HomeMy WebLinkAbout20001195 Ver 15_Corps of Engineer Correspondence_20150202DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY
ROOM 208
January 27, 2015
Action ID: SAW- 2014 -00838
Ms. Courtney Nolan
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Terminal Engineering Center
1.500 Centre Parkway
East Point, Georgia 30344
Dear Ms. Nolan:
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Reference your September 2, 2014, application for Department of the Army (DA)
authorization to discharge fill material into 709 linear foot of intermittent stream channel and
0.007 acres of wetlands for the Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT), Airport Traffic
Control Tower project (ATCT). The project proposes to replace an existing Air Traffic Control
Tower (ATCT) with a new ATCT to support plans for further airport expansion and is located on
the southern portion of the CLT site, northwest of the intersection of West Boulevard with Billy
Graham Parkway, in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (N 35.204046,
W - 80.946237).
The purpose of this letter is to provide comments from resource agencies and the general
public for rebuttal purposes as a part of the individual permit review. After review of your
proposal, we have received comments from the National Marine Fisheries Service (dated
December 8, 2014), the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, State flistoric
Preservation Office (dated December 9, 2014), the North Carolina Wildlife Resources
Commission (dated December 18, 2014) and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (dated
December 22, 2014). Copies of all correspondences are enclosed. Our administrative process
provides you the opportunity to propose a resolution and/or rebut any and all objections before a
final decision is made. In this regard, please review the enclosed letters, address as appropriate
and copy this office on all of your comments /responses for our review.
Additionally, on February 6, 1990, the DA and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) signed a memorandum of agreement (MOA) establishing procedures to determine the
type and level of mitigation necessary to comply with the Clean Water Act Section 404(b)(1)
Guidelines. This MOA provides for first, avoiding impacts to waters and wetlands through the
selection of the least damaging, practical alternative; second, taking appropriate and practical
steps to minimize impacts on waters and wetlands; and finally, compensating for any remaining
unavoidable impacts to the extent appropriate and practical. To enable us to process your
application in full compliance with this MOA, we request that you provide the following
additional information:
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u- Permits for work within wetlands or other special aquatic sites are available only if
the proposed. work ia the least environmentally damaging, ' practicable alterna1ive.
Please furnish additional infori.nation regarding your alternatives analysis as follows
l. The documentation you provided with the permit application includes the
Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant dated.
2012, the Environmental Due Diligence ' /\odit, dated April 2Ul2 and the Siting
Report dated May 20l3. Although these documents provide detailed information
on the alternative analysis, some additional information is required. Specifically,
in order to be able to make ameaniogful comparison between alternatives we
need Lo understand what the criteria is that you used todo1orninoifeach
alternative meets the pro eotpuzpoac and need (for rzuzuplu rnooicunoz height
levels, the ability to roec1 certain view reqoiccoouo1m and what those ceguiroouco1s
ozo, cost, environmental impacts, etc.). The documentation provided indicates that
Alternative Sites 3, 4, 5 and 6 were rejected for a variety o[ reasons to include
excessive height and the inability to provide u satisfactory view of certain tza{fic
issues. Without knowing the apcoifiu zegnizonnco1s that the project needo 10 cnoeL,
we cannot use this information to determine ifoo alternative meets the purpose
and need orwhich alternative is the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable
Alternative (]~E[>PA). Please provide the specific criteria you used (preferably in
table format) 1odetermine ifu project zoctthop 'uotpurponeuodoccdaavvul]aa
how each alternative Sites I-6 did or did not met that criteria. You should
additionally Include uoextirunio of impacts to vvu1oro o[ the TJS for each of the
u}1ocou±iveo, /\liecontivc Sites I and 2/213 that were chosen for detailed study. And
lastly, please provide oznup of where sites 3, 4, 5, and 6 were proposed 10 be
2. Please provide information oowhy uplands located within the Airport
cannot be used to meet the project pnrpnyo and need and avoid to waters
of the United States. Specifically several other areas on site have
been ideo6ficdthat, based oo review of the Jurisdictional Do1000iou1ion,[7S6S
maps and previously permitted project p]mnoƒbr1ho/L' ori,appeartobuupluodo
that could potentially bo used 10 construct the project nithlii1]e 10 no impacts to
modcra of the United 81u1ea. Boo}oond is ucnop that outlines some of these areas to
include undisturbed areas with potential uplands (outlined in blue), and areas
where permitted impacts to waters of the [JS have previously occurred due to
grading for runway construction, but are otherwise undeveloped with structures oc
airport facilities (outlined ioorooge) ' Please address if these potential upland
areas were considered by the FAA as alternatives and if so, why these areas did
not meet the purpose and need. If these areas were not previously considered
under the alternatives analysis they need to be considered at this time to determine
i[ construction nf the /\T[Tin any o{these locations would meet the project
purpose and need.
