediately. The report must be made to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (ph. 919.856.4520 ext. 16), the National Marine Fisheries Service (ph. 252.728.8762), and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (ph. 252.448.1546). 5. A sign will be posted in all vessels associated with the project where it is clearly visible to the vessel operator. The sign should state: CAUTION: The endangered manatee may occur in these waters during the warmer months, primarily from June through October. Idle speed is required if operating this vessel in shallow water during these months. All equipment must be shut down if a manatee comes within 50 feet of the vessel or operating equipment. A collision with and/or injury to the manatee must be reported immediately to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (919-856-4520 ext. 16), the National Marine Fisheries Service (252.728.8762), and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (252.448.1546). 6. The contractor will maintain a log detailing sightings, collisions, and/or injuries to manatees during project activities. Upon completion of the action, the project manager will prepare a report which summarizes all information on manatees encountered and submit the report to the Service’s Raleigh Field Office. 7. All vessels associated with the construction project will operate at “no wake/idle” speeds at all times while in water where the draft of the vessel provides less than a four foot clearance from the bottom. All vessels will follow routes of deep water whenever possible. 8. If siltation barriers must be placed in shallow water, these barriers will be: (a) made of material in which manatees cannot become entangled; (b) secured in a manner that they cannot break free and entangle manatees; and, (c) regularly monitored to ensure that manatees have not become entangl ed. Barriers will be placed in a manner to allow manatees entry to or exit from essential habitat. Prepared by (rev. 06/2003): U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Raleigh Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 919/856-4520 Figure 1. The whole body of the West Indian manatee may be visible in clear water; but in the dark and muddy waters of coastal North Carolina, one normally sees only a small part of the head when the manatee raises its nose to breathe. Illustration used with the permission of the North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences. Source: Clark, M. K. 1987. Endangered, Threatened, and Rare Fauna of North Carolina: Part I. A re-evaluation of the mammals. Occasional Papers of the North Carolina Biological Survey 1987- 3. North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences. Raleigh, NC. pp. 52. (Version 2.01; Released December 2014) 38422.1.2 TIP No.:B-4593 County(ies):Pamlico Page 1 of 1 38422.1.2 TIP Number:Date: Phone:Phone: Email:Email: County(ies): CAMA County? Yes Design/Future: Year:2040 Existing: Year: Threatened/Endangered Species?No Comments: Yes No No Wetlands within Project Limits? Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW)Supplemental Classification: Rural Area with Agricultural or Residential Land Uses, Coastal Trent Creek 8600 27-150-(6) 1.04 0.284 miles Project Description Proposed Project Neuse ac. 2 lane road with 12' travel lanes and no paved shoulder with total bridge length of 145.4 ft and width of 28 ft River Basin(s): City/Town: 3.06 Typical Cross Section Description: Surrounding Land Use: General Project Narrative: (Description of Minimization of Water Quality Impacts) Yes patkinson@ncdot.gov Address: 9/19/2018 PamlicoMerrit Paul Atkinson, P.E. 1020 Birch Ridge Drive WBS Element: Bridge ReplacementWBS Element: Jason Patskoski, PhD, P.E.NCDOT Contact: (919) 707-6707 100 East Six Forks Road, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27609 Contractor / Designer: (919) 322-0115 Summit Design and Engineering Services North Carolina Department of Transportation Highway Stormwater Program STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR NCDOT PROJECTS Project Type: NCDOT Hydraulics Unit Address: General Project Information B-4593 Impairments: Other Stream Classification: Primary Classification: Project Built-Upon Area (ac.) State Project 38422.1.2 involves the replacement of NCDOT Bridge 680038 on NC 55 over Trent Creek. The proposed bridge will maintain the existing level of service. The proposed roadway fill slopes are 2:1 (which per geotechnical reccomendations are the steepest allowable) and are grassy. There are no deck drains over Trent Creek. There are two proposed outlets on the beginning and end of the bridge left side to allow proper drainage for the bridge and minimize disturbance in the surrounding wetlands. Rip Rap outlet pads will be utilized to dissipate the flow and minimize erosion. All piping is outletted beyond buffer zones. Rip rap toe protection has ben added to stabilize fill slopes as needed. The detour bridge will utilize 2:1 fill slopes as well as a pile retaining wall in order to minimize wetland impacts. None NeuseBuffer Rules in Effect:Trent Creek None 5576 2 lane road with 12' travel lanes and 4' paved shoulder with total bridge length of 160 ft and width of 34.58 ft Waterbody Information 2019 NCDWR Stream Index No.: NRTR Stream ID: Annual Avg Daily Traffic (veh/hr/day): Existing Site Project Length (lin. miles or feet): ac. Surface Water Body (1): Class SCNCDWR Surface Water Classification for Water Body jason.patskoski@summitde.net Project Includes Bridge Spanning Water Body? Deck Drains Discharge Over Buffer? Dissipator Pads Provided in Buffer?No Deck Drains Discharge Over Water Body?(If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, describe in the General Project Narrative; if no, justify in the General Project Narrative)(If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) SHEET 1 OF 14 PERMIT DRAWING STREAM AND WETLAND IMPACTS PERMIT DRAWINGS SITE 1 D T V = = = = = = % % MPH ADT ADT % * FUNC CLASS = DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED K 0 0 0 PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) 38422.2.1 38422.3.1 CONST. PROJECT LENGTH RIGHT OF WAY DATE: LETTING DATE: STATE STATE PROJECT REFERENCE NO. STATE PROJ. NO.F. A. PROJ. NO.DESCRIPTION NO.TOTAL SHEETS N.C. SHEET1 DESIGN DATA SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: P.E. P.E. PROJECT ENGINEER PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER GRAPHIC SCALES PLANS PROFILE (VERTICAL) HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER ROADWAY DESIGN LOCATION: TYPE OF WORK: 09/08/99 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 0 00 25-MAR-2019 12:27 B4593_Hyd_prm _tsh.dgn Patrick.Hartnett CONTRACT: TIP PROJECT: A R T M EN N A S O H DEP T O F T R A S P OR T T IO N T ATE O F N R T C AROLIN A FIRM NO. P-0339 Prepared in the Office of: www.summitde.net Fax: (919) 732-6776 Voice: (919) 732-3883 Hillsborough, NC 27278-8551 504 Meadowland Drive MPHV=DET 505025 50 25 10 5 10 20 10050 100 GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING AND STRUCTURE. B-4593 VICINITY MAP MAJOR COLLECTOR REGIONAL TIER 8600 8 55 9 * TTST =2%DUAL =7% B-4593 B-4593 PROJECT 60 50 38422.1.2 BRIDGE NO. 38 ON NC 55 OVER TRENT CREEK BEGIN BRIDGE END BRIDGE 4,6 5,7 -L- STA. 11+00.00 END BRIDGEBEGIN BRIDGE -L- STA. 26+00.00 TOTAL LENGTH OF TIP PROJECT B-4593 = 0.284 MILES LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT B-4593 = 0.254 MILES LENGTH STUCTURE TIP PROJECT B-4593 = 0.030 MILES 2040 TO B A YBO RO TO O RIEN TA L R I V E R R IVER BAY Stonewall Trent Church CentralSchool Trent Creek Trent Creek Chapel 55 55 55 Bayboro Main St. Gibbtown 55 55 Callisons Merritt Trent Cr. BAY Prong S o ut h N orth Prong pop. 282 304 2018 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 2019 5576 PE -L- NC 55 -D E T - TRENT CREEK TRENT CREEK SR 1324 SR 1322 B A Y RI V E R NCDOT CONTACT:DAVID STUTTS, PE BEGIN TIP PROJECT B-4593 END TIP PROJECT B-4593 See Sheet 1C-1 For Survey Control Sheet See Sheet 1B For Conventional Plan Sheet SymbolsSee Sheet 1A For Index of Sheets MAY 21, 2019 C204217 CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD III. NOVEMBER 1, 2018 R/W, Utilities N C G RI D N A D 8 3 N A 2 0 11 -L- STA. 27+00.00 END CONSTRUCTION -L- STA. 16+22.00 -L- STA. 17+82.00 --- BRANDON W. JOHNSON, PE FAITH E. JAHNKE, PE PRO F E S S IO N AL ENGI N E ER NO R T H C AROL I NA SEAL 046981 EKNHAJ .E HTIAF SEAL 046226 REENIGNE L ANOISSEFORP ANI LORACHTRON IKSOKSTAP .M NOSAJ PAMLICO COUNTY -Y1- STA. 11+37.94 END CONSTRUCTION -LDET- STA. 15+35.00 -LDET- STA. 16+75.00 1002 1203 1209 1209 1342 1337 1337 1334 1336 1212 1335 1315 1336 1335 1334 1324 1333 1322 1316 1323 1324 1322 W ater Street C h i n c h i l l a D r i v e Rowe Road Ca lliso n R o a d Spruill Road Trent Road F lo rence Road Gibbtown RoadGibbtown R oa d Sp a in F a rm R o ad M cCotter Road A llig a to r C re e k R o a d Road Seawell Farm +07 +97 +97 +07 F ILL IN W ETLA N D S SHEET 2 OF 14 PERMIT DRAWING SITE 1 HC HC CLEARING DENOTES HAND WETLAND DENOTES FILL INFF APPEAR GRAY ON THIS SHEET NOTE: DETOUR IMPACTS S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED REVISIO NS HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 4B-4593 8/17/99 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED M ATCHLIN E -L- STA 19+ 00.00 (SEE SHEET 5) FOR PROFILE, SEE SHEET 8 FOR ONSITE DETOUR, SEE SHEET 6 32' 24' -L- STA. 16+22.00 BEGIN BRIDGE -L- STA. 17+82.00 END BRIDGE -L- STA. 18+06.17 END APP. SLAB-L- STA. 15+97.83 BEGIN APP. SLAB SKETCH SHOWING BRIDGE TO PAVEMENT RELATIONSHIP 02 0202 02 F-F 12' 12' 4' 4' R/W REV: REMOVED ROW, ADDED TCE, ADDED PDE ON PARCELS 1, 2, 3, AND 4. - FEJ 190131 25-MAR-2019 12:27 Patrick.Hartnett SEE SHEETS S-1 THRU S-42 FOR STRUCTURES PLANS PRO F E S S ION AL ENGI N E ER NO R T H C AROL I NA SEAL 046981 EKNHAJ .E HTIAF SEAL 046226 REENIGNE L ANOISSEFORP ANI LORACHTRON IKSOKSTAP .M NOSAJ 10 15 8 :1 8 :1 +37.80 T YPINC 2 7 ' 8 :1 GREU TL-3 GREU TL-3 GREU TL-3 GREU TL-3 TYPE-III TYPE-III TYPE-III TYPE-III 1 1 2 3 4 110 114 TRENT CREEK TRENT CREEK N C H WY 5 5 2 4 ' B S T N C H WY 5 5 2 4 ' B S T N C G RI D N A D 8 3 N A 2 0 11 T T C A R V A R V 60.00' E X IS T IN G R /W E X IS T IN G R /W WO O D E D WOODED WOODED VIOLET MOLLANO DB 352 PG 25 WOODED WOODED WOODED JOHN L. McCOTTER, III DB 353 PG 860 MB 7 PG 78 JOHN L. McCOTTER, III DB 353 PG 860 MB 7 PG 78 WOODED WOODED WOODED JAMES BRINSON, et ux DB 213 PG 649 LARRY MASSENGILL, et al DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 PAMCAR FARMS, LLC DB 306 PG 447 J O H N L . M c C O T T E R , IIIDB 3 5 3 P G 8 6 041.98'+97.5677 TYPE-III TYPE-III TYPE-III TYPE-III HAND CLEARING HAND CLEARING HAND CLEARING TB 2GI TB 2GI TB 2GI TB 2GI TB 2GI15" RCP-III 15" RCP-III 15" RCP-III F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F +07 +97 +97 +07 -2 -2 -1 -1-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 - 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 222 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 222 22 2222 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 22 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 444444444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5555 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 55 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 55 5 5 6 6 6 66666 6 6 6 6 666 