HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0025836_correspondence_20220103Roy Cooper, Governor �00■0 INC DEPARTMENT OF ■ ■ ■■u■■ NATURAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES ■ ■■■ January 3, 2023 Derek Denard NC DEQ Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 RE: Hot Springs Main WWTP; NCO025836 Dear Derek Denard: D. Reid Wilson, Secretary Micky Buchanan Deputy Director, Natural Heritage Program NCNHDE-20386 The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) appreciates the opportunity to provide information about natural heritage resources for the project referenced above. A query of the NCNHP database indicates that there are records for rare species, important natural communities, natural areas, and/or conservation/managed areas within the proposed project boundary. These results are presented in the attached 'Documented Occurrences' tables and map. The attached 'Potential Occurrences' table summarizes rare species and natural communities that have been documented within a one -mile radius of the property boundary. The proximity of these records suggests that these natural heritage elements may potentially be present in the project area if suitable habitat exists. Tables of natural areas and conservation/managed areas within a one -mile radius of the project area, if any, are also included in this report. If a Federally -listed species is documented within the project area or indicated within a one -mile radius of the project area, the NCNHP recommends contacting the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for guidance. Contact information for USFWS offices in North Carolina is found here: https://www.fws.gov/offices/Di rectory_/ListOffices.cfm?statecode=37. Please note that natural heritage element data are maintained for the purposes of conservation planning, project review, and scientific research, and are not intended for use as the primary criteria for regulatory decisions. Information provided by the NCNHP database may not be published without prior written notification to the NCNHP, and the NCNHP must be credited as an information source in these publications. Maps of NCNHP data may not be redistributed without permission. Also please note that the NC Natural Heritage Program may follow this letter with additional correspondence if a Dedicated Nature Preserve, Registered Heritage Area, Land and Water Fund easement, or an occurrence of a Federally -listed species is documented near the project area. If you have questions regarding the information provided in this letter or need additional assistance, please contact Rodney A. Butler at rod ney.butler(a)ncdcr.clov or 919-707-8603. Sincerely, NC Natural Heritage Program DEPAR71MEN7 OF NATURAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES fl 121 W. JONES STREET, RALEIGH. NC 27603 • 16S1 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH. Nc 27699 OFC 919.707.9120 • FAX 919.707,9121 Natural Heritage Element Occurrences, Natural Areas, and Managed Areas Intersecting the Project Area Hot Springs Main WWTP Project No. NC0025836 January 3, 2023 NCNHDE-20386 Element Occurrences Documented Within Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name mmon Name LdbL element Accuracy Federal State Global State Group Observation Occurrence Status Status Rank Rank Date Rank Amphibian 9371 Cryptobranchus Eastern Hellbender 2019-10-22 AB 3-Medium --- Special G3T2 S3 alleganiensis Concern alleganiensis Amphibian 39877 Cryptobranchus Eastern Hellbender 2015-06-15 E 3-Medium --- Special G3T2 S3 alleganiensis Concern alleganiensis Amphibian 27974 Necturus maculosus Mudpuppy 2019-12-28 E 3-Medium --- Special G5 S2 Concern Amphibian 29985 Plethodon ventralis Southern Zigzag 2021-04-09 B 3-Medium --- Special G4 S2 Salamander Concern Amphibian 41407 Plethodon ventralis Southern Zigzag 2021-03-29 E 3-Medium --- Special G4 S2 Salamander Concern Amphibian 39550 Plethodon ventralis Southern Zigzag 2001-10-14 E 2-High --- Special G4 S2 Salamander Concern Amphibian 40806 Plethodon ventralis Southern Zigzag 2020-03-16 E 2-High --- Special G4 S2 Salamander Concern Arachnid 41525 Nesticus gertschi a Cave Cobweb Spider 2001-08-19 E 2-High --- Significantly G1G2 S2 Rare Arachnid 41519 Nesticus gertschi a Cave Cobweb Spider 2002-01-05 E 2-High --- Significantly G1G2 S2 Rare Arachnid 41522 Nesticus gertschi a Cave Cobweb Spider 2007-08-22 E 2-High --- Significantly G1G2 S2 Rare Arachnid 41531 Nesticus silvanus a Cave Cobweb Spider 1977-07-17 H 3-Medium --- Significantly G2? S2 Rare Arachnid 41539 Nesticus silvanus a Cave Cobweb Spider 2001-08-19 E 2-High --- Significantly G2? S2 Rare Bird 40375 Certhia americans Brown Creeper 2015 E 2-High --- Special G5 S3B,S5 Concern N Bird 40419 Vermivora cyanoptera Blue -winged Warbler 2014 E 2-High --- Significantly G5 S2B Rare Butterfly 25594 Erynnis martialis Mottled Duskywing 2015-07-20 B 2-High --- Significantly G3 S2 Rare Page 2 of 28 Element Occurrences Documented Within Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Last Element Accuracy Federal State Global State Group Observation Occurrence Status tatus ank L Date Rank Butterfly 29495 Euchloe olympia Olympia Marble 2013-04-09 B 3-Medium --- Significantly G5 Sl Rare Butterfly 31157 Satyrium caryaevorus Hickory Hairstreak 2012-06-15 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S1 Rare Crustacean 529 Cambarus reburrus French Broad Crayfish 2014-06-05 E 3-Medium --- Threatened G3 S2 Dragonfly or 33546 Hylogomphus Mustached Clubtail 1992-06-19 H? 2-High --- Significantly G5 S1S2 Damselfly adelphus Rare Dragonfly or 33695 Hylogomphus Green -faced Clubtail 2012-04-09 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G3G4 S1 Damselfly viridifrons Rare Dragonfly or 33305 Neurocordulia Stygian 2019-06-13 AB 3-Medium --- Significantly G5 Si? Damselfly yamaskanensis Shadowdragon Rare Dragonfly or 33680 Phanogomphus Harpoon Clubtail 2013-04-30 F 3-Medium --- Significantly G4G5 S1 Damselfly descriptus Rare Dragonfly or 33691 Phanogomphus Rapids Clubtail 2011-05-06 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G3G4 S1S2 Damselfly quadricolor Rare Freshwater 29688 Potamilus alatus Pink Heelsplitter 2019-09-04 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G5 S1 Bivalve Rare Freshwater Fish19498 Acipenser fulvescens Lake Sturgeon 2018-10-21 Er 3-Medium --- Special G3G4 S1 Concern Freshwater Fish6464 Aplodinotus grunniens Freshwater Drum 2021-11-04 E 3-Medium --- Special G5 S1 Concern Freshwater Fish3542 Carpiodes carpio River Carpsucker 2006-09-11 E 3-Medium --- Special G5 S1 Concern Freshwater Fish27488 Carpiodes