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b. It is necessary for you to have taken all appropriate and practical steps to minimize
wetland losses. Please indicate all that you have done, especially regarding
development and modification of plans and proposed construction techniques, to
minimize adverse impacts, to include why the proposed layout cannot be relocated
north or south of the tributaries on site.
33 CFR 332 and the MCA discussed above require that appropriate and practical
mitigation will be required for all unavoidable adverse impacts remaining after all
appropriate and practical minimization has been employed.. The documentation you
provided with the application addresses your request that compensatory mitigation be
waived for the project. The information you provided to justify your request include
the following:
• the proposed impacts occur on an intermittent stream,
• the stream originates from stromwater runoff,
• the stream drains a small watershed area (approximately 14 acres)
• the stream has low stream habitat.
• the groundwater connection to the streambed is primarily a result of bank erosion
and channel incision
• the stream substrate contains mostly an aggregation. of silt and sand.
We do not believe this information provides adequate justification that impacts to the onsite
stream should not be off-set with appropriate mitigation. The facts that a stream. is intermittent,
has a relatively small watershed size, and is incised to a point that is has a groundwater -
connection do not negate the requirement to off-set impacts and lost functions that occur when
the stream is filled. Rather, these characteristics define the type of stream more than the quality
of stream. Further, we disagree that, despite some incision in the channel and bank erosion and
substrate containing sand and silt, that the stream is in fact perfon-ning low quality function. We
believe that a mitigation ratio at a minimum of 1:1, (based on mitigation being paid through
Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP)) should be employed to off-set permanent impacts to
709 linear feet of stream channel. This determination is based on the type and quality of the
stream and in consideration of previously authorized impacts associated with the airport. Should
you still believe that a minimum 1: 1 ratio is not appropriate, then you should provide
documentation., such as a North Carolina Stream Assessment Method (NC SAM) analysis of the
reach in question, to support your conclusion. These results should be provided for our review
and consideration when determining appropriate mitigating ratios. You should be aware that
NCSAM analyses submitted to the Corps for evaluation must be conducted by someone that has
completed the NC SAM methodology training.
This information is essential to our expeditious processing of your application and it should
be forwarded to us by February 26, 2015. Also, a copy of this information must be sent to the
North Carolina Division of Water Resources to enable them to adequately evaluate your
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application for a Water Quality Certification pursuant to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If
you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (828)-271-7950 ext 231.
Crystal Anischler
Project Manager
Asheville Regulatory Field Office
Mr. Chris Petterson
URS Corporation
6000 Fairview Road, Suite 200
Charlotte, North Carolina 28210
Is. Karen Higgins
North Carolina Department of
Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Water Resources
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617
Mr. Todd Bowers
Permit Review Specialist
Wetlands Regulatory Section
USEPA — Region 4
Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center
61 Forsyth Street, SW
Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8960
Ms. Shari Bryant
North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission
Post Office Box 129
Sedalia, North Carolina 27342-0129
Ms. Janet Mizzi
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Asheville Ecological Services Field Office
160 Zillicoa Street
Asheville, North Carolina 28801-1082