HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190681 Ver 1_Longhorn_100114_MY3_2022_20230127ID#* 20190681 Select Reviewer: Katie Merritt Initial Review Completed Date 02/01/2023 Mitigation Project Submittal - 1/27/2023 Version* 1 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site?* Type of Mitigation Project:* Stream Wetlands Buffer Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Jeremiah Dow Project Information ID#:* 20190681 Existing ID# Project Type: • DMS Mitigation Bank Project Name: Longhorn Buffer Mitigation Site County: Randolph Document Information O Yes O No Email Address:* jeremiah.dow@ncdenr.gov Version:* 1 Existing Version Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Monitoring Report File Upload: Longhorn_100114_MY3_2022.pdf 11.38MB Please upload only one PDF of the complete file that needs to be submitted... Signature Print Name:* Jeremiah Dow Signature: * MY03Monitoring Report Longhorn Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site RandolphCounty, NC DMS Project No. 100114 DMS Contract Number: 7866 DWR Project Number: 2019-0681 Randleman Lake Watershed Cape Fear River Basin HUC 03030003 RFP #16-007703 Prepared For: NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 November2022 MY03Monitoring Report Longhorn Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site Randolph County, NC DMS Project No. 100114 DMS Contract Number: 7866 DWR Project Number: 2019-0681 Randleman Lake Watershed Cape Fear River Basin HUC 03030003 PREPARED FOR: NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 PREPARED BY: Clearwater Mitigation Solutions 604 Macon Place Raleigh, North Carolina Authorized Representative: Mr. Kevin Yates Phone: 919-624-6901 Contributing Staff: Kevin Yates, Clearwater Mitigation Solutions Christian Preziosi, Davey Resource Group Wes Fryar, Davey Resource Group Kim Williams, Davey Resource Group November2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Mitigation Project Summary ........................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Project Goals .............................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Pre-Construction Site Conditions .............................................................................................. 2 2.0. Determination of Credits ................................................................................................................. 2 3.0. Baseline Summary ........................................................................................................................... 3 3.1 Planting Preparation .................................................................................................................. 3 3.2 Riparian Area Restoration and Enhancement Activities .......................................................... 4 4.0 Annual Monitoring .......................................................................................................................... 5 4.1 Methods ..................................................................................................................................... 5 4.2 Tables ......................................................................................................................................... 5 4.3 Results and Discussion ............................................................................................................... 5 4.4 Maintenance and Management ................................................................................................ 7 5.0 References ........................................................................................................................................ 7 LIST OF FIGURES, TABLES, AND APPENDICES Figure 1 ....................................................................................................................................... Vicinity Map Figure 2 ................................................................................................................................. Watershed Map Figure 3 .................................................................................... USGS Glenola 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Figure 4 ..................................................................................................................... NC DOT QL2 LiDAR Map Figure 5 .................................................................................................... Randolph County NRCS Soil Survey Figure 6 .......................................................................................................... 1998 NAPP Aerial Photography Figure 7 .......................................................................................... 2016 Aerial with Conservation Easement Figure 8 ................................................................................................................... Mitigation Plan Overview Figure 9 ............................................................................................................. Current Condition Plan View Table 1........................................................................................................Buffer Project Attributes Table 2. ............................................................................................ Buffer Project Areas and Assets Table 3 ......................................................................................................................... Planting Plan Table 4 ............................................................................................. Planted and Total Stem Counts Appendix A. ............................................................................................................... Figures/Tables Appendix B................................................................................... Veg Data/Veg Plot Photos/Photo Stations Longhorn Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site – Year 03 Monitoring Report i | Page DMS Project No. 100114 November 23rd, 2022 1.0Mitigation Project Summary The LonghornRiparian Buffer Restoration Project (“the Site”) is a buffer restoration projectlocated in Randolph County, approximately 1.5 miles northwest of the Town of Sophia, North Carolina and approximately 9 miles south of High Point (NC). The property is situated just east of NC Highway 311 and is bounded to the south by Marlboro Church Road (refer to Figure 1). The Longhorn Buffer Mitigation Site is located within the Muddy Creek 12-digit HUC (030300030106) of the Randleman Lake watershed (Figure 2). The buffer restoration and enhancement areas are located along an unnamed tributary (UT) of Bob Branch and drainages that flow directly into Randleman Lake Reservoir approximately 2 river miles downstream (refer to Figure 3 and Figure 4). Prior to project completion, the Site was surrounded by areas managed for cattle production and lacked existing forested buffer along a majority of the streams and pond dissecting the site. The Site is expected to generate 376,644.994 riparian buffer credits (BMU). The Site is located within Hydologic Unit Code (HUC) 03030003010060 and North Carolina Department of Water Resources (NC DWR) Sub-Basin 03-04-07. The buffer mitigation site consists of one stream reach (A1) and an in-line pond (P1) as illustrated in Figure 8. Reach A1 is a perennial stream that flows from the in-line pond (P1) to the north and into Bob Branch approximately 1,300 lf downstream. Bob Branch has a NC DEQ surface water classification as a WS-IV* waterbody. 1.1 Project Goals The main goals of the project are to provide high quality compensatory mitigation for authorized riparian buffer impacts credited through the NC DMS in-lieu-fee program and occurring within the Randleman Lake Watershed by creating a riparian corridor and restoring the historic riparian buffer. The project addresses the watershed goals identified in the Cape Fear River Basin Restoration Plan (RBRP) (NC EEP, 2010). These goals include: -point source pollution (including nitrogen, phosphorous, and fecal bacteria) resulting from current land-use practices (principally cattle pasture); -off/sediment loading to creek waters resulting from cattle hoof shear, bank instability, and lack of riparian buffer woody vegetation; stream ecology and aquatic/semi-aquatic habitats; and These goals will be achieved via the restoration and protection of riparian buffers and adjacent riparian areas along an unnamed tributary of Bob Branch (which flows east into Randleman Lake Reservoir). Specific objectives of the proposed project to achieve the desired goals include: re into wooded riparian buffer and wooded riparian areas along the existing stream channel and pond via planting of characteristic hardwood species and installation of cattle-exclusion fencing; gs (i.e. increased woody root material) and cattle exclusion fencing; Longhorn Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site – Year 03 Monitoring Report 1 | Page DMS Project No. 100078 November 22, 2022 buffer mitigation area; te in perpetuity; and Ancillary benefits of the proposed riparian buffer and adjacent riparian area restoration effort include: Increase of organic material as food for invertebrate, fish and wildlife; Supply of woody debris that provides increased niche habitat for fish, invertebrates and amphibians; Reduction of sunlight reaching the stream and modulation of surface water temperatures; and Floodwater attenuation via temporary storage, interception and slow releases from heavy rains. 1.2Pre-construction Site Conditions The project includes 20.81 acres of mostly open cattle pasture with one stream reach (A1) and an in-line pond (P1) which drains to Bob Branch. An additional 0.89-acres was added to the project area to include the pond dam within the conservation easement and will be reflected in an amendment to the Conservation Easement Plat. The Site has historically been managed for agricultural and cattle production. Site drainage and hydrology have been historically altered via the impoundment of waters. Based upon a review of available aerial photography, the tributary was impounded in the early 1970s (between 1970 and 1973). A portion of the site was in cropland as early as 1948. The remaining land was cleared and converted to agricultural production in the 1950s. The buffer mitigation site consists of one stream reach (A1) and an in-line pond (P1) as illustrated in Figure 8. Reach A1 is a perennial stream that flows from the in-line pond (P1) to the north and into Bob Branch. There is approximately 625 lf of stream associated with Reach A1 within the proposed buffer easement area. Pond (P1) is an in-line pond that is approximately 5.3-acres and lies entirely within the proposed conservation easement