cyprinus Quillback 2021-11-03 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G5 S2 Rare Freshwater Fish17245 Cottus carolinae Banded Sculpin 2020-09-30 E 3-Medium --- Special G5 S1 Concern Freshwater Fish11263 Erimonax monachus Spotfin Chub 1888 X 3-Medium Threatened Threatened G2 S1 Freshwater Fish29275 Erimystax insignis Blotched Chub 2017-10-04 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S2 Rare Freshwater Fish28878 Etheostoma Tennessee Snubnose 2009-08-28 E 3-Medium --- Special G3G4 S1 simoterum Darter Concern Freshwater Fish18613 Etheostoma Wounded Darter 1870 X 3-Medium --- Special G3 S2 vulneratum Concern Freshwater Fish9876 Hiodon tergisus Mooneye 2007-05-18 E 3-Medium --- Special G5 S1 Concern Page 3 of 28 Element Occurrences Documented Within Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Namen Common Name Last Element Accuracy Group Observation Occurrence A Date Rank Freshwater Fish15487 Ichthyomyzon Ohio Lamprey 2021-04-08 E 3-Medium bdellium Freshwater Fish27532 Ictiobus bubalus Smallmouth Buffalo 2021-11-04 E 3-Medium Freshwater Fish27582 Ictiobus niger Black Buffalo 2021-11-03 E 3-Medium Freshwater Fish4325 Lethenteron appendix American Brook 2009-10-07 E 3-Medium Lamprey Freshwater Fish29282 Moxostoma breviceps Smallmouth Redhorse 2021-11-04 E 3-Medium Freshwater Fish29286 Notropis micropteryx Highland Shiner 2021-11-30 E 3-Medium Freshwater Fish29300 Notropis volucellus Mimic Shiner 2010-10-06 E 3-Medium Freshwater Fish12827 Noturus eleutherus Mountain Madtom 2020-06-06 E 3-Medium Freshwater Fish39248 Noturus flavus Stonecat 2018-10-23 E 3-Medium Freshwater Fish12354 Percina caprodes Logperch 2021-06-30 E 3-Medium Freshwater Fish19712 Percina squamata Olive Darter 2011-10-05 E 3-Medium Freshwater Fish17990 Sander canadensis Sauger 2021-11-04 E 3-Medium Freshwater or 11699 Triodopsis Budded Threetooth 1991 H? 3-Medium Terrestrial tennesseensis Gastropod Freshwater or 1045 Ventridens coelaxis Bidentate Dome 1994-03-06 H? 3-Medium Terrestrial Gastropod Freshwater or 38617 Ventridens lawae Rounded Dome 1901 H 3-Medium Terrestrial Gastropod Liverwort 20399 Cephaloziella A Liverwort 1999-04-16 E 3-Medium spinicaulis Mammal 36193 Perimyotis subflavus Tricolored Bat 2020-01-31 E Federal State Global State Status Status Rank Rank A A --- Special G3G4 S1 Concern --- Significantly G5 S1 Rare --- Significantly G5 S1 Rare --- Special G4 S1 Concern --- Significantly G5 S2 Rare --- Significantly G5 S2 Rare --- Threatened G5 S2 --- Special G4 S1 Concern --- Endangered G5 S1 --- Threatened G5 S1 --- Special G3 S2 Concern --- Significantly G5 S1 Rare --- Significantly G4 S1 Rare 2-High Proposed Endangered Special G3 S3? Concern Significantly G4 S2S3 Rare Significantly G3G4 S1 Rare Peripheral Significantly G3G4 S3 Rare Page 4 of 28 Element Occurrences Documented Within Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Group A 0 Mammal Mammal Moss Moss Moss Moss Natural Community Natural Community Natural Community Natural Community Natural Community Natural Community Natural Community Natural Community Natural Community Natural Community Natural Community Last Element Accuracy Federal State Global State Observation Occurrence Stat tatus Rank Date Rank 39844 Perimyotis subflavus Tricolored Bat 2019-03-01 E 2-High Proposed Significantly G3G4 S3 Endangered Rare 36264 Sylvilagus obscurus Appalachian Cottontail 1997-03-01 H? 2-High --- Game Animal G4 S3 23555 Orthotrichum Drummond Moss 1935-06-16 H 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 SH strangulatum Rare Peripheral 23554 Orthotrichum Drummond Moss 1935-06-16 H 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 SH strangulatum Rare Peripheral 11684 Syntrichia papillose Papillose Tortula 1967-02-28 H 3-Medium --- Significantly G5 Sl 23680 Tortula plinthobia A Chain -teeth Moss 8476 Acidic Cove Forest --- (Typic Subtype) 3272 Acidic Cove Forest --- (Typic Subtype) 29418 Acidic Cove Forest --- (Typic Subtype) 17346 Acidic Shale Slope --- Woodland 17863 Acidic Shale Slope --- Woodland 333 Acidic Shale Slope --- Woodland 14275 Acidic Shale Slope --- Woodland 12128 Acidic Shale Slope --- Woodland 29405 Calcareous Oak- --- Walnut Forest 30672 Calcareous Shale Slope --- Woodland 30671 Calcareous Shale Slope --- Woodland Rare Peripheral 1967-02-28 H 3-Medium --- Significantly G4G5 Sl? Rare Other 2010 BC 3-Medium --- --- G5 S4 2010-07-23 C 3-Medium --- --- G5 S4 2010-06-19 BC 3-Medium --- --- G5 S4 2010-06-19 A 3-Medium --- --- G2? Sl 2010-07-15 A 3-Medium --- --- G2? Sl 2010-08-29 A 3-Medium --- --- G2? Sl 1993-09 B? 3-Medium --- --- G2? Sl 2010-04-20 B? 3-Medium --- --- G2? S1 2010 B? 2-High --- --- G1Q S1 2010-07-15 A 3-Medium --- --- G2 Sl 2010-08-29 A 2-High --- --- G2 S1 Page 5 of 28 Element Occurrences Documented Within Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Group ff Natural 29404 Chestnut Oak Forest --- Community (Dry Heath Subtype) Natural 18380 Chestnut Oak Forest --- Community (Dry Heath Subtype) Natural 18616 Chestnut Oak Forest --- Community (Mesic Subtype) Natural 17956 Montane Alluvial --- Community Forest (Large River Subtype) Natural 683 Montane Alluvial --- Community Forest (Large River Subtype) Natural 19132 Montane Alluvial --- Community Forest (Large River Subtype) Natural 6437 Montane Alluvial --- Community Forest (Small River Subtype) Natural 3832 Montane Cliff (Acidic --- Community Herb Subtype) Natural 16358 Montane Cliff --- Community (Calcareous Subtype) Natural 29533 Montane Cliff --- Community (Calcareous Subtype) Natural 13287 Montane Oak --Hickory --- Community Forest (Acidic Subtype) Natural 2371 Montane Oak --Hickory --- Community Forest (Acidic Subtype) Natural 15279 Montane Oak --Hickory --- Community Forest (Basic Subtype) Natural 29419 Montane Oak --Hickory --- Community Forest (Basic Subtype) Natural 16497 Pine--Oak/Heath --- Community (Typic Subtype) Last Element Accuracy Federal State Global State Observation Occurrence Status Status Rank Rank L Date Rank 2010-04-20 A 3-Medium --- --- G5 S5 2010-08-29 C 2-High --- --- G5 S5 2010 E 3-Medium --- --- G4 S3S4 2019-09-21 B 2-High --- --- G2? S1 2008-07-01 C 3-Medium --- --- G2? S1 2009-08-13 E 2-High --- --- G2? S1 2008-07-03 B 3-Medium --- --- G3 S1 2008-06-17 B? 3-Medium --- --- G3G4 S3 2000-10-24 B 3-Medium --- --- G3G4 S1 2010-07-15 A 2-High --- --- G3G4 S1 2010-08-19 C 2-High --- --- G4G5 S4S5 2010 C 2-High --- --- G4G5 S4S5 2010-08-29 B 3-Medium --- --- G3 S3 2010-06-19 BC 2-High --- --- G3 S3 2010-07-23 C 2-High --- --- G3 S3 Page 6 of 28 Element Occurrences Documented Within Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Last Element Accuracy Federal Group Observation Occurrence Status Date Rank IL Natural _ 29467 Rich Cove Forest --- 2010-06-13 -- B 2-High --- Community (Boulderfield Subtype) Natural 18742 Rich Cove Forest --- 2010-08-19 C 3-Medium --- Community (Foothills Intermediate Subtype) Natural 16292 Rich Cove Forest --- 2010-07-15 Community (Foothills Intermediate Subtype) Natural 19987 Rich Cove Forest --- 2010 Community (Montane Intermediate Subtype) Natural 11018 Rich Cove Forest --- 2010-07-29 Community (Montane Intermediate Subtype) Natural 29414 Rich Cove Forest --- 2010-04-27 Community (Montane Rich Subtype) Natural 16194 Rocky Bar and Shore --- 2012 Community (Alder-Yellowroot Subtype) Natural 39531 Talus Vineland --- 2019-09-21 Community Reptile 15703 Apalone spinifera Eastern Spiny Softshell 2010-10-06 spinifera Reptile 10687 Sternotherus minor Loggerhead Musk 2010-08-25 Turtle Reptile 29318 Trachemys scripta Cumberland Slider 2009-08-25 troostii Stonefly 42163 Bolotoperla rossi Smoky Willowfly 1991-03-24 Vascular Plant 12195 Adlumia fungosa Climbing Fumitory 1991-09-11 Vascular Plant 18218 Adlumia fungosa Climbing Fumitory 1993-06 BC 3-Medium --- BC 3-Medium --- C 3-Medium --- BC 2-High --- B? 3-Medium --- State Global State Status Rank --- G3 S2 --- G4? S3 --- G4? S3 --- G4 S4 --- G4 S4 --- G3G4 S3 --- G3G4 S3 A? 2-High --- --- G2G3 S1 Q E 3-Medium --- Special G5T5 S1 Concern E 3-Medium --- Special G5 S1 Concern E 3-Medium --- Special G5T4 S1 Concern H? 2-High --- Significantly G4 S3 Rare A 3-Medium --- Special G4 S2 Concern Vulnerable BC 3-Medium --- Special G4 S2 Concern Vulnerable Page 7 of 28 Element Occurrences Documented Within Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Last Element Accuracy Federal State Global State Group Observation Occurrence Status tatus Rank JM� Date Rank Vascular Plant 5810 _ Adlumia fungosa Climbing Fumitory 2019-09-21 D 2-High --- Special G4 S2 Concern Vulnerable Vascular Plant 20668 Adlumia fungosa Climbing Fumitory 2010-06-13 A 3-Medium --- Special G4 S2 Concern Vulnerable Vascular Plant 20404 Adlumia fungosa Climbing Fumitory 2003-09-10 D 2-High --- Special G4 S2 Concern Vulnerable Vascular Plant 12458 Adlumia fungosa Climbing Fumitory 2019-09-09 E 2-High --- Special G4 S2 Concern Vulnerable Vascular Plant 29535 Adlumia fungosa Climbing Fumitory 2010-07-15 BC 2-High --- Special G4 S2 Concern Vulnerable Vascular Plant 29534 Adlumia fungosa Climbing Fumitory 2009-08-17 AB 2-High --- Special G4 S2 Concern Vulnerable Vascular Plant 23460 Agastache nepetoides Yellow Giant -hyssop 1966-10-08 H 3-Medium --- Significantly G5 S1 Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 14365 Arabis patens Spreading Rockcress 1998-07-09 A? 3-Medium --- Significantly G3 S1 Rare Throughout Vascular Plant 16783 Arabis patens Spreading Rockcress 2010-03-19 A 3-Medium --- Significantly G3 S1 Rare Throughout Vascular Plant 4948 Asplenium Lobed Spleenwort 1980-05-05 H? 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S2 pinnatifidum Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 18127 Asplenium ruta- American Wall -rue 2010-07-20 B 3-Medium --- Special G5T5 S1 muraria var. Concern cryptolepis Vulnerable Vascular Plant 19649 Asplenium ruta- American Wall -rue 1981-08-11 H? 2-High --- Special G5T5 S1 muraria var. Concern cryptolepis Vulnerable Page 8 of 28 Element Occurrences Documented Within Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Last Element Accuracy Federal State Global State Group Observation Occurrence Status tatus Rank JM16 Date Rank Vascular Plant 2576 Buckleya Piratebush 2008-06-17 B 3-Medium --- Threatened G3 S2 distichophylla Vascular Plant 4332 Buckleya Piratebush 2010-08-19 BC 3-Medium --- Threatened G3 S2 distichophylla Vascular Plant 8916 Buckleya Piratebush 2008-07-01 BC 3-Medium --- Threatened G3 S2 distichophylla Vascular Plant 22145 Carex cherokeensis Cherokee Sedge 2002 E 3-Medium --- Threatened G4G5 S1 Vascular Plant 5802 Carex eburnea Bristle -leaf Sedge 1984 H 3-Medium --- Threatened G5 S1 Vascular Plant 21230 Celastrus scandens American Bittersweet 1954-08-14 H 3-Medium --- Endangered G5 S2? Vascular Plant 39795 Cirsium carolinianum Carolina Thistle 2019-06-05 B 2-High --- Endangered G5 S1 Vascular Plant 6605 Corydalis micrantha Slender Corydalis 2010-04-27 BC 2-High --- Threatened G5T4 S1 Vascular Plant 22627 Croton Prairie -tea Croton 2012-07-29 C 2-High --- Endangered G5 S1 monanthogynus Vascular Plant 8039 Dicentra eximia Bleeding Heart 1992-08 C? 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S3 Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 3902 Dicentra eximia Bleeding Heart 1987-05-11 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S3 Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 197SS Dicentra eximia Bleeding Heart 2010-04-27 C 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S3 Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 34279 Dichanthelium Bicknell's Witch Grass 2010-06-13 E 2-High --- Significantly G4?Q S2 bicknellii Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 17454 Draba ramosissima Branching Draba 2021-08-03 A 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S2 Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 19185 Draba ramosissima Branching Draba 2010-03-19 AB 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S2 Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 10346 Draba ramosissima Branching Draba 1985-05 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S2 Rare Peripheral Page 9 of 28 Element Occurrences Documented Within Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Group Vascular Plant 21170 Draba ramosissima Branching Draba Last Element Accuracy Federal State Global State Observation Occurrence Status tatus Rank Date Rank Imo- M6L 2008-07-01 D 2-High --- Significantly G4 S2 Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 11471 Echinacea purpurea Purple Coneflower 1985 H 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S1 Rare Other Vascular Plant 34031 Echinacea purpurea Purple Coneflower 2012-07-28 D 2-High --- Significantly G4 S1 Rare Other Vascular Plant 13845 Epilobium ciliatum ssp. American Willow -herb 1993-08 D 3-Medium --- Significantly G5T5 S2 ciliatum Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 28524 Epilobium ciliatum ssp. American Willow -herb 2006-10-25 BC 1-Very --- Significantly G5T5 S2 ciliatum High Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 29409 Euphorbia purpurea Glade Spurge 2008-07-01 C 2-High --- Significantly G3 S3 Rare Throughout Vascular Plant 5128 Fleischmannia Pink Thoroughwort 2017-09-24 A 