HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120658 Ver 1_Year 9 Monitoring Report_20230201Staff Review Form NORTH CAROLINA Ertrlmnmertlrtl Quality Updated September 4, 2020 Staff Review Does this application have all the attachments needed to accept it into the review process?* Yes No ID# * 20120658 Version* 1 Is this project a public transportation project?* Yes No Reviewer List: * Zachary Thomas:eads\ztthomas Select Reviewing Office: * Raleigh Regional Office - (919) 791-4200 Does this project require a request for payment to be sent?* Yes No Project Submittal Form * Please note: fields marked with a red asterisk below are required. You will not be able to submit the form until all mandatory questions are answered. Project Type: * For the Record Only (Courtesy Copy) New Project Modification/New Project with Existing ID More Information Response Other Agency Comments Pre -Application Submittal Re-Issuance\Renewal Request Stream or Buffer Appeal Pre -Filing Meeting Date Request was submitted on: Is this supplemental information that needs to be sent to the Corps?* Yes No Project Contact Information Name: Rebecca Stubbs Who is submitting the information? Email Address: rstubbs@mcadamsco.com Project Information Existing ID #: 201202043 20170001 (no dashes) Project Name: Campus Drive Stream Restoration Is this a public transportation project? Yes No Existing Version: 1 Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? Yes No Unknown County (ies) Durham Please upload all files that need to be submited. Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document 2023-01-31 20.38MB CampusDriveStreamRestoration_MY9Report.pdf Only pdf or kmz files are accepted. Describe the attachments or comments: SAW-2012-02043 DWR# 2012-0658 Sign and Submit By checking the box and signing box below, I certify that: • I, the project proponent, hereby certifies that all information contained herein is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. • I, the project proponent, hereby requests that the certifying authority review and take action on this CWA 401 certification request within the applicable reasonable period of time. • I agree that submission of this online form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); • I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); • I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND • I intend to electronically sign and submit the online form. Signature: 44�eriera Submittal Date: 2/1/2023 Is filled in automatically. O +i"'' VP"wr", - - Stream and Vegetation Monitoring Year 9 Report Duke University Water Reclamation Pond Stream Restoration / January 2023 / DKU-16040 MCADAMS FOR T. Ryan Lavinder, PE Civil Engineer Duke Utility & Engineering Services, FMD Duke University STREAM AND VEGETATION MONITORING YEAR 9 REPORT Duke University Water Reclamation Pond Stream Restoration Durham, NC Issued: January 31, 2023 by The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. Project No. DKU-16040 Rebecca Stubbs, PE Practice Lead, Stream Restoration The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. Signature �� MCADAMS Table of Contents WATER RECLAMATION POND STREAM RESTORATION > MONITORING YEAR 9 REPORT 1.0 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Project Location and Description........................................................................................ 1 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives.............................................................................................. 1 1.3 Monitoring Summary and Status........................................................................................ 2 2.0 CHANNEL STABILITY ASSESSMENT............................................................................................ 2 2.1 Cross Sections and Longitudinal Profile.............................................................................. 2 2.2 Pebble Counts..................................................................................................................... 3 2.3 Crest Stage Gauge............................................................................................................... 3 2.4 Bank Pins............................................................................................................................. 4 2.5 Channel Stability Assessment Summary and Recommendations ...................................... 4 3.0 VEGETATION CONDITION AND COMPARISON......................................................................... 4 3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Plots............................................................................................... 5 3.2 Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Sheets......................................................... 5 3.3 Photo Stations..................................................................................................................... 5 3.4 Vegetation Assessment Summary and Recommendations................................................ 5 4.0 INVASIVE SPECIES MONITORING.............................................................................................. 6 5.0 REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................. 7 Appendix A: Site Maps Figure 1: Site Location Map Figure 2: Conservation Easement Maps Figure 3: 2021 Aerial Map Appendix B: Stream Morphology Data Appendix C: Overbank Flow Photos Appendix D: Vegetation Assessment Data Table 1: Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table 2: Planted Stem Count by Vegetation Plot Table 3: Planted Species Survival by Vegetation Plot Appendix E: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Appendix F: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheets Appendix G: Photo Station Photos creating experiences through experience 2905 Meridian Parkway, Durham, NC 27713 / 919. 361. 5000 �� MCADAMS WATER RECLAMATION POND STREAM RESTORATION > MONITORING YEAR 9 REPORT 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Location and Description The Duke University Water Reclamation Pond Stream Restoration project (Stream Restoration project) is on the main campus of Duke University, in Durham, Durham County, North Carolina (Appendix A, Figure 1). More specifically, the Conservation Easement (CE) for the Stream Restoration project is 7.01 acres in size and starts just south of NC Highway 147, runs parallel to Campus Drive, crosses Campus Drive and ties back into the receiving waters at Oregon Street (Appendix A, Figures 2.1 and 2.2). The Stream Restoration project is approximately 1.5 miles from the proposed stream impacts associated with the Duke University water reclamation pond. The Stream Restoration project is located within the Cape Fear River Basin USGS Hydrologic Unit 03030002 (USGS 1974), local watershed 14-digit basin 03030002060110, and the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (DWR) sub -basin 03-06-05. The unnamed tributary flows directly into Sandy Creek (DWR stream index number of 16-41- 1-11) approximately 2.5 miles downstream of the project terminus. The drainage area of the unnamed tributary is approximately 141 acres at the downstream end. Based on a detailed watershed analysis, approximately 27 percent (39 acres) of the watershed area is impervious. The Stream Restoration project is located within the Piedmont Physiographic Province of North Carolina. A review of the Ecoregions of North Carolina and South Carolina (Griffith et al., 2002) shows the geology of the Stream Restoration project is comprised of quaternary to tertiary red sandy loam to silty clay decomposition residuum, sandstone, conglomerate, mudstone, shale, coal, dikes, and sills within the Triassic Basin. There are currently no agricultural croplands or activities within the watershed; however, there was stream channelization and relocation associated with the sanitary sewer line installation adjacent to the unnamed tributary. 