HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-00894_Well Construction - GW1_20230120 i WELL CONSTRUCTION RTCORU(GW I) for Internal Use Only: � L%1'e11 Contractor inrornintlon: i Landon Phillips 14.1V.1TEI1ZONES Well Connector Nome FROM To DESCH"'TioN 3441A 70 rt. rr. NC"'ell Conuactor Certification Number IV W Poole Well and Pump Company 15,OUTF:It CASING foe moiti ea+eel well+ GR LINER if o lirobtc F80M TO pJA\1tTFn 7111CWtrSS MATP.RLIL Company Nnmc f/ Ir. I 6/y I,- I & in.• r O hF, v // 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING -thermal elated-too 2.Well Construction Permit I/: t7 �� FROM TO DIAMETER TIIICKNFSS MATFAIAL l to a!!appNmble ur/!rn stir coon peroder p.e.111C.Cowl%Stole,Variance,era) ft. Ir. in 3.%VelI Use(check well use): ft. fr. In. ['3 er Supply Well: 17:SCRF.P.N. ricultural FROM TO DIAADTFJt SLOTSrl.E TJIICKNFSS 51ATMIAL OMunicipaVPublic IL a. in. othennal(Hcating/Cooling Supply) C�aidential Water Supply(single) It. fbustrial/Commercial ORaidcnlial Wala Supply(shared) 18.GROUT ation OWCIIS>100 000 GPD FROM TO MATERIAL EAU'LACEh1ENr AM1110D 6 AAIOVW W.-iterSupplyWell: GIt2fLniloring ❑Recovery IL fLnjcction Well: OA uifcr Recha a fl• fL q rg OGrpundvvalcrRcmedialion OAquifcrStorageandRaovcry OSalini Harrier 19.SAND/CRAVELPACK fa Iteable ty FRO51 I TO AtATFJUAL EAfPL5CF�11L'Srr XMOD ❑AquiferTcst OSlorrrnvalcrDrainage R• I fL ❑Experimental Technology OSubsidence Control fr. ft. ❑Geolhermal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer 1 20.DRILLING LOG Attach addit onalahcels ifnecaw ryl OGeothermal(HcatinglCooling Return) OOthor ex lain under H21 Remarks Fftol" I To DFSOt1PflON eoior.uaraaeu,aurarl,r .M,Iweea o S or- 4.Date Wcll(s)Completed: !U^/r/—ZZ WeIl IDIJ to r Is. I 5a.Well Location: 5— `t' ZG r,R. Facility/Owner Nano facility IDO(irapplirable) It. ft r7 I f4 R• i' � r.r I J Cf clG�/cat (�G.i zi hcc�— VI17AIVOMOG I'k-slical Address,City,and Zip Ttrnn Ic(t i1 21.REMARKS County Parcel Idciol cation No.(PIN) Used hardened steel drive shoe, 5b.Lnlitudc and longitude In degrees/ntinutestseconds or decimal degrees: (irwell field,one lal/long is sufficient) 22.Certificali --�5 SoZ��N - -� O- 3o]oD(a W iu-rut-zz 6.Is(nre)(lie well(s): 011crmnnent or OTermporary Rgnaturo orCenirred Well Contractor Date Ilyrigiing thisforot,l hereby eerdfy that thgvell(s)iris(ward cvtntructcd in accoodoace trirlt 7.Is this n repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or ItNo /JAI'GICO2C.0100or1SANCAC01C.01001r'cllCaatmcronStanJar&.Wllxfa", !f this it a repair,fill ma bimrn troll construction 1r jorumtlonand explain the inure of de of this record har been prorlded to the umll ranter. rgwir under#21 trniod s uctiant or on the back of thisforoa. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: 8.For GcoprobdDPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back Of this page to provide additional will conuruction info construction,only 1 OW-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of%velis (add'See Over'in Remarks Box).You may also attach additional pages irnecessery. drilled:r 24.SUBMITTAL iNSTRUCrlONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: S (ft) Submit this GWA within 30 days ofweU completion l°or ond0ple acrlr list oil depths Ifd�ercnt(erantlik.2 a 200'and 2 a@100� 1' per the following: Z G ft 24a. For All Wells: Original form to Division of%Valcr Resources(DWR 10.Static water Ievcl below top of casing: ( ) Informnlion Processing Unit,1617 NISC,Raleigh,NC27699-1617 /f bruit level s a(rore earittg use 6 tab.For Infection Wells:Copy to D%VR,Underground Injection Control(IL1Cl 11.Ilorcbolc dimnctcr.' (bt.) 12.Well coustructiou method: Program,1636 h1SC,Raleigh.NC 27699J636 f30tafy 24c.For Wriler Su tiv and O en-Lou Geothermal Return Wells:Copy to the (i.e.aagcr,Lowy,urble,direct push,tic.) county ellviromnemoI heal department of the county where installed JrOtt WA'I'lilt SUI'1'LY WE 1.IS ONLY: 2441,for 1lhrter Hells arodudne over 100 000 Gill):Copy to DWR,CCI'CU:L 13n.Yield(gpnl) S blabod of lcsl: 131_OW \'crap Progmm,161 I MSC,Ralcigly NC 27699-1611 13b.Disiurerrion type: HTH Amount: 1 Ih' I Four GW-1 Nonh Ctrolina DePaunenl of Iinvironal mal Qoality-Divistun oI%Voter Resource. Reviicd 6.6-10Is I I