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 777 7 7 7 7 77 7 8 8 88 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 1010 1 0 10 F ILL IN W ETLA N D S SHEET 3 OF 14 PERMIT DRAWING SITE 1 HC HC CLEARING DENOTES HAND WETLAND DENOTES FILL INFF APPEAR GRAY ON THIS SHEET NOTE: DETOUR IMPACTS S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED REVISIO NS HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 4B-4593 8/17/99 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED M ATCHLIN E -L- STA 19+ 00.00 (SEE SHEET 5) FOR PROFILE, SEE SHEET 8 FOR ONSITE DETOUR, SEE SHEET 6 32' 24' -L- STA. 16+22.00 BEGIN BRIDGE -L- STA. 17+82.00 END BRIDGE -L- STA. 18+06.17 END APP. SLAB-L- STA. 15+97.83 BEGIN APP. SLAB SKETCH SHOWING BRIDGE TO PAVEMENT RELATIONSHIP 02 0202 02 F-F 12' 12' 4' 4' R/W REV: REMOVED ROW, ADDED TCE, ADDED PDE ON PARCELS 1, 2, 3, AND 4. - FEJ 190131 25-MAR-2019 12:28 Patrick.Hartnett SEE SHEETS S-1 THRU S-42 FOR STRUCTURES PLANS PRO F E S S ION AL ENGI N E ER NO R T H C AROL I NA SEAL 046981 EKNHAJ .E HTIAF SEAL 046226 REENIGNE L ANOISSEFORP ANI LORACHTRON IKSOKSTAP .M NOSAJ 10 15 8 :1 8 :1 +37.80 T YPINC 2 7 ' 8 :1 GREU TL-3 GREU TL-3 GREU TL-3 GREU TL-3 TYPE-III TYPE-III TYPE-III TYPE-III 1 1 2 3 4 110 114 TRENT CREEK TRENT CREEK N C H WY 5 5 2 4 ' B S T N C H WY 5 5 2 4 ' B S T N C G RI D N A D 8 3 N A 2 0 11 T T C A R V A R V 60.00' E X IS T IN G R /W E X IS T IN G R /W WO O D E D WOODED WOODED VIOLET MOLLANO DB 352 PG 25 WOODED WOODED WOODED JOHN L. McCOTTER, III DB 353 PG 860 MB 7 PG 78 JOHN L. McCOTTER, III DB 353 PG 860 MB 7 PG 78 WOODED WOODED WOODED JAMES BRINSON, et ux DB 213 PG 649 LARRY MASSENGILL, et al DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 PAMCAR FARMS, LLC DB 306 PG 447 J O H N L . M c C O T T E R , IIIDB 3 5 3 P G 8 6 041.98'+97.5677 TYPE-III TYPE-III TYPE-III TYPE-III HAND CLEARING HAND CLEARING HAND CLEARING TB 2GI TB 2GI TB 2GI TB 2GI TB 2GI15" RCP-III 15" RCP-III 15" RCP-III F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Ground Natural PSRM SEE DETAIL 5-1 PSRM TOE PROTECTION F ILL IN W E TLA N D S SHEET 4 OF 14 PERMIT DRAWING SITE 1 HC HC CLEARING DENOTES HAND WETLAND DENOTES FILL INFF APPEAR GRAY ON THIS SHEET NOTE: DETOUR IMPACTS FILL IN WETLANDS FILL IN WETLANDS DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED REVISIO NS HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 5B-4593 8/17/99 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED M ATCHLIN E -L- STA 19+ 00.00 (SEE SHEET 4) FOR PROFILE, SEE SHEET 8 FOR ONSITE DETOUR, SEE SHEET 7 R/W REV: REMOVED ROW, ADDED TCE, ADDED PDE ON PARCELS 1, 2, 3, AND 4. - FEJ 190131 25-MAR-2019 12:28 Patrick.Hartnett PRO F E S S ION AL ENGI N E ER NO R T H C AROL I NA SEAL 046981 EKNHAJ .E HTIAF SEAL 046226 REENIGNE L ANOISSEFORP ANI LORACHTRON IKSOKSTAP .M NOSAJ 20 1510 +31.03 TYP INC 27' 8 :1 (EX R/W) 30.00 RT+00.00 -L- 3 4 5 EX R/W 40.00 RT45.00 RT+78.00 -L- 15" R C P 15" R C P 15 " R C P 24 " RCP 2 4 " R C P v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v 11' CONC 11' C O N CCONC P AD BULKHEAD N C H WY 5 5 2 4 ' B S T J O H N L . M c C O T T E R , IIIDB 3 5 3 P G 8 6 0 HH TC T C T T P A M C A R F A R M S , L L CDB 3 0 6 P G 4 4 7 60.00' EXISTING R/W EXISTING R/W 60 .00' E XIS T ING R/W E XIS T ING R /W 60.00' EX ISTIN G R/W EX ISTIN G R/W 6 0 .0 0 ' EXISTING R/W EXISTING R/W WOODED WOODED WOODED WOODED SR 1324 FLORENCE ROAD 18' BST SR 1322 N. TRENT ROAD 17' BST BST BST EC M EC M HW C O N C N C G RI D N A D 8 3 N A 2 0 11 LARRY MASSENGILL, et al DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 PAMCAR FARMS, LLC DB 306 PG 447 DB 518 PG 710 ANDREW M. BUEHL, JR., et al LARRY MASSENGILL, et al DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 PAMCAR FARMS, LLC DB 306 PG 447 LARRY MASSENGILL, et al DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 PAMCAR FARMS, LLC DB 306 PG 447 DB 337 PG 755 STEVEN LAVALLEE DB 470 PG 147 1SBKD RETAIN RETA IN RETAIN RETAIN ( Not to Scale) PSRM TOE PROTECTION d FROM STA. 23+89 TO STA. 24+30 -L- RT Fill Slope3:1 or Flatter d= 1 Ft. Type of Liner= 58 SY OF PSRM DETAIL 5-1 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Ground Natural PSRM SEE DETAIL 5-1 PSRM TOE PROTECTION -2 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 222 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 222 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 33 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4444 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 555555 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 66666 6 6 7 7 7 7777 8 8 88 89 F ILL IN W E TLA N D S SHEET 5 OF 14 PERMIT DRAWING SITE 1 HC HC CLEARING DENOTES HAND WETLAND DENOTES FILL INFF APPEAR GRAY ON THIS SHEET NOTE: DETOUR IMPACTS DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED REVISIO NS HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 5B-4593 8/17/99 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED M ATCHLIN E -L- STA 19+ 00.00 (SEE SHEET 4) FOR PROFILE, SEE SHEET 8 FOR ONSITE DETOUR, SEE SHEET 7 R/W REV: REMOVED ROW, ADDED TCE, ADDED PDE ON PARCELS 1, 2, 3, AND 4. - FEJ 190131 25-MAR-2019 12:28 Patrick.Hartnett PRO F E S S ION AL ENGI N E ER NO R T H C AROL I NA SEAL 046981 EKNHAJ .E HTIAF SEAL 046226 REENIGNE L ANOISSEFORP ANI LORACHTRON IKSOKSTAP .M NOSAJ 20 1510 +31.03 TYP INC 27' 8 :1 (EX R/W) 30.00 RT+00.00 -L- 3 4 5 EX R/W 40.00 RT45.00 RT+78.00 -L- 15" R C P 15" R C P 15 " R C P 24 " RCP 2 4 " R C P v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v 11' CONC 11' C O N CCONC P AD BULKHEAD N C H WY 5 5 2 4 ' B S T J O H N L . M c C O T T E R , IIIDB 3 5 3 P G 8 6 0 HH TC T C T T P A M C A R F A R M S , L L CDB 3 0 6 P G 4 4 7 60.00' EXISTING R/W EXISTING R/W 60 .00' E XIS T ING R/W E XIS T ING R /W 60.00' EX ISTIN G R/W EX ISTIN G R/W 6 0 .0 0 ' EXISTING R/W EXISTING R/W WOODED WOODED WOODED WOODED SR 1324 FLORENCE ROAD 18' BST SR 1322 N. TRENT ROAD 17' BST BST BST EC M EC M HW C O N C N C G RI D N A D 8 3 N A 2 0 11 LARRY MASSENGILL, et al DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 PAMCAR FARMS, LLC DB 306 PG 447 DB 518 PG 710 ANDREW M. BUEHL, JR., et al LARRY MASSENGILL, et al DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 PAMCAR FARMS, LLC DB 306 PG 447 LARRY MASSENGILL, et al DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 PAMCAR FARMS, LLC DB 306 PG 447 DB 337 PG 755 STEVEN LAVALLEE DB 470 PG 147 1SBKD RETAIN RETA IN RETAIN RETAIN ( Not to Scale) PSRM TOE PROTECTION d FROM STA. 23+89 TO STA. 24+30 -L- RT Fill Slope3:1 or Flatter d= 1 Ft. Type of Liner= 58 SY OF PSRM DETAIL 5-1 FILL IN WETLANDS FILL IN WETLANDS F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Geotextile Ground Natural 1' Thickness SITE 1 SHEET 6 OF 14 PERMIT DRAWING T T FILL IN WETLAND DENOTES TEMPORARY HC HC CLEARING DENOTES HAND IMPACTS ARE TEMPORARY NOTE: ALL DETOUR DETOUR BRIDGE APPEAR GRAY ON THIS SHEET NOTE: MAIN BRIDGE IMPACTS FILL IN WETLANDS H A N D C L E A R I N GHAND C LE A R I N G H A N D C L E A R I N G S K E T C H S H O WIN G B R I D G E T O P A V E M E N T R E L A T IO N S H I P -L D E T - S T A . 16 +7 5 .0 0END BRIDGE D O C U M E N T N O T C O N S I D E R E D F I N A L U N L E S S A L L S I G N A T U R E S C O M P L E T E D REVISIO NS HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.P RO JEC T REF ERE N C E N O .6B-4593 8/17/99 D O C U M E N T N O T C O N S I D E R E D F I N A L U N L E S S A L L S I G N A T U R E S C O M P L E T E D M ATCHLIN E -L- STA 19+ 00.00 (SEE SHEET 7) F O R P R O F IL E , S E E S H E E T 9 F O R -L - L IN E , S E E S H E E T 4 R/W REV: REMOVED ROW, ADDED TCE, ADDED PDE ON PARCELS 1, 2, 3, AND 4. - FEJ 190131 25-MAR-2019 12:28 Patrick.Hartnett -L D E T - S T A . 15 +3 5 .0 0BEGIN B R ID G E PRO F E S S IO N AL ENGI N E ER NO R T H C AROL I NA SEAL 046981 EKNHAJ .E HTIAF SEAL 046226 REENIGNE L ANOISSEFORP ANI LORACHTRON IKSOKSTAP .M NOSAJ 04 P I S t a 10 +9 9 .7 4D L = 19 9 .2 9 'T = 9 9 .7 4 'R = 1,8 4 0 .0 0 ' P I S t a 14 +3 4 .4 6D L = 269.85' T = 135.16'R = 1,8 4 0 .0 0 ' P I S t a 17 +2 4 .5 8D L = 123.64' T = 61.84'R = 1,8 4 0 .0 0 ' 10 15 SE = 04 SE = 04SE = 0 4 -LDET- R O = 9 6 ' RO = 96'RO = 96' -L D E T - S T A . 11+9 2 .8 3BEGIN GRADE -LD E T - -L D E T - S T A 16 +7 5 .0 0END BRIDGE -L D E T - S T A 15 +3 5 .0 0BEGIN B R I D G E -L D E T - P C S T A 10 +0 0 .0 0-L - P O C S T A 11+0 0 .0 0 =B E G IN D E T O U R C O N S T R U C T IO N -L- -L D E T - P T S t a . 11+9 9 .2 9 -L D E T - P C S t a . 12 +9 9 .2 9 -L D E T - P T S t a . 15 +6 9 .14 -L D E T - P C S t a . 16 +6 2 .7 4 -L D E T - P T S t a . 17 +8 6 .3 8 TE M P G RE U TL-3 TE M P TYP E-III TEM P TYP E -III TEM P TYP E -IIITEMP G RE U TL-3 TEM P TYP E-III 110 114 TRENT CREEK TRENT CREEK NC H WY 5 5 2 4 ' B S T N C H WY 5 5 2 4 ' B S T ALONG CREEK N C G RI D N A D 8 3 N A 2 0 11 T T C -E L- -EL-S 71°23'48" W317.97'S 8 9°2 5'0 0" E 17 5.6 8' S 6 8 °5 0 '5 4 " E 5 9 .5 2 'S 5 0 °3 4 '12 " E113.2 3 ' S 37°22'31" E99.53' S 39°25'01" W 266 .85 ' PROPERTY LINE ALONG M EAN HIGH W ATER M ARK OF TRENT CREEK W ATER M ARK OF TRENT CREEK PROPERTY LINE ALONG M EAN HIGH 60.00' E X IS T IN G R /W E X IS T IN G R /W WO O D E D WOODED WOODED VIOLET MOLLANO DB 352 PG 25 WOODED WOODED WOODED J O H N L . M c C O T T E R , III DB 353 PG 860 MB 7 PG 78 J O H N L . M c C O T T E R , III DB 353 PG 860 MB 7 PG 78 WOODED WOODED WOODED J A M E S B R IN S O N , e t u x DB 213 PG 649 L A R R Y M A S S E N G IL L , e t a l DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 P A M C A R F A R M S , L L C DB 306 PG 447 J O H N L . M c C O T T E R , IIIDB 3 5 3 P G 8 6 0 WATER MARK OF TRENT CREEK PROPERTY LINE ALONG MEAN HIGH S W A M P 1 9 8 4 N C G S M O N U M E N T W ATER M ARK OF TRENT CREEK PROPERTY LINE ALONG M EAN HIGH 007 00 01 02 03 04 04 03 0222' T YP IN C 2 4 ' +33.56 2 5 :1 2 5 :125:1 2 5 :1 23' P ILE WA L L P R O P O S E D S H E E T -D E T - S T A . 12 +8 0 .0 0BEGIN WALL -D E T - S T A . 16 +7 0 .9 0BEGIN WALL 10 15 1 1 2 3 4 0601 0602 0603 0604 DETAIL 6-1 ( Not to Scale) Fill Slope3:1 or FlatterTOE PROTECTION 67 SY GeotextileType of Liner=33 TONS Class B Rip-Rap 5'4.5' FROM STA. 12+20 TO STA. 12+80 -L DET- RT TEMP TB 2GI TEMP 2GI +95 +15 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Geotextile Ground Natural 1' Thickness -2 -2 -1 -1-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 - 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 222 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 222 22 2222 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 222 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 444444444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5555 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 55 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 55 5 5 5 6 6 6 66666 6 6 6 6 666 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 777 7 7 7 7 77 7 8 8 88 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 1010 1 0 10 SHEET 7 OF 14 PERMIT DRAWING T T FILL IN WETLAND DENOTES TEMPORARY HC HC CLEARING DENOTES HAND IMPACTS ARE TEMPORARY NOTE: ALL DETOUR DETOUR BRIDGE APPEAR GRAY ON THIS SHEET NOTE: MAIN BRIDGE IMPACTS SITE 1 S K E T C H S H O WIN G B R I D G E T O P A V E M E N T R E L A T IO N S H I P -L D E T - S T A . 