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives The purpose of this Stream and Vegetation Monitoring Year 9 report is to assess the Stream Restoration project to determine restoration success. The monitoring plan to evaluate the success of the Site is based the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Stream Mitigation Guidelines (April 2003) and the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) Monitoring Requirements and Performance Standards for Stream and/or Wetland Mitigation (November, 2011). Monitoring of the Site will occur annually for seven (7) full years. Construction of the Stream Restoration project occurred in the summer of 2013. During the month of November 2013, riparian buffer restoration activities began following construction of the restored active stream channel. Riparian buffer restoration activities included planting trees and staking vegetation plots within the CE. The goal of the stream restoration project is to modify the dimension, pattern, and profile of the channel so that a stable and self -maintaining channel is created by utilizing natural channel design techniques and procedures. The design was developed utilizing Rosgen-based natural channel design principles (Rosgen, 1996). Preventing future stream bank erosion will be accomplished by fulfilling the following general objectives: 1) Conversion of approximately 3,459 linear feet of the tributary from an eroding, degraded channel to a natural, stable system with restored aquatic habitat. 2) Reduction of sediment loading to a river system that flows into Jordan Lake - a recreational water body. 3) Establishment of a riparian corridor that has a restored floodplain, aquatic, and morphological functions which provide habitat connectivity to the area and will be protected in perpetuity. The following specific objectives will allow the restoration plan to succeed in obtaining the project's goal: creating experiences through experience 1 of 6 �� MCADAMS WATER RECLAMATION POND STREAM RESTORATION > MONITORING YEAR 9 REPORT 1) Design a channel with the appropriate cross -sectional dimension, pattern and longitudinal profile utilizing the existing channel condition survey and collected reference reach data as a guide. 2) Improve upon and create bedform and aquatic habitat diversity (riffles, runs, pools and glides). 3) Create a nested floodplain (bankfull bench) that will be accessible at the proposed bankfull channel elevation along the entire reach. 4) Ensure channel and stream bank stabilization by integrating in -channel grade control structures and native vegetation into the proposed restoration design while also creating a stable and functional aquatic and terrestrial habitat. 5) Establish a native forested riparian plant community within a minimum of 50 feet from the proposed top of the bankfull channel along with the removal of exotic vegetation during construction implementation and the elimination of current embankment maintenance practices. 1.3 Monitoring Summary and Status As -Built surveying and monitoring were completed and reported on July 9, 2014. Monitoring year 1 also began in 2014. Monitoring has been completed in general accordance with the restoration plan dated October 2012. Minor deviations from the approved restoration plan follow. Photo documentation of bank erosion observed during visual assessments replaced photo documentation of streambanks at each cross-section. Nine permanent photo stations were established instead of twelve. Pictures were taken upstream and downstream at each photo station instead of the four cardinal directions. After visual assessments in monitoring year 4 (2017) identified bank erosion around log sills, a comprehensive log sill assessment was completed and reported in the monitoring year 5 report. Invasive species monitoring and treatment ceased after the spring of monitoring year 4 to be re-evaluated after log sill repairs were completed. Three areas of mowing within the CE were also noted in monitoring year 4. Repairs were not made, and monitoring ceased after monitoring year 6 due to pandemic constraints. Monitoring resumed in monitoring year 9 (2022). On November 29, 2022, Sue Homewood and Kelsey Rowland with the NC Division of Water Resources and April Norton with the US Army Corps of Engineers joined Ryan Lavender, PE with Duke University along with staff from McAdams and Natural Resource Consultants for visual inspection of the stream restoration project. 2.0 CHANNEL STABILITY ASSESSMENT Channel stability will be reflected in the surveyed permanent cross -sections, longitudinal profile, evaluation of bank stability and cover, evaluation of in -stream structure performance and to a lesser degree pebble counts compared to the as -built and any previously collected monitoring data. The general trend should reflect a stable or slightly decreasing riffle cross -sectional area whereas pools may increase and yet be considered relatively stable. The longitudinal profile will typically adjust depending on the frequency of bankfull or greater storm events. Normally, the constructed channel profile will adjust (especially in a sand dominated bed) but it will need to function without significant degradation (bed scour), aggradation (mid -channel bars) or bank erosion. The Bank Height Ratio (BHR) shall not exceed 1.2 and the Entrenchment Ratio shall be no less than 2.2. The stream shall remain stable over seven years and through two bankfull events as indicated by visual surveys, cross -sections and bank pins. If monitoring (including vegetation) demonstrates success by year five (5), a proposal can be issued by the Owner to terminate monitoring of the site. 2.1 Cross Sections and Longitudinal Profile The stream geometry is successful if the cross-section geometry, profile and sinuosity are stable or reach a dynamic equilibrium. It is expected there will be minimal changes in the designed cross sections, profile and/or creating experiences through experience 2 of 6 MCADAMS WATER RECLAMATION POND STREAM RESTORATION > MONITORING YEAR 9 REPORT substrate composition. Changes that may occur during the monitoring period were evaluated to determine if they represent a movement toward a more unstable condition (e.g. down cutting, erosion, mid- channel bars, etc.) or are minor changes that represent an increase in stability (e.g. settling, vegetative changes, coarsening of bed material, etc.). Deviation from the design ratios will not necessarily denote failure, as it is possible to maintain stability and not stay within the design geometry. Cross section survey data was collected and reported in years 1, 2, 3, 5 and 9. In Monitoring Year 9, the cross sections were surveyed on December 16th through 30th, 2022 (Appendix B) and show a channel that continues to classify as a C/E channel in the Rosgen classification system with Bank Height Ratios equal to 1.0 and Entrenchment Ratios greater than 2.2 Riffle cross section 1 (upper reach) shows an increase in cross -sectional area due to channel instability at the log vane structure immediately upstream. And riffle cross section 3 (upper reach) shows an increase in cross -sectional area as this feature appears to have transitioned into a pool but appears to be stable in this form. The longitudinal profile was surveyed in years 1 and 9. Overall, the profile graphs for Monitoring Year 9 show a channel that has deepened some of its pools in the first 500-ft of the upper reach but has remained fairly consistent in the remaining reach with minor profile adjustments. 