HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-00787_Well Construction - GW1_20230112 • i '•: •_'FM�tE�F WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (OW 1) For Intemal[T$e Only: 1.Well Contractor Information: Russell Taylor 1a.WAMZONES WC11 contractorNene Mold, TO I I DEREMP11Or nn 2 NC Well Cotdnctor Certification Number I 2112� ft1 ' JAN 1 s5.10UTERCAsaNG ormalttc►sedwelb ORz1NERnf cote) Hedden Brothers Well Drilling, Ind. r FROM m ntAatsrElx Trnctenss MAJURIAL Company Name In;c.;r.t �,,: �Oiy I6.1biNER CASING OR T[JSING tSmul elmat-loa I.Well CoutructioD Permit#: I I rl FROM Ta ' DtA..NMTM I TMIMMS I MATMAL Un dll oppficobfe Nutt eommWon pernuts Cl.r.U!C•Cotmry.State;Va iawe,eta) I. 0 lt. I ft ln. S.Weil Use(check Ira use): lowthermal StipplyWell: 17.SCREEN iFROM TO i I Dt TE= SLOTSrze THIC[4YFSS MATERIAL 13MunicipaUFublic ft.hermal(Henting/Coolias Supply) OResidandal Water Supply(single) ft 6. ' isOResideatial Water Supply(shared) I&GROUTFROM TO NATERLtL EMPLACE41MMMETHODdW1015,,57 Water Sapp$'Welk tt zeirL . oampaditoring Recovery R fL 'fr. ft ifcrRcchargc 0GmundwatcrRcmcdfatfonifer Storage aad Reco 19.SANDIGRAVEL PACK if a licablel very M-Salwi:yBanrier FROM TO1 MAMUL F-MPLACEUfE\T� OD iferTest 0StofnnwaterDrainage ft. f nTechnology Subsidence Controlhermal(ClondLoop) D-Trdcer 20.DRILLLhGLOG attaebadditionalsbeetsff(Hearin oolin Retum) : Other(ex lain under#.21 Remadts) FRONT To i DESCItrPTf4\lcoror.turdneo saNreek sSa ere t T� fa 1 ft- emy&sand d.Date NVelf(s)Completed: 0 Well ID {A So.Well Location: l IL Mar are,t V�/ /, I fr., ` it , K.renu, i F&cd'ey1 c.laac Facility ID�-(ifapplicahle) Et- Physical Addrem City.and tip fa ' ft • /Y1A[SetJ CounlT! �1�4-ta.3�83 dq , n.RE;}faRtts � I DR.ui�lc� w �>�.e o 1,� t+E►.—800c+•> Calmly Parcel ldcntifreatfan No.(PLC) , 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/rolnutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 1 [if Wall field,one latillong is sufficient) M CertMeations; 6.Is(are)the wen(s)ix Permanent or OTemporary Sig=urcofCerdficdNwiCantrmr o sy signing ties form.I her, certify riem r ararsi Iras(were)eaarrmcred(a accardw 7..Is this a repair to an esisting well: [3Yes or No_ ,+itlr ISd NCr C 02C.0I00 or 15.3 NCRC 02C.0200 Jii11 Gortstructian Strndardr mud tJm ltbir fs a repair,jdlau!@noun tvr/!eonstruulon tnjornration rr?esplair.the nature.ajdre ropy orthis record liar been prav!ded to the trell oavter. mpalrmtdrr#21 remarla•seulan or an the bacP ofth(rJarm. 13.Site diagram'or additional well details: S.For GeoprobelDPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use thel back of this page to provide additional well she details or a construction,only I OW-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL A''MMER ofseIls construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBzM1TTALIIV P t=0,-"S 9.Total Sven depth below land surface. 8 Do A) 24a. Submit this foray within 30 days of completion of u Formultipie urtir lat all deptlsr ifdiffermt re=nrple-3@200•and 2@1001 construction to the following: 10.Static water Level below top of casing: 430 (ft.) Dfv'isi6 of N rater Resource;,Inthrmation Processing Val% lftvaterlava!it show carin&tree' I&Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole dfamemr: (tn.) Z4b.For Iniection��'t%1[s: In addition to sending the form to the address in. above,also subrait one copy of rhis farm within 30 days of completion of v 12.Well construction method: C"auger,rota cable.direct push,ate.) !` constructioa to t2se followine: ry; I i Division of F;'aterResources,Underground Injection Control Prom m FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS Os ILY: (�� .� 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigb,p1C 2 7699-13 6 6 13a.Yield(gpm) �_ ;\lethad of test: 3.YW� 24c-For WaterISuboir&Injection%Yells: In addition m sending the fort the address(es) al�ova,- also submit one copy of this form within 30 day: 13b.Disinfection type.� Amount: completion of well;construction to the county health depart°tent of the cot where eonstruetea ' Form WNI-1 ?North Carolina Depanmcmt of Eaviranm.-nt:1 Q:aiity-Divlsior.o£t:rcr Rcscumc3 21-: