HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-00955_Well Construction - GW1_20230118 WELL CONS'FRUcrION RECORD Far lMcrnal Usc ONLY:. Tip,form can be aged foi single or multiple wdis- 1.NW11 Cnutrrtetor Information: Id:.AVXTER ZONFS Chris Ru£fer FROM U, DF'SCRIP iON XV01 Coritrrclor Narog R. ft. 4223-A RECEIVED ft. ft: NCAVell ContractorCcrtifiationNiunber 1S.,OUTER CASING c Wvi ullk2wd wctM OR LiNER{iftt` Ucatki- :. TO SAEDACCO Inc JAN 1 8 2023 0 FRONT ft.. 5 fL 2 tAMF,TB -in. SCH-40 PVC ntAL (mrrp;uryNauµ ,• 7 �. UM MANNER CASING OR=TLr®ING.kgoikirttAcluscd4oi'i -. Ii1�Qfilfe�.7DD� P` FROM To DrAwlOR TMME& NIATrRLLL -2.Welt Construction Pr ralit ' R, ft, in. Lis p+tilairp7icublauc1lp6TWts.0-.r,.Cawtg,.Strrc,V,rriarce,ff*C11Prr-,:J' -----------� 3:Wc11.Use(chccic well fist): -17.SCREEN WAterS,uppLy Well:' - FROM '10 arAm trim; st,crr5tzlr I TNICKN"-s I NIA-mRtA1. rJAgt<cnftuml_ 0.NitinicipaliNbiic 5 fL 20 ft. 2" in, .010 sex-40 PVC Mc6thennal(Heatingtooliog'Supply+) DResidential Water Supply(single) ff. ft. ®IndustriallConimcrcial ©Residential Mor•Supply(shared)' ttl GROt!f:..._. FROM TO. MATERIhL ENLPEACENMNT 3WnIOD&.L\IOUNT Elirtipatian 0 ft. 3.5 R. Portland Pour Neu-Water Supply Wgit: 1. R. ft. l6t9ni(orinG QRcc(wcty — - Inieclion eb• to ft MAtluifdrRef:hargC M'SAND;MILVEtLVACK-(ir: ldiiabtel- FROM 7Xl 11A7rHt41. E?NIPIACtLLE11YHl1l1011 0X0uikr-Storagc aral Recovery 13Salinfty Hairier 4.5 ft.: 20 R. Graves 30 C]Agnifer Tcs(. ❑Stotmn;ncr t}r;iia;9gc fi.. fL bExpctfmcnial Tcchnotoliv. Clsosidcacc Canimt 2n:DRILLING LOG(attack additionil sdcrls if imccsmrsi' OG;rltlrcmml(ClasedLoopj t)Trlcer MOM 1 TO DrSCRIMUN,fcobr,hanfnea>it44+ictin N�C.dct EIGmtheitual(fieatinWCooliui Return) til]ttter(explain under.A.'I Retuarks) :ri I ft, fL fL 4.Date Well(s)'Coniplcted: 12-14-22 Well iD#MH-23 Il. fL $r!:Well Gucntillu: , L See GeM' Notes Republic Services ft. ft. Picilhy,givnermme, Ficilily 11M(ifapplicablc). R. ft. 500 Landfill Rd., Mt. Gilead, NC, 27306 {p tL Phyttal'rldd ass City_usual zip 21:REMARKS Montgomery Bentonite seal from 3.5-4.51; methane monitoring Ctruuly PircclIr1nntiri4iliouNo,(PIN) w ih'.LMitudc an&Lcingftudc in degrtcafm1mtt61secoads or dceimal dcgt : 32.Certification: (Ifirell faCld;pig L+L1riuglgs+rlti iva? N w _Chris Buffer 12f14f2022 Sianiturc of Certified INcH Co nlr3ctGT Dafc 6.Is(are)the:Lvel1(9):.MPcnnaneut or ❑Temporary I,r.gning.&Li farm..!hereby cerrifr 1�iar ihr n•rllfri tsar{xiteJ eornIme-red irr•zexonh:acr Weh IM NOW 02C.(1 0 or ISA kc'1 k.o200 well Colrsfirir:riar Sk+rxkfrds rgicf elute a 7.]�,thfwa rejiafrto AnctistingAvelli EALY Or ENo rqj Lrpffhbr iecrinibrighccn Pmvi( d rnihr ur ,rn'v+er. if MISiis a 0o itv+1i'll cw'b7 lfr+iarl brfcrruwv`1c+anti c uphihi rhe.rwrsre of tlia iYln:ir racier dr2l-rcma&, srraiun or on die barL of diiv fprnc 23.Site di4tram Orl additi0alll well detaib: You May use Use,bath of this t>?fiz iti;proeidcadd9Gonal well site.details er%iell S.Numberof wells eousttueted: 1 construction delairs. S'ou in iti itlsb auac[i adrGtiottal pages if 1lcr:�sarv. O'l Forkiihip!e kdeeMM nrui-n'arer supi+ly well>O+NLY mifii nce snrcfgrrr+estrnrtirur.-Yc:rcon s+pinSra+ic Jom+. SUBINITTAL iNSi C)CTfON4, 9,Totil wal ilelith helmv land surface. 20 (ft.) 24a. For All Wellri Submit this Fann witlliti 30 daps of completiou of Ivell For+reshiplcreelfs'Ilsr all deprbsirdf,{1emiu(eternlpf,-.rre'20'w1fl.'2@IM) eon5tmctionto11tcfolloning. 10.St the water level beluw tall of casinla MJ Division of Water RmouwLi,Informittlaa Processing Unit, eruler trvr713 above e�uaiag,asc"+" 1617 hfail.Ser •ice Center,Ralcigi,W 21699-1617 IL Borehole diameter.6.. (UL) 14b.l'or Ailtx.tian WRIb ONLY: In addition to sendipg the fomi to the addles in 244 ab&e• also submit a r djh,of this font within 30 days'ef.co_tnpletion of h'�ll 12,Well coustmetion method: Sonic Lonsittletiml to the follotviug! {�c.aub•cs,•salary,.cable,direst push etc.} Ilivislait of Water RCy4urc6,Undengrottitd fnjedietn Control Progrant, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY- 1636 Mull Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a,Yield(90.0 \•diod of test; 24C-Fat'Water supilly&twection wells: Also subiAt one copy of this f6tu !titbit►30;days of conlltletion of 136.Dlsinfcc on Q<pc: Amount- well construction to the cauntp hc:dth depaornent of the coanty wherr constntctcd, Form M-1 NonhCamMia 1Aparr.=l.of Envirosnlent and Niatriral Resources-Dicu Ion of Waler ltMatreE, Revised AuguA2011.