2.2 Pebble Counts The composition of the streambed and banks is an important facet of stream character, influencing channel form and hydraulics, erosion rates, sediment supply and other parameters. The most efficient basic technique in measuring the streambed and banks is the Wolman Pebble Count method. This requires measuring individual substrate particles along a cross section and tallying the size class of each particle. Pebble counts are conducted to determine bed particle size distribution at each riffle cross section (Cross Sections 1, 3, 6 and 9). Pebble Counts will be conducted and reported in years 1, 2, 3, 5 and 9. Pebble count data for Monitoring Year 9 was collected on December 30, 2022 (Appendix B). Overall, the substrate data collection showed slight shifts (if any) in comparison to MY1 in the D50 and/or D84 for the cross sections. Pebble count data collected at cross sections 3 and 6 showed an adjustment in the D50 from "Medium Gravel" and "Fine Gravel" to "Very Coarse Sand" and "Very Fine Sand", respectively, however maintained their D84 classifications. It should be noted the shift in material size for the D50 ranged minimally from 4 to 8 millimeters (mm). Cross section 9 also showed a shift in the D50 material from "Fine Gravel" to "Coarse Sand", representing a shift in size of 5mm. Cross section 1 showed a shift in the D84 from "Very Coarse Gravel" to "Gravel", representing a 10 mm shift. 2.3 Crest Stage Gauge A Crest Stage Gauge (CSG) was installed during Monitoring Year 1 field activities to document bankfull events. The CSG was installed at Station 15+57 near Vegetation Plot 5 (Appendix A, Figures 2.1 and 2.2). CSG measurements will be conducted and reported in all years of monitoring. CSG measurements were not recorded during the Monitoring Years 5 and 9 field assessment due to a malfunction of the CSG. However, abundant indicators of overbank flow, such as wrack lines and bent vegetation, were observed throughout the Stream Restoration project during the Monitoring Year 9field assessment. Photos showing evidence of overbank flow in the upper and lower reach in Monitoring Year 9 are included in Appendix C. Table 1 provides a list of bankfull events based on the installed CSG and observed indicators of overbank flow. creating experiences through experience 3 of 6 �� MCADAMS WATER RECLAMATION POND STREAM RESTORATION > MONITORING YEAR 9 REPORT Table 1. Verification of Bankfull Events Monitoring Year Method Collection Date Depth Reading (CSG) Rainfall Depth* Date of Rainfall* MY2 CSG 10/30/2015 2.4 feet 2.46 inches 10/03/2015 MY3 CSG 12/13/2016 2.6 feet 4.46 inches 10/09/2016 MY5 Bankfull Indicators 10/10/2018 N/A 4.48 inches 9/17/2018 MY9 Bankfull Indicators 12/16/2022 N/A 3.57 inches 10/01/2022 *Data from NC CRONOS NC-DH-6— Durham 1.2 NW weather station 2.4 Bank Pins Bank erosion rates are measured using bank pins that were installed into the stream banks during the As -built monitoring set up. The bank pins were installed so that they can be measured over time in order to observe changes in the stream bank profile. Bank pin measurements can then be used to estimate rates of erosion and sediment loading. Bank pin measurements will be conducted and reported in years 1, 2, 3, 5 and 9. Bank pin data for Monitoring Year 9 was collected on December 16 - 30, 2022 and is included in Appendix B. Overall, the bank pin data shows measurable outer bank adjustments in cross sections 2, 4, 5 and 7. Cross section 2 (upper reach) is stable with good floodplain connection; it is assumed a fallen willow live stake may have impacted the downstream pin. Cross section 4 (upper reach) is just downstream of a log sill that has been flanked and the outer bank is impacted by the flow diversion at this location; see Section 2.5. Cross section 5 (middle reach) is one of the deepest pools with good floodplain connection and deposition occurring on the inner meander. In MY 5, cross section 5 had deepened and widened itself and has since become slightly shallower with deposition on the inner bank indicating a transition to its equilibrium cross -sectional area. Like cross section 5, cross section 7 (middle reach) has shifted from incision/widening in MY 5 to deposition within the channel and immediate floodplain overbanks. The bank erosion at the downstream pin is just downstream of a log sill and appears to be an isolated 5-foot section of bank, not indicative of the entire middle reach. 2.5 Channel Stability Assessment Summary and Recommendations As part of the Monitoring Year 9 field assessment, the entire stream restoration project was visually inspected and a site walk was performed on November 29, 2022 with representatives of Duke University, McAdams, DWR and USACE present. The parties acknowledged that a log sill structures assessment had been previously submitted with the MY 5 report that would necessitate an amendment to address sections of instability observed in the upper reach and minor spot instability in a couple areas in the middle and lower sections. It was agreed that McAdams would submit a Corrective Action Plan and Monitoring Proposal under a separate cover subsequent to the MY 9 report. 3.0 VEGETATION CONDITION AND COMPARISON Vegetation monitoring efforts were suspended during years seven (7) and eight (8) and resumed during the fall of year nine (9). The primary focus of the vegetative monitoring is solely on the tree stratum, although shrub and herbaceous species encountered may also be recorded. Vegetation planting success criteria is based on the survival of a minimum density of 320 trees per acre (to include both planted and existing trees) after three (3) years of monitoring. After five (5) years of monitoring, the density shall be no less than 260 trees per acre (to include both planted and existing trees). After seven (7) years of monitoring, the density shall be no less than 210 trees per acre (to include both planted and existing trees). In addition, planted vegetation must average 10 feet in height in each plot at year seven (7). If the height standard is met and the stem density is trending toward creating experiences through experience 4 of 6 �� MCADAMS WATER RECLAMATION POND STREAM RESTORATION > MONITORING YEAR 9 REPORT success after five (5) years of monitoring, monitoring of vegetation on the site may be terminated provided written approval is provided by the USACE and NCDWQ. 3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Plots All vegetation monitoring methodologies followed the most current templates and guidelines provided by DMS (EEP, 2010; EEP, 2011). Baseline vegetation monitoring was conducted in accordance with CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation (CVS-EEP, V4.2). All six (6) vegetation monitoring plots installed by McAdams were located in Monitoring Year 9. Figures 2.1 and 2.2 (Appendix A) depict the location of the vegetation monitoring plots. Plant species, density, survival rates and the cause of mortality, if identifiable, were recorded within each vegetation monitoring plot. Table 1 (Appendix D) provides a success summary for each vegetation monitoring plot. In Monitoring Year 9, the Stream Restoration project had six (6) vegetation monitoring plots encompassing 0.1483 acres, containing 57 planted stems, which yielded a density of 384 planted stems per acre. Monitoring Year 9 field activities were conducted on November 28, 2022. The planted vegetation survival threshold was met for all six (6) vegetation monitoring plots. Plot density ranged from 243 to 486 planted stems per acre. The height standard was met in five (5) of the six (6) vegetation monitoring plots. Planted vegetation in Plot 6 did not meet the height standard and averaged 8.9 ft in height. Table 2 (Appendix D) provides a summary of the planted stem counts for each vegetation plot. Table 3 (Appendix D) provides a summary of planted stem survival compared to the As Built. 3.2 Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos and Data Sheets Photographs of the vegetation monitoring plots are in Appendix E. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheets are provided in Appendix F. Each Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheet provides measurements, location and vigor of each planted species within a respective vegetation monitoring plot. 3.3 Photo Stations Photo documentation is essential to monitoring the success of the restoration project. Photos provide a visual assessment of the vegetation conditions. Photo documentation will be provided and reported in all years of monitoring. All nine (9) photo stations installed by McAdams were located in Monitoring Year 9. Figure 3 (Appendix A) depicts the locations of the photo stations. Photographs for the photo stations are in Appendix G. 3.4 Vegetation Assessment Summary and Recommendations Below is a summary and recommendations based on the vegetation monitoring and visual assessments completed through monitoring year 9. > As noted in previous years, mowing activities continue to occur within the Northern and Central sections of the CE as shown in Figure 3 2021 Aerial Map. A total of approximately 0.124 acre of CE has been mowed. It is recommended that a re -planting plan be prepared for these areas including visual monitoring to ensure the re -vegetation success. > All permanent vegetation plots met the planted vegetation survival threshold of 210 trees per acre for monitoring year 7. Although planted vegetation in Plot 6 did not meet the 10-foot height standard, the average height is 8.9 ft. It was noted that many pines within the CE including the vegetation plots died monitoring year 6 indicative of the progress of succession and reducing competition with planted species. Therefore, continued monitoring of the permanent vegetation plots is not recommended. creating experiences through experience 5 of 6 MCADAMS WATER RECLAMATION POND STREAM RESTORATION > MONITORING YEAR 9 REPORT 4.0 INVASIVE SPECIES MONITORING Construction of the Stream Restoration project required disturbing land within the CE resulting in the creation of a highly disturbed early successional ecological system that contains tree sapling and shrub species in addition to naturally occurring early emergent vegetative species. Over time, tree sapling and shrub species mature and proliferate while naturally occurring early emergent vegetative species dwindle. The new, highly disturbed early successional ecological system created during the construction of Stream Restoration project resulted in prime habitat for many invasive species that were known to occur within the CE prior to construction activities, in addition to the surrounding areas (Invasive Species Management Plan, May, 2014). It is understood that naturally occurring early emergent vegetative species will thrive within the CE during the early years of the Stream Restoration project. The early emergent vegetative species can be aggressive and have characteristics of an invasive species; however, they are generally accepted as part of a naturally occurring ecological system. Therefore, a definition of what is an invasive species is warranted. Invasive Species are defined as non-native alien species that have the potential to negatively affect the environment. These species occupy habitat within the riparian buffer and outcompete and suppress native vegetation, thereby inhibiting both the establishment and natural succession of the native riparian community. Considerable effort was made to remove most of the observed invasive species populations during the construction phase of the Stream Restoration project by both mechanical and chemical means. Although considerable effort was made to remove the invasive plants species from within the CE, remnant populations of these invasive species were recorded in a post construction site visit conducted in May, 2014. Future treatment is likely to be required for the observed invasive species, but additional invasive species may expand the list. As part of the stream and vegetation monitoring efforts in previous years, invasive species monitoring and treatment have been conducted in the spring and fall. All identified populations of invasive plant species were treated with herbicide by qualified professionals from River Works in monitoring years one (1) through the spring of four (4). Invasive species monitoring and treatment efforts have been postponed until CE replanting and log sill repairs are accomplished. creating experiences through experience 6 of 6 J MCADAMS WATER RECLAMATION POND STREAM RESTORATION > MONITORING YEAR 9 REPORT 5.0 REFERENCES Lee Michael T., Peet Robert K., Roberts Steven D., and Wentworth Thomas R., 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Level. Version 4.2. McAdams and Landscape Sanctuaries, May, 2014. Invasive Species Management Plan, Duke University Water Reclamation Pond Stream Restoration. Morris, George; River Works; Spring 2017 Treatment at Sandy Creek Campus Drive; May 7, 2017. North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) 2004. Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration. Available at internet site: http://www.nceep.net/news/reports/buffers.pdf. North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) November 7, 2011. Monitoring Requirements and Performance Standards for Stream and/or Wetland Mitigation. Schafale MP and AS Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Raleigh, North Carolina. The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. October 2012. Stream Restoration Plan for the Duke University Water Reclamation Pond. US Army Corps of Engineers April, 2013. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. creating experiences through experience 7 of 6 �� MCADAMS WATER RECLAMATION POND STREAM RESTORATION APPENDIX A SITE MAPS > MONITORING YEAR 9 REPORT creating experiences through experience ® PBD16CT ND. DKU-14060 DUKE UNIVERSITY WATER M THE JOHNLR.McADAMSFILENAME:DKU14060X,DWG RECLAMATION POND COMPNC.SCALE:1�=1,oDD.STREAM RESTORATION �►��•���FIGURE 1. SITE LOCATION MAP)$96ARCH,RIANCIEPQr[EDATE: t7W10-06-14 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA °0a733-5M-^ ,Jc'`�`ft:C-M tlNno8vO H1�ON ',ILNnO3 nVHHflU tioz-90-01 gKv�'� dVV4 1N3W3SV3 NOLVA213SN00 47 32 nou ,OOz _ .1 �4{iwM�rt N011`d2JO1S32d Wb'3�J1S aNOd "°°iOtO°°-"'�• •• � FrNOLVMV-1038 831VM AiIS83AINn Dina o1 w-n»a �1.60. ■ tlNIlVa: VU KidVN ALNI IV,) RVHtll lu *LOZ-90—OL m dVN 1N3VGS' 3 N011VA83SN00 :Z'Z 34noi-A OM _ L NOLV801S32J NV3�J1S GNOd 'MNOOOLQW-^ o. 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N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N . . N m i �i � `O o � �d o � �d N o ri � � .