16 +7 5 .0 0END BRIDGE D O C U M E N T N O T C O N S I D E R E D F I N A L U N L E S S A L L S I G N A T U R E S C O M P L E T E D REVISIO NS HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.P RO JEC T REF ERE N C E N O .6B-4593 8/17/99 D O C U M E N T N O T C O N S I D E R E D F I N A L U N L E S S A L L S I G N A T U R E S C O M P L E T E D M ATCHLIN E -L- STA 19+ 00.00 (SEE SHEET 7) F O R P R O F IL E , S E E S H E E T 9 F O R -L - L IN E , S E E S H E E T 4 R/W REV: REMOVED ROW, ADDED TCE, ADDED PDE ON PARCELS 1, 2, 3, AND 4. - FEJ 190131 25-MAR-2019 12:28 Patrick.Hartnett -L D E T - S T A . 15 +3 5 .0 0BEGIN B R ID G E PRO F E S S IO N AL ENGI N E ER NO R T H C AROL I NA SEAL 046981 EKNHAJ .E HTIAF SEAL 046226 REENIGNE L ANOISSEFORP ANI LORACHTRON IKSOKSTAP .M NOSAJ 04 P I S t a 10 +9 9 .7 4D L = 19 9 .2 9 'T = 9 9 .7 4 'R = 1,8 4 0 .0 0 ' P I S t a 14 +3 4 .4 6D L = 269.85' T = 135.16'R = 1,8 4 0 .0 0 ' P I S t a 17 +2 4 .5 8D L = 123.64' T = 61.84'R = 1,8 4 0 .0 0 ' 10 15 SE = 04 SE = 04SE = 0 4 -LDET- R O = 9 6 ' RO = 96'RO = 96' -L D E T - S T A . 11+9 2 .8 3BEGIN GRADE -LD E T - -L D E T - S T A 16 +7 5 .0 0END BRIDGE -L D E T - S T A 15 +3 5 .0 0BEGIN B R I D G E -L D E T - P C S T A 10 +0 0 .0 0-L - P O C S T A 11+0 0 .0 0 =B E G IN D E T O U R C O N S T R U C T IO N -L- -L D E T - P T S t a . 11+9 9 .2 9 -L D E T - P C S t a . 12 +9 9 .2 9 -L D E T - P T S t a . 15 +6 9 .14 -L D E T - P C S t a . 16 +6 2 .7 4 -L D E T - P T S t a . 17 +8 6 .3 8 TE M P G RE U TL-3 TE M P TYP E-III TEM P TYP E -III TEM P TYP E -IIITEMP G RE U TL-3 TEM P TYP E-III 110 114 TRENT CREEK TRENT CREEK NC H WY 5 5 2 4 ' B S T N C H WY 5 5 2 4 ' B S T ALONG CREEK N C G RI D N A D 8 3 N A 2 0 11 T T C -E L- -EL-S 71°23'48" W317.97'S 8 9°2 5'0 0" E 17 5.6 8' S 6 8 °5 0 '5 4 " E 5 9 .5 2 'S 5 0 °3 4 '12 " E113.2 3 ' S 37°22'31" E99.53' S 39°25'01" W 266 .85 ' PROPERTY LINE ALONG M EAN HIGH W ATER M ARK OF TRENT CREEK W ATER M ARK OF TRENT CREEK PROPERTY LINE ALONG M EAN HIGH 60.00' E X IS T IN G R /W E X IS T IN G R /W WO O D E D WOODED WOODED VIOLET MOLLANO DB 352 PG 25 WOODED WOODED WOODED J O H N L . M c C O T T E R , III DB 353 PG 860 MB 7 PG 78 J O H N L . M c C O T T E R , III DB 353 PG 860 MB 7 PG 78 WOODED WOODED WOODED J A M E S B R IN S O N , e t u x DB 213 PG 649 L A R R Y M A S S E N G IL L , e t a l DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 P A M C A R F A R M S , L L C DB 306 PG 447 J O H N L . M c C O T T E R , IIIDB 3 5 3 P G 8 6 0 WATER MARK OF TRENT CREEK PROPERTY LINE ALONG MEAN HIGH S W A M P 1 9 8 4 N C G S M O N U M E N T W ATER M ARK OF TRENT CREEK PROPERTY LINE ALONG M EAN HIGH 007 00 01 02 03 04 04 03 0222' T YP IN C 2 4 ' +33.56 2 5 :1 2 5 :125:1 2 5 :1 23' P ILE WA L L P R O P O S E D S H E E T -D E T - S T A . 12 +8 0 .0 0BEGIN WALL -D E T - S T A . 16 +7 0 .9 0BEGIN WALL 10 15 1 1 2 3 4 0601 0602 0603 0604 DETAIL 6-1 ( Not to Scale) Fill Slope3:1 or FlatterTOE PROTECTION 67 SY GeotextileType of Liner=33 TONS Class B Rip-Rap 5'4.5' FROM STA. 12+20 TO STA. 12+80 -L DET- RT FILL IN WETLANDS H A N D C L E A R I N GHAND C LE A R I N G H A N D C L E A R I N G TEMP TB 2GI TEMP 2GI +95 +15 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F SITE 1 T T F I LL I N W E T LA N D D E N O T E S T E M P O R A R Y HC HC CLEARING D E N O T E S H A N D SHEET 8 OF 14 PERMIT DRAWING IMPACTS ARE TEMPORARY NOTE: ALL DETOUR DETOUR BRIDGE APPEAR GRAY ON THIS SHEET NOTE: MAIN BRIDGE IMPACTS FILL IN WETLANDS F I L L I N W E T L A N D S D O C U M E N T N O T C O N S I D E R E D F I N A L U N L E S S A L L S I G N A T U R E S C O M P L E T E D REVISIO NS HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.P RO JEC T REF ERE N C E N O .7B-4593 8/17/99 D O C U M E N T N O T C O N S I D E R E D F I N A L U N L E S S A L L S I G N A T U R E S C O M P L E T E D M ATCHLIN E -L- STA 19+ 00.00 (SEE SHEET 6) F O R P R O F IL E , S E E S H E E T 9 F O R -L - L IN E , S E E S H E E T 5 R/W REV: REMOVED ROW, ADDED TCE, ADDED PDE ON PARCELS 1, 2, 3, AND 4. - FEJ 190131 PRO F E S S IO N AL ENGI N E ER NO R T H C AROL I NA SEAL 046981 EKNHAJ .E HTIAF SEAL 046226 REENIGNE L ANOISSEFORP ANI LORACHTRON IKSOKSTAP .M NOSAJ 25-MAR-2019 12:28 B4593_Hyd_prm_psh_7_det.dgn Patrick.Hartnett P I S t a 2 1+8 7 .2 9D L = 596.54' T = 300.91'R = 1,8 4 0 .0 0 ' 20 SE = 04 RO = 96' -LDET- P I S t a 17 +2 4 .5 8D L = 123.64' T = 61.84'R = 1,8 4 0 .0 0 'SE = 04 RO = 96' -LDET- -L D E T - S T A 2 2 +5 8 .6 5END GRADE -L- -L D E T - P T S T A . 2 4 +8 2 .9 2-L - S T A 2 5 +8 3 .9 8 =E N D D E T O U R C O N S T R U C T I O N -L D E T - P C S t a . 18 +8 6 .3 8 TEM P G REU TL-3 T E M P G R E U T L -3 P IL E WA LL P R O P O S E D S H E E T 15" R C P 15" R C P 15 " R C P 24" RCP 24" RCP v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v 11' CONC 11' C O N C C ON C P AD BULKHEAD N C H WY 5 5 2 4 ' B S T J O H N L . M c C O T T E R , IIIDB 3 5 3 P G 8 6 0 HH TC T C T T -E L- -EY 1- -EY- P A M C A R F A R M S , L L CDB 3 0 6 P G 4 4 7 N 5 8 °4 9 '0 0 " W758.6 4 ' S 5 8 °4 9 '0 0 " E700.3 4 ' N 28°23'34" E 172.92' N 5 4 °3 2 '2 6 " W180.0 0 ' N 28°23'34" E 67.80' N 5 0 °0 2 '2 6 " W76.9 0 'N 8 4 °2 5'2 6 " W 5 8.5 0' S 4 6 °2 2'0 8 " W 14 0.0 7' N 32°45'58" W 131.86' S 29°00'43" W 137.88' 60.00' EXISTING R/W EXISTING R/W 60 .00' EXIS T ING R/W E X IS T ING R /W 60.00' EX ISTIN G R/W EX ISTIN G R/W 6 0 .0 0 ' EXISTING R/W EXISTING R/W WOODED WOODED WOODED WOODED SR 1324 FLORENCE ROAD 18' BST SR 1322 N. TRENT ROAD 17' BST -BL- 2 -BL- 3 BST BST N 69°52'39" E230.93'EC M EC M HW C O N C N C G RI D N A D 8 3 N A 2 0 11 L A R R Y M A S S E N G IL L , e t a l DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 P A M C A R F A R M S , L L C DB 306 PG 447 DB 518 PG 710 A N D R E W M . B U E H L , J R ., e t a l L A R R Y M A S S E N G IL L , e t a l DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 P A M C A R F A R M S , L L C DB 306 PG 447 L A R R Y M A S S E N G IL L , e t a l DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 P A M C A R F A R M S , L L C DB 306 PG 447 DB 337 PG 755 S T E V E N L A V A L L E E DB 470 PG 147 1SBKD 01 00 04 01 02 03 04 038 +08.38 22' T Y PINC24' 23' -D E T - S T A . 2 1+0 0 .0 0END WALL 20 1510 3 4 5 F F F F F F F F F F F F F SITE 1 T T F I LL I N W E T LA N D D E N O T E S T E M P O R A R Y HC HC CLEARING D E N O T E S H A N D SHEET 9 OF 14 PERMIT DRAWING IMPACTS ARE TEMPORARY NOTE: ALL DETOUR DETOUR BRIDGE APPEAR GRAY ON THIS SHEET NOTE: MAIN BRIDGE IMPACTS FILL IN WETLANDS F I L L I N W E T L A N D S D O C U M E N T N O T C O N S I D E R E D F I N A L U N L E S S A L L S I G N A T U R E S C O M P L E T E D REVISIO NS HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.P RO JEC T REF ERE N C E N O .7B-4593 8/17/99 D O C U M E N T N O T C O N S I D E R E D F I N A L U N L E S S A L L S I G N A T U R E S C O M P L E T E D M ATCHLIN E -L- STA 19+ 00.00 (SEE SHEET 6) F O R P R O F IL E , S E E S H E E T 9 F O R -L - L IN E , S E E S H E E T 5 R/W REV: REMOVED ROW, ADDED TCE, ADDED PDE ON PARCELS 1, 2, 3, AND 4. - FEJ 190131 PRO F E S S IO N AL ENGI N E ER NO R T H C AROL I NA SEAL 046981 EKNHAJ .E HTIAF SEAL 046226 REENIGNE L ANOISSEFORP ANI LORACHTRON IKSOKSTAP .M NOSAJ 25-MAR-2019 12:28 B4593_Hyd_prm_psh_7_det_contour.dgn Patrick.Hartnett P I S t a 2 1+8 7 .2 9D L = 596.54' T = 300.91'R = 1,8 4 0 .0 0 ' 20 SE = 04 RO = 96' -LDET- P I S t a 17 +2 4 .5 8D L = 123.64' T = 61.84'R = 1,8 4 0 .0 0 'SE = 04 RO = 96' -LDET- -L D E T - S T A 2 2 +5 8 .6 5END GRADE -L- -L D E T - P T S T A . 2 4 +8 2 .9 2-L - S T A 2 5 +8 3 .9 8 =E N D D E T O U R C O N S T R U C T I O N -L D E T - P C S t a . 18 +8 6 .3 8 TEM P G REU TL-3 T E M P G R E U T L -3 P IL E WA LL P R O P O S E D S H E E T 15" R C P 15" R C P 15 " R C P 24" RCP 24" RCP v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v 11' CONC 11' C O N C C ON C P AD BULKHEAD N C H WY 5 5 2 4 ' B S T J O H N L . M c C O T T E R , IIIDB 3 5 3 P G 8 6 0 HH TC T C T T -E L- -EY 1- -EY- P A M C A R F A R M S , L L CDB 3 0 6 P G 4 4 7 N 5 8 °4 9 '0 0 " W758.6 4 ' S 5 8 °4 9 '0 0 " E700.3 4 ' N 28°23'34" E 172.92' N 5 4 °3 2 '2 6 " W180.0 0 ' N 28°23'34" E 67.80' N 5 0 °0 2 '2 6 " W76.9 0 'N 8 4 °2 5'2 6 " W 5 8.5 0' S 4 6 °2 2'0 8 " W 14 0.0 7' N 32°45'58" W 131.86' S 29°00'43" W 137.88' 60.00' EXISTING R/W EXISTING R/W 60 .00' EXIS T ING R/W E X IS T ING R /W 60.00' EX ISTIN G R/W EX ISTIN G R/W 6 0 .0 0 ' EXISTING R/W EXISTING R/W WOODED WOODED WOODED WOODED SR 1324 FLORENCE ROAD 18' BST SR 1322 N. TRENT ROAD 17' BST -BL- 2 -BL- 3 BST BST N 69°52'39" E230.93'EC M EC M HW C O N C N C G RI D N A D 8 3 N A 2 0 11 L A R R Y M A S S E N G IL L , e t a l DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 P A M C A R F A R M S , L L C DB 306 PG 447 DB 518 PG 710 A N D R E W M . B U E H L , J R ., e t a l L A R R Y M A S S E N G IL L , e t a l DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 P A M C A R F A R M S , L L C DB 306 PG 447 L A R R Y M A S S E N G IL L , e t a l DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 P A M C A R F A R M S , L L C DB 306 PG 447 DB 337 PG 755 S T E V E N L A V A L L E E DB 470 PG 147 1SBKD 01 00 04 01 02 03 04 038 +08.38 22' T Y PINC24' 23' -D E T - S T A . 2 1+0 0 .0 0END WALL 20 1510 3 4 5 F F F F F F F F F F F F F -2 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 222 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 22 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 222 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 33 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4444 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 555555 5 5 5 5 5 5 55 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 66666 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7777 8 8 88 89 (TYP) KEYED IN 3.5' CLASS II RIPRAP 1.5:1 1.5:1 DATE: 2/14/18 WSEL AND NWSEL= 0.1 FT PROFILE ALONG C.L. SIDE OF BRIDGE LOW STEEL ON LOW SITE 1 7 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 10 OF 14 SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER Office of: Prepared in the NC FIRM LICENSE No: P-0339 (919) 732-6676 (FAX) (919) 732-3883 Hillsborough, NC 27278 504 Meadowlands Drive 25-MAR-2019 12:29 B4593_Hyd_prm_psh_8_pfl.dgn Patrick.Hartnett DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED -LDET-FOR -L- PLAN, SEE SHEET 6 -LDET-FOR -L- PLAN, SEE SHEET 7 B-4593 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 PRO F E S S ION AL ENGI N E ER NO R T H C AROL I NA SEAL 046981 EKNHAJ .E HTIAF SEAL 046226 REENIGNE L ANOISSEFORP ANI LORACHTRON IKSOKSTAP .M NOSAJ PI = 12+70.00 EL = 8.38' VC = 150' K = 108 PI = 14+60.00 EL = 11.19' VC = 160'K = 86 PI = 17+70.00 EL = 10.00' (-)0 .3 8 3 9 % VC = 100'K = 221 EL = 8.31 -LDET- STA 11+92.83 BEGIN GRADE EL = 10.90 -LDET- STA 15+35+/- BEGIN BRIDGE EL = 10.36 -LDET- STA 16+75+/- END BRIDGE 8.31 (+)0 .0 9 0 7 %(+)1.4 7 8 9 %(+)1.4 7 8 9 %(-)0 .3 8 3 9 %(-)0 .3 8 3 9 % PI = 17+70.00 EL = 10.00' VC = 100'K = 221 EL = 6.08 -LDET- STA 22+58.65 END GRADE (-)0 .3 8 3 9 %(-)0 .8 0 2 2 %(-)0 .8 0 2 2 % SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER Office of: Prepared in the NC FIRM LICENSE No: P-0339 (919) 732-6676 (FAX) (919) 732-3883 Hillsborough, NC 27278 504 Meadowlands Drive 25-MAR-2019 12:29 B4593_Hyd_prm_psh_8_pfl.dgn Patrick.Hartnett DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED -LDET-FOR -L- PLAN, SEE SHEET 6 -LDET-FOR -L- PLAN, SEE SHEET 7 B-4593 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 PRO F E S S ION AL ENGI N E ER NO R T H C AROL I NA SEAL 046981 EKNHAJ .E HTIAF SEAL 046226 REENIGNE L ANOISSEFORP ANI LORACHTRON IKSOKSTAP .M NOSAJ DESIGN DISCHARGE DESIGN FREQUENCY BASE DISCHARGE CFS YRS YRS BASE FREQUENCY OVERTOPPING ELEVATION OVERTOPPING FREQUENCY OVERTOPPING DISCHARGE CFS CFS YRS FT FT FT DESIGN HW ELEVATION BASE HW ELEVATION BRIDGE HYDRAULIC DATA FT DATE OF SURVEY W.S. ELEVATION AT DATE OF SURVEY FT = N/A = N/A = N/A = N/A = N/A = N/A = 3450 = 500+ = 4.6 = = 02/14/2018 = 0.1 o 2.5' CAPS UTILIZED SKEW = 90ELEV. 10.6' STA 16+05 -LDET- 140' DETOUR BRIDGE OF BRIDGE AT LOW SIDE LOW STEEL ELEV. 3.0 FT EXCAVATE TO CLASS II RIPRAP CLASS II RIPRAP DATE: 2/14/18 WSEL = 0.1 FT PROFILE ALONG C.L. ELEV. 4.0 FT EXCAVATE TO 1.5:1 1.5:1 REMOVED TO BE EXISTING STRUCTURE SITE 1 6 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 11 OF 14 SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER Office of: Prepared in the NC FIRM LICENSE No: P-0339 (919) 732-6676 (FAX) (919) 732-3883 Hillsborough, NC 27278 504 Meadowlands Drive 25-MAR-2019 12:29 B4593_Hyd_prm_psh_9.dgn Patrick.Hartnett DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED -L- -L- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 FOR -L- PLAN, SEE SHEET 4 FOR -L- PLAN, SEE SHEET 5 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 B-4593 8 EL 5.85' -L- STA 24+04.43, 210.47' RT -BL- STA 31+46.00, 248' RT BM #1: PRO F E S S ION AL ENGI N E ER NO R T H C AROL I NA SEAL 046981 EKNHAJ .E HTIAF SEAL 046226 REENIGNE L ANOISSEFORP ANI LORACHTRON IKSOKSTAP .M NOSAJ SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER Office of: Prepared in the NC FIRM LICENSE No: P-0339 (919) 732-6676 (FAX) (919) 732-3883 Hillsborough, NC 27278 504 Meadowlands Drive 25-MAR-2019 12:29 B4593_Hyd_prm_psh_9.dgn Patrick.Hartnett DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION -L- -L- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 FOR -L- PLAN, SEE SHEET 4 FOR -L- PLAN, SEE SHEET 5 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 B-4593 8 EL 5.85' -L- STA 24+04.43, 210.47' RT -BL- STA 31+46.00, 248' RT BM #1: EL = 6.94 -L- STA 11+00.00 BEGIN GRADE EL = 12.51 -L- STA 17+82.00 END BRIDGE EL = 12.20 -L- STA 16+22.00 BEGIN BRIDGE PI = 13+80.00 EL = 9.08' (+)1.4 8 14 % VC = 150' K = 177 PI = 17+02.00 EL = 13.85' (+)1.4 8 14 %(-)1.0 9 2 7 % VC = 400' K = 155 12.15 PI = 12+00.00 EL = 8.27' (+)1.3 3 0 0 %(+)0 .4 5 0 0 % VC = 150' (+)0 .4 5 0 0 % K = 170 EL = 5.35 -L- STA 26+00.00 END GRADEPI = 24+25.00 EL = 5.95' (-)1.0 9 2 7 % K = 20012.15 12.15 -L- STA 27+00.00 END MILLING AND PAVING VC = 150' (-)0 .3 4 2 9 % DESIGN DISCHARGE DESIGN FREQUENCY BASE DISCHARGE CFS YRS YRS BASE FREQUENCY OVERTOPPING ELEVATION OVERTOPPING FREQUENCY OVERTOPPING DISCHARGE CFS CFS YRS FT FT FT DESIGN HW ELEVATION BASE HW ELEVATION BRIDGE HYDRAULIC DATA FT DATE OF SURVEY W.S. ELEVATION AT DATE OF SURVEY FT = N/A = N/A = N/A = N/A = N/A = N/A = 3450 = 500+ = 4.6 = = 02/14/2018 = 0.1 4.0' CAPS UTILIZED SKEW = 90ELEV. 12.6' STA 17+02 -L-1@55',1@50', 1@55' 36" GIRDER o 00 00 1010 1010 2020 2020 3030 3030 4040 4040 5050 5050 6060 6060 7070 7070 8080 8080 9090 9090 100100 100100 110110 110110 120120 120120 130130 130130 140140 140140 150150 150150 Office of: Prepared in the NC FIRM LICENSE No: P-0339 (919) 732-6676 (FAX) (919) 732-3883 Hillsborough, NC 27278 504 Meadowlands Drive 25-MAR-2019 12:29 B4593_HYD_xpl_det.dgn Patrick.Hartnett PROJ. REFERENCE NO.SHEET NO.0 10 10 20 20 0 013+00.00 10 10 20 20 0 013+50.00 10 10 20 20 0 014+00.00 10 10 20 20 0 014+50.00 X-2B-4593 -L- 5 10 PLANS REDLINE DRAINAGE APRIL 25, 2018 WETLANDS WETLANDS 8.23 - LDET - STA 12+00.72 OFF 13.49' 0.0030.003 2:18.23 3 :1 0 .0 2 00.0 2 0 - LDET - STA 12+00.72 OFF 13.49' 2:1 WETLANDS WETLANDS 8.48 - LDET - STA 12+51.30 OFF 20.39' 0 .0 1 90.0 1 8 2:18.48 3 :12:1 0 .0 2 00.0 2 0 - LDET - STA 12+51.30 OFF 20.39' WETLANDS WETLANDS 8.87 - LDET - STA 13+01.90 OFF 27.59' 0 .0 4 00.0 3 9 6.17 2:1 8.87 3 :1 0.0060.0 2 0 - LDET - STA 13+01.90 OFF 27.59' 2:1 WETLANDS WETLANDS 9.27 - LDET - STA 13+52.32 OFF 34.07' 3:1 0 .0 4 10.0 4 1 2:1 9.27 3 :1 0 .0 130.0 2 0 - LDET - STA 13+52.32 OFF 34.07' 2:1 00 00 1010 1010 2020 2020 3030 3030 4040 4040 5050 5050 6060 6060 7070 7070 8080 8080 9090 9090 100100 100100 110110 110110 120120 120120 130130 130130 140140 140140 150150 150150 Office of: Prepared in the NC FIRM LICENSE No: P-0339 (919) 732-6676 (FAX) (919) 732-3883 Hillsborough, NC 27278 504 Meadowlands Drive 25-MAR-2019 12:29 B4593_HYD_xpl_det.dgn Patrick.Hartnett PROJ. REFERENCE NO.SHEET NO.0 10 10 20 20 0 015+00.00 10 10 20 20 0 015+50.00 10 10 20 20 0 016+00.00 0 0 10 10 20 20 -10 -10 16+50.00 X-3B-4593 -L- 5 10 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 12 OF 14 WETLANDS WETLANDS 9.69 - LDET - STA 14+02.58 OFF 39.16' 3:1 0 .0 4 10.0 4 1 2:1 9.69 0 .0 2 00.0 2 0 - LDET - STA 14+02.58 OFF 39.16' 2:1 3 .1:1 WETLANDS WETLANDS 10.17 - LDET - STA 14+52.72 OFF 42.88' 3:1 0 .0 4 00.0 4 0 2:1 10.17 3 :1 0 .0 2 00.0 2 0 - LDET - STA 14+52.72 OFF 42.88' 2:1 WETLANDS WETLANDS 10.72 - LDET - STA 15+02.78 OFF 45.23' 2:13:1 0 .0 4 00.0 4 0 10.72 3 :1 0 .0 2 00.0 2 0 - LDET - STA 15+02.78 OFF 45.23'BEGIN BRIDGE -L- STA. 16+22.00 2:1 1.97 - LDET - STA 15+52.79 OFF 46.22' 0 .0 4 00.0 4 0 1.97 0 .0 2 00.0 2 0 - LDET - STA 15+52.79 OFF 46.22' 00 00 1010 1010 2020 2020 3030 3030 4040 4040 5050 5050 6060 6060 7070 7070 8080 8080 9090 9090 100100 100100 110110 110110 120120 120120 130130 130130 140140 140140 150150 150150 Office of: Prepared in the NC FIRM LICENSE No: P-0339 (919) 732-6676 (FAX) (919) 732-3883 Hillsborough, NC 27278 504 Meadowlands Drive 25-MAR-2019 12:29 B4593_HYD_xpl_det.dgn Patrick.Hartnett PROJ. REFERENCE NO.SHEET NO.0 0 0 10 10 20 20 -10 -10 17+00.00 10 10 20 20 0 0 17+50.00 10 10 20 20 0 018+00.00 10 10 20 20 0 018+50.00 X-4B-4593 -L- 5 10 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 13 OF 14 -9.57 - LDET - STA 16+02.79 OFF 46.15' 0 .0 4 00.0 4 0 -9.57 0 .0 2 00.0 2 0 - LDET - STA 16+02.79 OFF 46.15' 0.42 - LDET - STA 16+52.79 OFF 46.02' 0 .0 4 00.0 4 0 0.42 0 .0 2 00.0 2 0 - LDET - STA 16+52.79 OFF 46.02' END BRIDGE -L- STA. 17+82.00 WETLANDS WETLANDS 10.84 - LDET - STA 17+02.79 OFF 45.45' 2:13:1 0 .0 4 00.0 4 0 10.84 3 :1 0 .0 2 00.0 2 0 - LDET - STA 17+02.79 OFF 45.45' 2:1 WETLANDS WETLANDS 10.53 - LDET - STA 17+52.83 OFF 43.55' 3:1 0 .0 3 50.0 3 5 2:1 10.53 3 :1 0 .0 2 00.0 2 0 - LDET - STA 17+52.83 OFF 43.55' 2:1 00 00 1010 1010 2020 2020 3030 3030 4040 4040 5050 5050 6060 6060 7070 7070 8080 8080 9090 9090 100100 100100 110110 110110 120120 120120 130130 130130 140140 140140 150150 150150 Office of: Prepared in the NC FIRM LICENSE No: P-0339 (919) 732-6676 (FAX) (919) 732-3883 Hillsborough, NC 27278 504 Meadowlands Drive 25-MAR-2019 12:29 B4593_HYD_xpl_det.dgn Patrick.Hartnett PROJ. REFERENCE NO.SHEET NO.0 10 10 20 20 0 019+00.00 10 10 20 20 0 019+50.00 10 10 20 20 0 020+00.00 10 10 20 20 0 020+50.00 X-5B-4593 -L- 5 10 PLANS REDLINE DRAINAGE APRIL 25, 2018 3 :13:1 3:13:1WETLANDS WETLANDS 10.26 - LDET - STA 18+02.93 OFF 40.35' 0 .0 1 50.0 14 2:13:1 10.26 3 :1 0 .0 2 00.0 11 - LDET - STA 17+02.93 OFF 40.35' 2:1 WETLANDS WETLANDS 9.88 - LDET - STA 18+53.06 OFF 36.85' 0.0060.007 2:1 3:1 9.88 3 :1 0 .0 2 00.007 - LDET - STA 18+53.06 OFF 36.85' 2:1 WETLANDS WETLANDS 9.45 - LDET - STA 19+03.17 OFF 33.43' 0 .0 2 70.0 2 8 2:1 3:1 9.45 3 :1 0 .0 2 60.0 2 6 - LDET - STA 19+03.17 OFF 33.43' 2:1 WETLANDS WETLANDS 9.12 - LDET - STA 19+53.01 OFF 31.04' 2:1 3:1 0 .0 4 00.0 4 0 9.12 3 :1 0 .0 4 40.0 4 4 - LDET - STA 19+53.01 OFF 31.04' 2:1 00 00 1010 1010 2020 2020 3030 3030 4040 4040 5050 5050 6060 6060 7070 7070 8080 8080 9090 9090 100100 100100 110110 110110 120120 120120 130130 130130 140140 140140 150150 150150 Office of: Prepared in the NC FIRM LICENSE No: P-0339 (919) 732-6676 (FAX) (919) 732-3883 Hillsborough, NC 27278 504 Meadowlands Drive 25-MAR-2019 12:29 B4593_HYD_xpl_det.dgn Patrick.Hartnett PROJ. REFERENCE NO.SHEET NO.0 10 10 20 20 0 021+00.00 10 10 20 20 0 021+50.00 10 10 20 20 0 022+00.00 10 10 20 20 0 022+50.00 X-6B-4593 -L- 5 10 PLANS REDLINE DRAINAGE APRIL 25, 2018 WETLANDS WETLANDS 8.88 - LDET - STA 20+02.06 OFF 28.87' 2:1 3:1 0 .0 4 00.0 4 0 8.88 3 :1 0 .0 6 00.0 6 0 - LDET - STA 20+02.06 OFF 28.87' 2:1 WETLANDS WETLANDS 8.61 - LDET - STA 20+51.20 OFF 26.37' 2:1 0 .0 4 00.0 4 0 8.61 3 :1 0 .0 6 00.0 6 0 - LDET - STA 20+51.20 OFF 26.37' 2:1 WETLANDS WETLANDS 8.19 - LDET - STA 21+00.45 OFF 23.55' 0 .0 3 90.0 3 9 2:1 8.19 3 :1 0 .0 6 00.0 6 0 - LDET - STA 21+00.45 OFF 23.55' 2:1 WETLANDS WETLANDS 7.58 - LDET - STA 21+49.82 OFF 20.41' 0 .0 3 90.0 3 9 2:17.58 3 :1 0 .0 5 40.0 5 4 - LDET - STA 21+49.82 OFF 20.41' 2:1 Hand Existing Existing Temp Permanent Excavation Mechanized Clearing Permanent Temp. Channel Channel Natural Site Station Structure Fill In Fill In in Clearing in SW SW Impacts Impacts Stream No.(From/To)Size / Type Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands in Wetlands Wetlands impacts impacts Permanent Temp. Design (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 12+25 to 22+37 -L- LT Roadway Fill Slope < 0.01 0.10 1 11+24 to 22+76 -L- RT Roadway Fill Slope 0.09 0.04 1 15+97 to 16+28 -L- LT Rip Rap < 0.01*8.00 1 11+12 to 22+04 -L_DET_ RT Detour Fill Slope 0.15 0.18 TOTALS*:0.15 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.32 < 0.01* 0.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 Revised 2016 09 09 SHEET 14 OF 14 03/25/2019 PAMLICO COUNTY NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION B-4593 **Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts** NOTES: 0.09 acre of Temporary Fill in Wetlands in the Hand Clearing areas for erosion control measures. >0.01 acre of Permanent Surface water impacts due to bents *Permanent SW impacts = 143 sf WETLAND AND SURACE WATER IMPACTS SUMMARY SURFACE WATER IMPACTSWETLAND IMPACTS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BRIDGE REPLACEMENT ON NC 55 OVER TRENT CREEK SHEET 1 OF 5 BUFFER DRAWING BUFFER IMPACTS PERMIT D T V = = = = = = % % MPH ADT ADT % * FUNC CLASS = DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED K 0 0 0 PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) 38422.2.1 38422.3.1 CONST. PROJECT LENGTH RIGHT OF WAY DATE: LETTING DATE: STATE STATE PROJECT REFERENCE NO. STATE PROJ. NO.F. A. PROJ. NO.DESCRIPTION NO.TOTAL SHEETS N.C. SHEET1 DESIGN DATA SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: P.E. P.E. PROJECT ENGINEER PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER GRAPHIC SCALES PLANS PROFILE (VERTICAL) HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER ROADWAY DESIGN LOCATION: TYPE OF WORK: 09/08/99 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 0 00 25-MAR-2019 11:23 B4593_Hyd_prm _buf_tsh.dgn Patrick.Hartnett CONTRACT: TIP PROJECT: A R T M EN N A S O H DEP T O F T R A S P OR T T IO N T ATE O F N R T C AROLIN A FIRM NO. P-0339 Prepared in the Office of: www.summitde.net Fax: (919) 732-6776 Voice: (919) 732-3883 Hillsborough, NC 27278-8551 504 Meadowland Drive MPHV=DET 505025 50 25 10 5 10 20 10050 100 GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING AND STRUCTURE. B-4593 VICINITY MAP MAJOR COLLECTOR REGIONAL TIER 8600 8 55 9 * TTST =2%DUAL =7% B-4593 B-4593 PROJECT 60 50 38422.1.2 BRIDGE NO. 38 ON NC 55 OVER TRENT CREEK BEGIN BRIDGE END BRIDGE 4,6 5,7 -L- STA. 11+00.00 END BRIDGEBEGIN BRIDGE -L- STA. 26+00.00 TOTAL LENGTH OF TIP PROJECT B-4593 = 0.284 MILES LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT B-4593 = 0.254 MILES LENGTH STUCTURE TIP PROJECT B-4593 = 0.030 MILES 2040 TO B A YBO RO TO O RIEN TA L R I V E R R IVER BAY Stonewall Trent Church CentralSchool Trent Creek Trent Creek Chapel 55 55 55 Bayboro Main St. Gibbtown 55 55 Callisons Merritt Trent Cr. BAY Prong S o ut h N orth Prong pop. 282 304 2018 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 2019 5576 PE -L- NC 55 -D E T - TRENT CREEK TRENT CREEK SR 1324 SR 1322 B A Y RI V E R NCDOT CONTACT:DAVID STUTTS, PE BEGIN TIP PROJECT B-4593 END TIP PROJECT B-4593 See Sheet 1C-1 For Survey Control Sheet See Sheet 1B For Conventional Plan Sheet SymbolsSee Sheet 1A For Index of Sheets MAY 21, 2019 C204217 CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD III. NOVEMBER 1, 2018 R/W, Utilities N C G RI D N A D 8 3 N A 2 0 11 -L- STA. 27+00.00 END CONSTRUCTION -L- STA. 16+22.00 -L- STA. 17+82.00 --- BRANDON W. JOHNSON, PE FAITH E. JAHNKE, PE PRO F E S S IO N AL ENGI N E ER NO R T H C AROL I NA SEAL 046981 EKNHAJ .E HTIAF SEAL 046226 REENIGNE L ANOISSEFORP ANI LORACHTRON IKSOKSTAP .M NOSAJ PAMLICO COUNTY -Y1- STA. 11+37.94 END CONSTRUCTION -LDET- STA. 15+35.00 -LDET- STA. 16+75.00 P ILE WALL P R OP OS E D S H E E T 1002 1203 1209 1209 1342 1337 1337 1334 1336 1212 1335 1315 1336 1335 1334 1324 1333 1322 1316 1323 1324 1322 W ater Street C h i n c h i l l a D r i v e Rowe Road Ca lliso n R o a d Spruill Road Trent Road F lo rence Road Gibbtown RoadGibbtown R oa d Sp a in F a rm R o ad M cCotter Road A llig a to r C re e k R o a d Road Seawell Farm +07 +97 +97 +07 SHEET 2 OF 5 BUFFER DRAWING 2/CONST. 4 ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 1 ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 2 ON THIS SHEET IMPACTS APPEAR GRAY DETOUR BUFFER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED REVISIO NS HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 4B-4593 8/17/99 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED M ATCHLIN E -L- STA 19+ 00.00 (SEE SHEET 5) FOR PROFILE, SEE SHEET 8 FOR ONSITE DETOUR, SEE SHEET 6 32' 24' -L- STA. 16+22.00 BEGIN BRIDGE -L- STA. 17+82.00 END BRIDGE -L- STA. 18+06.17 END APP. SLAB-L- STA. 15+97.83 BEGIN APP. SLAB SKETCH SHOWING BRIDGE TO PAVEMENT RELATIONSHIP 02 0202 02 F-F 12' 12' 4' 4' R/W REV: REMOVED ROW, ADDED TCE, ADDED PDE ON PARCELS 1, 2, 3, AND 4. - FEJ 190131 25-MAR-2019 11:23 Patrick.Hartnett SEE SHEETS S-1 THRU S-42 FOR STRUCTURES PLANS PRO F E S S ION AL ENGI N E ER NO R T H C AROL I NA SEAL 046981 EKNHAJ .E HTIAF SEAL 046226 REENIGNE L ANOISSEFORP ANI LORACHTRON IKSOKSTAP .M NOSAJ 10 15 -L- -L- STA. 11+00.00 BEGIN PROJECT TIP B-4593 -L- STA 17+82.00 END BRIDGE -L- STA 16+22.00 BEGIN BRIDGE SE = RC RO = 54' PI Sta 11+90.14 D L = 380.21' T = 190.14' R = 7,860.00' -L- -L- STA 15+97.83 BEGIN APPROACH SLAB -L- STA 18+06.17 END APPROACH SLAB -L- PT Sta. 13+80.21-L- PC Sta. 10+00.00BEGIN CONSTRUCTION 027 004 02 02 0200 00 02 02 24' 01 01 01 8 :1 8 :1 24' +37.80 T YPINC 2 7 ' 02 02 4' PS 4' PS 02 0212' 12' 8 :1 GREU TL-3 GREU TL-3 GREU TL-3 GREU TL-3 TYPE-III TYPE-III TYPE-III TYPE-III 99.00 RT+02.00 -L-99.00 RT+50.00 -L- EX R/W 43.00 RT+00.00 -L- 1 1 2 3 4 +25.00 -L- EX R/W 50.00 LT +63.00 -L- 88.00 LT 103.00 LT +84.00 -L- 88.00 LT 103.00 LT +00.00 -L- 88.00 LT +80.00 -L- 88.00 LT +44.00 -L- (EX R/W) 63 RT +22.00 -L- (EX R/W) 63.00 RT 55.00 RT+91.00 -L- EX R/W 50.00 RT+17.00 -L- EX R/W 50.00 RT+86.00 -L- 52.00 RT+00.00 -L- EX R/W 48.00 LT+21.00 -L- EX R/W 46.00 LT+28.00 -L- 110 114 TRENT CREEK TRENT CREEK N C H WY 5 5 2 4 ' B S T N C H WY 5 5 2 4 ' B S T N C G RI D N A D 8 3 N A 2 0 11 T T C A R V A R V 60.00' E X IS T IN G R /W E X IS T IN G R /W WO O D E D WOODED WOODED VIOLET MOLLANO DB 352 PG 25 WOODED WOODED WOODED JOHN L. McCOTTER, III DB 353 PG 860 MB 7 PG 78 JOHN L. McCOTTER, III DB 353 PG 860 MB 7 PG 78 WOODED WOODED WOODED JAMES BRINSON, et ux DB 213 PG 649 LARRY MASSENGILL, et al DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 PAMCAR FARMS, LLC DB 306 PG 447 J O H N L . M c C O T T E R , IIIDB 3 5 3 P G 8 6 041.98'+97.5677 0403 0405 0401 0402 0406 0407 C C C C CC CC C C C 0404 TYPE-III TYPE-III TYPE-III TYPE-III TB 2GI TB 2GI TB 2GI TB 2GI TB 2GI15" RCP-III 15" RCP-III 15" RCP-III F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Geotextile Ground Natural 1' Thickness SHEET 3 OF 5 BUFFER DRAWING 3/CONST. 6 ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 1 ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 2 ON THIS SHEET IMPACTS APPEAR GRAY -L- PROPOSED BUFFER 30' SKETCH SHOWING BRIDGE TO PAVEMENT RELATIONSHIP 04 F-F 11' 11' -LDET- STA. 16+75.00 END BRIDGE 4' 4' DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED REVISIO NS HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 6B-4593 8/17/99 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED M ATCHLIN E -L- STA 19+ 00.00 (SEE SHEET 7) FOR PROFILE, SEE SHEET 9 FOR -L- LINE, SEE SHEET 4 R/W REV: REMOVED ROW, ADDED TCE, ADDED PDE ON PARCELS 1, 2, 3, AND 4. - FEJ 190131 25-MAR-2019 11:23 Patrick.Hartnett -LDET- STA. 15+35.00 BEGIN BRIDGE 22' 22' PRO F E S S ION AL ENGI N E ER NO R T H C AROL I NA SEAL 046981 EKNHAJ .E HTIAF SEAL 046226 REENIGNE L ANOISSEFORP ANI LORACHTRON IKSOKSTAP .M NOSAJ 04 P I S t a 10 +9 9 .7 4D L = 19 9 .2 9 'T = 9 9 .7 4 'R = 1,8 4 0 .0 0 ' PI Sta 14+34.46 D L = 269.85' T = 135.16' R = 1,840.00' PI Sta 17+24.58 D L = 123.64' T = 61.84' R = 1,840.00' 10 15 SE = 04 SE = 04SE = 0 4 -LDET- R O = 9 6 ' RO = 96'RO = 96' -LDET- STA. 11+92.83 BEGIN GRADE -LD E T - -LDET- STA 16+75.00 END BRIDGE -LDET- STA 15+35.00 BEGIN BRIDGE -LDET- PC STA 10+00.00 -L- POC STA 11+00.00= BEGIN DETOUR CONSTRUCTION -L- -LDET- PT Sta. 11+99.29 -LDET- PC Sta. 12+99.29 -LDET- PT Sta. 15+69.14 -LDET- PC Sta. 16+62.74 -LDET- PT Sta. 17+86.38 TEM P G RE U TL-3 TEM P TYP E -III TEM P TYP E -III TEM P TYP E-IIITEMP G REU TL-3 TEM P TYP E-III 110 114 TRENT CREEK TRENT CREEK N C H WY 5 5 2 4 ' B S T N C H WY 5 5 2 4 ' B S T ALONG CREEK N C G RI D N A D 8 3 N A 2 0 11 T T C -E L- -EL-S 71°23'48" W317.97'S 8 9°2 5'0 0" E 17 5.6 8' S 6 8 °5 0 '5 4 " E 5 9 .5 2 'S 5 0 °3 4 '12 " E113.2 3 ' S 37°22'31" E99.53' S 39°25 '01" W 266 .85 ' PROPERTY LINE ALONG M EAN HIGH W ATER M ARK OF TRENT CREEK W ATER M ARK OF TRENT CREEK PROPERTY LINE ALONG M EAN HIGH 60.00' E X IS T IN G R /W E X IS T IN G R /W WO O D E D WOODED WOODED VIOLET MOLLANO DB 352 PG 25 WOODED WOODED WOODED JOHN L. McCOTTER, III DB 353 PG 860 MB 7 PG 78 JOHN L. McCOTTER, III DB 353 PG 860 MB 7 PG 78 WOODED WOODED WOODED JAMES BRINSON, et ux DB 213 PG 649 LARRY MASSENGILL, et al DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 PAMCAR FARMS, LLC DB 306 PG 447 J O H N L . M c C O T T E R , IIIDB 3 5 3 P G 8 6 0 WATER MARK OF TRENT CREEK PROPERTY LINE ALONG MEAN HIGH SWAMP 1984 NCGS MONUMENT W ATER M ARK OF TRENT CREEK PROPERTY LINE ALONG M EAN HIGH 007 00 01 02 03 04 04 03 0222' T YP IN C 2 4 ' +33.56 2 5 :1 2 5 :125:1 2 5 :1 23' P IL E WA L L P R O P O S E D S H E E T -DET- STA. 12+80.00 BEGIN WALL -DET- STA. 16+70.90 BEGIN WALL 10 15 99.00 RT+02.00 -L-99.00 RT+50.00 -L- EX R/W 43.00 RT+00.00 -L- 1 1 2 3 4 +25.00 -L- EX R/W 50.00 LT +63.00 -L- 88.00 LT 103.00 LT +84.00 -L- 88.00 LT 103.00 LT +00.00 -L- 88.00 LT +80.00 -L- 88.00 LT +44.00 -L- (EX R/W) 63 RT +22.00 -L- (EX R/W) 63.00 RT 55.00 RT+91.00 -L- EX R/W 50.00 RT+17.00 -L- EX R/W 50.00 RT+86.00 -L- 52.00 RT+00.00 -L- EX R/W 48.00 LT+21.00 -L- EX R/W 46.00 LT+28.00 -L- 0601 0602 0603 0604 DETAIL 6-1 ( Not to Scale) Fill Slope3:1 or FlatterTOE PROTECTION 6 7 S Y G e o t e xtileType o f Lin e r =3 3 TO N S C la s s B Rip -Ra p 5'4.5' F RO M S TA . 12 +2 0 TO S TA . 12 +8 0 -L D ET- RT TE M P TY P E -III TE M P TY P E -II I T E M P T YP E -I II T E M P T YP E -I II EX R/W 50.00 RT +17.00 -L- EX R/W 50.00 RT+86.00 -L- TEMP TB 2GITEMP 2GI +95+15 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Site Station Structure No. (From/To) Size / Type 1 15+37 -L- LT to 18+09 -L- LT Proposed Bridge X 425 373 798 1 16+09 -L- RT to 18+12 -L- RT Detour Bridge X 1371 880 2251 1 1 1 1 1796 1253 3049 00000 NOTES: Revised 2018 Feb SHEET 4 OF 5 ALLOWABLE MITIGABLE 3/25/2019 ZONE 2 (ft2) ZONE 1 (ft2) TOTAL (ft2) ZONE 2 (ft2) ZONE 1 (ft2) TOTAL (ft2) BRIDGE REPLACEMENT ON NC HWY 55 BYPASS OVER TRENT CREEK PAMLICO COUNTY B-4593 BUFFER REPLACEMENT IMPACTS RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS SUMMARY NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS TOTALS*: ROAD CROSSING BRIDGE PARALLEL IMPACT ZONE 1 (ft2) ZONE 2 (ft2) TYPE ZONE 1 (ft2) ZONE 2 (ft2) 1 15+37 to 18+09 -L- LT 22 73 1 16+09 to 18+12 -L- RT 597 389 619 462 Revised 2018 Feb SHEET 5 OF 5 B-4593 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT ON NC HWY 55 BYPASS OVER TRENT CREEK PAMLICO COUNTY WETLANDS IN BUFFER IMPACTS SUMMARY NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 3/25/2019 WETLANDS IN BUFFERS SITE NO. STATION (FROM/TO) TOTAL: Rev. Jan 2009 Site Station Structure No.(From/To)Size / Type 1 15+37 -L- LT to 18+09 -L- LT Utility Relocation X 2092 1392 3484 2092 1392 3484 00000 NOTES: Revised 2018 Feb SHEET 2 OF 3 ALLOWABLE MITIGABLE 4/2/2019 ZONE 2 (ft2) ZONE 1 (ft2) TOTAL (ft2) ZONE 2 (ft2) ZONE 1 (ft2) TOTAL (ft2) BRIDGE REPLACEMENT ON NC HWY 55 BYPASS OVER TRENT CREEK PAMLICO COUNTY B-4593 BUFFER REPLACEMENT IMPACTS RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS SUMMARY NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS TOTALS*: ROAD CROSSING BRIDGE PARALLEL IMPACT ZONE 1 (ft2) ZONE 2 (ft2) TYPE ZONE 1 (ft2) ZONE 2 (ft2) 1 15+37 to 18+09 -L- LT 2092 1392 2092 1392 Revised 2018 Feb SHEET 3 OF 3 WETLANDS IN BUFFER IMPACTS SUMMARY NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 4/2/2019 WETLANDS IN BUFFERS SITE NO. STATION (FROM/TO) TOTAL: B-4593 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT ON NC HWY 55 BYPASS OVER TRENT CREEK PAMLICO COUNTY Rev. Jan 2009 B-4593 Utility Narrative Pamlico County, North Carolina Updated April 16, 2019 Duke Energy Contact Information: Alex Craig (919) 399-3081 ext. 7304 alex.craig@duke-energy.com Duke Energy will be changing out (2) poles for taller poles, placing (5) new poles in the new PUE acquired north of NC Hwy 55, removing (5) existing poles north of NC Hwy 55, placing (1) new pole south of NC Hwy 55, and installing (11) and replacing (1) guys and anchors. Wetland areas will be impacted by the installation of five new poles and 11 guys and anchors in the wetland areas and the clearing required. The clearing for the proposed power lines will be 30 feet wide (15 feet on each side of the lines), and the hand clearing impacts total 0.66 acres. There are also 15 square feet of utility pole impacts are attributed to Duke Energy. Additionally, Duke energy guy wires/anchors account for 33 square feet of impacts. CenturyLink Contact Information: Rod Medlin (252) 413-7711 rod.m.medlin@centurylink.com CenturyLink will be removing (2) poles, installing (4) guys and anchors, and abandoning buried cables south of NC Hwy 55. The replacement copper and fiber cables will be placed on the north side on NC Hwy 55 both buried in the R/W, and aerially west of the project, then both aerially attached to the new Duke poles inside the project, then riser down the existing pole at Florence Road, and buried under NC Hwy 55 to an existing handhole south of NC Hwy 55. Wetland