3-Medium --- Significantly G5 S2 incarnate Rare Other Vascular Plant 37585 Fleischmannia Pink Thoroughwort 2008-07-01 B? 3-Medium --- Significantly G5 S2 incarnate Rare Other Vascular Plant 23511 Heuchera pubescens Downy Alumroot 1974-07 H 3-Medium --- Significantly G4? S1 Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 26927 Heuchera pubescens Downy Alumroot 2009 C 2-High --- Significantly G4? S1 Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 17345 Hydrastis canadensis Goldenseal 1985-07-20 X? 3-Medium --- Special G3G4 S3 Concern Vulnerable Vascular Plant 35269 Matelea obliqua Climbing Milkvine 2021-08-03 B? 2-High --- Significantly G4? S1 Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 18094 Meehania cordata Meehania 1959-09 H 3-Medium --- Significantly G5 S2 Rare Peripheral Page 10 of 28 Element Occurrences Documented Within Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Last Element Accuracy Federal Group N Observation Occurrence Status An I Date Rank Vascular Plant 29245 Meehania cordata Meehania 2011 E 2-High --- Vascular Plant 3127 Melica nitens Three -flowered Melic 1998-07-09 A 3-Medium --- Vascular Plant 3523 Myriopteris Alabama Lipfern 2008-06-18 D 3-Medium --- alabamensis Vascular Plant 6574 Myriopteris Alabama Lipfern 1985-12 D 3-Medium --- alabamensis Vascular Plant 2431 Packera paupercula Prairie Ragwort 1993-07-24 C? 3-Medium --- var. appalachiana Vascular Plant 28287 Pycnanthemum Tennessee Mountain- 2006-10-02 BC 3-Medium --- curvipes mint Vascular Plant 26855 Robinia hispida var. Kelsey's Locust 2004-04-22 BC 3-Medium --- kelseyi Vascular Plant 16038 Ruellia purshiana Pursh's Wild -petunia 2010-05-07 A 3-Medium --- Vascular Plant 33551 Ruellia purshiana Pursh's Wild -petunia 1998-07-09 E 2-High --- Vascular Plant 15176 Stachys cordata Vascular Plant 3470 Stachys cordata Vascular Plant 29427 Stewartia ovata Heart -leaf Hedge - nettle Heart -leaf Hedge - nettle Mountain Camellia 1995-06-19 .; Vascular Plant 8239 Symphyotrichum Aromatic Aster 1958-10-08 oblongifolium Vascular Plant 13113 Symphyotrichum Aromatic Aster 2017-09-24 oblongifolium F 3-Medium E 3-Medium H? 3-Medium H 3-Medium A 3-Medium State Global State Status Rank Rank Significantly G5 S2 Rare Peripheral Endangered G5 S1 Significantly G4G5 S1 Rare Peripheral Significantly G4G5 S1 Rare Peripheral Threatened GSTNP S1 Significantly G3 S1 Rare Throughout Significantly G4T1 S1 Rare Other Special G3 S2 Concern Vulnerable Special G3 S2 Concern Vulnerable Significantly GNP S1 Rare Peripheral Significantly GNP S1 Rare Peripheral Significantly G4 S3 Rare Peripheral Threatened G5 S1 Threatened G5 S1 Page 11 of 28 Element Occurrences Documented Within Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Group 2 S Vascular Plant 41627 Symphyotrichum Aromatic Aster oblongifolium Vascular Plant 26547 Symphyotrichum Aromatic Aster oblongifolium Vascular Plant 18893 Thaspium pinnatifidum Mountain Thaspium Vascular Plant 15134 Thaspium pinnatifidum Mountain Thaspium Vascular Plant 49 Thaspium pinnatifidum Mountain Thaspium Vascular Plant 11429 Thaspium pinnatifidum Mountain Thaspium Vascular Plant 13522 Trichostema Glade Bluecurls brachiatum Vascular Plant 4076 Trillium simile Sweet White Trillium Vascular Plant 7485 Trillium simile Sweet White Trillium Natural Areas Documented Within Project Area Site Name Big Rock Spring Davis Branch Floodplain Spring Creek Mountain Murray Branch Slopes Paint Rock Road Natural Area Mine Ridge Spring Creek Gorge Stokely Hollow and Ridge Big Laurel Creek Gorge Squirrel Branch Oaks Doe Branch Forests Hot Springs Mountain FRB/Lower French Broad River Aquatic Habitat Lovers Leap/Deep Water Bridge Last Element Accuracy Federal State Global State Observation Occurrence Status Status Rank Rank Date Rank in A 2021-09-25 E 2-High --- Threatened G5 S1 1998-07-09 E 2-High --- Threatened G5 S1 1969-05 H 3-Medium --- Endangered G2G3 S1 1977-08 F 3-Medium --- Endangered G2G3 S1 2010-06-27 A 2-High --- Endangered G2G3 S1 1985-05-31 E 2-High --- Endangered G2G3 S1 2010-08-29 B 3-Medium --- Endangered G5 S1 1958-04-26 H 3-Medium --- Special G3 S2 Concern Vulnerable 1992-06 D 3-Medium --- Special G3 S2 Concern Vulnerable Representational Rating R5 (General) R3 (High) R5 (General) R1 (Exceptional) R2 (Very High) R1 (Exceptional) R1 (Exceptional) R2 (Very High) R3 (High) R5 (General) R4 (Moderate) R5 (General) R1 (Exceptional) R1 (Exceptional) Collective Rating C5 (General) C4 (Moderate) C5 (General) C2 (Very High) C3 (High) C5 (General) C2 (Very High) C4 (Moderate) C4 (Moderate) C5 (General) C5 (General) C5 (General) C1 (Exceptional) Cl (Exceptional) Page 12 of 28 Managed Areas Documented Within Project Area Managed Area Na 111111P07wner Owner Type = Madison County Open Space Madison County Local Government Madison County Open Space Madison County Local Government Pisgah National Forest - Appalachian Ranger US Forest Service Federal District Southeast Regional Land Conservancy Easement Southeast Regional Land Conservancy Private Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy Southern Appalachian Highlands Private Easement Conservancy Big Laurel Creek Gorge Registered Heritage Area NC DNCR, Natural Heritage Program State Paint Rock Road Registered Heritage Area NC DNCR, Natural Heritage Program State NOTE: If the proposed project intersects with a conservation/managed area, please contact the landowner directly for additional information. If the project intersects with a Dedicated Nature Preserve (DNP), Registered Natural Heritage Area (RHA), or Federally -listed species, NCNHP staff may provide additional correspondence regarding the project. Definitions and an explanation of status designations and codes can be found at https://ncnhde.natureserve.org/help. Data query generated on January 3, 2023; source: NCNHP, Q3, October 2022. Please resubmit your information request if more than one year elapses before project initiation as new information is continually added to the NCNHP database. Page 13 of 28 Natural Heritage Element Occurrences, Natural Areas, and Managed Areas Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Hot Springs Main WWTP Project No. NC0025836 January 3, 2023 NCNHDE-20386 Element Occurrences Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common Name' Last Element Accuracy Federal State Global State Group Observation Occurrence Status Status Rank Rank AL Date Rank �F Amphibian 9371 Cryptobranchus Eastern Hellbender 2019-10-22 AB 3-Medium --- Special G3T2 S3 alleganiensis Concern alleganiensis Amphibian 39877 Cryptobranchus Eastern Hellbender 2015-06-15 E 3-Medium --- Special G3T2 S3 