-• � o0 0\ � o\ ci v; ,�; N ri oo �i C'r Vi m 0 01 01 N 7 M 01 01 0o Vi M O 01 h 7 7 Vi Vi �O 01 h --i N Vi N N i M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N M �i 00 M --i 00 h M 00 7 �O 00 �O 01 h 01 01 01 h � 00 01 O M 7 M Vi �O oo O N N Vi O N C'r 7 M 01 M 01 0o h �O o0 01 h 01 h M M N M O N o0 7 Vi 01 7 N O 7 M N o0 01 �O 0 7 0 0o h Vi Vi �O h h o0 00 01 00 01 Vi O --i M N N 7 N M W i M M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M �i C'r �O Vi 7 h M 7 M h 01 O O N x N- M 01 C, h �O 7 INC 7 N 01 �O 7 Vi N oo �O 7 h h �O - h h x x O MCI N 7 Vi 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Vi �O h 01 O N N W M M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M i �i M --i N 01 O --i Vi 01 --i Vi O 01 h M N 01 O h 7 00 O 0 0 ON N N N N N N N N N N N N OM OM M M M M 7 7 Y U W Vi M 7 01 N 7 M �O 00 7 7 7 Vi h 00 �O Vi Vi IC �O h o0 01 7 N Vi N 7 IO IO Vi Vi Vi Vi Vi Vi 7 7 N N 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Vi h o0 01 O (x •• W d O �O 00 M 7 h �O 7 V1 V1 --i 00 �O N �O M 01 00 00 01 �O M �O �O M 00 7 00 O h N Vi o0 00 01 O O N N N N M M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N M M 7 7 O 7 M N Vi M 7 h oo Vi M h h M h N N IO IO M 7 IO IO 7 O Vi oo Vi n 01 00 0o h h h IC IC IC h h h h o0 00 00 h h oo o0 0o N O h Vi N M M M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N M M N N N N N N N M N N M N N M N N N M N N N N M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M W a O W i rl IO IO 7 M IC A O N O N N M M M 7 7 7 7 7 Vi N- - IO IO N IO IO IO h h h h n DO 00 00 N N M �O h N y'J O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ^7 N N N M M M 7 7 I I N � I I I I I I I N I I I � � I � � O I � O O N Cg O _,y U � ;~ O w U .Si O m v u c2 m N N O O O O O O N N N N N N O N M LL� O N N N N N A I M M O M M M M M M M (g)uouenajg z � O 3 N 7 U R R O N 'N a ti x w � W3w� WU 0 Cl ON Ool OMO ~ O N W ~ O M N --� '� N ✓� M 00NON O�N00 N41 --� W --i M N � N--� '� ✓� M 0�C ` M rn�WU0.10.1�1�1 o ,W i �i O N N m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m a W i �i �.r� N oo m oo M o0 00 �O h h --i h 01 01 01 O 7 O h N "'� M 7 N 01 O --i 7 0o h 7 7 Vi 7 00 7 01 01 O Vi �O O N i 00 00 � Vi � Vi 7 M M M M M M M 7 7 Vi �O Vi �O o0 01 N i N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N �i O o0 01 O o0 00 � oo O Vi n oo O N 7 --i M Vi .y Vi o0 00 01 �O M 01 0o M �O N 01 00 00 �O Vi �O �O h h h o0 01 M �O 01 rl M M �O O Vi .y Do .-I N �j --i O 01 h Vl Vl Vl 7 7 M M M M M M M M M M M M 7 7 7 Vl Vl Vl Vl �p �O � h 00 01 N M W i M M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ^7 N N N M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M �i O M M �O 01 � N 01 �O M oo Vi h Vi O Vi O 01 N N 7 h h �O O 7 M Ni M N �.r� 01 01 h oo h Vi 7 �O --i 01 O 7 N 01 �O 01 Vi oo N O O �O O Vi "'� 00 7 h 01 h �O 00 Vi --i 01 00 7 N M �O �O 01 7 00 Vi 01 N i --i O h Vi Vi Vi 7 7 7 M M M M M M M M 7 7 7 Vi �O o0 01 O N N W M M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M O N �p h h 7 M M �O 01 � Vi 01 Vi M h M oo h M N 0 7 N Z O 0 p N 7 �O N h �O M �O h N M N oo M 0 7 Vi 01 O o0 01 U �/j oo Vi O oo � Vi O 7 01 01 00 �O Vi Vi Vi Vi to 01 N N M � 01 � uj 7 �O � :V � � mmmmK'mmmmmmmmmmmK'mmmmmK'm K'K'm m_'�V '.TV d O N l� h 01 01 V1 h �O M 00 7 V1 N 00 M l� 01 7 �O V1 V1 00 00 h 7 00 � � 01 h 00 00 h 00 M 01 N �O 00 V1 h V1 00 V1 V1 h 00 M 01 00 00 00 N h h M T a ti 7 00 �O � 00 h 7 N M 00 M 7 M M M 7 Vl �O M M 00 h h h M 00 00 01 00 O �O O a N W N M M M N N N N M N M N N N N N N N M M N N N N M N N N N N N N N N N W a O W i rl A� O --i 01 �� 00 00 01 01 01 O O O O N N N N N M M M M 7 7 7 Vi O a O N N 0 0 o 0 m O 'pb p � O O _,y WO ,y N U U .Si � I � � � � I O I I O I M O N N V O N N LL O W N N O O O O N N N N N N N A M M O M M M M M M M (g) -!T—m I —I W � N U R O N 'N a ti x w � W3w� WU 0 a V1M01O O� 00 ~ ~ M Tl N�01 �nU ~ 00 vi ~ ,--iN\O M N O ~ O U O ~ 00 ,11 ~ Ooc N M M M N�U�vi ~ 00 ✓� N N'� N N N M 00CD O M O O ~ 00 ✓� N N N N M M O s: C, rn i"D O� ~ 00 ✓� N N� N N N M�WU0.10.1�1�1 RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY River Name: Duke Stream Restoration Reach Name: upper Sample Name: xS1-MY9 Survey Date: 12/03/2022 Size (mm) TOT # ITEM % CUM 0 - 0.062 9 9.00 9.00 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.00 9.00 0.125 - 0.25 0 0.00 9.00 0.25 - 0.50 5 5.00 14.00 0.50 - 1.0 1 1.00 15.00 1.0 - 2.0 6 6.00 21.00 2.0 - 4.0 5 5.00 26.00 4.0 - 5.7 5 5.00 31.00 5.7 - 8.0 2 2.00 33.00 8.0 - 11.3 15 15.00 48.00 11.3 - 16.0 13 13.00 61.00 16.0 - 22.6 17 17.00 78.00 22.6 - 32.0 14 14.00 92.00 32 - 45 5 5.00 97.00 45 - 64 3 3.00 100.00 64 - 90 0 0.00 100.00 90 - 128 0 0.00 100.00 128 - 180 0 0.00 100.00 180 - 256 0 0.00 100.00 256 - 362 0 0.00 100.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 1.17 D35 (mm) 8.44 D50 (mm) 12.02 D84 (mm) 26.63 D95 (mm) 39.8 D100 (mm) 64 Silt/Clay (%) 9 Sand (%) 12 Gravel (%) 79 cobble (%) 0 Boulder (%) 0 Bedrock (%) 0 Total Particles = 100. XS 1-MY9 0-0.062 0.25-0.50 0.50-1.0 1.0-2.0 2.0-4.0 4.0-5.7 5.7-8.0 8.0-11.3 11.3-16.0 16.0-22.6 22.6-32.0 32-45 45-64 Particle Size (mm) RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY River Name: Duke Stream Restoration Reach Name: upper Sample Name: xs3-MY9 Survey Date: 01/03/2023 Size (mm) TOT # ITEM % CUM 0 - 0.062 7 7.00 7.00 0.062 - 0.125 3 3.00 10.00 0.125 - 0.25 7 7.00 17.00 0.25 - 0.50 11 11.00 28.00 0.50 - 1.0 15 15.00 43.00 1.0 - 2.0 8 8.00 51.00 2.0 - 4.0 2 2.00 53.00 4.0 - 5.7 2 2.00 55.00 5.7 - 8.0 4 4.00 59.00 8.0 - 11.3 6 6.00 65.00 11.3 - 16.0 5 5.00 70.00 16.0 - 22.6 10 10.00 80.00 22.6 - 32.0 3 3.00 83.00 32 - 45 2 2.00 85.00 45 - 64 5 5.00 90.00 64 - 90 2 2.00 92.00 90 - 128 6 6.00 98.00 128 - 180 0 0.00 98.00 180 - 256 2 2.00 100.00 256 - 362 0 0.00 100.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 0.23 D35 (mm) 0.73 D50 (mm) 1.88 D84 (mm) 38.5 D95 (mm) 109 D100 (mm) 256 silt/Clay (%) 7 Sand (%) 44 Gravel (%) 39 cobble (%) 10 Boulder (%) 0 Bedrock (%) 0 Total Particles = 100. XS3-MY9 0 - 0.062 0.062 - 0.1250.125 - 0.25 0.25 - 0.50 0.50-1.0 1.0-2.0 2.0-4.0 4.0-5.7 5.7-8.0 8.0-11.3 11.3 - 16.0 16.0 - 22.6 22.6 - 32.0 32-45 45-64 64-90 90-128 180-256 Particle Size (mm) RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY River Name: Duke Stream Restoration Reach Name: Middle Sample Name: xs6-MY9 Survey Date: 01/03/2023 Size (mm) TOT # ITEM % CUM 0 - 0.062 22 22.00 22.00 0.062 - 0.125 5 5.00 27.00 0.125 - 0.25 4 4.00 31.00 0.25 - 0.50 14 14.00 45.00 0.50 - 1.0 10 10.00 55.00 1.0 - 2.0 11 11.00 66.00 2.0 - 4.0 2 2.00 68.00 4.0 - 5.7 2 2.00 70.00 5.7 - 8.0 6 6.00 76.00 8.0 - 11.3 2 2.00 78.00 11.3 - 16.0 2 2.00 80.00 16.0 - 22.6 6 6.00 86.00 22.6 - 32.0 1 1.00 87.00 32 - 45 5 5.00 92.00 45 - 64 4 4.00 96.00 64 - 90 3 3.00 99.00 90 - 128 1 1.00 100.00 128 - 180 0 0.00 100.00 180 - 256 0 0.00 100.00 256 - 362 0 0.00 100.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 0.05 D35 (mm) 0.32 D50 (mm) 0.75 D84 (mm) 20.4 D95 (mm) 59.25 D100 (mm) 128 silt/Clay (%) 22 Sand (%) 44 Gravel (%) 30 cobble (%) 4 Boulder (%) 0 Bedrock (%) 0 Total Particles = 100. XS6-MY9 0-0.062 0.062-0.1250.125-0.25 0.25-0.50 0.50-1.0 1.0-2.0 2.0-4.0 4.0-5.7 5.7-8.0 8.0-11.3 11.3-16.0 16.0-22.6 22.6-32.0 32-45 45-64 64-90 90-128 Particle Size (mm) RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY River Name: Duke Stream Restoration Reach Name: Lower Sample Name: XS9-MY9 Survey Date: 01/03/2023 Size (mm) TOT # ITEM % CUM 0 - 0.062 8 8.08 8.08 0.062 - 0.125 6 6.06 14.14 0.125 - 0.25 13 13.13 27.27 0.25 - 0.50 16 16.16 43.43 0.50 - 1.0 13 13.13 56.57 1.0 - 2.0 5 5.05 61.62 2.0 - 4.0 4 4.04 65.66 4.0 - 5.7 3 3.03 68.69 5.7 - 8.0 6 6.06 74.75 8.0 - 11.3 6 6.06 80.81 11.3 - 16.0 6 6.06 86.87 16.0 - 22.6 6 6.06 92.93 22.6 - 32.0 5 5.05 97.98 32 - 45 0 0.00 97.98 45 - 64 1 1.01 98.99 64 - 90 1 1.01 100.00 90 - 128 0 0.00 100.00 128 - 180 0 0.00 100.00 180 - 256 0 0.00 100.00 256 - 362 0 0.00 100.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 0.14 D35 (mm) 0.37 D50 (mm) 0.75 D84 (mm) 13.77 D95 (mm) 26.45 D100 (mm) 90 silt/Clay (%) 8.08 Sand (%) 53.54 Gravel (%) 37.37 cobble (%) 1.01 Boulder (%) 0 Bedrock (%) 0 Total Particles = 99. XS-9, MY-9 0-0.062 0.062-0.125 0.125-0.25 0.25-0.50 0.50-1.0 1.0-2.0 2.0-4.0 4.0-5.7 5.7-8.0 8.0-11.3 11.3-16.0 16.0-22.6 22.6-32.0 45-64 64-90 Particle Size (mm) a� U � F � CD 7 U (� co N Q -9 Q N -9 N Q C6- Q C6- Q C6- doo 1 M M (Jaa3) NOIZVA'JTJ 0 0 O R 0 0 0 M 0 0 M 0 N 0 r, 0 N an cz cz N F a� U � 7 i U � U) N 7 7 U U >N r QQ > Q QQQ Q Q Q Q -9 -9 C6- C6- C6- I � I I I O O M M (Jaa3) NOIZVA'JTJ 0 0 0 0 0 qj bb cz cz 3 F Ed a� � N U � 7 U N 7 cl) N N � QQ > QQQQQ QQQ C6- C6- C6- 1 I M M M M M M (Jaa3) NOIZVA'JTJ N .a an cz cz N N F Ed a� U J � N p 2 p N -0-0 D U N CO N N O CO N -9 —9 �cr� C6- I I I I I00- R R R M M M M M M M M M M M (Jaa3) NOIZVA'JTJ 0 M N .a an cz cz 0 M Y O N Uj O � 00 N 0 0 an 0 0 F Ed a� 2 U U U N p p N N �� N 9-L N N � cr� C6- i I M M M M M M M M M M M M (Jaa3) NOIZVA2t'I2t O O 0 0 0 0 0 qj bb cz cz F Ed ' U 1 N U) N U � 7 2 U U N 0 0 0 0 0 J J J J J — — 7 7 m C6 C6 1 � 1 ♦ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 • t 1 M M M M M M M M (Jaa3) NOIZVA2t'I2t 0 0 O R O R O M 0 0 M 0 r, 0 N .a an cz cz F Ed N � N 7 U 2 � U N 7 U i /) C/) N J J ?� O O O — — J J -9 -9 ♦ I I r r i i i i � o fV fV M M (;aa3) NOI.LVA2t'I2t O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 N .a an cz cz F Ed �� MCADAMS BANK PIN MONITORING DATA > DKU-16040 BANK PIN MONITORING DATA Duke University Water Reclamation Pond Stream Restoration -Monitoring Year 9 Report December 16 - 30, 2022 BANK PIN MONITORING METHODOLOGY Two sets of bank pins were installed in the outer bend of each of five pool cross sections (Cross Sections 2, 4, 5, 7 and 10) during the As -built monitoring setup. Each set of bank pins consists of two bank pins installed near the water line with one pin approximately 6 to 12 inches above the other. In each cross section, the lower of the two pins in a set is referred to as 'Pin 1', and the upper pin is referred to as 'Pin 2', as depicted in the cross -sectional schematic below. At each cross section, the two sets of bank pins were installed with the one set a few feet upstream of the center of the bend (Pin Set 1) and the second set a few feet downstream of the center of the bend (Pin Set 2), as depicted in the following plan view schematic. 0 U 3 0 LL Cross Section ------------V------------------------ creating experiences through experience 1 of 5 M MCADAMS BANK PIN MONITORING DATA > DKU-16040 All bank pins were installed flush with the bank during As -built monitoring and all subsequent measurements are compared to the initial "zero" position. Erosion is monitored by measuring the length of exposed pin. Measurements of bank erosion are expressed in negative numbers representing inches of exposed pin. Bank aggradation is difficult to measure using bank pins because the pins become buried and are not visible. Therefore, bank aggradation is not measured. When a buried bank pin was located, aggradation was noted but not measured. In the following tables, a positive number one is used to represent that aggradation has taken place where a buried pin was located, but the amount of aggradation is not quantified. A zero is used to represent a pin that is flush with the bank and the length of exposed pins are represented as negative numbers. In Monitoring Year 9, nine bank pins were not located. This may be due to bank pins being buried by sediment, making them difficult to locate, or by erosion exposing the entire pin and then the pin being washed away during high flows. BANK PIN MONITORING DATA XS2-1 Bank Pins 0 0 a c a- 0 Pin 2 (upper) ■ Pin 1 (lower) 1 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 Exposed pin length change (in.) ■ Year-2, 2015 ■Year-3, 2016 ■Year-5, 2018 Yea r-9, 2022 Note: upper pin not located in 2022 c 0 0 a c n. XS2-2 Bank Pins 0 -14.5 0 -1a -24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 Pin 2 (upper) Pin 1 (lower) Exposed pin length change (in.) ■ Year-2, 2015 ■Year-3, 2016 ■Year 5, 2018 Yea r-9, 2022 Note: lower pin not located in 2022 creating experiences through experience 2 of 5 M WADAMS XS4-1 Bank Pins 0 0 O0 1.2 c a -19.2 BANK PIN MONITORING DATA > DKU-16040 Pin 2 (upper) Pin 1 (lower) -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 Exposed pin length change (in.) ■ Year-2, 2015 ■Year-3, 2016 ■Year-5, 2018 Yea r-9, 2022 0 0 a a XS4-2 Bank Pins 0 1 -9.6 -3 -12 Pin 2 (upper) Pin 1 (lower) -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 Exposed pin length change (in.) ■ Year-2, 2015 ■Year-3, 2016 ■Year-5, 2018 Yea r-9, 2022 XS5-1 Bank Pins 0 0 -6.2 a c ■ a Pin 2 (upper) Pin 1 (lower) -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 Exposed pin length change (in.) ■ Year-2, 2015 ■Year-3, 2016 ■Year 5, 2018 Yea r-9, 2022 Note: lower pin not located in 2022 creating experiences through experience 3 of 5 M WADAMS C 0 0 a C a -10.8 XS5-2 Bank Pins BANK PIN MONITORING DATA > DKU-16040 Pin 2 (upper) Pin 1 (lower) -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 Exposed pin length change (in.) ■ Year-2, 2015 ■Year-3, 2016 ■Year 5, 2018 Yea r-9, 2022 Note: lower pin not located in 2022 XS7-1 Bank Pins c 0 0 a c a Pin 2 (upper) Pin 1 (lower) -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 Exposed pin length change (in.) ■ Year-2, 2015 ■ Year-3, 2016 ■ Year 5, 2018 ■ Year-9, 2022 Note: upper and lower pins buried in 2022 XS7-2 Bank Pins C 0 0 a a 0 Pin 2 (upper) Pin 1 (lower) -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 Exposed pin length change (in.) ■ Yea r-2, 2015 ■Year-3, 2016 O� Ye a r 5, 2018 Note: upper and lower pinot present in bank, found in channel creating experiences through experience 4 of 5 M WADAMS 0 0 a c a - XS10-1 Bank Pins BANK PIN MONITORING DATA > DKU-16040 0 Pin 2 (upper) 1 ■ Pin 1 (lower) -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 Exposed pin length change (in.) ■ Ye a r-2, 2015 ■ Ye a r-3, 2016 ■ Ye a r 5, 2018 Yea r-9, 2022 Note: lower pin not located in 2022 XS10-2 Bank Pins c 0 0 a c a Pin 2 (upper) 0 0 Pin 1 (lower) -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 Exposed pin length change (in.) Year-2, 2015 ■ Yea r-3, 2016 ■ Year s, 2018 Note: upper pin no longer present, found in channel. Lower pin not located creating experiences through experience 5 of 5 �� MCADAMS WATER RECLAMATION POND STREAM RESTORATION APPENDIX C OVERBANK FLOW PHOTOS > MONITORING YEAR 9 REPORT creating experiences through experience IJ MCADAMS OVERBANK FLOW PHOTOS > DKU-16040 OVERBANK FLOW PHOTOS Duke University Water Reclamation Pond Stream Restoration -Monitoring Year 9 Report December 16 - 30, 2022 UPPER REACH Photo 1: Upper Reach Station 11+80 Photo 2: Upper Reach Station 12+00 creating experiences through experience 1 of 2 2 MCADAMS OVERBANK FLOW PHOTOS > DKU-16040 LOWER REACH Photo 3: Lower Reach Station 1+80 Photo 4: Lower Reach Station 8+80 creating experiences through experience 2 of 2 �� MCADAMS WATER RECLAMATION POND STREAM RESTORATION > MONITORING YEAR 9 REPORT APPENDIX D VEGETATION ASSESSMENT DATA creating experiences through experience Table 1. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Duke University Water Reclamation Pond Stream Restoration Site Durham, NC MONITORING YEAR 7 (Monitoring Suspended in MY7 and MY8) McAdams Project #: DKU-16040 Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Threshold Met?* Tract Mean 1 Yes 100% 2 Yes 3 Yes 4 Yes 5 Yes 6 Yes * Target density is a minimum of 320 trees (both planted and existing) per acre after three years of monitoring, 260 trees (both planted and existing) per acre after five years of monitoring, and 210 trees (both planted and existing) per acre after seven years of monitoring, according to the "Stream Restoration Plan for the Duke University Water Reclamation Pond", October, 2012. � \ �� ° S - ~ ® R r14r - ° G \ K / z a 0 / r m o -_ e G\� ~ S � E � to 0 \ � r _ m � � m ) ~ m - \ \ $ o a z z J � 14 2> $-& \ -) a - \ 20 o - o - o - ) - % ®- Q \ Q j u a � 2 § r o - o - = o - ®K - a) - ® E \ Q 7 § a r ° ° ) $ r4 $ > CL ° - - - ° § - / K 0 & e § ? � ~ en a m - ° - - \ > o ° $ G _ _ ° $ r4 o \�-C ©©©©©© , (® f (©f f 7 j z-0!