areas will be impacted by the installation of (2) guys and anchors in the wetland which account for 6 square feet of impacts. Spectrum Contact Information: Stan Ramsay (252) 725-1141 stan.ramsay@pintechcorp.com Spectrum will be abandoning buried cable south of NC Hwy 55, and removed from the aerial crossing attached to CenturyLink’s poles (to be removed). Spectrum will be attaching to Duke’s new poles north of NC Hwy 55, and to Duke’s existing poles until they are east of Florence Rd. Then, they will go buried under NC Hwy 55 to tie back into their existing facilities west of N Trent Rd. Spectrum will be installing (4) guys and anchors. Wetland areas will be impacted by the installation of (3) guys and anchors in the wetland areas which account for 9 square feet of impacts. Bay River Metropolitan Sewer Contact Information: Eric Harper - (252) 670-4055 - (252) 745-4812 (office) ericbayriver@gmail.com Chris Venters (252) 670-8236 venters.brmsd@gmail.com Bay River Metropolitan Sewer will be abandoning approximately 1184 LF of 6-inch PVC sanitary sewer forcemain north on the northside of NC Hwy 55. The abandoned segment will be replaced by approximately 230 LF of 8-inch PVC forcemain, 970 LF of 10-inch HDPE forcemain, two 8-inch insertion valves, 2 8-inch 11.25-degree bends, one 8-inch 22.5 degree bends, two combination air valve and vaults, and two 10”x8” HDPE Reducers with 8” MJ Adaptors. The new segment will connect to the existing sanitary sewer forcemain east and west of the bridge. The proposed forcemain will cross underneath Trent Creek (maintaining a 20’ minimum separation below the bottom of the channel) with 970 LF of directionally drilled 10-inch HDPE. The sanitary sewer directional drilling will require a 35’x25’ bore pit west of the bridge and utilize the 35’x20’ bore pit for the waterline relocation’s eastern crossing of NC Hwy 55 as a receiving pit. A combination air valve and vaults will be installed on both sides of the directional boring. Wetland areas will be impacted by the installation of the combination air valve and vault east of the bridge for a total impact of 34 sf. It is important to note that the 35’x20’ bore and receiving pit will also impact the wetland areas, but this impact is attributed to the water relocation (outlined below). Pamlico County Water Contact Information: Jeff Sanders (252) 670-7519, (252) 745-5453 (office) jeff.sanders@pamlicocounty.org Paul Campbell (252) 670-2037, (252) 745-5453 (office) paul.campbell@pamlicocounty.org Pamlico County Water will be removing/abandoning approximately 1111 feet of 8-inch PVC waterline on the south side of NC Hwy 55. The existing waterline is suspended from the existing bridge. This segment will be removed. The removed/abandoned segment of waterline will be replaced with approximately 270 LF of 8-inch PVC, 950 LF of 10” HDPE, two 8-inch insertion valves, three 8-inch 90-degree bends, an 8-inch 22.5-degree bend, an 8-inch 45-degree bend, and two 10”x8” HDPE Reducers with 8” MJ Adaptors. The new segment will cross NC Hwy 55 West and East of the bridge, requiring 36 and 45 LF of 16-inch steel casing respectively. The steel casing will be bore and jacked which will require a 35’x15’ bore pit at the west crossing and a 35’x20’ bore pit at the east crossing. Both bore pits will be north of NC Hwy 55. The new segment will connect to the existing waterline at the crossings of NC Hwy 55 which will require 15’x15’ receiving pits at both locations. The proposed waterline will cross underneath Trent Creek (maintaining a 20’ minimum separation below the bottom of the channel) with 950 LF of directionally drilled 10-inch HDPE. The waterline directional drilling will utilize the 35’x25’ bore pit west of the bridge used to directionally drill the sanitary sewer and require a 15’x15’ receiving pit east of the bridge. Wetland areas will be impacted by the bore pits at both crossings of NC Hwy 55 (north of NC Hwy 55) and the receiving pit north of NC Hwy 55 and east of the bridge. These impacts total 727 sf. Hand Existing Existing Temp Permanent Excavation Mechanized Clearing Permanent Temp. Channel Channel Natural Site Station Structure Fill In Fill In in Clearing in SW SW Impacts Impacts Stream No. (From/To) Size / Type Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands in Wetlands Wetlands impacts impacts Permanent Temp. Design (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ft) (ft) (ft) 2 10+00 to 16+30 -L- LT & RT Utility Easement 0.31 2 10+00 to 16+30-L- LT & RT Utility Poles and Guys < 0.01 ** 2 10+45 to16+65 -L- LT Water Main <0.01*** 3 17+25 to 22+80 -L- LT Utility Easement 0.34 3 17+75 to 21+00 -L- LT Utility Poles and Guy Wires < 0.01 ** 3 21+85 to 21+95 -L- LT Sanitary Sewer Force Main < 0.01 * 3 21+45 to 21+90 -L- LT Water Main 0.01 TOTALS*: 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Revised 2016 09 09 SHEET 1 OF 3 WETLAND AND SURACE WATER IMPACTS SUMMARY SURFACE WATER IMPACTSWETLAND IMPACTS **Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts** NOTES: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 4/23/2019 PAMLICO COUNTY B-4593 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT ON NC 55 OVER TRENT CREEK D T V = = = = = = % % MPH ADT ADT % * FUNC CLASS = DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED K 0 0 0 PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) 38422.2.1 38422.3.1 CONST. PROJECT LENGTH RIGHT OF WAY DATE: LETTING DATE: STATE STATE PROJECT REFERENCE NO. STATE PROJ. NO.F. A. PROJ. NO.DESCRIPTION NO. TOTAL SHEETS N.C. SHEET1 DESIGN DATA SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: P.E. P.E. PROJECT ENGINEER PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER GRAPHIC SCALES PLANS PROFILE (VERTICAL) HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER ROADWAY DESIGN LOCATION: TYPE OF WORK: 09/08/99 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 0 00 24-APR-2019 11:07 B4593_Rdy_tsh.dgn faith.jahnke CO N TRACT: TIP PROJECT: A R T M EN N A S O H D E P T O F T R A S P OR T T IO N T ATE O F N R T C AROLIN A FIRM NO. P-0339 P r e p a r e d i n t h e O f f i c e o f : www.summitde.net Fax: (919) 732-6776 V o ic e : (9 1 9 ) 7 3 2 -3 8 8 3 H ills b o r o u g h , N C 2 7 2 7 8 -8 5 5 1 504 Meadowland Drive MPHV=DET 505025 50 25 10 5 10 20 10050 100 GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING AND STRUCTURE. B-4593 VICINITY MAP MAJOR COLLECTOR REGIONAL TIER 8600 8 55 9 * TTST =2%DUAL =7% B-4593 B-4593 PROJECT 60 50 38422.1.2 BRIDGE NO. 38 ON NC 55 OVER TRENT CREEK BEGIN BRIDGE END BRIDGE 4,6 5,7 -L- STA. 11+00.00 END BRIDGEBEGIN BRIDGE -L- STA. 26+00.00 TOTAL LENGTH OF TIP PROJECT B-4593 = 0.284 MILES LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT B-4593 = 0.254 MILES LENGTH STUCTURE TIP PROJECT B-4593 = 0.030 MILES 2040 TO B A YB O RO TO O RIEN TA L R I V E R R IVER BAY Stonewall Trent Church Central School Trent Creek Trent Creek Chapel 55 55 55 Bayboro Main St. Gibbtown 55 55 Callisons Merritt Trent Cr. BAY Prong S o u t h N o r th Prong pop. 282 304 2018 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 2019 5576 PE -L- NC 55 -D E T - TRENT CREEK TRE NT CREEK SR 1324 SR 1322 B A Y RI V E R NCDOT CONTACT:DAVID STUTTS, PE BEGIN TIP PROJECT B-4593 END TIP PROJECT B-4593 See Sheet 1C-1 For Survey Control Sheet See Sheet 1B For Conventional Plan Sheet SymbolsSee Sheet 1A For Index of Sheets C204217 CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD III. NOVEMBER 1, 2018 R/W, Utilities N C G RI D N A D 8 3 N A 2 0 11 -L- STA. 27+00.00 END CONSTRUCTION -L- STA. 16+22.00 -L- STA. 17+82.00 --- BRANDON W. JOHNSON, PE FAITH E. JAHNKE, PE PRO F E S S IO N AL ENGI N E ER NO R T H C AROL I NA SEAL 046981 EKNHAJ .E HTIAF SEAL 046226 REENIGNE L ANOISSEFORP ANI LORACHTRON IKSOKSTAP .M NOSAJ PAMLICO COUNTY -Y1- STA. 11+37.94 END CONSTRUCTION -LDET- STA. 15+35.00 -LDET- STA. 16+75.00 JULY 17, 2019 1002 1203 1209 1209 1342 1337 1337 1334 1336 1212 1335 1315 1336 1335 1334 1324 1333 1322 1316 1323 1324 1322 W ater Street C h i n c h i l l a D r i v e Rowe Road C a llis o n R o a d Spruill Road Trent Road F lo rence Road Gibbtown RoadGibbtown R oa d S p a in F a rm R o a d M cCotter Road A l lig a t o r C re e k R o a d Road Seaw ell Farm Existing Edge of Pavement Existing Curb Proposed Slope Stakes Cut Proposed Slope Stakes Fill Existing Metal Guardrail Existing Cable Guiderail Proposed Guardrail Equality Symbol Pavement Removal Existing Right of Way Marker Existing Right of Way Line h Existing Control of Access C F Existing Easement Line HYDROLOGY: Stream or Body of Water Hydro, Pool or Reservoir Flow Arrow Disappearing Stream Spring ; z v W K Proposed Lateral, Tail, Head Ditch False Sump Proposed Cable Guiderail MAJOR: Bridge, Tunnel or Box Culvert Bridge Wing Wall, Head Wall and End Wall MINOR: Head and End Wall Pipe Culvert Footbridge Paved Ditch Gutter UTILITIES: ROADS AND RELATED FEATURES: Existing Power Pole Proposed Power Pole P U/G Power Cable Hand Hole Power Manhole Power Line Tower Power Transformer Existing Joint Use Pole Proposed Joint Use Pole Existing Telephone Pole Proposed Telephone Pole Telephone Manhole Telephone Pedestal U/G Telephone Cable Hand Hole R } T p Q l ]/b H-Frame Pole O O POWER: TELEPHONE: Telephone Cell Tower WATER: Water Manhole Water Meter Water Valve Water Hydrant 4 I H a TV: TV Pedestal TV Tower U/G TV Cable Hand Hole |I] GAS: Gas Valve Gas Meter n c SANITARY SEWER: Sanitary Sewer Manhole Sanitary Sewer Cleanout U/G Sanitary Sewer Line d o A/G Water Above Ground Gas Line A/G Gas Above Ground Water Line Above Ground Sanitary Sewer A/G Sanitary Sewer MISCELLANEOUS: Utility Pole O F S 3 Utility Pole with Base Utility Located Object Utility Traffic Signal Box ? CONC CONC WW v v Drainage Box: Catch Basin, DI or JB Storm Sewer Storm Sewer Manhole m U/G Tank; Water, Gas, Oil A/G Tank; Water, Gas, Oil BOUNDARIES AND PROPERTY: State Line County Line Township Line City Line Reservation Line Property Line Existing Iron Pin Property Monument Existing Fence Line Proposed Woven Wire Fence Proposed Chain Link Fence Proposed Barbed Wire Fence g F 123 Existing Wetland Boundary Proposed Wetland Boundary Existing Endangered Animal Boundary Existing Endangered Plant Boundary BUILDINGS AND OTHER CULTURE: Area Outline Gas Pump Vent or U/G Tank Cap Church School Dam Sign Small Mine Well V M WW S x Foundation S Building y y VEGETATION: Single Tree X Y Vineyard Single Shrub Hedge Woods Line Orchard Vineyard RAILROADS: Standard Gauge RR Signal Milepost Switch RR Abandoned RR Dismantled S FLOW *S.U.E. = Subsurface Utility Engineering WLB EIPBECM CONC HW CB CSX TRANSPORTATION MILEPOST 35 SWITCH Cemetery EXISTING STRUCTURES: Parcel / Sequence Number E AATUR End of Information E.O.I. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. B-4593 Abandoned According to Utility Records WLB EAB EPB R W R W R W C A E TDE PDE PUE S P P T T TC TC T FO T FO W W TV TV TV FO TV FO G G SS FSS FSS ?UTL Jurisdictional Stream JS Buffer Zone 1 Buffer Zone 2 BZ 1 BZ 2 Wetland TUE DUE AUE CRProposed Curb Ramp CONVENTIONAL PLAN SHEET SYMBOLS Underground Storage Tank, Approx. Loc. Geoenvironmental Boring C A HPBExisting Historic Property Boundary U/G Power Line LOS B (S.U.E.*) U/G Power Line LOS C (S.U.E.*) U/G Power Line LOS D (S.U.E.*) P U/G Telephone Cable LOS B (S.U.E.*) U/G Telephone Cable LOS C (S.U.E.*) U/G Telephone Cable LOS D (S.U.E.