area. The stream reach (A1) and an in-line pond (P1) have been restored as a forested riparian buffer to 200-ft (approximately 12.73 acres) while approximately 0.40 acres of partially forested areas are considered suitable for buffer enhancement. An additional 0.21 acres of existing, wooded riparian area will be enhanced as cattle exclusion fencing will be installed around the conservation easement boundary. As indicated above, an amendment to the Conservation Easement Plat to include the pond dam will be provided to NCDMS and NCDWR following recordation. The project attributes are listed in Table 1, located in Appendix A. 2.0 Determination of Credits On June 19th, 2019, Ms. Katie Merritt of the Division of Water Resources (DWR) performed an evaluation of surface water features and adjacent riparian areas within the proposed mitigation site for the determination of riparian buffer mitigation pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (effective November 1, 2015). Based upon this evaluation, DWR determined that areas within 200 ft of Reach A-1 and Pond P-1 Longhorn Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site – Year 03 Monitoring Report 2 | Page DMS Project No. 100078 November 22, 2022 are eligible for buffer credit. Inclusive of this area are approximately 12.73 acres of non-forested restoration site per 15A NCAC 02B 0.0295 (n). In addition, 0.40 acres of partially forested areas are considered suitable for buffer enhancement per 15A NCAC 02B 0.0295 (n) (i.e. areas classified such that the establishment of woody stems (i.e., tree or shrub species) will maximize nutrient removal and other buffer functions). In addition to buffer restoration and enhancement on subject streams, per the Consolidated Buffer Mitigation Rules (15 A NCAC 02B 0.0295 (o)), alternative mitigation is proposed on the site in the form of: 1) enhancement of grazing areas adjacent to streams. The project is in compliance with these rules as it meets the following criteria: Enhancement of Grazing Areas Adjacent to Streams (15A NCAC 02B 0.0295 (o)(6)): Buffer credit at a 2:1 ratio shall be available for an applicant or mitigation provider who proposes permanent exclusion of grazing livestock that otherwise degrade the stream and riparian zone through trampling, grazing, or waste deposition by fencing the livestock out of the stream and its adjacent buffer. An additional 0.21 acres of existing, wooded riparian area will be enhanced as cattle exclusion fencing will be installed around the conservation easement boundary. There are no known site constraints that would impede or adversely affect the restoration, enhancement, and preservation of riparian buffer within the recorded easement area. Diffuse flow of runoff will be maintained in the riparian buffer. Mitigation credits are presented in Table 2 and Figure 8 in Appendix A and are based upon the conservation easement survey. 3.0 Baseline Summary The project team restored high quality riparian buffers along all unnamed tributaries and an in-line pond within the Site. The project design ensured that no adverse impacts to wetlands of existing riparian buffers occurred during implementation. Refer to Figure 8 for the conceptual design of the project. Details of the restoration activity that occurred follows in the sections below. 3.1PlantingPreparation Based upon pre-project assessment of compaction within the proposed planting areas, all areas targeted for vegetative plantings within the buffer restoration project were ripped to reduce compaction and to enhance microtopography. Spot spraying of herbicide was initiated for control of invasive species within the restoration, enhancement and preservation areas (i.e. Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), Multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora, Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), and Chinese tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima)). Treatment areas are depicted on Figure 9. The existing 84-ft pond spillway was stabilized prior to planting. The spillway was widened to approximately 10-feet and tapered down to 6-feet. The side slopes were lined with coir fiber matting, and the bottom of the spillway lined with rip-rap. Appropriate Longhorn Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site – Year 03 Monitoring Report 3 | Page DMS Project No. 100078 November 22, 2022 erosion control measures were implemented before, during, and after the spillway maintenance to prevent sediment loss into downstream waters. No other site preparation occurred. No observed drain tiles were observed prior to, or during, construction and planting and no other land disturbance was needed to maintain diffuse flow as required. 