alleganiensis Concern alleganiensis Amphibian 27974 Necturus maculosus Mudpuppy 2019-12-28 E 3-Medium --- Special G5 S2 Concern Amphibian 29985 Plethodon ventralis Southern Zigzag 2021-04-09 B 3-Medium --- Special G4 S2 Salamander Concern Amphibian 41407 Plethodon ventralis Southern Zigzag 2021-03-29 E 3-Medium --- Special G4 S2 Salamander Concern Amphibian 39550 Plethodon ventralis Southern Zigzag 2001-10-14 E 2-High --- Special G4 S2 Salamander Concern Amphibian 40806 Plethodon ventralis Southern Zigzag 2020-03-16 E 2-High --- Special G4 S2 Salamander Concern Arachnid 41525 Nesticus gertschi a Cave Cobweb Spider 2001-08-19 E 2-High --- Significantly G1G2 S2 Rare Arachnid 41519 Nesticus gertschi a Cave Cobweb Spider 2002-01-05 E 2-High --- Significantly G1G2 S2 Rare Arachnid 41522 Nesticus gertschi a Cave Cobweb Spider 2007-08-22 E 2-High --- Significantly G1G2 S2 Rare Arachnid 41531 Nesticus silvanus a Cave Cobweb Spider 1977-07-17 H 3-Medium --- Significantly G2? S2 Rare Arachnid 41539 Nesticus silvanus a Cave Cobweb Spider 2001-08-19 E 2-High --- Significantly G2? S2 Rare Bird 40375 Certhia americans Brown Creeper 2015 E 2-High --- Special G5 S3B,S5 Concern N Bird 40419 Vermivora cyanoptera Blue -winged Warbler 2014 E 2-High --- Significantly G5 S2B Rare Page 14 of 28 Element Occurrences Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common NamIrO Element Accuracy Federal State Glo��tate Group 0 ervation Occurrence Status Status Rank Rank Date Rank Butterfly 25594 Erynnis martialis Mottled Duskywing 2015-07-20 B 2-High --- Significantly G3 S2 Rare Butterfly 29495 Euchloe olympia Olympia Marble 2013-04-09 B 3-Medium --- Significantly G5 S1 Rare Butterfly 29497 Heraclides cresphontes Eastern Giant 2011-05 E 4-Low --- Significantly G5 S2S3 Swallowtail Rare Butterfly 31157 Satyrium caryaevorus Hickory Hairstreak 2012-06-15 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S1 Rare Butterfly 6165 Telegonus cellus Golden Banded- 2000-Pre H? 4-Low --- Significantly G4 S2 Skipper Rare Crustacean 529 Cambarus reburrus French Broad Crayfish 2014-06-05 E 3-Medium --- Threatened G3 S2 Dragonfly or 33546 Hylogomphus Mustached Clubtail 1992-06-19 H? 2-High --- Significantly G5 S1S2 Damselfly adelphus Rare Dragonfly or 33695 Hylogomphus Green -faced Clubtail 2012-04-09 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G3G4 Sl Damselfly viridifrons Rare Dragonfly or 33305 Neurocordulia Stygian 2019-06-13 AB 3-Medium --- Significantly G5 S1? Damselfly yamaskanensis Shadowdragon Rare Dragonfly or 33680 Phanogomphus Harpoon Clubtail 2013-04-30 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G4G5 S1 Damselfly descriptus Rare Dragonfly or 33691 Phanogomphus Rapids Clubtail 2011-05-06 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G3G4 S1S2 Damselfly quadricolor Rare Freshwater 29688 Potamilus alatus Pink Heelsplitter 2019-09-04 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G5 S1 Bivalve Rare Freshwater Fish19498 Acipenser fulvescens Lake Sturgeon 2018-10-21 Er 3-Medium --- Special G3G4 S1 Concern Freshwater Fish6464 Aplodinotus grunniens Freshwater Drum 2021-11-04 E 3-Medium --- Special G5 S1 Concern Freshwater Fish3542 Carpiodes carpio River Carpsucker 2006-09-11 E 3-Medium --- Special G5 S1 Concern Freshwater Fish27488 Carpiodes cyprinus Quillback 2021-11-03 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G5 S2 Rare Freshwater Fish17245 Cottus carolinae Banded Sculpin 2020-09-30 E 3-Medium --- Special G5 S1 Concern Freshwater Fish11263 Erimonax monachus Spotfin Chub 1888 X 3-Medium Threatened Threatened G2 S1 Freshwater Fish29275 Erimystax insignis Blotched Chub 2017-10-04 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S2 Rare Page 15 of 28 Element Occurrences Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific NamCommon Name e Element Accuracy Federal State Glo��tate Group Observation Occurrence Status tatus ank JM� Date Rank , Freshwater Fish28878 Etheostoma Tennessee Snubnose 2009-08-28 E _ _ 3-Medium --- Special G3G4 Sl simoterum Darter Concern Freshwater Fish18613 Etheostoma Wounded Darter 1870 X 3-Medium --- Special G3 S2 vulneratum Concern Freshwater Fish9876 Hiodon tergisus Mooneye 2007-05-18 E 3-Medium --- Special G5 S1 Concern Freshwater Fish15487 Ichthyomyzon Ohio Lamprey 2021-04-08 E 3-Medium --- Special G3G4 S1 bdellium Concern Freshwater Fish27532 Ictiobus bubalus Smallmouth Buffalo 2021-11-04 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G5 S1 Rare Freshwater Fish27582 Ictiobus niger Black Buffalo 2021-11-03 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G5 S1 Rare Freshwater Fish4325 Lethenteron appendix American Brook 2009-10-07 E 3-Medium --- Special G4 S1 Lamprey Concern Freshwater Fish29282 Moxostoma breviceps Smallmouth Redhorse 2021-11-04 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G5 S2 Rare Freshwater Fish29286 Notropis micropteryx Highland Shiner 2021-11-30 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G5 S2 Rare Freshwater Fish29300 Notropis volucellus Mimic Shiner 2010-10-06 E 3-Medium --- Threatened G5 S2 Freshwater Fish12827 Noturus eleutherus Mountain Madtom 2020-06-06 E 3-Medium --- Special G4 S1 Concern Freshwater Fish39248 Noturus flavus Stonecat 2018-10-23 E 3-Medium --- Endangered G5 S1 Freshwater Fish12354 Percina caprodes Logperch 2021-06-30 E 3-Medium --- Threatened G5 S1 Freshwater Fish19712 Percina squamata Olive Darter 2011-10-05 E 3-Medium --- Special G3 S2 Concern Freshwater Fish11061 Polyodon spathula Paddlefish 1983 H 4-Low --- Endangered G4 SX Freshwater Fish17990 Sander canadensis Sauger 2021-11-04 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G5 S1 Rare Freshwater or 40464 Mesomphix vulgatus Common Button 1992-07-07 H 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S2? Terrestrial Rare Gastropod Freshwater or 40465 Paravitrea Dentate Supercoil 1992-07-07 H 3-Medium --- Significantly G5 S2S3 Terrestrial multidentata Rare Gastropod Page 16 of 28 Element Occurrences Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Element Accuracy Federal State � Glo�tate Group JM� a. Observation Date Occurrence Rank A Status tatus S Rank Freshwater or 11699 Triodopsis Budded Threetooth 1991 H? 3-Medium _ --- Significantly G4 S1 Terrestrial tennesseensis Rare Gastropod Freshwater or 1045 Ventridens coelaxis Bidentate Dome 1994-03-06 H? 3-Medium --- Special G3 S3? Terrestrial Concern Gastropod Freshwater or 40466 Ventridens decussatus Crossed Dome 1992-07-07 H 3-Medium --- Significantly G3 S3? Terrestrial Rare Gastropod Freshwater or 38616 Ventridens lawae Rounded Dome 1901 H 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S2S3 Terrestrial Rare Gastropod Freshwater or 38617 Ventridens lawae Rounded Dome 1901 H 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S2S3 Terrestrial Rare Gastropod Liverwort 20399 Cephaloziella A Liverwort 1999-04-16 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G3G4 S1 spinicaulis Rare Peripheral Liverwort 22012 Plagiochila austinii A Liverwort 1988-05-04 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G3 S1S2 Rare Throughout Mammal 40567 Myotis grisescens Gray Bat 2019-10-24 E 2-High Endangered Endangered G3G4 S1 Mammal 37070 Myotis grisescens Gray Bat 2019-08-06 E 2-High Endangered Endangered G3G4 S1 Mammal 36193 Perimyotis subflavus Tricolored Bat 2020-01-31 E 2-High Proposed Significantly G3G4 S3 Endangered Rare Mammal 39844 Perimyotis subflavus Tricolored Bat 2019-03-01 E 2-High Proposed Significantly G3G4 S3 Endangered Rare Mammal 36264 Sylvilagus obscurus Appalachian Cottontail 1997-03-01 H? 2-High --- Game Animal G4 S3 Moss 23555 Orthotrichum Drummond Moss 1935-06-16 H 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 SH strangulatum Rare Peripheral Moss 23554 Orthotrichum Drummond Moss 1935-06-16 H 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 SH strangulatum Rare Peripheral Page 17 of 28 Element Occurrences Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Element Accuracy Federal State Glo��tate Group Observation Occurrence Status S tatus Rank Date Rank _ Moss 17589 Platydictya Alga -like Matted -moss 1935-06-16 H 4-Low --- Significantly G4G5 S1 confervoides Rare Peripheral Moss 11684 Syntrichia papillose Papillose Tortula 1967-02-28 H 3-Medium --- Significantly G5 S1 Rare Peripheral Moss 23680 Tortula plinthobia A Chain -teeth Moss 1967-02-28 H 3-Medium --- Significantly G4G5 S1? Rare Other Natural 8476 Acidic Cove Forest --- 2010 BC 3-Medium --- --- G5 S4 Community (Typic Subtype) Natural 3272 Acidic Cove Forest --- 2010-07-23 C 3-Medium --- --- G5 S4 Community (Typic Subtype) Natural 29418 Acidic Cove Forest --- 2010-06-19 BC 3-Medium --- --- G5 S4 Community (Typic Subtype) Natural 17346 Acidic Shale Slope --- 2010-06-19 A 3-Medium --- --- G2? S1 Community Woodland Natural 17863 Acidic Shale Slope --- 2010-07-15 A 3-Medium --- --- G2? S1 Community Woodland Natural 333 Acidic Shale Slope --- 2010-08-29 A 3-Medium --- --- G2? S1 Community Woodland Natural 14275 Acidic Shale Slope --- 1993-09 B? 3-Medium --- --- G2? S1 Community Woodland Natural 12128 Acidic Shale Slope --- 2010-04-20 B? 3-Medium --- --- G2? S1 Community Woodland Natural 29405 Calcareous Oak- --- 2010 B? 2-High --- --- G1Q S1 Community Walnut Forest Natural 30672 Calcareous Shale Slope--- 2010-07-15 A 3-Medium --- --- G2 S1 Community Woodland Natural 30671 Calcareous Shale Slope--- 2010-08-29 A 2-High --- --- G2 Sl Community Woodland Natural 29404 Chestnut Oak Forest --- 2010-04-20 A 3-Medium --- --- G5 S5 Community (Dry Heath Subtype) Natural 18380 Chestnut Oak Forest --- 2010-08-29 C 2-High --- --- G5 S5 Community (Dry Heath Subtype) Natural 18616 Chestnut Oak Forest --- 2010 E 3-Medium --- --- G4 S3S4 Community (Mesic Subtype) Page 18 of 28 Element Occurrences Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common Name � Element Accuracy Federal State GloO�tate Group 0 Observation Occurrence Status Status Rank Rank Date Rank Natural 17956 Montane Alluvial --- 2019-09-21 B 2-High --- --- G2? S1 Community Forest (Large River Subtype) Natural 683 Montane Alluvial --- 2008-07-01 C 3-Medium --- --- G2? Sl Community Forest (Large River Subtype) Natural 19132 Montane Alluvial --- 2009-08-13 E 2-High --- --- G2? S1 Community Forest (Large River Subtype) Natural 6437 Montane Alluvial --- 2008-07-03 B 3-Medium --- --- G3 S1 Community Forest (Small River Subtype) Natural 4281 Montane Cliff (Acidic --- 1993-08 E 4-Low --- --- G3G4 S3 Community Herb Subtype) Natural 19918 Montane Cliff (Acidic --- 2000-10-26 B 4-Low --- --- G3G4 S3 Community Herb Subtype) Natural 3832 Montane Cliff (Acidic --- 2008-06-17 B? 3-Medium --- --- G3G4 S3 Community Herb Subtype) Natural 16358 Montane Cliff --- 2000-10-24 B 3-Medium --- --- G3G4 S1 Community (Calcareous Subtype) Natural 29533 Montane Cliff --- 2010-07-15 A 2-High --- --- G3G4 S1 Community (Calcareous Subtype) Natural 13287 Montane Oak --Hickory --- 2010-08-19 C 2-High --- --- G4G5 S4S5 Community Forest (Acidic Subtype) Natural 2371 Montane Oak --Hickory --- 2010 C 2-High --- --- G4G5 S4S5 Community Forest (Acidic Subtype) Natural 15279 Montane Oak --Hickory --- 2010-08-29 B 3-Medium --- --- G3 S3 Community Forest (Basic Subtype) Natural 29419 Montane Oak --Hickory --- 2010-06-19 BC 2-High --- --- G3 S3 Community Forest (Basic Subtype) Natural 16497 Pine--Oak/Heath --- 2010-07-23 C 2-High --- --- G3 S3 Community (Typic Subtype) Natural 29467 Rich Cove Forest --- 2010-06-13 B 2-High --- --- G3 S2 Community (Boulderfield Subtype) Page 19 of 28 Element Occurrences Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Element Accuracy Federal State Glo��tate Group Observation Date Occurrence Status Rank Status ARank Natural 18742 Rich Cove Forest --- 2010-08-19 C — 3-Medium --- --- G4? S3 Community (Foothills Intermediate Subtype) Natural 16292 Rich Cove Forest --- 2010-07-15 BC 3-Medium --- --- G4? S3 Community (Foothills Intermediate Subtype) Natural 19987 Rich Cove Forest --- 2010 BC 3-Medium --- --- G4 S4 Community (Montane Intermediate Subtype) Natural 11018 Rich Cove Forest --- 2010-07-29 C 3-Medium --- --- G4 S4 Community (Montane Intermediate Subtype) Natural 29413 Rich Cove Forest --- 1994 C? 3-Medium --- --- G4 S4 Community (Montane Intermediate Subtype) Natural 29414 Rich Cove Forest --- 2010-04-27 BC 2-High --- --- G3G4 S3 Community (Montane Rich Subtype) Natural 16194 Rocky Bar and Shore --- 2012 B? 3-Medium --- --- G3G4 S3 Community (Alder-Yellowroot Subtype) Natural 39531 Talus Vineland --- 2019-09-21 A? 2-High --- --- G2G3 S1 Community Q Reptile 15703 Apalone spinifera Eastern Spiny Softshell 2010-10-06 E 3-Medium --- Special G5T5 S1 spinifera Concern Reptile 40804 Plestiodon anthracinus Coal Skink 2016-03-16 E 2-High --- Significantly G5 S2 Rare Reptile 10687 Sternotherus minor Loggerhead Musk 2010-08-25 E 3-Medium --- Special G5 S1 Turtle Concern Reptile 29318 Trachemys scripta Cumberland Slider 2009-08-25 E 3-Medium --- Special G5T4 S1 troostii Concern Stonefly 42163 Bolotoperla rossi Smoky Willowfly 1991-03-24 H? 2-High --- Significantly G4 S3 Rare Vascular Plant 7221 Adlumia fungosa Climbing Fumitory 1958-07 H 4-Low --- Special G4 S2 Concern Vulnerable Page 20 of 28 Element Occurrences Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Element Accuracy Federal State Glo��tate Group Observation Occurrence Status tatus Rank � Date Rank Vascular Plant 11408 Adlumia fungosa Climbing Fumitory 1958-07 H 4-Low --- Special G4 S2 Concern Vulnerable Vascular Plant 10075 Adlumia fungosa Climbing Fumitory 1953-06 H 4-Low --- Special G4 S2 Concern Vulnerable Vascular Plant 12195 Adlumia fungosa Climbing Fumitory 1991-09-11 A 3-Medium --- Special G4 S2 Concern Vulnerable Vascular Plant 18218 Adlumia fungosa Climbing Fumitory 1993-06 BC 3-Medium --- Special G4 S2 Concern Vulnerable Vascular Plant 5810 Adlumia fungosa Climbing Fumitory 2019-09-21 D 2-High --- Special G4 S2 Concern Vulnerable Vascular Plant 20668 Adlumia fungosa Climbing Fumitory 2010-06-13 A 3-Medium --- Special G4 S2 Concern Vulnerable Vascular Plant 20404 Adlumia fungosa Climbing Fumitory 2003-09-10 D 2-High --- Special G4 S2 Concern Vulnerable Vascular Plant 12458 Adlumia fungosa Climbing Fumitory 2019-09-09 E 2-High --- Special G4 S2 Concern Vulnerable Vascular Plant 29535 Adlumia fungosa Climbing Fumitory 2010-07-15 BC 2-High --- Special G4 S2 Concern Vulnerable Vascular Plant 29534 Adlumia fungosa Climbing Fumitory 2009-08-17 AB 2-High --- Special G4 S2 Concern Vulnerable Vascular Plant 23460 Agastache nepetoides Yellow Giant -hyssop 1966-10-08 H 3-Medium --- Significantly G5 S1 Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 14365 Arabis patens Spreading Rockcress 1998-07-09 A? 3-Medium --- Significantly G3 S1 Rare Throughout Page 21 of 28 Element Occurrences Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Element Accuracy Federal State Glo��tate Group 0Observation Occurrence Status atus Rank IL_ Date Rank Vascular Plant 16783 Arabis patens Spreading Rockcress 2010-03-19 A 3-Medium --- Significantly G3 S1 Rare Throughout Vascular Plant 4948 Asplenium Lobed Spleenwort 1980-05-05 H? 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S2 pinnatifidum Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 18127 Asplenium ruta- American Wall -rue 2010-07-20 B 3-Medium --- Special G5T5 S1 muraria var. Concern cryptolepis Vulnerable Vascular Plant 19649 Asplenium ruta- American Wall -rue 1981-08-11 H? 2-High --- Special G5T5 S1 muraria var. Concern cryptolepis Vulnerable Vascular Plant 42242 Boechera burkii Burk's Smooth Pre-1937 H 4-Low --- Significantly G3G5 SH Rockcress Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 2576 Buckleya Piratebush 2008-06-17 B 3-Medium --- Threatened G3 S2 distichophylla Vascular Plant 4332 Buckleya Piratebush 2010-08-19 BC 3-Medium --- Threatened G3 S2 distichophylla Vascular Plant 9660 Buckleya Piratebush 1993-04 H? 3-Medium --- Threatened G3 S2 distichophylla Vascular Plant 8916 Buckleya Piratebush 2008-07-01 BC 3-Medium --- Threatened G3 S2 distichophylla Vascular Plant 22145 Carex cherokeensis Cherokee Sedge 2002 E 3-Medium --- Threatened G4G5 S1 Vascular Plant 5802 Carex eburnea Bristle -leaf Sedge 1984 H 3-Medium --- Threatened G5 S1 Vascular Plant 17591 Carex projecta Necklace Sedge 1995-06-19 B 3-Medium --- Significantly G5 S1 Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 21230 Celastrus scandens American Bittersweet 1954-08-14 H 3-Medium --- Endangered G5 S2? Vascular Plant 39795 Cirsium carolinianum Carolina Thistle 2019-06-05 B 2-High --- Endangered G5 S1 Vascular Plant 6605 Corydalis micrantha Slender Corydalis 2010-04-27 BC 2-High --- Threatened G5T4 S1 Vascular Plant 9056 Croton Prairie -tea Croton 1959-09-24 H 4-Low --- Endangered G5 S1 monanthogynus Vascular Plant 22627 Croton Prairie -tea Croton 2012-07-29 C 2-High --- Endangered G5 S1 monanthogynus Page 22 of 28 Element Occurrences Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common Name � Element Accuracy Federal State Glo�tate Group Observation Occurrence Status Status Rank Rank i Date Rank Vascular Plant 18201 Dicentra eximia Bleeding Heart 1958-04 H 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S3 Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 8039 Dicentra eximia Bleeding Heart 1992-08 C? 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S3 Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 3902 Dicentra eximia Bleeding Heart 1987-05-11 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S3 Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 19755 Dicentra eximia Bleeding Heart 2010-04-27 C 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S3 Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 34279 Dichanthelium Bicknell's Witch Grass 2010-06-13 E 2-High --- Significantly G4?Q S2 bicknellii Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 13001 Draba ramosissima Branching Draba 1969-04 H 4-Low --- Significantly G4 S2 Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 17454 Draba ramosissima Branching Draba 2021-08-03 A 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S2 Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 19185 Draba ramosissima Branching Draba 2010-03-19 AB 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S2 Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 10346 Draba ramosissima Branching Draba 1985-05 E 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S2 Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 21170 Draba ramosissima Branching Draba 2008-07-01 D 2-High --- Significantly G4 S2 Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 11471 Echinacea purpurea Purple Coneflower 1985 H 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S1 Rare Other Vascular Plant 34031 Echinacea purpurea Purple Coneflower 2012-07-28 D 2-High --- Significantly G4 S1 Rare Other Page 23 of 28 Element Occurrences Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Element Accuracy Federal Group WVObtion Occurrence Status i Rank Vascular Plant 13845 Epilobium ciliatum ssp. American Willow -herb 1993-08 D 3-Medium --- ciliatum Vascular Plant 28524 Epilobium ciliatum ssp. American Willow -herb 2006-10-25 BC 1-Very --- ciliatum High Vascular Plant 29409 Euphorbia purpurea Glade Spurge 2008-07-01 C 2-High Vascular Plant 5128 Fleischmannia Pink Thoroughwort 2017-09-24 A 3-Medium incarnate Vascular Plant 37585 Fleischmannia Pink Thoroughwort 2008-07-01 B? 3-Medium incarnate Vascular Plant 23511 Heuchera pubescens Downy Alumroot 1974-07 H 3-Medium Vascular Plant 26927 Heuchera pubescens Downy Alumroot Vascular Plant 17345 Hydrastis canadensis Goldenseal Vascular Plant 35269 Matelea obliqua Climbing Milkvine Vascular Plant 18094 Meehania cordata Meehania 2009 1985-07-20 2021-08-03 1959-09 Vascular Plant 29245 Meehania cordata Meehania 2011 Vascular Plant 3127 Melica nitens Three -flowered Melic 1998-07-09 Vascular Plant 3523 Myriopteris Alabama Lipfern 2008-06-18 alabamensis C 2-High X? 3-Medium B? 2-High H 3-Medium E 2-High A 3-Medium D 3-Medium State GloMm�tate Status Rank Rank Significantly G5T5 S2 Rare Peripheral Significantly G5T5 S2 Rare Peripheral Significantly G3 S3 Rare Throughout Significantly G5 S2 Rare Other Significantly G5 S2 Rare Other Significantly G4? S1 Rare Peripheral Significantly G4? S1 Rare Peripheral Special G3G4 S3 Concern Vulnerable Significantly G4? S1 Rare Peripheral Significantly G5 S2 Rare Peripheral Significantly G5 S2 Rare Peripheral Endangered G5 S1 Significantly G4G5 S1 Rare Peripheral Page 24 of 28 Element Occurrences Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common Name Element Accuracy Federal State � Glo�tate Group Observation Occurrence Status S tatus Rank JM� Date Rank _ Vascular Plant 6574 Myriopteris Alabama Lipfern 1985-12 D _ 3-Medium --- Significantly G4G5 S1 alabamensis Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 2431 Packera paupercula Prairie Ragwort 1993-07-24 C? 3-Medium --- Threatened GSTNR S1 var. appalachiana Vascular Plant 28287 Pycnanthemum Tennessee Mountain- 2006-10-02 BC 3-Medium --- Significantly G3 S1 curvipes mint Rare Throughout Vascular Plant 13071 Robinia hispida var. Kelsey's Locust 1967-04-29 H 4-Low --- Significantly G4T1 S1 kelseyi Rare Other Vascular Plant 26855 Robinia hispida var. Kelsey's Locust 2004-04-22 BC 3-Medium --- Significantly G4T1 S1 kelseyi Rare Other Vascular Plant 16038 Ruellia purshiana Pursh's Wild -petunia 2010-05-07 A 3-Medium --- Special G3 S2 Concern Vulnerable Vascular Plant 33551 Ruellia purshiana Pursh's Wild -petunia 1998-07-09 E 2-High --- Special G3 S2 Concern Vulnerable Vascular Plant 15176 Stachys cordata Heart -leaf Hedge- 1981-08-16 F 3-Medium --- Significantly GNR S1 nettle Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 3470 Stachys cordata Heart -leaf Hedge- 1995-06-19 E 3-Medium --- Significantly GNR S1 nettle Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 29427 Stewartia ovata Mountain Camellia 1981 H? 3-Medium --- Significantly G4 S3 Rare Peripheral Vascular Plant 8239 Symphyotrichum Aromatic Aster 1958-10-08 H 3-Medium --- Threatened G5 S1 oblongifolium Vascular Plant 13113 Symphyotrichum Aromatic Aster 2017-09-24 A 3-Medium --- Threatened G5 S1 oblongifolium Vascular Plant 41627 Symphyotrichum Aromatic Aster 2021-09-25 E 2-High --- Threatened G5 S1 oblongifolium Vascular Plant 26547 Symphyotrichum Aromatic Aster 1998-07-09 E 2-High --- Threatened G5 S1 oblongifolium Vascular Plant 18893 Thaspium pinnatifidum Mountain Thaspium 1969-05 H 3-Medium --- Endangered G2G3 S1 Page 25 of 28 Element Occurrences Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific Name Common NamIFPOb Group servation Date Vascular Plant 15134 Thaspium pinnatifidum Mountain Thaspium 1977-08 Vascular Plant 49 Thaspium pinnatifidum Mountain Thaspium 2010-06-27 Vascular Plant 11429 Thaspium pinnatifidum Mountain Thaspium 1985-05-31 Vascular Plant 13522 Trichostema Glade Bluecurls 2010-08-29 brachiatum Vascular Plant 4076 Trillium simile Sweet White Trillium 1958-04-26 Vascular Plant 7485 Trillium simile Sweet White Trillium 1992-06 Natural Areas Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Site Na Representational Rating Big Rock Spring R5 (General) Davis Branch Floodplain R3 (High) Spring Creek Mountain R5 (General) Murray Branch Slopes R1 (Exceptional) Paint Rock Road Natural Area R2 (Very High) Mine Ridge R1 (Exceptional) Spring Creek Gorge R1 (Exceptional) Stokely Hollow and Ridge R2 (Very High) Big Laurel Creek Gorge R3 (High) Squirrel Branch Oaks R5 (General) Maidenhair Ravine R5 (General) Doe Branch Forests R4 (Moderate) Hot Springs Mountain R5 (General) FRB/Lower French Broad River Aquatic Habitat RI (Exceptional) Lovers Leap/Deep Water Bridge R1 (Exceptional) Managed Areas Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Managed Area Name Owner Madison County Open Space Madison County Madison County Open Space Madison County Madison County Open Space Madison County Element Accuracy Federal State Glo910�tate Occurrence Status Status Rank Rank Rank A M F 3-Medium --- Endangered G2G3 S1 A 2-High --- Endangered G2G3 Sl E 2-High --- Endangered G2G3 S1 B 3-Medium --- Endangered G5 S1 H 3-Medium --- Special G3 S2 Concern Vulnerable D 3-Medium --- Special G3 S2 Concern Vulnerable Collective Rating C5 (General) C4 (Moderate) C5 (General) C2 (Very High) C3 (High) C5 (General) C2 (Very High) C4 (Moderate) C4 (Moderate) C5 (General) C5 (General) C5 (General) C5 (General) Cl (Exceptional) C1 (Exceptional) Local Government Local Government Local Government Page 26 of 28 Managed Areas Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Managed Area Nam Owner Owner Type Pisgah National Forest - Appalachian Ranger US Forest Service Federal District NC Land and Water Fund Project RiverLink Easement RiverLink Easement Southeast Regional Land Conservancy Easement Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy Easement Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy Easement Big Laurel Creek Gorge Registered Heritage Area Paint Rock Road Registered Heritage Area NC DNCR, INC Land and Water Fund State RiverLink Private RiverLink Private Southeast Regional Land Conservancy Private Southern Appalachian Highlands Private Conservancy Southern Appalachian Highlands Private Conservancy NC DNCR, Natural Heritage Program State NC DNCR, Natural Heritage Program State Definitions and an explanation of status designations and codes can be found at httos://ncnhde.natureserve.org/help. Data query generated on January 3, 2023; source: NCNHP, Q3, October 2022. Please resubmit your information request if more than one year elapses before project initiation as new information is continually added to the NCNHP database. Page 27 of 28 NCNHDE-20386: Hot Springs Main WWTP ` St0n . ` Hoy �o�ntajO unteln TN �C3� N � Brush ` Creek ° Mountain z �u A Pain oc 7f French Broad Sawyer 4 Mountain A Antioch Shale ' le my e • nch B ush y \ Par, twl Mo ntain untain ntain 3130ft �. I F Round Mountain " 7 \ n Vris —AA t V., Ole Boorner urel �0�� i ewe` . •, January 3, 2023 ® NHP Natural Area (NHNA) ® Managed Area (MAREA) Q Buffered Project Boundary Q Project Boundary 1212,y Allenstand 3�)84 ft ' Whiterock 8 Guntertown f e eRevere t � t v ttorn a° o Inut v � v , � 2 7 c n 1.25 2.5 5 Miles Sources: Esn, Airbus DS, USGS, NGA, NASA, CGIAR, N Robinson, NCEAS, NLS, OS, NMA, Geodatastymisen, Rijkswaterstaat, GSA, Geoland, FEMA, Imermap and the GIS user community Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community Page 28 of 28