*) T U/G Telephone Conduit LOS B (S.U.E.*) U/G Telephone Conduit LOS C (S.U.E.*) U/G Telephone Conduit LOS D (S.U.E.*) TC U/G Fiber Optics Cable LOS B (S.U.E.*) U/G Fiber Optics Cable LOS C (S.U.E.*) U/G Fiber Optics Cable LOS D (S.U.E.*) T FO U/G Water Line LOS B (S.U.E*) U/G Water Line LOS C (S.U.E*) U/G Water Line LOS D (S.U.E*) W U/G TV Cable LOS B (S.U.E.*) U/G TV Cable LOS C (S.U.E.*) U/G TV Cable LOS D (S.U.E.*) TV U/G Fiber Optic Cable LOS B (S.U.E.*) U/G Fiber Optic Cable LOS C (S.U.E.*) U/G Fiber Optic Cable LOS D (S.U.E.*) TV FO U/G Gas Line LOS B (S.U.E.*) U/G Gas Line LOS C (S.U.E.*) U/G Gas Line LOS D (S.U.E.*) G SS Forced Main Line LOS B (S.U.E.*) SS Forced Main Line LOS C (S.U.E.*) SS Forced Main Line LOS D (S.U.E.*) FSS Utility Unknown U/G Line LOS B (S.U.E.*) U/G Test Hole LOS A (S.U.E.*) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Note: Not to Scale UST Contaminated Site: Known or Potential Known Contamination Area: Soil Potential Contamination Area: Soil Known Contamination Area: Water Potential Contamination Area: Water Primary Horiz Control Point Primary Horiz and Vert Control Point Secondary Horiz and Vert Control Point Exist Permanent Easment Pin and Cap New Permanent Easement Pin and Cap Vertical Benchmark New Right of Way Line Concrete or Granite R/W Marker New Right of Way Line with Concrete C/A Marker New Control of Access Line with New Control of Access New Temporary Construction Easement New Temporary Drainage Easement New Permanent Drainage Easement New Permanent Drainage / Utility Easement New Permanent Utility Easement New Temporary Utility Easement New Aerial Utility Easement 12/2/2016 Computed Property Corner RIGHT OF WAY & PROJECT CONTROL: New Right of Way Line with Pin and Cap 1B (919) 732-6676 (FAX) (919) 732-3883 Hillsborough, NC 27278 504 Meadowlands Drive NC FIRM LICENSE No: P-0339 Office of: Prepared in the DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER 2A-1B-4593 PAVEMENT DESIGN 6/2/99 24-APR-2019 11:07 B4593_Rdy_typ.dgn faith.jahnke POINT GRADE 0 .0 2 0 .0 2 0 .0 8 -L-CL 0 .0 8 6 :1 4:1 X-SECTIONS SEE SLOPE VARIABLE 3:1 6 :1 X-SECTIONS SEE SLOPE VARIABLE 6 :1 POINT GRADE 0 .0 2 0 .0 2 TYPICAL SECTION NO. 1 0 .0 8 -L-CL 0 .0 8 6 :1 4:1 X-SECTIONS SEE SLOPE VARIABLE 3:1 6 :1 X-SECTIONS SEE SLOPE VARIABLE 6 :1 MILL EX. PAVEMENT 25’/inch of surface lift INCIDENTAL MILLING PAVEMENT KEY-IN DETAIL (TIE-IN) PAVEMENT EXISTING MILLING. IS NOT PLACED ON THE SAME DAY AS THE FINAL LAYER OF SURFACE COURSE MILLING TO ENSURE SMOOTH TRAVEL IF WILLBE REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY AFTER NOTE: A TEMPORARY ASPHALT WEDGE V TO ENSURE A PROPER TIE-IN. GRADE MAY BE ADJUSTED BY ENGINEER STATION RANGES ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. 1.5" MIN. 1.5" -L- STA 26+62.50 TO 27+00.00-L- STA 11+00.00 TO 11+37.50 UW E1T C1 E1 T E1T T /// /// /// /// MIN. U MIN.MIN. MIN. Detail Showing Method of Wedging C SURVEY L C1 C3 D2 E2E2D2 C1 2.5"2.5" D1 D1 3.0"3.0" 12’ P.S. 4’ 12’ 11’ w/ GR 6’ 11’ w/ GR -L- (NC 55) 12’ MIN. P.S. 4’ 8’8’ EXIST PAVEMENT 12’12’ 11’ w/ GR 6’ 11’ w/ GR -L- (NC 55) 12’ MIN.8’8’ GRADE TO THIS LINE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 2 USE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 1 USE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 2 GRADE TO THIS LINE GRADE TO THIS LINE 9.5" 9.5"9.5" -L- STA 21+50.00 TO STA 26+00.00 -L- STA 11+00.00 TO STA 14+50.00 C2 C2 C2 4’ PS 4’ PS D1 D1 D1 POINT GRADE CL UW C1 EXIST PAVEMENT 12’12’ TYPICAL SECTION NO. 3 -L-, -Y1-* E X I S T E XIS T USE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 3 *VAR.*VAR. -Y1- STA 10+12.04 TO STA 11+37.94 -L- STA 26+00.00 TO STA 27+00.00 -Y1- (SR 1324) -L- (NC 55) -L- STA 17+82.00 (END BRIDGE) TO STA 21+50.00 -L- STA 14+50.00 TO STA 16+22.00 (BEGIN BRIDGE) 2:1 2:1 AS SHOWN ON PLANS. FACE OF GUARDRAIL NOTE: PLACE FDPS TO BE STEEPER THAN 2:1. NO SLOPES SHALL UTILIZE ROCK PLATING. FROM 3:1 TO 2:1,*FOR SLOPES VARYING PRO F E S S IO N AL ENGI N E ER NO R T H C AROL I NA SEAL 046981 EKNHAJ .E HTIAF SEAL 022896 REENIGNE L ANOISSEFORP ANI LORACHTRON NOSIRROM .S KRALC C2 E1 D1 T PARTIAL TYPICAL GRADE TO THIS LINE R 6" -L- STA. 18+06.17 TO STA. 18+24.00 RT -L- STA. 18+06.17 TO STA. 18+24.00 LT -L- STA. 15+80.25 TO STA. 15+97.83 RT -L- STA. 15+34.93 TO STA. 15+97.83 LT USE IN CONJUNCTION WITH TYPICAL SECTION #2 PROP. APPROX. 3" ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE, TYPE S9.5B, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 165 LBS. PER SQ. YD. IN EACH OF TWO LAYERS. C2 D1 PROP. APPROX. 2" ASPHALT CONCRETE INTERMEDIATE COURSE, TYPE I19.0C, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 285 LBS. PER SQ. YD. PROP. VAR. DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE INTERMEDIATE COURSE, D2 GREATER THAN 4" IN DEPTH. TYPE I19.0C, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 114 LBS. PER SQ. YD. PER 1" DEPTH, TO BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT LESS THAN 2" IN DEPTH OR PROP. 6" AGGREGATE BASE COURSE.J EARTH MATERIAL.T EXISTING PAVEMENT.U V VARIABLE MILLING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT. 0" TO 1"DEPTH. PAVEMENT SCHEDULE AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 456 LBS. PER SQ. YD. PROP. APPROX. 4" ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COURSE, TYPE B25.0C,E1 PROP. VAR. DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COURSE, TYPE B25.0C, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 114 LBS. PER SQ. YD. PER 1" DEPTH. TO THAN 5" IN DEPTH. BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT LESS THAN 3" IN DEPTH OR GREATERE2 VARIABLE DEPTH ASPHALT PAVEMENT (SEE STANDARD WEDGING DETAIL)W PROP. APPROX. 1" ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE, TYPE S9.5B, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 165 LBS. PER SQ. YD. C1 (FINAL) PRIME COAT AT THE RATE OF .35 GAL. PER SQ. YD.P NOTE: PAVEMENT EDGE SLOPES ARE 1:1 UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE. SHOULDER BERM GUTTERR PROP. VAR. DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE, TYPE S9.5B, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 110 LBS. PER SQ. YD. PER 1" DEPTH. TO BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT TO EXCEED 1" IN DEPTH.C3 (919) 732-6676 (FAX) (919) 732-3883 Hillsborough, NC 27278 504 Meadowlands Drive NC FIRM LICENSE No: P-0339 Office of: Prepared in the DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER 2A-2B-4593 PAVEMENT DESIGN 6/2/99 24-APR-2019 11:07 B4593_Rdy_typ_2A2.dgn faith.jahnke POINT GRADE 0 .0 2 CL -L- 0 .0 2 POINT GRADE 0 .0 2 0 .0 2 0 .0 8 CL 0 .0 8 6 :1 X-SECTIONS SEE SLOPE VARIABLE 4 :1 3:1 6 :1 X-SECTIONS SEE SLOPE VARIABLE POINT GRADE CL T T 12’12’ FOR BRIDGE OVER TRENT CREEK 4’4’ 32’ BRIDGE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 5 11’11’ 4’ 12’ 4’ -DET- (NC 55) -DET- 7’ w/ GR 7’ w/ GR 11’11’ -DET- 30’ 4’4’ FOR TEMPORARY BRIDGE OVER TRENT CREEK 0 .0 4 0 .0 4 TYPICAL SECTION NO. 4 BRIDGE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 6 USE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 5 USE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 4 USE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 6 GRADE TO THIS LINE J C2 9"P6"6" TO STA 17+82.00 (END BRIDGE) -L- STA 16+22.00 (BEGIN BRIDGE) 2:1 BE STEEPER THAN 2:1. NO SLOPES SHALL UTILIZE ROCK PLATING. FROM 3:1 TO 2:1,*FOR SLOPES VARYING PRO F E S S IO N AL ENGI N E ER NO R T H C AROL I NA SEAL 046981 EKNHAJ .E HTIAF SEAL 022896 REENIGNE L ANOISSEFORP ANI LORACHTRON NOSIRROM .S KRALC -LDET- STA 16+75.00 (END BRIDGE) TO STA 22+58.65 -LDET- STA 11+92.83 TO STA 15+35.00 (BEGIN BRIDGE) TO STA 16+75.00 (END BRIDGE) -LDET- STA 15+35.00 (BEGIN BRIDGE) C2 T PARTIAL TYPICAL GRADE TO THIS LINE R 6" J -DET- STA. 16+75.00 TO STA. 16+96.08 LT USE IN CONJUNCTION WITH TYPICAL SECTION #4 C1 1" S9.5B C2 3" S9.5B C3 VAR. S9.5B D1 2" I19.0C D1 VAR. I19.0C J 6" ABC T EARTH MATERIAL U EXIST. PAVEMENT V VAR. MILLING W WEDGING P .35 PRIME COAT ARE 1:1 UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE. NOTE: PAVEMENT EDGE SLOPES E1 4" B25.0C E2 VAR. B25.0C PAVEMENT SCHEDULE R SHOULDER BERM GUTTER N.T.S. PLAN VIEW WIDTH ROLL NOTES -LDET- DIRECTION PARALLEL TO NOT TO SCALE (PLAN VIEW, NOT TO SCALE) 1 FT. SLOPE TOE OF GROUND EXISTING 2:1 (H :V ) SELECT GRANULAR MATERIAL FILL 18" PROJECT REFERENCE NO. B-4593 2G-1 ENGINEER SIGNATURE DATE REVISIONS NO.BY DATE 1 2 NO.BY DATE 3 4 J. PARK J. BATTS 04/2019 04/2019 PREPARED BY: REVIEWED BY: DATE: DATE: DETAILS EMBANKMENT STABILIZATION GEOTEXTILE FOR SHEET NO. ENGINEER GEOTECHNICAL SIGNATURE DATE DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NORTH CAROLINA ENGINEERING UNIT GEOTECHNICAL D E P A R TM ENT O F T R A N SPO R T A T IO N ST A T E O F N O R T H C A ROL IN A 032171 PRO F E S S IO N AL ENGI N E ER NO R T H C AROL I NA SEAL KRAP GNUOYNIJ DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 350 CYSELECT GRANULAR MATERIAL 1.5:1 N.T.S. FILL GROUND EXISTING 2 FT. (TYP) MATERIAL GRANULAR SELECT 550 SYGEOTEXTILE FOR EMBANKMENT STABILIZATION ESTIMATED QUANTITIES -LDET- C OFL 5.0' -LD E T - -L--L - -LDET- 20 21 22 23 BST 24 19 20 21 2 2 2 3 N C G RI D N A D 8 3 N A 2 0 11 WALL RETAINING TEMPORARY 19181716151413 1817161514 13 12 WALL RETAINING TEMPORARY -LDET- C OFL WALL RETAINING TEMPORARYFILL -L- C OFL 3 :1 (H :V ) TYPICAL A-A SECTION NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL B-B SECTION 2:1 (H :V ) A A A A DIRECTION ROLL/M ACHINE LIMIT OF GES LIMIT OF GES -LDET- ALIGNMENT PERPENDICULAR TO GES, ROLL DIRECTION DETAILS SEE GES GES DETAILS GES AND GSS OVERLAP DETAILS GSS -LDET- 12+00|, 5' RT BEGIN GES -LDET- 12+80|, 23' RT BEGIN TEMP. RET. WALL BEGIN GSS/ -LDET- 12+80|, 5' RT END GES -LDET- 14+27|, 23' RT END TEMP. RET. WALL END GSS/ -LDET- 21+00|, 23' RT END TEMP. RET. WALL END GSS/ -LDET- 22+00|, 5' RT END GES -LDET- 21+00|, 5' RT BEGIN GES TOE OF SLOPE) (1 FT. BEYOND LIMITS OF GES TOE OF SLOPE) (1 FT. BEYOND LIMITS OF GES GROUND EXISTING STABILIZATION (GSS) GEOTEXTILE FOR SOIL STABILIZATION (GES) GEOTEXTILE FOR EMBANKMENT -LDET- 17+44|, 23' RT BEGIN TEMP. RET. WALL BEGIN GSS/ GES BOUNDARY WETLAND BOUNDARY WETLAND 650 SYGEOTEXTILE FOR SOIL STABILIZATION SLOPE TOE OF SLOPE TOE OF B B B B WETLAND BOUNDARIES (SEE PLAN VIEW) LIMITS OF GSS = TOE OF SLOPE OR PROVISION. FOR GES, SEE GEOTEXTILE FOR EMBANKMENT STABILIZATION (SPECIAL) 9. A MINMUM OF 18 INCHES. ALL JOINTS IN THE CROSS MACHINE DIRECTION MUST BE OVERLAPPED 8. GEOTEXTILE. NO SEAMS OR JOINTS ARE ALLOWED IN THE MACHINE DIRECTION OF 7. INTERCHANGEABLY. THE TERMS ROLL AND MACHINE DIRECTION ARE USED 6. PLACE 2 FT. OF SELECT GRANULAR MATERIAL ON THE GES. 5. PLACE THE GEOTEXTILE WITHOUT ANY WRINKLES OR CREASES. 