3.2Riparian Area Restoration and Enhancement Activities The conservation easement boundary was marked using 6-inch diameter treated post buried 2 feet, standing 5 feet above the ground surface, within the pasture. Woven wire fencing with a top strand of barbed wire was installed along the entire easement boundary. One pedestrian access gate was installed for future monitoring and access. Three 12-ft wide gates were installed in appropriate locations to allow cattle to exit in case they were to breach the fence and enter the conservation easement. The easement boundary was marked with standard yellow Conservation Area signs, per the 01/23/14 NCDMS Boundary Marking Standards. The planting plan consisted of the planting at least four hardwood species on a density of approximately 538 stems per acre. Species selection and distribution were matched closely to micro-site hydrologic and edaphic conditions and include species characteristic of riparian assemblages in the watershed. In other words, species more tolerant of poorly drained soils (i.e. river birch, green ash, and willow oak) were planted within lower landscape positions generally consisting of the Chewacla and Wedhakee soil series while species characteristically occurring in better drained soils (Wynott-Enon complex) will be planted in higher landscape positions (i.e. hillside slopes). The selected native trees are well-suited to the site-specific conditions of the property to promote high survivorship rates. No one tree species planted was greater than 50% of the established stems. Site planting was conducted on April 1st, 2020 by Carolina Silvics, Inc. and supervised by project managers from both Clearwater Mitigation Solutions and Land Management Group. Table 3 summarizes the planting plan for the Longhorn mitigation site. 1 Table 3. Planting Plan Common Name Scientific Name % Composition Acreage Quantity American Sycamore Plantanus occidentalis 30 3.94 2,119 Yellow Poplar Liriodendron tulipifera 25 3.28 1,766 River Birch Betula nigra 25 3.28 1,766 Willow Oak Quercus phellos 15 1.97 1,060 Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica 5 0.66 353 Total N/A 10013.13 7,064 1 Note the planted area includes approximate 0.74 acres of conservation area. While no credit is proposed for this area, it was planted per the same specifications (species density and composition) as those contained within final, approved mitigation plan. Longhorn Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site – Year 03 Monitoring Report 4 | Page DMS Project No. 100078 November 22, 2022 4.0Annual Monitoring Annual Monitoring will be conducted during the growing season for a period of five years. The report will include all information required by DMS monitoring guidelines including photographs, plot locations, and documentation of existing species density and composition. Monitoring will be performed in accordance with the Consolidated Mitigation Buffer Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0295) and current DMS standards.The performance criteria for the Site follows approved performance criteria presented in the guidance documents outlined in the Consolidated Buffer Rule (15A NCAC 02B .0295). Performance criteria will be evaluated throughout the five-year post-construction monitoring. 4.1Methods The final vegetative success criteria will be the survival of 260 planted stems per acre in the riparian buffer at the end of the required monitoring period (MY05). Native hardwood and native shrub volunteer species may be included to meet the final performance standard of 260 stems per acre. In addition, the Site must contain at least four native hardwood species. Vegetative monitoring included the establishment of eleven (11) permanent plots consistent with the Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) protocol Level 2 (version 4.2) (refer to Figure 9 for plot locations). Reference photos of the vegetation plots and Site were taken at each predetermined photo point location. Any vegetative problem areas in the site will be noted and reported in each monitoring report. Vegetative problem areas may include areas that either lack vegetation or include populations of exotic vegetation. Monitoring reports will identify any contingency measures that may need to be employed to remedy site deficiencies. Permanent photo stations were established across the project area in order to document site stability for five years post construction. Markers were established and located with GPS equipment so that the same locations and view directions on the Site are photographed each year. Photo reference stations are shown on Figure 9 and photos are included in Appendix B. Visual assessments will be performed annually during the five-year monitoring period. Problem areas of vegetative health will be noted and areas of concern will be mapped, photographed, and documented in the subsequent annual monitoring report. Problem areas that are found will be re-evaluated in each subsequent monitoring event. 4.2 Tables (MY3) vegetation plot photographs and the planted and total stem counts (Table 4) are included in Appendix B. 4.3 Results and Discussion Annual monitoring (MY03) was conducted on October 19, 2022 by DRG staff. An average stem density of 485 planted stems per acre was tallied across the site (approximately 72% of the recorded baseline (MY0) density (673 stems per acre)). Stem densities within individual monitoring plots range from 121 to 1,093 Longhorn Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site – Year 03 Monitoring Report 5 | Page DMS Project No. 100078 November 22, 2022 planted stems per acre. Stem counts within individual plots range from 3 to 27 stems with an average of 12 planted stems per plot. Six different hardwood species were observed across the site, exceeding the minimum diversity criteria. All but one vegetation plot (Plot 2) are on track to meet the final stem density success criterion of 260 stems/acre for MY05. Plot 2 experienced high seedling mortality during MY01. Plot 2 seedling mortality was likely caused by inundation and flooding of the plot. Based upon review of the area during MY01, it appeared that an increase in surface water had filled the western and side channel following construction of the new pond outlet due to a shift and rehabilitation of the dam outlet structure. Many dead trees were observed buried in alluvial deposits during MY01. During MY02, additional seedling mortality was observed due to inundation in the same location. During MY02, a supplemental plot was established just to the south of Plot 2 (Plot 2A). Ten (10) planted stems were enumerated within Plot 2A during MY02 and MY03 and all exhibited excellent vigor. In addition, the remainder of the enhancement area was walked, and numerous planted stems were observed. Based on the enumerated stems in Plot 2A during MY03 and observed stems within the remainder of the enhancement zone, it is anticipated that Plot 2 is the only area within the enhancement zone experiencing high mortality due to inundation and alluvial deposition. Plot 5 mortality during MY01 was likely caused by dry conditions post-planting and the subsequent overtopping by dense grasses. During MY01 and MY02, the area around Plot 5 appeared to have been affected by dry conditions and exhibited higher mortality. Supplemental planting was implemented within this area in the Winter of 2022 (January – February). The supplemental planting area equated to approximately 0.75-acres. Additional planted stems were observed during MY03 and all exhibited excellent vigor. The remainder of the area around Plot 5 was walked, and numerous planted stems were observed. It should be noted that during MY01, Plots 7, 9, and 10 all exhibited relatively higher stem mortality and lower vigor. It is believed that these areas experienced mortality due to dry conditions following site planting and competition from fescue grass. Although these three plots were exceeding the final stem success criteria during MY01, supplemental planting was proposed to occur in these areas in the Winter of 2021 (January – February). However, a selective, broad spectrum, postemergence herbicide (Poast) was used for control of fescue grass and mortality has ceased in these areas. Most of the stem mortality occurred between MY0 and MY01. During MY03 these areas are on track to meet the final stem density success criteria. Refer to Figure 9 (Current Condition Plan View) and Table 4 in Appendix B for additional information. Small areas of invasive species were treated on the Site in MY03 (i.e. small areas over approximately 1.6- acres). Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) and multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora) have been observed within the proposed buffer enhancement and preservation areas and along the eastern bank of Stream A1. A small cluster of Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) were also observed within the easement. These areas were treated prior to site planting and again concurrently during MY01 & MY02 & MY03. Treatment appears to be working and invasive densities are steadily declining across the Site. Though some invasive species are present throughout the Site, none are currently affecting the survival of the planted stems or the success of the project. Invasive species populations will continue to be monitored and spot herbicide Longhorn Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site – Year 03 Monitoring Report 6 | Page DMS Project No. 100078 November 22, 2022 treatments will be conducted as needed during the appropriate time of year. Please refer to Appendix B for visual assessment data and for vegetation plot data and vegetation plot photographs. 4.4 Maintenance and Management Overall, the Site appears to be progressing well towards the target success criteria. Supplemental planting during the Winter of 2022 appears to have successfully brought Plot 5 back into compliance with the MY05 success criteria of 260/planted stems per acre. The site will continue to be monitored for problem areas. In addition, invasive treatment areas will continue to be monitored, and invasive vegetation management will continue to be implemented if additional exotic species volunteer into the site. If it is determined that the Site’s ability to achieve the performance standards are jeopardized, staff members of NCDMS/NCDWR will be notified, and an adaptive management plan will be developed to address these issues. 5.0 References Lee, Michael T. Peet, Robert K., Steven D. Wentworth, Thomas R. 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4.2. http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/protocol/cvs-eep-protocol-v4.2-lev1-2.pdf Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Web Soil Survey of Randolph County. http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/HomePage.htm North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program. 2009. Cape Fear River Basin Restoration Priorities 2009. http://www.nceep.net/services/lwps/cape_fear/RBRP%20Cape%20Fear%202008.pdf North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). 2017. Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Buffer Baseline & Annual monitoring Report Template (Version 2.0, 05-2017). Raleigh, North Carolina. https://ncdenr.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fspublic/Mitigation%20Services/Document%20Management%20Li brary/Guidance%20and%20Templa te%20Documents/RB_NO_Base_Mon_Template_2.0_2017_5.pdf North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ), 2011. Surface Water Classifications. http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/planning/classification-standards/classifications Longhorn Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site – Year 03 Monitoring Report 7 | Page DMS Project No. 100078 November 22, 2022 APPENDIX A: Figures/Tables ¯ ^_ ¯ ¯ SITE Legend CmA: Chewacla and Wehadkee soils, 0-2% slopes, frequently flooded CnB2: Coronaca clay loam, 2-8% slopes, moderately eroded CnC2: Coronaca clay loam, 8-15% slopes, moderately eroded HeB: Helena sandy loam, 2-6% slopes HeC: Helena sandy loam, 6-10% slopes MaC: Mecklenburg loam, 8-15% slopes MeB2: Mecklenburg clay loam, 2-8% slopes, moderately eroded Longhorn Conservation Easement MeC2: Mecklenburg clay loam, 8-15% slopes, moderately eroded WtB: Wynott-Enon complex, 2-8% slopes WtC: Wynott-Enon complex, 8-15% slopes WvB2: Wynott-Enon complex, 2-8% slopes, moderately eroded Esri, HERE, Garmin, © OpenStreetMap contributors WvC2: Wynott-Enon complex, 8-15% slopes, moderately eroded WzB: Wynott-Wilkes-Poindexter complex, 2-8% slopes 03507001,400 Boundaries are approximate and not meant to be absolute. Feet ¯ Map Source: NRCS Randolph County Soil Survey, 2006 Longhorn Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site Figure 5 Cataloging Unit 03030003 Soils Map Randolph County, NC Map Date: 0-- LMG # Bob Branch SITE Legend Parcel Boundary: ~45. Acres NCCGIA, Esri, HERE, Garmin, © OpenStreetMap contributors Longhorn Conservation Easement: ~ Acres 0200400800 Boundaries are approximate and not meant to be absolute. Feet ¯ Map Source: 1998 NAPP Aerial Photography Longhorn Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site Figure 6 Cataloging Unit 03030003 1998 Aerial Photograph Randolph County, NC Map Date: 0-- LMG # Bob Branch SITE Legend Esri, HERE, Garmin, © OpenStreetMap contributors, Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, Parcel Boundary: ~45. Acres USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Longhorn Conservation Easement: ~ Acres 0200400800 Boundaries are approximate and not meant to be absolute. Feet ¯ Map Source: 2016 ESRI World Imagery Longhorn Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site Figure 7 Cataloging Unit 03030003 Aerial Photograph Randolph County, NC Map Date: -- LMG # Longhorn Conservation Easement & Fence SITE Access Gates 1 TOB _ ^ Buffer Restoration (0 ft - 100 ft) Buffer Restoration (101 ft - 200 ft) Buffer Enhancement Buffer Enhancement (Cattle Exclusion) 2 PS 1 _ ^ _ ^ Invasive Species Treatment Areas: ~1.6-Acres 2A 3 Supplemental Planting Areas: ~0.75-Acres _ ^ 4 _ ^ Vegetation Plots PS 2 _ ^ Photo Stations _ ^ PS 3 _ ^PS 4 _ ^ PS 5 _ ^ 5 _ ^ 7 _ ^ PS 6 _ ^ 6 PS 7 _ ^ _ ^ 8 _ ^ 11 _ ^ 10 _ ^ 9 _ ^ Esri, HERE, Garmin, (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, PS 8 USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community _ ^ L:\\WETLANDS\\2019 WETLANDS FILES\\LMG19.249 --- Longhorn Buffer Project, Kevin Yates\\Annual Monitoring\\Baseline Monitoring\\Figures 0100200400 Boundaries are approximate and not meant to be absolute. Feet ¯ Map Source: 2016 ESRI World Imagery Longhorn Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site Cataloging Unit 03030003 Figure 9 Randolph County, NC Current Condition Plan View Map Date: 11-22-22 MY03 LMG #19.249 Project Restoration digit) Buffer (14 99 79.882810 Riparian 2020 2020 2020 Buffer Page 2020 Fear 1st,6th, , 163 Longhorn0303000301006035.841600,RiparianFebruary CapeDB376,644.99AprilApril PG) (DB, Long) (Lat, Date Date Code Date Instrument Date (BMU) DateDateDateDateDate Location Unit Plan CreditsMonitoringReport Name of Planting Basin Credits ReportReportReportReportReport Protection ProjectHydrologicRiverGeographicSiteTotalTypesMitigationInitialBaselineBaselineMY1MY2MY3MY4MY5 APPENDIX : Veg Data/ Veg Plot Photos takes takes s s ite ive S ive l ite l S itigation M xcluding ncluding uffer Stems e i B Mitigation r parian 2 tems tems Ri s ffe s 20 – onghorn Bu L 100114 lanted lanted ame: N p p f f ear o No. o Project Y Riparian lanted and Total RBMS. P L oject . umber stems ode 4 N C Number Pr ll: roject Total P P-A CVS Table LonghornDMS Monitoring PnoLS:T: A PPENDIX B.V EG P LOT P HOTOS (1) Plot 1 (2) Plot 2 (3) Plot 3 (4) Plot 4 (5) Plot 5 (6) Plot 6 Longhorn Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site – Appendix B 1| Page DMS Project No. 100114 A PPENDIX B.V EG P LOT P HOTOS (7) Plot 7 (8) Plot 8 (9) Plot 9 (10) Plot 10 (11) Plot 11 (12) Plot 2A Longhorn Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site – Appendix B 2| Page DMS Project No. 100114 A PPENDIX B. P HOTO S TATIONS (1)PS1 (looking south)(2) PS2 (looking north towards restoration area) (3) PS2 (looking east) (5) PS3 (looking north into enhancement area) (6) PS4 (looking west towards dam) Longhorn Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site – Appendix B 1 | Page DMS Project No. 100114 A PPENDIX B. P HOTO S TATIONS (7) PS4 (looking south into easement) (8) PS5 (looking west along conservation easement) (9) PS6 (looking north along pond edge) (10) PS7 (looking southwest into restoration area) (11) PS8 (looking north into restoration area) Longhorn Riparian Buffer Mitigation Site – Appendix B 2| Page DMS Project No. 100114