\}/\3 \/\)\7 <\ c 5 / 0 )} a 2 m L e E m %+: « ° / } / E 2 E ° - - - - } \ k { \ 2 0 ± \ § ( [ m to > % e 2 , [ » ƒ • E 2 , «; $ \ e» a> ,� t , \ / t / z z 2 e 0 2 Q E& o o q-_,,- § \ \ \ { ) a ®� m § Z3 } ® &) 2 ) [ ° § } ƒ a § k) ® / § cf t 3 E \ 0 J / _ & s Table 3. Planted Species Survival by Vegation Plot Duke University Water Reclamation Pond Stream Restoration Site Durham, NC MONITORING YEAR 9 (Monitoring Suspended in MY7 and MY8) McAdams Project #: DKU-16040 VP-1 VP-2 VP-3 VP-4 VP-5 VP-6 Monitoring Year 7 Planted Stem Count Total 10 10 10 6 9 12 As Built Planted Stem Count Total 18 13 14 14 11 17 Planted Stem Difference from As Built -8 -3 -4 -8 -2 -5 Surival Rate (%) 56% 77% 71% 43% 82% 71% �� MCADAMS WATER RECLAMATION POND STREAM RESTORATION > MONITORING YEAR 9 REPORT APPENDIX E VEGETATION MONITORING PLOT PHOTOS creating experiences through experience Natural Resource Consultants Appendix E -Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photographs Vegetation Monitoring Plot 1 ki;yx 1 4,31 ! D k: Vegetation Monitoring Plot 2 308 W Millbrook Road, Ste D #200, Raleigh, NC 27609 1 of 3 e: � �` "�'2 ""� �• ''�',� Y7 ���, t�k{y' � 11�1'�l � '- Y M - °°��g`X iiy �,, F-7 go I 10 Al ., �-�_ /' I J.��+• J jr 1" r FFF i - I'^l Natural Resource Consultants Vegetation Monitoring Plot 5 Id 4� Vegetation Monitoring Plot 6 308 W Millbrook Road, Ste D #200, Raleigh, NC 27609 3 of 3 �� MCADAMS WATER RECLAMATION POND STREAM RESTORATION > MONITORING YEAR 9 REPORT APPENDIX F VEGETATION MONITORING PLOT DATA SHEETS creating experiences through experience Site: Duke Sandy Creek Restoration Veg Plot No.: 1 Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY9 (Monitoring Suspended in MY7 and MY8) Date: 11 /28/2022 Area: 10x10 CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA X Y Height Diameter Map ID Scientific Name Source meter meter cm mm Vigor Notes 1 Quercus michauxii B 0.3 0.4 Missing 2 Fraxinus pennsylvanica B 0.7 3.1 Missing 3 Fraxinus pennsylvanica B 0.8 4.7 Missing 4 Fraxinus pennsylvanica B 0.7 5.1 Missing 5 Platanus occidentalis B 0.2 5.6 1050 68.0 3 6 Quercus michauxii B 3.81 9.1 450 34-01 3 7 Platanus occidentalis B 2.8 4.3 850 67.0 3 8 Quercus michauxii B 4.8 1.5 Missing 9 Quercus michauxii B 5.6 3.5 Missing 10 Quercus michauxii B 5.8 8.4 Missing 11 Platanus occidentalis B 7.4 0.4 1300 128+ 3 12 Platanus occidentalis B 8.2 3.1 875 69.0 3 13 Quercus michauxii B 8.1 5.8 151 3.0 3 14 Quercus michauxii IB 7.9 I 6.5 215 8.0 3 15 1 Quercus michauxii B 9.9 9.4 150 4.0 3 16 Quercus michauxii B 9.5 6.9 145 13.0 3 17 Quercus michauxii B 113 9.9 4.1 235 9.0 2 Eroded bank 18 1 Quercus michauxii 9.7 1.2 300 16.0 3 B = bare root 'Species identified differently than during As -built and/or previous monitoring C= containerized ` y . ` 0,0 �` Campus Drive Volunteers <50 cm 50.100 cm 100+ cm Liquidambarstyraciflua 1 38 Pinus taeda Liriodendron tulipifera 4 Quercus launfolia Quercus lyrata Fraxinus pennsylvanica Site: Duke Sandy Creek Restoration Veg Plot No-- 1 Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY9 (Monitoring Suspended in MY7 and MY8) Date- 11/28/2022 Area: 10x10 10 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ----- ---- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----- 9 6 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- c 8 7 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ----- ---- ------ I ---- ------ I ---- ----- ---- ----- 64 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ----- ---- ----- 4 ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---- ------ ---- ----- --------------------- ---------- -------- 3 2 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- cc ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- 8 --- ---------- ----- 0 0 1 0 Qaxinus pynnsylvai4ca Oglatanus %ccidentah� OQgercusmiOauxfl CpMissing 62* H 13 Site: Duke Sandy Creek Restoration Veg Plot No.: 2 Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY9 (Monitoring Suspended in MY7 and MY8) Date: 11 /28/2022 Area: 10x10 CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA X Y Height Diameter Vigor Notes Map ID Scientific Name Source meter meter cm mm 1 Quercus phellos B 0.0 1.5 575 36.0 3 2 Quercus lyrata" B 4.3 1.0 700 50.0 3 3 Quercus phellos B 6.8 1.6 Missing 4 Platanus occidentalis B 7.7 1.4 1200 128+ 3 Adjusted location 5 Cersis canadensis (sp. not on planting list) C 7.9 4.5 550 48.0 2 Bent 6 Quercus phellos B 5.4 4.0 1 Missing 7 Fraxinus pennsyNanica C 2.9 3.3 900 108.0 3 8 Platanus occidentalis B 2.7 5.7 1050 128+ 3 9 Quercus michauzii B 5.6 62 675 45.0 3 10 Cornus Florida C 9.8 7.8 475 36.0 3 11 Alnus serrulata B 5.6 8.8 Dead 12 Fraxinus pennsyNanica C 2.8 8.0 850 121.0 3 13 Platanus occidentalis B 1 8.1 9.7 8001 89.0 3 u = oare root apexes toentmeo ottrerenny in m r4 roan during Hs-owtt anoior m rs monitoring C= containerized I I I I ' i / y ' 0,0 I Volunteers <50 cm 50-100 cmi 100+ cm Liquidambar styraciflua 2 1 25 Liriodendron tulipifera 0 0 20 Pinus taeda 0 2i 0 Ligustrum japonica 1 0 1 Site: Duke Sandy Creek Restoration Veg Plot No-- 2 Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY9 (Monitoring Suspended in MY7 and MY8) Date- 11/28/2022 Area: 10x10 10.0 ---------- ---- ----------- ----------- ---- ---------- ----------- I ---- ----------- I ----------- 9.0 = 8.0 ---------- ---------- ---- ---- ---------- -------- -- - ----------- ----------- ----- ---------- ---------- ---- ------ I ---- ---------------- ---------- ---- ----- ---- ----------- ---- ---------- 7.0 - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - I -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- ------ ---- ------ -- - - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - 6.0 ---------- ---------- ------- ---- ---------- ---- ------ I ---- ----------- ---- ---------- 5.0 ---------- ----------- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- 4.0 ---------- ---- --------- 7 ---- j ------ ---- ---------- ---- ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- 3.0 2.0 ---------- ---------- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---- -------- - ------ --- 3 01 10 -cuslyraty khusserrulata OA.ndc 0 " can densis ' 0 Fraxinu s pennsylanica 0 fatabus cidentalis 0.0 1.0 OQufTuspheft 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 0.0 51* E 5 13 10 Site: Duke Sandy Creek Restoration Veg Plot No.: 3 Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY9 (Monitoring Suspended in MY7 and MY8) Date: 11 /28/2022 Area: 10x10 CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA X Y Height Diameter Map ID Scientific Name Source meter meter cm mm Vigor Notes 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica B 12 2.8 650 43 3 2 Viburnum dentatum B 2.7 1.9 Missing 3 Platanus occidentalis B 2.7 4.5 700 67 4 Platanus occidentalis B 1.1 5.5 3 Missing 5 Platanus occidentalis B 3.7 7.6 490 30 3 6 Platanus occidentalis B 4.4 8.1 650 36 3 7 Platanus occidentalis B 1.8 9.9 500 17 3 8 Quercus michauxii B 4.5 5.9 195 8 2 Resprout 9 Quercus michauxii B 4.6 3.1 310 15 3 10 Viburnum dentatum B 5.7 1.5 Dead 11 Fraxinus pennsylvanica B 7.6 3.3 600 33 3 12 Platanus occidentalis B 9.0 2.5 Dead 13 Viburnum dentatum B 9.4 7.0 265 5 3 14 Platanus occidentalis B 9.8 92 850 61 3 b = Dare root C= containerized y 0,0 Volunteers 0,0 Volunteers <50 cm 50.100 cm 100+ cm Liquidambar styraciflua 8 2 9 Pinus taeda 0 9 56 Myrica cerifera 2 0 8 Ligustrum sinense 1 0 0 Juniperus virginica 1 0 1 Monitoring Year: MY9 (Monitoring Suspended in MY7 and MY8) Date- 11/28/2022 Area: 10x10 7 ---------- ---------- ---------------- 14 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 6 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- 5 ------ ----- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ---- ----- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ---------- --------- 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- ---------- ---------- 0.0 OPIltir-Occi.cignalis39FraxinW(p-nsyly.qrica QWercusqWhauxfiS.6)Viburg%m den," OMissing XDead (H Site: Duke Sandy Creek Restoration Veg Plot No.: 4 Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY9 (Monitoring Suspended in MY7 and MY8) Date: 11 /28/2022 Area: 20x5 CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA X Y Height cm Diameter mm Vigor Notes Map ID Scientific Name Source meter meter 1 Platanus occidentalis B 1.1 1.2 800 65 3 2 Lindera benzion B 2.2 3.2 Missing 3 Cornus amomum B 3.3 0.2 Missing 4 Platanus occidentalis B 5.6 3.5 850 75 3 5 Cornus amomum B 6.8 4.9 Dead 6 Lindera benzion B 8.4 2.9 Missing 71 Platanus occidentalis B 11.3 3.1 900 76 3 8 Viburnum dentatum B 13.9 2.9 155 3 3 9 Platanus occidentalis B 14.2 4.9 950 110 3 10 Asimina triloba B 17.1 4.9 Missing 11 Lindera benzion B 17.2 3.6 Dead 12 Viburnum dentatum B 19.1 0.3 Dead 13 Lindera benzion B 19.6 3.2 Dead 14 Platanus occidentalis B 19.41 5.0 9001 68 3 b = oare root C= containerized y 0,0 Volunteers <50 cm 50-100 cm 100+ cm Liquidambar styraciflua 7 3 10 Liriodendron tulipifera 0 0 4 Pinus taeda 0 0 46 Ligustrum sinense 0 0 1 Quercus phellos 0 1 7 Myrica cerifera 0 0 5 x Site: Duke Sandy Creek Restoration Veg Plot No.: 4 Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY9 (Monitoring Suspended in MY7 and MY8) Date: 11 /28/2022 Area: 20x5 Site: Duke Sandy Creek Restoration Veg Plot No.: 5 Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY9 (Monitoring Suspended in MY7 and MY8) Date: 11 /28/2022 Area: 10x10 CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA X Y Height I Diameter Notes Map ID Scientific Name Source meter meter cm mm Vigor 1 Comus amomum B 2.8 3.1 Dead 2 Liriodendron tulipifera B 2.1 5.0 Dead 3 Liriodendron tulipifera B 52 6.6 405 24 3 4 Alnus serrulata B 2.6 7.3 185 5 3 5 Platanus occidentalis B 9.9 8.4 750 41 3 Misidentified 6 Alnus serrulata B 8.6 9.1 500 24 3 7 Alnus serrulata B 5.8 8.9 6001 17 3 8 Fraxinus pennsylvanica B 8.5 9.4 4051 16 3 9 Fraxinus pennsylvanica B 9.9 9.6 600 27 3 10 Fraxinus pennsylvanica B 4.4 9.8 475 19 3 11 Fraxinus pennsylvanica B 1.0 9.5 4351 18 3 b = pare root C= containerized y 0,0 Volunteers <50 cm 50-100 cm 100+ cm Liquidambar styraciflua 2 10 50 Liriodendron tulipifera 0 0 35 Platanus occidentalis 0 0 8 Pinus taeda 0 0 175 Myrica cerifera 0 0 6 Quercus phellos 1 1 0 Juniperusvirginica 21 01 1 Site: Duke Sandy Creek Restoration Veg Plot No-- 5 Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY9 (Monitoring Suspended in MY7 and MY8) Date- 11/28/2022 Area: 10x10 10 j------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------- ---------- ----- ---- ----- ---- --- -------- 9 8 6 ------------ ----------- ----------- --------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 8 ---------- ---- ----- --- - ----- ----- --------- ----- ---- ----- ---------- ---------- ---------- 7 ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- GX ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ---- 6 - 5 ----------------------- . . . ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- ----- 4 ----- ----- ----- ----- I ----- I ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ---- 3 - ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------- ----------- ----- ---- ----- ---------- ----- ---- : 2 ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------- --- ----------- ----------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ------ r ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- 0 - I ----------- P�tantj� .80 ----- ocIdenialis ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---------- 0 Fr6wm ---------- s pebnsytvnic� ---- ' ----- OA"nata ifera — Viburnum dentatum am amoMu—A 0 1 X D&d 3 4 5 6 7 8 E 10 258 E* ( 10 Site: Duke Sandy Creek Restoration Veg Plot No.: 6 Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY9 (Monitoring Suspended in MY7 and MY8) Date: 11 /28/2022 Area: 10x10 CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA X Y Height cm I Diameter mm Vigor Notes Map ID Scientific Name Source meter meter 1 Comus amomum B 02 12 Dead 2 Nyssa sylvatica B 3.3 1.1 Dead 3 Comus amomum B 6.3 0.8 Dead 4 Nyssa sylvatica B 9.1 0.8 Missing 5 Quercus michauxii B 4.9 2.5 210 4 6 Quercus michauxii B 0.8 3.3 475 20 7 1 Quercus michauxii B 2.8 3.7 430 11 8 Quercus michauxii B 6.0 4.0 425 15 9 Quercus michauxii B 9.2 4.2 285 9 10 Quercus michauxii B 1.7 5.9 210 6 11 Nyssa sylvatica B 4.4 6.6 240 6 12 Quercus michauxii B 5.7 7.7 125 8 Resprout 13 Nyssa sylvatica B 7.5 6.81 345 12 14 Nyssa sylvatica B 9.6 7.21 lDead 15 Quercus michauxii B 9.9 9.1 295 14 16 Quercus michauxii B 7.0 9.31 1751 5 17 1 Quercus michauxii B 3.8 9.21 591 6 b = Dare root C= containerized I I I 0,0 x fore Volunteers <50 cm 50-100 cm 100+ cm Liquidambarstyraciflua 6 0 43 Platanus occidentalis 0 0 9 Pinus taeda 0 0 100 Liriodendron tulipifera 0 0 0 Acernegundo 0 0 3 Site: Duke Sandy Creek Restoration Veg Plot No-- 6 Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY9 (Monitoring Suspended in MY7 and MY8) Date- 11/28/2022 Area: 10x10 10 ----- ----- ----- ------------ ----------- ----- ----- ----------------------- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- 9 ----- ----- ----- ------ I ----- ---- I ------ ----- ----- ------ I ---------- I ------ ----- ----- ----- 8 - - - - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - 7 6 4 3 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------- ----------- ----- ------ I ---------- 0 ---- ------ I ---------- . U10 ----------- ----- ------ ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----- ----- ----------- ----------- I------ ----- ----- ------ L ---------- j ------ ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- - G ----- ----- --------- - ------------- ----------------------------------- 3 ----------- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----------------- ----- ----- ----- 2 ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------------- ----- ----- ----- ----------- 4 ----- ----------- ----- I ------ ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- 0 0 1 I*yssaSytvytica Q4Comusargomum dDQuercu-7michau)dA xDeag OmiY619 1 222 E* �� MCADAMS WATER RECLAMATION POND STREAM RESTORATION APPENDIX G PHOTO STATION PHOTOS > MONITORING YEAR 9 REPORT creating experiences through experience Natural Resource Consultants Appendix G- Photo Station Photographs Photo Station 1: View facing downstream Photo Station 2: View facing upstream 308 W Millbrook Road, Ste D #200, Raleigh, NC 27609 1 of 7 Natural Resource Consultants Photo Station 2: View facing downstream A �, Y '� F '� .fiZI y Photo Station 3: View facing upstream 308 W Millbrook Road, Ste D #200, Raleigh, NC 27609 2 of 7 Natural Resource Consultants Photo Station 4: View facing upstream Photo Station 4: View facing downstream 308 W Millbrook Road, Ste D #200, Raleigh, NC 27609 3 of 7 Natural Resource Consultants Photo Station 5: View facing upstream Photo Station 5: View facing downstream 308 W Millbrook Road, Ste D #200, Raleigh, NC 27609 4 of 7 Natural Resource Consultants Photo Station 6: View facing upstream Photo Station 7: View facing downstream 308 W Millbrook Road, Ste D #200, Raleigh, NC 27609 5 of 7 Natural Resource Consultants Photo Station 8: View facing upstream oil— ? ;: At � Photo Station 8: View facing downstream 308 W Millbrook Road, Ste D #200, Raleigh, NC 27609 6 of 7 ` l c " t _ Cie F I 01 ,5 .•: : tot t