HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-00901_Well Construction - GW1_20230120 t►�I%L,1,c(11Vg'i'(0,10110N ItI,CORD(GIV-1) i'o (internal Use Only; !! L Well Contrmrlor Informnllen: ` Landon Phillips 14.WAT ER ZONES ! k6'r11 Cmmms",Nnme tROM TO Dr_SCRIP"ON 3441A GS fn• c{p fr. jlt N('Well i'nnimanr r'nrrfreilnn NumlMr 15.OUTER CASINC. formula-emedwells OR LINER Gfopplicablel NW Poole Well and Pump Company FROM I TO DIAMMIt THICKNESS I MTERML Company Name H rt.1 7 f ft. & in. v ba f- C-7a Iv /•� ��Z\\411 GOlittrlietlnn PCPmil ll: 1(,INNPRCASINGORTfRING .otermeawrl-lon IAFh FROM TFRCKNE55 I M11ATER1AL /.ar all npplimhlr meld cnnstrucrfan ptrmltt r,e,UfC Cmmto;State,Varforce,etc.) fL fl, in. .A*%r- 3.Well Use(check n•cll use): fl. Water Supply Weil: 17.SCREEN. OAgrictiltural MOM TO DrAWTI: slxyrsri:E THICK1,17M MATERIAL ❑Municipal/Public tL 4) ft. y in .a sc e— catin OGcol trial/ (l mercg/CoolingSupply) idcntinl WaterSupply(single) t/ OlndustlinVCommcicial It. f°• in. OResidcntiat Water Supply(shared) 18.GROUT Olen 3ti0R OWells>100000 GPD FROM1t TO MATERIAL EMPUC13rILWMEMOD& MOUINT NOR-\Yatcr Supply N'CII: 611. tL ] � IL r^r�e � Dhionitoring ORccovcry v M Injection q'cll: B. It. ❑Aquifer Recharge OGroundwaterRemediation R• It. OAquiferStorageandRecovery ❑Salinity Barrier 19.SAND/CRAVELPACK ife tfeable FROM1I TO M1fATER1AL EM1TPLICE'i11UNTHEMIOD OAquifcrTest OSlormwatcrDrainage U fL 3Offt- R3 ( OGvpeimcmalTechnology OSubsidcnccCentral (L fL DGeothermal(Closed Loop) ❑Tmccr 20.DRILLING LOG attach additional sheeb If necessary) OGeothcmial(11 iting/Cooling Return) ❑Other(explain under 1121 Remarks) 061 TO DESCRIPTION�ol�r.hnrdnm,walr«k in eau«u 0 a. a rL To .Sa 4.Date Well(s)Completed: l�i6 "ZZ Well IDq `ems t $a Well Location: ED IL 6T-11• 7.,, je Fanliry/O,vrur Name Facility IDII(ifapplicable) tr• ft. SS' Ca�lc�i L.h r4loI(irkiw.J Plomical Address,City.and-4 ft. f1. r i i �jpn k/I t 21.KEMARKS County Parcel Identiflcatioo No.(PIN) Used hardened steel drive shoe. Sb.Latitude Ito¢longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: {if tre11 Geld,oac IsUlong is sullieienQ 22.Cerlificati 35:�04-1�co N Jg- 3�� sa3 Kr 6.is(arc)the wcll(s): ❑Permanent or OTempor'ary Signatac 01Ucnrficd Well Contractor fly sighing this jonn,Merely eenijy that the,we (s)tras(n erc)constructed in accordmice,rah 7,is this n repair to an existing well: QYcs or 8No /JA NGIC 02C.010o or i3A NGiC 02C.2o0 lYell Camtmedon Sraitdardr mad that a rnr if dtnr Is a repair fill out toloun weir construction Information and explain the rwntre of the of this record hot been provided to the ue/1 otiner. repair miler b21 remarks section or on the back ojthis jonn. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: 8.For Ccoprobc/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional nnll consMiction info construction,only i GW-1 is needed, indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells (add'See Ove'in Remarks Box).You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled:1 ? 24.SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 3� VL) Submit this GW-1 within 30'dR For a sldpte%veils list all depdu yd�erent(eromple-3Q700'and 2©100') ys of well completion per the foitowing: 10.Sln6c water level below lop of rasing:_ 3 (ft) 24a. For All Wells: Original form to Division of Water Resources(DWR), If iraterlevells obove casing,are'+" fnformalion Processing Unit,1617MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699.1617 11.Borehole diameter: 6 (ia) 24b.For lniccBon\Yells:Copy to DWR,Underground injection Control(IUC) Program,1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 I2.15'dl construction method.. Rotary {i.e.auger ioLvy,wbte,dims push,dc.) 24c.For Water Su 1 and O en•Loo al Geotherm Return Wells:Copy to the county environmentR health epanment of the county where installed FOR WAT•L'R SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.for\Voter\Yells nroducin over IOU 0UU t 1'll•Copy to DWR,CCFCU:\ BLOW Penn 1'rogrnni,161 I MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699.161 I 13a.Yield(gpui) J hferimd of lest:• 13b,Disinfection type: HTH Amount: 1 Ib. Fonu Gw l Nardi Carolina Department ofEnvirunmanlal Quslily-Division ofWaiar ltm,"cs Revisal 6.6-2013 f