4. ENGINEER. EXISTING GROUND AS SHOWN IN THE PLAN OR AS DIRECTED BY THE PLACE GES AND GSS PERPENDICULAR TO -LDET- ALIGNMENT ON THE 3. CLEAR THE AREA WITHIN THE LIMITS OF GES AND GSS. 2. STABILIZATION (GSS) IS USED. EMBANKMENT STABILIZATION (GES) OR GEOTEXTILES FOR SOIL GRUBBING MAY NOT BE REQUIRED IN AREAS WHERE GEOTEXTILE FOR 1. F F F F F F F F F F FF F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 4/18/2019 110 114 TRENT CREEK TRENT CRE E K N C H WY 5 5 2 4 ' B S T N C H WY 5 5 2 4 ' B S T A LO NG CREEK N C G RI D N A D 8 3 N A 2 0 11 T T C A R V A R VS 71°23'48" W317.97'S 8 9°2 5'0 0" E 17 5.6 8' S 6 8 °5 0 '5 4 " E 5 9 .5 2 'S 5 0 °3 4 '12 " E113.2 3 ' S 37°22'31" E99.53' S 39°25 '01" W 266 .85 ' PRO PERTY LIN E A LO NG M EA N HIGH W A TER M A RK O F TRENT CREEK W ATER M A RK O F TRENT CREEK PRO PERTY LIN E A LO NG M EA N HIG H 60.00' E X IS T IN G R /W E X IS T IN G R /W W O O D E D WOODED WOODED VIOLET MOLLANO DB 352 PG 25 WOODED WOODED WOODED JOHN L. McCOTTER, III DB 353 PG 860 MB 7 PG 78 JOHN L. McCOTTER, III DB 353 PG 860 MB 7 PG 78 WOODED WOODED WOODED JAMES BRINSON, et ux DB 213 PG 649 LARRY MASSENGILL, et al DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 PAMCAR FARMS, LLC DB 306 PG 447 J O H N L . M c C O T T E R , IIIDB 3 5 3 P G 8 6 041.98'+97.56 WATER MARK OF TRENT CREEK PROPERTY LINE ALONG MEAN HIGH SWAMP 1984 NCGS MONUMENT W ATER M ARK OF TRENT CREEK PROPERTY LINE ALONG M EAN HIGH 7 7 15" W/ ELBOWS 15" W/ ELBOWS (STR. PAY ITEM) CL II RIP RAP SHOULDER RIPRAP TO (STR. PAY ITEM) 4.0'EXCAVATE TO EL +80.25 -L- RT BEGIN SBG +34.93 TO +97.83 -L- LT BEGIN/END SBG +06.17 TO +24.00 -L- LT BEGIN/END SBG +24.00 -L- RT END SBG +07 +97 +97 +07 HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 4B-4593 8/17/99 M ATCHLIN E -L- STA 19+ 00.00 (SEE SHEET 5) FOR PROFILE, SEE SHEET 8 FOR ONSITE DETOUR, SEE SHEET 6 32' 24' -L- STA. 16+22.00 BEGIN BRIDGE -L- STA. 17+82.00 END BRIDGE -L- STA. 18+06.17 END APP. SLAB-L- STA. 15+97.83 BEGIN APP. SLAB SKETCH SHOWING BRIDGE TO PAVEMENT RELATIONSHIP 02 0202 02 F-F 12' 12' 4' 4' 26-APR-2019 15:03 sara.loukili SEE SHEETS S-1 THRU S-42 FOR STRUCTURES PLANS PRO F E S S IO N AL ENGI N E ER NO R T H C AROL I NA SEAL 046981 EKNHAJ .E HTIAF SEAL 046226 REENIGNE L ANOISSEFORP ANI LORACHTRON IKSOKSTAP .M NOSAJ 10 15 -L- -L- STA. 11+00.00 BEGIN PROJECT TIP B-4593 -L- STA 17+82.00 END BRIDGE -L- STA 16+22.00 BEGIN BRIDGE SE = RC RO = 54' PI Sta 11+90.14 D L = 380.21' T = 190.14' R = 7,860.00' -L- -L- STA 15+97.83 BEGIN APPROACH SLAB -L- STA 18+06.17 END APPROACH SLAB -L- PT Sta. 13+80.21-L- PC Sta. 10+00.00 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION 027 004 02 02 0200 00 02 02 24' 01 01 01 8 :1 8 :1 24' +37.80 T YPINC 2 7 ' 02 02 4' PS 4' PS 02 0212' 12' -L- 11+00 BEGIN ROCK PLATING -L- 15+98 END ROCK PLATING -L- 18+06 BEGIN ROCK PLATING 8 :1 GREU TL-3 GREU TL-3 GREU TL-3 GREU TL-3 TYPE-III TYPE-III TYPE-III TYPE-III 99.00 RT +02.00 -L-99.00 RT +50.00 -L- EX R/W 43.00 RT +00.00 -L- 1 1 2 3 4 +25.00 -L- EX R/W 50.00 LT +63.00 -L- 88.00 LT 103.00 LT +84.00 -L- 88.00 LT 103.00 LT +00.00 -L- 88.00 LT +80.00 -L- 88.00 LT +44.00 -L- (EX R/W) 63 RT +22.00 -L- (EX R/W) 63.00 RT 55.00 RT +91.00 -L- EX R/W 50.00 RT +17.00 -L- EX R/W 50.00 RT +86.00 -L- 52.00 RT +00.00 -L- EX R/W 48.00 LT+21.00 -L- EX R/W 46.00 LT+28.00 -L- 0403 0405 0401 0402 0406 0407 C C C C CC CC C C C O O 0404 TYPE-III TYPE-III TYPE-III TYPE-III RIPRAP TO SHOULDER SHOULDER RIPRAP TO RIPRAP TO SHOULDER 5 SY GEOTEXTILE CL B RIP RAP 1 TON 5 SY GEOTEXTILE CL B RIP RAP 1 TON (STR. PAY ITEM) CL II RIP RAP (STR. PAY ITEM) EXCAVATE TO EL 3.0' TB 2GI TB 2GI TB 2GI TB 2GI TB 2GI15" RCP-III 15" RCP-III 15" RCP-III F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 15" R C P 15" R C P 15 " R C P 24 " RCP 2 4 " R C P v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v 11 ' CONC 1 1' C O N C C O N C P A D BULKHEAD N C H WY 5 5 2 4 ' B S T J O H N L . M c C O T T E R , IIIDB 3 5 3 P G 8 6 0 HH TC T C T T P A M C A R F A R M S , L L CDB 3 0 6 P G 4 4 7 N 5 8 °4 9 '0 0 " W758.6 4 ' S 5 8 °4 9 '0 0 " E700.3 4 ' N 28°23'34" E 172.92' N 5 4 °3 2 '2 6 " W180.0 0 ' N 28°23'34" E 67.80' N 5 0 °0 2 '2 6 " W76.9 0 'N 8 4 °2 5'2 6 " W 5 8.5 0' S 4 6 °2 2'0 8 " W 1 4 0 .0 7' N 32°45'58" W 131.86' S 29°00'43" W 137.88' 60.00' EXISTING R/W EXISTING R/W 60 .00' E X IS T IN G R /W E X IS T IN G R /W 60.00' EX ISTIN G R /W EX ISTIN G R /W 6 0 .0 0 ' EXISTING R/W EXISTING R/W WOODED WOODED WOODED WOODED SR 1324 FLORENCE ROAD 18' BST SR 1322 N . TREN T ROAD 17' BST -BL- 2 -BL- 3 BST BST N 69°52'39" E230.93'EC M EC M H W C O N C N C G RI D N A D 8 3 N A 2 0 11 LARRY MASSENGILL, et al DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 PAMCAR FARMS, LLC DB 306 PG 447 DB 518 PG 710 ANDREW M. BUEHL, JR., et al LARRY MASSENGILL, et al DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 PAMCAR FARMS, LLC DB 306 PG 447 LARRY MASSENGILL, et al DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 PAMCAR FARMS, LLC DB 306 PG 447 DB 337 PG 755 STEVEN LAVALLEE DB 470 PG 147 1SBKD 8 2 .7 4 '+3 8 .4 5 30.19' +54.39 Ground Natural PSRM SEE DETAIL 5-1 PSRM TOE PROTECTION HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 5B-4593 8/17/99 M ATCHLIN E -L- STA 19+ 00.00 (SEE SHEET 4) FOR PROFILE, SEE SHEET 8 FOR ONSITE DETOUR, SEE SHEET 7 26-APR-2019 15:03 sara.loukili PRO F E S S IO N AL ENGI N E ER NO R T H C AROL I NA SEAL 046981 EKNHAJ .E HTIAF SEAL 046226 REENIGNE L ANOISSEFORP ANI LORACHTRON IKSOKSTAP .M NOSAJPI Sta 22+31.44 D L = 382.75' T = 192.41' R = 1,505.00' 20 -L- -L- STA. 26+00.00 END PROJECT TIP B-4593 SE = 06 RO = SEE PLANS -L- -L- PC Sta. 20+39.03 -L- PT Sta. 24+21.78 -L- POT Sta. 27+00.00 15 -L- STA. 27+00.00 END CONSTRUCTION -Y1- STA. 11+37.94 END RESURFACING 10 -Y1- STA. 10+12.04 BEGIN RESURFACING -L- Sta. 23+51.63 -Y1- POT Sta. 10+00.00 -Y1- POT Sta. 14+05.50 02 06 06 01 02 004 24'03 04 05 02 01 00 01 05 04 03 02 01 00 01 02 24' +31.03 TYP INC 27' 4' PS 8' PS 12'12' -L- 22+75 END ROCK PLATING 8 :1 AT-1 GREU TL-3 92.00 RT +00.00 -L- +88.00 -L- 72.00 RT (EX R/W) 30.00 RT +00.00 -L- +98.00 -L- 44.00 RT 3 4 5 +87.00 -L- +10.00 -L- +80.69 -L- (EX R/W) 53.86 LT 88.00 LT 103.00 LT 85.00 LT 101.00 LT EX R/W 40.00 RT45.00 RT+78.00 -L- RETA IN RETA IN RETAIN RETAIN ( Not to Scale) PSRM TOE PROTECTION d FROM STA. 23+89 TO STA. 24+30 -L- RT Fill Slope3:1 or Flatter d= 1 Ft. Type of Liner= 58 SY OF PSRM DETAIL 5-1 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 110 114 TRENT CREEK TRENT CRE E K N C H WY 5 5 2 4 ' B S T N C H WY 5 5 2 4 ' B S T A LO NG CREEK N C G RI D N A D 8 3 N A 2 0 11 T T C -E L - -EL-S 71°23'48" W317.97'S 8 9°2 5'0 0" E 17 5.6 8' S 6 8 °5 0 '5 4 " E 5 9 .5 2 'S 5 0 °3 4 '12 " E113.2 3 ' S 37°22'31" E99.53' S 39°25 '01" W 266 .85 ' PRO PERTY LIN E A LO NG M EA N HIGH W A TER M A RK O F TRENT CREEK W ATER M A RK O F TRENT CREEK PRO PERTY LIN E A LO NG M EA N HIG H 60.00' E X IS T IN G R /W E X IS T IN G R /W W O O D E D WOODED WOODED VIOLET MOLLANO DB 352 PG 25 WOODED WOODED WOODED JOHN L. McCOTTER, III DB 353 PG 860 MB 7 PG 78 JOHN L. McCOTTER, III DB 353 PG 860 MB 7 PG 78 WOODED WOODED WOODED JAMES BRINSON, et ux DB 213 PG 649 LARRY MASSENGILL, et al DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 PAMCAR FARMS, LLC DB 306 PG 447 J O H N L . M c C O T T E R , IIIDB 3 5 3 P G 8 6 0 WATER MARK OF TRENT CREEK PROPERTY LINE ALONG MEAN HIGH SWAMP 1984 NCGS MONUMENT W ATER M ARK OF TRENT CREEK PROPERTY LINE ALONG M EAN HIGH Geotextile Ground Natural 1' Thickness W/ ELBOWS TEMP 15" 30' SKETCH SHOWING BRIDGE TO PAVEMENT RELATIONSHIP 04 F-F 11' 11' -LDET- STA. 16+75.00 END BRIDGE 4' 4' HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 6B-4593 8/17/99 M ATCHLIN E -L- STA 19+ 00.00 (SEE SHEET 7) FOR PROFILE, SEE SHEET 9 FOR -L- LINE, SEE SHEET 4 26-APR-2019 15:03 sara.loukili -LDET- STA. 15+35.00 BEGIN BRIDGE 22' 22' PRO F E S S IO N AL ENGI N E ER NO R T H C AROL I NA SEAL 046981 EKNHAJ .E HTIAF SEAL 046226 REENIGNE L ANOISSEFORP ANI LORACHTRON IKSOKSTAP .M NOSAJ 04 P I S t a 10 +9 9 .7 4 D L = 19 9 .2 9 'T = 9 9 .7 4 'R = 1,8 4 0 .0 0 ' PI Sta 14+34.46 D L = 269.85' T = 135.16' R = 1,840.00' PI Sta 17+24.58 D L = 123.64' T = 61.84' R = 1,840.00' 10 15 SE = 04 SE = 04SE = 0 4 -LDET- R O = 9 6 ' RO = 96'RO = 96' -LDET- STA. 11+92.83 BEGIN GRADE -L D E T - -LDET- STA 16+75.00 END BRIDGE -LDET- STA 15+35.00 BEGIN BRIDGE -LDET- PC STA 10+00.00 -L- POC STA 11+00.00= BEGIN DETOUR CONSTRUCTION -L- -LDET- PT Sta. 11+99.29 -LDET- PC Sta. 12+99.29 -LDET- PT Sta. 15+69.14 -LDET- PC Sta. 16+62.74 -LDET- PT Sta. 17+86.38 T E M P G R E U TL-3 T E M P T Y P E -I I I T E M P T Y P E -I II T E M P T Y P E -I I ITEMP G R E U T L-3 T E M P T Y P E -I I I 007 00 01 02 03 04 04 03 0222' T YP IN C 2 4 ' +33.56 2 5 :1 2 5 :125:1 2 5 :1 23' SHORING PROPOSED TEMP. -DET- STA. 15+40.00 END TEMP. SHORING -DET- STA. 12+80.00 BEGIN TEMP. SHORING -DET- STA. 16+70.90 BEGIN TEMP. SHORING 10 15 1 1 2 3 4 0601 0602 0603 0604 D E T A I L 6 -1 ( N o t t o S c a le ) Fill Slope3:1 or FlatterTOE P R O T E C TIO N 6 7 S Y G e o t e x t i l eType o f Li n e r =3 3 TO N S C l a s s B R i p -Ra p 5'4.5' F R O M S T A . 1 2 +2 0 T O S T A . 1 2 +8 0 -L D E T- R T T E M P T Y P E -I I I T E M P T Y P E -I I I T E M P T Y P E -I I I T E M P T Y P E -I I I W/ ELBOWS TEMP 15" T E M P T B 2 G ITEMP 2GI 5 S Y G E O T E XT ILETEMP C L B R IP R A P 1 T O N +95+15 5 S Y G E O T E XT ILECL B RIP RA P 1 TO NTEMP +7 5 T O +9 6 +/- -LD E T - LTBEGIN/E N D S B G S E E D E T A IL 6 -1PROTECTIONTEMP T O E SHOULDER R IP R A P T O (S TR . P A Y I T E M )C L II R I P R A P (S T R . P A Y IT E M )C L II R IP R A P F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 15" R C P 15" R C P 15 " R C P 24 " RCP 2 4 " R C P v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v 11 ' CONC 1 1' C O N C C O N C P A D BULKHEAD N C H WY 5 5 2 4 ' B S T J O H N L . M c C O T T E R , IIIDB 3 5 3 P G 8 6 0 HH TC T C T T -E L- -EY 1- -EY- P A M C A R F A R M S , L L CDB 3 0 6 P G 4 4 7 N 5 8 °4 9 '0 0 " W758.6 4 ' S 5 8 °4 9 '0 0 " E700.3 4 ' N 28°23'34" E 172.92' N 5 4 °3 2 '2 6 " W180.0 0 ' N 28°23'34" E 67.80' N 5 0 °0 2 '2 6 " W76.9 0 'N 8 4 °2 5'2 6 " W 5 8.5 0' S 4 6 °2 2'0 8 " W 1 4 0 .0 7' N 32°45'58" W 131.86' S 29°00'43" W 137.88' 60.00' EXISTING R/W EXISTING R/W 60 .00' E X IS T IN G R /W E X IS T IN G R /W 60.00' EX ISTIN G R /W EX ISTIN G R /W 6 0 .0 0 ' EXISTING R/W EXISTING R/W WOODED WOODED WOODED WOODED SR 1324 FLORENCE ROAD 18' BST SR 1322 N . TREN T ROAD 17' BST -BL- 2 -BL- 3 BST BST N 69°52'39" E230.93'EC M EC M H W C O N C N C G RI D N A D 8 3 N A 2 0 11 LARRY MASSENGILL, et al DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 PAMCAR FARMS, LLC DB 306 PG 447 DB 518 PG 710 ANDREW M. BUEHL, JR., et al LARRY MASSENGILL, et al DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 PAMCAR FARMS, LLC DB 306 PG 447 LARRY MASSENGILL, et al DB 587 PG 274 MB 6 PG 53 PAMCAR FARMS, LLC DB 306 PG 447 DB 337 PG 755 STEVEN LAVALLEE DB 470 PG 147 1SBKD DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED HYDRAULICSROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 7B-4593 8/17/99 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED M ATCHLIN E -L- STA 19+ 00.00 (SEE SHEET 6) FOR PROFILE, SEE SHEET 9 FOR -L- LINE, SEE SHEET 5 PRO F E S S IO N AL ENGI N E ER NO R T H C AROL I NA SEAL 046981 EKNHAJ .E HTIAF SEAL 046226 REENIGNE L ANOISSEFORP ANI LORACHTRON IKSOKSTAP .M NOSAJ 26-APR-2019 15:03 B4593_Rdy_psh_7_det.dgn sara.loukili PI Sta 21+87.29 D L = 596.54' T = 300.91' R = 1,840.00' 20 SE = 04 RO = 96' -LDET- PI Sta 17+24.58 D L = 123.64' T = 61.84' R = 1,840.00'SE = 04 RO = 96' -LDET- -LDET- STA 22+58.65 END GRADE -L- -LDET- PT STA. 24+82.92 -L- STA 25+83.98= END DETOUR CONSTRUCTION -LDET- PC Sta. 18+86.38 T E M P G R E U T L-3 T E M P G R E U T L -3 01 00 04 01 02 03 04 038 +08.38 22' T Y PINC24' 23' S H O R IN G P R O P O S E D T E M P . -DET- STA. 21+00.00 END TEMP. SHORING 20 1510 3 4 5 RETA IN RETA IN RETAIN RETAIN F F F F F F F F F F F F F